You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

478 lines
24 KiB

XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.proofreadPage; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*;
import gplx.xowa.apps.cfgs.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.entitys.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.lst.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.pages.*; import*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.amps.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.files.*;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.*;
public class Pp_pages_nde implements Xox_xnde, Mwh_atr_itm_owner1 {
private boolean xtn_literal = false;
private Xop_root_tkn xtn_root;
private byte[] index_ttl_bry, bgn_page_bry, end_page_bry, bgn_sect_bry, end_sect_bry;
private int step_int;
private byte[] include, exclude, step_bry, header, onlysection;
private byte[] toc_cur, toc_nxt, toc_prv;
private int ns_index_id = Int_.Min_value, ns_page_id = Int_.Min_value;
private int bgn_page_int = -1, end_page_int = -1;
private Xow_ns ns_page;
private Xoa_ttl index_ttl;
private Xoae_app app; private Xowe_wiki wiki; private Xop_ctx ctx; private Gfo_usr_dlg usr_dlg;
private byte[] src; private Xop_xnde_tkn xnde_tkn;
private Xoa_ttl cur_page_ttl;
private List_adp unknown_xatrs = List_adp_.New();
public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {
// cache unknown xatrs for header usage; ISSUE#:635; DATE:2020-01-19
if (xatr_id_obj == null) {
unknown_xatrs.Add(new Pp_index_arg(xatr.Key_bry(), xatr.Val_as_bry()));
// skip valid xatrs with invalid values; EX: <pages index=\"A\" from=1 to 2 />; ISSUE#:656 DATE:2020-01-19
if (xatr.Val_bgn() == -1)
Byte_obj_val xatr_id = (Byte_obj_val)xatr_id_obj;
byte[] val_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry();
switch (xatr_id.Val()) {
case Xatr_index_ttl: index_ttl_bry = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_bgn_page: bgn_page_bry = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_end_page: end_page_bry = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_bgn_sect: if (Bry_.Len_gt_0(val_bry)) bgn_sect_bry = val_bry; break; // ignore empty-String; EX:fromsection=""; ISSUE#:650 DATE:2020-01-11
case Xatr_end_sect: if (Bry_.Len_gt_0(val_bry)) end_sect_bry = val_bry; break; // ignore empty-String; EX:tosection=""; ISSUE#:650 DATE:2020-01-11
case Xatr_include: include = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_exclude: exclude = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_step: step_bry = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_onlysection: onlysection = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_header: header = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_toc_cur: toc_cur = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_toc_prv: toc_prv = val_bry; break;
case Xatr_toc_nxt: toc_nxt = val_bry; break;
public void Xtn_parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
// TOMBSTONE: do not disable Enabled check; needs smarter way of checking for xtn enable / disable
// if (!wiki.Xtn_mgr().Xtn_proofread().Enabled()) return;
if (!Init_vars(wiki, ctx, src, xnde)) return;
if (wiki.Parser_mgr().Lst__recursing()) return; // moved from Pp_index_parser; DATE:2014-05-21s
// set recursing flag
Xoae_page page = ctx.Page();
Bry_bfr full_bfr = wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_m001();
try {
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy(); if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs(); // SEE:NOTE:page_regy; DATE:2014-01-01
page.Html_data().Indicators().Enabled_(Bool_.N); // disable <indicator> b/c <page> should not add to current page; PAGE:en.s:The_Parochial_System_(Wilberforce,_1838); DATE:2015-04-29
