You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3126 lines
93 KiB

XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.filerepo.file; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.filerepo.*;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.parsers.*;
public class XomwLocalFile extends XomwFile {// static final VERSION = 10; // cache version
// static final CACHE_FIELD_MAX_LEN = 1000;
// /** @var boolean Does the file exist on disk? (loadFromXxx) */
// protected fileExists;
/** @var int Image width */
public int width;
/** @var int Image height */
public int height;
// /** @var int Returned by getimagesize (loadFromXxx) */
// protected bits;
// /** @var String MEDIATYPE_xxx (bitmap, drawing, audio...) */
// protected media_type;
/** @var String MIME type, determined by MimeMagic::guessMimeType */
private byte[] mime;
// /** @var int Size in bytes (loadFromXxx) */
// protected size;
// /** @var String Handler-specific metadata */
// protected metadata;
// /** @var String SHA-1 super 36 content hash */
// protected sha1;
// /** @var boolean Whether or not core data has been loaded from the database (loadFromXxx) */
// protected dataLoaded;
// /** @var boolean Whether or not lazy-loaded data has been loaded from the database */
// protected extraDataLoaded;
// /** @var int Bitfield akin to rev_deleted */
// protected deleted;
// /** @var String */
// protected repoClass = 'LocalRepo';
// /** @var int Number of line to return by nextHistoryLine() (constructor) */
// private historyLine;
// /** @var int Result of the query for the file's history (nextHistoryLine) */
// private historyRes;
// /** @var String Major MIME type */
// private major_mime;
// /** @var String Minor MIME type */
// private minor_mime;
// /** @var String Upload timestamp */
// private timestamp;
// /** @var int User ID of uploader */
// private user;
// /** @var String User name of uploader */
// private user_text;
// /** @var String Description of current revision of the file */
// private description;
// /** @var String TS_MW timestamp of the last change of the file description */
// private descriptionTouched;
// /** @var boolean Whether the row was upgraded on load */
// private upgraded;
// /** @var boolean Whether the row was scheduled to upgrade on load */
// private upgrading;
// /** @var boolean True if the image row is locked */
// private locked;
// /** @var boolean True if the image row is locked with a synchronized initiated transaction */
// private lockedOwnTrx;
// /** @var boolean True if file is not present in file system. Not to be cached in memcached */
// private missing;
// // @note: higher than IDBAccessObject constants
// static final LOAD_ALL = 16; // integer; load all the lazy fields too (like metadata)
// static final ATOMIC_SECTION_LOCK = 'LocalFile::lockingTransaction';
// /**
// * Create a LocalFile from a title
// * Do not call this except from inside a repo class.
// *
// * Note: unused param is only here to avoid an E_STRICT
// *
// * @param Title title
// * @param FileRepo repo
// * @param null unused
// *
// * @return LocalFile
// */
// static function newFromTitle( title, repo, unused = null ) {
// return new self( title, repo );
// }
// /**
// * Create a LocalFile from a title
// * Do not call this except from inside a repo class.
// *
// * @param stdClass row
// * @param FileRepo repo
// *
// * @return LocalFile
// */
// static function newFromRow( row, repo ) {
// title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, row.img_name );
// file = new self( title, repo );
// file.loadFromRow( row );
// return file;
// }
// /**
// * Create a LocalFile from a SHA-1 key
// * Do not call this except from inside a repo class.
// *
// * @param String sha1 Base-36 SHA-1
// * @param LocalRepo repo
// * @param String|boolean timestamp MW_timestamp (optional)
// * @return boolean|LocalFile
// */
// static function newFromKey( sha1, repo, timestamp = false ) {
// dbr = repo.getReplicaDB();
// conds = [ 'img_sha1' => sha1 ];
// if ( timestamp ) {
// conds['img_timestamp'] = dbr.timestamp( timestamp );
// }
// row = dbr.selectRow( 'image', self::selectFields(), conds, __METHOD__ );
// if ( row ) {
// return self::newFromRow( row, repo );
// } else {
// return false;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Fields in the image table
// * @return array
// */
// static function selectFields() {
// return [
// 'img_name',
// 'img_size',
// 'img_width',
// 'img_height',
// 'img_metadata',
// 'img_bits',
// 'img_media_type',
// 'img_major_mime',
// 'img_minor_mime',
// 'img_description',
// 'img_user',
// 'img_user_text',
// 'img_timestamp',
// 'img_sha1',
// ];
// }
public XomwLocalFile(XomwEnv env, XomwTitleOld title, XomwFileRepo repo, int w, int h, byte[] mime) {super(env, title, repo);
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.mime = mime;
// /**
// * Constructor.
// * Do not call this except from inside a repo class.
// * @param Title title
// * @param FileRepo repo
// */
// function __construct( title, repo ) {
// parent::__construct( title, repo );
// this.metadata = '';
// this.historyLine = 0;
// this.historyRes = null;
// this.dataLoaded = false;
// this.extraDataLoaded = false;
// this.assertRepoDefined();
// this.assertTitleDefined();
// }
// /**
// * Get the memcached key for the main data for this file, or false if
// * there is no access to the shared cache.
// * @return String|boolean
// */
// function getCacheKey() {
// return this.repo.getSharedCacheKey( 'file', sha1( this.getName() ) );
// }
// /**
// * Try to load file metadata from memcached, falling back to the database
// */
// private function loadFromCache() {
// this.dataLoaded = false;
// this.extraDataLoaded = false;
// key = this.getCacheKey();
// if ( !key ) {
// this.loadFromDB( self::READ_NORMAL );
// return;
// }
// cache = ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance();
// cachedValues = cache.getWithSetCallback(
// key,
// cache::TTL_WEEK,
// function ( oldValue, &ttl, array &setOpts ) use ( cache ) {
// setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( this.repo.getReplicaDB() );
// this.loadFromDB( self::READ_NORMAL );
// fields = this.getCacheFields( '' );
// cacheVal['fileExists'] = this.fileExists;
// if ( this.fileExists ) {
// foreach ( fields as field ) {
// cacheVal[field] = this.field;
// }
// }
// // Strip off excessive entries from the subset of fields that can become large.
// // If the cache value gets to large it will not fit in memcached and nothing will
// // get cached at all, causing master queries for any file access.
// foreach ( this.getLazyCacheFields( '' ) as field ) {
// if ( isset( cacheVal[field] )
// && strlen( cacheVal[field] ) > 100 * 1024
// ) {
// unset( cacheVal[field] ); // don't let the value get too big
// }
// }
// if ( this.fileExists ) {
// ttl = cache.adaptiveTTL( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, this.timestamp ), ttl );
// } else {
// ttl = cache::TTL_DAY;
// }
// return cacheVal;
// },
// [ 'version' => self::VERSION ]
// );
// this.fileExists = cachedValues['fileExists'];
// if ( this.fileExists ) {
// this.setProps( cachedValues );
// }
// this.dataLoaded = true;
// this.extraDataLoaded = true;
// foreach ( this.getLazyCacheFields( '' ) as field ) {
// this.extraDataLoaded = this.extraDataLoaded && isset( cachedValues[field] );
// }
// }
// /**
// * Purge the file Object/metadata cache
// */
// public function invalidateCache() {
// key = this.getCacheKey();
// if ( !key ) {
// return;
// }
// this.repo.getMasterDB().onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle(
// function () use ( key ) {
// ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance().delete( key );
// },
// __METHOD__
// );
// }
// /**
// * Load metadata from the file itself
// */
// function loadFromFile() {
// props = this.repo.getFileProps( this.getVirtualUrl() );
// this.setProps( props );
// }
// /**
// * @param String prefix
// * @return array
// */
// function getCacheFields( prefix = 'img_' ) {
// static fields = [ 'size', 'width', 'height', 'bits', 'media_type',
// 'major_mime', 'minor_mime', 'metadata', 'timestamp', 'sha1', 'user',
// 'user_text', 'description' ];
// static results = [];
// if ( prefix == '' ) {
// return fields;
// }
// if ( !isset( results[prefix] ) ) {
// prefixedFields = [];
// foreach ( fields as field ) {
// prefixedFields[] = prefix . field;
// }
// results[prefix] = prefixedFields;
// }
// return results[prefix];
// }
// /**
// * @param String prefix
// * @return array
// */
// function getLazyCacheFields( prefix = 'img_' ) {
// static fields = [ 'metadata' ];
// static results = [];
// if ( prefix == '' ) {
// return fields;
// }
// if ( !isset( results[prefix] ) ) {
// prefixedFields = [];
// foreach ( fields as field ) {
// prefixedFields[] = prefix . field;
// }
// results[prefix] = prefixedFields;
// }
// return results[prefix];
// }
// /**
// * Load file metadata from the DB
// * @param int flags
// */
// function loadFromDB( flags = 0 ) {
// fname = get_class( this ) . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
// # Unconditionally set loaded=true, we don't want the accessors constantly rechecking
// this.dataLoaded = true;
// this.extraDataLoaded = true;
// dbr = ( flags & self::READ_LATEST )
// ? this.repo.getMasterDB()
// : this.repo.getReplicaDB();
// row = dbr.selectRow( 'image', this.getCacheFields( 'img_' ),
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ], fname );
// if ( row ) {
// this.loadFromRow( row );
// } else {
// this.fileExists = false;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Load lazy file metadata from the DB.
// * This covers fields that are sometimes not cached.
// */
// protected function loadExtraFromDB() {
// fname = get_class( this ) . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
// # Unconditionally set loaded=true, we don't want the accessors constantly rechecking
// this.extraDataLoaded = true;
// fieldMap = this.loadFieldsWithTimestamp( this.repo.getReplicaDB(), fname );
// if ( !fieldMap ) {
// fieldMap = this.loadFieldsWithTimestamp( this.repo.getMasterDB(), fname );
// }
// if ( fieldMap ) {
// foreach ( fieldMap as name => value ) {
// = value;
// }
// } else {
// throw new MWException( "Could not find data for image '{this.getName()}'." );
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param IDatabase dbr
// * @param String fname
// * @return array|boolean
// */
// private function loadFieldsWithTimestamp( dbr, fname ) {
// fieldMap = false;
// row = dbr.selectRow( 'image', this.getLazyCacheFields( 'img_' ), [
// 'img_name' => this.getName(),
// 'img_timestamp' => dbr.timestamp( this.getTimestamp() )
// ], fname );
// if ( row ) {
// fieldMap = this.unprefixRow( row, 'img_' );
// } else {
// # File may have been uploaded over in the meantime; check the old versions
// row = dbr.selectRow( 'oldimage', this.getLazyCacheFields( 'oi_' ), [
// 'oi_name' => this.getName(),
// 'oi_timestamp' => dbr.timestamp( this.getTimestamp() )
// ], fname );
// if ( row ) {
// fieldMap = this.unprefixRow( row, 'oi_' );
// }
// }
// return fieldMap;
// }
// /**
// * @param array|Object row
// * @param String prefix
// * @throws MWException
// * @return array
// */
// protected function unprefixRow( row, prefix = 'img_' ) {
// array = (array)row;
// prefixLength = strlen( prefix );
// // Sanity check prefix once
// if ( substr( key( array ), 0, prefixLength ) !== prefix ) {
// throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': incorrect prefix parameter' );
// }
// decoded = [];
// foreach ( array as name => value ) {
// decoded[substr( name, prefixLength )] = value;
// }
// return decoded;
// }
// /**
// * Decode a row from the database (either Object or array) to an array
// * with timestamps and MIME types decoded, and the field prefix removed.
