You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

447 lines
22 KiB

XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.proofreadPage; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*;
import gplx.xowa.apps.cfgs.*;
import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.lst.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.pages.*; import*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.amps.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.files.*;
public class Pp_pages_nde implements Xox_xnde, Mwh_atr_itm_owner {
private boolean xtn_literal = false;
private Xop_root_tkn xtn_root;
private byte[] index_ttl_bry, bgn_page_bry, end_page_bry, bgn_sect_bry, end_sect_bry;
private int step_int;
private byte[] include, exclude, step_bry, header, onlysection;
private byte[] toc_cur, toc_nxt, toc_prv;
private int ns_index_id = Int_.Min_value, ns_page_id = Int_.Min_value;
private int bgn_page_int = -1, end_page_int = -1;
private Xow_ns ns_page;
private Xoa_ttl index_ttl;
private Xoae_app app; private Xowe_wiki wiki; private Xop_ctx ctx; private Gfo_usr_dlg usr_dlg;
private byte[] src; private Xop_xnde_tkn xnde_tkn;
private Xoa_ttl cur_page_ttl;
public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {
if (xatr_id_obj == null) return;
Byte_obj_val xatr_id = (Byte_obj_val)xatr_id_obj;
switch (xatr_id.Val()) {
case Xatr_index_ttl: index_ttl_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_bgn_page: bgn_page_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_end_page: end_page_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_bgn_sect: bgn_sect_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_end_sect: end_sect_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_include: include = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_exclude: exclude = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_step: step_bry = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_onlysection: onlysection = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_header: header = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_toc_cur: toc_cur = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_toc_prv: toc_prv = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
case Xatr_toc_nxt: toc_nxt = xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
public void Xtn_parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
// if (!wiki.Xtn_mgr().Xtn_proofread().Enabled()) return;
if (!Init_vars(wiki, ctx, src, xnde)) return;
Xoae_page page = ctx.Page();
if (page.Pages_recursed()) return; // moved from Pp_index_parser; DATE:2014-05-21s
Bry_bfr full_bfr = app.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_m001();
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy(); if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs(); // SEE:NOTE:page_regy; DATE:2014-01-01
page.Html_data().Indicators().Enabled_(Bool_.N); // disable <indicator> b/c <page> should not add to current page; PAGE:en.s:The_Parochial_System_(Wilberforce,_1838); DATE:2015-04-29
byte[] page_bry = Bld_wikitext(full_bfr, lst_page_regy);
if (page_bry != null)
xtn_root = Bld_root_nde(full_bfr, lst_page_regy, page_bry); // NOTE: this effectively reparses page twice; needed b/c of "if {| : ; # *, auto add new_line" which can build different tokens
public void Xtn_write(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) {
if (xtn_literal)
Xox_mgr_base.Xtn_write_escape(app, bfr, src, xnde);
else {
if (xtn_root == null) return; // xtn_root is null when Xtn_parse exits early; occurs for recursion; DATE:2014-05-21
html_wtr.Write_tkn(bfr, ctx, hctx, xtn_root.Root_src(), xnde, Xoh_html_wtr.Sub_idx_null, xtn_root);
private boolean Init_vars(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) { = wiki; this.ctx = ctx; app = wiki.Appe(); usr_dlg = app.Usr_dlg();
this.src = src; this.xnde_tkn = xnde; cur_page_ttl = ctx.Page().Ttl();
Xox_xnde_.Xatr__set(wiki, this, xatrs_hash, src, xnde);
Xop_amp_mgr amp_mgr = wiki.Appe().Parser_amp_mgr();
index_ttl_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(index_ttl_bry);
bgn_page_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(bgn_page_bry);
end_page_bry = amp_mgr.Decode_as_bry(end_page_bry);
Xowc_xtn_pages cfg_pages = wiki.Cfg_parser().Xtns().Itm_pages();
