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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

, "ab":"abkhaze"
, "ace":"aceh"
, "ach":"acoli"
, "ada":"adangme"
, "ady":"adyghéen"
, "ae":"avestique"
, "aeb":"arabe tunisien"
, "af":"afrikaans"
, "afh":"afrihili"
, "agq":"aghem"
, "ain":"aïnou"
, "ak":"akan"
, "akk":"akkadien"
, "akz":"alabama"
, "ale":"aléoute"
, "aln":"guègue"
, "alt":"altaï du Sud"
, "am":"amharique"
, "an":"aragonais"
, "ang":"ancien anglais"
, "anp":"angika"
, "ar":"arabe"
, "ar-001":"arabe standard moderne"
, "arc":"araméen"
, "arn":"mapuche"
, "aro":"araona"
, "arp":"arapaho"
, "arq":"arabe algérien"
, "ars":"arabe najdi"
, "arw":"arawak"
, "ary":"arabe marocain"
, "arz":"arabe égyptien"
, "as":"assamais"
, "asa":"assou"
, "ase":"langue des signes américaine"
, "ast":"asturien"
, "av":"avar"
, "avk":"kotava"
, "awa":"awadhi"
, "ay":"aymara"
, "az":"azéri"
, "ba":"bachkir"
, "bal":"baloutchi"
, "ban":"balinais"
, "bar":"bavarois"
, "bas":"bassa"
, "bax":"bamoun"
, "bbc":"batak toba"
, "bbj":"ghomala"
, "be":"biélorusse"
, "bej":"bedja"
, "bem":"bemba"
, "bew":"betawi"
, "bez":"béna"
, "bfd":"bafut"
, "bfq":"badaga"
, "bg":"bulgare"
, "bgn":"baloutchi occidental"
, "bho":"bhojpuri"
, "bi":"bichelamar"
, "bik":"bikol"
, "bin":"bini"
, "bjn":"banjar"
, "bkm":"kom"
, "bla":"siksika"
, "bm":"bambara"
, "bn":"bengali"
, "bo":"tibétain"
, "bpy":"bishnupriya"
, "bqi":"bakhtiari"
, "br":"breton"
, "bra":"braj"
, "brh":"brahoui"
, "brx":"bodo"
, "bs":"bosniaque"
, "bss":"akoose"
, "bua":"bouriate"
, "bug":"bugi"
, "bum":"boulou"
, "byn":"blin"
, "byv":"médumba"
, "ca":"catalan"
, "cad":"caddo"
, "car":"caribe"
, "cay":"cayuga"
, "cch":"atsam"
, "ce":"tchétchène"
, "ceb":"cebuano"
, "cgg":"kiga"
, "ch":"chamorro"
, "chb":"chibcha"
, "chg":"tchaghataï"
, "chk":"chuuk"
, "chm":"mari"
, "chn":"jargon chinook"
, "cho":"choctaw"
, "chp":"chipewyan"
, "chr":"cherokee"
, "chy":"cheyenne"
, "ckb":"sorani"
, "co":"corse"
, "cop":"copte"
, "cps":"capiznon"
, "cr":"cree"
, "crh":"turc de Crimée"
, "crs":"créole seychellois"
, "cs":"tchèque"
, "csb":"kachoube"
, "cu":"slavon déglise"
, "cv":"tchouvache"
, "cy":"gallois"
, "da":"danois"
, "dak":"dakota"
, "dar":"dargwa"
, "dav":"taita"
, "de":"allemand"
, "de-at":"allemand autrichien"
, "de-ch":"allemand suisse"
, "del":"delaware"
, "den":"esclave"
, "dgr":"dogrib"
, "din":"dinka"
, "dje":"zarma"
, "doi":"dogri"
, "dsb":"bas-sorabe"
, "dtp":"dusun central"
, "dua":"douala"
, "dum":"moyen néerlandais"
, "dv":"maldivien"
, "dyo":"diola-fogny"
, "dyu":"dioula"
, "dz":"dzongkha"
, "dzg":"dazaga"
, "ebu":"embou"
, "ee":"éwé"
, "efi":"éfik"
, "egl":"émilien"
, "egy":"égyptien ancien"
, "eka":"ékadjouk"
, "el":"grec"
, "elx":"élamite"
, "en":"anglais"
, "en-au":"anglais australien"
, "en-ca":"anglais canadien"
, "en-gb":"anglais britannique"
, "en-us":"anglais américain"
, "enm":"moyen anglais"
, "eo":"espéranto"
, "es":"espagnol"
, "esu":"youpik central"
, "et":"estonien"
, "eu":"basque"
, "ewo":"éwondo"
, "ext":"estrémègne"
, "fa":"persan"
, "fan":"fang"
, "fat":"fanti"
, "ff":"peul"
, "fi":"finnois"
, "fil":"filipino"
, "fit":"finnois tornédalien"
, "fj":"fidjien"
, "fo":"féroïen"
, "fon":"fon"
, "fr":"français"
, "fr-ca":"français canadien"
, "fr-ch":"français suisse"
, "frc":"français cadien"
, "frm":"moyen français"
, "fro":"ancien français"
, "frp":"francoprovençal"
, "frr":"frison du Nord"
, "frs":"frison oriental"
, "fur":"frioulan"
, "fy":"frison occidental"
, "ga":"irlandais"
, "gaa":"ga"
, "gag":"gagaouze"
, "gan":"gan"
, "gay":"gayo"
, "gba":"gbaya"
, "gbz":"dari zoroastrien"
, "gd":"gaélique écossais"