// * @param Object row
// * @param String prefix
// * @throws MWException
// * @return array
// */
// function decodeRow( row, prefix = 'img_' ) {
// decoded = this.unprefixRow( row, prefix );
// decoded['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, decoded['timestamp'] );
// decoded['metadata'] = this.repo.getReplicaDB().decodeBlob( decoded['metadata'] );
// if ( empty( decoded['major_mime'] ) ) {
// decoded['mime'] = 'unknown/unknown';
// } else {
// if ( !decoded['minor_mime'] ) {
// decoded['minor_mime'] = 'unknown';
// }
// decoded['mime'] = decoded['major_mime'] . '/' . decoded['minor_mime'];
// }
// // Trim zero padding from char/binary field
// decoded['sha1'] = rtrim( decoded['sha1'], "\0" );
// // Normalize some fields to integer type, per their database definition.
// // Use unary + so that overflows will be upgraded to double instead of
// // being trucated as with intval(). This is important to allow >2GB
// // files on 32-bit systems.
// foreach ( [ 'size', 'width', 'height', 'bits' ] as field ) {
// decoded[field] = +decoded[field];
// }
// return decoded;
// }
// /**
// * Load file metadata from a DB result row
// *
// * @param Object row
// * @param String prefix
// */
// function loadFromRow( row, prefix = 'img_' ) {
// this.dataLoaded = true;
// this.extraDataLoaded = true;
// array = this.decodeRow( row, prefix );
// foreach ( array as name => value ) {
// = value;
// }
// this.fileExists = true;
// this.maybeUpgradeRow();
// }
// /**
// * Load file metadata from cache or DB, unless already loaded
// * @param int flags
// */
// function load( flags = 0 ) {
// if ( !this.dataLoaded ) {
// if ( flags & self::READ_LATEST ) {
// this.loadFromDB( flags );
// } else {
// this.loadFromCache();
// }
// }
// if ( ( flags & self::LOAD_ALL ) && !this.extraDataLoaded ) {
// // @note: loads on name/timestamp to reduce race condition problems
// this.loadExtraFromDB();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Upgrade a row if it needs it
// */
// function maybeUpgradeRow() {
// global wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata;
// if ( wfReadOnly() || this.upgrading ) {
// return;
// }
// upgrade = false;
// if ( is_null( this.media_type ) || this.mime == 'image/svg' ) {
// upgrade = true;
// } else {
// handler = this.getHandler();
// if ( handler ) {
// validity = handler.isMetadataValid( this, this.getMetadata() );
// if ( validity === MediaHandler::METADATA_BAD ) {
// upgrade = true;
// } elseif ( validity === MediaHandler::METADATA_COMPATIBLE ) {
// upgrade = wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata;
// }
// }
// }
// if ( upgrade ) {
// this.upgrading = true;
// // Defer updates unless in auto-commit CLI mode
// DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function() {
// this.upgrading = false; // avoid duplicate updates
// try {
// this.upgradeRow();
// } catch ( LocalFileLockError e ) {
// // let the other process handle it (or do it next time)
// }
// } );
// }
// }
// /**
// * @return boolean Whether upgradeRow() ran for this Object
// */
// function getUpgraded() {
// return this.upgraded;
// }
// /**
// * Fix assorted version-related problems with the image row by reloading it from the file
// */
// function upgradeRow() {
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// this.loadFromFile();
// # Don't destroy file info of missing files
// if ( !this.fileExists ) {
// this.unlock();
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": file does not exist, aborting\n" );
// return;
// }
// dbw = this.repo.getMasterDB();
// list( major, minor ) = self::splitMime( this.mime );
// if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
// this.unlock();
// return;
// }
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': upgrading ' . this.getName() . " to the current schema\n" );
// dbw.update( 'image',
// [
// 'img_size' => this.size, // sanity
// 'img_width' => this.width,
// 'img_height' => this.height,
// 'img_bits' => this.bits,
// 'img_media_type' => this.media_type,
// 'img_major_mime' => major,
// 'img_minor_mime' => minor,
// 'img_metadata' => dbw.encodeBlob( this.metadata ),
// 'img_sha1' => this.sha1,
// ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// this.invalidateCache();
// this.unlock(); // done
// this.upgraded = true; // avoid rework/retries
// }
// /**
// * Set properties in this Object to be equal to those given in the
// * associative array info. Only cacheable fields can be set.
// * All fields *must* be set in info except for getLazyCacheFields().
// *
// * If 'mime' is given, it will be split into major_mime/minor_mime.
// * If major_mime/minor_mime are given, this.mime will also be set.
// *
// * @param array info
// */
// function setProps( info ) {
// this.dataLoaded = true;
// fields = this.getCacheFields( '' );
// fields[] = 'fileExists';
// foreach ( fields as field ) {
// if ( isset( info[field] ) ) {
// this.field = info[field];
// }
// }
// // Fix up mime fields
// if ( isset( info['major_mime'] ) ) {
// this.mime = "{info['major_mime']}/{info['minor_mime']}";
// } elseif ( isset( info['mime'] ) ) {
// this.mime = info['mime'];
// list( this.major_mime, this.minor_mime ) = self::splitMime( this.mime );
// }
// }
// /** splitMime inherited */
// /** getName inherited */
// /** getTitle inherited */
// /** getURL inherited */
// /** getViewURL inherited */
// /** getPath inherited */
// /** isVisible inherited */
// /**
// * @return boolean
// */
// function isMissing() {
// if ( this.missing === null ) {
// list( fileExists ) = this.repo.fileExists( this.getVirtualUrl() );
// this.missing = !fileExists;
// }
// return this.missing;
// }
* Return the width of the image
* @param int page
* @return int
@Override public int getWidth(int page) {
// this.load();
// if ( this.isMultipage() ) {
// handler = this.getHandler();
// if ( !handler ) {
// return 0;
// }
// dim = handler.getPageDimensions( this, page );
// if ( dim ) {
// return dim['width'];
// } else {
// // For non-paged media, the false goes through an
// // intval, turning failure into 0, so do same here.
// return 0;
// }
// } else {
return this.width;
// }
* Return the height of the image
* @param int page
* @return int
@Override public int getHeight(int page) {
// this.load();
// if ( this.isMultipage() ) {
// handler = this.getHandler();
// if ( !handler ) {
// return 0;
// }
// dim = handler.getPageDimensions( this, page );
// if ( dim ) {
// return dim['height'];
// } else {
// // For non-paged media, the false goes through an
// // intval, turning failure into 0, so do same here.
// return 0;
// }
// } else {
return this.height;
// }
// /**
// * Returns ID or name of user who uploaded the file
// *
// * @param String type 'text' or 'id'
// * @return int|String
// */
// function getUser( type = 'text' ) {
// this.load();
// if ( type == 'text' ) {
// return this.user_text;
// } else { // id
// return (int)this.user;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get short description URL for a file based on the page ID.
// *
// * @return String|null
// * @throws MWException
// * @since 1.27
// */
// public function getDescriptionShortUrl() {
// pageId = this.title.getArticleID();
// if ( pageId !== null ) {
// url = this.repo.makeUrl( [ 'curid' => pageId ] );
// if ( url !== false ) {
// return url;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * Get handler-specific metadata
// * @return String
// */
// function getMetadata() {
// this.load( self::LOAD_ALL ); // large metadata is loaded in another step
// return this.metadata;
// }
// /**
// * @return int
// */
// function getBitDepth() {
// this.load();
// return (int)this.bits;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the size of the image file, in bytes
// * @return int
// */
// public function getSize() {
// this.load();
// return this.size;
// }
* Returns the MIME type of the file.
* @return String
@Override public byte[] getMimeType() {
// this.load();
return this.mime;
// /**
// * Returns the type of the media in the file.
// * Use the value returned by this function with the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants.
// * @return String
// */
// function getMediaType() {
// this.load();
// return this.media_type;
// }
// /** canRender inherited */
// /** mustRender inherited */
// /** allowInlineDisplay inherited */
// /** isSafeFile inherited */
// /** isTrustedFile inherited */
// /**
// * Returns true if the file exists on disk.
// * @return boolean Whether file exist on disk.
// */
// public function exists() {
// this.load();
// return this.fileExists;
// }
// /** getTransformScript inherited */
// /** getUnscaledThumb inherited */
// /** thumbName inherited */
// /** createThumb inherited */
// /** transform inherited */
// /** getHandler inherited */
// /** iconThumb inherited */
// /** getLastError inherited */
// /**
// * Get all thumbnail names previously generated for this file
// * @param String|boolean archiveName Name of an archive file, default false
// * @return array First element is the super dir, then files in that super dir.
// */
// function getThumbnails( archiveName = false ) {
// if ( archiveName ) {
// dir = this.getArchiveThumbPath( archiveName );
// } else {
// dir = this.getThumbPath();
// }
// backend = this.repo.getBackend();
// files = [ dir ];
// try {
// iterator = backend.getFileList( [ 'dir' => dir ] );
// foreach ( iterator as file ) {
// files[] = file;
// }
// } catch ( FileBackendError e ) {
// } // suppress (bug 54674)
// return files;
// }
// /**
// * Refresh metadata in memcached, but don't touch thumbnails or CDN
// */
// function purgeMetadataCache() {
// this.invalidateCache();
// }
// /**
// * Delete all previously generated thumbnails, refresh metadata in memcached and purge the CDN.
// *
// * @param array options An array potentially with the key forThumbRefresh.
// *
// * @note This used to purge old thumbnails by default as well, but doesn't anymore.
