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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.imgs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.brys.*; import gplx.core.threads.poolables.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.imgs.atrs.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.lnkis.anchs.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.lnkis.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.hzips.*; import*; import gplx.xowa.files.*;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.imaps.*;
public class Xoh_img_data implements Xoh_data_itm {
public int Tid() {return Xoh_hzip_dict_.Tid__img;}
public int Src_bgn() {return src_bgn;} private int src_bgn;
public int Src_end() {return src_end;} private int src_end;
public Xoh_anch_href_data Anch_href() {return anch_href;} private Xoh_anch_href_data anch_href = new Xoh_anch_href_data();
public Xoh_anch_cls_data Anch_cls() {return anch_cls;} private Xoh_anch_cls_data anch_cls = new Xoh_anch_cls_data();
public boolean Anch_rel_nofollow_exists() {return anch_rel_is_nofollow;} private boolean anch_rel_is_nofollow;
public int Anch_title_bgn() {return anch_title_bgn;} private int anch_title_bgn;
public int Anch_title_end() {return anch_title_end;} private int anch_title_end;
public boolean Anch_title_exists() {return anch_title_end != -1;}
public Bry_obj_ref Anch_page() {return anch_page;} private Bry_obj_ref anch_page = Bry_obj_ref.New_empty();
public Xoh_img_src_data Img_src() {return img_src;} private final Xoh_img_src_data img_src = new Xoh_img_src_data();
public Xoh_img_cls_data Img_cls() {return img_cls;} private final Xoh_img_cls_data img_cls = new Xoh_img_cls_data();
public Xoh_img_xoimg_data Img_xoimg() {return img_xoimg;} private Xoh_img_xoimg_data img_xoimg = new Xoh_img_xoimg_data();
public int Img_alt_bgn() {return img_alt_bgn;} private int img_alt_bgn;
public int Img_alt_end() {return img_alt_end;} private int img_alt_end;
public boolean Img_alt__diff__anch_title() {return img_alt__diff_anch_title;} private boolean img_alt__diff_anch_title;
public int Img_w() {return img_w;} private int img_w;
public int Img_h() {return img_h;} private int img_h;
public boolean Img_w__diff__file_w() {return img_w != img_src.File_w();}
public boolean Img_is_vid() {return img_is_vid;} private boolean img_is_vid;
public boolean Img_wo_anch() {return img_wo_anch;} private boolean img_wo_anch;
public int Img_imap_idx() {return img_imap_idx;} private int img_imap_idx;
public void Clear() {
this.img_alt__diff_anch_title = anch_rel_is_nofollow = img_is_vid = img_wo_anch = false;
this.src_bgn = src_end = anch_title_bgn = anch_title_end = img_w = img_h = img_alt_bgn = img_alt_end = -1;
this.img_imap_idx = -1;
anch_href.Clear(); anch_cls.Clear();
img_src.Clear(); img_cls.Clear(); img_xoimg.Clear();
public boolean Init_by_parse(Xoh_hdoc_wkr hdoc_wkr, Xoh_hdoc_ctx hctx, Gfh_tag_rdr tag_rdr, byte[] src, Gfh_tag anch_head, Gfh_tag unused) {
Gfh_tag img_tag = anch_head;
Bry_err_wkr err_wkr = tag_rdr.Err_wkr();
this.img_wo_anch = anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__img;
if (img_wo_anch) {
Gfh_atr xowa_title = anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Xoh_img_xoimg_data.Bry__data_xowa_title); // data-xowa-title='A.png'
else {
if (anch_head.Name_id() == Gfh_tag_.Id__div) { // video / audio
if (!anch_head.Atrs__cls_eq(gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.thms.Xoh_thm_data.Atr__id__xowa_media_div)) return false; // handle fake-thumbs created through en.w:Template:Image_label_begin; PAGE:en.w:Blackburnshire; DATE:2016-01-04
img_is_vid = true;
tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head(); // next <div>
this.src_bgn = anch_head.Src_bgn(); // <a
if (!anch_href.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, src, anch_head)) return false; // href='/wiki/File:A.png'
if (!anch_cls.Parse(err_wkr, src, anch_head)) return false; // class='image'
Gfh_atr anch_title = anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__title); // title='abc'
anch_title_bgn = anch_title.Val_bgn(); anch_title_end = anch_title.Val_end();
Gfh_atr xowa_title = anch_head.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Bry__atr__xowa_title); // xowa_title='A.png'
if (xowa_title.Val_dat_exists()) anch_page.Val_(xowa_title.Val());
img_tag = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_head();
img_tag.Chk_name_or_fail(Gfh_tag_.Id__img); // <img
img_xoimg.Parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // data-xoimg='...'