byte[] page_bry = Bld_wikitext(full_bfr, wiki.Parser_mgr().Pp_num_parser(), lst_page_regy);
if (page_bry != null)
xtn_root = Bld_root_nde(full_bfr, lst_page_regy, page_bry); // NOTE: this effectively reparses page twice; needed b/c of "if {| : ; # *, auto add new_line" which can build different tokens
} finally {
public void Xtn_write(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xoae_page wpg, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) {
if (xtn_literal)
Xox_mgr_base.Xtn_write_escape(app, bfr, src, xnde);
else {
if (xtn_root == null) return; // xtn_root is null when Xtn_parse exits early; occurs for recursion; DATE:2014-05-21
html_wtr.Write_tkn_to_html(bfr, ctx, hctx, xtn_root.Root_src(), xnde, Xoh_html_wtr.Sub_idx_null, xtn_root);
private boolean Init_vars(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) { = wiki; this.ctx = ctx; app = wiki.Appe(); usr_dlg = app.Usr_dlg();
this.src = src; this.xnde_tkn = xnde; cur_page_ttl = ctx.Page().Ttl();
Xox_xnde_.Xatr__set(wiki, this, xatrs_hash, src, xnde);
Xop_amp_mgr amp_mgr = wiki.Appe().Parser_amp_mgr();
index_ttl_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(index_ttl_bry);
bgn_page_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(bgn_page_bry);
end_page_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(end_page_bry);
Xowc_xtn_pages cfg_pages = wiki.Cfg_parser().Xtns().Itm_pages();
if (cfg_pages.Init_needed()) cfg_pages.Init(wiki.Ns_mgr());
ns_index_id = cfg_pages.Ns_index_id(); if (ns_index_id == Int_.Min_value) return Fail_msg("wiki does not have an Index ns");
ns_page_id = cfg_pages.Ns_page_id(); if (ns_page_id == Int_.Min_value) return Fail_msg("wiki does not have a Page ns"); // occurs when <pages> used in a wiki without a "Page:" ns; EX: de.w:Help:Buchfunktion/Feedback
index_ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, ns_index_id, index_ttl_bry); if (index_ttl == null) return Fail_args("index title is not valid: index={0}", String_.new_u8(index_ttl_bry));
ns_page = wiki.Ns_mgr().Ids_get_or_null(ns_page_id);
if (onlysection != null)
bgn_sect_bry = end_sect_bry = null;
return true;
private byte[] Bld_wikitext(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Gfo_number_parser num_parser, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy) {
Pp_index_page index_page = Pp_index_parser.Parse(wiki, ctx, index_ttl, ns_page_id);
int index_page_ttls_len = index_page.Page_ttls().Count();
byte[] rv = Bry_.Empty;
if (bgn_page_bry != null || end_page_bry != null || include != null) { // from, to, or include specified
Xoa_ttl[] ttls = null;
if ( index_page.Pagelist_xndes().Count() > 0 // pagelist exists; don't get from args
|| index_page_ttls_len == 0 // no [[Page:]] in [[Index:]]
) // NOTE: this simulates MW's if (empty($links)); REF.MW:ProofreadPageRenderer.php|renderPages
ttls = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args(num_parser);
else {
Int_obj_ref bgn_page_ref = Int_obj_ref.New_neg1(), end_page_ref = Int_obj_ref.New_neg1();
ttls = index_page.Get_ttls_rng(wiki, ns_page_id, bgn_page_bry, end_page_bry, bgn_page_ref, end_page_ref);
bgn_page_int = bgn_page_ref.Val();
end_page_int = end_page_ref.Val();
if (ttls == Ttls_null) {Fail_msg("no index ttls found"); return null;}
rv = Bld_wikitext_from_ttls(full_bfr, lst_page_regy, ttls);
else {
header = Toc_bry;
if (header != null && XophpBool_.is_true(header)) {// check if header is true; ignore values like header=0; ISSUE#:622; DATE:2019-11-28
rv = Bld_wikitext_for_header(full_bfr, index_page, rv);
return rv;
} private static final byte[] Toc_bry = Bry_.new_a7("toc");
private byte[] Make_lnki(Bry_bfr full_bfr, byte[] index_page_src, Xop_lnki_tkn lnki) {
byte[] caption = Get_caption(full_bfr, index_page_src, lnki);
Xoa_ttl lnki_ttl = lnki.Ttl();
