
1272 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {addToRepl, assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
import {addStatic, serveSomething} from 'test/server/customUtil';
import {AccessLevel} from 'app/common/CustomWidget';
// Valid manifest url.
const manifestEndpoint = '/manifest.json';
let docId = '';
// Tester widget name.
const TESTER_WIDGET = 'Tester';
const NORMAL_WIDGET = 'Normal';
const READ_WIDGET = 'Read';
const FULL_WIDGET = 'Full';
// Custom URL label in selectbox.
const CUSTOM_URL = 'Custom URL';
// Holds url for sample widget server.
let widgetServerUrl = '';
// Creates url for Config Widget passing ready arguments in URL. This is not builtin method, Config Widget understands
// this parameter and is using it as an argument for the ready method.
function createConfigUrl(ready?: any) {
return ready ? `${widgetServerUrl}/config?ready=` + encodeURI(JSON.stringify(ready)) : `${widgetServerUrl}/config`;
// Open or close widget menu.
const click = (selector: string) => driver.find(`${selector}`).click();
const toggleDrop = (selector: string) => click(`${selector} .test-select-open`);
const toggleWidgetMenu = () => toggleDrop('.test-config-widget-select');
const getOptions = () => driver.findAll('.test-select-menu li', el => el.getText());
// Get current value from widget menu.
const currentWidget = () => driver.find('.test-config-widget-select .test-select-open').getText();
// Select widget from the menu.
const clickOption = async (text: string | RegExp) => {
await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', text).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Persists custom options.
const persistOptions = () => click('.test-section-menu-small-btn-save');
// Helpers to create test ids for column pickers
const pickerLabel = (name: string) => `.test-config-widget-label-for-${name}`;
const pickerDrop = (name: string) => `.test-config-widget-mapping-for-${name}`;
const pickerAdd = (name: string) => `.test-config-widget-add-column-for-${name}`;
// Helpers to work with menus
async function clickMenuItem(name: string) {
await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', name).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
const getMenuOptions = () => driver.findAll('.grist-floating-menu li', el => el.getText());
async function getListItems(col: string) {
return await driver
.findAll(`.test-config-widget-map-list-for-${col} .test-config-widget-ref-select-label`, el => el.getText());
// When refreshing, we need to make sure widget repository is enabled once again.
async function refresh() {
await driver.navigate().refresh();
await gu.waitForDocToLoad();
// Switch section and enable config
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = true;');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
// Checks if active section has option in the menu to open configuration
async function hasSectionOption() {
const menu = await gu.openSectionMenu('viewLayout');
const has = 1 === (await menu.findAll('.test-section-open-configuration')).length;
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
return has;
async function saveMenu() {
await driver.findWait('.active_section .test-section-menu-small-btn-save', 100).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
async function revertMenu() {
await driver.findWait('.active_section .test-section-menu-small-btn-revert', 100).click();
async function clearOptions() {
await gu.openSectionMenu('sortAndFilter');
await driver.findWait('.test-section-menu-btn-remove-options', 100).click();
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
// Check if the Sort menu is in correct state
async function checkSortMenu(state: 'empty' | 'modified' | 'customized' | 'emptyNotSaved') {
// for modified and emptyNotSaved menu should be greyed and buttons should be hidden
if (state === 'modified' || state === 'emptyNotSaved') {
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.active_section .test-section-menu-wrapper').matches('[class*=-unsaved]'));
} else {
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.active_section .test-section-menu-wrapper').matches('[class*=-unsaved]'));
// open menu
await gu.openSectionMenu('sortAndFilter');
// for modified state, there should be buttons save and revert
if (state === 'modified' || state === 'emptyNotSaved') {
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-section-menu-btn-save').isPresent());
} else {
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-section-menu-btn-save').isPresent());
const text = await driver.find('.test-section-menu-custom-options').getText();
if (state === 'empty' || state === 'emptyNotSaved') {
assert.equal(text, '(empty)');
} else if (state === 'modified') {
assert.equal(text, '(modified)');
} else if (state === 'customized') {
assert.equal(text, '(customized)');
// there should be option to delete custom options
if (state === 'empty' || state === 'emptyNotSaved') {
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-section-menu-btn-remove-options').isPresent());
} else {
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-section-menu-btn-remove-options').isPresent());
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
const cleanup = setupTestSuite();
let mainSession: gu.Session;
addToRepl('getOptions', getOptions);
before(async function () {
if (server.isExternalServer()) {
// Create simple widget server that serves manifest.json file, some widgets and some error pages.