if (cfg_pages.Init_needed()) cfg_pages.Init(wiki.Ns_mgr());
ns_index_id = cfg_pages.Ns_index_id(); if (ns_index_id == Int_.Min_value) return Fail_msg("wiki does not have an Index ns");
ns_page_id = cfg_pages.Ns_page_id(); if (ns_page_id == Int_.Min_value) return Fail_msg("wiki does not have a Page ns"); // occurs when <pages> used in a wiki without a "Page:" ns; EX: de.w:Help:Buchfunktion/Feedback
index_ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, ns_index_id, index_ttl_bry); if (index_ttl == null) return Fail_args("index title is not valid: index={0}", String_.new_u8(index_ttl_bry));
ns_page = wiki.Ns_mgr().Ids_get_or_null(ns_page_id);
if (onlysection != null)
bgn_sect_bry = end_sect_bry = null;
return true;
private byte[] Bld_wikitext(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy) {
Pp_index_page index_page = Pp_index_parser.Parse(wiki, ctx, index_ttl, ns_page_id);
int index_page_ttls_len = index_page.Page_ttls().Count();
byte[] rv = Bry_.Empty;
if (bgn_page_bry != null || end_page_bry != null || include != null) { // from, to, or include specified
Xoa_ttl[] ttls = null;
if ( index_page.Pagelist_xndes().Count() > 0 // pagelist exists; don't get from args
|| index_page_ttls_len == 0 // no [[Page:]] in [[Index:]]
) // NOTE: this simulates MW's if (empty($links)); REF.MW:ProofreadPageRenderer.php|renderPages
ttls = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args();
else {
Int_obj_ref bgn_page_ref = Int_obj_ref.neg1_(), end_page_ref = Int_obj_ref.neg1_();
ttls = index_page.Get_ttls_rng(wiki, ns_page_id, bgn_page_bry, end_page_bry, bgn_page_ref, end_page_ref);
bgn_page_int = bgn_page_ref.Val();
end_page_int = end_page_ref.Val();
if (ttls == Ttls_null) {Fail_msg("no index ttls found"); return null;}
rv = Bld_wikitext_from_ttls(full_bfr, lst_page_regy, ttls);
else {
header = Toc_bry;
if (header != null)
rv = Bld_wikitext_for_header(full_bfr, index_page, rv);
return rv;
} private static final byte[] Toc_bry = Bry_.new_a7("toc");
private byte[] Make_lnki(Bry_bfr full_bfr, byte[] index_page_src, Xop_lnki_tkn lnki) {
byte[] caption = Get_caption(full_bfr, index_page_src, lnki);
Xoa_ttl lnki_ttl = lnki.Ttl();
if (lnki_ttl.Wik_bgn() == -1) // no xwiki; just add ns + page
else // xwiki; add entire ttl which also includes xwiki; PAGE:sv.s:Valda_dikter_(Bj<42>rck); EX:[[:Commons:File:Valda dikter (tredje upplagan).djvu|Commons]]; DATE:2014-07-14
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private byte[] Get_caption(Bry_bfr full_bfr, byte[] index_page_src, Xop_lnki_tkn lnki) {
byte[] rv = Bry_.Empty;
try {
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Write_tkn(full_bfr, ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, null, -1, lnki.Caption_tkn());
rv = full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
catch (Exception e) {
wiki.Appe().Usr_dlg().Warn_many("", "", "failed to write caption: page=~{0} lnki=~{1} err=~{2}", ctx.Page().Ttl().Full_db(), String_.new_u8(index_page_src, lnki.Src_bgn(), lnki.Src_end()), Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));
rv = lnki.Ttl().Page_txt();
return rv;
private static final byte[]
Bry_tmpl = Bry_.new_a7("{{:MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_header_template")
, Bry_value = Bry_.new_a7("|value=")
, Bry_toc_cur = Bry_.new_a7("|current=")
, Bry_toc_prv = Bry_.new_a7("|prev=")
, Bry_toc_nxt = Bry_.new_a7("|next=")
, Bry_page_bgn = Bry_.new_a7("|from=")
, Bry_page_end = Bry_.new_a7("|to=")
private byte[] Bld_wikitext_for_header(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Pp_index_page index_page, byte[] rv) {
List_adp main_lnkis = index_page.Main_lnkis();
int main_lnkis_len = main_lnkis.Count();
byte[] index_page_src = index_page.Src();
if (main_lnkis_len > 0) {
Xoa_ttl page_ttl = ctx.Page().Ttl();
for (int i = 0; i < main_lnkis_len; i++) {
Xop_lnki_tkn main_lnki = (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i);
if (page_ttl.Eq_full_db(main_lnki.Ttl())) {
Xoae_page old_page = ctx.Page();
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Init_by_page(ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, ctx.Page()); // HACK: should not reuse html_wtr, but should be safe to use during parse (not html_gen)
