You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1923 lines
60 KiB

XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.filerepo; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.*; import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.*;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes.filerepo.file.*;
* getZoneUrl
public class XomwFileRepo {
// static final DELETE_SOURCE = 1;
// static final OVERWRITE = 2;
// static final OVERWRITE_SAME = 4;
// static final SKIP_LOCKING = 8;
// static final NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY = 1;
// /** @var boolean Whether to fetch commons image description pages and display
// * them on the local wiki */
// public fetchDescription;
// /** @var int */
// public descriptionCacheExpiry;
// /** @var boolean */
// protected hasSha1Storage = false;
// /** @var boolean */
// protected supportsSha1URLs = false;
// /** @var FileBackend */
// protected backend;
// /** @var array Map of zones to config */
// protected zones = [];
// /** @var String URL of thumb.php */
// protected thumbScriptUrl;
// /** @var boolean Whether to skip media file transformation on parse and rely
// * on a 404 handler instead. */
// protected transformVia404;
// /** @var String URL of image description pages, e.g.
// *
// */
// protected descBaseUrl;
// /** @var String URL of the MediaWiki installation, equivalent to
// * wgScriptPath, e.g.
// */
// protected scriptDirUrl;
// /** @var String Script extension of the MediaWiki installation, equivalent
// * to the old wgScriptExtension, e.g. .php5 defaults to .php */
// protected scriptExtension;
// /** @var String Equivalent to wgArticlePath, e.g. */
// protected articleUrl;
// /** @var boolean Equivalent to wgCapitalLinks (or wgCapitalLinkOverrides[NS_FILE],
// * determines whether filenames implicitly start with a capital letter.
// * The current implementation may give incorrect description page links
// * when the local wgCapitalLinks and initialCapital are mismatched.
// */
// protected initialCapital;
// /** @var String May be 'paranoid' to remove all parameters from error
// * messages, 'none' to leave the paths in unchanged, or 'simple' to
// * replace paths with placeholders. Default for LocalRepo is
// * 'simple'.
// */
// protected pathDisclosureProtection = 'simple';
/** @var String|false Public zone URL. */
public byte[] url;
/** @var String The super thumbnail URL. Defaults to "<url>/thumb". */
public byte[] thumbUrl;
/** @var int The number of directory levels for hash-based division of files */
private int hashLevels = 2;
// /** @var int The number of directory levels for hash-based division of deleted files */
// protected deletedHashLevels;
// /** @var int File names over this size will use the short form of thumbnail
// * names. Short thumbnail names only have the width, parameters, and the
// * extension.
// */
// protected abbrvThreshold;
// /** @var String The URL of the repo's favicon, if any */
// protected favicon;
// /** @var boolean Whether all zones should be private (e.g. private wiki repo) */
// protected isPrivate;
// /** @var array callable Override these in the super class */
// protected fileFactory = [ 'UnregisteredLocalFile', 'newFromTitle' ];
// /** @var array callable|boolean Override these in the super class */
// protected oldFileFactory = false;
// /** @var array callable|boolean Override these in the super class */
// protected fileFactoryKey = false;
// /** @var array callable|boolean Override these in the super class */
// protected oldFileFactoryKey = false;
public XomwFileRepo(byte[] url, byte[] thumbUrl) {
this.url = url;
this.thumbUrl = thumbUrl;
// /**
// * @param array|null info
// * @throws MWException
// */
// public function __construct(array info = null) {
// // Verify required settings presence
// if (
// info === null
// || !array_key_exists('name', info)
// || !array_key_exists('backend', info)
// ) {
// throw new MWException(__CLASS__ .
// " requires an array of options having both 'name' and 'backend' keys.\n");
// }
// // Required settings
// = info['name'];
// if (info['backend'] instanceof FileBackend) {
// this.backend = info['backend']; // useful for testing
// } else {
// this.backend = FileBackendGroup::singleton().get(info['backend']);
// }
// // Optional settings that can have no value
// optionalSettings = [
// 'descBaseUrl', 'scriptDirUrl', 'articleUrl', 'fetchDescription',
// 'thumbScriptUrl', 'pathDisclosureProtection', 'descriptionCacheExpiry',
// 'scriptExtension', 'favicon'
// ];
// foreach (optionalSettings as var) {
// if (isset(info[var])) {
// this.var = info[var];
// }
// }
// // Optional settings that have a default
// this.initialCapital = isset(info['initialCapital'])
// ? info['initialCapital']
// : XomwNamespace::isCapitalized(NS_FILE);
// this.url = isset(info['url'])
// ? info['url']
// : false; // a subclass may set the URL (e.g. ForeignAPIRepo)
// if (isset(info['thumbUrl'])) {
// this.thumbUrl = info['thumbUrl'];
// } else {
// this.thumbUrl = this.url ? "{this.url}/thumb" : false;
// }
// this.hashLevels = isset(info['hashLevels'])
// ? info['hashLevels']
// : 2;
// this.deletedHashLevels = isset(info['deletedHashLevels'])
// ? info['deletedHashLevels']
// : this.hashLevels;
// this.transformVia404 = !empty(info['transformVia404']);
// this.abbrvThreshold = isset(info['abbrvThreshold'])
// ? info['abbrvThreshold']
// : 255;
// this.isPrivate = !empty(info['isPrivate']);
// // Give defaults for the basic zones...
// this.zones = isset(info['zones']) ? info['zones'] : [];
// foreach ([ 'public', 'thumb', 'transcoded', 'temp', 'deleted' ] as zone) {
// if (!isset(this.zones[zone]['container'])) {
// this.zones[zone]['container'] = "{}-{zone}";
// }
// if (!isset(this.zones[zone]['directory'])) {
// this.zones[zone]['directory'] = '';
// }
// if (!isset(this.zones[zone]['urlsByExt'])) {
// this.zones[zone]['urlsByExt'] = [];
// }
// }
// this.supportsSha1URLs = !empty(info['supportsSha1URLs']);
// }
// /**
// * Get the file backend instance. Use this function wisely.
// *
// * @return FileBackend
// */
// public function getBackend() {
// return this.backend;
// }
// /**
// * Get an explanatory message if this repo is read-only.
