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import {ACIndex, ACIndexImpl, ACItem, ACResults, highlightNone} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import {nativeCompare} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import {fixturesRoot} from 'test/server/testUtils';
* Set env ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS=1 to run the timing "tests". These don't assert anything but let
* you compare the performance of different implementations.
interface TestACItem extends ACItem {
text: string;
function makeItem(text: string): TestACItem {
return {text, cleanText: text.trim().toLowerCase()};
const colors: TestACItem[] = [
"Blue", "Dark Red", "Reddish", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Radical Deep Green", "Bright Red"
const rounds: TestACItem[] = [
"Round 1", "Round 2", "Round 3", "Round 4"
const messy: TestACItem[] = [
"", " \t", " RED ", "123", "-5.6", "red", "read ", "Bread", "#red", "\nred\n#red\nred", "\n\n", "REDIS/1"
describe('ACIndex', function() {
it('should find items with matching words', function() {
const items: ACItem[] = ["blue", "dark red", "reddish", "red", "orange", "yellow", "radical green"].map(
c => ({cleanText: c}));
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(items, {maxResults: 5});
assert.deepEqual("red") => item.cleanText),
["red", "reddish", "dark red", "radical green", "blue"]);
it('should return first few items when search text is empty', function() {
let acResult = new ACIndexImpl(colors).search("");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, colors);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
acResult = new ACIndexImpl(colors, {maxResults: 3}).search("");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, colors.slice(0, 3));
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
acResult = new ACIndexImpl(rounds).search("");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, rounds);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
it('should ignore items with empty text', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(messy);
let acResult ="");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, messy.filter(t => t.cleanText));
assert.lengthOf(acResult.items, 9);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
acResult ="bread");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Bread", " RED ", "123", "-5.6", "red", "read ", "#red", "\nred\n#red\nred", "REDIS/1"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
it('should find items with the most matching words, and order by best match', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(colors);
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// Try a few cases with a single word.
acResult ="red");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Red", "Reddish", "Dark Red", "Bright Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
acResult ="rex");
// In this case "Reddish" is as good as "Red", so comes first according to original order.
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Reddish", "Red", "Dark Red", "Bright Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1); // No great match.
acResult ="REDD");
// In this case "Reddish" is strictly better than "Red".
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Reddish", "Red", "Dark Red", "Bright Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0); // It's a good match.
// Try a few cases with multiple words.
acResult ="dark red");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Dark Red", "Red", "Bright Red", "Reddish", "Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
acResult ="da re");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Dark Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Reddish", "Red", "Bright Red", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
acResult ="red d");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Dark Red", "Red", "Bright Red", "Reddish", "Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Dark Red", "Red", "Bright Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Reddish", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
// Try a few poor matches.
acResult ="a");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, colors);
acResult ="z");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, colors);
acResult ="RA");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Radical Deep Green", "Reddish", "Red", "Dark Red", "Bright Red", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
acResult ="RZ");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text),
["Reddish", "Red", "Radical Deep Green", "Dark Red", "Bright Red", "Blue", "Orange", "Yellow"]);
it('should maintain order of equally good matches', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(rounds);
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// Try a few cases with a single word.
acResult ="r");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, rounds);
acResult ="round 1");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, rounds);
acResult ="round 3");
// Round 3 is moved to the front; the rest are unchanged.
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), ["Round 3", "Round 1", "Round 2", "Round 4"]);
it('should prefer items with words in a similar order to search text', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(colors);
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// "r d" and "d r" prefer choices whose words are in the entered order.
acResult ="r d");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items.slice(0, 2).map(i => i.text), ["Radical Deep Green", "Dark Red"]);
acResult ="d r");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items.slice(0, 2).map(i => i.text), ["Dark Red", "Radical Deep Green"]);
// But a better match wins.
acResult ="de r");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items.slice(0, 2).map(i => i.text), ["Radical Deep Green", "Dark Red"]);
it('should limit results to maxResults', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(colors, {maxResults: 3});
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
acResult ="red");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), ["Red", "Reddish", "Dark Red"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
acResult ="red d");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), ["Dark Red", "Red", "Bright Red"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
acResult ="g");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), ["Radical Deep Green", "Blue", "Dark Red"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
it('should split words on punctuation', function() {
// Same as `colors` but with extra punctuation
const punctColors: TestACItem[] = [
"$Blue$", "--Dark@#$%^&Red--", "(Reddish)", "]Red{", "**Orange", "-Yellow?!",
"_Radical ``Deep'' !!Green!!", "<Bright>=\"Red\""
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(punctColors);
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// Try a few cases with a single word.