const widgetServer = await serveSomething(app => {
app.get('/manifest.json', (_, res) => {
// Main Custom Widget with onEditOptions handler.
url: createConfigUrl({onEditOptions: true}),
widgetId: 'tester1',
// Widget without ready options.
url: createConfigUrl(),
widgetId: 'tester2',
// Widget requesting read access.
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table}),
widgetId: 'tester3',
// Widget requesting full access.
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.full}),
widgetId: 'tester4',
// Widget with column mapping
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table, columns: [{name:'Column', optional: true}]}),
widgetId: 'tester5',
// Widget with required column mapping
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table, columns: [{name:'Column', optional: false}]}),
widgetId: 'tester6',
widgetServerUrl = widgetServer.url;
await server.testingHooks.setWidgetRepositoryUrl(`${widgetServerUrl}${manifestEndpoint}`);
mainSession = await gu.session().login();
const doc = await mainSession.tempDoc(cleanup, 'CustomWidget.grist');
docId =;
// Make sure widgets are enabled.
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = true;');
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
after(async function() {
await server.testingHooks.setWidgetRepositoryUrl('');
beforeEach(async () => {
// Before each test, we will switch to Custom Url (to cleanup the widget)
// and then back to the Tester widget.
if ((await currentWidget()) !== CUSTOM_URL) {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(TESTER_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
it('should hide widget when some columns are not mapped', async () => {
// Reset the widget to the one that has a column mapping requirements.
await widget.resetWidget();
// Since the widget was reset, we don't have .test-custom-widget-ready element.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isPresent());
// Now select the widget that requires a column.
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(REQUIRED_WIDGET);
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
// The widget iframe should be covered with a text explaining that the widget is not configured.
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped', 1000).isDisplayed());
// The content should at least have those words:
assert.include(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped').getText(),
"Some required columns aren't mapped");
// Make sure that the iframe is not displayed.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isPresent());
// Now map the column.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Column'));
// Map it to A.
await clickOption('A');
// Make sure that the text is gone.
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-not-mapped').isPresent());
// Make sure the widget is now visible.
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isDisplayed());
// And we see widget with info about mapped columns, Column to A.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {Column: 'A'});
it('should hide mappings when there is no good column', async () => {
if ((await currentWidget()) !== CUSTOM_URL) {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M2', type: 'Date', optional: true}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Get the drop for M2 mappings.
const mappingsForM2 = () => driver.find(pickerDrop('M2'));
// Make sure it is disabled.
assert.isTrue(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-disabled'));
// And the text is:
assert.equal(await mappingsForM2().getText(), 'No date columns in table.');
// Now add Date column.
await gu.sendActions([['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'NewCol', {type: 'Date'}]]);
// Now drop should be enabled.
assert.isFalse(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-disabled'));
assert.isTrue(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-enabled'));
// And the text is:
assert.equal(await mappingsForM2().getText(), 'Pick a date column');
// Expand it and make sure we have NewCol there.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol']);
// Select that column.
await clickOption('NewCol');
// Now expand the drop again and make sure we can't clear it.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol', 'Clear selection']);
// Now remove the column, and make sure that the drop is disabled again.
