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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx;
import gplx.core.strings.*; import gplx.core.consoles.*; import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*;
public class Gfo_usr_dlg__log_base implements Gfo_usr_dlg__log {
private int archive_dirs_max = 8;
private Io_url log_dir, err_fil;
private Ordered_hash queued_list = Ordered_hash_.New();
private Bry_fmtr fmtr = Bry_fmtr.New__tmp(); private Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.Reset(255);
public boolean Queue_enabled() {return queue_enabled;} public void Queue_enabled_(boolean v) {queue_enabled = v; if (!v) this.Flush();} private boolean queue_enabled;
public boolean Enabled() {return enabled;} public void Enabled_(boolean v) {enabled = v;} private boolean enabled = true;
public Io_url Session_dir() {return session_dir;} private Io_url session_dir;
public Io_url Session_fil() {return session_fil;} private Io_url session_fil;
private void Flush() {
int queued_len = queued_list.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < queued_len; i++) {
Usr_log_fil fil = (Usr_log_fil)queued_list.Get_at(i);
if (fil.Url() == null) {
public Io_url Log_dir() {return log_dir;}
public void Log_dir_(Io_url log_dir) {
this.log_dir = log_dir;
session_dir = log_dir.GenSubDir(Dir_name_current);
session_fil = session_dir.GenSubFil("session.txt");
err_fil = session_dir.GenSubFil("err.txt");
public void Log_term() {
if (!enabled) return;
Io_url[] archive_dirs = Io_mgr.Instance.QueryDir_args(log_dir).DirInclude_().DirOnly_().ExecAsUrlAry();
int archive_dirs_len = archive_dirs.length;
int session_cutoff = archive_dirs_len - archive_dirs_max;
for (int i = 0; i < session_cutoff; i++) {
Io_url archive_dir = archive_dirs[i];
this.Log_to_session("archive dir del: " + session_dir.Raw());
this.Log_to_session("app term");
private void MoveCurrentToArchive(Io_url dir) {Io_mgr.Instance.MoveDirDeep(dir, dir.OwnerDir().GenSubDir(Datetime_now.Get().XtoStr_fmt_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff()));}
public void Log_info(boolean warn, String s) {if (warn) Log_to_err(s); else Log_to_session(s);}
public void Log_msg_to_url_fmt(Io_url url, String fmt, Object... args) {
if (!enabled) return;
String msg = Bld_msg(String_.new_u8(fmtr.Fmt_(fmt).Bld_bry_many(tmp_bfr, args)));
Log_msg(url, msg);
Log_msg(session_fil, msg);
public void Log_to_session_fmt(String fmt, Object... args) {Log_to_session(String_.new_u8(fmtr.Fmt_(fmt).Bld_bry_many(tmp_bfr, args)));}
public void Log_to_session(String s) {
if (!enabled) return;
String line = Bld_msg(s);
Log_msg(session_fil, line);
public void Log_to_session_direct(String s) {
if (!enabled) return;
Log_msg(session_fil, s);
public void Log_to_err(String s) {
if (!enabled) return;
try {
String line = Bld_msg(s);
Log_msg(session_fil, line);
Log_msg(err_fil, line);
catch (Exception e) {Err_.Noop(e);} // java.lang.StringBuilder can throw exceptions in some situations when called on a different thread; ignore errors
} private String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_thread(); // NOTE: use java.lang.StringBuffer to try to avoid random exceptions when called on a different thread
private String Bld_msg(String s) {return sb.Add(Datetime_now.Get_force().XtoUtc().XtoStr_fmt_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff()).Add(" ").Add(s).Add_char_nl().To_str_and_clear();}
private void Log_msg(Io_url url, String txt) {
if (queue_enabled) {
String url_raw = url == null ? "mem" : url.Raw();
Usr_log_fil fil = (Usr_log_fil)queued_list.Get_by(url_raw);
if (fil == null) {
fil = new Usr_log_fil(url);
queued_list.Add(url_raw, fil);
Io_mgr.Instance.AppendFilStr(url, txt);
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_enabled_)) enabled = m.ReadYn("v");
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_archive_dirs_max_)) archive_dirs_max = m.ReadInt("v");
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_log_dir_)) log_dir = m.ReadIoUrl("v");
else return Gfo_invk_.Rv_unhandled;
return this;
} public static final String Invk_enabled_ = "enabled_", Invk_archive_dirs_max_ = "archive_dirs_max_", Invk_log_dir_ = "log_dir_";
static final String Dir_name_log = "log", Dir_name_current = "current";
public static final Gfo_usr_dlg__log_base Instance = new Gfo_usr_dlg__log_base();
class Usr_log_fil {
public Usr_log_fil(Io_url url) {this.url = url;}
public Io_url Url() {return url;} public Usr_log_fil Url_(Io_url v) {url = v; return this;} Io_url url;
public void Add(String text) {sb.Add(text);} String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
public void Flush() {
if (sb.Count() == 0) return;
try {
Io_mgr.Instance.AppendFilStr(url, sb.To_str_and_clear());
catch (Exception e) {