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* A full-featured implementation of tokenfield (aka "pillbox", "tag list", etc).
* Supported features:
* - Each token includes an "x" button to delete it.
* - Click on a token to select;
* Shift+click to extend selection;
* Ctrl+click for non-contigous selection.
* - Arrow keys to move selection.
* Shift + arrow keys to extend selection.
* - Cmd+A to select all options.
* - Delete/Backspace delete selection. If no selection, Backspace deletes the last item.
* - Copy-cut is supported for a selection. By default CSV-encodes token labels.
* - Paste is supported into input textbox, or to replace a selection.
* - Tokens or a selection of tokens may be dragged to move within the tokenfield.
* - Supports undo/redo for token changes.
import { ACItem } from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import { modKeyProp } from 'app/client/lib/browserInfo';
import { Autocomplete, IAutocompleteOptions } from 'app/client/lib/autocomplete';
import { colors, testId, theme } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import { icon } from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import { csvDecodeRow, csvEncodeRow } from 'app/common/csvFormat';
import { computedArray, IDisposableCtor, IObsArraySplice, ObsArray, obsArray, Observable } from 'grainjs';
import { Disposable, dom, DomElementArg, Holder, styled } from 'grainjs';
export interface IToken {
label: string;
export interface ITokenFieldOptions<Token extends IToken> {
initialValue: Token[];
renderToken: (token: Token) => DomElementArg;
createToken: (inputText: string) => Token|undefined;
acOptions?: IAutocompleteOptions<Token & ACItem>;
openAutocompleteOnFocus?: boolean;
styles?: ITokenFieldStyles;
readonly?: boolean;
trimLabels?: boolean;
keyBindings?: ITokenFieldKeyBindings;
// Allows overriding how tokens are copied to the clipboard, or retrieved from it.
// By default, tokens are placed into clipboard as text/plain comma-separated token labels, with
// CSV escaping, and pasted from clipboard by applying createToken() to parsed CSV text.
tokensToClipboard?: (tokens: Token[], clipboard: DataTransfer) => void;
clipboardToTokens?: (clipboard: DataTransfer) => Token[];
// Defaults to horizontal.
variant?: ITokenFieldVariant;
* Overrides for default TokenField shortcut bindings.
* Values should be Key Values (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values).
export interface ITokenFieldKeyBindings {
previous?: string;
next?: string;
export type ITokenFieldVariant = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
const defaultKeyBindings: Required<ITokenFieldKeyBindings> = {
previous: 'ArrowLeft',
next: 'ArrowRight'
// TokenWrap serves to distinguish multiple instances of the same token in the list.
class TokenWrap<Token extends IToken> {
constructor(public token: Token) {}
class UndoItem {
constructor(public redo: () => void, public undo: () => void) {}
export class TokenField<Token extends IToken = IToken> extends Disposable {
public static ctor<T extends IToken>(): IDisposableCtor<TokenField<T>, [ITokenFieldOptions<T>]> {
return this;
public tokensObs: ObsArray<Token>;
private _acHolder = Holder.create<Autocomplete<Token & ACItem>>(this);
private _acOptions: IAutocompleteOptions<Token & ACItem>|undefined;
private _rootElem: HTMLElement;
private _textInput: HTMLInputElement;
private _styles: Required<ITokenFieldStyles>;
// ClipboardAPI events work as expected only when the focus is in an actual input.
// This is where we place focus when we have some tokens selected.
private _hiddenInput: HTMLInputElement;
// Keys to navigate tokens. In a vertical list, these would be changed to Up/Down.
private _keyBindings: Required<ITokenFieldKeyBindings>;
private _tokens = this.autoDispose(obsArray<TokenWrap<Token>>());
private _selection = Observable.create(this, new Set<TokenWrap<Token>>());
private _selectionAnchor: TokenWrap<Token>|null = null;
private _undoStack: UndoItem[] = [];
private _undoIndex = 0; // The last action done; next to undo.
private _inUndoRedo = false;
private _variant: ITokenFieldVariant = this._options.variant ?? 'horizontal';
constructor(private _options: ITokenFieldOptions<Token>) {
const addSelectedItem = this._addSelectedItem.bind(this);
const openAutocomplete = this._openAutocomplete.bind(this);
this._acOptions = _options.acOptions && {..._options.acOptions, onClick: addSelectedItem};
this.tokensObs = this.autoDispose(computedArray(this._tokens, t => t.token));
this._keyBindings = {...defaultKeyBindings, ..._options.keyBindings};
// We can capture undo info in a consistent way as long as we change _tokens using its
// obsArray interface, by listening to the splice events.