acResult ="~red-");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), [
"]Red{", "--Dark@#$%^&Red--", "<Bright>=\"Red\"", "(Reddish)", "_Radical ``Deep'' !!Green!!",
"$Blue$", "**Orange", "-Yellow?!"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
acResult ="rex");
// In this case "Reddish" is as good as "Red", so comes first according to original order.
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), [
"(Reddish)", "]Red{", "--Dark@#$%^&Red--", "<Bright>=\"Red\"", "_Radical ``Deep'' !!Green!!",
"$Blue$", "**Orange", "-Yellow?!"]);
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, -1); // No great match.
acResult ="da-re");
assert.deepEqual( => i.text), [
"--Dark@#$%^&Red--", "_Radical ``Deep'' !!Green!!", "(Reddish)", "]Red{", "<Bright>=\"Red\"",
"$Blue$", "**Orange", "-Yellow?!",
assert.deepEqual(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
// Try a few poor matches.
acResult ="a");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, punctColors);
acResult ="z");
assert.deepEqual(acResult.items, punctColors);
it('should return an item to select when the match is good', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(rounds);
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// Try a few cases with a single word.
acResult ="r");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
assert.equal(acResult.items[0].text, "Round 1");
acResult ="round 2");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
assert.equal(acResult.items[0].text, "Round 2");
acResult ="round X");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, -1);
// We only suggest a selection when an item (or one of its words) starts with the search text.
acResult ="1");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
const acIndex2 = new ACIndexImpl(messy);
acResult ="#r");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
assert.equal(acResult.items[0].text, "#red");
// Whitespace and case don't matter.
acResult ="Red");
assert.equal(acResult.selectIndex, 0);
assert.equal(acResult.items[0].text, " RED ");
it('should return a useful highlight function', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(colors, {maxResults: 3});
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem>;
// Here we split the items' (uncleaned) text with the returned highlightFunc. The values at
// odd-numbered indices should be the matching parts.
acResult ="red");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)),
[["", "Red", ""], ["", "Red", "dish"], ["Dark ", "Red", ""]]);
// Partial matches are highlighted too.
acResult ="darn");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)),
[["", "Dar", "k Red"], ["Radical ", "D", "eep Green"], ["Blue"]]);
// Empty search highlights nothing.
acResult ="");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)),
[["Blue"], ["Dark Red"], ["Reddish"]]);
// Try some messier cases.
const acIndex2 = new ACIndexImpl(messy, {maxResults: 6});
acResult ="#r");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)),
[["#", "r", "ed"], [" ", "R", "ED "], ["", "r", "ed"], ["", "r", "ead "],
["\n", "r", "ed\n#", "r", "ed\n", "r", "ed"], ["", "R", "EDIS/1"]]);
acResult ="read");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)), [
["", "read", " "], [" ", "RE", "D "], ["", "re", "d"], ["#", "re", "d"],
["\n", "re", "d\n#", "re", "d\n", "re", "d"], ["", "RE", "DIS/1"]]);
it('should highlight multi-byte unicode', function() {
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(['Lorem ipsum 𝌆 dolor sit ameͨ͆t.', "mañana", "Москва"].map(makeItem), {
maxResults: 3,
let acResult: ACResults<TestACItem> ="mañ моск am");
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text)),
[["", "Моск", "ва"], ["", "mañ", "ana"], ["Lorem ipsum 𝌆 dolor sit ", "am", "eͨ͆t."]]);
const original = "ameͨ͆";
assert.equal(original.length, 5);
for (let end = 3; end <= original.length; end++) {
const text = original.slice(0, end); // i.e. test: ame, ameͨ, ameͨ͆ (hard to see the difference in some editors)
acResult =;
assert.deepEqual( => acResult.highlightFunc(i.text))[0],
["Lorem ipsum 𝌆 dolor sit ", original, "t."]);
it('should match a brute-force scoring implementation', function() {
const acIndex1 = new ACIndexImpl(colors);
const acIndex2 = new BruteForceACIndexImpl(colors);
for (const text of ["RED", "blue", "a", "Z", "rea", "RZ", "da re", "re da", ""]) {
`different results for "${text}"`);
// See ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS flag on top of this file.