// * This checks if an administrator disabled writes to the backend.
// *
// * @return String|boolean Returns false if the repo is not read-only
// */
// public function getReadOnlyReason() {
// return this.backend.getReadOnlyReason();
// }
// /**
// * Check if a single zone or list of zones is defined for usage
// *
// * @param array doZones Only do a particular zones
// * @throws MWException
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function initZones(doZones = []) {
// status = this.newGood();
// foreach ((array)doZones as zone) {
// root = this.getZonePath(zone);
// if (root === null) {
// throw new MWException("No 'zone' zone defined in the {} repo.");
// }
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Determine if a String is an mwrepo:// URL
// *
// * @param String url
// * @return boolean
// */
// public static function isVirtualUrl(url) {
// return substr(url, 0, 9) == 'mwrepo://';
// }
// /**
// * Get a URL referring to this repository, with the private mwrepo protocol.
// * The suffix, if supplied, is considered to be unencoded, and will be
// * URL-encoded before being returned.
// *
// * @param String|boolean suffix
// * @return String
// */
// public function getVirtualUrl(suffix = false) {
// path = 'mwrepo://' .;
// if (suffix !== false) {
// path .= '/' . rawurlencode(suffix);
// }
// return path;
// }
* Get the URL corresponding to one of the four basic zones
* @param String zone One of: public, deleted, temp, thumb
* @param String|null ext Optional file extension
* @return String|boolean
public byte[] getZoneUrl(int zone, byte[] ext) {
// XO.MW.UNSUPPORTED.CUSTOM:ignore customized zones by ext
//if (in_array(zone, [ 'public', 'thumb', 'transcoded' ])) {
// // standard public zones
// if (ext !== null && isset(this.zones[zone]['urlsByExt'][ext])) {
// // custom URL for extension/zone
// return this.zones[zone]['urlsByExt'][ext];
// } elseif (isset(this.zones[zone]['url'])) {
// // custom URL for zone
// return this.zones[zone]['url'];
// }
switch (zone) {
case Zone__public:
return this.url;
//case 'temp':
//case 'deleted':
// return false; // no public URL
case Zone__thumb:
return this.thumbUrl;
//case 'transcoded':
// return "{this.url}/transcoded";
// return false;
return url;
// /**
// * @return boolean Whether non-ASCII path characters are allowed
// */
// public function backendSupportsUnicodePaths() {
// return (boolean)(this.getBackend().getFeatures() & FileBackend::ATTR_UNICODE_PATHS);
// }
// /**
// * Get the backend storage path corresponding to a virtual URL.
// * Use this function wisely.
// *
// * @param String url
// * @throws MWException
// * @return String
// */
// public function resolveVirtualUrl(url) {
// if (substr(url, 0, 9) != 'mwrepo://') {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': unknown protocol');
// }
// bits = explode('/', substr(url, 9), 3);
// if (count(bits) != 3) {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ": invalid mwrepo URL: url");
// }
// list(repo, zone, rel) = bits;
// if (repo !== {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ": fetching from a foreign repo is not supported");
// }
// super = this.getZonePath(zone);
// if (!super) {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ": invalid zone: zone");
// }
// return super . '/' . rawurldecode(rel);
// }
// /**
// * The the storage container and super path of a zone
// *
// * @param String zone
// * @return array (container, super path) or (null, null)
// */
// protected function getZoneLocation(zone) {
// if (!isset(this.zones[zone])) {
// return [ null, null ]; // bogus
// }
// return [ this.zones[zone]['container'], this.zones[zone]['directory'] ];
// }
* Get the storage path corresponding to one of the zones
* @param String zone
* @return String|null Returns null if the zone is not defined
public byte[] getZonePath(int zone) {
// list(container, super) = this.getZoneLocation(zone);
// if (container === null || super === null) {
// return null;
// }
// backendName = this.backend.getName();
// if (super != '') { // may not be set
// super = "/{super}";
// }
// return "mwstore://backendName/{container}{super}";
return Bry_.Empty;
// /**
// * Create a new File Object from the local repository
// *
// * @param Title|String title Title Object or String
// * @param boolean|String time Time at which the image was uploaded. If this
// * is specified, the returned Object will be an instance of the
// * repository's old file class instead of a current file. Repositories
// * not supporting version control should return false if this parameter
// * is set.
// * @return File|null A File, or null if passed an invalid Title
// */
// public function newFile(title, time = false) {
// title = File::normalizeTitle(title);
// if (!title) {
// return null;
// }
// if (time) {
// if (this.oldFileFactory) {
// return call_user_func(this.oldFileFactory, title, this, time);
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// } else {
// return call_user_func(this.fileFactory, title, this);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Find an instance of the named file created at the specified time
// * Returns false if the file does not exist. Repositories not supporting
// * version control should return false if the time is specified.
// *
// * @param Title|String title Title Object or String
// * @param array options Associative array of options:
// * time: requested time for a specific file version, or false for the
// * current version. An image Object will be returned which was
// * created at the specified time (which may be archived or current).
// * ignoreRedirect: If true, do not follow file redirects
// * private: If true, return restricted (deleted) files if the current
// * user is allowed to view them. Otherwise, such files will not
// * be found. If a User Object, use that user instead of the current.
// * latest: If true, load from the latest available data into File objects
// * @return File|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function findFile(title, options = []) {
// title = File::normalizeTitle(title);
// if (!title) {
// return false;
// }
// if (isset(options['bypassCache'])) {
// options['latest'] = options['bypassCache']; // b/c
// }
// time = isset(options['time']) ? options['time'] : false;
// flags = !empty(options['latest']) ? File::READ_LATEST : 0;
// # First try the current version of the file to see if it precedes the timestamp
// img = this.newFile(title);
// if (!img) {
// return false;
// }
// img.load(flags);
// if (img.exists() && (!time || img.getTimestamp() == time)) {
// return img;
// }
// # Now try an old version of the file
// if (time !== false) {
// img = this.newFile(title, time);
// if (img) {
// img.load(flags);
// if (img.exists()) {
// if (!img.isDeleted(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
// return img; // always OK
// } elseif (!empty(options['private']) &&
// img.userCan(File::DELETED_FILE,
// options['private'] instanceof User ? options['private'] : null
// )
// ) {
// return img;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// # Now try redirects
// if (!empty(options['ignoreRedirect'])) {
// return false;
// }
// redir = this.checkRedirect(title);
// if (redir && title.getNamespace() == NS_FILE) {
// img = this.newFile(redir);
// if (!img) {
// return false;
// }
// img.load(flags);
// if (img.exists()) {
// img.redirectedFrom(title.getDBkey());
// return img;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Find many files at once.