// Use overridden styles if any were provided.
this._styles = {...tokenFieldStyles, ..._options.styles};
const {cssTokenField, cssToken, cssInputWrapper, cssTokenInput, cssDeleteButton, cssDeleteIcon} = this._styles;
function stop(ev: Event) {
this._rootElem = cssTokenField(
{tabIndex: '-1'},
dom.forEach(this._tokens, (t) =>
dom.cls('selected', (use) => use(this._selection).has(t)),
_options.readonly ? null : [
// Ignore mousedown events, so that tokens aren't draggable by the delete button.
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => ev.stopPropagation()),
dom.on('click', (ev) => this._onTokenClick(ev, t)),
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => this._onMouseDown(ev, t))
this._textInput = cssTokenInput(
dom.boolAttr("readonly", this._options.readonly ?? false),
dom.on('focus', this._onInputFocus.bind(this)),
dom.on('blur', () => { this._acHolder.clear(); }),
(this._acOptions ?
// Toggle the autocomplete on clicking the input box.
dom.on('click', () => this._acHolder.isEmpty() ? openAutocomplete() : this._acHolder.clear()) :
Escape$: (ev) => { this._acHolder.clear(); },
Enter$: (ev) => addSelectedItem() && stop(ev),
ArrowDown$: openAutocomplete,
Tab$: (ev) => addSelectedItem() && stop(ev),
dom.on('input', openAutocomplete),
a$: this._maybeSelectAllTokens.bind(this),
Backspace$: this._maybeBackspace.bind(this),
Delete$: this._maybeDelete.bind(this),
[this._keyBindings.previous + '$']: (ev) => this._maybeAdvance(ev, -1),
[this._keyBindings.next + '$']: (ev) => this._maybeAdvance(ev, +1),
// ['Mod+z'] triggers undo; ['Mod+Shift+Z', 'Ctrl+y' ] trigger redo
z$: (ev) => { if (ev[modKeyProp()]) { ev.shiftKey ? this._redo(ev) : this._undo(ev); } },
y$: (ev) => { if (ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey) { this._redo(ev); } },
this._hiddenInput = cssHiddenInput({type: 'text', tabIndex: '-1'},
dom.on('blur', (ev) => {
if (ev.relatedTarget && ev.relatedTarget !== this._rootElem) {
this._selectionAnchor = null;
this._selection.set(new Set());
dom.on('focus', () => this._hiddenInput.focus({preventScroll: true})),
dom.on('copy', this._onCopyEvent.bind(this)),
dom.on('cut', this._onCutEvent.bind(this)),
dom.on('paste', this._onPasteEvent.bind(this)),
public attach(elem: HTMLElement): void {
// Outer container for the tokens and new-entry input field.
public getRootElem(): HTMLElement {
return this._rootElem;
// The new-entry input field.
public getTextInput(): HTMLInputElement {
return this._textInput;
* Returns the current value of the text input.
public getTextInputValue(): string {
return this._options.trimLabels ? this._textInput.value.trim() : this._textInput.value;
// The invisible input that has focus while we have some tokens selected.
public getHiddenInput(): HTMLInputElement {
return this._hiddenInput;
* Returns the Autocomplete instance used by the TokenField.
public getAutocomplete(): Autocomplete<Token & ACItem> | null {
return this._acHolder.get();
* Sets the `tokens` that the TokenField should be populated with.
* Can be called after the TokenField is created to override the
* stored tokens. This is useful for delayed token initialization,
* where `tokens` may need to be set shortly after the TokenField
* is opened (e.g. ReferenceListEditor).
public setTokens(tokens: Token[]): void {
const formattedTokens = this._maybeTrimTokens(tokens);
this._tokens.set(formattedTokens.map(t => new TokenWrap(t)));
// Replaces a token (if it exists).
public replaceToken(label: string, newToken: Token): void {
const tokenIdx = this._tokens.get().findIndex(t => t.token.label === label);
if (tokenIdx === -1) { return; }
this._tokens.splice(tokenIdx, 1, new TokenWrap(newToken));
// Open the autocomplete dropdown, if autocomplete was configured in the options.
private _openAutocomplete() {
// don't open dropdown in a readonly mode
if (this._options.readonly) { return; }
if (this._acOptions && this._acHolder.isEmpty()) {
Autocomplete.create(this._acHolder, this._textInput, this._acOptions);
// Adds the typed-in or selected item. If an item is selected in autocomplete dropdown, adds
// that; otherwise if options.createToken is present, creates a token from text input value.