// */
// function purgeCache( options = [] ) {
// // Refresh metadata cache
// this.purgeMetadataCache();
// // Delete thumbnails
// this.purgeThumbnails( options );
// // Purge CDN cache for this file
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new CdnCacheUpdate( [ this.getUrl() ] ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// }
// /**
// * Delete cached transformed files for an archived version only.
// * @param String archiveName Name of the archived file
// */
// function purgeOldThumbnails( archiveName ) {
// // Get a list of old thumbnails and URLs
// files = this.getThumbnails( archiveName );
// // Purge any custom thumbnail caches
// Hooks::run( 'LocalFilePurgeThumbnails', [ this, archiveName ] );
// // Delete thumbnails
// dir = array_shift( files );
// this.purgeThumbList( dir, files );
// // Purge the CDN
// urls = [];
// foreach ( files as file ) {
// urls[] = this.getArchiveThumbUrl( archiveName, file );
// }
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new CdnCacheUpdate( urls ), DeferredUpdates::PRESEND );
// }
// /**
// * Delete cached transformed files for the current version only.
// * @param array options
// */
// public function purgeThumbnails( options = [] ) {
// files = this.getThumbnails();
// // Always purge all files from CDN regardless of handler filters
// urls = [];
// foreach ( files as file ) {
// urls[] = this.getThumbUrl( file );
// }
// array_shift( urls ); // don't purge directory
// // Give media handler a chance to filter the file purge list
// if ( !empty( options['forThumbRefresh'] ) ) {
// handler = this.getHandler();
// if ( handler ) {
// handler.filterThumbnailPurgeList( files, options );
// }
// }
// // Purge any custom thumbnail caches
// Hooks::run( 'LocalFilePurgeThumbnails', [ this, false ] );
// // Delete thumbnails
// dir = array_shift( files );
// this.purgeThumbList( dir, files );
// // Purge the CDN
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new CdnCacheUpdate( urls ), DeferredUpdates::PRESEND );
// }
// /**
// * Prerenders a configurable set of thumbnails
// *
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function prerenderThumbnails() {
// global wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap;
// jobs = [];
// sizes = wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap;
// rsort( sizes );
// foreach ( sizes as size ) {
// if ( this.isVectorized() || this.getWidth() > size ) {
// jobs[] = new ThumbnailRenderJob(
// this.getTitle(),
// [ 'transformParams' => [ 'width' => size ] ]
// );
// }
// }
// if ( jobs ) {
// JobQueueGroup::singleton().lazyPush( jobs );
// }
// }
// /**
// * Delete a list of thumbnails visible at urls
// * @param String dir Base dir of the files.
// * @param array files Array of strings: relative filenames (to dir)
// */
// protected function purgeThumbList( dir, files ) {
// fileListDebug = strtr(
// var_export( files, true ),
// [ "\n" => '' ]
// );
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": fileListDebug\n" );
// purgeList = [];
// foreach ( files as file ) {
// # Check that the super file name is part of the thumb name
// # This is a basic sanity check to avoid erasing unrelated directories
// if ( strpos( file, this.getName() ) !== false
// || strpos( file, "-thumbnail" ) !== false // "short" thumb name
// ) {
// purgeList[] = "{dir}/{file}";
// }
// }
// # Delete the thumbnails
// this.repo.quickPurgeBatch( purgeList );
// # Clear out the thumbnail directory if empty
// this.repo.quickCleanDir( dir );
// }
// /** purgeDescription inherited */
// /** purgeEverything inherited */
// /**
// * @param int limit Optional: Limit to number of results
// * @param int start Optional: Timestamp, start from
// * @param int end Optional: Timestamp, end at
// * @param boolean inc
// * @return OldLocalFile[]
// */
// function getHistory( limit = null, start = null, end = null, inc = true ) {
// dbr = this.repo.getReplicaDB();
// tables = [ 'oldimage' ];
// fields = OldLocalFile::selectFields();
// conds = opts = join_conds = [];
// eq = inc ? '=' : '';
// conds[] = "oi_name = " . dbr.addQuotes( this.title.getDBkey() );
// if ( start ) {
// conds[] = "oi_timestamp <eq " . dbr.addQuotes( dbr.timestamp( start ) );
// }
// if ( end ) {
// conds[] = "oi_timestamp >eq " . dbr.addQuotes( dbr.timestamp( end ) );
// }
// if ( limit ) {
// opts['LIMIT'] = limit;
// }
// // Search backwards for time > x queries
// order = ( !start && end !== null ) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
// opts['ORDER BY'] = "oi_timestamp order";
// opts['USE INDEX'] = [ 'oldimage' => 'oi_name_timestamp' ];
// Hooks::run( 'LocalFile::getHistory', [ &this, &tables, &fields,
// &conds, &opts, &join_conds ] );
// res = tables, fields, conds, __METHOD__, opts, join_conds );
// r = [];
// foreach ( res as row ) {
// r[] = this.repo.newFileFromRow( row );
// }
// if ( order == 'ASC' ) {
// r = array_reverse( r ); // make sure it ends up descending
// }
// return r;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the history of this file, line by line.
// * starts with current version, then old versions.
// * uses this.historyLine to check which line to return:
// * 0 return line for current version
// * 1 query for old versions, return first one
// * 2, ... return next old version from above query
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function nextHistoryLine() {
// # Polymorphic function name to distinguish foreign and local fetches
// fname = get_class( this ) . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
// dbr = this.repo.getReplicaDB();
// if ( this.historyLine == 0 ) { // called for the first time, return line from cur
// this.historyRes = 'image',
// [
// '*',
// "'' AS oi_archive_name",
// '0 as oi_deleted',
// 'img_sha1'
// ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.title.getDBkey() ],
// fname
// );
// if ( 0 == dbr.numRows( this.historyRes ) ) {
// this.historyRes = null;
// return false;
// }
// } elseif ( this.historyLine == 1 ) {
// this.historyRes = 'oldimage', '*',
// [ 'oi_name' => this.title.getDBkey() ],
// fname,
// [ 'ORDER BY' => 'oi_timestamp DESC' ]
// );
// }
// this.historyLine++;
// return dbr.fetchObject( this.historyRes );
// }
// /**
// * Reset the history pointer to the first element of the history
// */
// public function resetHistory() {
// this.historyLine = 0;
// if ( !is_null( this.historyRes ) ) {
// this.historyRes = null;
// }
// }
// /** getHashPath inherited */
// /** getRel inherited */
// /** getUrlRel inherited */
// /** getArchiveRel inherited */
// /** getArchivePath inherited */
// /** getThumbPath inherited */
// /** getArchiveUrl inherited */
// /** getThumbUrl inherited */
// /** getArchiveVirtualUrl inherited */
// /** getThumbVirtualUrl inherited */
// /** isHashed inherited */
// /**
// * Upload a file and record it in the DB
// * @param String|FSFile src Source storage path, virtual URL, or filesystem path
// * @param String comment Upload description
// * @param String pageText Text to use for the new description page,
// * if a new description page is created
// * @param int|boolean flags Flags for publish()
// * @param array|boolean props File properties, if known. This can be used to
// * reduce the upload time when uploading virtual URLs for which the file
// * info is already known
// * @param String|boolean timestamp Timestamp for img_timestamp, or false to use the
// * current time
// * @param User|null user User Object or null to use wgUser
// * @param String[] tags Change tags to add to the log entry and page revision.
// * (This doesn't check user's permissions.)
// * @return Status On success, the value member contains the
// * archive name, or an empty String if it was a new file.
// */
// function upload( src, comment, pageText, flags = 0, props = false,
// timestamp = false, user = null, tags = []
// ) {
// global wgContLang;
// if ( this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// srcPath = ( src instanceof FSFile ) ? src.getPath() : src;
// if ( !props ) {
// if ( this.repo.isVirtualUrl( srcPath )
// || FileBackend::isStoragePath( srcPath )
// ) {
// props = this.repo.getFileProps( srcPath );
// } else {
// mwProps = new MWFileProps( MimeMagic::singleton() );
// props = mwProps.getPropsFromPath( srcPath, true );
// }
// }
// options = [];
// handler = MediaHandler::getHandler( props['mime'] );
// if ( handler ) {
// options['headers'] = handler.getStreamHeaders( props['metadata'] );
// } else {
// options['headers'] = [];
// }
// // Trim spaces on user supplied text
// comment = trim( comment );
// // Truncate nicely or the DB will do it for us
// // non-nicely (dangling multi-byte chars, non-truncated version in cache).
// comment = wgContLang.truncate( comment, 255 );
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// status = this.publish( src, flags, options );
// if ( status.successCount >= 2 ) {
// // There will be a copy+(one of move,copy,store).
// // The first succeeding does not commit us to updating the DB
// // since it simply copied the current version to a timestamped file name.
// // It is only *preferable* to avoid leaving such files orphaned.
// // Once the second operation goes through, then the current version was
// // updated and we must therefore update the DB too.
// oldver = status.value;
// if ( !this.recordUpload2( oldver, comment, pageText, props, timestamp, user, tags ) ) {
// status.fatal( 'filenotfound', srcPath );
// }
// }
// this.unlock(); // done
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Record a file upload in the upload log and the image table
// * @param String oldver
// * @param String desc
// * @param String license
// * @param String copyStatus
// * @param String source
// * @param boolean watch
// * @param String|boolean timestamp
// * @param User|null user User Object or null to use wgUser
// * @return boolean
// */
// function recordUpload( oldver, desc, license = '', copyStatus = '', source = '',
// watch = false, timestamp = false, User user = null ) {
// if ( !user ) {
// global wgUser;
// user = wgUser;
// }
// pageText = SpecialUpload::getInitialPageText( desc, license, copyStatus, source );
// if ( !this.recordUpload2( oldver, desc, pageText, false, timestamp, user ) ) {
// return false;
// }
// if ( watch ) {
// user.addWatch( this.getTitle() );
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Record a file upload in the upload log and the image table
// * @param String oldver
// * @param String comment
// * @param String pageText
// * @param boolean|array props
// * @param String|boolean timestamp
// * @param null|User user
// * @param String[] tags
// * @return boolean
// */
// function recordUpload2(
// oldver, comment, pageText, props = false, timestamp = false, user = null, tags = []
// ) {
// if ( is_null( user ) ) {
// global wgUser;
// user = wgUser;
// }
// dbw = this.repo.getMasterDB();
// # Imports or such might force a certain timestamp; otherwise we generate
// # it and can fudge it slightly to keep (name,timestamp) unique on re-upload.