// *
// * @param array items An array of titles, or an array of findFile() options with
// * the "title" option giving the title. Example:
// *
// * findItem = [ 'title' => title, 'private' => true ];
// * findBatch = [ findItem ];
// * repo.findFiles(findBatch);
// *
// * No title should appear in items twice, as the result use titles as keys
// * @param int flags Supports:
// * - FileRepo::NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY : return a (search title => (title,timestamp)) map.
// * The search title uses the input titles; the other is the final post-redirect title.
// * All titles are returned as String DB keys and the inner array is associative.
// * @return array Map of (file name => File objects) for matches
// */
// public function findFiles(array items, flags = 0) {
// result = [];
// foreach (items as item) {
// if (is_array(item)) {
// title = item['title'];
// options = item;
// unset(options['title']);
// } else {
// title = item;
// options = [];
// }
// file = this.findFile(title, options);
// if (file) {
// searchName = File::normalizeTitle(title).getDBkey(); // must be valid
// if (flags & self::NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY) {
// result[searchName] = [
// 'title' => file.getTitle().getDBkey(),
// 'timestamp' => file.getTimestamp()
// ];
// } else {
// result[searchName] = file;
// }
// }
// }
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Find an instance of the file with this key, created at the specified time
// * Returns false if the file does not exist. Repositories not supporting
// * version control should return false if the time is specified.
// *
// * @param String sha1 Base 36 SHA-1 hash
// * @param array options Option array, same as findFile().
// * @return File|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function findFileFromKey(sha1, options = []) {
// time = isset(options['time']) ? options['time'] : false;
// # First try to find a matching current version of a file...
// if (!this.fileFactoryKey) {
// return false; // find-by-sha1 not supported
// }
// img = call_user_func(this.fileFactoryKey, sha1, this, time);
// if (img && img.exists()) {
// return img;
// }
// # Now try to find a matching old version of a file...
// if (time !== false && this.oldFileFactoryKey) { // find-by-sha1 supported?
// img = call_user_func(this.oldFileFactoryKey, sha1, this, time);
// if (img && img.exists()) {
// if (!img.isDeleted(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
// return img; // always OK
// } elseif (!empty(options['private']) &&
// img.userCan(File::DELETED_FILE,
// options['private'] instanceof User ? options['private'] : null
// )
// ) {
// return img;
// }
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Get an array or iterator of file objects for files that have a given
// * SHA-1 content hash.
// *
// * STUB
// * @param String hash SHA-1 hash
// * @return File[]
// */
// public function findBySha1(hash) {
// return [];
// }
// /**
// * Get an array of arrays or iterators of file objects for files that
// * have the given SHA-1 content hashes.
// *
// * @param array hashes An array of hashes
// * @return array An Array of arrays or iterators of file objects and the hash as key
// */
// public function findBySha1s(array hashes) {
// result = [];
// foreach (hashes as hash) {
// files = this.findBySha1(hash);
// if (count(files)) {
// result[hash] = files;
// }
// }
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Return an array of files where the name starts with prefix.
// *
// * STUB
// * @param String prefix The prefix to search for
// * @param int limit The maximum amount of files to return
// * @return array
// */
// public function findFilesByPrefix(prefix, limit) {
// return [];
// }
// /**
// * Get the URL of thumb.php
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getThumbScriptUrl() {
// return this.thumbScriptUrl;
// }
// /**
// * Returns true if the repository can transform files via a 404 handler
// *
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function canTransformVia404() {
// return this.transformVia404;
// }
* Get the name of a file from its title Object
* @param Title title
* @return String
public byte[] getNameFromTitle(XomwTitleOld title) {
// global wgContLang;
// if (this.initialCapital != XomwNamespace::isCapitalized(NS_FILE)) {
// name = title.getUserCaseDBKey();
// if (this.initialCapital) {
// name = wgContLang.ucfirst(name);
// }
// } else {
// name = title.getDBkey();
// }
// return name;
return title.getDBkey();
// /**
// * Get the public zone root storage directory of the repository
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getRootDirectory() {
// return this.getZonePath('public');
// }
* Get a relative path including trailing slash, e.g. f/fa/
* If the repo is not hashed, returns an empty String
* @param String name Name of file
* @return String
public byte[] getHashPath(byte[] name) {
return getHashPathForLevel(name, this.hashLevels);
// /**
// * Get a relative path including trailing slash, e.g. f/fa/
// * If the repo is not hashed, returns an empty String
// *
// * @param String suffix Basename of file from FileRepo::storeTemp()
// * @return String
// */
// public function getTempHashPath(suffix) {
// parts = explode('!', suffix, 2); // format is <timestamp>!<name> or just <name>
// name = isset(parts[1]) ? parts[1] : suffix; // hash path is not based on timestamp
// return self::getHashPathForLevel(name, this.hashLevels);
// }
* @param String name
* @param int levels
* @return String
public static byte[] getHashPathForLevel(byte[] name, int levels) {
if (levels == 0) {
return Bry_.Empty;
} else {
byte[] hash = gplx.xowa.files.Xof_file_wkr_.Md5(name);
// XO.MW: assume 2
if (levels != 2) throw Err_.new_wo_type("levels must be 2", "levels", levels);
byte[] path = new byte[5];
path[0] = path[2] = hash[0];
path[3] = hash[1];
path[1] = path[4] = Byte_ascii.Slash;
return path;
// /**
// * Get the number of hash directory levels
// *
// * @return int
// */
// public function getHashLevels() {
// return this.hashLevels;
// }
// /**
// * Get the name of this repository, as specified by info['name]' to the constructor
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getName() {
// return;
// }
// /**
// * Make an url to this repo
// *
// * @param String query Query String to append
// * @param String entry Entry point; defaults to index
// * @return String|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function makeUrl(query = '', entry = 'index') {
// if (isset(this.scriptDirUrl)) {
// ext = isset(this.scriptExtension) ? this.scriptExtension : '.php';
// return wfAppendQuery("{this.scriptDirUrl}/{entry}{ext}", query);
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Get the URL of an image description page. May return false if it is
// * unknown or not applicable. In general this should only be called by the
// * File class, since it may return invalid results for certain kinds of
// * repositories. Use File::getDescriptionUrl() in user code.
