You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
import gplx.langs.jsons.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
import gplx.xowa.langs.*;
import*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.logs.*; import gplx.xowa.apps.apis.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.apps.apis.xowa.html.*; import gplx.xowa.users.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.pfuncs.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.core.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.hwtrs.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*;
public class Wdata_wiki_mgr implements GfoEvObj, GfoInvkAble {
private final Wdata_doc_parser wdoc_parser_v1, wdoc_parser_v2;
private final Wdata_prop_val_visitor prop_val_visitor;
private final Hash_adp_bry qids_cache = Hash_adp_bry.cs(), pids_cache = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
private Int_obj_ref wiki_tid_ref = Int_obj_ref.zero_();
private Wdata_hwtr_mgr hwtr_mgr;
public Wdata_wiki_mgr(Xoae_app app) { = app;
this.evMgr = GfoEvMgr.new_(this);
wdoc_parser_v1 = new Wdata_doc_parser_v1();
wdoc_parser_v2 = new Wdata_doc_parser_v2();
doc_cache = app.Cache_mgr().Doc_cache();
prop_val_visitor = new Wdata_prop_val_visitor(app, this);
} private Xoae_app app; gplx.xowa.apps.caches.Wdata_doc_cache doc_cache;
public GfoEvMgr EvMgr() {return evMgr;} private GfoEvMgr evMgr;
public boolean Enabled() {return enabled;} public void Enabled_(boolean v) {enabled = v;} private boolean enabled = true;
public byte[] Domain() {return domain;} public void Domain_(byte[] v) {domain = v;} private byte[] domain = Bry_.new_a7("");
public Xowe_wiki Wdata_wiki() {if (wdata_wiki == null) wdata_wiki = app.Wiki_mgr().Get_by_or_make(domain).Init_assert(); return wdata_wiki;} private Xowe_wiki wdata_wiki;
public Json_parser Jdoc_parser() {return jdoc_parser;} private Json_parser jdoc_parser = new Json_parser();
public void Init_by_app() {}
public Wdata_doc_parser Wdoc_parser(Json_doc jdoc) {
Json_kv itm_0 = Json_kv.cast(jdoc.Root_nde().Get_at(0)); // get 1st node
return Bry_.Eq(itm_0.Key().Data_bry(), Wdata_doc_parser_v2.Bry_type)
|| Bry_.Eq(itm_0.Key().Data_bry(), Wdata_doc_parser_v2.Bry_id)
? wdoc_parser_v2 : wdoc_parser_v1; // if "type", must be v2
public Xop_log_property_wkr Property_wkr() {return property_wkr;} private Xop_log_property_wkr property_wkr;
public Int_obj_ref Tmp_prop_ref() {return tmp_prop_ref;} Int_obj_ref tmp_prop_ref = Int_obj_ref.zero_();
public void Clear() {
public void Qids_add(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] lang_key, int wiki_tid, byte[] ns_num, byte[] ttl, byte[] qid) {
Xow_abrv_wm_.To_abrv(bfr, lang_key, wiki_tid_ref.Val_(wiki_tid));
byte[] qids_key = bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Pipe).Add(ns_num).Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Pipe).Add(ttl).To_bry();
qids_cache.Add(qids_key, qid);
public byte[] Qids_get(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xoa_ttl ttl) {return Qids_get(wiki.Wdata_wiki_abrv(), ttl);}
private byte[] Qids_get(byte[] wiki_abrv, Xoa_ttl ttl) {
if (!enabled) return null;
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(wiki_abrv)) return null; // "other" wikis will never call wikidata
byte[] cache_key = Bry_.Add(wiki_abrv, Byte_ascii.Pipe_bry, ttl.Ns().Num_bry(), Byte_ascii.Pipe_bry, ttl.Page_db()); // EX:enwiki|014|Earth
byte[] rv = (byte[])qids_cache.Get_by(cache_key);
if (rv == null) { // not in cache; load from db
rv = this.Wdata_wiki().Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_qid(wiki_abrv, ttl.Ns().Num_bry(), ttl.Page_db());
byte[] add_val = rv == null ? Bry_.Empty : rv; // JAVA: hashtable does not accept null as value; use Bry_.Empty
qids_cache.Add(cache_key, add_val); // NOTE: if not in db, will insert a null value for cache_key; DATE:2014-07-23
return Bry_.Len_eq_0(rv) ? null : rv; // JAVA: convert Bry_.Empty to null
public Int_obj_val Pids_add(byte[] pids_key, int pid_id) {Int_obj_val rv = Int_obj_val.new_(pid_id); pids_cache.Add(pids_key, rv); return rv;}
public int Pids__parse_as_int_or_null(byte[] pid_ttl) { // EX: "p123" -> "123"
int len = pid_ttl.length; if (len == 0) return Wdata_wiki_mgr.Pid_null;
byte ltr_p = pid_ttl[0]; // make sure 1st char is "P" or "p"
