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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.specials; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.xowa.users.history.*;
import gplx.xowa.langs.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.allPages.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.nearby.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.statistics.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.translates.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.movePage.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.system_data.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.default_tab.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.popup_history.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.imports.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.diags.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.extensions.Wikibase.repo.includes.specials.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.xowa.errors.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.specials.*;
import*; import gplx.xowa.users.bmks.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.mgrs.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.searchs.specials.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.pages.*;
public class Xow_special_mgr {
private final Hash_adp_bry hash;
private Xoa_app app;
public Xow_special_mgr(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xol_lang_itm lang) { = wiki.App();
hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_u8(lang.Case_mgr());
page_allpages = new Xows_page_allpages(wiki);
public Xows_page_allpages Page_allpages() {return page_allpages;} private final Xows_page_allpages page_allpages;
public Srch_special_page Page_search() {return page_search;} private final Srch_special_page page_search = new Srch_special_page();
public Xou_history_html Page_history() {return page_history;} private final Xou_history_html page_history = new Xou_history_html();
public Xoud_history_special Page_history2() {return page_history2;} private final Xoud_history_special page_history2 = new Xoud_history_special();
public Nearby_mgr Page_nearby() {return page_nearby;} private final Nearby_mgr page_nearby = new Nearby_mgr();
public Xop_mylanguage_page Page_mylanguage() {return page_mylanguage;} private final Xop_mylanguage_page page_mylanguage = new Xop_mylanguage_page();
public Wdata_itemByTitle_page Page_itemByTitle() {return page_itemByTitle;} private final Wdata_itemByTitle_page page_itemByTitle = new Wdata_itemByTitle_page();
public Xow_special_page Page_entityPage() {return page_entityPage;} private final Xow_special_page page_entityPage = Wbase_entityPage.Prototype;
public Xop_statistics_page Page_statistics() {return page_statistics;} private final Xop_statistics_page page_statistics = new Xop_statistics_page();
public Move_page Page_movePage() {return page_movePage;} private final Move_page page_movePage = new Move_page();
public System_data_page Page_system_data() {return page_system_data;} private final System_data_page page_system_data = new System_data_page();
public Default_tab_page Page_default_tab() {return page_default_tab;} private final Default_tab_page page_default_tab = new Default_tab_page();
public Popup_history_page Page_popup_history() {return page_popup_history;} private final Popup_history_page page_popup_history = new Popup_history_page();
public Xows_bmk_page Page_bmk() {return page_bmk;} private final Xows_bmk_page page_bmk = new Xows_bmk_page();
public Xows_diag_page Page_diag() {return page_diag;} private final Xows_diag_page page_diag = new Xows_diag_page();
public Xoerror_special Page_error() {return page_error;} private final Xoerror_special page_error = new Xoerror_special();
public void Evt_lang_changed(Xol_lang_itm lang) {
// add special pages by old manual method; DEPRECATED
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__search , page_search);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__all_pages , page_allpages);
hash.Add_str_obj("prefixindex" , page_allpages);
hash.Add_bry_obj(Xou_history_mgr.Ttl_name , page_history);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__page_history , page_history2);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__nearby , page_nearby);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__my_language , page_mylanguage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__item_by_title , page_itemByTitle);
hash.Add_str_obj(Wbase_entityPage.SPECIAL_KEY , page_entityPage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__statistics , page_statistics);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__move_page , page_movePage);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__system_data , page_system_data);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__default_tab , page_default_tab);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__popup_history , page_popup_history);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__bookmarks , page_bmk);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__diag , page_diag);
hash.Add_str_obj(Xow_special_meta_.Ttl__error , page_error);
// add app's Special_regy to hash table; needed for case insensitivity by wiki's lang; EX: Special:rANDom; NOTE: needs to go before lang aliases
Xoa_special_regy special_regy = app.Special_regy();
int len = special_regy.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Xow_special_page proto = special_regy.Get_at(i);
Xow_special_meta proto_meta = proto.Special__meta();
hash.Add_if_dupe_use_1st(proto_meta.Key_bry(), proto);
for (byte[] alias : proto_meta.Aliases())
hash.Add_if_dupe_use_1st(alias, proto);
// add lang's special aliases to hash table; EX: Special:Recherche
Xol_specials_mgr lang_mgr = lang.Specials_mgr();
len = lang_mgr.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Xol_specials_itm lang_itm = lang_mgr.Get_at(i);
Xow_special_page page = (Xow_special_page)hash.Get_by_bry(lang_itm.Special());
if (page == null) continue; // NOTE: ignore specials that are not in XOWA; EX: Special:ChangeEmail
for (byte[] alias : lang_itm.Aliases())
hash.Add_if_dupe_use_1st(alias, page);
public void Special__gen(Xoa_app app, Xow_wiki wiki, Xoa_page page, Xoa_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) {
int slash_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), Xoa_ttl.Subpage_spr); // check for slash
byte[] special_name = slash_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found
? ttl.Base_txt_wo_qarg() // slash absent; use base_txt; ignore qry args and just get page_names; EX: Search/Earth?fulltext=y; Allpages?from=Earth...
: Bry_.Mid(ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), 0, slash_pos); // slash exists; use root page; EX: Special:ItemByTitle/enwiki/Earth
special_name = Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(special_name); // handle spaces; EX:Spezial:Zufällige_Seite
Xow_special_page special = (Xow_special_page)hash.Get_by_bry(special_name);
if (special != null) { // special found; generate it;
// check safelisted pages; DATE:2017-07-22
Hash_adp safelist = app.Special_regy().Safelist_pages();
if (safelist.Count() > 0) { // safelist pages enabled
if (!safelist.Has(special_name)) {
byte[] safelist_failed = Bry_.new_u8("This special page is not listed in the special_pages safelist. Re-run XOWA and list it in the command-line arguments similar to this: \"--http_server.special_pages_safelist " + String_.new_u8(special_name) + "\"");
Xopage_html_data page_data = new Xopage_html_data(special.Special__meta().Display_ttl(), safelist_failed);
special = special.Special__clone();
try {special.Special__gen(wiki, page, url, ttl);}
catch (Exception e) {Gfo_log_.Instance.Warn("failed to generate special page", "url", url.To_str(), "err", Err_.Message_gplx_log(e));}
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_search)) return page_search;
else return Gfo_invk_.Rv_unhandled;
} private static final String Invk_search = "search";