, "gez":"guèze"
, "gil":"gilbertin"
, "gl":"galicien"
, "glk":"gilaki"
, "gmh":"moyen haut-allemand"
, "gn":"guarani"
, "goh":"ancien haut allemand"
, "gom":"konkani de Goa"
, "gon":"gondi"
, "gor":"gorontalo"
, "got":"gothique"
, "grb":"grebo"
, "grc":"grec ancien"
, "gsw":"suisse allemand"
, "gu":"goudjerati"
, "guc":"wayuu"
, "gur":"gurenne"
, "guz":"gusii"
, "gv":"mannois"
, "gwi":"gwichʼin"
, "ha":"haoussa"
, "hai":"haida"
, "hak":"hakka"
, "haw":"hawaïen"
, "he":"hébreu"
, "hi":"hindi"
, "hif":"hindi fidjien"
, "hil":"hiligaynon"
, "hit":"hittite"
, "hmn":"hmong"
, "ho":"hiri motu"
, "hr":"croate"
, "hsb":"haut-sorabe"
, "hsn":"xiang"
, "ht":"créole haïtien"
, "hu":"hongrois"
, "hup":"hupa"
, "hy":"arménien"
, "hz":"héréro"
, "ia":"interlingua"
, "iba":"iban"
, "ibb":"ibibio"
, "id":"indonésien"
, "ie":"interlingue"
, "ig":"igbo"
, "ii":"yi du Sichuan"
, "ik":"inupiaq"
, "ilo":"ilokano"
, "inh":"ingouche"
, "io":"ido"
, "is":"islandais"
, "it":"italien"
, "iu":"inuktitut"
, "izh":"ingrien"
, "ja":"japonais"
, "jam":"créole jamaïcain"
, "jbo":"lojban"
, "jgo":"ngomba"
, "jmc":"matchamé"
, "jpr":"judéo-persan"
, "jrb":"judéo-arabe"
, "jut":"jute"
, "jv":"javanais"
, "ka":"géorgien"
, "kaa":"karakalpak"
, "kab":"kabyle"
, "kac":"kachin"
, "kaj":"jju"
, "kam":"kamba"
, "kaw":"kawi"
, "kbd":"kabardin"
, "kbl":"kanembou"
, "kcg":"tyap"
, "kde":"makondé"
, "kea":"capverdien"
, "ken":"kényang"
, "kfo":"koro"
, "kg":"kongo"
, "kgp":"caingangue"
, "kha":"khasi"
, "kho":"khotanais"
, "khq":"koyra chiini"
, "khw":"khowar"
, "ki":"kikuyu"
, "kiu":"kirmanjki"
, "kj":"kouanyama"
, "kk":"kazakh"
, "kkj":"kako"
, "kl":"groenlandais"
, "kln":"kalendjin"
, "km":"khmer"
, "kmb":"kimboundou"
, "kn":"kannada"
, "ko":"coréen"
, "koi":"komi-permiak"
, "kok":"konkani"
, "kos":"kosraéen"
, "kpe":"kpellé"
, "kr":"kanouri"
, "krc":"karatchaï balkar"
, "kri":"krio"
, "krj":"kinaray-a"
, "krl":"carélien"
, "kru":"kouroukh"
, "ks":"kashmiri"
, "ksb":"chambala"
, "ksf":"bafia"
, "ksh":"francique ripuaire"
, "ku":"kurde"
, "kum":"koumyk"
, "kut":"kutenai"
, "kv":"komi"
, "kw":"cornique"
, "ky":"kirghize"
, "la":"latin"
, "lad":"ladino"
, "lag":"langi"
, "lah":"lahnda"
, "lam":"lamba"
, "lb":"luxembourgeois"
, "lez":"lezghien"
, "lfn":"lingua franca nova"
, "lg":"ganda"
, "li":"limbourgeois"
, "lij":"ligure"
, "liv":"livonien"
, "lkt":"lakota"
, "lmo":"lombard"
, "ln":"lingala"
, "lo":"lao"
, "lol":"mongo"
, "lou":"créole louisianais"
, "loz":"lozi"
, "lrc":"lori du Nord"
, "lt":"lituanien"
, "ltg":"latgalien"
, "lu":"luba-katanga"
, "lua":"luba-lulua"
, "lui":"luiseño"
, "lun":"lunda"
, "luo":"luo"
, "lus":"lushaï"
, "luy":"luhya"
, "lv":"letton"
, "lzh":"chinois littéraire"
, "lzz":"laze"
, "mad":"madourais"
, "maf":"mafa"
, "mag":"magahi"
, "mai":"maithili"
, "mak":"makassar"
, "man":"mandingue"
, "mas":"massaï"
, "mde":"maba"
, "mdf":"moksa"
, "mdr":"mandar"
, "men":"mendé"
, "mer":"mérou"
, "mfe":"créole mauricien"
, "mg":"malgache"
, "mga":"moyen irlandais"
, "mgh":"makhuwa-meetto"
, "mgo":"méta"
, "mh":"marshallais"
, "mi":"maori"
, "mic":"micmac"
, "min":"minangkabau"
, "mk":"macédonien"
, "ml":"malayalam"
, "mn":"mongol"
, "mnc":"mandchou"
, "mni":"manipuri"
, "moh":"mohawk"
, "mos":"moré"
, "mr":"marathe"
, "mrj":"mari occidental"
, "ms":"malais"
, "mt":"maltais"
, "mua":"moundang"
, "mul":"multilingue"
, "mus":"creek"
, "mwl":"mirandais"
, "mwr":"marwarî"
, "mwv":"mentawaï"
, "my":"birman"
, "mye":"myènè"
, "myv":"erzya"
, "mzn":"mazandérani"
, "na":"nauruan"
, "nan":"minnan"
, "nap":"napolitain"
, "naq":"nama"
, "nb":"norvégien bokmål"
, "nd":"ndébélé du Nord"
