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(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
import copy
import logging
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
import time
import six
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
import objtypes
import testutil
import test_engine
from schema import RecalcWhen
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def column_error(table, column, user_input):
return objtypes.RaisedException(
AttributeError("Table '%s' has no column '%s'" % (table, column)),
div_error = lambda value: objtypes.RaisedException(ZeroDivisionError("float division by zero"), user_input=value)
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
class TestTriggerFormulas(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
col = testutil.col_schema_row
sample_desc = {
[1, "Creatures", [
col(1, "Name", "Text", False),
col(2, "Ocean", "Ref:Oceans", False),
col(3, "OceanName", "Text", True, "$Ocean.Name"),
col(4, "BossDef", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head"),
col(5, "BossNvr", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.NEVER),
col(6, "BossUpd", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcDeps=[2]),
col(7, "BossAll", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES),
[2, "Oceans", [
col(11, "Name", "Text", False),
col(12, "Head", "Text", False)
"DATA": {
"Creatures": [
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur"],
"Oceans": [
["id", "Name", "Head"],
[1, "Pacific", "Watatsumi"],
[2, "Atlantic", "Poseidon"],
[3, "Indian", "Neptune"],
[4, "Arctic", "Poseidon"],
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc)
def test_no_recalc_on_load(self):
# Trigger formulas don't affect data that's loaded.
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
def test_recalc_on_new_records(self):
# Trigger formulas affect new records.
self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Shark", Ocean=2)
self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Squid", Ocean=1)
# Check that BossNvr ("never") wasn't affected by the default formula, but the rest were.
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
[2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
[3, "Squid", 1, "Watatsumi", "", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ],
def test_no_recalc_on_noop_change(self):
# A no-op change shouldn't trigger any updates.
self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
def test_recalc_on_update(self):
# Changes should trigger recalc of certain trigger formulas.
self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Shark", Ocean=2)
self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Squid", Ocean=1)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
[2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
[3, "Squid", 1, "Watatsumi", "", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ],
self.update_records("Creatures", ["id", "Ocean"], [
[1, 3], # Ocean for 1: Atlantic -> Indian
[3, 4], # Ocean for 3: Pacific -> Arctic
# Only BossUpd and BossAll columns should be affected, not BossDef or BossNvr
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
[2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic"],
[3, "Squid", 4, "Watatsumi", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Arctic" ],
def test_recalc_with_direct_update(self):
# Check that an update that changes both a dependency and the trigger-formula column itself
# respects the latter value.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3, BossUpd="Bob")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Bob", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
# Check that the needed recalcs are the only ones that happened.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"calls": {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=4, BossUpd="", BossAll="Chuck")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 4, "Arthur", "Arthur", "", "Chuck", "Arctic" ],
# Check that the needed recalcs are the only ones that happened.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"calls": {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}}
def test_no_recalc_on_reopen(self):
# Change that a reopen does not recalc at all.
# Load a sample with a few more rows. Only the one true formula should be calculated
sample_desc = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_desc)
sample_desc["DATA"]["Creatures"] = [
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur" ],
[2, "Shark", 2, "", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon"],
[3, "Squid", 4, "Watatsumi", "", "Poseidon", "" ],
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc)
self.assertEqual(self.call_counts, {})
self.assertEqual(self.call_counts, {
'Creatures': {'#lookup#': 3, 'OceanName': 3},
'Oceans': {'#lookup#': 4},
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def test_recalc_undo(self):
data0 = [
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data0)
# Plain update
out_actions1 = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=1)
data1 = [
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 1, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ],
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data1)
self.assertEqual(out_actions1.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# Update with a manual update to one of the trigger columns
out_actions2 = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3, BossUpd="Bob")
data2 = [
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Bob", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=data2)
self.assertEqual(out_actions2.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# Undo, one at a time. It should not cause recalc of trigger columns, because an undo sets
# those explicitly.
out_actions2_undo = self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions2.undo)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data1)
self.assertEqual(out_actions2_undo.calls, {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}})
out_actions1_undo = self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions1.undo)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data0)
self.assertEqual(out_actions1_undo.calls, {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}})
def test_recalc_triggers(self):