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
await gu.sendActions([['RemoveColumn', 'Table1', 'NewCol']]);
// Make sure it is disabled.
assert.isTrue(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-disabled'));
assert.isFalse(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-enabled'));
assert.equal(await mappingsForM2().getText(), 'No date columns in table.');
it('should clear optional mapping', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
if ((await currentWidget()) !== CUSTOM_URL) {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M2', type: 'Date', optional: true}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Get the drop for M2 mappings.
const mappingsForM2 = () => driver.find(pickerDrop('M2'));
// Make sure it is disabled.
assert.isTrue(await mappingsForM2().matches('.test-config-widget-disabled'));
// Now add Date column.
await gu.sendActions([['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'NewCol', {type: 'Date'}]]);
// Expand it and make sure we have NewCol there.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol']);
// Select that column.
await clickOption('NewCol');
// Make sure widget sees the mapping.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M2: 'NewCol'});
// Now expand the drop again and make sure we can clear it.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol', 'Clear selection']);
// Now clear the mapping.
await clickOption('Clear selection');
assert.equal(await mappingsForM2().getText(), 'Pick a date column');
// Make sure widget sees the mapping.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M2: null});
await revert();
it('should render columns mapping', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').isPresent());
await toggleWidgetMenu();
// Select widget that has single column configuration.
await clickOption(COLUMN_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Visible columns section should be hidden.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').isPresent());
// Record event should be fired.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A' },
{id: 2, A: 'B' },
{id: 3, A: 'C' },
// Mappings should null at first.
assert.isNull(await widget.onRecordsMappings());
// We should see a single Column picker.
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-label-for-Column').isPresent());
// With single column to map.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Column'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A']);
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Widget should receive mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {Column: 'A'});
await revert();
it('should render multiple mappings', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
// This is not standard way of creating widgets. The widgets in this test is reading this parameter
// and is using it to invoke the ready method.
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: ['M1', {name: 'M2', optional: true}, {name: 'M3', title: 'T3'}, {name: 'M4', type: 'Text'}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPlaceholder();
// We should see 4 pickers
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M1')).isPresent());
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M2')).isPresent());
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M3')).isPresent());
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M4')).isPresent());
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M1')).getText(), 'M1');
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M2')).getText(), 'M2 (optional)');
// Label for picker M3 should have alternative text;
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M3')).getText(), 'T3');
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M4')).getText(), 'M4');
// All picker should show "Pick a column" except M4, which should say "Pick a text column"
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop('M1')).getText(), 'Pick a column');
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop('M2')).getText(), 'Pick a column');
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop('M3')).getText(), 'Pick a column');
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop('M4')).getText(), 'Pick a text column');
// Should be able to select column A for all options
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('A');
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
await clickOption('A');
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M3'));
await clickOption('A');
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M4'));
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForFrame();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: 'A', M2: 'A', M3: 'A', M4: 'A'});
// Single record should also receive update.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'A', M2: 'A', M3: 'A', M4: 'A'});
// Undo should revert mappings - there should be only 3 operations to revert to first mapping.
await gu.undo(3);
await widget.waitForPlaceholder();
// Add another columns, numeric B and any C.
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.addColumn('B');
await gu.getCell('B', 1).click();
await gu.enterCell('99');
await gu.addColumn('C');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
// Column M1 should be mappable to all 3, column M4 only to A and C
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'B', 'C']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M4'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'C']);
await revert();
it('should clear mappings on widget switch', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(COLUMN_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Make sure columns are there to pick.
// Visible column section is hidden.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').isPresent());
// We should see a single Column picker.
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-label-for-Column').isPresent());
// Pick first column
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Column'));
await clickOption('A');
// Now change to a widget without columns
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(NORMAL_WIDGET);
// Picker should disappear and column mappings should be visible
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').isPresent());
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-label-for-Column').isPresent());
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(AccessLevel.read_table);
// Widget should receive full records.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A'},
{id: 2, A: 'B'},
{id: 3, A: 'C'},
// Now go back to the widget with mappings.
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(COLUMN_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop('Column')).getText(), 'Pick a column');
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').isPresent());
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-label-for-Column').isPresent());
await revert();
it('should render multiple options', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'M1', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
// Add some columns, numeric B and any C.