// if ( timestamp === false ) {
// timestamp = dbw.timestamp();
// allowTimeKludge = true;
// } else {
// allowTimeKludge = false;
// }
// props = props ?: this.repo.getFileProps( this.getVirtualUrl() );
// props['description'] = comment;
// props['user'] = user.getId();
// props['user_text'] = user.getName();
// props['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, timestamp ); // DB . TS_MW
// this.setProps( props );
// # Fail now if the file isn't there
// if ( !this.fileExists ) {
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": File " . this.getRel() . " went missing!\n" );
// return false;
// }
// dbw.startAtomic( __METHOD__ );
// # Test to see if the row exists using INSERT IGNORE
// # This avoids race conditions by locking the row until the commit, and also
// # doesn't deadlock. SELECT FOR UPDATE causes a deadlock for every race condition.
// dbw.insert( 'image',
// [
// 'img_name' => this.getName(),
// 'img_size' => this.size,
// 'img_width' => intval( this.width ),
// 'img_height' => intval( this.height ),
// 'img_bits' => this.bits,
// 'img_media_type' => this.media_type,
// 'img_major_mime' => this.major_mime,
// 'img_minor_mime' => this.minor_mime,
// 'img_timestamp' => timestamp,
// 'img_description' => comment,
// 'img_user' => user.getId(),
// 'img_user_text' => user.getName(),
// 'img_metadata' => dbw.encodeBlob( this.metadata ),
// 'img_sha1' => this.sha1
// ],
// __METHOD__,
// );
// reupload = ( dbw.affectedRows() == 0 );
// if ( reupload ) {
// if ( allowTimeKludge ) {
// # Use LOCK IN SHARE MODE to ignore any transaction snapshotting
// ltimestamp = dbw.selectField(
// 'image',
// 'img_timestamp',
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ],
// __METHOD__,
// );
// lUnixtime = ltimestamp ? wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, ltimestamp ) : false;
// # Avoid a timestamp that is not newer than the last version
// # TODO: the image/oldimage tables should be like page/revision with an ID field
// if ( lUnixtime && wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, timestamp ) <= lUnixtime ) {
// sleep( 1 ); // fast enough re-uploads would go far in the future otherwise
// timestamp = dbw.timestamp( lUnixtime + 1 );
// this.timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, timestamp ); // DB . TS_MW
// }
// }
// # (bug 34993) Note: oldver can be empty here, if the previous
// # version of the file was broken. Allow registration of the new
// # version to continue anyway, because that's better than having
// # an image that's not fixable by user operations.
// # Collision, this is an update of a file
// # Insert previous contents into oldimage
// dbw.insertSelect( 'oldimage', 'image',
// [
// 'oi_name' => 'img_name',
// 'oi_archive_name' => dbw.addQuotes( oldver ),
// 'oi_size' => 'img_size',
// 'oi_width' => 'img_width',
// 'oi_height' => 'img_height',
// 'oi_bits' => 'img_bits',
// 'oi_timestamp' => 'img_timestamp',
// 'oi_description' => 'img_description',
// 'oi_user' => 'img_user',
// 'oi_user_text' => 'img_user_text',
// 'oi_metadata' => 'img_metadata',
// 'oi_media_type' => 'img_media_type',
// 'oi_major_mime' => 'img_major_mime',
// 'oi_minor_mime' => 'img_minor_mime',
// 'oi_sha1' => 'img_sha1'
// ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// # Update the current image row
// dbw.update( 'image',
// [
// 'img_size' => this.size,
// 'img_width' => intval( this.width ),
// 'img_height' => intval( this.height ),
// 'img_bits' => this.bits,
// 'img_media_type' => this.media_type,
// 'img_major_mime' => this.major_mime,
// 'img_minor_mime' => this.minor_mime,
// 'img_timestamp' => timestamp,
// 'img_description' => comment,
// 'img_user' => user.getId(),
// 'img_user_text' => user.getName(),
// 'img_metadata' => dbw.encodeBlob( this.metadata ),
// 'img_sha1' => this.sha1
// ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// }
// descTitle = this.getTitle();
// descId = descTitle.getArticleID();
// wikiPage = new WikiFilePage( descTitle );
// wikiPage.setFile( this );
// // Add the log entry...
// logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'upload', reupload ? 'overwrite' : 'upload' );
// logEntry.setTimestamp( this.timestamp );
// logEntry.setPerformer( user );
// logEntry.setComment( comment );
// logEntry.setTarget( descTitle );
// // Allow people using the api to associate log entries with the upload.
// // Log has a timestamp, but sometimes different from upload timestamp.
// logEntry.setParameters(
// [
// 'img_sha1' => this.sha1,
// 'img_timestamp' => timestamp,
// ]
// );
// // Note we keep logId around since during new image
// // creation, page doesn't exist yet, so log_page = 0
// // but we want it to point to the page we're making,
// // so we later modify the log entry.
// // For a similar reason, we avoid making an RC entry
// // now and wait until the page exists.
// logId = logEntry.insert();
// if ( descTitle.exists() ) {
// // Use own context to get the action text in content language
// formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( logEntry );
// formatter.setContext( RequestContext::newExtraneousContext( descTitle ) );
// editSummary = formatter.getPlainActionText();
// nullRevision = Revision::newNullRevision(
// dbw,
// descId,
// editSummary,
// false,
// user
// );
// if ( nullRevision ) {
// nullRevision.insertOn( dbw );
// Hooks::run(
// 'NewRevisionFromEditComplete',
// [ wikiPage, nullRevision, nullRevision.getParentId(), user ]
// );
// wikiPage.updateRevisionOn( dbw, nullRevision );
// // Associate null revision id
// logEntry.setAssociatedRevId( nullRevision.getId() );
// }
// newPageContent = null;
// } else {
// // Make the description page and RC log entry post-commit
// newPageContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( pageText, descTitle );
// }
// # Defer purges, page creation, and link updates in case they error out.
// # The most important thing is that files and the DB registry stay synced.
// dbw.endAtomic( __METHOD__ );
// # Do some cache purges after final commit so that:
// # a) Changes are more likely to be seen post-purge
// # b) They won't cause rollback of the log publish/update above
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new AutoCommitUpdate(
// dbw,
// __METHOD__,
// function () use (
// reupload, wikiPage, newPageContent, comment, user,
// logEntry, logId, descId, tags
// ) {
// # Update memcache after the commit
// this.invalidateCache();
// updateLogPage = false;
// if ( newPageContent ) {
// # New file page; create the description page.
// # There's already a log entry, so don't make a second RC entry
// # CDN and file cache for the description page are purged by doEditContent.
// status = wikiPage.doEditContent(
// newPageContent,
// comment,
// false,
// user
// );
// if ( isset( status.value['revision'] ) ) {
// /** @var rev Revision */
// rev = status.value['revision'];
// // Associate new page revision id
// logEntry.setAssociatedRevId( rev.getId() );
// }
// // This relies on the resetArticleID() call in WikiPage::insertOn(),
// // which is triggered on descTitle by doEditContent() above.
// if ( isset( status.value['revision'] ) ) {
// /** @var rev Revision */
// rev = status.value['revision'];
// updateLogPage = rev.getPage();
// }
// } else {
// # Existing file page: invalidate description page cache
// wikiPage.getTitle().invalidateCache();
// wikiPage.getTitle().purgeSquid();
// # Allow the new file version to be patrolled from the page footer
// Article::purgePatrolFooterCache( descId );
// }
// # Update associated rev id. This should be done by logEntry.insert() earlier,
// # but setAssociatedRevId() wasn't called at that point yet...
// logParams = logEntry.getParameters();
// logParams['associated_rev_id'] = logEntry.getAssociatedRevId();
// update = [ 'log_params' => LogEntryBase::makeParamBlob( logParams ) ];
// if ( updateLogPage ) {
// # Also log page, in case where we just created it above
// update['log_page'] = updateLogPage;
// }
// this.getRepo().getMasterDB().update(
// 'logging',
// update,
// [ 'log_id' => logId ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// this.getRepo().getMasterDB().insert(
// 'log_search',
// [
// 'ls_field' => 'associated_rev_id',
// 'ls_value' => logEntry.getAssociatedRevId(),
// 'ls_log_id' => logId,
// ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// # Add change tags, if any
// if ( tags ) {
// logEntry.setTags( tags );
// }
// # Uploads can be patrolled
// logEntry.setIsPatrollable( true );
// # Now that the log entry is up-to-date, make an RC entry.
// logEntry.publish( logId );
// # Run hook for other updates (typically more cache purging)
// Hooks::run( 'FileUpload', [ this, reupload, !newPageContent ] );
// if ( reupload ) {
// # Delete old thumbnails
// this.purgeThumbnails();
// # Remove the old file from the CDN cache
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new CdnCacheUpdate( [ this.getUrl() ] ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// } else {
// # Update backlink pages pointing to this title if created
// LinksUpdate::queueRecursiveJobsForTable( this.getTitle(), 'imagelinks' );
// }
// this.prerenderThumbnails();
// }
// ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// if ( !reupload ) {
// # This is a new file, so update the image count
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'images' => 1 ] ) );
// }
// # Invalidate cache for all pages using this file
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new HTMLCacheUpdate( this.getTitle(), 'imagelinks' ) );
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Move or copy a file to its public location. If a file exists at the
// * destination, move it to an archive. Returns a Status Object with
// * the archive name in the "value" member on success.
// *
// * The archive name should be passed through to recordUpload for database
// * registration.
// *
// * @param String|FSFile src Local filesystem path or virtual URL to the source image
// * @param int flags A bitwise combination of:
// * File::DELETE_SOURCE Delete the source file, i.e. move rather than copy
// * @param array options Optional additional parameters
// * @return Status On success, the value member contains the
// * archive name, or an empty String if it was a new file.
// */
// function publish( src, flags = 0, array options = [] ) {
// return this.publishTo( src, this.getRel(), flags, options );
// }
// /**
// * Move or copy a file to a specified location. Returns a Status
// * Object with the archive name in the "value" member on success.
// *
// * The archive name should be passed through to recordUpload for database
// * registration.
// *
// * @param String|FSFile src Local filesystem path or virtual URL to the source image
// * @param String dstRel Target relative path
// * @param int flags A bitwise combination of:
// * File::DELETE_SOURCE Delete the source file, i.e. move rather than copy
// * @param array options Optional additional parameters
// * @return Status On success, the value member contains the
// * archive name, or an empty String if it was a new file.
