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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*;
import gplx.core.strings.*;
class GfmlStringHighlighter {
public String Raw() {return raw;} public GfmlStringHighlighter Raw_(String v) {raw = v; return this;} private String raw;
public int ExcerptLen() {return excerptLen;} public GfmlStringHighlighter ExcerptLen_(int v) {excerptLen = v; return this;} int excerptLen = 40;
public GfmlStringHighlighter Mark_(int pos, char c, String msg) {
marks.Add(new GfmlStringHighlighterMarker().Pos_(pos).Sym_(c).Msg_(msg));
return this;
int XtoBgnPos(int pos, int prvEndPos) {
int rv = pos - excerptLen;
if (rv < prvEndPos) rv = prvEndPos; // ensure bgnPos is not < prev end pos; ex: marks of 5,12; at 12, bgnPos = 2 which is less than 5; make 5
return rv;
public String[] Gen() {
String_bldr posBfr = String_bldr_.new_(), rawBfr = String_bldr_.new_(), symBfr = String_bldr_.new_();
List_adp symList = List_adp_.New();
int bgnPos = 0, endPos = 0;
int rawLen = String_.Len(raw); int rawLenDigits = Int_.DigitCount(rawLen);
int rawBfrBgn = -1, marksLastIdx = marks.Idx_last();
for (int i = 0; i < marks.Count(); i++) {
GfmlStringHighlighterMarker curMark = (GfmlStringHighlighterMarker)marks.Get_at(i);
GfmlStringHighlighterMarker nxtMark = i == marksLastIdx ? GfmlStringHighlighterMarker.Null : (GfmlStringHighlighterMarker)marks.Get_at(i + 1);
// bgnPos
bgnPos = XtoBgnPos(curMark.Pos(), endPos);
if (i == 0) rawBfrBgn = bgnPos;
// endPos
int nxtMarkPos = nxtMark == GfmlStringHighlighterMarker.Null ? Int_.Max_value : nxtMark.Pos();
endPos = curMark.Pos() + excerptLen;
if (endPos >= nxtMarkPos) endPos = nxtMarkPos;
if (endPos > rawLen ) endPos = rawLen + 1;
// build bfrs
for (int j = bgnPos; j < endPos; j++) {
char rawChar = j == rawLen ? ' ' : String_.CharAt(raw, j);
if (rawChar == '\t') {posBfr.Add("t"); rawBfr.Add(" ");}
else if (rawChar == '\n') {posBfr.Add("n"); rawBfr.Add(" ");}
else {
char posChar = j == rawLen ? '>' : ' ';
char symChar = j == curMark.Pos() ? curMark.Sym() : ' ';
// gap
int nxtMarkBgn = XtoBgnPos(nxtMark.Pos(), endPos);
int gap = nxtMarkBgn - endPos;
if (gap > 0) {
int gapDigits = Int_.DigitCount(gap);
posBfr.Add_fmt("[{0}]", Int_.To_str_pad_bgn_zero(gap, gapDigits));
rawBfr.Add_fmt("[{0}]", String_.Repeat(".", gapDigits));
symBfr.Add_fmt(" {0} ", String_.Repeat(" ", gapDigits));
if (curMark.Sym() != ' ')
symList.Add(String_.Format("[{0}] {1} {2}", Int_.To_str_pad_bgn_zero(curMark.Pos(), rawLenDigits), curMark.Sym(), curMark.Msg()));
if (rawBfrBgn == 0) {
posBfr.Add_at(0, "<");
rawBfr.Add_at(0, " ");
symBfr.Add_at(0, " ");
List_adp rv = List_adp_.New();
if (symList.Count() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < symList.Count(); i++)
return rv.To_str_ary();
List_adp marks = List_adp_.New();
public static GfmlStringHighlighter new_() {
GfmlStringHighlighter rv = new GfmlStringHighlighter();
return rv;
} GfmlStringHighlighter() {}
class GfmlStringHighlighterMarker {
public int Pos() {return pos;} public GfmlStringHighlighterMarker Pos_(int v) {pos = v; return this;} int pos;
public char Sym() {return sym;} public GfmlStringHighlighterMarker Sym_(char v) {sym = v; return this;} char sym;
public String Msg() {return msg;} public GfmlStringHighlighterMarker Msg_(String v) {msg = v; return this;} private String msg;
public static final GfmlStringHighlighterMarker Null = new GfmlStringHighlighterMarker().Pos_(-1);