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package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*;
import gplx.core.strings.*;
import gplx.core.texts.*; /*CharStream*/
public class GfmlLxr_ {
public static GfmlLxr general_(String key, GfmlTkn protoTkn) {return GfmlLxr_general.new_(key, protoTkn);}
public static GfmlLxr solo_(String key, GfmlTkn singletonTkn) {return GfmlLxr_singleton.new_(key, singletonTkn.Raw(), singletonTkn);}
public static GfmlLxr range_(String key, String[] ary, GfmlTkn protoTkn, boolean ignoreOutput) {return GfmlLxr_group.new_(key, ary, protoTkn, ignoreOutput);}
@gplx.Internal protected static GfmlLxr symbol_(String key, String raw, String val, GfmlBldrCmd cmd) {
GfmlTkn tkn = GfmlTkn_.singleton_(key, raw, val, cmd);
return GfmlLxr_.solo_(key, tkn);
@gplx.Internal protected static GfmlLxr frame_(String key, GfmlFrame frame, String bgn, String end) {return GfmlLxr_frame.new_(key, frame, bgn, end, GfmlBldrCmd_pendingTkns_add.Instance, GfmlBldrCmd_frameEnd.data_());}
public static final GfmlLxr Null = new GfmlLxr_null();
public static final String CmdTknChanged_evt = "Changed";
public static GfmlLxr as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlLxr ? (GfmlLxr)obj : null;}
public static GfmlLxr cast(Object obj) {try {return (GfmlLxr)obj;} catch(Exception exc) {throw Err_.new_type_mismatch_w_exc(exc, GfmlLxr.class, obj);}}
class GfmlLxr_null implements GfmlLxr {
public String Key() {return "gfml.nullLxr";}
public GfoEvMgr EvMgr() {if (evMgr == null) evMgr = GfoEvMgr.new_(this); return evMgr;} GfoEvMgr evMgr;
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;}
public GfmlTkn CmdTkn() {return GfmlTkn_.Null;} public void CmdTkn_set(GfmlTkn val) {}
public String[] Hooks() {return String_.Ary_empty;}
public GfmlTkn MakeTkn(CharStream stream, int hookLength) {return GfmlTkn_.Null;}
public void SubLxr_Add(GfmlLxr... lexer) {}
public GfmlLxr SubLxr() {return this;}
class GfmlLxr_singleton implements GfmlLxr, GfoEvObj {
public GfoEvMgr EvMgr() {if (evMgr == null) evMgr = GfoEvMgr.new_(this); return evMgr;} GfoEvMgr evMgr;
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;}
public String Key() {return key;} private String key;
public GfmlTkn CmdTkn() {return singletonTkn;} GfmlTkn singletonTkn;
public void CmdTkn_set(GfmlTkn val) {
String oldRaw = singletonTkn.Raw();
singletonTkn = val;
hooks = String_.Ary(val.Raw());
GfoEvMgr_.PubVals(this, GfmlLxr_.CmdTknChanged_evt, Keyval_.new_("old", oldRaw), Keyval_.new_("new", val.Raw()), Keyval_.new_("lxr", this));
public String[] Hooks() {return hooks;} private String[] hooks;
public GfmlTkn MakeTkn(CharStream stream, int hookLength) {
return singletonTkn;
public GfmlLxr SubLxr() {return subLxr;} GfmlLxr subLxr;
public void SubLxr_Add(GfmlLxr... lexer) {subLxr.SubLxr_Add(lexer);}
public static GfmlLxr_singleton new_(String key, String hook, GfmlTkn singletonTkn) {
GfmlLxr_singleton rv = new GfmlLxr_singleton();