private _addSelectedItem(): boolean {
let item: Token|undefined = this._acHolder.get()?.getSelectedItem();
const textInput = this.getTextInputValue();
if (!item && this._options.createToken && textInput) {
item = this._options.createToken(textInput);
if (item) {
this._tokens.push(new TokenWrap(item));
this._textInput.value = '';
return true;
return false;
// Handler for when text input is focused: clears selection, optionally opens dropdown.
private _onInputFocus() {
this._selectionAnchor = null;
this._selection.set(new Set());
if (this._options.openAutocompleteOnFocus) {
// Handle for a click on a token or the token's delete button. This handles selection, including
// Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.
private _onTokenClick(ev: MouseEvent, t: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const idx = this._tokens.get().indexOf(t);
if (idx < 0) { return; }
if (ev.target && (ev.target as HTMLElement).matches('.' + this._styles.cssDeleteIcon.className)) {
// Delete token.
this._tokens.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
const fromIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (ev.shiftKey && fromIdx >= 0) {
// Shift+Click selects range from selectionAnchor to the clicked token.
const [first, last] = fromIdx <= idx ? [fromIdx, idx] : [idx, fromIdx];
this._selection.set(new Set(this._tokens.get().slice(first, last + 1)));
} else if (ev[modKeyProp()] && fromIdx >= 0) {
// Ctrl+Click (or Command+Click on mac) toggles the clicked token.
} else {
// Plain click, or any click in the absence of an anchor element, sets the anchor and
// selects just this element.
private _maybeSelectAllTokens(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (ev[modKeyProp()] && this._textInput.value === '') {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
this._selection.set(new Set(tokens));
this._selectionAnchor = tokens ? tokens[0] : null;
// Set focus appropriately to the textInput or to the outer container.
private _setFocus() {
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) {
} else {
private _maybeBackspace(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (this._textInput.value === '') {
if (ev.repeat) { return; }
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) {
} else {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), -1);
private _maybeDelete(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (this._textInput.value === '' && this._selection.get().size > 0) {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 1);
// Handle arrow and shift+arrow keys, when the text input is empty.
private _maybeAdvance(ev: KeyboardEvent, advance: 1|-1): void {
if (this._textInput.value !== '') {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
const anchorIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? tokens.indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (ev.shiftKey && this._selection.get().size > 0 && anchorIdx >= 0) {
// For shift+arrows, we either extend or reduce the selection, depending on whether we are
// walking away from the anchor or back towards it.
const [first, last] = this._getSelectedIndexRange(this._selection.get());
if (last < 0) { return; }
const toggleIdx = (advance > 0) ?
(last === anchorIdx && first < anchorIdx ? first : last + 1) :
(first === anchorIdx && last > anchorIdx ? last : first - 1);
const t = tokens[toggleIdx];
if (t) {
} else {
// For arrow keys, move to the next token after the selection.
let next: TokenWrap<Token>|null = null;
if (this._selection.get().size > 0) {
next = this._getNextToken(this._selection.get(), advance);
} else if (advance < 0 && tokens.length > 0) {
next = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
// If no next token and we are moving to the right, we should end up back in the text input.
if (next || advance > 0) {
private _toggleTokenSelection(token: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const selection = this._selection.get();
if (selection.has(token)) {
} else {
// We use .setAndTrigger() to set a value that's identical (by reference) to the previous one.
private _resetTokenSelection(token: TokenWrap<Token>|null) {
this._selectionAnchor = token;
this._selection.set(token ? new Set([token]) : new Set());
// Delete the given set of tokens, and select either the following or the preceding one.