, "nds":"bas-allemand"
, "nds-nl":"bas-saxon néerlandais"
, "ne":"népalais"
, "new":"newari"
, "ng":"ndonga"
, "nia":"nias"
, "niu":"niuéen"
, "njo":"Ao"
, "nl":"néerlandais"
, "nl-be":"flamand"
, "nmg":"kwasio"
, "nn":"norvégien nynorsk"
, "nnh":"ngiemboon"
, "no":"norvégien"
, "nog":"nogaï"
, "non":"vieux norrois"
, "nov":"novial"
, "nqo":"nko"
, "nr":"ndébélé du Sud"
, "nso":"sotho du Nord"
, "nus":"nuer"
, "nv":"navaho"
, "nwc":"newarî classique"
, "ny":"nyanja"
, "nym":"nyamwezi"
, "nyn":"nyankolé"
, "nyo":"nyoro"
, "nzi":"nzema"
, "oc":"occitan"
, "oj":"ojibwa"
, "om":"oromo"
, "or":"oriya"
, "os":"ossète"
, "osa":"osage"
, "ota":"turc ottoman"
, "pa":"pendjabi"
, "pag":"pangasinan"
, "pal":"pahlavi"
, "pam":"pampangan"
, "pap":"papiamento"
, "pau":"palau"
, "pcd":"picard"
, "pcm":"pidgin nigérian"
, "pdc":"pennsilfaanisch"
, "pdt":"bas-prussien"
, "peo":"persan ancien"
, "pfl":"allemand palatin"
, "phn":"phénicien"
, "pi":"pali"
, "pl":"polonais"
, "pms":"piémontais"
, "pnt":"pontique"
, "pon":"pohnpei"
, "prg":"prussien"
, "pro":"provençal ancien"
, "ps":"pachto"
, "pt":"portugais"
, "pt-br":"portugais brésilien"
, "pt-pt":"portugais européen"
, "qu":"quechua"
, "quc":"kiche"
, "qug":"quichua du Haut-Chimborazo"
, "raj":"rajasthani"
, "rap":"rapanui"
, "rar":"rarotongien"
, "rgn":"romagnol"
, "rif":"rifain"
, "rm":"romanche"
, "rn":"roundi"
, "ro":"roumain"
, "ro-md":"moldave"
, "rof":"rombo"
, "rom":"romani"
, "rtm":"rotuman"
, "ru":"russe"
, "rue":"ruthène"
, "rug":"roviana"
, "rup":"valaque"
, "rw":"rwanda"
, "rwk":"rwa"
, "sa":"sanskrit"
, "sad":"sandawe"
, "sah":"iakoute"
, "sam":"araméen samaritain"
, "saq":"sambourou"
, "sas":"sasak"
, "sat":"santal"
, "saz":"saurashtra"
, "sba":"ngambay"
, "sbp":"sangu"
, "sc":"sarde"
, "scn":"sicilien"
, "sco":"écossais"
, "sd":"sindhi"
, "sdc":"sarde sassarais"
, "sdh":"kurde du Sud"
, "se":"sami du Nord"
, "see":"seneca"
, "seh":"cisena"
, "sei":"séri"
, "sel":"selkoupe"
, "ses":"koyraboro senni"
, "sg":"sangho"
, "sga":"ancien irlandais"
, "sgs":"samogitien"
, "sh":"serbo-croate"
, "shi":"chleuh"
, "shn":"shan"
, "shu":"arabe tchadien"
, "si":"cinghalais"
, "sid":"sidamo"
, "sk":"slovaque"
, "sl":"slovène"
, "sli":"bas-silésien"
, "sly":"sélayar"
, "sm":"samoan"
, "sma":"sami du Sud"
, "smj":"sami de Lule"
, "smn":"sami dInari"
, "sms":"sami skolt"
, "sn":"shona"
, "snk":"soninké"
, "so":"somali"
, "sog":"sogdien"
, "sq":"albanais"
, "sr":"serbe"
, "srn":"sranan tongo"
, "srr":"sérère"
, "ss":"swati"
, "ssy":"saho"
, "st":"sotho du Sud"
, "stq":"saterlandais"
, "su":"soundanais"
, "suk":"soukouma"
, "sus":"soussou"
, "sux":"sumérien"
, "sv":"suédois"
, "sw":"swahili"
, "sw-cd":"swahili du Congo"
, "swb":"comorien"
, "syc":"syriaque classique"
, "syr":"syriaque"
, "szl":"silésien"
, "ta":"tamoul"
, "tcy":"toulou"
, "te":"télougou"
, "tem":"temne"
, "teo":"teso"
, "ter":"tereno"
, "tet":"tetum"
, "tg":"tadjik"
, "th":"thaï"
, "ti":"tigrigna"
, "tig":"tigré"
, "tiv":"tiv"
, "tk":"turkmène"
, "tkl":"tokelau"
, "tkr":"tsakhour"
, "tl":"tagalog"
, "tlh":"klingon"
, "tli":"tlingit"
, "tly":"talysh"
, "tmh":"tamacheq"
, "tn":"tswana"
, "to":"tonguien"
, "tog":"tonga nyasa"
, "tpi":"tok pisin"
, "tr":"turc"
, "tru":"touroyo"
, "trv":"taroko"
, "ts":"tsonga"
, "tsd":"tsakonien"
, "tsi":"tsimshian"
, "tt":"tatar"
, "ttt":"tati caucasien"
, "tum":"toumbouka"
, "tvl":"tuvalu"
, "tw":"twi"
, "twq":"tasawaq"
, "ty":"tahitien"
, "tyv":"touvain"
, "tzm":"amazighe de lAtlas central"
, "udm":"oudmourte"
, "ug":"ouïghour"
, "uga":"ougaritique"
, "uk":"ukrainien"
, "umb":"oumboundou"
, "und":"langue indéterminée"
, "ur":"ourdou"