rv.ctor_(key, hook, singletonTkn, GfmlLxr_.Null);
return rv;
} protected GfmlLxr_singleton() {}
@gplx.Internal protected void ctor_(String key, String hook, GfmlTkn singletonTkn, GfmlLxr subLxr) {
this.key = key;
this.hooks = String_.Ary(hook);
this.subLxr = subLxr;
this.singletonTkn = singletonTkn;
class GfmlLxr_group implements GfmlLxr {
public String Key() {return key;} private String key;
public GfoEvMgr EvMgr() {if (evMgr == null) evMgr = GfoEvMgr.new_(this); return evMgr;} GfoEvMgr evMgr;
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;}
public GfmlTkn CmdTkn() {return outputTkn;} public void CmdTkn_set(GfmlTkn val) {} GfmlTkn outputTkn;
public String[] Hooks() {return trie.Symbols();}
public GfmlTkn MakeTkn(CharStream stream, int hookLength) {
while (stream.AtMid()) {
if (!ignoreOutput)
sb.Add_mid(stream.Ary(), stream.Pos(), hookLength);
String found = String_.cast(trie.FindMatch(stream));
if (found == null) break;
hookLength = trie.LastMatchCount;
if (ignoreOutput) return GfmlTkn_.IgnoreOutput;
String raw = sb.To_str_and_clear();
return outputTkn.MakeNew(raw, raw);
public GfmlLxr SubLxr() {throw Err_sublxr();}
public void SubLxr_Add(GfmlLxr... lexer) {throw Err_sublxr();}
Err Err_sublxr() {return Err_.new_unimplemented_w_msg("group lxr does not have subLxrs", "key", key, "output_tkn", outputTkn.Raw()).Trace_ignore_add_1_();}
GfmlTrie trie = GfmlTrie.new_(); String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_(); boolean ignoreOutput;
public static GfmlLxr_group new_(String key, String[] hooks, GfmlTkn outputTkn, boolean ignoreOutput) {
GfmlLxr_group rv = new GfmlLxr_group();
rv.key = key;
for (String hook : hooks)
rv.trie.Add(hook, hook);
rv.outputTkn = outputTkn; rv.ignoreOutput = ignoreOutput;
return rv;
} GfmlLxr_group() {}
class GfmlLxr_general implements GfmlLxr, GfoInvkAble {
public GfoEvMgr EvMgr() {if (evMgr == null) evMgr = GfoEvMgr.new_(this); return evMgr;} GfoEvMgr evMgr;
public String Key() {return key;} private String key;
public GfmlTkn CmdTkn() {return txtTkn;} public void CmdTkn_set(GfmlTkn val) {} GfmlTkn txtTkn;
public String[] Hooks() {return symTrie.Symbols();}
public GfmlTkn MakeTkn(CharStream stream, int firstTknLength) {
GfmlTkn rv = null;
if (symLxr != null) { // symLxr has something; produce
rv = MakeTkn_symLxr(stream);
if (rv != GfmlTkn_.IgnoreOutput) return rv;
while (stream.AtMid()) { // keep moving til (a) symChar or (b) endOfStream
Object result = symTrie.FindMatch(stream);
symTknLen = symTrie.LastMatchCount;
if (result == null) { // no match; must be txtChar;
else { // symChar
symLxr = (GfmlLxr)result; // set symLxr for next pass
if (txtBfr.Has()) // txtBfr has something: gen txtTkn
rv = txtBfr.MakeTkn(stream, txtTkn);
else { // txtBfr empty: gen symbol
rv = MakeTkn_symLxr(stream);
if (rv == GfmlTkn_.IgnoreOutput) continue;
return rv;
if (txtBfr.Has()) // endOfStream, but txtBfr has chars
return txtBfr.MakeTkn(stream, txtTkn);