// *
// * In particular, it uses the article paths as specified to the repository
// * constructor, whereas local repositories use the local Title functions.
// *
// * @param String name
// * @return String|false
// */
// public function getDescriptionUrl(name) {
// encName = wfUrlencode(name);
// if (!is_null(this.descBaseUrl)) {
// # ""
// return this.descBaseUrl . encName;
// }
// if (!is_null(this.articleUrl)) {
// # ""
// # We use "Image:" as the canonical namespace for
// # compatibility across all MediaWiki versions.
// return str_replace('1',
// "Image:encName", this.articleUrl);
// }
// if (!is_null(this.scriptDirUrl)) {
// # ""
// # We use "Image:" as the canonical namespace for
// # compatibility across all MediaWiki versions,
// # and just sort of hope index.php is right. ;)
// return this.makeUrl("title=Image:encName");
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Get the URL of the content-only fragment of the description page. For
// * MediaWiki this means action=render. This should only be called by the
// * repository's file class, since it may return invalid results. User code
// * should use File::getDescriptionText().
// *
// * @param String name Name of image to fetch
// * @param String lang Language to fetch it in, if any.
// * @return String|false
// */
// public function getDescriptionRenderUrl(name, lang = null) {
// query = 'action=render';
// if (!is_null(lang)) {
// query .= '&uselang=' . lang;
// }
// if (isset(this.scriptDirUrl)) {
// return this.makeUrl(
// 'title=' .
// wfUrlencode('Image:' . name) .
// "&query");
// } else {
// descUrl = this.getDescriptionUrl(name);
// if (descUrl) {
// return wfAppendQuery(descUrl, query);
// } else {
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get the URL of the stylesheet to apply to description pages
// *
// * @return String|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function getDescriptionStylesheetUrl() {
// if (isset(this.scriptDirUrl)) {
// return this.makeUrl('title=MediaWiki:Filepage.css&' .
// wfArrayToCgi(Skin::getDynamicStylesheetQuery()));
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Store a file to a given destination.
// *
// * @param String srcPath Source file system path, storage path, or virtual URL
// * @param String dstZone Destination zone
// * @param String dstRel Destination relative path
// * @param int flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
// * self::OVERWRITE Overwrite an existing destination file instead of failing
// * self::OVERWRITE_SAME Overwrite the file if the destination exists and has the
// * same contents as the source
// * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the store
// * @return Status
// */
// public function store(srcPath, dstZone, dstRel, flags = 0) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// status = this.storeBatch([ [ srcPath, dstZone, dstRel ] ], flags);
// if (status.successCount == 0) {
// status.setOK(false);
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Store a batch of files
// *
// * @param array triplets (src, dest zone, dest rel) triplets as per store()
// * @param int flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
// * self::OVERWRITE Overwrite an existing destination file instead of failing
// * self::OVERWRITE_SAME Overwrite the file if the destination exists and has the
// * same contents as the source
// * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the store
// * @throws MWException
// * @return Status
// */
// public function storeBatch(array triplets, flags = 0) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// if (flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE) {
// throw new InvalidArgumentException("DELETE_SOURCE not supported in " . __METHOD__);
// }
// status = this.newGood();
// backend = this.backend; // convenience
// operations = [];
// // Validate each triplet and get the store operation...
// foreach (triplets as triplet) {
// list(srcPath, dstZone, dstRel) = triplet;
// wfDebug(__METHOD__
// . "(\src='srcPath', \dstZone='dstZone', \dstRel='dstRel')\n"
// );
// // Resolve destination path
// root = this.getZonePath(dstZone);
// if (!root) {
// throw new MWException("Invalid zone: dstZone");
// }
// if (!this.validateFilename(dstRel)) {
// throw new MWException('Validation error in dstRel');
// }
// dstPath = "root/dstRel";
// dstDir = dirname(dstPath);
// // Create destination directories for this triplet
// if (!this.initDirectory(dstDir).isOK()) {
// return this.newFatal('directorycreateerror', dstDir);
// }
// // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual
// srcPath = this.resolveToStoragePath(srcPath);
// // Get the appropriate file operation
// if (FileBackend::isStoragePath(srcPath)) {
// opName = 'copy';
// } else {
// opName = 'store';
// }
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => opName,
// 'src' => srcPath,
// 'dst' => dstPath,
// 'overwrite' => flags & self::OVERWRITE,
// 'overwriteSame' => flags & self::OVERWRITE_SAME,
// ];
// }
// // Execute the store operation for each triplet
// opts = [ 'force' => true ];
// if (flags & self::SKIP_LOCKING) {
// opts['nonLocking'] = true;
// }
// status.merge(backend.doOperations(operations, opts));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Deletes a batch of files.
// * Each file can be a (zone, rel) pair, virtual url, storage path.
// * It will try to delete each file, but ignores any errors that may occur.
// *
// * @param array files List of files to delete
// * @param int flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
// * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the deletions
// * @return Status
// */
// public function cleanupBatch(array files, flags = 0) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// status = this.newGood();
// operations = [];
// foreach (files as path) {
// if (is_array(path)) {
// // This is a pair, extract it
// list(zone, rel) = path;
// path = this.getZonePath(zone) . "/rel";
// } else {
// // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(path);
// }
// operations[] = [ 'op' => 'delete', 'src' => path ];
// }
// // Actually delete files from storage...
// opts = [ 'force' => true ];
// if (flags & self::SKIP_LOCKING) {
// opts['nonLocking'] = true;
// }
// status.merge(this.backend.doOperations(operations, opts));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Import a file from the local file system into the repo.
