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schema.py defines the schema of the tables describing Grist's own data structures. While users can
create tables, add and remove columns, etc, Grist stores various document metadata (about the
users' tables, views, etc.) also in tables.
Before changing this file, please review:
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import six
import actions
def make_column(col_id, col_type, formula='', isFormula=False):
return {
"id": col_id,
"type": col_type,
"isFormula": isFormula,
"formula": formula
def schema_create_actions():
return [
# The document-wide metadata. It's all contained in a single record with id=1.
actions.AddTable("_grist_DocInfo", [
make_column("docId", "Text"), # DEPRECATED: docId is now stored in _gristsys_FileInfo
make_column("peers", "Text"), # DEPRECATED: now _grist_ACLPrincipals is used for this
# Basket id of the document for online storage, if a Basket has been created for it.
make_column("basketId", "Text"),
# Version number of the document. It tells us how to migrate it to reach SCHEMA_VERSION.
make_column("schemaVersion", "Int"),
# Document timezone.
make_column("timezone", "Text"),
# Document settings (excluding timezone).
make_column("documentSettings", "Text"), # JSON string describing document settings
# The names of the user tables. This does NOT include built-in tables.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Tables", [
make_column("tableId", "Text"),
# For a summary table, this points to the corresponding source table.
make_column("summarySourceTable", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
# A table may be marked as "onDemand", which will keep its data out of the data engine, and
# only available to the frontend when requested.
make_column("onDemand", "Bool"),
make_column("rawViewSectionRef", "Ref:_grist_Views_section"),
# All columns in all user tables.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Tables_column", [
make_column("parentId", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("parentPos", "PositionNumber"),
make_column("colId", "Text"),
make_column("type", "Text"),
make_column("widgetOptions","Text"), # JSON extending column's widgetOptions
make_column("isFormula", "Bool"),
make_column("formula", "Text"),
make_column("label", "Text"),
# Normally a change to label changes colId as well, unless untieColIdFromLabel is True.
# (We intentionally pick a variable whose default value is false.)
make_column("untieColIdFromLabel", "Bool"),
# For a group-by column in a summary table, this points to the corresponding source column.
make_column("summarySourceCol", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# Points to a display column, if it exists, for this column.
make_column("displayCol", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# For Ref cols only, points to the column in the pointed-to table, which is to be displayed.
# E.g. Foo.person may have a visibleCol pointing to People.Name, with the displayCol
# pointing to Foo._gristHelper_DisplayX column with the formula "$person.Name".
make_column("visibleCol", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# Points to formula columns that hold conditional formatting rules.
make_column("rules", "RefList:_grist_Tables_column"),
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2872
2021-06-25 20:34:20 +00:00
# Instructions when to recalculate the formula on a column with isFormula=False (previously
# known as a "default formula"). Values are RecalcWhen constants defined below.
make_column("recalcWhen", "Int"),
# List of fields that should trigger a calculation of a formula in a data column. Only
# applies when recalcWhen is RecalcWhen.DEFAULT, and defaults to the empty list.
make_column("recalcDeps", "RefList:_grist_Tables_column"),
# DEPRECATED: Previously used to keep import options, and allow the user to change them.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Imports", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("origFileName", "Text"),