// Returns a list of many items, for checking performance.
async function getCities(): Promise<TestACItem[]> {
// Pick a file we have with 4k+ rows. First two columns are city,country.
// To create more items, we'll return "city N, country" combinations for N in [0, 25).
const filePath = path.resolve(fixturesRoot, 'export-csv/many-rows.csv');
const data = await fse.readFile(filePath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
const result: TestACItem[] = [];
for (const line of data.split("\n")) {
const [city, country] = line.split(",");
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
result.push(makeItem(`${city} ${i}, ${country}`));
return result;
// Repeat `func()` call `count` times, returning [msec per call, last return value].
function repeat<T>(count: number, func: () => T): [number, T] {
const start =;
let ret: T;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ret = func();
const msecTaken = - start;
return [msecTaken / count, ret!];
describe("timing", function() {
let items: TestACItem[];
before(async function() {
items = await getCities();
// tslint:disable:no-console
it('main algorithm', function() {
const [buildTime, acIndex] = repeat(10, () => new ACIndexImpl(items, {maxResults: 100}));
console.log(`Time to build index (${items.length} items): ${buildTime} ms`);
const [searchTime, result] = repeat(10, () =>"YORK"));
console.log(`Time to search index (${items.length} items): ${searchTime} ms`);
assert.equal(result.items[0].text, "York 0, United Kingdom");
assert.equal(result.items[75].text, "New York 0, United States");
it('brute-force algorithm', function() {
const [buildTime, acIndex] = repeat(10, () => new BruteForceACIndexImpl(items, 100));
console.log(`Time to build index (${items.length} items): ${buildTime} ms`);
const [searchTime, result] = repeat(10, () =>"YORK"));
console.log(`Time to search index (${items.length} items): ${searchTime} ms`);
assert.equal(result.items[0].text, "York 0, United Kingdom");
assert.equal(result.items[75].text, "New York 0, United States");
// This is a brute force implementation of the same score-based search. It makes scoring logic
// easier to understand.
class BruteForceACIndexImpl<Item extends ACItem> implements ACIndex<Item> {
constructor(private _allItems: Item[], private _maxResults: number = 50) {}
public search(searchText: string): ACResults<Item> {
const cleanedSearchText = searchText.trim().toLowerCase();
if (!cleanedSearchText) {
return {
items: this._allItems.slice(0, this._maxResults),
extraItems: [],
highlightFunc: highlightNone,
selectIndex: -1,
const searchWords = cleanedSearchText.split(/\s+/);
// Each item consists of the item's score, item's index, and the item itself.
const matches: Array<[number, number, Item]> = [];
// Get a score for each item based on the amount of overlap with text.
for (let i = 0; i < this._allItems.length; i++) {
const item = this._allItems[i];
const score: number = getScore(item.cleanText, searchWords);
matches.push([score, i, item]);
// Sort the matches by score first, and then by item (searchText).
matches.sort((a, b) => nativeCompare(b[0], a[0]) || nativeCompare(a[1], b[1]));
const items = matches.slice(0, this._maxResults).map((m) => m[2]);
return {items, extraItems: [], highlightFunc: highlightNone, selectIndex: -1};
// Scores text against an array of search words by adding the lengths of common prefixes between
// the search words and words in the text.
function getScore(text: string, searchWords: string[]) {
const textWords = text.split(/\s+/);
let score = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < searchWords.length; k++) {
const w = searchWords[k];
// Power term for bonus disambiguates scores that are otherwise identical, to prioritize
// earlier words appearing in earlier positions.
const wordScore = Math.max(, i) => getWordScore(sw, w, Math.pow(2, -(i + k)))));
score += wordScore;
if (text.startsWith(searchWords.join(' '))) {
score += 1;
return score;
function getWordScore(searchedWord: string, word: string, bonus: number) {
if (searchedWord === word) { return word.length + 1 + bonus; }
while (word) {
if (searchedWord.startsWith(word)) { return word.length + bonus; }
word = word.slice(0, -1);
return 0;