You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.wikis.pages; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.heads.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.pages.skins.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.indicators.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners.*;
public class Xopg_html_data {
private Ordered_hash ctg_hash;
public boolean Html_restricted() {return html_restricted;} private boolean html_restricted = true;
public void Html_restricted_(boolean v) {html_restricted = v;} public void Html_restricted_n_() {Html_restricted_(Bool_.N);} public void Html_restricted_y_() {Html_restricted_(Bool_.Y);}
public byte[] Display_ttl() {
return ( display_ttl_vnt != null // -{T}- was in document
&& display_ttl == null // {{DISPLAYTITLE}} does not exist
&& lang_convert_content // __NOCONVERTCONTENT__ exists
&& lang_convert_title // __NOCONVERTTITLE__ exists
? display_ttl_vnt // return variant title; DATE:2014-08-29
: display_ttl // return normal title
public Xopg_html_data Display_ttl_(byte[] v) {display_ttl = v; return this;} private byte[] display_ttl;
public boolean Mode_wtxt_shown() {synchronized (this) {return mode_wtxt_shown;}} public void Mode_wtxt_shown_y_() {synchronized (this) {this.mode_wtxt_shown = true;}} private boolean mode_wtxt_shown;
public byte[] Display_ttl_vnt() {return display_ttl_vnt;} public void Display_ttl_vnt_(byte[] v) {display_ttl_vnt = v;} private byte[] display_ttl_vnt;
public byte[] Content_sub() {return content_sub;} public void Content_sub_(byte[] v) {content_sub = v;} private byte[] content_sub;
public Xopg_page_heading Page_heading() {return page_heading;} private final Xopg_page_heading page_heading = new Xopg_page_heading();
public String Bmk_pos() {return html_bmk_pos;} public void Bmk_pos_(String v) {html_bmk_pos = v;} private String html_bmk_pos;
public Bry_bfr Portal_div_xtn() {return portal_div_xtn;} private Bry_bfr portal_div_xtn = Bry_bfr.reset_(255);
public byte[] Edit_preview_w_dbg() {return Bry_.Add(xtn_scribunto_dbg, edit_preview);} public void Edit_preview_(byte[] v) {edit_preview = v;} private byte[] edit_preview = Bry_.Empty;
public int Lnke_autonumber_next() {return lnke_autonumber++;} private int lnke_autonumber = 1;
public int Sect_uid() {return sect_uid;} private int sect_uid = -1; public int Sect_uid_next() {return ++sect_uid;}
public boolean Lang_convert_content() {return lang_convert_content;} public void Lang_convert_content_(boolean v) {lang_convert_content = v;} private boolean lang_convert_content = true;
public boolean Lang_convert_title() {return lang_convert_title;} public void Lang_convert_title_(boolean v) {lang_convert_title = v;} private boolean lang_convert_title = true;
public Xopg_xtn_skin_mgr Xtn_skin_mgr() {return xtn_skin_mgr;} private Xopg_xtn_skin_mgr xtn_skin_mgr = new Xopg_xtn_skin_mgr();
public Indicator_html_bldr Indicators() {return indicators;} private final Indicator_html_bldr indicators = new Indicator_html_bldr();
public int Xtn_gallery_next_id() {return ++xtn_gallery_next_id;} private int xtn_gallery_next_id = -1;
public boolean Xtn_gallery_packed_exists() {return xtn_gallery_packed_exists;} public void Xtn_gallery_packed_exists_y_() {xtn_gallery_packed_exists = true;} private boolean xtn_gallery_packed_exists;
public boolean Xtn_imap_exists() {return xtn_imap_exists;} public void Xtn_imap_exists_y_() {xtn_imap_exists = true;} private boolean xtn_imap_exists;
public int Xtn_imap_next_id() {return ++xtn_imap_next_id;} private int xtn_imap_next_id; // NOTE: must keep separate imap_id b/c html_elem_id is not always set;
public byte[] Xtn_search_text() {return xtn_search_txt;} public void Xtn_search_text_(byte[] v) {xtn_search_txt = v;} private byte[] xtn_search_txt = Bry_.Empty;
public byte[] Xtn_scribunto_dbg() {return xtn_scribunto_dbg;} public void Xtn_scribunto_dbg_(byte[] v) {xtn_scribunto_dbg = Bry_.Add(xtn_scribunto_dbg, v);} private byte[] xtn_scribunto_dbg = Bry_.Empty;
public Pgbnr_itm Xtn_pgbnr() {return xtn_pgbnr;} public void Xtn_pgbnr_(Pgbnr_itm v) {xtn_pgbnr = v;} private Pgbnr_itm xtn_pgbnr;
public Xoh_head_mgr Head_mgr() {return module_mgr;} private Xoh_head_mgr module_mgr = new Xoh_head_mgr();
public byte[] Custom_html() {return custom_html;} public Xopg_html_data Custom_html_(byte[] v) {custom_html = v; return this;} private byte[] custom_html;
public byte[] Custom_tab_name() {return custom_tab_name;} public Xopg_html_data Custom_tab_name_(byte[] v) {custom_tab_name = v; return this;} private byte[] custom_tab_name;
public byte[] Custom_head_end() {return custom_head_end;}
public byte[] Custom_html_end() {return custom_html_end;}
public void Custom_head_end_concat(byte[] v) {
if (v == null)
custom_head_end = v;
custom_head_end = Bry_.Add(custom_head_end, v);
} private byte[] custom_head_end;
public void Custom_html_end_concat(byte[] v) {
if (v == null)
custom_html_end = v;
custom_html_end = Bry_.Add(custom_html_end, v);
} private byte[] custom_html_end;
public void Clear() {
html_restricted = true;
display_ttl = content_sub = display_ttl_vnt = null;
lang_convert_content = lang_convert_title = true;
lnke_autonumber = 1;
sect_uid = -1;
xtn_gallery_packed_exists = false;
xtn_imap_next_id = 0; xtn_gallery_next_id = -1;
xtn_imap_exists = false;
xtn_search_txt = Bry_.Empty;
xtn_scribunto_dbg = Bry_.Empty;
xtn_pgbnr = null;
custom_html = custom_html_end = custom_head_end = custom_tab_name = null;
if (ctg_hash != null) ctg_hash.Clear();
this.mode_wtxt_shown = false;
public byte[][] Ctgs_to_ary() {return ctg_hash == null ? Bry_.Ary_empty : (byte[][])ctg_hash.To_ary(byte[].class);}
public void Ctgs_add(Xoa_ttl ttl) {
if (ctg_hash == null) ctg_hash = Ordered_hash_.New_bry();
byte[] ttl_bry = ttl.Page_txt();
if (ctg_hash.Has(ttl_bry)) return;
ctg_hash.Add(ttl_bry, ttl_bry);