make_column("parseFormula", "Text", isFormula=True,
formula="grist.parseImport(rec, table._engine)"),
# The following translate directly to csv module options. We can use csv.Sniffer to guess
# them based on a sample of the data (it also guesses hasHeaders option).
make_column("delimiter", "Text", formula="','"),
make_column("doublequote", "Bool", formula="True"),
make_column("escapechar", "Text"),
make_column("quotechar", "Text", formula="'\"'"),
make_column("skipinitialspace", "Bool"),
# Other parameters Grist understands.
make_column("encoding", "Text", formula="'utf8'"),
make_column("hasHeaders", "Bool"),
# DEPRECATED: Previously - All external database credentials attached to the document
actions.AddTable("_grist_External_database", [
make_column("host", "Text"),
make_column("port", "Int"),
make_column("username", "Text"),
make_column("dialect", "Text"),
make_column("database", "Text"),
make_column("storage", "Text"),
# DEPRECATED: Previously - Reference to a table from an external database
actions.AddTable("_grist_External_table", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("databaseRef", "Ref:_grist_External_database"),
make_column("tableName", "Text"),
# DEPRECATED: Document tabs that represent a cross-reference between Tables and Views
actions.AddTable("_grist_TableViews", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
# DEPRECATED: Previously used to cross-reference between Tables and Views
actions.AddTable("_grist_TabItems", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
actions.AddTable("_grist_TabBar", [
make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
make_column("tabPos", "PositionNumber"),
# Table for storing the tree of pages. 'pagePos' and 'indentation' columns gives how a page is
# shown in the panel: 'pagePos' determines the page overall position when no pages are collapsed
# (ie: all pages are visible) and 'indentation' gives the level of nesting (depth). Note that
# the parent-child relationships between pages have to be inferred from the variation of
# `indentation` between consecutive pages. For instance a difference of +1 between two
# consecutive pages means that the second page is the child of the first page. A difference of 0
# means that both are siblings and a difference of -1 means that the second page is a sibling to
# the first page parent.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Pages", [
make_column("viewRef", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
make_column("indentation", "Int"),
make_column("pagePos", "PositionNumber"),
# All user views.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Views", [
make_column("name", "Text"),
make_column("type", "Text"), # TODO: Should this be removed?
make_column("layoutSpec", "Text"), # JSON string describing the view layout
# The sections of user views (e.g. a view may contain a list section and a detail section).
# Different sections may need different parameters, so this table includes columns for all
# possible parameters, and any given section will use some subset, depending on its type.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Views_section", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("parentId", "Ref:_grist_Views"),
# parentKey is the type of view section, such as 'list', 'detail', or 'single'.
# TODO: rename this (e.g. to "sectionType").
make_column("parentKey", "Text"),
make_column("title", "Text"),
make_column("defaultWidth", "Int", formula="100"),
make_column("borderWidth", "Int", formula="1"),
make_column("theme", "Text"),
make_column("options", "Text"),
make_column("chartType", "Text"),
make_column("layoutSpec", "Text"), # JSON string describing the record layout
# filterSpec is deprecated as of version 15. Do not remove or reuse.
make_column("filterSpec", "Text"),
make_column("sortColRefs", "Text"),
make_column("linkSrcSectionRef", "Ref:_grist_Views_section"),
make_column("linkSrcColRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
make_column("linkTargetColRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# embedId is deprecated as of version 12. Do not remove or reuse.
make_column("embedId", "Text"),
# The fields of a view section.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Views_section_field", [
make_column("parentId", "Ref:_grist_Views_section"),
make_column("parentPos", "PositionNumber"),
make_column("colRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
make_column("width", "Int"),
make_column("widgetOptions","Text"), # JSON extending field's widgetOptions
# Points to a display column, if it exists, for this field.
make_column("displayCol", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# For Ref cols only, may override the column to be displayed fromin the pointed-to table.
make_column("visibleCol", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# DEPRECATED: replaced with _grist_Filters in version 25. Do not remove or reuse.
make_column("filter", "Text"),
# Points to formula columns that hold conditional formatting rules for this field.
make_column("rules", "RefList:_grist_Tables_column"),
# The code for all of the validation rules available to a Grist document
actions.AddTable("_grist_Validations", [
make_column("formula", "Text"),
make_column("name", "Text"),
make_column("tableRef", "Int")
# The input code and output text and compilation/runtime errors for usercode
actions.AddTable("_grist_REPL_Hist", [
make_column("code", "Text"),
make_column("outputText", "Text"),
make_column("errorText", "Text")
# All of the attachments attached to this document.
actions.AddTable("_grist_Attachments", [
make_column("fileIdent", "Text"), # Checksum of the file contents. It identifies the file