, "uz":"ouzbek"
, "vai":"vaï"
, "ve":"venda"
, "vec":"vénitien"
, "vep":"vepse"
, "vi":"vietnamien"
, "vls":"flamand occidental"
, "vmf":"franconien du Main"
, "vo":"volapuk"
, "vot":"vote"
, "vro":"võro"
, "vun":"vunjo"
, "wa":"wallon"
, "wae":"walser"
, "wal":"walamo"
, "war":"waray"
, "was":"washo"
, "wbp":"warlpiri"
, "wo":"wolof"
, "wuu":"wu"
, "xal":"kalmouk"
, "xh":"xhosa"
, "xmf":"mingrélien"
, "xog":"soga"
, "yao":"yao"
, "yap":"yapois"
, "yav":"yangben"
, "ybb":"yemba"
, "yi":"yiddish"
, "yo":"yoruba"
, "yrl":"nheengatou"
, "yue":"cantonais"
, "za":"zhuang"
, "zap":"zapotèque"
, "zbl":"symboles Bliss"
, "zea":"zélandais"
, "zen":"zenaga"
, "zgh":"amazighe standard marocain"
, "zh":"chinois"
, "zh-hans":"chinois simplifié"
, "zh-hant":"chinois traditionnel"
, "zu":"zoulou"
, "zun":"zuñi"
, "zxx":"sans contenu linguistique"
, "zza":"zazaki"
, "currencyNames":
"ADP":"peseta andorrane"
, "AED":"dirham des Émirats arabes unis"
, "AFA":"afghani (19272002)"
, "AFN":"afghani afghan"
, "ALK":"lek albanais (19471961)"
, "ALL":"lek albanais"
, "AMD":"dram arménien"
, "ANG":"florin antillais"
, "AOA":"kwanza angolais"
, "AOK":"kwanza angolais (19771990)"
, "AON":"nouveau kwanza angolais (19902000)"
, "AOR":"kwanza angolais réajusté (19951999)"
, "ARA":"austral argentin"
, "ARL":"peso lourd argentin (19701983)"
, "ARM":"peso argentin (18811970)"
, "ARP":"peso argentin (19831985)"
, "ARS":"peso argentin"
, "ATS":"schilling autrichien"
, "AUD":"dollar australien"
, "AWG":"florin arubais"
, "AZM":"manat azéri (19932006)"
, "AZN":"manat azéri"
, "BAD":"dinar bosniaque"
, "BAM":"mark convertible bosniaque"
, "BBD":"dollar barbadien"
, "BDT":"taka bangladeshi"
, "BEC":"franc belge (convertible)"
, "BEF":"franc belge"
, "BEL":"franc belge (financier)"
, "BGL":"lev bulgare (19621999)"
, "BGN":"lev bulgare"
, "BHD":"dinar bahreïni"
, "BIF":"franc burundais"
, "BMD":"dollar bermudien"
, "BND":"dollar brunéien"
, "BOB":"boliviano bolivien"
, "BOL":"boliviano bolivien (18631963)"
, "BOP":"peso bolivien"
, "BOV":"mvdol bolivien"
, "BRB":"nouveau cruzeiro brésilien (19671986)"
, "BRC":"cruzado brésilien (19861989)"
, "BRE":"cruzeiro brésilien (19901993)"
, "BRL":"réal brésilien"
, "BRN":"nouveau cruzado"
, "BRR":"cruzeiro"
, "BRZ":"cruzeiro brésilien (19421967)"
, "BSD":"dollar bahaméen"
, "BTN":"ngultrum bouthanais"
, "BUK":"kyat birman"
, "BWP":"pula botswanais"
, "BYB":"nouveau rouble biélorusse (19941999)"
, "BYN":"rouble biélorusse"
, "BYR":"rouble biélorusse (20002016)"
, "BZD":"dollar bélizéen"
, "CAD":"dollar canadien"
, "CDF":"franc congolais"
, "CHE":"euro WIR"
, "CHF":"franc suisse"
, "CHW":"franc WIR"
, "CLE":"escudo chilien"
, "CLF":"unité dinvestissement chilienne"
, "CLP":"peso chilien"
, "CNH":"yuan chinois (zone extracôtière)"
, "CNX":"dollar de la Banque populaire chinoise"
, "CNY":"yuan renminbi chinois"
, "COP":"peso colombien"
, "COU":"unité de valeur réelle colombienne"
, "CRC":"colón costaricain"
, "CSD":"dinar serbo-monténégrin"
, "CSK":"couronne forte tchécoslovaque"
, "CUC":"peso cubain convertible"
, "CUP":"peso cubain"
, "CVE":"escudo capverdien"
, "CYP":"livre chypriote"
, "CZK":"couronne tchèque"
, "DDM":"mark est-allemand"
, "DEM":"mark allemand"
, "DJF":"franc djiboutien"
, "DKK":"couronne danoise"
, "DOP":"peso dominicain"
, "DZD":"dinar algérien"
, "ECS":"sucre équatorien"
, "ECV":"unité de valeur constante équatoriale (UVC)"
, "EEK":"couronne estonienne"
, "EGP":"livre égyptienne"
, "ERN":"nafka érythréen"
, "ESA":"peseta espagnole (compte A)"
, "ESB":"peseta espagnole (compte convertible)"
, "ESP":"peseta espagnole"
, "ETB":"birr éthiopien"