if (toc_cur == null) // do not set if "current" is specified, even if "blank" specified; EX: current=''
toc_cur = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, main_lnki);
if (toc_prv == null // do not set if "prev" is specified
&& i > 0)
toc_prv = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i - 1));
if (toc_nxt == null // do not set if "next" is specified
&& i + 1 < main_lnkis_len)
toc_nxt = Make_lnki(full_bfr, index_page_src, (Xop_lnki_tkn)main_lnkis.Get_at(i + 1));
wiki.Html_mgr().Html_wtr().Init_by_page(ctx, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Basic, index_page_src, old_page);
full_bfr.Add(Bry_tmpl); // {{:MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_header_template
full_bfr.Add(Bry_value).Add(header); // |value=toc"
if (toc_cur != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_cur).Add(toc_cur); // |current=Page/2"
if (toc_prv != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_prv).Add(toc_prv); // |prev=Page/1"
if (toc_nxt != null)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_toc_nxt).Add(toc_nxt); // |next=Page/3"
if (bgn_page_int != -1)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_page_bgn).Add_int_variable(bgn_page_int); // |from=1"
if (end_page_int != -1)
full_bfr.Add(Bry_page_end).Add_int_variable(end_page_int); // |to=3"
List_adp invk_args = index_page.Invk_args();
int invk_args_len = invk_args.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < invk_args_len; i++) {
Pp_index_arg arg = (Pp_index_arg)invk_args.Get_at(i);
.Add_byte_pipe() // |
.Add(wiki.Lang().Case_mgr().Case_build_lower(arg.Key())) // per MW, always lowercase key
.Add_byte_eq() // =
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private Xoa_ttl[] Get_ttls_from_xnde_args() {
if (!Chk_step()) return Ttls_null;
List_adp list = List_adp_.new_();
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__include(list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__rng(list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
list = Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__exclude(list); if (list == null) return Ttls_null;
if (include != null || exclude != null) // sort if include / exclude specified; will skip sort if only range specified
return Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__ttls(list);
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__include(List_adp list) {
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(include)) return list; // include is blank; exit early;
int[] include_pages = Int_ary_.Parse_list_or(include, null);
if (include_pages == null) return list; // ignore invalid include; DATE:2014-02-22
int include_pages_len = include_pages.length;
for (int i = 0; i < include_pages_len; i++)
return list;
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__rng(List_adp list) {
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(bgn_page_bry) && Bry_.Len_eq_0(end_page_bry)) return list; // from and to are blank; exit early
bgn_page_int = 0; // NOTE: default to 0 (1st page)
if (Bry_.Len_gt_0(bgn_page_bry)) {
if (num_parser.Has_err()) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'from': from={0}", String_.new_u8(bgn_page_bry));
return null;
bgn_page_int = num_parser.Rv_as_int();
end_page_int = 0;
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(end_page_bry))
end_page_int = Get_max_page_idx(wiki, index_ttl);
else {
if (num_parser.Has_err()) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'to': to={0}", String_.new_u8(bgn_page_bry));
return null;
end_page_int = num_parser.Rv_as_int();
if (bgn_page_int > end_page_int) {
Fail_args("from must be less than to: from={0} to={0}", bgn_page_int, end_page_int);
return null;
for (int i = bgn_page_int; i <= end_page_int; i++)
return list;
private int Get_max_page_idx(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xoa_ttl index_ttl) {
List_adp rslt = List_adp_.new_();
Int_obj_ref rslt_count = Int_obj_ref.zero_();
wiki.Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_ttls_for_all_pages(Cancelable_.Never, rslt, tmp_page, tmp_page, rslt_count, ns_page, index_ttl.Page_db(), Int_.Max_value, 0, Int_.Max_value, false, false);
int len = rslt_count.Val();
int page_leaf_max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm)rslt.Get_at(i);