# data in the _gristsys_Files table.
make_column("fileName", "Text"), # User defined file name
make_column("fileType", "Text"), # A string indicating the MIME type of the data
make_column("fileSize", "Int"), # The size in bytes
make_column("imageHeight", "Int"), # height in pixels
make_column("imageWidth", "Int"), # width in pixels
make_column("timeDeleted", "DateTime"),
make_column("timeUploaded", "DateTime")
(core) Initial webhooks implementation Summary: See https://grist.quip.com/VKd3ASF99ezD/Outgoing-Webhooks - 2 new DocApi endpoints: _subscribe and _unsubscribe, not meant to be user friendly or publicly documented. _unsubscribe should be given the response from _subscribe in the body, e.g: ``` $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 8fd4dc59ecb05ab29ae5a183c03101319b8e6ca9" "http://localhost:8080/api/docs/6WYa23FqWxGNe3AR6DLjCJ/tables/Table2/_subscribe" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"url": "https://webhook.site/a916b526-8afc-46e6-aa8f-a625d0d83ec3", "eventTypes": ["add"], "isReadyColumn": "C"}' {"unsubscribeKey":"3246f158-55b5-4fc7-baa5-093b75ffa86c","triggerId":2,"webhookId":"853b4bfa-9d39-4639-aa33-7d45354903c0"} $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 8fd4dc59ecb05ab29ae5a183c03101319b8e6ca9" "http://localhost:8080/api/docs/6WYa23FqWxGNe3AR6DLjCJ/tables/Table2/_unsubscribe" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"unsubscribeKey":"3246f158-55b5-4fc7-baa5-093b75ffa86c","triggerId":2,"webhookId":"853b4bfa-9d39-4639-aa33-7d45354903c0"}' {"success":true} ``` - New DB entity Secret to hold the webhook URL and unsubscribe key - New document metatable _grist_Triggers subscribes to table changes and points to a secret to use for a webhook - New file Triggers.ts processes action summaries and uses the two new tables to send webhooks. - Also went on a bit of a diversion and made a typesafe subclass of TableData for metatables. I think this is essentially good enough for a first diff, to keep the diffs manageable and to talk about the overall structure. Future diffs can add tests and more robustness using redis etc. After this diff I can also start building the Zapier integration privately. Test Plan: Tested manually: see curl commands in summary for an example. Payloads can be seen in https://webhook.site/#!/a916b526-8afc-46e6-aa8f-a625d0d83ec3/0b9fe335-33f7-49fe-b90b-2db5ba53382d/1 . Great site for testing webhooks btw. Reviewers: dsagal, paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3019
2021-09-22 23:06:23 +00:00
# Triggers subscribing to changes in tables
actions.AddTable("_grist_Triggers", [
make_column("tableRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables"),
make_column("eventTypes", "ChoiceList"),
make_column("isReadyColRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
make_column("actions", "Text"), # JSON
# All of the ACL rules.
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLRules', [
make_column('resource', 'Ref:_grist_ACLResources'),
make_column('permissions', 'Int'), # DEPRECATED: permissionsText is used instead.
make_column('principals', 'Text'), # DEPRECATED
# Text of match formula, in restricted Python syntax; "" for default rule.
make_column('aclFormula', 'Text'),
make_column('aclColumn', 'Ref:_grist_Tables_column'), # DEPRECATED
# JSON representation of the parse tree of matchFunc; "" for default rule.
make_column('aclFormulaParsed', 'Text'),
# Permissions in the form '[+<bits>][-<bits>]' where <bits> is a string of
# C,R,U,D,S characters, each appearing at most once. Or the special values
# 'all' or 'none'. The empty string does not affect permissions.
make_column('permissionsText', 'Text'),
# Rules for one resource are ordered by increasing rulePos. The default rule
# should be at the end (later rules would have no effect).
make_column('rulePos', 'PositionNumber'),
# If non-empty, this rule adds extra user attributes. It should contain JSON
# of the form {name, tableId, lookupColId, charId}, and should be tied to the
# resource *:*. It acts by looking up user[charId] in the given tableId on the
# given lookupColId, and adds the full looked-up record as user[name], which
# becomes available to matchFunc. These rules are processed in order of rulePos,
# which should list them before regular rules.
make_column('userAttributes', 'Text'),
# Note that the special resource with tableId of '' and colIds of '' should be ignored. It is
# present to satisfy older versions of Grist (before Nov 2020).
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLResources', [
make_column('tableId', 'Text'), # Name of the table this rule applies to, or '*'
make_column('colIds', 'Text'), # Comma-separated list of colIds, or '*'