, "EUR":"euro"
, "FIM":"mark finlandais"
, "FJD":"dollar fidjien"
, "FKP":"livre des îles Malouines"
, "FRF":"franc français"
, "GBP":"livre sterling"
, "GEK":"coupon de lari géorgien"
, "GEL":"lari géorgien"
, "GHC":"cédi"
, "GHS":"cédi ghanéen"
, "GIP":"livre de Gibraltar"
, "GMD":"dalasi gambien"
, "GNF":"franc guinéen"
, "GNS":"syli guinéen"
, "GQE":"ekwélé équatoguinéen"
, "GRD":"drachme grecque"
, "GTQ":"quetzal guatémaltèque"
, "GWE":"escudo de Guinée portugaise"
, "GWP":"peso bissau-guinéen"
, "GYD":"dollar du Guyana"
, "HKD":"dollar de Hong Kong"
, "HNL":"lempira hondurien"
, "HRD":"dinar croate"
, "HRK":"kuna croate"
, "HTG":"gourde haïtienne"
, "HUF":"forint hongrois"
, "IDR":"roupie indonésienne"
, "IEP":"livre irlandaise"
, "ILP":"livre israélienne"
, "ILR":"shekel israélien (19801985)"
, "ILS":"nouveau shekel israélien"
, "INR":"roupie indienne"
, "IQD":"dinar irakien"
, "IRR":"riyal iranien"
, "ISK":"couronne islandaise"
, "ITL":"lire italienne"
, "JMD":"dollar jamaïcain"
, "JOD":"dinar jordanien"
, "JPY":"yen japonais"
, "KES":"shilling kényan"
, "KGS":"som kirghize"
, "KHR":"riel cambodgien"
, "KMF":"franc comorien"
, "KPW":"won nord-coréen"
, "KRH":"hwan sud-coréen (19531962)"
, "KRO":"won sud-coréen (19451953)"
, "KRW":"won sud-coréen"
, "KWD":"dinar koweïtien"
, "KYD":"dollar des îles Caïmans"
, "KZT":"tenge kazakh"
, "LAK":"kip loatien"
, "LBP":"livre libanaise"
, "LKR":"roupie srilankaise"
, "LRD":"dollar libérien"
, "LSL":"loti lesothan"
, "LTL":"litas lituanien"
, "LTT":"talonas lituanien"
, "LUC":"franc convertible luxembourgeois"
, "LUF":"franc luxembourgeois"
, "LUL":"franc financier luxembourgeois"
, "LVL":"lats letton"
, "LVR":"rouble letton"
, "LYD":"dinar libyen"
, "MAD":"dirham marocain"
, "MAF":"franc marocain"
, "MDL":"leu moldave"
, "MGA":"ariary malgache"
, "MGF":"franc malgache"
, "MKD":"denar macédonien"
, "MLF":"franc malien"
, "MMK":"kyat myanmarais"
, "MNT":"tugrik mongol"
, "MOP":"pataca macanaise"
, "MRO":"ouguiya mauritanien (19732017)"
, "MRU":"ouguiya mauritanien"
, "MTL":"lire maltaise"
, "MTP":"livre maltaise"
, "MUR":"roupie mauricienne"
, "MVP":"roupie maldivienne"
, "MVR":"rufiyaa maldivien"
, "MWK":"kwacha malawite"
, "MXN":"peso mexicain"
, "MXP":"peso dargent mexicain (18611992)"
, "MXV":"unité de conversion mexicaine (UDI)"
, "MYR":"ringgit malais"
, "MZE":"escudo mozambicain"
, "MZM":"métical"
, "MZN":"metical mozambicain"
, "NAD":"dollar namibien"
, "NGN":"naira nigérian"
, "NIC":"cordoba"
, "NIO":"córdoba oro nicaraguayen"
, "NLG":"florin néerlandais"
, "NOK":"couronne norvégienne"
, "NPR":"roupie népalaise"
, "NZD":"dollar néo-zélandais"
, "OMR":"riyal omanais"
, "PAB":"balboa panaméen"
, "PEI":"inti péruvien"
, "PEN":"sol péruvien"
, "PES":"sol péruvien (18631985)"
, "PGK":"kina papouan-néo-guinéen"
, "PHP":"peso philippin"
, "PKR":"roupie pakistanaise"
, "PLN":"zloty polonais"
, "PLZ":"zloty (19501995)"
, "PTE":"escudo portugais"
, "PYG":"guaraní paraguayen"
, "QAR":"riyal qatari"
, "RHD":"dollar rhodésien"
, "ROL":"ancien leu roumain"
, "RON":"leu roumain"
, "RSD":"dinar serbe"
, "RUB":"rouble russe"
, "RUR":"rouble russe (19911998)"
, "RWF":"franc rwandais"
, "SAR":"riyal saoudien"
, "SBD":"dollar des îles Salomon"
, "SCR":"roupie des Seychelles"
, "SDD":"dinar soudanais"
, "SDG":"livre soudanaise"
, "SDP":"livre soudanaise (19562007)"
, "SEK":"couronne suédoise"
, "SGD":"dollar de Singapour"
, "SHP":"livre de Sainte-Hélène"
, "SIT":"tolar slovène"
, "SKK":"couronne slovaque"
, "SLL":"leone sierra-léonais"
, "SOS":"shilling somalien"
, "SRD":"dollar surinamais"
, "SRG":"florin surinamais"