Xoa_ttl page_ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, ns_page_id, page.Ttl_page_db()); if (page_ttl == null) continue; // page_ttl is not valid; should never happen;
byte[] page_ttl_leaf = page_ttl.Leaf_txt(); if (page_ttl_leaf == null) continue; // page is not leaf; should not happen
int page_leaf_val = Bry_.To_int_or(page_ttl_leaf, Int_.Min_value); if (page_leaf_val == Int_.Min_value) continue; // leaf is not int; ignore
if (page_leaf_val > page_leaf_max) page_leaf_max = page_leaf_val;
return page_leaf_max;
} private static Xowd_page_itm tmp_page = new Xowd_page_itm(); // tmp_page passed to Load_ttls_for_all_pages; values are never looked at, so use static instance
private List_adp Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__exclude(List_adp list) {
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(exclude)) return list; // exclude is blank; exit early;
int[] exclude_pages = Int_ary_.Parse_list_or(exclude, null);
if (exclude_pages == null) return list; // ignore invalid exclude; DATE:2014-02-22
Hash_adp exclude_pages_hash = Hash_adp_.new_();
int exclude_pages_len = exclude_pages.length;
for (int i = 0; i < exclude_pages_len; i++) {
Int_obj_val exclude_page = Int_obj_val.new_(exclude_pages[i]);
if (!exclude_pages_hash.Has(exclude_page))
exclude_pages_hash.Add(exclude_page, exclude_page);
List_adp new_list = List_adp_.new_();
int list_len = list.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < list_len; i++) {
Int_obj_val page = (Int_obj_val)list.Get_at(i);
if (exclude_pages_hash.Has(page)) continue;
return new_list;
private Xoa_ttl[] Get_ttls_from_xnde_args__ttls(List_adp list) {
int list_len = list.Count(); if (list_len == 0) return Ttls_null;
Xoa_ttl[] rv = new Xoa_ttl[(list_len / step_int) + ((list_len % step_int == 0) ? 0 : 1)];
int rv_idx = 0;
Bry_bfr ttl_bfr = app.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_b512();
for (int i = 0; i < list_len; i += step_int) {
Int_obj_val page = (Int_obj_val)list.Get_at(i);
ttl_bfr.Add(ns_page.Name_db_w_colon()) // EX: 'Page:'
.Add(index_ttl_bry) // EX: 'File.djvu'
.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Slash) // EX: '/'
.Add_int_variable(page.Val()); // EX: '123'
rv[rv_idx++] = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, ttl_bfr.To_bry_and_clear());
return rv;
private boolean Chk_step() {
if (step_bry == null) {
step_int = 1;
return true;
step_int = Bry_.To_int_or(step_bry, Int_.Min_value);
if (step_int < 1 || step_int > 1000) {
Fail_args("pages node does not have a valid 'step': step={0}", String_.new_u8(step_bry));
return false;
return true;
private byte[] Bld_wikitext_from_ttls(Bry_bfr full_bfr, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy, Xoa_ttl[] ary) {
int ary_len = ary.length;
Xoa_ttl bgn_page_ttl = bgn_page_bry == null ? null : ary[0];
Xoa_ttl end_page_ttl = end_page_bry == null ? null : ary[ary_len - 1];
Bry_bfr page_bfr = app.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_m001();
Lst_pfunc_wkr lst_pfunc_wkr = new Lst_pfunc_wkr();
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
Xoa_ttl ttl = ary[i];
byte[] ttl_page_db = ttl.Page_db();
if (lst_page_regy.Get_by_bry(ttl_page_db) == null) // check if page was already added; avoids recursive <page> calls which will overflow stack; DATE:2014-01-01
lst_page_regy.Add(ttl_page_db, ttl_page_db);
byte[] cur_sect_bgn = Lst_pfunc_wkr.Null_arg, cur_sect_end = Lst_pfunc_wkr.Null_arg;
if (ttl.Eq_page_db(bgn_page_ttl)) {
if (bgn_sect_bry != null)
cur_sect_bgn = bgn_sect_bry;
else if (onlysection != null) {
cur_sect_bgn = onlysection;
cur_sect_end = onlysection;
else if (ttl.Eq_page_db(end_page_ttl)) {
if (end_sect_bry != null)
cur_sect_end = end_sect_bry;
Xopg_tmpl_prepend_mgr prepend_mgr = ctx.Page().Tmpl_prepend_mgr().Bgn(full_bfr);
lst_pfunc_wkr.Init_include(ttl.Full_db(), cur_sect_bgn, cur_sect_end).Exec(page_bfr, ctx);
prepend_mgr.End(ctx, full_bfr, page_bfr.Bfr(), page_bfr.Len(), Bool_.Y);
full_bfr.Add(gplx.langs.htmls.Gfh_entity_.Space_bry); // $out.= "&#32;";
return full_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
private Xop_root_tkn Bld_root_nde(Bry_bfr page_bfr, Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy, byte[] wikitext) {
Xop_ctx tmp_ctx = Xop_ctx.new_sub_page_(wiki, ctx, lst_page_regy);
