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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
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package gplx.objects.primitives;
public class Double_ {
public static final String Cls_val_name = "double";
public static final Class<?> Cls_ref_type = Double.class;
public static String ToStrByPrintF(double val) {
// call sprintf-like format; EX:"sprintf((s), "%.14g", (n));"
return TrimZeroes(String.format("%.14g", val));
public static String TrimZeroes(String valStr) { // TEST
// NOTE:this function was originally in LuaDouble; it was refactored for clarity, and also to handle trimming zeroes from exponent; EX:"e-05" ISSUE#:697; DATE:2020-08-12
int valStrLen = valStr.length();
boolean startTrimming = true; // will be set to true at end of string (12.00), or before "e" (1.00e5)
boolean trimmingZeroes = false;
int trimIdx = -1;
int expIdx = -1;
// read backwards from end of string
for (int i = valStrLen - 1; i > -1; i--) {
switch (valStr.charAt(i)) {
case '0':
// if startTrimming is true, then enable trimmingZeroes; should only occur twice; (1) end of string ("12.00"); (2) before "e" ("1.00e5")
if (startTrimming) {
startTrimming = false;
trimmingZeroes = true;
// if trimmingZeroes, set trimIdx just before this `0`
if (trimmingZeroes)
trimIdx = i;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
// disable trimmingZeroes; EX: "12.30"
trimmingZeroes = false;
startTrimming = false; // mark startTrimming false else will gobble up zeroes before numbers; EX: "0.00001" x> "0.1"; ISSUE#:697; DATE:2020-08-11
case '-': // ignore scientific notation or negative sign; EX: "5.0e-17", "-1"
case 'e': // scientific notation; reset startTrimming; EX: 5.0000000000000e-17
expIdx = i;
startTrimming = true;
case '.':
// if still trimmingZeroes, and reached decimalPoint, then update trimIdx to truncate decimalPoint also; EX: "123.0000" -> "123" x> "123."
if (trimmingZeroes)
trimIdx = i;
// trimIdx has been set
if (trimIdx != -1) {
if (expIdx == -1) { // decimal; EX: "12.00"
valStr = valStr.substring(0, trimIdx);
else { // exponent; "1.00e5"
// get exponent portion; EX: "e-05"
String expStr = valStr.substring(expIdx, valStrLen);
int expStrLen = expStr.length();
// set expSymIdx to be after "e" or "e-"
int expSymIdx = 1; // skip the "e"
if (expSymIdx < expStrLen && !Character.isDigit(expStr.charAt(expSymIdx))) { // skip "-" if it's there
// exponent can have 0s; skip them; EX: 1.1e-05
int expNumIdx = expSymIdx;
for (int j = expNumIdx; j < expStrLen; j++) {
if (expStr.charAt(j) == '0') { // skip zeroes
else {
// now stitch it together
valStr = valStr.substring(0, trimIdx)
+ expStr.substring(0, expSymIdx) // add "e-"
+ expStr.substring(expNumIdx); // add numbers with any leading zeroes trimmed
// NOTE: "e" needs to be uppercased to "E"; PAGE:en.w:List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population
if (expIdx != -1) {
valStr = valStr.toUpperCase();
i = -1; // no more trimming needed before decimalPoint; stop looping
default: // anything else; stop looping
i = -1;
return valStr;