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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
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package gplx.core.btries; import gplx.*; import gplx.core.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
public class Btrie_slim_mgr implements Btrie_mgr {
Btrie_slim_mgr(boolean case_match) {root = new Btrie_slim_itm(Byte_.Zero, null, !case_match);} private Btrie_slim_itm root;
public int Count() {return count;} private int count;
public int Match_pos() {return match_pos;} private int match_pos;
public Object Match_exact(byte[] src, int bgn_pos, int end_pos) {
Object rv = Match_bgn_w_byte(src[bgn_pos], src, bgn_pos, end_pos);
return rv == null ? null : match_pos - bgn_pos == end_pos - bgn_pos ? rv : null;
public Object Match_bgn(byte[] src, int bgn_pos, int end_pos) {return Match_bgn_w_byte(src[bgn_pos], src, bgn_pos, end_pos);}
public Object Match_bgn_w_byte(byte b, byte[] src, int bgn_pos, int src_len) {
Object rv = null; int cur_pos = match_pos = bgn_pos;
Btrie_slim_itm cur = root;
while (true) {
Btrie_slim_itm nxt = cur.Ary_find(b); if (nxt == null) return rv; // nxt does not hav b; return rv;
if (nxt.Ary_is_empty()) {match_pos = cur_pos; return nxt.Val();} // nxt is leaf; return nxt.Val() (which should be non-null)
Object nxt_val = nxt.Val();
if (nxt_val != null) {match_pos = cur_pos; rv = nxt_val;} // nxt is node; cache rv (in case of false match)
if (cur_pos == src_len) return rv; // increment cur_pos and exit if src_len
b = src[cur_pos];
cur = nxt;
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry_tid(byte[] bry, byte tid) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(bry, Byte_obj_val.new_(tid));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_str_byte(String key, byte val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(key), Byte_obj_val.new_(val));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_str_int(String key, int val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(key), Int_obj_val.new_(val));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry(String key, String val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(key), Bry_.new_u8(val));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry(String key, byte[] val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(key), val);}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry(byte[] v) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(v, v);}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry_bval(byte b, byte val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(new byte[] {b}, Byte_obj_val.new_(val));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_bry_bval(byte[] bry, byte val) {return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(bry, Byte_obj_val.new_(val));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_str_byte__many(byte val, String... ary) {
int ary_len = ary.length;
Byte_obj_val bval = Byte_obj_val.new_(val);
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++)
Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(ary[i]), bval);
return this;
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_stub(String key, byte val) {byte[] bry = Bry_.new_u8(key); return (Btrie_slim_mgr)Add_obj(bry, new Btrie_itm_stub(val, bry));}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_stubs(byte[][] ary) {return Add_stubs(ary, ary.length);}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_stubs(byte[][] ary, int ary_len) {
for (byte i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
byte[] bry = ary[i];
Add_obj(bry, new Btrie_itm_stub(i, bry));
return this;
public Btrie_mgr Add_obj(String key, Object val) {return Add_obj(Bry_.new_u8(key), val);}
public Btrie_mgr Add_obj(byte[] key, Object val) {
if (val == null) throw Exc_.new_("null objects cannot be registered", "key", String_.new_u8(key));
int key_len = key.length; int key_end = key_len - 1;
Btrie_slim_itm cur = root;
for (int i = 0; i < key_len; i++) {
byte b = key[i];
if (root.Case_any() && (b > 64 && b < 91)) b += 32;
Btrie_slim_itm nxt = cur.Ary_find(b);
if (nxt == null)
nxt = cur.Ary_add(b, null);
if (i == key_end)
cur = nxt;
count++; // FUTURE: do not increment if replacing value
return this;
public void Del(byte[] key) {
int key_len = key.length;
Btrie_slim_itm cur = root;
for (int i = 0; i < key_len; i++) {
byte b = key[i];
Btrie_slim_itm nxt = cur.Ary_find(b);
if (nxt == null) break;
Object nxt_val = nxt.Val();
if (nxt_val == null) // cur is end of chain; remove entry; EX: Abc and at c
else // cur is mid of chain; null out entry
cur = nxt;
count--; // FUTURE: do not decrement if not found
public byte[] Replace(Bry_bfr tmp_bfr, byte[] src, int bgn, int end) {
int pos = bgn;
boolean dirty = false;
while (pos < end) {
byte b = src[pos];
Object o = this.Match_bgn_w_byte(b, src, pos, end);
if (o == null) {
if (dirty)
else {
if (!dirty) {
tmp_bfr.Add_mid(src, bgn, pos);
dirty = true;
pos = match_pos;
return dirty ? tmp_bfr.Xto_bry_and_clear() : src;
public void Clear() {root.Clear(); count = 0;}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr cs_() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(true);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr ci_ascii_() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(false);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr ci_utf_8_() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(false);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr new_(boolean v) {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(v);}