tmp_ctx.Page().Ttl_(ctx.Page().Ttl()); // NOTE: must set tmp_ctx.Ttl to ctx.Ttl; EX: Flatland and First World; DATE:2013-04-29
tmp_ctx.Lnki().File_logger_(Xop_file_logger_.Noop); // NOTE: set file_wkr to null, else items will be double-counted
Xop_parser tmp_parser = Xop_parser.new_(wiki, wiki.Parser_mgr().Main().Tmpl_lxr_mgr(), wiki.Parser_mgr().Main().Wtxt_lxr_mgr());
Xop_root_tkn rv = tmp_ctx.Tkn_mkr().Root(wikitext);
tmp_parser.Parse_text_to_wdom(rv, tmp_ctx, tmp_ctx.Tkn_mkr(), wikitext, Xop_parser_.Doc_bgn_bos);
return rv;
private static Hash_adp_bry xatrs_hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7() // NOTE: these do not seem to be i18n'd; no ProofreadPage.magic.php; ProofreadPage.i18n.php only has messages; ProofreadPage.body.php refers to names literally
.Add_str_obj("index" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_index_ttl))
.Add_str_obj("from" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_bgn_page))
.Add_str_obj("to" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_end_page))
.Add_str_obj("fromsection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_bgn_sect))
.Add_str_obj("tosection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_end_sect))
.Add_str_obj("include" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_include))
.Add_str_obj("exclude" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_exclude))
.Add_str_obj("onlysection" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_onlysection))
.Add_str_obj("step" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_step))
.Add_str_obj("header" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_header))
.Add_str_obj("current" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_cur))
.Add_str_obj("prev" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_prv))
.Add_str_obj("next" , Byte_obj_val.new_(Pp_pages_nde.Xatr_toc_nxt))
public static final byte
Xatr_index_ttl = 0
, Xatr_bgn_page = 1
, Xatr_end_page = 2
, Xatr_bgn_sect = 3
, Xatr_end_sect = 4
, Xatr_include = 5
, Xatr_exclude = 6
, Xatr_onlysection = 7
, Xatr_step = 8
, Xatr_header = 9
, Xatr_toc_cur = 10
, Xatr_toc_prv = 11
, Xatr_toc_nxt = 12
public static final Xoa_ttl[] Ttls_null = null;
private static final Number_parser num_parser = new Number_parser().Ignore_space_at_end_y_(); // ignore space at end; PAGE:en.s:1911_Encyclop<6F>dia_Britannica/Boissier,_Marie_Louis_Antoine_Gaston DATE:2015-04-29
private String Fail_msg_suffix() {
String excerpt = Bry_fmtr.Escape_tilde(String_.new_u8(Bry_.Mid_by_len_safe(src, xnde_tkn.Src_bgn(), 32)));
return String_.Format(" ttl={0} src={1}", String_.new_u8(cur_page_ttl.Full_db()), excerpt);
private String Fail_msg_basic(String msg) {return msg + ";" + Fail_msg_suffix();}
private String Fail_msg_custom(String fmt, Object... args) {return String_.Format(fmt, args) + Fail_msg_suffix();}
private boolean Fail_msg(String msg) {
xtn_literal = true;
usr_dlg.Warn_many("", "", String_.Replace(Fail_msg_basic(msg), "\n", ""));
return false;
private boolean Fail_args(String fmt, Object... args) {
xtn_literal = true;
usr_dlg.Warn_many("", "", String_.Replace(Fail_msg_custom(fmt, args), "\n", ""));
return false;
. original implmentation was following
in Xop_ctx
public Hash_adp_bry Lst_page_regy() {if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs(); return lst_page_regy;}
in Pp_pages_nde
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy();
. current implementation is following
in Xop_ctx
public Hash_adp_bry Lst_page_regy() {return lst_page_regy;}
in Pp_pages_nde
Hash_adp_bry lst_page_regy = ctx.Lst_page_regy();
if (lst_page_regy == null) lst_page_regy = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
. note that this only skips transcluded <pages> within a given <pages> call, not across the entire page
EX: Page:A/1 has the following text
<pages index="A" from=1 to=3 />
<pages index="B" from=1 to=1 />
<pages index="B" from=1 to=1 />
. original implementation would correctly include <pages index="A" from=1 to=3 /> only once, but would also include <pages index="B" from=1 to=1 /> once
. current implmentation would include <pages index="B" from=1 to=1 /> twice
. also, side-effect of only having Lst_page_regy only be non-null on sub_ctx, which means nothing needs to be cleared on main_ctx