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.addColumn('B');
await gu.getCell('B', 1).click();
await gu.enterCell('99');
await gu.addColumn('C');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Make sure we have no mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
// Map all columns to M1
await click(pickerAdd('M1'));
assert.deepEqual(await getMenuOptions(), ['A', 'B', 'C']);
await clickMenuItem('A');
await click(pickerAdd('M1'));
await clickMenuItem('B');
await click(pickerAdd('M1'));
await clickMenuItem('C');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
const empty = {M1: [], M2: []};
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {...empty, M1: ['A', 'B', 'C']});
// Map A and C to M2
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getMenuOptions(), ['A', 'C']);
// There should be information that column B is hidden (as it is not text)
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-map-message-M2').getText(), '1 non-text column is not shown');
await clickMenuItem('A');
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
await clickMenuItem('C');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: ['A', 'B', 'C'], M2: ['A', 'C']});
function dragItem(column: string, item: string) {
return driver.findContent(`.test-config-widget-map-list-for-${column} .kf_draggable`, item);
// Should support reordering, reorder - move A after C
await driver.withActions(actions =>
.move({origin: dragItem('M1', 'A')})
.move({origin: dragItem('M1', 'A').find('.test-dragger')})
.move({origin: dragItem('M1', 'C'), y: 1})
await gu.waitForServer();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: ['B', 'C', 'A'], M2: ['A', 'C']});
// Should support removing
const removeButton = (column: string, item: string) => {
return dragItem(column, item).mouseMove().find('.test-config-widget-ref-select-remove');
await removeButton('M1', 'B').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: ['C', 'A'], M2: ['A', 'C']});
// Should undo removing
await gu.undo();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: ['B', 'C', 'A'], M2: ['A', 'C']});
await removeButton('M1', 'B').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await removeButton('M1', 'C').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await removeButton('M2', 'C').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: ['A'], M2: ['A']});
await revert();
it('should support multiple types in mappings', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'M1', type: 'Date,DateTime', optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Date, DateTime ', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
// Add B=Date, C=DateTime, D=Numeric
await gu.sendActions([
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'B', {type: 'Any'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'C', {type: 'Date'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'D', {type: 'DateTime'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'E', {type: 'Numeric'}],
// Add sample record.
['UpdateRecord', 'Table1', 1, {C: '2019-01-01', D: '2019-01-01 12:00', E: 1}]
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Make sure we have no mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
// Now see what we are offered for M1.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['B', 'C', 'D']);
// Make sure they work. First select C.
await clickOption('B');
// Make sure onRecord and onRecordMappings looks legit.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecord(), {id:1, B: null});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'B', M2: []});
// Now select C.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('C');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecord(), {id:1, C: '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'C', M2: []});
// Now select D.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('D');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecord(), {id:1, D: '2019-01-01T17:00:00.000Z'});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'D', M2: []});
// Make sure we can select multiple columns for M2 with Date and DateTime.
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getMenuOptions(), ['B', 'C', 'D']);
await clickMenuItem('B');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'D', M2: ['B']});
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
await clickMenuItem('C');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'D', M2: ['B', 'C']});
await revert();
it('should support strictType setting', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Any', type: 'Any', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date_Numeric', type: 'Date, Numeric', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date_Any', type: 'Date, Any', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date', type: 'Date', strictType: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await gu.sendActions([
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Any', {type: 'Any'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Date', {type: 'Date'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Numeric', {type: 'Numeric'}],
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Make sure we have no mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Date']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date_Any'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Any', 'Date']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date_Numeric'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Date', 'Numeric']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Any'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Any']);
await revert();
it('should react to widget options change', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Choice', type: 'Choice', strictType: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
const widgetOptions = {
choices: ['A'],
choiceOptions: {A: {textColor: 'red'}}
await gu.sendActions([
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Choice', {type: 'Choice', widgetOptions: JSON.stringify(widgetOptions)}]
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Choice'));
await clickOption('Choice');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Clear logs
await widget.clearLog();
assert.isEmpty(await widget.log());
// Now update options in that one column;
widgetOptions.choiceOptions.A.textColor = 'blue';
await gu.sendActions([
['ModifyColumn', 'Table1', 'Choice', {widgetOptions: JSON.stringify(widgetOptions)}]
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
// Make sure widget sees that mapping are changed.