# A trigger that depends on some columns should not be triggered by other ones.
# BossUpd and BossAll both depend on the "Ocean" column, so both get updated.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# Undo, then check that a change that doesn't touch Ocean only triggers BossAll recalc.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1}})
def test_recalc_trigger_changes(self):
# After changing a trigger formula dependencies, changes to the old dependency should no
# longer cause a recalc.
# Change column BossUpd to depend on column Name rather than on column Ocean.
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 1])
# Make a change to Ocean. It should not cause an update to BossUpd, only BossAll.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# But changes to the new dependency should trigger recalc.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1}})
# If dependencies are changed to empty, only new records should cause BossUpd recalc.
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L'])
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Porpoise", Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Porpoise", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Porpoise", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
{"Creatures": {"BossDef": 1, "BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1, "#lookup#": 1}})
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def test_recalc_trigger_off(self):
# Change BossUpd dependency to never, and check that neither changes nor new records cause
# recalc.
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.NEVER)
# Check a change
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale", Ocean=3)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# Check a new record -- doesn't affect BossUpd any more.
out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ],
{"Creatures": {"BossDef": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1, "#lookup#": 1}})
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def test_renames(self):
# After renaming tables or columns, trigger formulas should still be triggered the same way.
# Do some renamings: they shouldn't trigger updates to trigger formulas.
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Creatures", "Ocean", "Sea"])
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Creatures", "BossUpd", "foo"])
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Creatures", "Critters"])
self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Critters", "BossAll", "bar"])
self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ],
# After renames, correct trigger formulas continue getting triggered.
out_actions = self.update_record("Critters", 1, Sea=3)
self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Critters": {"foo": 1, "bar": 1, "OceanName": 1}})
# After renames, changes shouldn't trigger unnecessary recalcs (foo, formerly BossUpd, should
# not be triggered by a change to Name).
out_actions = self.update_record("Critters", 1, Name="Whale")
self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[
["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Critters": {"bar": 1}})
def test_schema_changes(self):
# Schema changes like add/modify column should not cause trigger-formulas to recalculate.
# Adding a column doesn't trigger recalcs.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["AddColumn", "Creatures", "Size", {"type": "Text", "isFormula": False}])
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", ""],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {})
# Only BossAll should recalc since the record changed.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Size="Big")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Big"],
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1}})
# New records trigger recalc as usual.
out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Big"],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", ""],
# ModifyColumn doesn't trigger recalcs.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "Creatures", "Size", {"type": 'Numeric'}])
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {})
def test_changing_trigger_formula(self):
# Modifying trigger formula doesn't trigger recalc.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "Creatures", "BossAll", {"formula": 'UPPER($Ocean.Head)'}])
self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {})
# But when it runs, recalc uses the new formula.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Whale", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "POSEIDON", "Atlantic" ],
def test_remove_dependency(self):
# Remove a dependency column, and check that recalcDeps list is updated.
def get_recalc_deps(col_ref):
data = self.engine.fetch_table('_grist_Tables_column', col_ref, query={'id': [col_ref]})
return data.columns['recalcDeps'][0]
self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [2])
# Add another dependency, so that we can test partial removal.
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [2, 3])
# Remove a column that it's a Dependency of BossUpd
self.apply_user_action(["RemoveColumn", "Creatures", "Ocean"])
self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [3])
self.apply_user_action(["RemoveColumn", "Creatures", "OceanName"])
self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), None)
# None of these operations should have changed trigger-formula columns.
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll"],
[1, "Dolphin", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur" ],
# Check that it still responds to suitable triggers.
# Make a change to some other column. BossUpd doesn't get updated.
out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ],
[1, "Whale", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", column_error("Creatures", "Ocean", "Arthur")],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
# Add a record. BossUpd's formula still runs, though with an error.
no_column = column_error("Creatures", "Ocean", "")
no_column_value = column_error("Creatures", "Ocean", "Arthur")
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ],
[1, "Whale", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", no_column_value],
[2, "Manatee", no_column, "", no_column, no_column],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def test_no_trigger_by_formulas(self):
# A column that depends on any record update ("allupdates") should not be affected by formula
# recalculations.
# Name of Ocean affects a formula column; Head affects calculation; neither triggers recalc.
self.update_record('Oceans', 2, Head="POSEIDON", Name="ATLANTIC")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "ATLANTIC" ],
self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "ATLANTIC" ],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "POSEIDON", "", "POSEIDON", "POSEIDON", "ATLANTIC" ],