, "SSP":"livre sud-soudanaise"
, "STD":"dobra santoméen (19772017)"
, "STN":"dobra santoméen"
, "SUR":"rouble soviétique"
, "SVC":"colón salvadorien"
, "SYP":"livre syrienne"
, "SZL":"lilangeni swazi"
, "THB":"baht thaïlandais"
, "TJR":"rouble tadjik"
, "TJS":"somoni tadjik"
, "TMM":"manat turkmène"
, "TMT":"nouveau manat turkmène"
, "TND":"dinar tunisien"
, "TOP":"paanga tongan"
, "TPE":"escudo timorais"
, "TRL":"livre turque (18442005)"
, "TRY":"livre turque"
, "TTD":"dollar trinidadien"
, "TWD":"nouveau dollar taïwanais"
, "TZS":"shilling tanzanien"
, "UAH":"hryvnia ukrainienne"
, "UAK":"karbovanetz"
, "UGS":"shilling ougandais (19661987)"
, "UGX":"shilling ougandais"
, "USD":"dollar des États-Unis"
, "USN":"dollar des Etats-Unis (jour suivant)"
, "USS":"dollar des Etats-Unis (jour même)"
, "UYI":"peso uruguayen (unités indexées)"
, "UYP":"peso uruguayen (19751993)"
, "UYU":"peso uruguayen"
, "UZS":"sum ouzbek"
, "VEB":"bolivar vénézuélien (18712008)"
, "VEF":"bolivar vénézuélien"
, "VND":"dông vietnamien"
, "VNN":"dông vietnamien (19781985)"
, "VUV":"vatu vanuatuan"
, "WST":"tala samoan"
, "XAF":"franc CFA (BEAC)"
, "XAG":"argent"
, "XAU":"or"
, "XBA":"unité européenne composée"
, "XBB":"unité monétaire européenne"
, "XBC":"unité de compte européenne (XBC)"
, "XBD":"unité de compte européenne (XBD)"
, "XCD":"dollar des Caraïbes orientales"
, "XDR":"droit de tirage spécial"
, "XEU":"unité de compte européenne (ECU)"
, "XFO":"franc or"
, "XFU":"franc UIC"
, "XOF":"franc CFA (BCEAO)"
, "XPD":"palladium"
, "XPF":"franc CFP"
, "XPT":"platine"
, "XRE":"type de fonds RINET"
, "XSU":"sucre"
, "XTS":"(devise de test)"
, "XUA":"unité de compte ADB"
, "XXX":"devise inconnue ou non valide"
, "YDD":"dinar du Yémen"
, "YER":"riyal yéménite"
, "YUD":"nouveau dinar yougoslave"
, "YUM":"dinar yougoslave Noviy"
, "YUN":"dinar yougoslave convertible"
, "ZAL":"rand sud-africain (financier)"
, "ZAR":"rand sud-africain"
, "ZMK":"kwacha zambien (19682012)"
, "ZMW":"kwacha zambien"
, "ZRN":"nouveau zaïre zaïrien"
, "ZRZ":"zaïre zaïrois"
, "ZWD":"dollar zimbabwéen"
, "ZWL":"dollar zimbabwéen (2009)"
, "ZWR":"dollar zimbabwéen (2008)"
, "currencySymbols":
, "AFA":"AFA"
, "AFN":"AFN"
, "ALL":"ALL"
, "AMD":"AMD"
, "ANG":"ANG"
, "AOA":"AOA"
, "AOK":"AOK"
, "AON":"AON"
, "AOR":"AOR"
, "ARA":"ARA"
, "ARL":"ARL"
, "ARM":"ARM"
, "ARP":"ARP"
, "ARS":"$AR"
, "AUD":"$AU"
, "AWG":"AWG"
, "AZM":"AZM"
, "AZN":"AZN"
, "BAM":"BAM"
, "BBD":"BBD"
, "BDT":"BDT"
, "BEF":"FB"
, "BGN":"BGN"
, "BHD":"BHD"
, "BIF":"BIF"
, "BMD":"$BM"
, "BND":"$BN"
, "BOB":"BOB"
, "BOL":"BOL"
, "BOP":"BOP"
, "BOV":"BOV"
, "BRB":"BRB"
, "BRC":"BRC"
, "BRE":"BRE"
, "BRL":"R$"
, "BRN":"BRN"
, "BRR":"BRR"
, "BRZ":"BRZ"
, "BSD":"$BS"
, "BTN":"BTN"
, "BUK":"BUK"
, "BWP":"BWP"
, "BYN":"BYN"
, "BYR":"BYR"
, "BZD":"$BZ"
, "CAD":"$CA"
, "CDF":"CDF"
, "CHF":"CHF"
, "CLE":"CLE"
, "CLF":"CLF"
, "CLP":"$CL"
, "CNX":"CNX"
, "CNY":"CNY"
, "COP":"$CO"
, "COU":"COU"
, "CRC":"CRC"
, "CUC":"CUC"
, "CUP":"CUP"
, "CVE":"CVE"
, "CYP":"£CY"
, "CZK":"CZK"
, "DJF":"DJF"
, "DKK":"DKK"
, "DOP":"DOP"
, "DZD":"DZD"
, "ECS":"ECS"
, "ECV":"ECV"
, "EGP":"EGP"
, "ERN":"ERN"
, "ETB":"ETB"
, "EUR":"€"
, "FJD":"$FJ"
, "FKP":"£FK"
, "FRF":"F"
, "GBP":"£GB"
, "GEK":"GEK"
, "GEL":"GEL"
, "GHS":"GHS"
, "GIP":"£GI"
, "GMD":"GMD"
, "GNF":"GNF"
, "GQE":"GQE"
, "GTQ":"GTQ"
, "GYD":"GYD"
, "HKD":"HKD"
, "HNL":"HNL"
, "HRK":"HRK"
, "HTG":"HTG"
, "HUF":"HUF"
, "IDR":"IDR"
, "IEP":"£IE"
, "ILP":"£IL"
, "ILR":"ILR"
, "ILS":"₪"
, "INR":"₹"
, "IQD":"IQD"
, "IRR":"IRR"
, "ISK":"ISK"
, "ITL":"₤IT"
, "JMD":"JMD"
, "JOD":"JOD"
, "JPY":"JPY"
, "KES":"KES"
, "KGS":"KGS"
