
783 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import json
import re
import six
from six.moves import xrange
import actions
import identifiers
import schema
import summary
import table_data_set
import logger
log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO)
# We should probably never remove, modify, or rename metadata tables or columns.
# Instead, we should only add.
# We can mark old columns/tables as deprecated, which should be ignored except to prevent us from
# adding same-named entities in the future.
# If we change the meaning of a column, we have to create a new column with a new name.
# This should make it at least barely possible to share documents by people who are not all on the
# same Grist version (even so, it will require more work). It should also make it somewhat safe to
# upgrade and then open the document with a previous version.
all_migrations = {}
def noop_migration(_all_tables):
return []
# Each migration function includes a .need_all_tables attribute. See migration() decorator.
noop_migration.need_all_tables = False
def create_migrations(all_tables, metadata_only=False):
Creates and returns a list of DocActions needed to bring this document to
all_tables: all tables or just the metadata tables (those named with _grist_ prefix) as a
dictionary mapping table name to TableData.
metadata_only: should be set if only metadata tables are passed in. If ALL tables are
required to process migrations, this method will raise a "need all tables..." exception.
doc_version = all_tables['_grist_DocInfo'].columns["schemaVersion"][0]
except Exception:
doc_version = 0
# We create a TableDataSet, and populate it with the subset of the current schema that matches
# all_tables. For missing items, we make up tables and incomplete columns, which should be OK
# since we would not be adding new records to deprecated columns.
# Note that this approach makes it NOT OK to change column types.
tdset = table_data_set.TableDataSet()
# For each table in the provided metadata tables, create an AddTable action.
user_schema = schema.build_schema(all_tables['_grist_Tables'],
for t in six.itervalues(user_schema):
tdset.apply_doc_action(actions.AddTable(t.tableId, schema.cols_to_dict_list(t.columns)))
# For each old table/column, construct an AddTable action using the current schema.
new_schema = {a.table_id: a for a in schema.schema_create_actions()}
for table_id, data in sorted(six.iteritems(all_tables)):
# User tables should already be in tdset; the rest must be metadata tables.
# (If metadata_only is true, there is simply nothing to skip here.)
if table_id not in tdset.all_tables:
new_col_info = {}
if table_id in new_schema:
new_col_info = {c['id']: c for c in new_schema[table_id].columns}
# Use an incomplete default for unknown (i.e. deprecated) columns; some uses of the column
# would be invalid, such as adding a new record with missing values.
col_info = sorted([new_col_info.get(col_id, {'id': col_id}) for col_id in data.columns],
key=lambda c: list(six.iteritems(c)))
tdset.apply_doc_action(actions.AddTable(table_id, col_info))
# And load in the original data, interpreting the TableData object as BulkAddRecord action.
migration_actions = []
for version in xrange(doc_version + 1, schema.SCHEMA_VERSION + 1):
migration_func = all_migrations.get(version, noop_migration)
if migration_func.need_all_tables and metadata_only:
raise Exception("need all tables for migration to %s" % version)
migration_actions.extend(all_migrations.get(version, noop_migration)(tdset))
# Note that if we are downgrading versions (i.e. doc_version is higher), then the following is
# the only action we include into the migration.
migration_actions.append(actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_DocInfo', 1, {
'schemaVersion': schema.SCHEMA_VERSION
return migration_actions
def get_last_migration_version():
Returns the last schema version number for which we have a migration defined.
return max(all_migrations)
def migration(schema_version, need_all_tables=False):
Decorator for migrations that associates the decorated migration function with the given
schema_version. This decorated function will be run to migrate forward to schema_version.
Migrations are first attempted with only metadata tables, but if any required migration function
is marked with need_all_tables=True, then the migration will be retried with all tables.