assert.equal(await widget.log(), '{"tableId":"Table1","rowId":1,"dataChange":true,"mappingsChange":true}');
await revert();
it('should remove mapping when column is deleted', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
// Prepare mappings for single and multiple columns
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M1', optional: true}, {name: 'M2', allowMultiple: true, optional: true}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
// Add some columns, to remove later
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.addColumn('B');
await gu.addColumn('C');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Make sure we have no mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
// Map B to M1
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Map all columns to M2
for (const col of ['A', 'B', 'C']) {
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
await clickMenuItem(col);
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: 'B', M2: ['A', 'B', 'C']});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, B: null, A: 'A', C: null},
{id: 2, B: null, A: 'B', C: null},
{id: 3, B: null, A: 'C', C: null},
const removeColumn = async (col: string) => {
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.openColumnMenu(col, 'Delete column');
await gu.waitForServer();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
// Remove B column
await removeColumn('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Mappings should be updated
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: null, M2: ['A', 'C']});
// Records should not have B column
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A', C: null},
{id: 2, A: 'B', C: null},
{id: 3, A: 'C', C: null},
// Should be able to add B once more
// Add B as a new column
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.addColumn('B');
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Adding the same column should not add it to mappings or records (as this is a new Id)
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: null, M2: ['A', 'C']});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A', C: null},
{id: 2, A: 'B', C: null},
{id: 3, A: 'C', C: null},
// Add B column as a new one.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
// Make sure it is there to select.
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'C', 'B', 'Clear selection']);
await clickOption('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getMenuOptions(), ['B']); // multiple selection will only show not selected columns
await clickMenuItem('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: 'B', M2: ['A', 'C', 'B']});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, B: null, A: 'A', C: null},
{id: 2, B: null, A: 'B', C: null},
{id: 3, B: null, A: 'C', C: null},
await revert();
it('should remove mapping when column type is changed', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
// Prepare mappings for single and multiple columns
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'M1', type: 'Text', optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true, optional: true}
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A'},
{id: 2, A: 'B'},
{id: 3, A: 'C'},
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop("M1"));
await clickOption("A");
await click(pickerAdd("M2"));
await clickMenuItem("A");
assert.equal(await driver.find(pickerDrop("M1")).getText(), "A");
assert.deepEqual(await getListItems("M2"), ["A"]);
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: 'A', M2: ["A"]});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1, A: 'A'},
{id: 2, A: 'B'},
{id: 3, A: 'C'},
// Change column type to numeric
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.getCell("A", 1).click();
await gu.setType(/Numeric/);
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await driver.find(".test-right-tab-pagewidget").click();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Drop should be empty,
await driver.wait(async () =>
await driver.find(pickerDrop("M1")).getText() == "No text columns in table.", 1000);
assert.isEmpty(await getListItems("M2"));
// And drop is disabled.
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerDrop("M1")).matches(".test-config-widget-disabled"));
// The same for M2
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerAdd("M2")).matches(".test-config-widget-disabled"));
assert.isEmpty(await getMenuOptions());
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: null, M2: []});
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecords(), [
{id: 1},
{id: 2},
{id: 3},
await revert();
it('should not display options on grid, card, card list, chart', async () => {
// Add Empty Grid
await gu.addNewSection(/Table/, /Table1/);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
await gu.undo();
// Add Card view
await gu.addNewSection(/Card/, /Table1/);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
await gu.undo();
// Add Card List view
await gu.addNewSection(/Card List/, /Table1/);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
await gu.undo();
// Add Card List view
await gu.addNewSection(/Chart/, /Table1/);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
await gu.undo();
// Add Custom - no section option by default
await gu.addNewSection(/Custom/, /Table1/);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(TESTER_WIDGET);
assert.isTrue(await hasSectionOption());
await gu.undo(2);
it('should indicate current state', async () => {
// Save button is available under Filter/Sort menu.