// */
// function publishTo( src, dstRel, flags = 0, array options = [] ) {
// srcPath = ( src instanceof FSFile ) ? src.getPath() : src;
// repo = this.getRepo();
// if ( repo.getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// archiveName = wfTimestamp( TS_MW ) . '!' . this.getName();
// archiveRel = 'archive/' . this.getHashPath() . archiveName;
// if ( repo.hasSha1Storage() ) {
// sha1 = repo.isVirtualUrl( srcPath )
// ? repo.getFileSha1( srcPath )
// : FSFile::getSha1Base36FromPath( srcPath );
// /** @var FileBackendDBRepoWrapper wrapperBackend */
// wrapperBackend = repo.getBackend();
// dst = wrapperBackend.getPathForSHA1( sha1 );
// status = repo.quickImport( src, dst );
// if ( flags & File::DELETE_SOURCE ) {
// unlink( srcPath );
// }
// if ( this.exists() ) {
// status.value = archiveName;
// }
// } else {
// flags = flags & File::DELETE_SOURCE ? LocalRepo::DELETE_SOURCE : 0;
// status = repo.publish( srcPath, dstRel, archiveRel, flags, options );
// if ( status.value == 'new' ) {
// status.value = '';
// } else {
// status.value = archiveName;
// }
// }
// this.unlock(); // done
// return status;
// }
// /** getLinksTo inherited */
// /** getExifData inherited */
// /** isLocal inherited */
// /** wasDeleted inherited */
// /**
// * Move file to the new title
// *
// * Move current, old version and all thumbnails
// * to the new filename. Old file is deleted.
// *
// * Cache purging is done; checks for validity
// * and logging are caller's responsibility
// *
// * @param Title target New file name
// * @return Status
// */
// function move( target ) {
// if ( this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Got request to move {} to " . target.getText() );
// batch = new LocalFileMoveBatch( this, target );
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// batch.addCurrent();
// archiveNames = batch.addOlds();
// status = batch.execute();
// this.unlock(); // done
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Finished moving {}" );
// // Purge the source and target files...
// oldTitleFile = wfLocalFile( this.title );
// newTitleFile = wfLocalFile( target );
// // To avoid slow purges in the transaction, move them outside...
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new AutoCommitUpdate(
// this.getRepo().getMasterDB(),
// __METHOD__,
// function () use ( oldTitleFile, newTitleFile, archiveNames ) {
// oldTitleFile.purgeEverything();
// foreach ( archiveNames as archiveName ) {
// oldTitleFile.purgeOldThumbnails( archiveName );
// }
// newTitleFile.purgeEverything();
// }
// ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// if ( status.isOK() ) {
// // Now switch the Object
// this.title = target;
// // Force regeneration of the name and hashpath
// unset( );
// unset( this.hashPath );
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Delete all versions of the file.
// *
// * Moves the files into an archive directory (or deletes them)
// * and removes the database rows.
// *
// * Cache purging is done; logging is caller's responsibility.
// *
// * @param String reason
// * @param boolean suppress
// * @param User|null user
// * @return Status
// */
// function delete( reason, suppress = false, user = null ) {
// if ( this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// batch = new LocalFileDeleteBatch( this, reason, suppress, user );
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// batch.addCurrent();
// // Get old version relative paths
// archiveNames = batch.addOlds();
// status = batch.execute();
// this.unlock(); // done
// if ( status.isOK() ) {
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'images' => -1 ] ) );
// }
// // To avoid slow purges in the transaction, move them outside...
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new AutoCommitUpdate(
// this.getRepo().getMasterDB(),
// __METHOD__,
// function () use ( archiveNames ) {
// this.purgeEverything();
// foreach ( archiveNames as archiveName ) {
// this.purgeOldThumbnails( archiveName );
// }
// }
// ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// // Purge the CDN
// purgeUrls = [];
// foreach ( archiveNames as archiveName ) {
// purgeUrls[] = this.getArchiveUrl( archiveName );
// }
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new CdnCacheUpdate( purgeUrls ), DeferredUpdates::PRESEND );
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Delete an old version of the file.
// *
// * Moves the file into an archive directory (or deletes it)
// * and removes the database row.
// *
// * Cache purging is done; logging is caller's responsibility.
// *
// * @param String archiveName
// * @param String reason
// * @param boolean suppress
// * @param User|null user
// * @throws MWException Exception on database or file store failure
// * @return Status
// */
// function deleteOld( archiveName, reason, suppress = false, user = null ) {
// if ( this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// batch = new LocalFileDeleteBatch( this, reason, suppress, user );
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// batch.addOld( archiveName );
// status = batch.execute();
// this.unlock(); // done
// this.purgeOldThumbnails( archiveName );
// if ( status.isOK() ) {
// this.purgeDescription();
// }
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(
// new CdnCacheUpdate( [ this.getArchiveUrl( archiveName ) ] ),
// DeferredUpdates::PRESEND
// );
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Restore all or specified deleted revisions to the given file.
// * Permissions and logging are left to the caller.
// *
// * May throw database exceptions on error.
// *
// * @param array versions Set of record ids of deleted items to restore,
// * or empty to restore all revisions.
// * @param boolean unsuppress
// * @return Status
// */
// function restore( versions = [], unsuppress = false ) {
// if ( this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() !== false ) {
// return this.readOnlyFatalStatus();
// }
// batch = new LocalFileRestoreBatch( this, unsuppress );
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// if ( !versions ) {
// batch.addAll();
// } else {
// batch.addIds( versions );
// }
// status = batch.execute();
// if ( status.isGood() ) {
// cleanupStatus = batch.cleanup();
// cleanupStatus.successCount = 0;
// cleanupStatus.failCount = 0;
// status.merge( cleanupStatus );
// }
// this.unlock(); // done
// return status;
// }
// /** isMultipage inherited */
// /** pageCount inherited */
// /** scaleHeight inherited */
// /** getImageSize inherited */
// /**
// * Get the URL of the file description page.
// * @return String
// */
// function getDescriptionUrl() {
// return this.title.getLocalURL();
// }
// /**
// * Get the HTML text of the description page
// * This is not used by ImagePage for local files, since (among other things)
// * it skips the parser cache.
// *
// * @param Language lang What language to get description in (Optional)
// * @return boolean|mixed
// */
// function getDescriptionText( lang = null ) {
// revision = Revision::newFromTitle( this.title, false, Revision::READ_NORMAL );
// if ( !revision ) {
// return false;
// }
// content = revision.getContent();
// if ( !content ) {
// return false;
// }
// pout = content.getParserOutput( this.title, null, new ParserOptions( null, lang ) );
// return pout.getText();
// }
// /**
// * @param int audience
// * @param User user
// * @return String
// */
// function getDescription( audience = self::FOR_PUBLIC, User user = null ) {
// this.load();
// if ( audience == self::FOR_PUBLIC && this.isDeleted( self::DELETED_COMMENT ) ) {
// return '';
// } elseif ( audience == self::FOR_THIS_USER
// && !this.userCan( self::DELETED_COMMENT, user )
// ) {
// return '';
// } else {
// return this.description;
// }
// }
// /**
// * @return boolean|String
// */
// function getTimestamp() {
// this.load();
// return this.timestamp;
// }
// /**
// * @return boolean|String
// */
// public function getDescriptionTouched() {
// // The DB lookup might return false, e.g. if the file was just deleted, or the shared DB repo
// // itself gets it from elsewhere. To avoid repeating the DB lookups in such a case, we
// // need to differentiate between null (uninitialized) and false (failed to load).
// if ( this.descriptionTouched === null ) {
// cond = [
// 'page_namespace' => this.title.getNamespace(),
// 'page_title' => this.title.getDBkey()
// ];
// touched = this.repo.getReplicaDB().selectField( 'page', 'page_touched', cond, __METHOD__ );
// this.descriptionTouched = touched ? wfTimestamp( TS_MW, touched ) : false;
// }
// return this.descriptionTouched;
// }
// /**
// * @return String
// */
// function getSha1() {
// this.load();
// // Initialise now if necessary
// if ( this.sha1 == '' && this.fileExists ) {
// this.synchronized(); // begin
// this.sha1 = this.repo.getFileSha1( this.getPath() );
// if ( !wfReadOnly() && strval( this.sha1 ) != '' ) {
// dbw = this.repo.getMasterDB();
// dbw.update( 'image',
// [ 'img_sha1' => this.sha1 ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.getName() ],
// __METHOD__ );
// this.invalidateCache();
// }
// this.unlock(); // done
// }
// return this.sha1;
// }
// /**
// * @return boolean Whether to cache in RepoGroup (this avoids OOMs)
// */
// function isCacheable() {
// this.load();
// // If extra data (metadata) was not loaded then it must have been large
// return this.extraDataLoaded
// && strlen( serialize( this.metadata ) ) <= self::CACHE_FIELD_MAX_LEN;
// }
// /**
// * @return Status
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function acquireFileLock() {
// return this.getRepo().getBackend().lockFiles(
// [ this.getPath() ], LockManager::LOCK_EX, 10
// );
// }
// /**
// * @return Status
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function releaseFileLock() {
// return this.getRepo().getBackend().unlockFiles(
// [ this.getPath() ], LockManager::LOCK_EX
// );
// }
// /**
// * Start an atomic DB section and synchronized the image for update
// * or increments a reference counter if the synchronized is already held
// *
// * This method should not be used outside of LocalFile/LocalFile*Batch
// *
// * @throws LocalFileLockError Throws an error if the synchronized was not acquired
// * @return boolean Whether the file synchronized owns/spawned the DB transaction
// */
// public function synchronized() {
// if ( !this.locked ) {
// logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'LocalFile' );
// dbw = this.repo.getMasterDB();
// makesTransaction = !dbw.trxLevel();
// dbw.startAtomic( self::ATOMIC_SECTION_LOCK );
// // Bug 54736: use simple synchronized to handle when the file does not exist.
// // SELECT FOR UPDATE prevents changes, not other SELECTs with FOR UPDATE.
// // Also, that would cause contention on INSERT of similarly named rows.
// status = this.acquireFileLock(); // represents all versions of the file
// if ( !status.isGood() ) {
// dbw.endAtomic( self::ATOMIC_SECTION_LOCK );
// logger.warning( "Failed to synchronized '{file}'", [ 'file' => ] );
// throw new LocalFileLockError( status );
// }
// // Release the synchronized *after* commit to avoid row-level contention.
// // Make sure it triggers on rollback() as well as commit() (T132921).