if (lnki_ttl.Wik_bgn() == -1) // no xwiki; just add ns + page
else // xwiki; add entire ttl which also includes xwiki; PAGE:sv.s:Valda_dikter_(Bj<42>rck); EX:[[:Commons:File:Valda dikter (tredje upplagan).djvu|Commons]]; DATE:2014-07-14
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private byte[] Get_caption(Bry_bfr full_bfr, byte[] index_page_src, Xop_lnki_tkn lnki) {
byte[] rv = Bry_.Empty;
try {
// NOTE: call "Lnki_wtr().Write_caption", not "Write_tkn_to_html" else XML in caption will be escaped; ISSUE#:624 DATE:2019-11-30
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Lnki_wtr().Write_caption(full_bfr, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, lnki, lnki.Ttl());
rv = full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
catch (Exception e) {
wiki.Appe().Usr_dlg().Warn_many("", "", "failed to write caption: page=~{0} lnki=~{1} err=~{2}", ctx.Page().Ttl().Full_db(), String_.new_u8(index_page_src, lnki.Src_bgn(), lnki.Src_end()), Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));
rv = lnki.Ttl().Page_txt();
return rv;
private byte[] Bld_wikitext_for_header(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Pp_index_page index_page, byte[] rv) {
List_adp main_lnkis = index_page.Main_lnkis();
int main_lnkis_len = main_lnkis.Count();
byte[] index_page_src = index_page.Src();
if (main_lnkis_len > 0) {
Xoa_ttl page_ttl = ctx.Page().Ttl();
for (int i = 0; i < main_lnkis_len; i++) {
Xop_lnki_tkn main_lnki = (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i);
if (page_ttl.Eq_full_db(main_lnki.Ttl())) {
Xoae_page old_page = ctx.Page();
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Init_by_page(ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, ctx.Page()); // HACK: should not reuse html_wtr, but should be safe to use during parse (not html_gen)
if (toc_cur == null) // do not set if "current" is specified, even if "blank" specified; EX: current=''
toc_cur = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, main_lnki);
if (toc_prv == null // do not set if "prev" is specified
&& i > 0)
toc_prv = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i - 1));
if (toc_nxt == null // do not set if "next" is specified
&& i + 1 < main_lnkis_len)
toc_nxt = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i + 1));
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Init_by_page(ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, old_page);
full_bfr.Add(Bry_tmpl); // {{:MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_header_template
full_bfr.Add(Bry_value).Add(header); // |value=toc"
if (toc_cur != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_cur).Add(toc_cur); // |current=Page/2"
if (toc_prv != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_prv).Add(toc_prv); // |prev=Page/1"
if (toc_nxt != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_nxt).Add(toc_nxt); // |next=Page/3"
if (bgn_page_int != -1)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_page_bgn).Add_int_variable(bgn_page_int); // |from=1"
if (end_page_int != -1)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_page_end).Add_int_variable(end_page_int); // |to=3"
Add_args(full_bfr, index_page.Invk_args());
Add_args(full_bfr, unknown_xatrs);
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private void Add_args(Bry_bfr full_bfr, List_adp invk_args) {
int invk_args_len = invk_args.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < invk_args_len; i++) {
Pp_index_arg arg = (Pp_index_arg)invk_args.Get_at(i);
.Add_byte_pipe() // |
.Add(wiki.Lang().Case_mgr().Case_build_lower(arg.Key())) // per MW, always lowercase key
.Add_byte_eq() // =
private Xoa_ttl[] Get_ttls_from_xnde_args(Gfo_number_parser num_parser) {
if (!Chk_step()) return Ttls_null;
List_adp list = List_adp_.New();