return GfmlTkn_.EndOfStream;
public void SubLxr_Add(GfmlLxr... lxrs) {
for (GfmlLxr lxr : lxrs) {
for (String hook : lxr.Hooks())
symTrie.Add(hook, lxr);
GfoEvMgr_.SubSame(lxr, GfmlLxr_.CmdTknChanged_evt, this);
public GfmlLxr SubLxr() {return this;}
GfmlTkn MakeTkn_symLxr(CharStream stream) {
GfmlLxr lexer = symLxr; symLxr = null;
int length = symTknLen; symTknLen = 0;
return lexer.MakeTkn(stream, length);
GfmlLxr_general_txtBfr txtBfr = new GfmlLxr_general_txtBfr(); GfmlTrie symTrie = GfmlTrie.new_(); GfmlLxr symLxr; int symTknLen;
@gplx.Internal protected static GfmlLxr_general new_(String key, GfmlTkn txtTkn) {
GfmlLxr_general rv = new GfmlLxr_general();
rv.key = key; rv.txtTkn = txtTkn;
return rv;
} protected GfmlLxr_general() {}
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, GfmlLxr_.CmdTknChanged_evt)) {
symTrie.Add(m.ReadStr("new"), m.CastObj("lxr"));
else return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;
return this;
class GfmlLxr_general_txtBfr {
public int Bgn = NullPos;
public int Len;
public boolean Has() {return Bgn != NullPos;}
public void Add(CharStream stream) {
if (Bgn == NullPos) Bgn = stream.Pos();
} static final int NullPos = -1;
public GfmlTkn MakeTkn(CharStream stream, GfmlTkn textTkn) {
String raw = String_.new_charAry_(stream.Ary(), Bgn, Len);
Bgn = -1; Len = 0;
return textTkn.MakeNew(raw, raw);
class GfmlLxr_frame extends GfmlLxr_singleton { GfmlFrame frame; GfmlLxr endLxr, txtLxr;
public void BgnRaw_set(String val) {// needed for lxr pragma
GfmlBldrCmd_frameBgn bgnCmd = GfmlBldrCmd_frameBgn.new_(frame, txtLxr);
GfmlTkn bgnTkn = GfmlTkn_.singleton_(this.Key() + "_bgn", val, GfmlTkn_.NullVal, bgnCmd);
public void EndRaw_set(String val) {// needed for lxr pragma
GfmlBldrCmd_frameEnd endCmd = GfmlBldrCmd_frameEnd.data_();
GfmlTkn endTkn = GfmlTkn_.singleton_(this.Key() + "_end", val, GfmlTkn_.NullVal, endCmd);
public static GfmlLxr new_(String key, GfmlFrame frame, String bgn, String end, GfmlBldrCmd txtCmd, GfmlBldrCmd endCmd) {
GfmlLxr_frame rv = new GfmlLxr_frame();
GfmlTkn txtTkn = frame.FrameType() == GfmlFrame_.Type_comment
? GfmlTkn_.valConst_(key + "_txt", GfmlTkn_.NullVal, txtCmd)
: GfmlTkn_.cmd_(key + "_txt", txtCmd)
GfmlLxr txtLxr = GfmlLxr_.general_(key + "_txt", txtTkn);
GfmlTkn bgnTkn = GfmlTkn_.singleton_(key + "_bgn", bgn, GfmlTkn_.NullVal, GfmlBldrCmd_frameBgn.new_(frame, txtLxr));
rv.ctor_(key, bgn, bgnTkn, txtLxr);
GfmlTkn endTkn = GfmlTkn_.singleton_(key + "_end", end, GfmlTkn_.NullVal, endCmd);
GfmlLxr endLxr = GfmlLxr_.solo_(key + "_end", endTkn);
rv.frame = frame;
rv.endLxr = endLxr;
rv.txtLxr = txtLxr;
return rv;
} GfmlLxr_frame() {}
public static GfmlLxr_frame as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlLxr_frame ? (GfmlLxr_frame)obj : null;}
public static GfmlLxr_frame cast(Object obj) {try {return (GfmlLxr_frame)obj;} catch(Exception exc) {throw Err_.new_type_mismatch_w_exc(exc, GfmlLxr_frame.class, obj);}}