// * This does no locking nor journaling and overrides existing files.
// * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos.
// * This is intended for copying generated thumbnails into the repo.
// *
// * @param String|FSFile src Source file system path, storage path, or virtual URL
// * @param String dst Virtual URL or storage path
// * @param array|String|null options An array consisting of a key named headers
// * listing extra headers. If a String, taken as content-disposition header.
// * (Support for array of options new in 1.23)
// * @return Status
// */
// final public function quickImport(src, dst, options = null) {
// return this.quickImportBatch([ [ src, dst, options ] ]);
// }
// /**
// * Purge a file from the repo. This does no locking nor journaling.
// * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos.
// * This is intended for purging thumbnails.
// *
// * @param String path Virtual URL or storage path
// * @return Status
// */
// final public function quickPurge(path) {
// return this.quickPurgeBatch([ path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Deletes a directory if empty.
// * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos.
// *
// * @param String dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean
// * @return Status
// */
// public function quickCleanDir(dir) {
// status = this.newGood();
// status.merge(this.backend.clean(
// [ 'dir' => this.resolveToStoragePath(dir) ]));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Import a batch of files from the local file system into the repo.
// * This does no locking nor journaling and overrides existing files.
// * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos.
// * This is intended for copying generated thumbnails into the repo.
// *
// * All path parameters may be a file system path, storage path, or virtual URL.
// * When "headers" are given they are used as HTTP headers if supported.
// *
// * @param array triples List of (source path or FSFile, destination path, disposition)
// * @return Status
// */
// public function quickImportBatch(array triples) {
// status = this.newGood();
// operations = [];
// foreach (triples as triple) {
// list(src, dst) = triple;
// if (src instanceof FSFile) {
// op = 'store';
// } else {
// src = this.resolveToStoragePath(src);
// op = FileBackend::isStoragePath(src) ? 'copy' : 'store';
// }
// dst = this.resolveToStoragePath(dst);
// if (!isset(triple[2])) {
// headers = [];
// } elseif (is_string(triple[2])) {
// // back-compat
// headers = [ 'Content-Disposition' => triple[2] ];
// } elseif (is_array(triple[2]) && isset(triple[2]['headers'])) {
// headers = triple[2]['headers'];
// } else {
// headers = [];
// }
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => op,
// 'src' => src,
// 'dst' => dst,
// 'headers' => headers
// ];
// status.merge(this.initDirectory(dirname(dst)));
// }
// status.merge(this.backend.doQuickOperations(operations));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Purge a batch of files from the repo.
// * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos.
// * This does no locking nor journaling and is intended for purging thumbnails.
// *
// * @param array paths List of virtual URLs or storage paths
// * @return Status
// */
// public function quickPurgeBatch(array paths) {
// status = this.newGood();
// operations = [];
// foreach (paths as path) {
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'delete',
// 'src' => this.resolveToStoragePath(path),
// 'ignoreMissingSource' => true
// ];
// }
// status.merge(this.backend.doQuickOperations(operations));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Pick a random name in the temp zone and store a file to it.
// * Returns a Status Object with the file Virtual URL in the value,
// * file can later be disposed using FileRepo::freeTemp().
// *
// * @param String originalName The super name of the file as specified
// * by the user. The file extension will be maintained.
// * @param String srcPath The current location of the file.
// * @return Status Object with the URL in the value.
// */
// public function storeTemp(originalName, srcPath) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// date = MWTimestamp::getInstance().format('YmdHis');
// hashPath = this.getHashPath(originalName);
// dstUrlRel = hashPath . date . '!' . rawurlencode(originalName);
// virtualUrl = this.getVirtualUrl('temp') . '/' . dstUrlRel;
// result = this.quickImport(srcPath, virtualUrl);
// result.value = virtualUrl;
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Remove a temporary file or mark it for garbage collection
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl The virtual URL returned by FileRepo::storeTemp()
// * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
// */
// public function freeTemp(virtualUrl) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// temp = this.getVirtualUrl('temp');
// if (substr(virtualUrl, 0, strlen(temp)) != temp) {
// wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": Invalid temp virtual URL\n");
// return false;
// }
// return this.quickPurge(virtualUrl).isOK();
// }
// /**
// * Concatenate a list of temporary files into a target file location.
// *
// * @param array srcPaths Ordered list of source virtual URLs/storage paths
// * @param String dstPath Target file system path
// * @param int flags Bitwise combination of the following flags:
// * self::DELETE_SOURCE Delete the source files on success
// * @return Status
// */
// public function concatenate(array srcPaths, dstPath, flags = 0) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// status = this.newGood();
// sources = [];
// foreach (srcPaths as srcPath) {
// // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual
// source = this.resolveToStoragePath(srcPath);
// sources[] = source; // chunk to merge
// }
// // Concatenate the chunks into one FS file
// params = [ 'srcs' => sources, 'dst' => dstPath ];
// status.merge(this.backend.concatenate(params));
// if (!status.isOK()) {
// return status;
// }
// // Delete the sources if required
// if (flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE) {
// status.merge(this.quickPurgeBatch(srcPaths));
// }
// // Make sure status is OK, despite any quickPurgeBatch() fatals
// status.setResult(true);
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Copy or move a file either from a storage path, virtual URL,
// * or file system path, into this repository at the specified destination location.
// *
// * Returns a Status Object. On success, the value contains "new" or
// * "archived", to indicate whether the file was new with that name.
// *
// * Options to options include:
// * - headers : name/value map of HTTP headers to use in response to GET/HEAD requests
// *
// * @param String|FSFile src The source file system path, storage path, or URL
// * @param String dstRel The destination relative path
// * @param String archiveRel The relative path where the existing file is to
// * be archived, if there is one. Relative to the public zone root.
// * @param int flags Bitfield, may be FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE to indicate
// * that the source file should be deleted if possible
// * @param array options Optional additional parameters
// * @return Status
// */
// public function publish(
// src, dstRel, archiveRel, flags = 0, array options = []
// ) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// status = this.publishBatch(
// [ [ src, dstRel, archiveRel, options ] ], flags);
// if (status.successCount == 0) {
// status.setOK(false);
// }
// if (isset(status.value[0])) {
// status.value = status.value[0];
// } else {
// status.value = false;
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Publish a batch of files
// *
// * @param array ntuples (source, dest, archive) triplets or
// * (source, dest, archive, options) 4-tuples as per publish().