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__include(list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__rng(num_parser, list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__exclude(list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
if (include != null || exclude != null) // sort if include / exclude specified; will skip sort if only range specified
return Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__ttls(list);
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__include(List_adp list) {
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(include)) return list; // include is blank; exit early;
int[] include_pages = Int_ary_.Parse_or(include, null);
if (include_pages == null) return list; // ignore invalid include; DATE:2014-02-22
int include_pages_len = include_pages.length;
for (int i = 0; i < include_pages_len; i++)
list.Add(new Int_obj_val(include_pages[i]));
return list;
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__rng(Gfo_number_parser num_parser, List_adp list) {
// exit if "from" and "to" are blank but include is specified; ISSUE#:657 DATE:2020-01-19
if ( Bry_.Len_eq_0(bgn_page_bry)
&& Bry_.Len_eq_0(end_page_bry)
&& Bry_.Len_gt_0(include)
return list;
bgn_page_int = 0; // NOTE: default to 0 (1st page)
if (Bry_.Len_gt_0(bgn_page_bry)) {
if (num_parser.Has_err()) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'from': from={0}", String_.new_u8(bgn_page_bry));
return null;
bgn_page_int = num_parser.Rv_as_int();
end_page_int = 0;
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(end_page_bry))
end_page_int = Get_max_page_idx(wiki, index_ttl);
else {
if (num_parser.Has_err()) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'to': to={0}", String_.new_u8(bgn_page_bry));
return null;
end_page_int = num_parser.Rv_as_int();
if (bgn_page_int > end_page_int) {
Fail_args("from must be less than to: from={0} to={1}", bgn_page_int, end_page_int);
return null;
for (int i = bgn_page_int; i <= end_page_int; i++)
list.Add(new Int_obj_val(i));
return list;
private int Get_max_page_idx(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xoa_ttl index_ttl) {
List_adp rslt = List_adp_.New();
Int_obj_ref rslt_count = Int_obj_ref.New_zero();
wiki.Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_ttls_for_all_pages(Cancelable_.Never, rslt, tmp_page, tmp_page, rslt_count, ns_page, index_ttl.Page_db(), Int_.Max_value, 0, Int_.Max_value, false, false);
int len = rslt_count.Val();
int page_leaf_max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm)rslt.Get_at(i);
Xoa_ttl page_ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, ns_page_id, page.Ttl_page_db()); if (page_ttl == null) continue; // page_ttl is not valid; should never happen;
byte[] page_ttl_leaf = page_ttl.Leaf_txt(); if (page_ttl_leaf == null) continue; // page is not leaf; should not happen
int page_leaf_val = Bry_.To_int_or(page_ttl_leaf, Int_.Min_value); if (page_leaf_val == Int_.Min_value) continue; // leaf is not int; ignore
if (page_leaf_val > page_leaf_max) page_leaf_max = page_leaf_val;
return page_leaf_max;
} private static Xowd_page_itm tmp_page = new Xowd_page_itm(); // tmp_page passed to Load_ttls_for_all_pages; values are never looked at, so use static instance
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__exclude(List_adp list) {
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(exclude)) return list; // exclude is blank; exit early;
int[] exclude_pages = Int_ary_.Parse_or(exclude, null);
if (exclude_pages == null) return list; // ignore invalid exclude; DATE:2014-02-22
Hash_adp exclude_pages_hash = Hash_adp_.New();
int exclude_pages_len = exclude_pages.length;
for (int i = 0; i < exclude_pages_len; i++) {
Int_obj_val exclude_page = new Int_obj_val(exclude_pages[i]);