, "KHR":"KHR"
, "KMF":"KMF"
, "KPW":"KPW"
, "KRH":"KRH"
, "KRO":"KRO"
, "KRW":"₩"
, "KWD":"KWD"
, "KYD":"KYD"
, "KZT":"KZT"
, "LAK":"LAK"
, "LBP":"£LB"
, "LKR":"LKR"
, "LRD":"LRD"
, "LSL":"lLS"
, "LTL":"LTL"
, "LVL":"LVL"
, "LYD":"LYD"
, "MAD":"MAD"
, "MAF":"fMA"
, "MDL":"MDL"
, "MGA":"MGA"
, "MGF":"Fmg"
, "MKD":"MKD"
, "MMK":"MMK"
, "MNT":"MNT"
, "MOP":"MOP"
, "MRO":"MRO"
, "MTP":"£MT"
, "MUR":"MUR"
, "MVP":"MVP"
, "MVR":"MVR"
, "MWK":"MWK"
, "MXN":"$MX"
, "MXP":"MXP"
, "MXV":"MXV"
, "MYR":"MYR"
, "MZE":"MZE"
, "MZM":"MZM"
, "MZN":"MZN"
, "NAD":"$NA"
, "NGN":"NGN"
, "NIC":"NIC"
, "NIO":"NIO"
, "NOK":"NOK"
, "NPR":"NPR"
, "NZD":"$NZ"
, "OMR":"OMR"
, "PAB":"PAB"
, "PEI":"PEI"
, "PEN":"PEN"
, "PES":"PES"
, "PGK":"PGK"
, "PHP":"PHP"
, "PKR":"PKR"
, "PLN":"PLN"
, "PYG":"PYG"
, "QAR":"QAR"
, "RHD":"$RH"
, "RON":"RON"
, "RSD":"RSD"
, "RUB":"RUB"
, "RWF":"RWF"
, "SAR":"SAR"
, "SBD":"$SB"
, "SCR":"SCR"
, "SDD":"SDD"
, "SDG":"SDG"
, "SDP":"SDP"
, "SEK":"SEK"
, "SGD":"$SG"
, "SHP":"SHP"
, "SLL":"SLL"
, "SOS":"SOS"
, "SRD":"$SR"
, "SRG":"SRG"
, "SSP":"SSP"
, "STD":"STD"
, "STN":"Db"
, "SVC":"SVC"
, "SYP":"SYP"
, "SZL":"SZL"
, "THB":"THB"
, "TJS":"TJS"
, "TMT":"TMT"
, "TND":"TND"
, "TOP":"TOP"
, "TPE":"TPE"
, "TRL":"TRL"
, "TRY":"TRY"
, "TTD":"$TT"
, "TWD":"TWD"
, "TZS":"TZS"
, "UAH":"UAH"
, "UGS":"UGS"
, "UGX":"UGX"
, "USD":"$US"
, "USN":"USN"
, "USS":"USS"
, "UYI":"UYI"
, "UYP":"UYP"
, "UYU":"$UY"
, "UZS":"UZS"
, "VEB":"VEB"
, "VEF":"VEF"
, "VND":"₫"
, "VNN":"VNN"
, "VUV":"VUV"
, "WST":"WS$"
, "XAF":"FCFA"
, "XAG":"XAG"
, "XAU":"XAU"
, "XBA":"XBA"
, "XBB":"XBB"
, "XBC":"XBC"
, "XBD":"XBD"
, "XCD":"XCD"
, "XDR":"DTS"
, "XFO":"XFO"
, "XFU":"XFU"
, "XOF":"CFA"
, "XPD":"XPD"
, "XPF":"FCFP"
, "XPT":"XPT"
, "XRE":"XRE"
, "XSU":"XSU"
, "XTS":"XTS"
, "XUA":"XUA"
, "XXX":"XXX"
, "YDD":"YDD"
, "YER":"YER"
, "ZAL":"ZAL"
, "ZAR":"ZAR"
, "ZMK":"ZMK"
, "ZMW":"ZMW"
, "ZRN":"ZRN"
, "ZRZ":"ZRZ"
, "ZWD":"ZWD"
, "ZWL":"ZWL"
, "ZWR":"ZWR"
, "countryNames":
"AC":"Île de lAscension"
, "AD":"Andorre"
, "AE":"Émirats arabes unis"
, "AF":"Afghanistan"
, "AG":"Antigua-et-Barbuda"
, "AI":"Anguilla"
, "AL":"Albanie"
, "AM":"Arménie"
, "AO":"Angola"
, "AQ":"Antarctique"
, "AR":"Argentine"
, "AS":"Samoa américaines"
, "AT":"Autriche"
, "AU":"Australie"
, "AW":"Aruba"
, "AX":"Îles Åland"
, "AZ":"Azerbaïdjan"
, "BA":"Bosnie-Herzégovine"
, "BB":"Barbade"
, "BD":"Bangladesh"
, "BE":"Belgique"
, "BF":"Burkina Faso"
, "BG":"Bulgarie"
, "BH":"Bahreïn"
, "BI":"Burundi"
, "BJ":"Bénin"
, "BL":"Saint-Barthélemy"
, "BM":"Bermudes"
, "BN":"Brunéi Darussalam"
, "BO":"Bolivie"
, "BQ":"Pays-Bas caribéens"
, "BR":"Brésil"
, "BS":"Bahamas"
, "BT":"Bhoutan"
, "BV":"Île Bouvet"
, "BW":"Botswana"
, "BY":"Biélorussie"
, "BZ":"Belize"
, "CA":"Canada"
, "CC":"Îles Cocos"
, "CD":"Congo-Kinshasa"
, "CF":"République centrafricaine"
, "CG":"Congo-Brazzaville"
, "CH":"Suisse"
, "CI":"Côte dIvoire"
, "CK":"Îles Cook"
, "CL":"Chili"
, "CM":"Cameroun"
, "CN":"Chine"
, "CO":"Colombie"
, "CP":"Île Clipperton"
, "CR":"Costa Rica"
, "CU":"Cuba"
, "CV":"Cap-Vert"
, "CW":"Curaçao"
, "CX":"Île Christmas"
, "CY":"Chypre"
, "CZ":"Tchéquie"
, "DE":"Allemagne"
, "DG":"Diego Garcia"
, "DJ":"Djibouti"
, "DK":"Danemark"
, "DM":"Dominique"
, "DO":"République dominicaine"
, "DZ":"Algérie"
, "EA":"Ceuta et Melilla"
, "EC":"Équateur"
, "EE":"Estonie"
, "EG":"Égypte"
, "EH":"Sahara occidental"
, "ER":"Érythrée"
, "ES":"Espagne"
, "ET":"Éthiopie"
, "EU":"Union européenne"
, "EZ":"zone euro"
, "FI":"Finlande"
, "FJ":"Fidji"
, "FK":"Îles Malouines"
, "FM":"États fédérés de Micronésie"
, "FO":"Îles Féroé"
, "FR":"France"
, "GA":"Gabon"
, "GB":"R.-U."