// dbw.onTransactionResolution(
// function () use ( logger ) {
// status = this.releaseFileLock();
// if ( !status.isGood() ) {
// logger.error( "Failed to unlock '{file}'", [ 'file' => ] );
// }
// },
// __METHOD__
// );
// // Callers might care if the SELECT snapshot is safely fresh
// this.lockedOwnTrx = makesTransaction;
// }
// this.locked++;
// return this.lockedOwnTrx;
// }
// /**
// * Decrement the synchronized reference count and end the atomic section if it reaches zero
// *
// * This method should not be used outside of LocalFile/LocalFile*Batch
// *
// * The commit and loc release will happen when no atomic sections are active, which
// * may happen immediately or at some point after calling this
// */
// public function unlock() {
// if ( this.locked ) {
// --this.locked;
// if ( !this.locked ) {
// dbw = this.repo.getMasterDB();
// dbw.endAtomic( self::ATOMIC_SECTION_LOCK );
// this.lockedOwnTrx = false;
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function readOnlyFatalStatus() {
// return this.getRepo().newFatal( 'filereadonlyerror', this.getName(),
// this.getRepo().getName(), this.getRepo().getReadOnlyReason() );
// }
// /**
// * Clean up any dangling locks
// */
// function __destruct() {
// this.unlock();
// }
// } // LocalFile class
// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /**
// * Helper class for file deletion
// * @ingroup FileAbstraction
// */
// class LocalFileDeleteBatch {
// /** @var LocalFile */
// private file;
// /** @var String */
// private reason;
// /** @var array */
// private srcRels = [];
// /** @var array */
// private archiveUrls = [];
// /** @var array Items to be processed in the deletion batch */
// private deletionBatch;
// /** @var boolean Whether to suppress all suppressable fields when deleting */
// private suppress;
// /** @var Status */
// private status;
// /** @var User */
// private user;
// /**
// * @param File file
// * @param String reason
// * @param boolean suppress
// * @param User|null user
// */
// function __construct( File file, reason = '', suppress = false, user = null ) {
// this.file = file;
// this.reason = reason;
// this.suppress = suppress;
// if ( user ) {
// this.user = user;
// } else {
// global wgUser;
// this.user = wgUser;
// }
// this.status = file.repo.newGood();
// }
// public function addCurrent() {
// this.srcRels['.'] = this.file.getRel();
// }
// /**
// * @param String oldName
// */
// public function addOld( oldName ) {
// this.srcRels[oldName] = this.file.getArchiveRel( oldName );
// this.archiveUrls[] = this.file.getArchiveUrl( oldName );
// }
// /**
// * Add the old versions of the image to the batch
// * @return array List of archive names from old versions
// */
// public function addOlds() {
// archiveNames = [];
// dbw = this.file.repo.getMasterDB();
// result = 'oldimage',
// [ 'oi_archive_name' ],
// [ 'oi_name' => this.file.getName() ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// foreach ( result as row ) {
// this.addOld( row.oi_archive_name );
// archiveNames[] = row.oi_archive_name;
// }
// return archiveNames;
// }
// /**
// * @return array
// */
// protected function getOldRels() {
// if ( !isset( this.srcRels['.'] ) ) {
// oldRels =& this.srcRels;
// deleteCurrent = false;
// } else {
// oldRels = this.srcRels;
// unset( oldRels['.'] );
// deleteCurrent = true;
// }
// return [ oldRels, deleteCurrent ];
// }
// /**
// * @return array
// */
// protected function getHashes() {
// hashes = [];
// list( oldRels, deleteCurrent ) = this.getOldRels();
// if ( deleteCurrent ) {
// hashes['.'] = this.file.getSha1();
// }
// if ( count( oldRels ) ) {
// dbw = this.file.repo.getMasterDB();
// res =
// 'oldimage',
// [ 'oi_archive_name', 'oi_sha1' ],
// [ 'oi_archive_name' => array_keys( oldRels ),
// 'oi_name' => this.file.getName() ], // performance
// __METHOD__
// );
// foreach ( res as row ) {
// if ( rtrim( row.oi_sha1, "\0" ) === '' ) {
// // Get the hash from the file
// oldUrl = this.file.getArchiveVirtualUrl( row.oi_archive_name );
// props = this.file.repo.getFileProps( oldUrl );
// if ( props['fileExists'] ) {
// // Upgrade the oldimage row
// dbw.update( 'oldimage',
// [ 'oi_sha1' => props['sha1'] ],
// [ 'oi_name' => this.file.getName(), 'oi_archive_name' => row.oi_archive_name ],
// __METHOD__ );
// hashes[row.oi_archive_name] = props['sha1'];
// } else {
// hashes[row.oi_archive_name] = false;
// }
// } else {
// hashes[row.oi_archive_name] = row.oi_sha1;
// }
// }
// }
// missing = array_diff_key( this.srcRels, hashes );
// foreach ( missing as name => rel ) {
// this.status.error( 'filedelete-old-unregistered', name );
// }
// foreach ( hashes as name => hash ) {
// if ( !hash ) {
// this.status.error( 'filedelete-missing', this.srcRels[name] );
// unset( hashes[name] );
// }
// }
// return hashes;
// }
// protected function doDBInserts() {
// now = time();
// dbw = this.file.repo.getMasterDB();
// encTimestamp = dbw.addQuotes( dbw.timestamp( now ) );
// encUserId = dbw.addQuotes( this.user.getId() );
// encReason = dbw.addQuotes( this.reason );
// encGroup = dbw.addQuotes( 'deleted' );
// ext = this.file.getExtension();
// dotExt = ext === '' ? '' : ".ext";
// encExt = dbw.addQuotes( dotExt );
// list( oldRels, deleteCurrent ) = this.getOldRels();
// // Bitfields to further suppress the content
// if ( this.suppress ) {
// bitfield = Revision::SUPPRESSED_ALL;
// } else {
// bitfield = 'oi_deleted';
// }
// if ( deleteCurrent ) {
// dbw.insertSelect(
// 'filearchive',
// 'image',
// [
// 'fa_storage_group' => encGroup,
// 'fa_storage_key' => dbw.conditional(
// [ 'img_sha1' => '' ],
// dbw.addQuotes( '' ),
// dbw.buildConcat( [ "img_sha1", encExt ] )
// ),
// 'fa_deleted_user' => encUserId,
// 'fa_deleted_timestamp' => encTimestamp,
// 'fa_deleted_reason' => encReason,
// 'fa_deleted' => this.suppress ? bitfield : 0,
// 'fa_name' => 'img_name',
// 'fa_archive_name' => 'NULL',
// 'fa_size' => 'img_size',
// 'fa_width' => 'img_width',
// 'fa_height' => 'img_height',
// 'fa_metadata' => 'img_metadata',
// 'fa_bits' => 'img_bits',
// 'fa_media_type' => 'img_media_type',
// 'fa_major_mime' => 'img_major_mime',
// 'fa_minor_mime' => 'img_minor_mime',
// 'fa_description' => 'img_description',
// 'fa_user' => 'img_user',
// 'fa_user_text' => 'img_user_text',
// 'fa_timestamp' => 'img_timestamp',
// 'fa_sha1' => 'img_sha1'
// ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.file.getName() ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// }
// if ( count( oldRels ) ) {
// res =
// 'oldimage',
// OldLocalFile::selectFields(),
// [
// 'oi_name' => this.file.getName(),
// 'oi_archive_name' => array_keys( oldRels )
// ],
// __METHOD__,
// [ 'FOR UPDATE' ]
// );
// rowsInsert = [];
// foreach ( res as row ) {
// rowsInsert[] = [
// // Deletion-specific fields
// 'fa_storage_group' => 'deleted',
// 'fa_storage_key' => ( row.oi_sha1 === '' )
// ? ''
// : "{row.oi_sha1}{dotExt}",
// 'fa_deleted_user' => this.user.getId(),
// 'fa_deleted_timestamp' => dbw.timestamp( now ),
// 'fa_deleted_reason' => this.reason,
// // Counterpart fields
// 'fa_deleted' => this.suppress ? bitfield : row.oi_deleted,
// 'fa_name' => row.oi_name,
// 'fa_archive_name' => row.oi_archive_name,
// 'fa_size' => row.oi_size,
// 'fa_width' => row.oi_width,
// 'fa_height' => row.oi_height,
// 'fa_metadata' => row.oi_metadata,
// 'fa_bits' => row.oi_bits,
// 'fa_media_type' => row.oi_media_type,
// 'fa_major_mime' => row.oi_major_mime,
// 'fa_minor_mime' => row.oi_minor_mime,
// 'fa_description' => row.oi_description,
// 'fa_user' => row.oi_user,
// 'fa_user_text' => row.oi_user_text,
// 'fa_timestamp' => row.oi_timestamp,
// 'fa_sha1' => row.oi_sha1
// ];
// }
// dbw.insert( 'filearchive', rowsInsert, __METHOD__ );
// }
// }
// function doDBDeletes() {
// dbw = this.file.repo.getMasterDB();
// list( oldRels, deleteCurrent ) = this.getOldRels();
// if ( count( oldRels ) ) {
// dbw.delete( 'oldimage',
// [
// 'oi_name' => this.file.getName(),
// 'oi_archive_name' => array_keys( oldRels )
// ], __METHOD__ );
// }
// if ( deleteCurrent ) {
// dbw.delete( 'image', [ 'img_name' => this.file.getName() ], __METHOD__ );
// }
// }
// /**
// * Run the transaction
// * @return Status
// */
// public function execute() {
// repo = this.file.getRepo();
// this.file.synchronized();
// // Prepare deletion batch
// hashes = this.getHashes();
// this.deletionBatch = [];
// ext = this.file.getExtension();
// dotExt = ext === '' ? '' : ".ext";
// foreach ( this.srcRels as name => srcRel ) {
// // Skip files that have no hash (e.g. missing DB record, or sha1 field and file source)
// if ( isset( hashes[name] ) ) {
// hash = hashes[name];
// key = hash . dotExt;
// dstRel = repo.getDeletedHashPath( key ) . key;
// this.deletionBatch[name] = [ srcRel, dstRel ];
// }
// }
// if ( !repo.hasSha1Storage() ) {
// // Removes non-existent file from the batch, so we don't get errors.
// // This also handles files in the 'deleted' zone deleted via revision deletion.