NOTE: new migrations should NOT set need_all_tables=True; it would require more work to process
very large documents safely (incuding those containing on-demand tables).
def add_migration(migration_func):
migration_func.need_all_tables = need_all_tables
all_migrations[schema_version] = migration_func
return migration_func
return add_migration
# A little shorthand to make AddColumn actions more concise.
def add_column(table_id, col_id, col_type, *args, **kwargs):
return actions.AddColumn(table_id, col_id,
schema.make_column(col_id, col_type, *args, **kwargs))
# Another shorthand to only add a column if it isn't already there.
def maybe_add_column(tdset, table_id, col_id, col_type, *args, **kwargs):
if col_id not in tdset.all_tables[table_id].columns:
return add_column(table_id, col_id, col_type, *args, **kwargs)
return None
# Returns the next unused row id for the records of the table given by table_id.
def next_id(tdset, table_id):
row_ids = tdset.all_tables[table_id].row_ids
return max(row_ids) + 1 if row_ids else 1
# Parses a json string, but returns an empty object for invalid json.
def safe_parse(json_str):
return json.loads(json_str)
except ValueError:
return {}
def migration1(tdset):
Add TabItems table, and populate based on existing sections.
doc_actions = []
# The very first migration is extra-lax, and creates some tables that are missing in some test
# docs. That's only because we did not distinguish schema version before migrations were
# implemented. Other migrations should not need such conditionals.
if '_grist_Attachments' not in tdset.all_tables:
doc_actions.append(actions.AddTable("_grist_Attachments", [
schema.make_column("fileIdent", "Text"),
schema.make_column("fileName", "Text"),
schema.make_column("fileType", "Text"),
schema.make_column("fileSize", "Int"),
schema.make_column("timeUploaded", "DateTime")
if '_grist_TabItems' not in tdset.all_tables:
doc_actions.append(actions.AddTable("_grist_TabItems", [
schema.make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
schema.make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
if 'schemaVersion' not in tdset.all_tables['_grist_DocInfo'].columns:
doc_actions.append(add_column('_grist_DocInfo', 'schemaVersion', 'Int'))
add_column('_grist_Attachments', 'imageHeight', 'Int'),
add_column('_grist_Attachments', 'imageWidth', 'Int'),
view_sections = actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views_section'])
rows = sorted({(s.tableRef, s.parentId) for s in view_sections})
if rows:
values = {'tableRef': [r[0] for r in rows],
'viewRef': [r[1] for r in rows]}
row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(rows) + 1))
doc_actions.append(actions.ReplaceTableData('_grist_TabItems', row_ids, values))
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration2(tdset):
Add TableViews table, and populate based on existing sections.
Add TabBar table, and populate based on existing views.
Add PrimaryViewId to Tables and populated using relatedViews
# Maps tableRef to viewRef
primary_views = {}
# Associate each view with a single table; this dict includes primary views.
views_to_table = {}
# For each table, find a view to serve as the primary view.
view_sections = actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views_section'])
for s in view_sections:
if s.tableRef not in primary_views and s.parentKey == "record":
# The view containing this section is a good candidate for primary view.
primary_views[s.tableRef] = s.parentId
if s.parentId not in views_to_table:
# The first time we see a (view, table) combination, associate the view with that table.
views_to_table[s.parentId] = s.tableRef
def create_primary_views_action(primary_views):
row_ids = sorted(primary_views.keys())
values = {'primaryViewId': [primary_views[r] for r in row_ids]}
return actions.BulkUpdateRecord('_grist_Tables', row_ids, values)
def create_tab_bar_action(views_to_table):
row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(views_to_table) + 1))
return actions.ReplaceTableData('_grist_TabBar', row_ids, {
'viewRef': sorted(views_to_table.keys())
def create_table_views_action(views_to_table, primary_views):
related_views = sorted(set(views_to_table.keys()) - set(primary_views.values()))
row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(related_views) + 1))
return actions.ReplaceTableData('_grist_TableViews', row_ids, {
'tableRef': [views_to_table[v] for v in related_views],
'viewRef': related_views,
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
actions.AddTable('_grist_TabBar', [
schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
actions.AddTable('_grist_TableViews', [
schema.make_column('tableRef', 'Ref:_grist_Tables'),
schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
add_column('_grist_Tables', 'primaryViewId', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
create_table_views_action(views_to_table, primary_views)
def migration3(tdset):
There is no longer a "Derived" type for columns, and summary tables use the type suitable for
the column being summarized. For old documents, convert "Derived" type to "Any", and adjust the
usage of "lookupOrAddDerived()" function.
