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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.gfui; import gplx.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class TabBox_tst {
// @Before public void setup() {
// fx = TabBoxFxt.new_();
// } TabBoxFxt fx;
@Test public void Add() {
// fx.Make(1).tst_Selected("0").FetchBtnAt(0).tst_X(0);
// fx.Make(3).tst_Selected("2").FetchBtnAt(2).tst_X(160);
// @Test public void Del_at() {
// fx.Make(2).Del_at(1).tst_Btns("0");
// fx.Make(2).Del_at(0).tst_Btns("1");
// fx.Make(3).Del_at(0).tst_Btns("1", "2");
// fx.Make(3).Del_at(1).tst_Btns("0", "2");
// fx.Make(3).Del_at(2).tst_Btns("0", "1");
// fx.Make(3).Select(1).Del_at(1).tst_Selected("2"); // 1 deleted; 2 shifted down into slot
// fx.Make(3).Select(1).Del_at(0).tst_Selected("1"); // 0 deleted; 1 still remains active (but will have idx of 0
// fx.Make(3).Select(2).Del_at(2).tst_Selected("1"); // 2 deleted; 1 selected
// }
// @Test public void Selected_byAdd() {
// fx.Make(2).Select(0).tst_Selected("0").Select(1).tst_Selected("1");
// }
// @Test public void Selected_byBtn() {
// fx.Make(2).tst_Selected("1");
// GfuiBtn btn = fx.TabBox().SubBtnArea().Get_at(0);
// btn.Click();
// fx.tst_Selected("0");
// }
// @Test public void ReorderTab() {
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(0, -1).tst_Raised(false);
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(2, 1).tst_Raised(false);
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(0, 1).tst_Btns("1", "0", "2").tst_Raised(true).tst_FocusOrder();
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(0, 2).tst_Btns("1", "2", "0").tst_Raised(true).tst_FocusOrder();
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(2, -1).tst_Btns("0", "2", "1").tst_Raised(true).tst_FocusOrder();
// fx.Make(3).Reorder(0, 1).Reorder(1, 2).tst_Btns("0", "2", "1").tst_Raised(true);//.tst_FocusOrder(); // FIXME: broken after FocusOrder set for entire form (instead of per container)
// }
class GfuiElemFxt {
public GfuiElem UnderElem() {return underElem;} GfuiElem underElem;
@gplx.Internal protected GfuiElemFxt tst_X(int expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, underElem.X()); return this;}
public static GfuiElemFxt new_(GfuiElem elem) {
GfuiElemFxt rv = new GfuiElemFxt();
rv.underElem = elem;
return rv;
} GfuiElemFxt() {}
class TabBoxFxt implements GfoInvkAble {
@gplx.Internal protected TabBox TabBox() {return tabBox;}
@gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt Make(int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < tabBox.Tabs_Count(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
tabBox.Tabs_Add(Int_.Xto_str(i), Int_.Xto_str(i));
return this;
@gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt Del_at(int index) {tabBox.Tabs_DelAt(index); return this;}
// @gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt Select(int index) {tabBox.Tabs_Select(index); return this;}
@gplx.Internal protected GfuiElemFxt FetchBtnAt(int index) {
GfuiBtn btn = (GfuiBtn)tabBox.BtnBox().SubElems().Get_at(index);
GfuiElemFxt fx_elem = GfuiElemFxt.new_(btn);
return fx_elem;
// @gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt tst_BtnX(int idx, int expdX) {
// Tfds.Eq(expdX, tabBox.SubBtnArea().Get_at(idx).X());
// return this;
// }
@gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt tst_Selected(String expd) {
TabPnlItm curTab = tabBox.Tabs_SelectedItm();
GfuiBtn btn = (GfuiBtn)tabBox.BtnBox().SubElems().Get_at(curTab.Idx());
Tfds.Eq(expd, btn.Text());
return this;
@gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt tst_Btns(String... expd) {
String[] actl = new String[tabBox.Tabs_Count() ];
for (int i = 0; i < tabBox.Tabs_Count() ; i++) {
GfuiBtn button = (GfuiBtn)tabBox.BtnBox().SubElems().Get_at(i);
actl[i] = button.TextMgr().Val();
Tfds.Eq_ary(expd, actl);
return this;
// @gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt tst_Raised(boolean expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, received != null); return this;}
// @gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt Reorder(int i, int delta) {
// tabBox.Width_(240); // needed for lytMgr
// TabBnd_reorderTab reorderBnd = TabBnd_reorderTab._;
// received = null;
// TabPnl pnl = tabBox.Tabs_FetchAt(i);
// reorderBnd.MoveTab(pnl.SubTabBtn(), delta);
// return this;
// }
// @gplx.Internal protected TabBoxFxt tst_FocusOrder() {
// for (int i = 0; i < tabBox.SubBtnArea().SubZones().Get_at(0).Count(); i++) {
// GfuiElem subBtn = (GfuiElem)tabBox.SubBtnArea().SubZones().Get_at(0).Get_at(i);
// Tfds.Eq(i, subBtn.UnderElem().Core().Focus_index());
// }
// return this;
// }
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, OrderChangedReceived_cmd)) OrderChangedReceived(m);
else return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;
return this;
} public static final String OrderChangedReceived_cmd = "OrderChangedReceived";
TabBox tabBox;
public static TabBoxFxt new_() {
TabBoxFxt rv = new TabBoxFxt();
rv.tabBox = TabBox_.new_();
return rv;
} TabBoxFxt() {}
void OrderChangedReceived(GfoMsg msg) {
} //int[] received = null;