# On the other hand, an explicit dependency on a formula column WILL be triggered.
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 2, 3])
self.update_record('Oceans', 2, Name="atlantic")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "POSEIDON", "Arthur", "atlantic" ],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "POSEIDON", "", "POSEIDON", "POSEIDON", "atlantic" ],
def test_no_auto_dependencies(self):
# Evaluating a trigger formula should not create dependencies on cells used during
# evaluation.
self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
# Update a value that trigger-cells used during calculation; it should not cause a recalc.
self.update_record('Oceans', 3, Head="NEPTUNE")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ],
def test_self_trigger(self):
# A trigger formula may be triggered by changes to the column itself.
# Check that it gets recalculated.
sample_desc = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_desc)
creatures_table = sample_desc["SCHEMA"][0]
creatures_columns = creatures_table[-1]
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
# Set BossUpd column to depend on Ocean and itself.
# Append something to ensure we are testing a case without a fixed point, to ensure
# that doesn't cause an infinite update loop.
self.assertEqual(creatures_columns[5][1], "BossUpd")
creatures_columns[5] = testutil.col_schema_row(
6, "BossUpd", "Text", False, "UPPER(value or $Ocean.Head) + '+'", recalcDeps=[2, 6]
# Previously there were various bugs with trigger formulas in columns involved in lookups:
# 1. They did not recalculate their trigger formulas after changes to themselves
# 2. They calculated the formula twice for new records
# 3. The lookups returned incorrect results
21, "Lookup", "Any", True, "Creatures.lookupRecords(BossUpd=$BossUpd).id"
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef","BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Lookup"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" , [1]],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
self.update_record('Creatures', 1, Ocean=3)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Lookup"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "ARTHUR+", "Neptune", "Indian" , [1]],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
self.update_record('Creatures', 1, BossUpd="None")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Lookup"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "NONE+", "Neptune", "Indian" , [1]],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
self.update_record('Creatures', 1, BossUpd="")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Lookup"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "NEPTUNE+","Neptune", "Indian" , [1]],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
# Ensuring trigger formula isn't called twice for new records
self.add_record('Creatures', BossUpd="Zeus")
self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "BossUpd", "Lookup"],
[2, "ZEUS+" , [2]],
(core) Implement trigger formulas (generalizing default formulas) Summary: Trigger formulas can be calculated for new records, or for new records and updates to certain fields, or all fields. They do not recalculate on open, and they MAY be set directly by the user, including for data-cleaning. - Column metadata now includes recalcWhen and recalcDeps fields. - Trigger formulas are NOT recalculated on open or on schema changes. - When recalcWhen is "never", formula isn't calculated even for new records. - When recalcWhen is "allupdates", formula is calculated for new records and any manual (non-formula) updates to the record. - When recalcWhen is "", formula is calculated for new records, and changes to recalcDeps fields (which may be formula fields or column itself). - A column whose recalcDeps includes itself is a "data-cleaning" column; a value set by the user will still trigger the formula. - All trigger-formulas receive a "value" argument (to support the case above). Small changes - Update RefLists (used for recalcDeps) when target rows are deleted. - Add RecordList.__contains__ (for `rec in refList` or `id in refList` checks) - Clarify that Calculate action has replaced load_done() in practice, and use it in tests too, to better match reality. Left for later: - UI for setting recalcWhen / recalcDeps. - Implementation of actions such as "Recalculate for all cells". - Allowing trigger-formulas access to the current user's info. Test Plan: Added a comprehensive python-side test for various trigger combinations Reviewers: paulfitz, alexmojaki Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision:
3 years ago
def test_last_update_recipe(self):