// checkStatus = this.removeNonexistentFiles( this.deletionBatch );
// if ( !checkStatus.isGood() ) {
// this.status.merge( checkStatus );
// return this.status;
// }
// this.deletionBatch = checkStatus.value;
// // Execute the file deletion batch
// status = this.file.repo.deleteBatch( this.deletionBatch );
// if ( !status.isGood() ) {
// this.status.merge( status );
// }
// }
// if ( !this.status.isOK() ) {
// // Critical file deletion error; abort
// this.file.unlock();
// return this.status;
// }
// // Copy the image/oldimage rows to filearchive
// this.doDBInserts();
// // Delete image/oldimage rows
// this.doDBDeletes();
// // Commit and return
// this.file.unlock();
// return this.status;
// }
// /**
// * Removes non-existent files from a deletion batch.
// * @param array batch
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function removeNonexistentFiles( batch ) {
// files = newBatch = [];
// foreach ( batch as batchItem ) {
// list( src, ) = batchItem;
// files[src] = this.file.repo.getVirtualUrl( 'public' ) . '/' . rawurlencode( src );
// }
// result = this.file.repo.fileExistsBatch( files );
// if ( in_array( null, result, true ) ) {
// return Status::newFatal( 'backend-fail-@gplx.Internal protected',
// this.file.repo.getBackend().getName() );
// }
// foreach ( batch as batchItem ) {
// if ( result[batchItem[0]] ) {
// newBatch[] = batchItem;
// }
// }
// return Status::newGood( newBatch );
// }
// }
// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /**
// * Helper class for file undeletion
// * @ingroup FileAbstraction
// */
// class LocalFileRestoreBatch {
// /** @var LocalFile */
// private file;
// /** @var array List of file IDs to restore */
// private cleanupBatch;
// /** @var array List of file IDs to restore */
// private ids;
// /** @var boolean Add all revisions of the file */
// private all;
// /** @var boolean Whether to remove all settings for suppressed fields */
// private unsuppress = false;
// /**
// * @param File file
// * @param boolean unsuppress
// */
// function __construct( File file, unsuppress = false ) {
// this.file = file;
// this.cleanupBatch = this.ids = [];
// this.ids = [];
// this.unsuppress = unsuppress;
// }
// /**
// * Add a file by ID
// * @param int fa_id
// */
// public function addId( fa_id ) {
// this.ids[] = fa_id;
// }
// /**
// * Add a whole lot of files by ID
// * @param int[] ids
// */
// public function addIds( ids ) {
// this.ids = array_merge( this.ids, ids );
// }
// /**
// * Add all revisions of the file
// */
// public function addAll() {
// this.all = true;
// }
// /**
// * Run the transaction, except the cleanup batch.
// * The cleanup batch should be run in a separate transaction, because it locks different
// * rows and there's no need to keep the image row locked while it's acquiring those locks
// * The caller may have its own transaction open.
// * So we save the batch and let the caller call cleanup()
// * @return Status
// */
// public function execute() {
// /** @var Language */
// global wgLang;
// repo = this.file.getRepo();
// if ( !this.all && !this.ids ) {
// // Do nothing
// return repo.newGood();
// }
// lockOwnsTrx = this.file.synchronized();
// dbw = this.file.repo.getMasterDB();
// status = this.file.repo.newGood();
// exists = (boolean)dbw.selectField( 'image', '1',
// [ 'img_name' => this.file.getName() ],
// __METHOD__,
// // The synchronized() should already prevents changes, but this still may need
// // to bypass any transaction snapshot. However, if synchronized() started the
// // trx (which it probably did) then snapshot is post-synchronized and up-to-date.
// lockOwnsTrx ? [] : [ 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ]
// );
// // Fetch all or selected archived revisions for the file,
// // sorted from the most recent to the oldest.
// conditions = [ 'fa_name' => this.file.getName() ];
// if ( !this.all ) {
// conditions['fa_id'] = this.ids;
// }
// result =
// 'filearchive',
// ArchivedFile::selectFields(),
// conditions,
// __METHOD__,
// [ 'ORDER BY' => 'fa_timestamp DESC' ]
// );
// idsPresent = [];
// storeBatch = [];
// insertBatch = [];
// insertCurrent = false;
// deleteIds = [];
// first = true;
// archiveNames = [];
// foreach ( result as row ) {
// idsPresent[] = row.fa_id;
// if ( row.fa_name != this.file.getName() ) {
// status.error( 'undelete-filename-mismatch', wgLang.timeanddate( row.fa_timestamp ) );
// status.failCount++;
// continue;
// }
// if ( row.fa_storage_key == '' ) {
// // Revision was missing pre-deletion
// status.error( 'undelete-bad-store-key', wgLang.timeanddate( row.fa_timestamp ) );
// status.failCount++;
// continue;
// }
// deletedRel = repo.getDeletedHashPath( row.fa_storage_key ) .
// row.fa_storage_key;
// deletedUrl = repo.getVirtualUrl() . '/deleted/' . deletedRel;
// if ( isset( row.fa_sha1 ) ) {
// sha1 = row.fa_sha1;
// } else {
// // old row, populate from key
// sha1 = LocalRepo::getHashFromKey( row.fa_storage_key );
// }
// # Fix leading zero
// if ( strlen( sha1 ) == 32 && sha1[0] == '0' ) {
// sha1 = substr( sha1, 1 );
// }
// if ( is_null( row.fa_major_mime ) || row.fa_major_mime == 'unknown'
// || is_null( row.fa_minor_mime ) || row.fa_minor_mime == 'unknown'
// || is_null( row.fa_media_type ) || row.fa_media_type == 'UNKNOWN'
// || is_null( row.fa_metadata )
// ) {
// // Refresh our metadata
// // Required for a new current revision; nice for older ones too. :)
// props = RepoGroup::singleton().getFileProps( deletedUrl );
// } else {
// props = [
// 'minor_mime' => row.fa_minor_mime,
// 'major_mime' => row.fa_major_mime,
// 'media_type' => row.fa_media_type,
// 'metadata' => row.fa_metadata
// ];
// }
// if ( first && !exists ) {
// // This revision will be published as the new current version
// destRel = this.file.getRel();
// insertCurrent = [
// 'img_name' => row.fa_name,
// 'img_size' => row.fa_size,
// 'img_width' => row.fa_width,
// 'img_height' => row.fa_height,
// 'img_metadata' => props['metadata'],
// 'img_bits' => row.fa_bits,
// 'img_media_type' => props['media_type'],
// 'img_major_mime' => props['major_mime'],
// 'img_minor_mime' => props['minor_mime'],
// 'img_description' => row.fa_description,
// 'img_user' => row.fa_user,
// 'img_user_text' => row.fa_user_text,
// 'img_timestamp' => row.fa_timestamp,
// 'img_sha1' => sha1
// ];
// // The live (current) version cannot be hidden!
// if ( !this.unsuppress && row.fa_deleted ) {
// status.fatal( 'undeleterevdel' );
// this.file.unlock();
// return status;
// }
// } else {
// archiveName = row.fa_archive_name;
// if ( archiveName == '' ) {
// // This was originally a current version; we
// // have to devise a new archive name for it.
// // Format is <timestamp of archiving>!<name>
// timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, row.fa_deleted_timestamp );
// do {
// archiveName = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, timestamp ) . '!' . row.fa_name;
// timestamp++;
// } while ( isset( archiveNames[archiveName] ) );
// }
// archiveNames[archiveName] = true;
// destRel = this.file.getArchiveRel( archiveName );
// insertBatch[] = [
// 'oi_name' => row.fa_name,
// 'oi_archive_name' => archiveName,
// 'oi_size' => row.fa_size,
// 'oi_width' => row.fa_width,
// 'oi_height' => row.fa_height,
// 'oi_bits' => row.fa_bits,
// 'oi_description' => row.fa_description,
// 'oi_user' => row.fa_user,
// 'oi_user_text' => row.fa_user_text,
// 'oi_timestamp' => row.fa_timestamp,
// 'oi_metadata' => props['metadata'],
// 'oi_media_type' => props['media_type'],
// 'oi_major_mime' => props['major_mime'],
// 'oi_minor_mime' => props['minor_mime'],
// 'oi_deleted' => this.unsuppress ? 0 : row.fa_deleted,
// 'oi_sha1' => sha1 ];
// }
// deleteIds[] = row.fa_id;
// if ( !this.unsuppress && row.fa_deleted & File::DELETED_FILE ) {
// // private files can stay where they are
// status.successCount++;
// } else {
// storeBatch[] = [ deletedUrl, 'public', destRel ];
// this.cleanupBatch[] = row.fa_storage_key;
// }
// first = false;
// }
// unset( result );
// // Add a warning to the status Object for missing IDs
// missingIds = array_diff( this.ids, idsPresent );
// foreach ( missingIds as id ) {
// status.error( 'undelete-missing-filearchive', id );
// }
// if ( !repo.hasSha1Storage() ) {
// // Remove missing files from batch, so we don't get errors when undeleting them
// checkStatus = this.removeNonexistentFiles( storeBatch );
// if ( !checkStatus.isGood() ) {
// status.merge( checkStatus );
// return status;
// }
// storeBatch = checkStatus.value;
// // Run the store batch
// // Use the OVERWRITE_SAME flag to smooth over a common error
// storeStatus = this.file.repo.storeBatch( storeBatch, FileRepo::OVERWRITE_SAME );
// status.merge( storeStatus );
// if ( !status.isGood() ) {
// // Even if some files could be copied, fail entirely as that is the
// // easiest thing to do without data loss
// this.cleanupFailedBatch( storeStatus, storeBatch );
// status.setOK( false );
// this.file.unlock();
// return status;
// }
// }
// // Run the DB updates
// // Because we have locked the image row, key conflicts should be rare.
// // If they do occur, we can roll back the transaction at this time with
// // no data loss, but leaving unregistered files scattered throughout the
// // public zone.
// // This is not ideal, which is why it's important to synchronized the image row.
// if ( insertCurrent ) {
// dbw.insert( 'image', insertCurrent, __METHOD__ );
// }
// if ( insertBatch ) {
// dbw.insert( 'oldimage', insertBatch, __METHOD__ );
// }
// if ( deleteIds ) {
// dbw.delete( 'filearchive',
// [ 'fa_id' => deleteIds ],
// __METHOD__ );
// }
// // If store batch is empty (all files are missing), deletion is to be considered successful
// if ( status.successCount > 0 || !storeBatch || repo.hasSha1Storage() ) {
// if ( !exists ) {
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " restored {status.successCount} items, creating a new current\n" );
// DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'images' => 1 ] ) );
// this.file.purgeEverything();
// } else {
// wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " restored {status.successCount} as archived versions\n" );
// this.file.purgeDescription();
// }
// }
// this.file.unlock();
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Removes non-existent files from a store batch.