// * @param int flags Bitfield, may be FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE to indicate
// * that the source files should be deleted if possible
// * @throws MWException
// * @return Status
// */
// public function publishBatch(array ntuples, flags = 0) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// backend = this.backend; // convenience
// // Try creating directories
// status = this.initZones('public');
// if (!status.isOK()) {
// return status;
// }
// status = this.newGood([]);
// operations = [];
// sourceFSFilesToDelete = []; // cleanup for disk source files
// // Validate each triplet and get the store operation...
// foreach (ntuples as ntuple) {
// list(src, dstRel, archiveRel) = ntuple;
// srcPath = (src instanceof FSFile) ? src.getPath() : src;
// options = isset(ntuple[3]) ? ntuple[3] : [];
// // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual
// srcPath = this.resolveToStoragePath(srcPath);
// if (!this.validateFilename(dstRel)) {
// throw new MWException('Validation error in dstRel');
// }
// if (!this.validateFilename(archiveRel)) {
// throw new MWException('Validation error in archiveRel');
// }
// publicRoot = this.getZonePath('public');
// dstPath = "publicRoot/dstRel";
// archivePath = "publicRoot/archiveRel";
// dstDir = dirname(dstPath);
// archiveDir = dirname(archivePath);
// // Abort immediately on directory creation errors since they're likely to be repetitive
// if (!this.initDirectory(dstDir).isOK()) {
// return this.newFatal('directorycreateerror', dstDir);
// }
// if (!this.initDirectory(archiveDir).isOK()) {
// return this.newFatal('directorycreateerror', archiveDir);
// }
// // Set any desired headers to be use in GET/HEAD responses
// headers = isset(options['headers']) ? options['headers'] : [];
// // Archive destination file if it exists.
// // This will check if the archive file also exists and fail if does.
// // This is a sanity check to avoid data loss. On Windows and Linux,
// // copy() will overwrite, so the existence check is vulnerable to
// // race conditions unless a functioning LockManager is used.
// // LocalFile also uses SELECT FOR UPDATE for synchronization.
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'copy',
// 'src' => dstPath,
// 'dst' => archivePath,
// 'ignoreMissingSource' => true
// ];
// // Copy (or move) the source file to the destination
// if (FileBackend::isStoragePath(srcPath)) {
// if (flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE) {
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'move',
// 'src' => srcPath,
// 'dst' => dstPath,
// 'overwrite' => true, // replace current
// 'headers' => headers
// ];
// } else {
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'copy',
// 'src' => srcPath,
// 'dst' => dstPath,
// 'overwrite' => true, // replace current
// 'headers' => headers
// ];
// }
// } else { // FS source path
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'store',
// 'src' => src, // prefer FSFile objects
// 'dst' => dstPath,
// 'overwrite' => true, // replace current
// 'headers' => headers
// ];
// if (flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE) {
// sourceFSFilesToDelete[] = srcPath;
// }
// }
// }
// // Execute the operations for each triplet
// status.merge(backend.doOperations(operations));
// // Find out which files were archived...
// foreach (ntuples as i => ntuple) {
// list(, , archiveRel) = ntuple;
// archivePath = this.getZonePath('public') . "/archiveRel";
// if (this.fileExists(archivePath)) {
// status.value[i] = 'archived';
// } else {
// status.value[i] = 'new';
// }
// }
// // Cleanup for disk source files...
// foreach (sourceFSFilesToDelete as file) {
// MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
// unlink(file); // FS cleanup
// MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
// }
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Creates a directory with the appropriate zone permissions.
// * Callers are responsible for doing read-only and "writable repo" checks.
// *
// * @param String dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean
// * @return Status
// */
// protected function initDirectory(dir) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(dir);
// list(, container,) = FileBackend::splitStoragePath(path);
// params = [ 'dir' => path ];
// if (this.isPrivate
// || container === this.zones['deleted']['container']
// || container === this.zones['temp']['container']
// ) {
// # Take all available measures to prevent web accessibility of new deleted
// # directories, in case the user has not configured offline storage
// params = [ 'noAccess' => true, 'noListing' => true ] + params;
// }
// status = this.newGood();
// status.merge(this.backend.prepare(params));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Deletes a directory if empty.
// *
// * @param String dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean
// * @return Status
// */
// public function cleanDir(dir) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// status = this.newGood();
// status.merge(this.backend.clean(
// [ 'dir' => this.resolveToStoragePath(dir) ]));
// return status;
// }
* Checks existence of a a file
* @param String file Virtual URL (or storage path) of file to check
* @return boolean
public boolean fileExists(XomwFile file) {
// result = this.fileExistsBatch(file);
// return result[0];
return file.exists();
// /**
// * Checks existence of an array of files.
// *
// * @param array files Virtual URLs (or storage paths) of files to check
// * @return array Map of files and existence flags, or false
// */
// public function fileExistsBatch(array files) {
// paths = array_map([ this, 'resolveToStoragePath' ], files);
// this.backend.preloadFileStat([ 'srcs' => paths ]);
// result = [];
// foreach (files as key => file) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(file);
// result[key] = this.backend.fileExists([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Move a file to the deletion archive.
// * If no valid deletion archive exists, this may either delete the file
// * or throw an exception, depending on the preference of the repository
// *
// * @param mixed srcRel Relative path for the file to be deleted
// * @param mixed archiveRel Relative path for the archive location.
// * Relative to a private archive directory.
// * @return Status
// */
// public function delete(srcRel, archiveRel) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// return this.deleteBatch([ [ srcRel, archiveRel ] ]);
// }
// /**
// * Move a group of files to the deletion archive.
// *
// * If no valid deletion archive is configured, this may either delete the
// * file or throw an exception, depending on the preference of the repository.
// *
// * The overwrite policy is determined by the repository -- currently LocalRepo
// * assumes a naming scheme in the deleted zone based on content hash, as
// * opposed to the public zone which is assumed to be unique.