, "GD":"Grenade"
, "GE":"Géorgie"
, "GF":"Guyane française"
, "GG":"Guernesey"
, "GH":"Ghana"
, "GI":"Gibraltar"
, "GL":"Groenland"
, "GM":"Gambie"
, "GN":"Guinée"
, "GP":"Guadeloupe"
, "GQ":"Guinée équatoriale"
, "GR":"Grèce"
, "GS":"Géorgie du Sud et îles Sandwich du Sud"
, "GT":"Guatemala"
, "GU":"Guam"
, "GW":"Guinée-Bissau"
, "GY":"Guyana"
, "HK":"Hong Kong"
, "HM":"Îles Heard et McDonald"
, "HN":"Honduras"
, "HR":"Croatie"
, "HT":"Haïti"
, "HU":"Hongrie"
, "IC":"Îles Canaries"
, "ID":"Indonésie"
, "IE":"Irlande"
, "IL":"Israël"
, "IM":"Île de Man"
, "IN":"Inde"
, "IO":"Territoire britannique de locéan Indien"
, "IQ":"Irak"
, "IR":"Iran"
, "IS":"Islande"
, "IT":"Italie"
, "JE":"Jersey"
, "JM":"Jamaïque"
, "JO":"Jordanie"
, "JP":"Japon"
, "KE":"Kenya"
, "KG":"Kirghizistan"
, "KH":"Cambodge"
, "KI":"Kiribati"
, "KM":"Comores"
, "KN":"Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès"
, "KP":"Corée du Nord"
, "KR":"Corée du Sud"
, "KW":"Koweït"
, "KY":"Îles Caïmans"
, "KZ":"Kazakhstan"
, "LA":"Laos"
, "LB":"Liban"
, "LC":"Sainte-Lucie"
, "LI":"Liechtenstein"
, "LK":"Sri Lanka"
, "LR":"Libéria"
, "LS":"Lesotho"
, "LT":"Lituanie"
, "LU":"Luxembourg"
, "LV":"Lettonie"
, "LY":"Libye"
, "MA":"Maroc"
, "MC":"Monaco"
, "MD":"Moldavie"
, "ME":"Monténégro"
, "MF":"Saint-Martin"
, "MG":"Madagascar"
, "MH":"Îles Marshall"
, "MK":"Macédoine"
, "ML":"Mali"
, "MM":"Myanmar (Birmanie)"
, "MN":"Mongolie"
, "MO":"Macao"
, "MP":"Îles Mariannes du Nord"
, "MQ":"Martinique"
, "MR":"Mauritanie"
, "MS":"Montserrat"
, "MT":"Malte"
, "MU":"Maurice"
, "MV":"Maldives"
, "MW":"Malawi"
, "MX":"Mexique"
, "MY":"Malaisie"
, "MZ":"Mozambique"
, "NA":"Namibie"
, "NC":"Nouvelle-Calédonie"
, "NE":"Niger"
, "NF":"Île Norfolk"
, "NG":"Nigéria"
, "NI":"Nicaragua"
, "NL":"Pays-Bas"
, "NO":"Norvège"
, "NP":"Népal"
, "NR":"Nauru"
, "NU":"Niue"
, "NZ":"Nouvelle-Zélande"
, "OM":"Oman"
, "PA":"Panama"
, "PE":"Pérou"
, "PF":"Polynésie française"
, "PG":"Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée"
, "PH":"Philippines"
, "PK":"Pakistan"
, "PL":"Pologne"
, "PM":"Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"
, "PN":"Îles Pitcairn"
, "PR":"Porto Rico"
, "PS":"Palestine"
, "PT":"Portugal"
, "PW":"Palaos"
, "PY":"Paraguay"
, "QA":"Qatar"
, "QO":"régions éloignées de lOcéanie"
, "RE":"La Réunion"
, "RO":"Roumanie"
, "RS":"Serbie"
, "RU":"Russie"
, "RW":"Rwanda"
, "SA":"Arabie saoudite"
, "SB":"Îles Salomon"
, "SC":"Seychelles"
, "SD":"Soudan"
, "SE":"Suède"
, "SG":"Singapour"
, "SH":"Sainte-Hélène"
, "SI":"Slovénie"
, "SJ":"Svalbard et Jan Mayen"
, "SK":"Slovaquie"
, "SL":"Sierra Leone"
, "SM":"Saint-Marin"
, "SN":"Sénégal"
, "SO":"Somalie"
, "SR":"Suriname"
, "SS":"Soudan du Sud"
, "ST":"Sao Tomé-et-Principe"
, "SV":"Salvador"
, "SX":"Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise)"
, "SY":"Syrie"
, "SZ":"Swaziland"
, "TA":"Tristan da Cunha"
, "TC":"Îles Turques-et-Caïques"
, "TD":"Tchad"
, "TF":"Terres australes françaises"
, "TG":"Togo"
, "TH":"Thaïlande"
, "TJ":"Tadjikistan"
, "TK":"Tokélaou"
, "TL":"Timor oriental"
, "TM":"Turkménistan"
, "TN":"Tunisie"
, "TO":"Tonga"
, "TR":"Turquie"
, "TT":"Trinité-et-Tobago"
, "TV":"Tuvalu"
, "TW":"Taïwan"
, "TZ":"Tanzanie"
, "UA":"Ukraine"
, "UG":"Ouganda"
, "UM":"Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis"
, "UN":"NU"
, "US":"É.-U."
, "UY":"Uruguay"
, "UZ":"Ouzbékistan"
, "VA":"État de la Cité du Vatican"
, "VC":"Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines"
, "VE":"Venezuela"
, "VG":"Îles Vierges britanniques"
, "VI":"Îles Vierges des États-Unis"
, "VN":"Vietnam"
, "VU":"Vanuatu"
, "WF":"Wallis-et-Futuna"
, "WS":"Samoa"
, "XK":"Kosovo"
, "YE":"Yémen"
, "YT":"Mayotte"
, "ZA":"Afrique du Sud"
, "ZM":"Zambie"
, "ZW":"Zimbabwe"
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