if (!exclude_pages_hash.Has(exclude_page))
exclude_pages_hash.Add(exclude_page, exclude_page);
List_adp new_list = List_adp_.New();
int list_len = list.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < list_len; i++) {
Int_obj_val page = (Int_obj_val)list.Get_at(i);
if (exclude_pages_hash.Has(page)) continue;
return new_list;
private Xoa_ttl[] Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__ttls(List_adp list) {
int list_len = list.Count(); if (list_len == 0) return Ttls_null;
Xoa_ttl[] rv = new Xoa_ttl[(list_len / step_int) + ((list_len % step_int == 0) ? 0 : 1)];
int rv_idx = 0;
Bry_bfr ttl_bfr = wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_b512();
for (int i = 0; i < list_len; i += step_int) {
Int_obj_val page = (Int_obj_val)list.Get_at(i);
ttl_bfr.Add(ns_page.Name_db_w_colon()) // EX: 'Page:'
.Add(index_ttl_bry) // EX: 'File.djvu'
.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Slash) // EX: '/'
.Add_int_variable(page.Val()); // EX: '123'
rv[rv_idx++] = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, ttl_bfr.To_bry_and_clear());
return rv;
private boolean Chk_step() {
if (step_bry == null) {
step_int = 1;
return true;
step_int = Bry_.To_int_or(step_bry, Int_.Min_value);
if (step_int < 1 || step_int > 1000) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'step': step={0}", String_.new_u8(step_bry));
return false;
return true;
private byte[] Bld_wikitext_from_ttls(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy, Xoa_ttl[] ary) {
int ary_len = ary.length;
Xoa_ttl bgn_page_ttl = bgn_page_bry == null ? null : ary[0];
Xoa_ttl end_page_ttl = end_page_bry == null ? null : ary[ary_len - 1];
Bry_bfr page_bfr = wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_m001();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
Xoa_ttl ttl = ary[i];
byte[] ttl_page_db = ttl.Page_db();
if (lst_page_regy.Get_by_bry(ttl_page_db) == null) // check if page was already added; avoids recursive <page> calls which will overflow stack; DATE:2014-01-01
lst_page_regy.Add(ttl_page_db, ttl_page_db);
byte[] cur_sect_bgn = Lst_pfunc_itm.Null_arg, cur_sect_end = Lst_pfunc_itm.Null_arg;
if (ttl.Eq_page_db(bgn_page_ttl)) {
if (bgn_sect_bry != null)
cur_sect_bgn = bgn_sect_bry;
else if (onlysection != null) {
cur_sect_bgn = onlysection;
cur_sect_end = onlysection;
else if (ttl.Eq_page_db(end_page_ttl)) {
if (end_sect_bry != null)
cur_sect_end = end_sect_bry;
Xopg_tmpl_prepend_mgr prepend_mgr = ctx.Page().Tmpl_prepend_mgr().Bgn(full_bfr);
Lst_pfunc_itm lst_itm = Lst_pfunc_itm.New_sect_or_null(ctx, ttl.Full_db());
if (lst_itm != null) Lst_pfunc_lst_.Sect_include(page_bfr, lst_itm.Sec_mgr(), lst_itm.Itm_src(), cur_sect_bgn, cur_sect_end);
prepend_mgr.End(ctx, full_bfr, page_bfr.Bfr(), page_bfr.Len(), Bool_.Y);
full_bfr.Add(gplx.langs.htmls.entitys.Gfh_entity_.Space_bry); // $out.= "&#32;";
finally {
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private Xop_root_tkn Bld_root_nde(Bry_bfr page_bfr, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy, byte[] wikitext) {
Xop_ctx tmp_ctx = Xop_ctx.New__sub__reuse_lst(wiki, ctx, lst_page_regy);
tmp_ctx.Page().Ttl_(ctx.Page().Ttl()); // NOTE: must set tmp_ctx.Ttl to ctx.Ttl; EX: Flatland and First World; DATE:2013-04-29
tmp_ctx.Lnki().File_logger_(Xop_file_logger_.Noop); // NOTE: set file_wkr to null, else items will be double-counted
Xop_parser tmp_parser = Xop_parser.new_(wiki, wiki.Parser_mgr().Main().Tmpl_lxr_mgr(), wiki.Parser_mgr().Main().Wtxt_lxr_mgr());
Xop_root_tkn rv = tmp_ctx.Tkn_mkr().Root(wikitext);
tmp_parser.Parse_text_to_wdom(rv, tmp_ctx, tmp_ctx.Tkn_mkr(), wikitext, Xop_parser_.Doc_bgn_bos);
return rv;
private String Fail_msg_suffix() {
String excerpt = Bry_fmtr.Escape_tilde(String_.new_u8(Bry_.Mid_by_len_safe(src, xnde_tkn.Src_bgn(), 32)));