// *
// * @param array sourceDestPairs Array of source/destination pairs. Each element
// * is a two-element array containing the source file path relative to the
// * public root in the first element, and the archive file path relative
// * to the deleted zone root in the second element.
// * @throws MWException
// * @return Status
// */
// public function deleteBatch(array sourceDestPairs) {
// this.assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only
// // Try creating directories
// status = this.initZones([ 'public', 'deleted' ]);
// if (!status.isOK()) {
// return status;
// }
// status = this.newGood();
// backend = this.backend; // convenience
// operations = [];
// // Validate filenames and create archive directories
// foreach (sourceDestPairs as pair) {
// list(srcRel, archiveRel) = pair;
// if (!this.validateFilename(srcRel)) {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ':Validation error in srcRel');
// } elseif (!this.validateFilename(archiveRel)) {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ':Validation error in archiveRel');
// }
// publicRoot = this.getZonePath('public');
// srcPath = "{publicRoot}/srcRel";
// deletedRoot = this.getZonePath('deleted');
// archivePath = "{deletedRoot}/{archiveRel}";
// archiveDir = dirname(archivePath); // does not touch FS
// // Create destination directories
// if (!this.initDirectory(archiveDir).isOK()) {
// return this.newFatal('directorycreateerror', archiveDir);
// }
// operations[] = [
// 'op' => 'move',
// 'src' => srcPath,
// 'dst' => archivePath,
// // We may have 2+ identical files being deleted,
// // all of which will map to the same destination file
// 'overwriteSame' => true // also see bug 31792
// ];
// }
// // Move the files by execute the operations for each pair.
// // We're now committed to returning an OK result, which will
// // lead to the files being moved in the DB also.
// opts = [ 'force' => true ];
// status.merge(backend.doOperations(operations, opts));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Delete files in the deleted directory if they are not referenced in the filearchive table
// *
// * STUB
// * @param array storageKeys
// */
// public function cleanupDeletedBatch(array storageKeys) {
// this.assertWritableRepo();
// }
// /**
// * Get a relative path for a deletion archive key,
// * e.g. s/z/a/ for sza251lrxrc1jad41h5mgilp8nysje52.jpg
// *
// * @param String key
// * @throws MWException
// * @return String
// */
// public function getDeletedHashPath(key) {
// if (strlen(key) < 31) {
// throw new MWException("Invalid storage key 'key'.");
// }
// path = '';
// for (i = 0; i < this.deletedHashLevels; i++) {
// path .= key[i] . '/';
// }
// return path;
// }
// /**
// * If a path is a virtual URL, resolve it to a storage path.
// * Otherwise, just return the path as it is.
// *
// * @param String path
// * @return String
// * @throws MWException
// */
// protected function resolveToStoragePath(path) {
// if (this.isVirtualUrl(path)) {
// return this.resolveVirtualUrl(path);
// }
// return path;
// }
// /**
// * Get a local FS copy of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path.
// * Temporary files may be purged when the file Object falls out of scope.
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return TempFSFile|null Returns null on failure
// */
// public function getLocalCopy(virtualUrl) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// return this.backend.getLocalCopy([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Get a local FS file with a given virtual URL/storage path.
// * The file is either an original or a copy. It should not be changed.
// * Temporary files may be purged when the file Object falls out of scope.
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return FSFile|null Returns null on failure.
// */
// public function getLocalReference(virtualUrl) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// return this.backend.getLocalReference([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Get properties of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path.
// * Properties should ultimately be obtained via FSFile::getProps().
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return array
// */
// public function getFileProps(virtualUrl) {
// fsFile = this.getLocalReference(virtualUrl);
// mwProps = new MWFileProps(MimeMagic::singleton());
// if (fsFile) {
// props = mwProps.getPropsFromPath(fsFile.getPath(), true);
// } else {
// props = mwProps.newPlaceholderProps();
// }
// return props;
// }
// /**
// * Get the timestamp of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return String|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function getFileTimestamp(virtualUrl) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// return this.backend.getFileTimestamp([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Get the size of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return int|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function getFileSize(virtualUrl) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// return this.backend.getFileSize([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Get the sha1 (super 36) of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @return String|boolean
// */
// public function getFileSha1(virtualUrl) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// return this.backend.getFileSha1Base36([ 'src' => path ]);
// }
// /**
// * Attempt to stream a file with the given virtual URL/storage path
// *
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @param array headers Additional HTTP headers to send on success
// * @param array optHeaders HTTP request headers (if-modified-since, range, ...)
// * @return Status
// * @since 1.27
// */
// public function streamFileWithStatus(virtualUrl, headers = [], optHeaders = []) {
// path = this.resolveToStoragePath(virtualUrl);
// params = [ 'src' => path, 'headers' => headers, 'options' => optHeaders ];
// status = this.newGood();
// status.merge(this.backend.streamFile(params));
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Attempt to stream a file with the given virtual URL/storage path
// *
// * @deprecated since 1.26, use streamFileWithStatus
// * @param String virtualUrl
// * @param array headers Additional HTTP headers to send on success
// * @return boolean Success
// */
// public function streamFile(virtualUrl, headers = []) {
// return this.streamFileWithStatus(virtualUrl, headers).isOK();
// }
// /**
// * Call a callback function for every public regular file in the repository.
// * This only acts on the current version of files, not any old versions.
// * May use either the database or the filesystem.
// *
// * @param callable callback
// * @return void
// */
// public function enumFiles(callback) {
// this.enumFilesInStorage(callback);
// }
// /**
// * Call a callback function for every public file in the repository.
// * May use either the database or the filesystem.
// *
// * @param callable callback
// * @return void
// */
// protected function enumFilesInStorage(callback) {
// publicRoot = this.getZonePath('public');
// numDirs = 1 << (this.hashLevels * 4);
// // Use a priori assumptions about directory structure
// // to reduce the tree height of the scanning process.