switch (ltr_p) {
case Byte_ascii.Ltr_P:
case Byte_ascii.Ltr_p: break;
default: return Wdata_wiki_mgr.Pid_null;
return Bry_.To_int_or(pid_ttl, 1, len, Wdata_wiki_mgr.Pid_null);
public int Pids__get_by_name(byte[] lang_key, byte[] pid_name) {
if (!enabled) return Pid_null;
byte[] pids_key = Bry_.Add(lang_key, Byte_ascii.Pipe_bry, pid_name); // EX: "en|name"
Int_obj_val rv = (Int_obj_val)pids_cache.Get_by(pids_key);
if (rv == null) {
int pid_id = this.Wdata_wiki().Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_pid(lang_key, pid_name); if (pid_id == Pid_null) return Pid_null;
rv = Pids_add(pids_key, pid_id);
return rv.Val();
public void Pages_add(byte[] qid, Wdata_doc page) {
doc_cache.Add(qid, page);
public Wdata_doc Pages_get(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xoa_ttl ttl, Wdata_pf_property_data data) {
if (data.Q() != null) return Pages_get(data.Q());
else if (data.Of() != null) {
Xoa_ttl of_ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, data.Of()); if (of_ttl == null) return null;
byte[] qid = Qids_get(wiki, of_ttl); if (qid == null) return null; // NOTE: for now, use wiki.Lang_key(), not page.Lang()
return Pages_get(qid);
else return Pages_get(wiki, ttl);
public Wdata_doc Pages_get(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xoa_ttl ttl) {byte[] qid_bry = Qids_get(wiki, ttl); return qid_bry == null? null : Pages_get(qid_bry);}
public Wdata_doc Pages_get_by_ttl_name(byte[] ttl_bry) {
if (Byte_ascii.Case_lower(ttl_bry[0]) == Byte_ascii.Ltr_p) // if ttl starts with "p", change title to "Property:" ns; DATE:2014-02-18
ttl_bry = Bry_.Add_w_dlm(Byte_ascii.Colon, Wdata_wiki_mgr.Ns_property_name_bry, ttl_bry);
return Pages_get(ttl_bry);
public Wdata_doc Pages_get(byte[] qid_bry) {
qid_bry = Get_low_qid(qid_bry);
Wdata_doc rv = doc_cache.Get_or_null(qid_bry);
if (rv == null) {
Json_doc jdoc = Get_json(qid_bry); if (jdoc == null) return null; // page not found
rv = new Wdata_doc(qid_bry, this, jdoc);
doc_cache.Add(qid_bry, rv);
return rv;
public static byte[] Get_low_qid(byte[] bry) { // HACK: wdata currently does not differentiate between "Vandalism" and "Wikipedia:Vandalism", combining both into "Vandalism:q4664011|q6160"; get lowest qid
int bry_len = bry.length;
int pipe_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(bry, Byte_ascii.Pipe, 0, bry_len);
if (pipe_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found) return bry;
byte[][] qids = Bry_split_.Split(bry, Byte_ascii.Pipe);
int qids_len = qids.length;
int qid_min = Int_.Max_value;
int qid_idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < qids_len; i++) {
byte[] qid = qids[i];
int qid_len = qid.length;
int qid_val = Bry_.To_int_or(qid, 1, qid_len, Int_.Max_value);
if (qid_val < qid_min) {
qid_min = qid_val;
qid_idx = i;
return qids[qid_idx];
public byte[] Get_claim_or(Xow_domain_itm domain, Xoa_ttl page_ttl, int pid, byte[] or) {
byte[] qid = this.Qids_get(domain.Abrv_wm(), page_ttl); if (qid == null) return or;
Wdata_doc wdoc = this.Pages_get(qid); if (wdoc == null) return or;
Wdata_claim_grp claim_grp = wdoc.Claim_list_get(pid); if (claim_grp == null || claim_grp.Len() == 0) return or;
Wdata_claim_itm_core claim_itm = claim_grp.Get_at(0);
prop_val_visitor.Init(tmp_bfr, hwtr_mgr.Msgs(), domain.Lang_orig_key());
return tmp_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
} private final Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_(32);
public void Resolve_to_bfr(Bry_bfr bfr, Wdata_claim_grp prop_grp, byte[] lang_key) {
int len = prop_grp.Len();
Wdata_claim_itm_core selected = null;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // NOTE: multiple props possible; EX: {{#property:P1082}}; PAGE:en.w:Earth DATE:2015-08-02
Wdata_claim_itm_core prop = prop_grp.Get_at(i);
if (selected == null) selected = prop; // if selected not set, set it; will always set to 1st prop
if (prop.Rank_tid() == Wdata_dict_rank.Tid_preferred) { // if prop is preferred, select it and exit;
selected = prop;
switch (selected.Snak_tid()) {
case Wdata_dict_snak_tid.Tid_novalue : bfr.Add(Wdata_dict_snak_tid.Bry_novalue); break;
case Wdata_dict_snak_tid.Tid_somevalue : bfr.Add(Wdata_dict_snak_tid.Bry_somevalue); break;
default: {
prop_val_visitor.Init(bfr, hwtr_mgr.Msgs(), lang_key);