return String_.Format(" ttl={0} src={1}", String_.new_u8(cur_page_ttl.Full_db()), excerpt);
private String Fail_msg_basic(String msg) {return msg + ";" + Fail_msg_suffix();}
private String Fail_msg_custom(String fmt, Object... args) {return String_.Format(fmt, args) + Fail_msg_suffix();}
private boolean Fail_msg(String msg) {
xtn_literal = true;
usr_dlg.Warn_many("", "", String_.Replace(Fail_msg_basic(msg), "\n", ""));
return false;
private boolean Fail_args(String fmt, Object... args) {
xtn_literal = true;
usr_dlg.Warn_many("", "", String_.Replace(Fail_msg_custom(fmt, args), "\n", ""));
return false;
private static Hash_adp_bry xatrs_hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7() // NOTE: these do not seem to be i18n'd; no ProofreadPage.magic.php; ProofreadPage.i18n.php only has messages; ProofreadPage.body.php refers to names literally
.Add_str_obj("index" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_index_ttl))
.Add_str_obj("from" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_bgn_page))
.Add_str_obj("to" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_end_page))
.Add_str_obj("fromsection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_bgn_sect))
.Add_str_obj("tosection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_end_sect))
.Add_str_obj("include" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_include))
.Add_str_obj("exclude" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_exclude))
.Add_str_obj("onlysection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_onlysection))
.Add_str_obj("step" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_step))
.Add_str_obj("header" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_header))
.Add_str_obj("current" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_cur))
.Add_str_obj("prev" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_prv))
.Add_str_obj("next" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_nxt))
public static final byte
Xatr_index_ttl = 0
, Xatr_bgn_page = 1
, Xatr_end_page = 2
, Xatr_bgn_sect = 3
, Xatr_end_sect = 4
, Xatr_include = 5
, Xatr_exclude = 6
, Xatr_onlysection = 7
, Xatr_step = 8
, Xatr_header = 9
, Xatr_toc_cur = 10
, Xatr_toc_prv = 11
, Xatr_toc_nxt = 12
private static final byte[]
Bry_tmpl = Bry_.new_a7("{{:MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_header_template")
, Bry_value = Bry_.new_a7("|value=")
, Bry_toc_cur = Bry_.new_a7("|current=")
, Bry_toc_prv = Bry_.new_a7("|prev=")
, Bry_toc_nxt = Bry_.new_a7("|next=")
, Bry_page_bgn = Bry_.new_a7("|from=")
, Bry_page_end = Bry_.new_a7("|to=")
public static final Xoa_ttl[] Ttls_null = null;
. original implmentation was following
in Xop_ctx
public Hash_adp_bry Lst_page_regy() {if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs(); return lst_page_regy;}
in Pp_pages_nde
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy();
. current implementation is following
in Xop_ctx
public Hash_adp_bry Lst_page_regy() {return lst_page_regy;}
in Pp_pages_nde
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy();
if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
. note that this only skips transcluded <pages> within a given <pages> call, not across the entire page
EX: Page:A/1 has the following text
<pages index="A" from=1 to=3 />
<pages index="B" from=1 to=1 />
<pages index="B" from=1 to=1 />
. original implementation would correctly include <pages index="A" from=1 to=3 /> only once, but would also include <pages index="B" from=1 to=1 /> once
. current implmentation would include <pages index="B" from=1 to=1 /> twice
. also, side-effect of only having Lst_page_regy only be non-null on sub_ctx, which means nothing needs to be cleared on main_ctx