# Note that this is a complicated migration, and mainly acceptable because it is before our very
# first release. For a released product, a change like this should be done in a backwards
# compatible way: keep but deprecate 'Derived'; introduce a lookupOrAddDerived2() to use for new
# summary tables, but keep the old interface as well for existing ones. The reason is that such
# migrations are error-prone and may mess up customers' data.
doc_actions = []
tables = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables']))
tables_map = { t for t in tables}
columns = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column']))
# Convert columns from type 'Derived' to type 'Any'
affected_cols = [c for c in columns if c.type == 'Derived']
if affected_cols:
actions.ModifyColumn(tables_map[c.parentId].tableId, c.colId, {'type': 'Any'})
for c in affected_cols
[ for c in affected_cols],
{'type': ['Any' for c in affected_cols]}
# Convert formulas of the form '.lookupOrAddDerived($x,$y)' to '.lookupOrAddDerived(x=$x,y=$y)'
formula_re = re.compile(r'(\w+).lookupOrAddDerived\((.*?)\)')
arg_re = re.compile(r'^\$(\w+)$')
def replace(match):
args = ", ".join(arg_re.sub(r'\1=$\1', arg.strip()) for arg in","))
return '%s.lookupOrAddDerived(%s)' % (, args)
formula_updates = []
for c in columns:
new_formula = c.formula and formula_re.sub(replace, c.formula)
if new_formula != c.formula:
formula_updates.append((c, new_formula))
if formula_updates:
actions.ModifyColumn(tables_map[c.parentId].tableId, c.colId, {'formula': f})
for c, f in formula_updates
[ for c, f in formula_updates],
{'formula': [f for c, f in formula_updates]}
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration4(tdset):
Add TabPos column to TabBar table
doc_actions = []
row_ids = tdset.all_tables['_grist_TabBar'].row_ids
doc_actions.append(add_column('_grist_TabBar', 'tabPos', 'PositionNumber'))
doc_actions.append(actions.BulkUpdateRecord('_grist_TabBar', row_ids, {'tabPos': row_ids}))
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration5(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Views', 'primaryViewTable', 'Ref:_grist_Tables',
formula='_grist_Tables.lookupOne(primaryViewId=$id)', isFormula=True),
def migration6(tdset):
# This undoes the previous migration, since primaryViewTable is now a formula private to the
# sandbox rather than part of the document schema.
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
actions.RemoveColumn('_grist_Views', 'primaryViewTable'),
def migration7(tdset):
Add summarySourceTable/summarySourceCol fields to metadata, and adjust existing summary tables
to correspond to the new style.
# Note: this migration has some faults.
# - It doesn't delete viewSectionFields for columns it removes (if a user added some special
# columns manually.
# - It doesn't fix types of Reference columns that refer to old-style summary tables
# (if the user created some such columns manually).
doc_actions = [action for action in [
maybe_add_column(tdset, '_grist_Tables', 'summarySourceTable', 'Ref:_grist_Tables'),
maybe_add_column(tdset, '_grist_Tables_column', 'summarySourceCol', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column')
] if action]
# Maps tableRef to Table object.
tables_map = { t for t in actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables'])}
# Maps tableName to tableRef
table_name_to_ref = {t.tableId: for t in six.itervalues(tables_map)}
# List of Column objects
columns = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column']))
# Maps columnRef to Column object.
columns_map_by_ref = { c for c in columns}
# Maps (tableRef, colName) to Column object.
columns_map_by_table_colid = {(c.parentId, c.colId): c for c in columns}
# Set of all tableNames.
table_name_set = set(table_name_to_ref.keys())
remove_cols = [] # List of columns to remove
formula_updates = [] # List of (column, new_table_name, new_formula) pairs
table_renames = [] # List of (table, new_name) pairs
source_tables = [] # List of (table, summarySourceTable) pairs
source_cols = [] # List of (column, summarySourceColumn) pairs
# Summary tables used to be named as "Summary_<SourceName>_<ColRef1>_<ColRef2>". This regular
# expression parses that.
summary_re = re.compile(r'^Summary_(\w+?)((?:_\d+)*)$')
for t in six.itervalues(tables_map):
m = summary_re.match(t.tableId)
if not m or not in table_name_to_ref:
# We have a valid summary table.
source_table_name =
source_table_ref = table_name_to_ref[source_table_name]
groupby_colrefs = [int(x) for x in"_").split("_")]
# Prepare a new-style name for the summary table. Be sure not to conflict with existing tables
# or with each other (i.e. don't rename multiple tables to the same name).
new_name = summary.encode_summary_table_name(source_table_name)
new_name = identifiers.pick_table_ident(new_name, avoid=table_name_set)
log.warn("Upgrading summary table %s for %s(%s) to %s" % (
t.tableId, source_table_name, groupby_colrefs, new_name))
# Remove the "lookupOrAddDerived" column from the source table (which is named using the
# summary table name for its colId).
remove_cols.extend(c for c in columns
if c.parentId == source_table_ref and c.colId == t.tableId)
# Upgrade the "group" formula in the summary table.
expected_group_formula = "%s.lookupRecords(%s=$id)" % (source_table_name, t.tableId)
new_formula = "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"
formula_updates.extend((c, new_name, new_formula) for c in columns
if (c.parentId == and c.colId == "group" and
c.formula == expected_group_formula))
# Schedule a rename of the summary table.
table_renames.append((t, new_name))
# Set summarySourceTable fields on the metadata.
source_tables.append((t, source_table_ref))
# Set summarySourceCol fields in the metadata. We need to find the right summary column.
groupby_cols = set()
for col_ref in groupby_colrefs:
src_col = columns_map_by_ref.get(col_ref)
sum_col = columns_map_by_table_colid.get((, src_col.colId)) if src_col else None
if sum_col:
log.warn("Upgrading summary table %s: couldn't find column %s" % (t.tableId, col_ref))
# Finally, we have to remove all non-formula columns that are not groupby-columns (e.g.
# 'manualSort'), because the new approach assumes ALL non-formula columns are for groupby.
remove_cols.extend(c for c in columns
if c.parentId == and c not in groupby_cols and not c.isFormula)
# Create all the doc actions from the arrays we prepared.
# Process remove_cols
actions.RemoveColumn(tables_map[c.parentId].tableId, c.colId) for c in remove_cols)
'_grist_Tables_column', [ for c in remove_cols]))
# Process table_renames
actions.RenameTable(t.tableId, new) for (t, new) in table_renames)
'_grist_Tables', [ for t, new in table_renames],
{'tableId': [new for t, new in table_renames]}
# Process source_tables and source_cols
'_grist_Tables', [ for t, ref in source_tables],
{'summarySourceTable': [ref for t, ref in source_tables]}
'_grist_Tables_column', [ for t, ref in source_cols],
{'summarySourceCol': [ref for t, ref in source_cols]}
# Process formula_updates. Do this last since recalculation of these may cause new records added
# to summary tables, so we should have all the tables correctly set up by this time.
actions.ModifyColumn(table_id, c.colId, {'formula': f})
for c, table_id, f in formula_updates)
'_grist_Tables_column', [ for c, t, f in formula_updates],
{'formula': [f for c, t, f in formula_updates]}
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration8(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Tables_column', 'untieColIdFromLabel', 'Bool'),
def migration9(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Tables_column', 'displayCol', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
add_column('_grist_Views_section_field', 'displayCol', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
def migration10(tdset):
Add displayCol to all reference cols, with formula $<ref_col_id>.<visible_col_id>
(Note that displayCol field was added in the previous migration.)
doc_actions = []
tables = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables']))
columns = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column']))
# Maps tableRef to tableId.
tables_map = { t.tableId for t in tables}
# Maps tableRef to sets of colIds in the tables. Used to prevent repeated colIds.
table_col_ids = { set(tdset.all_tables[t.tableId].columns.keys()) for t in tables}
# Get the next sequential column row id.
row_id = next_id(tdset, '_grist_Tables_column')
for c in columns:
# If a column is a reference with an unset display column, add a display column.
if c.type.startswith('Ref:') and not c.displayCol:
# Get visible_col_id. If not found, row id is used and no display col is necessary.
visible_col_id = ""
visible_col_id = json.loads(c.widgetOptions).get('visibleCol')
if not visible_col_id:
except Exception:
continue # If invalid widgetOptions, skip this column.