# Use a formula to store time of last-update. Check that it works as expected.
# Check that times don't update on reload.
self.add_column('Creatures', 'LastChange',
type='DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula="NOW()", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES)
# To compare times, use actual times after checking approximately.
now = time.time()
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", None],
self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2)
self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3)
now = time.time()
[time1, time2] = self.engine.fetch_table('Creatures').columns['LastChange']
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", time1],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", time2],
self.assertLessEqual(abs(time1 - now), 1)
self.assertLessEqual(abs(time2 - now), 1)
# An indirect change doesn't affect the time, but a direct change does.
self.update_record("Oceans", 2, Name="ATLANTIC")
self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale")
[time3, time4] = self.engine.fetch_table('Creatures').columns['LastChange']
self.assertGreater(time3, time1)
self.assertEqual(time4, time2)
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", time3],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "ATLANTIC", time2],
def test_last_modified_by_recipe(self):
user1 = {
'Name': 'Foo Bar',
'UserID': 1,
'UserRef': '1',
'StudentInfo': ['Students', 1],
'LinkKey': {},
'Origin': None,
'Email': '',
'Access': 'owners',
'SessionID': 'u1',
(core) add initial support for special shares Summary: This gives a mechanism for controlling access control within a document that is distinct from (though implemented with the same machinery as) granular access rules. It was hard to find a good way to insert this that didn't dissolve in a soup of complications, so here's what I went with: * When reading rules, if there are shares, extra rules are added. * If there are shares, all rules are made conditional on a "ShareRef" user property. * "ShareRef" is null when a doc is accessed in normal way, and the row id of a share when accessed via a share. There's no UI for controlling shares (George is working on it for forms), but you can do it by editing a `_grist_Shares` table in a document. Suppose you make a fresh document with a single page/table/widget, then to create an empty share you can do: ``` gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['AddRecord', '_grist_Shares', null, {linkId: 'xyz', options: '{"publish": true}'}]) ``` If you look at the home db now there should be something in the `shares` table: ``` $ sqlite3 -table landing.db "select * from shares" +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ | id | key | doc_id | link_id | options | +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K | 4qYuace1xP2CTcPunFdtan | xyz | ... | +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ ``` If you take the key from that (gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K in this case) and replace the document's urlId in its URL with `s.<key>` (in this case `s.gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K` then you can use the regular document landing page (it will be quite blank initially) or API endpoint via the share. E.g. for me `http://localhost:8080/o/docs/s0gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K/share-inter-3` accesses the doc. To actually share some material - useful commands: ``` gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section').getRecords() gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 1, {shareOptions: '{"publish": true, "form": true}'}]) gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Pages').getRecords() gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Pages', 1, {shareRef: 1}]) ``` For a share to be effective, at least one page needs to have its shareRef set to the rowId of the share, and at least one widget on one of those pages needs to have its shareOptions set to {"publish": "true", "form": "true"} (meaning turn on sharing, and include form sharing), and the share itself needs {"publish": true} on its options. I think special shares are kind of incompatible with public sharing, since by their nature (allowing access to all endpoints) they easily expose the docId, and changing that would be hard. Test Plan: tests added Reviewers: dsagal, georgegevoian Reviewed By: dsagal, georgegevoian Subscribers: jarek, dsagal Differential Revision:
5 months ago
'IsLoggedIn': True,
'ShareRef': None
user2 = {
'Name': 'Baz Qux',
'UserID': 2,
'UserRef': '2',
'StudentInfo': ['Students', 1],
'LinkKey': {},
'Origin': None,
'Email': '',
'Access': 'owners',
'SessionID': 'u2',
(core) add initial support for special shares Summary: This gives a mechanism for controlling access control within a document that is distinct from (though implemented with the same machinery as) granular access rules. It was hard to find a good way to insert this that didn't dissolve in a soup of complications, so here's what I went with: * When reading rules, if there are shares, extra rules are added. * If there are shares, all rules are made conditional on a "ShareRef" user property. * "ShareRef" is null when a doc is accessed in normal way, and the row id of a share when accessed via a share. There's no UI for controlling shares (George is working on it for forms), but you can do it by editing a `_grist_Shares` table in a document. Suppose you make a fresh document with a single page/table/widget, then to create an empty share you can do: ``` gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['AddRecord', '_grist_Shares', null, {linkId: 'xyz', options: '{"publish": true}'}]) ``` If you look at the home db now there should be something in the `shares` table: ``` $ sqlite3 -table landing.db "select * from shares" +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ | id | key | doc_id | link_id | options | +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K | 4qYuace1xP2CTcPunFdtan | xyz | ... | +----+------------------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+ ``` If you take the key from that (gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K in this case) and replace the document's urlId in its URL with `s.<key>` (in this case `s.gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K` then you can use the regular document landing page (it will be quite blank initially) or API endpoint via the share. E.g. for me `http://localhost:8080/o/docs/s0gSL4g38PsyautLHnjmXh2K/share-inter-3` accesses the doc. To actually share some material - useful commands: ``` gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section').getRecords() gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 1, {shareOptions: '{"publish": true, "form": true}'}]) gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Pages').getRecords() gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docData.sendAction(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Pages', 1, {shareRef: 1}]) ``` For a share to be effective, at least one page needs to have its shareRef set to the rowId of the share, and at least one widget on one of those pages needs to have its shareOptions set to {"publish": "true", "form": "true"} (meaning turn on sharing, and include form sharing), and the share itself needs {"publish": true} on its options. I think special shares are kind of incompatible with public sharing, since by their nature (allowing access to all endpoints) they easily expose the docId, and changing that would be hard. Test Plan: tests added Reviewers: dsagal, georgegevoian Reviewed By: dsagal, georgegevoian Subscribers: jarek, dsagal Differential Revision:
5 months ago
'IsLoggedIn': True,
'ShareRef': None
# Use formula to store last modified by data (user name and email). Check that it works as expected.
self.add_column('Creatures', 'LastModifiedBy', type='Text', isFormula=False,
formula="user.Name + ' <' + user.Email + '>'", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"],
[1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", ""],
['AddRecord', "Creatures", None, {"Name": "Manatee", "Ocean": 2}],
['UpdateRecord', "Creatures", 1, {"Ocean": 3}],
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"],
[1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", "Baz Qux <>"],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Foo Bar <>"],
# An indirect change doesn't affect the user, but a direct change does.
['UpdateRecord', "Oceans", 2, {"Name": "ATLANTIC"}],
['UpdateRecord', "Creatures", 1, {"Name": "Whale"}],
self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[
["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"],
[1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", "Foo Bar <>"],
[2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "ATLANTIC", "Foo Bar <>"],
sample_desc_math = {
[1, "Math", [
col(1, "A", "Numeric", False),
col(2, "B", "Numeric", False),
col(3, "C", "Numeric", False, "1/$A + 1/$B", recalcDeps=[1]),
"DATA": {
sample_math = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc_math)
def test_triggers_on_error(self):
# In case of an error in a trigger formula can be reevaluated when new value is provided
self.add_record("Math", A=0, B=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 0, 1, div_error(0)],
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 1, 1, 2],
# When the error is cased by external column, formula is not reevaluated
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=2, B=0)
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 1, 0, div_error(2)],
self.update_record("Math", 1, B=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 1, 1, div_error(2)],
def test_traceback_available_for_trigger_formula(self):
# In case of an error engine is able to retrieve a traceback.
self.add_record("Math", A=0, B=0)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 0, 0, div_error(0)],
message = 'float division by zero'
if six.PY3:
message += """
A `ZeroDivisionError` occurs when you are attempting to divide a value
by zero either directly or by using some other mathematical operation.
You are dividing by the following term
which is equal to zero."""
self.assertFormulaError(self.engine.get_formula_error('Math', 'C', 1),
ZeroDivisionError, message,
r"1/rec\.A \+ 1/rec\.B")
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=1)
# Updating B should remove the traceback from an error, but the error should remain.
self.update_record("Math", 1, B=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 1, 1, div_error(0)],
error = self.engine.get_formula_error('Math', 'C', 1)
self.assertFormulaError(error, ZeroDivisionError, 'float division by zero')
self.assertEqual(error.details, objtypes.RaisedException(ZeroDivisionError()).no_traceback().details)
def test_undo_should_restore_dependencies(self):
Test case for a bug. Undo wasn't restoring trigger formula dependencies.
self.add_record("Math", A=1, B=1)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 1, 1, 1/1 + 1/1],
# Remove deps from C.
out_actions = self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 3, recalcDeps=None)
# Make sure that trigger is not fired.
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=0.5)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 0.5, 1, 1/1 + 1/1], # C is not recalculated
# Apply undo action.
# Invoke trigger by updating A, and make sure C is updated.
self.update_record("Math", 1, A=0.2)
self.assertTableData("Math", data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C"],
[1, 0.2, 1, 1/0.2 + 1/1], # C is recalculated