# DEPRECATED: All of the principals used by ACL rules, including users, groups, and instances.
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLPrincipals', [
make_column('type', 'Text'), # 'user', 'group', or 'instance'
make_column('userEmail', 'Text'), # For 'user' principals
make_column('userName', 'Text'), # For 'user' principals
make_column('groupName', 'Text'), # For 'group' principals
make_column('instanceId', 'Text'), # For 'instance' principals
# docmodel.py defines further `name` and `allInstances`, and members intended as helpers
# only: `memberships`, `children`, and `descendants`.
# DEPRECATED: Table for containment relationships between Principals, e.g. user contains
# multiple instances, group contains multiple users, and groups may contain other groups.
actions.AddTable('_grist_ACLMemberships', [
make_column('parent', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
make_column('child', 'Ref:_grist_ACLPrincipals'),
actions.AddTable('_grist_Filters', [
make_column("viewSectionRef", "Ref:_grist_Views_section"),
make_column("colRef", "Ref:_grist_Tables_column"),
# JSON string describing the default filter as map from either an `included` or an
# `excluded` string to an array of column values:
# Ex1: { included: ['foo', 'bar'] }
# Ex2: { excluded: ['apple', 'orange'] }
make_column("filter", "Text")
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2872
2021-06-25 20:34:20 +00:00
class RecalcWhen(object):
Constants for column's recalcWhen field, which determine when a formula associated with a data
column would get calculated.
DEFAULT = 0 # Calculate on new records or when any field in recalcDeps changes. If
# recalcDeps includes this column itself, it's a "data-cleaning" formula.
NEVER = 1 # Don't calculate automatically (but user can trigger manually)
MANUAL_UPDATES = 2 # Calculate on new records and on manual updates to any data field.
# These are little structs to represent the document schema that's used in code generation.
# Schema itself (as stored by Engine) is an OrderedDict(tableId -> SchemaTable), with
# SchemaTable.columns being an OrderedDict(colId -> SchemaColumn).
SchemaTable = namedtuple('SchemaTable', ('tableId', 'columns'))
SchemaColumn = namedtuple('SchemaColumn', ('colId', 'type', 'isFormula', 'formula'))
# Helpers to convert between schema structures and dicts used in schema actions.
def dict_to_col(col, col_id=None):
"""Convert dict as used in AddColumn/AddTable actions to a SchemaColumn object."""
return SchemaColumn(col_id or col["id"], col["type"], bool(col["isFormula"]), col["formula"])
def col_to_dict(col, include_id=True):
"""Convert SchemaColumn to dict to use in AddColumn/AddTable actions."""
ret = {"type": col.type, "isFormula": col.isFormula, "formula": col.formula}
if include_id:
ret["id"] = col.colId
return ret
def dict_list_to_cols(dict_list):
"""Convert list of column dicts to an OrderedDict of SchemaColumns."""
return OrderedDict((c["id"], dict_to_col(c)) for c in dict_list)
def cols_to_dict_list(cols):
"""Convert OrderedDict of SchemaColumns to an array of column dicts."""
return [col_to_dict(c) for c in cols.values()]
def clone_schema(schema):
return OrderedDict((t, SchemaTable(s.tableId, s.columns.copy()))
for (t, s) in six.iteritems(schema))
def build_schema(meta_tables, meta_columns, include_builtin=True):
Arguments are TableData objects for the _grist_Tables and _grist_Tables_column tables.
Returns the schema object for engine.py, used in particular in gencode.py.
assert meta_tables.table_id == '_grist_Tables'
assert meta_columns.table_id == '_grist_Tables_column'
# Schema is an OrderedDict.
schema = OrderedDict()
if include_builtin:
for t in schema_create_actions():
schema[t.table_id] = SchemaTable(t.table_id, dict_list_to_cols(t.columns))
# Construct a list of columns sorted by table and position.
collist = sorted(actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_columns),
key=lambda c: (c.parentId, c.parentPos))
coldict = {t: list(cols) for t, cols in itertools.groupby(collist, lambda r: r.parentId)}
for t in actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_tables):
columns = OrderedDict((c.colId, SchemaColumn(c.colId, c.type, bool(c.isFormula), c.formula))
for c in coldict[t.id])
schema[t.tableId] = SchemaTable(t.tableId, columns)
return schema