// * @param array triplets
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function removeNonexistentFiles( triplets ) {
// files = filteredTriplets = [];
// foreach ( triplets as file ) {
// files[file[0]] = file[0];
// }
// result = this.file.repo.fileExistsBatch( files );
// if ( in_array( null, result, true ) ) {
// return Status::newFatal( 'backend-fail-@gplx.Internal protected',
// this.file.repo.getBackend().getName() );
// }
// foreach ( triplets as file ) {
// if ( result[file[0]] ) {
// filteredTriplets[] = file;
// }
// }
// return Status::newGood( filteredTriplets );
// }
// /**
// * Removes non-existent files from a cleanup batch.
// * @param array batch
// * @return array
// */
// protected function removeNonexistentFromCleanup( batch ) {
// files = newBatch = [];
// repo = this.file.repo;
// foreach ( batch as file ) {
// files[file] = repo.getVirtualUrl( 'deleted' ) . '/' .
// rawurlencode( repo.getDeletedHashPath( file ) . file );
// }
// result = repo.fileExistsBatch( files );
// foreach ( batch as file ) {
// if ( result[file] ) {
// newBatch[] = file;
// }
// }
// return newBatch;
// }
// /**
// * Delete unused files in the deleted zone.
// * This should be called from outside the transaction in which execute() was called.
// * @return Status
// */
// public function cleanup() {
// if ( !this.cleanupBatch ) {
// return this.file.repo.newGood();
// }
// this.cleanupBatch = this.removeNonexistentFromCleanup( this.cleanupBatch );
// status = this.file.repo.cleanupDeletedBatch( this.cleanupBatch );
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Cleanup a failed batch. The batch was only partially successful, so
// * rollback by removing all items that were succesfully copied.
// *
// * @param Status storeStatus
// * @param array storeBatch
// */
// protected function cleanupFailedBatch( storeStatus, storeBatch ) {
// cleanupBatch = [];
// foreach ( storeStatus.success as i => success ) {
// // Check if this item of the batch was successfully copied
// if ( success ) {
// // Item was successfully copied and needs to be removed again
// // Extract (dstZone, dstRel) from the batch
// cleanupBatch[] = [ storeBatch[i][1], storeBatch[i][2] ];
// }
// }
// this.file.repo.cleanupBatch( cleanupBatch );
// }
// }
// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /**
// * Helper class for file movement
// * @ingroup FileAbstraction
// */
// class LocalFileMoveBatch {
// /** @var LocalFile */
// protected file;
// /** @var Title */
// protected target;
// protected cur;
// protected olds;
// protected oldCount;
// protected archive;
// /** @var IDatabase */
// protected db;
// /**
// * @param File file
// * @param Title target
// */
// function __construct( File file, Title target ) {
// this.file = file;
// = target;
// this.oldHash = this.file.repo.getHashPath( this.file.getName() );
// this.newHash = this.file.repo.getHashPath( );
// this.oldName = this.file.getName();
// this.newName = this.file.repo.getNameFromTitle( );
// this.oldRel = this.oldHash . this.oldName;
// this.newRel = this.newHash . this.newName;
// this.db = file.getRepo().getMasterDB();
// }
// /**
// * Add the current image to the batch
// */
// public function addCurrent() {
// this.cur = [ this.oldRel, this.newRel ];
// }
// /**
// * Add the old versions of the image to the batch
// * @return array List of archive names from old versions
// */
// public function addOlds() {
// archiveBase = 'archive';
// this.olds = [];
// this.oldCount = 0;
// archiveNames = [];
// result = 'oldimage',
// [ 'oi_archive_name', 'oi_deleted' ],
// [ 'oi_name' => this.oldName ],
// __METHOD__,
// [ 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] // ignore snapshot
// );
// foreach ( result as row ) {
// archiveNames[] = row.oi_archive_name;
// oldName = row.oi_archive_name;
// bits = explode( '!', oldName, 2 );
// if ( count( bits ) != 2 ) {
// wfDebug( "Old file name missing !: 'oldName' \n" );
// continue;
// }
// list( timestamp, filename ) = bits;
// if ( this.oldName != filename ) {
// wfDebug( "Old file name doesn't match: 'oldName' \n" );
// continue;
// }
// this.oldCount++;
// // Do we want to add those to oldCount?
// if ( row.oi_deleted & File::DELETED_FILE ) {
// continue;
// }
// this.olds[] = [
// "{archiveBase}/{this.oldHash}{oldName}",
// "{archiveBase}/{this.newHash}{timestamp}!{this.newName}"
// ];
// }
// return archiveNames;
// }
// /**
// * Perform the move.
// * @return Status
// */
// public function execute() {
// repo = this.file.repo;
// status = repo.newGood();
// destFile = wfLocalFile( );
// this.file.synchronized(); // begin
// destFile.synchronized(); // quickly fail if destination is not available
// triplets = this.getMoveTriplets();
// checkStatus = this.removeNonexistentFiles( triplets );
// if ( !checkStatus.isGood() ) {
// destFile.unlock();
// this.file.unlock();
// status.merge( checkStatus ); // couldn't talk to file backend
// return status;
// }
// triplets = checkStatus.value;
// // Verify the file versions metadata in the DB.
// statusDb = this.verifyDBUpdates();
// if ( !statusDb.isGood() ) {
// destFile.unlock();
// this.file.unlock();
// statusDb.setOK( false );
// return statusDb;
// }
// if ( !repo.hasSha1Storage() ) {
// // Copy the files into their new location.
// // If a prior process fataled copying or cleaning up files we tolerate any
// // of the existing files if they are identical to the ones being stored.
// statusMove = repo.storeBatch( triplets, FileRepo::OVERWRITE_SAME );
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Moved files for {this.file.getName()}: " .
// "{statusMove.successCount} successes, {statusMove.failCount} failures" );
// if ( !statusMove.isGood() ) {
// // Delete any files copied over (while the destination is still locked)
// this.cleanupTarget( triplets );
// destFile.unlock();
// this.file.unlock();
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Error in moving files: "
// . statusMove.getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ) );
// statusMove.setOK( false );
// return statusMove;
// }
// status.merge( statusMove );
// }
// // Rename the file versions metadata in the DB.
// this.doDBUpdates();
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Renamed {this.file.getName()} in database: " .
// "{statusDb.successCount} successes, {statusDb.failCount} failures" );
// destFile.unlock();
// this.file.unlock(); // done
// // Everything went ok, remove the source files
// this.cleanupSource( triplets );
// status.merge( statusDb );
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Verify the database updates and return a new Status indicating how
// * many rows would be updated.
// *
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function verifyDBUpdates() {
// repo = this.file.repo;
// status = repo.newGood();
// dbw = this.db;
// hasCurrent = dbw.selectField(
// 'image',
// '1',
// [ 'img_name' => this.oldName ],
// __METHOD__,
// [ 'FOR UPDATE' ]
// );
// oldRowCount = dbw.selectField(
// 'oldimage',
// 'COUNT(*)',
// [ 'oi_name' => this.oldName ],
// __METHOD__,
// [ 'FOR UPDATE' ]
// );
// if ( hasCurrent ) {
// status.successCount++;
// } else {
// status.failCount++;
// }
// status.successCount += oldRowCount;
// // Bug 34934: oldCount is based on files that actually exist.
// // There may be more DB rows than such files, in which case affected
// // can be greater than total. We use max() to avoid negatives here.
// status.failCount += max( 0, this.oldCount - oldRowCount );
// if ( status.failCount ) {
// status.error( 'imageinvalidfilename' );
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Do the database updates and return a new Status indicating how
// * many rows where updated.
// */
// protected function doDBUpdates() {
// dbw = this.db;
// // Update current image
// dbw.update(
// 'image',
// [ 'img_name' => this.newName ],
// [ 'img_name' => this.oldName ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// // Update old images
// dbw.update(
// 'oldimage',
// [
// 'oi_name' => this.newName,
// 'oi_archive_name = ' . dbw.strreplace( 'oi_archive_name',
// dbw.addQuotes( this.oldName ), dbw.addQuotes( this.newName ) ),
// ],
// [ 'oi_name' => this.oldName ],
// __METHOD__
// );
// }
// /**
// * Generate triplets for FileRepo::storeBatch().
// * @return array
// */
// protected function getMoveTriplets() {
// moves = array_merge( [ this.cur ], this.olds );
// triplets = []; // The format is: (srcUrl, destZone, destUrl)
// foreach ( moves as move ) {
// // move: (oldRelativePath, newRelativePath)
// srcUrl = this.file.repo.getVirtualUrl() . '/public/' . rawurlencode( move[0] );
// triplets[] = [ srcUrl, 'public', move[1] ];
// wfDebugLog(
// 'imagemove',
// "Generated move triplet for {this.file.getName()}: {srcUrl} :: public :: {move[1]}"
// );
// }
// return triplets;
// }
// /**
// * Removes non-existent files from move batch.
// * @param array triplets
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function removeNonexistentFiles( triplets ) {
// files = [];
// foreach ( triplets as file ) {
// files[file[0]] = file[0];
// }
// result = this.file.repo.fileExistsBatch( files );
// if ( in_array( null, result, true ) ) {
// return Status::newFatal( 'backend-fail-@gplx.Internal protected',
// this.file.repo.getBackend().getName() );
// }
// filteredTriplets = [];
// foreach ( triplets as file ) {
// if ( result[file[0]] ) {
// filteredTriplets[] = file;
// } else {
// wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "File {file[0]} does not exist" );
// }
// }
// return Status::newGood( filteredTriplets );
// }
// /**
// * Cleanup a partially moved array of triplets by deleting the target
// * files. Called if something went wrong half way.
// * @param array triplets
// */
// protected function cleanupTarget( triplets ) {
// // Create dest pairs from the triplets
// pairs = [];
// foreach ( triplets as triplet ) {
// // triplet: (old source virtual URL, dst zone, dest rel)
// pairs[] = [ triplet[1], triplet[2] ];
// }
// this.file.repo.cleanupBatch( pairs );
// }
// /**
// * Cleanup a fully moved array of triplets by deleting the source files.
// * Called at the end of the move process if everything else went ok.
// * @param array triplets
// */
// protected function cleanupSource( triplets ) {
// // Create source file names from the triplets
// files = [];
// foreach ( triplets as triplet ) {
// files[] = triplet[0];
// }
// this.file.repo.cleanupBatch( files );
// }