private _deleteTokens(toDelete: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>, advance: 1|-1|0) {
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) { return; }
const selectAfter = advance ? this._getNextToken(toDelete, advance) : null;
this._tokens.set(this._tokens.get().filter(t => !toDelete.has(t)));
private _getNextToken(selection: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>, advance: 1|-1): TokenWrap<Token>|null {
const [first, last] = this._getSelectedIndexRange(selection);
if (last < 0) { return null; }
return this._tokens.get()[advance > 0 ? last + 1 : first - 1] || null;
private _getSelectedIndexRange(selection: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>): [number, number] {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
let first = -1, last = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (selection.has(tokens[i])) {
if (first === -1) { first = i; }
last = i;
return [first, last];
private _onCopyEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent): boolean {
if (!ev.clipboardData || !this._selection.get().size) { return false; }
ev.preventDefault(); // Required for overriding: https://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#override-copy
const selected = this._selection.get();
const tokens = this._tokens.get().filter(t => selected.has(t));
if (this._options.tokensToClipboard) {
this._options.tokensToClipboard(tokens.map(t => t.token), ev.clipboardData);
} else {
const values = tokens.map(t => t.token.label);
ev.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', csvEncodeRow(values, {prettier: true}));
return true;
private _onCutEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
if (this._onCopyEvent(ev)) {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 0);
private _onPasteEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
if (!ev.clipboardData) { return; }
let tokens: Token[];
if (this._options.clipboardToTokens) {
tokens = this._options.clipboardToTokens(ev.clipboardData);
} else {
const text = ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
const values = csvDecodeRow(text);
tokens = values.map(v => this._options.createToken(v)).filter((t): t is Token => Boolean(t));
if (!tokens.length) { return; }
tokens = this._maybeTrimTokens(tokens);
tokens = this._getNonEmptyTokens(tokens);
const wrappedTokens = tokens.map(t => new TokenWrap(t));
this._combineUndo(() => {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 1);
const anchorIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (anchorIdx >= 0) {
this._tokens.splice(anchorIdx, 0, ...wrappedTokens);
this._selectionAnchor = wrappedTokens[0];
this._selection.set(new Set(wrappedTokens));
} else {
// For a mousedown on a token, register events for mousemove/mouseup, and start dragging as soon
// as mousemove occurs.
private _onMouseDown(startEvent: MouseEvent, t: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const xInitial = startEvent.clientX;
const yInitial = startEvent.clientY;
const dragTargetSelector = `.${this._styles.cssToken.className}, .${this._styles.cssInputWrapper.className}`;
const dragTargetStyle = this._variant === 'horizontal' ? cssDragTarget : cssVerticalDragTarget;
let started = false;
let allTargets: HTMLElement[];
let tokenList: HTMLElement[];
let nextUnselectedToken: HTMLElement|undefined;
const onMove = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
if (!started) {
started = true;
// If we started dragging an element that's not part of the selection, reset the selection
// to just that element. After this, we are always dragging the active selection.
if (!this._selection.get().has(t)) {
// Get a list of all drag targets, and add a CSS class that shows drop location on hover.
allTargets = Array.prototype.filter.call(this._rootElem.children, el => el.matches(dragTargetSelector));
allTargets.forEach(el => el.classList.add(dragTargetStyle.className));
// Get a list of element we are dragging, and add a CSS class to show them as dragged.
tokenList = allTargets.filter(el => el.matches('.selected'));
tokenList.forEach(el => el.classList.add('token-dragging'));
// Add a CSS class to the first unselected token after the current selection; we use it for showing
// the drag/drop markers when hovering over a token.
nextUnselectedToken = allTargets.find(el => el.previousElementSibling === tokenList[tokenList.length - 1]);
nextUnselectedToken?.classList.add(dragTargetStyle.className + "-next");
nextUnselectedToken?.style.setProperty('--count', String(tokenList.length));
const xOffset = ev.clientX - xInitial;
const yOffset = ev.clientY - yInitial;
const transform = `translate(${xOffset}px, ${yOffset}px)`;
tokenList.forEach(el => { el.style.transform = transform; });
const onStop = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
// Stop here if dragging never started.
if (!started) { return; }
// Restore all style changes.
allTargets.forEach(el => el.classList.remove(dragTargetStyle.className));
tokenList.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('token-dragging'));
tokenList.forEach(el => { el.style.transform = ''; });
nextUnselectedToken?.classList.remove(dragTargetStyle.className + "-next");
// Find the token before which we are inserting the dragged elements. If inserting at the
// end (just before or over the input box), destToken will be undefined.
const index = allTargets.findIndex((target) => target.contains(ev.target as Node));
if (index < 0) { return; }
const destToken: TokenWrap<Token>|undefined = this._tokens.get()[index];
const selection = this._selection.get();
if (selection.has(destToken)) { return; } // Not actually moving anywhere new.
const movedTokens = this._tokens.get().filter(tok => selection.has(tok));
if (!movedTokens.length) { return; } // Didn't find any tokens to move.
this._combineUndo(() => {
this._deleteTokens(selection, 0);
// Find destination again after the deletion (it's likely to have changed).
const destIndex = destToken ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(destToken) : this._tokens.get().length;
// Move the tokens and mark them as selected.