# Set formula to use the current visibleCol in widgetOptions.
formula = ("$%s.%s" % (c.colId, visible_col_id))
# Get a unique colId for the display column, and add it to the set of used ids.
used_col_ids = table_col_ids[c.parentId]
display_col_id = identifiers.pick_col_ident('gristHelper_Display', avoid=used_col_ids)
# Add all actions to the list.
doc_actions.append(add_column(tables_map[c.parentId], 'gristHelper_Display', 'Any',
formula=formula, isFormula=True))
doc_actions.append(actions.AddRecord('_grist_Tables_column', row_id, {
'parentPos': 1.0,
'label': 'gristHelper_Display',
'isFormula': True,
'parentId': c.parentId,
'colId': 'gristHelper_Display',
'formula': formula,
'widgetOptions': '',
'type': 'Any'
doc_actions.append(actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_Tables_column',, {'displayCol': row_id}))
# Increment row id to the next unused.
row_id += 1
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration11(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Views_section', 'embedId', 'Text'),
def migration12(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Views_section', 'options', 'Text')
def migration13(tdset):
# Adds a basketId to the entire document to take advantage of basket functionality.
# From this version on, embedId is deprecated.
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_DocInfo', 'basketId', 'Text')
def migration14(tdset):
# Create the ACL table AND also the default ACL groups, default resource, and the default rule.
# These match the actions applied to new document by 'InitNewDoc' useraction (as of v14).
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLMemberships', [
schema.make_column('parent', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
schema.make_column('child', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLPrincipals', [
schema.make_column('userName', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('groupName', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('userEmail', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('instanceId', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('type', 'Text'),
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLResources', [
schema.make_column('colIds', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('tableId', 'Text'),
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLRules', [
schema.make_column('aclFormula', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('principals', 'Text'),
schema.make_column('resource', 'Ref:_grist_ACLResources'),
schema.make_column('aclColumn', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
schema.make_column('permissions', 'Int'),
# Set up initial ACL data.
actions.BulkAddRecord('_grist_ACLPrincipals', [1,2,3,4], {
'type': ['group', 'group', 'group', 'group'],
'groupName': ['Owners', 'Admins', 'Editors', 'Viewers'],
actions.AddRecord('_grist_ACLResources', 1, {
'tableId': '', 'colIds': ''
actions.AddRecord('_grist_ACLRules', 1, {
'resource': 1, 'permissions': 0x3F, 'principals': '[1]'
def migration15(tdset):
# Adds a filter JSON property to each field.
# From this version on, filterSpec in _grist_Views_section is deprecated.
doc_actions = [
add_column('_grist_Views_section_field', 'filter', 'Text')
# Get all section and field data to move section filter data to the fields
sections = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views_section']))
fields = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views_section_field']))
specs = { safe_parse(s.filterSpec) for s in sections}
# Move filter data from sections to fields
for f in fields:
# If the field belongs to the section and the field's colRef is in its filterSpec,
# pull the filter setting from the section.
filter_spec = specs.get(f.parentId)
if filter_spec and str(f.colRef) in filter_spec:
doc_actions.append(actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_Views_section_field',, {
'filter': json.dumps(filter_spec[str(f.colRef)])
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration16(tdset):
# Add visibleCol to columns and view fields, and set it from columns' and fields' widgetOptions.
doc_actions = [
add_column('_grist_Tables_column', 'visibleCol', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
add_column('_grist_Views_section_field', 'visibleCol', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'),
# Maps tableId to table, for looking up target table as listed in "Ref:*" types.
tables = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables']))
tables_by_id = {t.tableId: t for t in tables}
# Allow looking up columns by ref or by (tableRef, colId)
columns = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column']))
columns_by_ref = { c for c in columns}
columns_by_id = {(c.parentId, c.colId): for c in columns}
# Helper which returns the {'visibleCol', 'widgetOptions'} update visibleCol should be set.
def convert_visible_col(col, widget_options):
if not col.type.startswith('Ref:'):
return None
# To set visibleCol, we need to know the target table. Skip if we can't find it.
target_table = tables_by_id.get(col.type[len('Ref:'):])
if not target_table:
return None
parsed_options = json.loads(widget_options)
except Exception:
return None # If invalid widgetOptions, skip this column.
