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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.ios.*; /*IoItmFil, IoItmDir..*/ import gplx.core.ios.streams.*; import gplx.core.ios.loaders.*;
public class Io_mgr implements Gfo_evt_mgr_owner { // exists primarily to gather all cmds under gplx namespace; otherwise need to use gplx.core.ios whenever copying/deleting file
public Io_mgr() {evt_mgr = new Gfo_evt_mgr(this);}
public Gfo_evt_mgr Evt_mgr() {return evt_mgr;} private final Gfo_evt_mgr evt_mgr;
public boolean Exists(Io_url url) {return url.Type_dir() ? ExistsDir(url) : ExistsFil(url);}
public boolean ExistsFil(Io_url url) {return IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).ExistsFil_api(url);}
public void ExistsFilOrFail(Io_url url) {if (!ExistsFil(url)) throw Err_.new_wo_type("could not find file", "url", url);}
public void SaveFilStr(String url, String text) {SaveFilStr_args(Io_url_.new_fil_(url), text).Exec();}
public void SaveFilStr(Io_url url, String text) {SaveFilStr_args(url, text).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_saveFilStr SaveFilStr_args(Io_url url, String text) {return IoEngine_xrg_saveFilStr.new_(url, text);}
public void AppendFilStr(String url, String text) {AppendFilStr(Io_url_.new_fil_(url), text);}
public void AppendFilStr(Io_url url, String text) {SaveFilStr_args(url, text).Append_(true).Exec();}
public void DeleteFil(Io_url url) {DeleteFil_args(url).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_deleteFil DeleteFil_args(Io_url url) {return IoEngine_xrg_deleteFil.new_(url);}
public void MoveFil(Io_url src, Io_url trg) {IoEngine_xrg_xferFil.move_(src, trg).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_xferFil MoveFil_args(Io_url src, Io_url trg, boolean overwrite) {return IoEngine_xrg_xferFil.move_(src, trg).Overwrite_(overwrite);}
public void CopyFil(Io_url src, Io_url trg, boolean overwrite) {IoEngine_xrg_xferFil.copy_(src, trg).Overwrite_(overwrite).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_xferFil CopyFil_args(Io_url src, Io_url trg, boolean overwrite) {return IoEngine_xrg_xferFil.copy_(src, trg).Overwrite_(overwrite);}
public IoRecycleBin RecycleBin() {return recycleBin;} private IoRecycleBin recycleBin = IoRecycleBin.Instance;
public Io_loader Loader() {return loader;} public void Loader_(Io_loader v) {this.loader = v;} private Io_loader loader;
public IoStream OpenStreamWrite(Io_url url) {return OpenStreamWrite_args(url).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_openWrite OpenStreamWrite_args(Io_url url) {return IoEngine_xrg_openWrite.new_(url);}
public IoItmFil QueryFil(Io_url url) {return IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).QueryFil(url);}
public void UpdateFilAttrib(Io_url url, IoItmAttrib attrib) {IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).UpdateFilAttrib(url, attrib);}
public void UpdateFilModifiedTime(Io_url url, DateAdp modified) {IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).UpdateFilModifiedTime(url, modified);}
public boolean ExistsDir(Io_url url) {return IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).ExistsDir(url);}
public void CreateDir(Io_url url) {IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).CreateDir(url);}
public boolean CreateDirIfAbsent(Io_url url) {
boolean exists = ExistsDir(url);
if (!exists) {
return true;
return false;
public void Create_fil_ary(Io_fil[] fil_ary) {
for (Io_fil fil : fil_ary)
SaveFilStr(fil.Url(), fil.Data());
public Io_url[] QueryDir_fils(Io_url dir) {return QueryDir_args(dir).ExecAsUrlAry();}
public IoEngine_xrg_queryDir QueryDir_args(Io_url dir) {return IoEngine_xrg_queryDir.new_(dir);}
public void DeleteDirSubs(Io_url url) {IoEngine_xrg_deleteDir.new_(url).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_deleteDir DeleteDir_cmd(Io_url url) {return IoEngine_xrg_deleteDir.new_(url);}
public void DeleteDirDeep(Io_url url) {IoEngine_xrg_deleteDir.new_(url).Recur_().Exec();}
public void DeleteDirDeep_ary(Io_url... urls) {for (Io_url url : urls) IoEngine_xrg_deleteDir.new_(url).Recur_().Exec();}
public int Delete_dir_empty(Io_url url) {return Io_mgr_.Delete_dir_empty(url);}
public void Delete_sub_by_wildcard() {
public boolean Truncate_fil(Io_url url, long size) {return IoEnginePool.Instance.Get_by(url.Info().EngineKey()).Truncate_fil(url, size);}
public void MoveDirDeep(Io_url src, Io_url trg) {IoEngine_xrg_xferDir.move_(src, trg).Recur_().Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_xferDir CopyDir_cmd(Io_url src, Io_url trg) {return IoEngine_xrg_xferDir.copy_(src, trg);}
public void CopyDirSubs(Io_url src, Io_url trg) {IoEngine_xrg_xferDir.copy_(src, trg).Exec();}