// For this custom widget it has four states:
// - Empty: no options are saved
// - Modified: options were set but are not saved yet
// - Customized: options are saved
// - Empty not saved: options are cleared but not saved
// This test test all the available transitions between those four states
const options = {test: 1} as const;
const options2 = {test: 2} as const;
// From the start we should be in empty state
await checkSortMenu('empty');
// Make modification
await widget.setOptions(options);
// State should be modified
await checkSortMenu('modified');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), options);
// Revert, should end up with empty state.
await revertMenu();
await checkSortMenu('empty');
assert.equal(await widget.onOptions(), null);
// Update once again and save.
await widget.setOptions(options);
await saveMenu();
await checkSortMenu('customized');
// Now test if undo works.
await gu.undo();
await checkSortMenu('empty');
assert.equal(await widget.onOptions(), null);
// Update once again and save.
await widget.setOptions(options);
await saveMenu();
// Modify and check the state - should be modified
await widget.setOptions(options2);
await checkSortMenu('modified');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), options2);
await saveMenu();
// Now clear options.
await clearOptions();
await checkSortMenu('emptyNotSaved');
assert.equal(await widget.onOptions(), null);
// And revert
await revertMenu();
await checkSortMenu('customized');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), options2);
// Clear once again and save.
await clearOptions();
await saveMenu();
assert.equal(await widget.onOptions(), null);
await checkSortMenu('empty');
// And check if undo goes to customized
await gu.undo();
await checkSortMenu('customized');
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), options2);
for (const access of ['none', 'read table', 'full'] as const) {
describe(`with ${access} access`, function () {
before(function () {
if (server.isExternalServer()) {
it(`should get null options`, async () => {
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(access);
await widget.waitForFrame();
assert.equal(await widget.onOptions(), null);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), access);
assert.isFalse(await widget.readonly());
it(`should save config options and inform about it the main widget`, async () => {
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(access);
await widget.waitForFrame();
// Save config and check if normal widget received new configuration
const config = {key: 1} as const;
// save options through config,
await widget.setOptions(config);
// make sure custom widget got options,
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), config);
await persistOptions();
// and make sure it will get it once again,
await refresh();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onOptions(), config);
// and can read it on demand
assert.deepEqual(await widget.getOptions(), config);
it(`should save and read options`, async () => {
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(access);
await widget.waitForFrame();
// Make sure get options returns null.
assert.equal(await widget.getOptions(), null);
// Invoke setOptions, should return undefined (no error).
assert.equal(await widget.setOptions({key: 'any'}), null);
// Once again get options, and see if it was saved.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.getOptions(), {key: 'any'});
await widget.clearOptions();
it(`should save and read options by keys`, async () => {
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(access);
await widget.waitForFrame();
// Should support key operations
const set = async (key: string, value: any) => {
assert.equal(await widget.setOption(key, value), undefined);
assert.deepEqual(await widget.getOption(key), value);
await set('one', 1);
await set('two', 2);
assert.deepEqual(await widget.getOptions(), {one: 1, two: 2});
const json = {n: null, json: {value: [1, {val: 'a', bool: true}]}};
await set('json', json);
assert.equal(await widget.clearOptions(), undefined);
assert.equal(await widget.getOptions(), null);
await set('one', 1);
assert.equal(await widget.setOptions({key: 'any'}), undefined);
assert.deepEqual(await widget.getOptions(), {key: 'any'});
await widget.clearOptions();
it(`should call configure method`, async () => {
await gu.changeWidgetAccess(access);
await widget.waitForFrame();
// Make sure configure wasn't called yet.
assert.isFalse(await widget.wasConfigureCalled());
// Open configuration through the creator panel
await driver.find('.test-config-widget-open-configuration').click();
assert.isTrue(await widget.wasConfigureCalled());
// Refresh, and call through the menu.
await refresh();
await gu.waitForDocToLoad();
await widget.waitForFrame();
// Make sure configure wasn't called yet.
assert.isFalse(await widget.wasConfigureCalled());
// Click through the menu.
const menu = await gu.openSectionMenu('viewLayout', 'Widget');
await menu.find('.test-section-open-configuration').click();
assert.isTrue(await widget.wasConfigureCalled());
it('should show options action button', async () => {
// Select widget without options
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(NORMAL_WIDGET);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
// Select widget with options
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(TESTER_WIDGET);
assert.isTrue(await hasSectionOption());
// Select widget without options
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(NORMAL_WIDGET);
assert.isFalse(await hasSectionOption());
it('should prompt user for correct access level', async () => {
// Select widget without request
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(NORMAL_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
assert.isFalse(await gu.hasAccessPrompt());
assert.equal(await gu.widgetAccess(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), AccessLevel.none);
// Select widget that requests read access.