// for (flatIndex = 0; flatIndex < numDirs; flatIndex++) {
// hexString = sprintf("%0{this.hashLevels}x", flatIndex);
// path = publicRoot;
// for (hexPos = 0; hexPos < this.hashLevels; hexPos++) {
// path .= '/' . substr(hexString, 0, hexPos + 1);
// }
// iterator = this.backend.getFileList([ 'dir' => path ]);
// foreach (iterator as name) {
// // Each item returned is a public file
// call_user_func(callback, "{path}/{name}");
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Determine if a relative path is valid, i.e. not blank or involving directory traveral
// *
// * @param String filename
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function validateFilename(filename) {
// if (strval(filename) == '') {
// return false;
// }
// return FileBackend::isPathTraversalFree(filename);
// }
// /**
// * Get a callback function to use for cleaning error message parameters
// *
// * @return array
// */
// function getErrorCleanupFunction() {
// switch (this.pathDisclosureProtection) {
// case 'none':
// case 'simple': // b/c
// callback = [ this, 'passThrough' ];
// break;
// default: // 'paranoid'
// callback = [ this, 'paranoidClean' ];
// }
// return callback;
// }
// /**
// * Path disclosure protection function
// *
// * @param String param
// * @return String
// */
// function paranoidClean(param) {
// return '[hidden]';
// }
// /**
// * Path disclosure protection function
// *
// * @param String param
// * @return String
// */
// function passThrough(param) {
// return param;
// }
// /**
// * Create a new fatal error
// *
// * @param String message
// * @return Status
// */
// public function newFatal(message /*, parameters...*/) {
// status = call_user_func_array([ 'Status', 'newFatal' ], func_get_args());
// status.cleanCallback = this.getErrorCleanupFunction();
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Create a new good result
// *
// * @param null|String value
// * @return Status
// */
// public function newGood(value = null) {
// status = Status::newGood(value);
// status.cleanCallback = this.getErrorCleanupFunction();
// return status;
// }
// /**
// * Checks if there is a redirect named as title. If there is, return the
// * title Object. If not, return false.
// * STUB
// *
// * @param Title title Title of image
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function checkRedirect(Title title) {
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Invalidates image redirect cache related to that image
// * Doesn't do anything for repositories that don't support image redirects.
// *
// * STUB
// * @param Title title Title of image
// */
// public function invalidateImageRedirect(Title title) {
// }
// /**
// * Get the human-readable name of the repo
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getDisplayName() {
// global wgSitename;
// if (this.isLocal()) {
// return wgSitename;
// }
// // 'shared-repo-name-wikimediacommons' is used when wgUseInstantCommons = true
// return wfMessageFallback('shared-repo-name-' ., 'shared-repo').text();
// }
// /**
// * Get the portion of the file that contains the origin file name.
// * If that name is too long, then the name "thumbnail.<ext>" will be given.
// *
// * @param String name
// * @return String
// */
// public function nameForThumb(name) {
// if (strlen(name) > this.abbrvThreshold) {
// ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath(name);
// name = (ext == '') ? 'thumbnail' : "thumbnail.ext";
// }
// return name;
// }
// /**
// * Returns true if this the local file repository.
// *
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function isLocal() {
// return this.getName() == 'local';
// }
// /**
// * Get a key on the primary cache for this repository.
// * Returns false if the repository's cache is not accessible at this site.
// * The parameters are the parts of the key, as for wfMemcKey().
// *
// * STUB
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function getSharedCacheKey(/*...*/) {
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Get a key for this repo in the local cache domain. These cache keys are
// * not shared with remote instances of the repo.
// * The parameters are the parts of the key, as for wfMemcKey().
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getLocalCacheKey(/*...*/) {
// args = func_get_args();
// array_unshift(args, 'filerepo', this.getName());
// return call_user_func_array('wfMemcKey', args);
// }
// /**
// * Get a temporary private FileRepo associated with this repo.
// *
// * Files will be created in the temp zone of this repo.
// * It will have the same backend as this repo.
// *
// * @return TempFileRepo
// */
// public function getTempRepo() {
// return new TempFileRepo([
// 'name' => "{}-temp",
// 'backend' => this.backend,
// 'zones' => [
// 'public' => [
// // Same place storeTemp() uses in the super repo, though
// // the path hashing is mismatched, which is annoying.
// 'container' => this.zones['temp']['container'],
// 'directory' => this.zones['temp']['directory']
// ],
// 'thumb' => [
// 'container' => this.zones['temp']['container'],
// 'directory' => this.zones['temp']['directory'] == ''
// ? 'thumb'
// : this.zones['temp']['directory'] . '/thumb'
// ],
// 'transcoded' => [
// 'container' => this.zones['temp']['container'],
// 'directory' => this.zones['temp']['directory'] == ''
// ? 'transcoded'
// : this.zones['temp']['directory'] . '/transcoded'
// ]
// ],
// 'hashLevels' => this.hashLevels, // performance
// 'isPrivate' => true // all in temp zone
// ]);
// }
// /**
// * Get an UploadStash associated with this repo.
// *
// * @param User user
// * @return UploadStash
// */
// public function getUploadStash(User user = null) {
// return new UploadStash(this, user);
// }
// /**
// * Throw an exception if this repo is read-only by design.
// * This does not and should not check getReadOnlyReason().
// *
// * @return void
// * @throws MWException
// */
// protected function assertWritableRepo() {
// }
// /**
// * Return information about the repository.
// *
// * @return array
// * @since 1.22
// */
// public function getInfo() {
// ret = [
// 'name' => this.getName(),
// 'displayname' => this.getDisplayName(),
// 'rootUrl' => this.getZoneUrl('public'),
// 'local' => this.isLocal(),
// ];
// optionalSettings = [
// 'url', 'thumbUrl', 'initialCapital', 'descBaseUrl', 'scriptDirUrl', 'articleUrl',
// 'fetchDescription', 'descriptionCacheExpiry', 'scriptExtension', 'favicon'
// ];
// foreach (optionalSettings as k) {
// if (isset(this.k)) {
// ret[k] = this.k;
// }
// }
// return ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns whether or not storage is SHA-1 based
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function hasSha1Storage() {
// return this.hasSha1Storage;
// }
// /**
// * Returns whether or not repo supports having originals SHA-1s in the thumb URLs
// * @return boolean
// */
// public function supportsSha1URLs() {
// return this.supportsSha1URLs;
// }
public static final int Zone__public = 0, Zone__thumb = 1;