this.img_w = img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__width, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // width='220'
this.img_h = img_tag.Atrs__get_as_int_or(Gfh_atr_.Bry__height, Xof_img_size.Size__neg1); // height='110'
Gfh_atr img_alt = img_tag.Atrs__get_by_or_empty(Gfh_atr_.Bry__alt); // alt='File:A.png'
img_alt_bgn = img_alt.Val_bgn(); img_alt_end = img_alt.Val_end();
img_cls.Init_by_parse(err_wkr, src, img_tag); // class='thumbborder'
img_alt__diff_anch_title = !Bry_.Match(src, img_alt_bgn, img_alt_end, src, anch_title_bgn, anch_title_end);
if (!img_src.Parse(err_wkr, hctx, hctx.Wiki__domain_bry(), img_tag)) return false; // src='...'
if (anch_page.Val_is_empty()) {
if (anch_page.Val_is_empty())
this.img_imap_idx = Get_imap_idx(tag_rdr.Err_wkr(), img_tag);
if (img_wo_anch) {
src_end = img_tag.Src_end();
return true;
Gfh_tag anch_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__a); // </a>
this.src_end = anch_tail.Src_end();
if (anch_href.Site_exists()) {
Xow_domain_itm itm = Xow_domain_itm_.parse(Bry_.Mid(src, anch_href.Site_bgn(), anch_href.Site_end()));
anch_rel_is_nofollow = itm.Domain_type_id() == Xow_domain_tid_.Int__other;
if (img_is_vid) {
anch_head = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__div);
src_end = anch_head.Src_end();
return true;
public void Init_by_decode(boolean anch_rel_is_nofollow, int anch_title_bgn, int anch_title_end, boolean img_wo_anch, boolean img_is_vid, int img_w, int img_h, int img_alt_bgn, int img_alt_end, int img_imap_idx) {
this.anch_rel_is_nofollow = anch_rel_is_nofollow;
this.anch_title_bgn = anch_title_bgn; this.anch_title_end = anch_title_end;
this.img_wo_anch = img_wo_anch; this.img_is_vid = img_is_vid;
this.img_w = img_w; this.img_h = img_h;
this.img_alt_bgn = img_alt_bgn; this.img_alt_end = img_alt_end;
this.img_imap_idx = img_imap_idx;
public void Pool__rls () {pool_mgr.Rls_fast(pool_idx);} private Gfo_poolable_mgr pool_mgr; private int pool_idx;
public Gfo_poolable_itm Pool__make (Gfo_poolable_mgr mgr, int idx, Object[] args) {Xoh_img_data rv = new Xoh_img_data(); rv.pool_mgr = mgr; rv.pool_idx = idx; return rv;}
private static int Get_imap_idx(Bry_err_wkr err_wkr, Gfh_tag img_tag) {
byte[] val = img_tag.Atrs__get_as_bry(Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__name); if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(val)) return -1;
int rv = Bry_.To_int_or(val, Imap_xtn_mgr.Bry__usemap__prefix.length, val.length, -1);
if (rv == -1) {
err_wkr.Warn("invalid imap_idx", "val", val);
return rv;
return rv;
public static final byte[]
Bry__cls__anch__image = Bry_.new_a7("image")
, Bry__cls__img__thumbimage = Bry_.new_a7("thumbimage")
, Bry__atr__xowa_title = Bry_.new_a7("xowa_title")