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(READ_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
assert.isTrue(await gu.hasAccessPrompt());
assert.equal(await gu.widgetAccess(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), AccessLevel.none);
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.equal(await gu.widgetAccess(), AccessLevel.read_table);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), AccessLevel.read_table);
// Select widget that requests full access.
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(FULL_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
assert.isTrue(await gu.hasAccessPrompt());
assert.equal(await gu.widgetAccess(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), AccessLevel.none);
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.equal(await gu.widgetAccess(), AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await widget.access(), AccessLevel.full);
await gu.undo(5);
it('should pass readonly mode to custom widget', async () => {
const api = mainSession.createHomeApi();
await api.updateDocPermissions(docId, {users: {'': 'viewers'}});
const viewer = await gu.session().user('support').login();
await viewer.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}`);
// Make sure that widget knows about readonly mode.
assert.isTrue(await widget.readonly());
// Log back
await mainSession.login();
await mainSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}`);
await refresh();
// Poor man widget rpc. Class that invokes various parts in the tester widget.
const widget = {
async waitForPlaceholder() {
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped', 1000).isDisplayed());
// Wait for a frame.
async waitForFrame() {
await driver.findWait(`iframe.test-custom-widget-ready`, 1000);
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('iframe').isDisplayed(), 1000);
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
async waitForPendingRequests() {
await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
await driver.executeScript('grist.testWaitForPendingRequests();');
async content() {
return await this._read('body');
async readonly() {
const text = await this._read('#readonly');
return text === 'true';
async access() {
const text = await this._read('#access');
return text as AccessLevel;
async onRecordMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async onRecords() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecords');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async onRecord() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecord');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
* Reads last mapping parameter received by the widget as part of onRecords call.
async onRecordsMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordsMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async log() {
const text = await this._read('#log');
return text || '';
// Wait for frame to close.
async waitForClose() {
await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('iframe').isPresent()), 3000);
// Wait for the onOptions event, and return its value.
async onOptions() {
const text = await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
// Wait for options to get filled, initially this div is empty,
// as first message it should get at least null as an options.
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('#onOptions').getText(), 3000);
return await driver.find('#onOptions').getText();
return JSON.parse(text);
async wasConfigureCalled() {
const text = await this._read('#configure');
return text === 'called';
async setOptions(options: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOptions', [options]);
async setOption(key: string, value: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOption', [key, value]);
async getOption(key: string) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOption', [key]);
async clearOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearOptions');
async getOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOptions');
async mappings() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('mappings');
async clearLog() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearLog');
// Invoke method on a Custom Widget.
// Each method is available as a button with content that is equal to the method name.
// It accepts single argument, that we pass by serializing it to #input textbox. Widget invokes
// the method and serializes its return value to #output div. When there is an error, it is also
// serialized to the #output div.
async invokeOnWidget(name: string, input?: any[]) {
// Switch to frame.
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
// Clear input box that holds arguments.
await driver.find('#input').click();
await gu.clearInput();
// Serialize argument to the textbox (or leave empty).
if (input !== undefined) {
await driver.sendKeys(JSON.stringify(input));
// Find button that is responsible for invoking method.
await driver.findContent('button', gu.exactMatch(name)).click();
// Wait for the #output div to be filled with a result. Custom Widget will set it to
// "waiting..." before invoking the method.
await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.find('#output').value()) !== 'waiting...');
// Read the result.
const text = await driver.find('#output').getText();
// Switch back to main window.
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
// If the method was a void method, the output will be "undefined".
if (text === 'undefined') {
return; // Simulate void method.
// Result will always be parsed json.
const parsed = JSON.parse(text);
// All exceptions will be serialized to { error : <<Error.message>> }
if (parsed?.error) {
// Rethrow the error.
throw new Error(parsed.error);
} else {
// Or return result.
return parsed;
async _read(selector: string) {
return this._inWidgetIframe(() => driver.find(selector).getText());
async _inWidgetIframe<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>) {
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
const retVal = await callback();
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
return retVal;
* Resets the widget by first selecting Custom URL option from the menu, which clearOptions
* any existing widget state (even if the Custom URL was already selected).
async resetWidget() {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);