this._tokens.splice(destIndex, 0, ...movedTokens);
this._selectionAnchor = movedTokens[0];
this._selection.set(new Set(movedTokens));
const moveLis = dom.onElem(document, 'mousemove', onMove, {useCapture: true});
const stopLis = dom.onElem(document, 'mouseup', onStop, {useCapture: true});
private _recordUndo(val: TokenWrap<Token>[], prev: TokenWrap<Token>[], change?: IObsArraySplice<TokenWrap<Token>>) {
if (this._inUndoRedo) { return; }
const splice = change || {start: 0, numAdded: val.length, deleted: [...prev]};
const newTokens = val.slice(splice.start, splice.start + splice.numAdded);
const redo = () => this._tokens.splice(splice.start, splice.deleted.length, ...newTokens);
const undo = () => this._tokens.splice(splice.start, splice.numAdded, ...splice.deleted);
this._undoIndex = Math.min(this._undoIndex + 1, this._undoStack.length);
this._undoStack.splice(this._undoIndex, this._undoStack.length, new UndoItem(redo, undo));
private _combineUndo(callback: () => void) {
const nextAction = this._undoIndex + 1;
try {
} finally {
if (this._undoStack.length > nextAction + 1) {
// If multiple actions were added, combine them into one.
const actions = this._undoStack.slice(nextAction);
const redo = () => actions.forEach(a => a.redo());
const undo = () => actions.slice().reverse().forEach(a => a.undo());
this._undoIndex = nextAction;
this._undoStack.splice(this._undoIndex, actions.length, new UndoItem(redo, undo));
private _undo(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this._textInput.value === '' && this._undoIndex >= 0 && this._undoIndex < this._undoStack.length) {
this._inUndoRedo = true;
try {
} finally {
this._inUndoRedo = false;
private _redo(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this._undoIndex + 1 < this._undoStack.length) {
this._inUndoRedo = true;
try {
this._undoIndex += 1;
} finally {
this._inUndoRedo = false;
* Returns an array of tokens formatted according to the `trimLabels` option.
private _maybeTrimTokens(tokens: Token[]): Token[] {
if (!this._options.trimLabels) { return tokens; }
return tokens.map(t => ({...t, label: t.label.trim()}));
* Returns a filtered array of tokens that don't have empty labels.
private _getNonEmptyTokens(tokens: Token[]): Token[] {
return tokens.filter(t => t.label !== '');
const cssTokenField = styled('div', `
display: flex;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 4px;
line-height: 16px;
&.token-dragactive {
cursor: grabbing;
const cssToken = styled('div', `
position: relative;
flex: none;
border-radius: 3px;
background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
padding: 4px;
margin: 3px 2px;
user-select: none;
cursor: grab;
&.selected {
background-color: ${colors.darkGrey};
&.token-dragging {
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0.7;
.${cssTokenField.className}.token-dragactive & {
cursor: unset;
const cssInputWrapper = styled('div', `
position: relative;
flex: auto;
margin: 3px 2px;
display: flex;
const cssTokenInput = styled('input', `
color: ${theme.cellEditorFg};
background-color: ${theme.cellEditorBg};
flex: auto;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
padding: 0;
border: none;
outline: none;
line-height: inherit;
// This class is applied to tokens and the input box on start of dragging, to use them as drag
// targets. Insertion point will always be to the left of them. While dragging, these include a
// transparent pseudo-element to cover some area to the left, to know when it's a suitable drop
// position. While the drag is over the element (or its extension), it gets shifted to show
// the user the location of the drop using another pseudo-element.
const cssDragTarget = styled('div', `
&::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: -8px;
right: 50%;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
&:hover {
transform: translateX(2px);
&:hover::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
background-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
width: 2px;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: -4px;
const cssVerticalDragTarget = styled('div', `
/* This pseudo-element prevents small, flickering height changes when
* dragging the selection over targets. */
&::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: -8px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
&-next::before {
/* 27.75px is the height of a token. */
top: calc(-27.75px * var(--count, 1) - 8px);
&:hover {
transform: translateY(4px);
margin-bottom: 8px;
&:hover::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
background-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
height: 2px;
top: -5px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
const cssHiddenInput = styled('input', `
left: -10000px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
const cssDeleteButton = styled('div', `
display: inline;
margin-left: 4px;
vertical-align: bottom;
line-height: 1;
cursor: pointer;
.${cssTokenField.className}.token-dragactive & {
cursor: unset;
const cssDeleteIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${colors.slate};
&:hover {
--icon-color: ${colors.dark};
export const tokenFieldStyles = {
export type ITokenFieldStyles = Partial<typeof tokenFieldStyles>;