public void CopyDirDeep(Io_url src, Io_url trg) {IoEngine_xrg_xferDir.copy_(src, trg).Recur_().Exec();}
public void DeleteDirIfEmpty(Io_url url) {
if (Array_.Len(QueryDir_fils(url)) == 0)
public void AliasDir_sysEngine(String srcRoot, String trgRoot) {AliasDir(srcRoot, trgRoot, IoEngine_.SysKey);}
public void AliasDir(String srcRoot, String trgRoot, String engineKey) {IoUrlInfoRegy.Instance.Reg(IoUrlInfo_.alias_(srcRoot, trgRoot, engineKey));}
public IoStream OpenStreamRead(Io_url url) {return OpenStreamRead_args(url).ExecAsIoStreamOrFail();}
public IoEngine_xrg_openRead OpenStreamRead_args(Io_url url) {return IoEngine_xrg_openRead.new_(url);}
public String LoadFilStr(String url) {return LoadFilStr_args(Io_url_.new_fil_(url)).Exec();}
public String LoadFilStr(Io_url url) {return LoadFilStr_args(url).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_loadFilStr LoadFilStr_args(Io_url url) {return IoEngine_xrg_loadFilStr.new_(url);}
public byte[] LoadFilBryOrNull(Io_url url) {return LoadFilBryOr(url, null);}
public byte[] LoadFilBryOr(Io_url url, byte[] or) {return ExistsFil(url) ? LoadFilBry(url) : or;}
public byte[] LoadFilBry(String url) {return LoadFilBry_reuse(Io_url_.new_fil_(url), Bry_.Empty, Int_obj_ref.New_zero());}
public byte[] LoadFilBry(Io_url url) {return LoadFilBry_reuse(url, Bry_.Empty, Int_obj_ref.New_zero());}
public void LoadFilBryByBfr(Io_url url, Bry_bfr bfr) {
Int_obj_ref len = Int_obj_ref.New_zero();
byte[] bry = LoadFilBry_reuse(url, Bry_.Empty, len);
bfr.Bfr_init(bry, len.Val());
public static final byte[] LoadFilBry_fail = Bry_.Empty;
public byte[] LoadFilBry_reuse(Io_url url, byte[] ary, Int_obj_ref ary_len) {
if (loader != null) {
byte[] rv = loader.Load_fil_as_bry(url);
if (rv != null) return rv;
if (!ExistsFil(url)) {
return LoadFilBry_fail;
IoStream stream = IoStream_.Null;
try {
stream = OpenStreamRead(url);
int stream_len = (int)stream.Len();
if (stream_len > ary.length)
ary = new byte[stream_len];
return ary;
catch (Exception e) {throw Err_.new_wo_type("failed to load file", "url", url.Xto_api(), "e", Err_.Message_lang(e));}
finally {stream.Rls();}
public byte[] LoadFilBry_loose(Io_url url) {return Bry_.new_u8(LoadFilStr_loose(url));}
public String LoadFilStr_loose(Io_url url) {
String rv = LoadFilStr_args(url).BomUtf8Convert_(Bool_.Y).MissingIgnored_(Bool_.Y).Exec();
if (String_.Has(rv, "\r\n"))
rv = String_.Replace(rv, "\r\n", "\n");
return rv;
public void AppendFilBfr(Io_url url, Bry_bfr bfr) {AppendFilByt(url, bfr.Bfr(), 0, bfr.Len()); bfr.ClearAndReset();}
public void AppendFilByt(Io_url url, byte[] val) {AppendFilByt(url, val, 0, val.length);}
public void AppendFilByt(Io_url url, byte[] val, int len) {AppendFilByt(url, val, 0, len);}
public void AppendFilByt(Io_url url, byte[] val, int bgn, int len) {
IoStream stream = IoStream_.Null;
try {
stream = OpenStreamWrite_args(url).Mode_(IoStream_.Mode_wtr_append).Exec();
stream.Write(val, bgn, len);
} finally {stream.Rls();}
public void SaveFilBfr(Io_url url, Bry_bfr bfr) {SaveFilBry(url, bfr.Bfr(), bfr.Len()); bfr.Clear();}
public void SaveFilBry(String urlStr, byte[] val) {SaveFilBry(Io_url_.new_fil_(urlStr), val);}
public void SaveFilBry(Io_url url, byte[] val) {SaveFilBry(url, val, val.length);}
public void SaveFilBry(Io_url url, byte[] val, int len) {SaveFilBry(url, val, 0, len);}
public void SaveFilBry(Io_url url, byte[] val, int bgn, int len) {
IoStream stream = IoStream_.Null;
try {
stream = OpenStreamWrite(url);
stream.Write(val, bgn, len);
} finally {stream.Rls();}
public IoEngine InitEngine_mem() {return IoEngine_.Mem_init_();}
public IoEngine InitEngine_mem_(String key) {
IoEngine engine = IoEngine_.mem_new_(key);
IoUrlInfoRegy.Instance.Reg(IoUrlInfo_.mem_(key, key));
return engine;
public boolean DownloadFil(String src, Io_url trg) {return IoEngine_xrg_downloadFil.new_(src, trg).Exec();}
public IoEngine_xrg_downloadFil DownloadFil_args(String src, Io_url trg) {return IoEngine_xrg_downloadFil.new_(src, trg);}
public static final Io_mgr Instance = new Io_mgr();
public static final int Len_kb = 1024, Len_mb = 1048576, Len_gb = 1073741824, Len_gb_2 = 2147483647;
public static final long Len_mb_long = Len_mb;
public static final long Len_null = -1;
public static final String Evt__fil_created = "fil_created";
class Io_mgr_ {
public static int Delete_dir_empty(Io_url url) {
IoItmDir dir = Io_mgr.Instance.QueryDir_args(url).ExecAsDir();
int sub_dirs_len = dir.SubDirs().Count();
int deleted_dirs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sub_dirs_len; ++i) {
IoItmDir sub_dir = (IoItmDir)dir.SubDirs().Get_at(i);
deleted_dirs += Io_mgr.Instance.Delete_dir_empty(sub_dir.Url());
if ( dir.SubFils().Count() == 0
&& deleted_dirs == sub_dirs_len
) {
return 1;
return 0;