visible_col_id = parsed_options.pop('visibleCol', None)
if not visible_col_id:
return None
# Find visible_col_id as the column name in the appropriate table.
target_col_ref = (0 if visible_col_id == 'id' else
columns_by_id.get((, visible_col_id), None))
if target_col_ref is None:
return None
# Use compact separators without whitespace, to match how JS encodes JSON.
return {'visibleCol': target_col_ref,
'widgetOptions': json.dumps(parsed_options, separators=(',', ':')) }
for c in columns:
new_values = convert_visible_col(c, c.widgetOptions)
if new_values:
doc_actions.append(actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_Tables_column',, new_values))
fields = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views_section_field']))
for f in fields:
c = columns_by_ref.get(f.colRef)
if c:
new_values = convert_visible_col(c, f.widgetOptions)
if new_values:
doc_actions.append(actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_Views_section_field',, new_values))
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
# This is actually the only migration that requires all tables because it modifies user data
# (specifically, any columns of the deprecated "Image" type).
@migration(schema_version=17, need_all_tables=True)
def migration17(tdset):
There is no longer an "Image" type for columns, as "Attachments" now serves as a
display type for arbitrary files including images. Convert "Image" columns to "Attachments"
doc_actions = []
tables = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables']))
tables_map = { t for t in tables}
columns = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column']))
# Convert columns from type 'Image' to type 'Attachments'
affected_cols = [c for c in columns if c.type == 'Image']
conv = lambda val: [val] if isinstance(val, int) and val > 0 else []
if affected_cols:
# Update the types in the data tables
actions.ModifyColumn(tables_map[c.parentId].tableId, c.colId, {'type': 'Attachments'})
for c in affected_cols
# Update the values to lists
for c in affected_cols:
if c.isFormula:
# Formula columns don't have data stored in DB, should not have data changes.
table_id = tables_map[c.parentId].tableId
table = tdset.all_tables[table_id]
actions.BulkUpdateRecord(table_id, table.row_ids,
{c.colId: [conv(val) for val in table.columns[c.colId]]})
# Update the types in the metadata tables
[ for c in affected_cols],
{'type': ['Attachments' for c in affected_cols]}
return tdset.apply_doc_actions(doc_actions)
def migration18(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_DocInfo', 'timezone', 'Text'),
# all documents prior to this migration have been created in New York
actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_DocInfo', 1, {'timezone': 'America/New_York'})
def migration19(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_Tables', 'onDemand', 'Bool'),
def migration20(tdset):
Add _grist_Pages table and populate based on existing TableViews entries, ie: tables are sorted
alphabetically by their `tableId` and views are gathered within their corresponding table and
sorted by their id.
tables = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Tables']))
table_map = { t for t in tables}
table_views = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_TableViews']))
# Old docs may include "Other views", not associated with any table. Don't include those in
# table_views_map: they'll get included but not sorted or grouped by tableId.
table_views_map = {tv.viewRef: table_map[tv.tableRef].tableId
for tv in table_views if tv.tableRef in table_map}
views = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(tdset.all_tables['_grist_Views']))
def view_key(view):
Returns ("Table1", 2) where "Table1" is the view's tableId and 2 the view id. For
primary view (ie: not referenced in _grist_TableViews) returns ("Table1", -1). Useful
to get the list of views sorted in the same way as in the Table side pane. We use -1
for primary view to make sure they come first among all the views of the same table.
if in table_views_map:
return (table_views_map[],
# the name of primary view's is the same as the tableId
return (, -1)
row_ids = list(xrange(1, len(views) + 1))
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
actions.AddTable('_grist_Pages', [
schema.make_column('viewRef', 'Ref:_grist_Views'),
schema.make_column('pagePos', 'PositionNumber'),
schema.make_column('indentation', 'Int'),
actions.ReplaceTableData('_grist_Pages', row_ids, {
'viewRef': [ for v in views],
'pagePos': row_ids,
'indentation': [1 if in table_views_map else 0 for v in views]
def migration21(tdset):
return tdset.apply_doc_actions([
add_column('_grist_ACLRules', 'aclFormulaParsed', 'Text'),
add_column('_grist_ACLRules', 'permissionsText', 'Text'),
add_column('_grist_ACLRules', 'rulePos', 'PositionNumber'),
add_column('_grist_ACLRules', 'userAttributes', 'Text'),