public static final byte[] Bry_q = Bry_.new_a7("q");
public byte[] Popup_text(Xoae_page page) {
Wdata_doc wdoc = this.Pages_get_by_ttl_name(page.Ttl().Page_db());
return hwtr_mgr.Popup(wdoc);
public void Write_json_as_html(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] ttl_bry, byte[] data_raw) {
Wdata_doc wdoc = this.Pages_get_by_ttl_name(ttl_bry);
private void Hwtr_mgr_assert() {
if (hwtr_mgr != null) return;
Xoapi_toggle_mgr toggle_mgr = app.Api_root().Html().Page().Toggle_mgr();
Xoapi_wikibase wikibase_api = app.Api_root().Xtns().Wikibase();
hwtr_mgr = new Wdata_hwtr_mgr();
hwtr_mgr.Init_by_ctor(wikibase_api, new Wdata_lbl_wkr_wiki(wikibase_api, this), gplx.langs.htmls.encoders.Gfo_url_encoder_.Href, toggle_mgr, app.Usere().Wiki().Xwiki_mgr());
GfoEvMgr_.SubSame_many(app.Usere(), this, Xoue_user.Evt_lang_changed);
private void Hwtr_msgs_make() {
if (!app.Wiki_mgr().Wiki_regy().Has(Xow_domain_itm_.Bry__wikidata)) return;
Xol_lang_itm new_lang = app.Usere().Lang();
Xowe_wiki cur_wiki = this.Wdata_wiki();
cur_wiki.Xtn_mgr().Xtn_wikibase().Load_msgs(cur_wiki, new_lang);
Wdata_hwtr_msgs hwtr_msgs = Wdata_hwtr_msgs.new_(cur_wiki.Msg_mgr());
public static void Write_json_as_html(Json_parser jdoc_parser, Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] data_raw) {
bfr.Add(Xoh_consts.Span_bgn_open).Add(Xoh_consts.Id_atr).Add(Html_json_id).Add(Xoh_consts.__end_quote); // <span id="xowa-wikidata-json">
Json_doc json = jdoc_parser.Parse(data_raw);
json.Root_nde().Print_as_json(bfr, 0);
private Json_doc Get_json(byte[] qid_bry) {
if (!enabled) return null;
Xoa_ttl qid_ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(this.Wdata_wiki(), qid_bry); if (qid_ttl == null) {app.Usr_dlg().Warn_many("", "", "invalid qid for ttl: qid=~{0}", String_.new_u8(qid_bry)); return null;}
Xoae_page qid_page = this.Wdata_wiki().Data_mgr().Get_page(qid_ttl, false); if (qid_page.Missing()) return null;
byte[] src = qid_page.Data_raw();
return jdoc_parser.Parse(src);
public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_enabled)) return Yn.To_str(enabled);
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_enabled_)) enabled = m.ReadYn("v");
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_domain)) return String_.new_u8(domain);
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_domain_)) domain = m.ReadBry("v");
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_property_wkr)) return m.ReadYnOrY("v") ? Property_wkr_or_new() : GfoInvkAble_.Null;
else if (ctx.Match(k, Xoue_user.Evt_lang_changed)) Hwtr_msgs_make();
else return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;
return this;
private static final String Invk_enabled = "enabled", Invk_enabled_ = "enabled_", Invk_domain = "domain", Invk_domain_ = "domain_", Invk_property_wkr = "property_wkr";
public Xop_log_property_wkr Property_wkr_or_new() {
if (property_wkr == null) property_wkr = app.Log_mgr().Make_wkr_property();
return property_wkr;
public static final int Ns_property = 120;
public static final String Ns_property_name = "Property";
public static final byte[] Ns_property_name_bry = Bry_.new_a7(Ns_property_name);
public static final byte[]
Ttl_prefix_qid_bry_db = Bry_.new_a7("q") // NOTE: for historical reasons this is standardized as lowercase q not Q; DATE:2015-06-12
, Ttl_prefix_qid_bry_gui = Bry_.new_a7("Q") // NOTE: use uppercase Q for writing html; DATE:2015-06-12
, Ttl_prefix_pid_bry = Bry_.new_a7("Property:P")
public static final int Pid_null = -1;
public static final byte[] Html_json_id = Bry_.new_a7("xowa-wikidata-json");
public static boolean Wiki_page_is_json(int wiki_tid, int ns_id) {
switch (wiki_tid) {
case Xow_domain_tid_.Int__wikidata:
if (ns_id == Xow_ns_.Tid__main || ns_id == gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.Wdata_wiki_mgr.Ns_property)
return true;
case Xow_domain_tid_.Int__home:
if (ns_id == gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.Wdata_wiki_mgr.Ns_property)
return true;
return false;
public static void Log_missing_qid(Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] qid) {
ctx.Wiki().Appe().Usr_dlg().Log_many("", "", "qid not found in wikidata; qid=~{0} page=~{1}", String_.new_u8(qid), String_.new_u8(ctx.Page().Ttl().Page_db()));