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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.files; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.*;
import gplx.core.stores.*;
import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.xowa.files.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.lnkis.files.*;
class Xob_xfer_temp_itm {
public int Lnki_id() {return lnki_id;} private int lnki_id;
public int Lnki_tier_id() {return lnki_tier_id;} private int lnki_tier_id;
public byte Orig_repo() {return orig_repo;} private byte orig_repo;
public int Lnki_ext() {return lnki_ext;} private int lnki_ext;
public byte[] Orig_file_ttl() {return orig_file_ttl;} private byte[] orig_file_ttl;
public String Orig_media_type() {return orig_media_type;} private String orig_media_type;
public String Orig_minor_mime() {return orig_minor_mime;} private String orig_minor_mime;
public byte Orig_media_type_tid() {return orig_media_type_tid;} private byte orig_media_type_tid;
public int Orig_page_id() {return orig_page_id;} private int orig_page_id;
public String Join_ttl() {return join_ttl;} private String join_ttl;
public String Redirect_src() {return redirect_src;} private String redirect_src;
public byte Lnki_type() {return lnki_type;} private byte lnki_type;
public byte Lnki_src_tid() {return lnki_src_tid;} private byte lnki_src_tid;
public int Lnki_w() {return lnki_w;} private int lnki_w;
public int Lnki_h() {return lnki_h;} private int lnki_h;
public int Lnki_count() {return lnki_count;} private int lnki_count;
public int Lnki_page_id() {return lnki_page_id;} private int lnki_page_id;
public int Orig_w() {return orig_w;} private int orig_w;
public int Orig_h() {return orig_h;} private int orig_h;
public int Orig_ext_id() {return orig_ext_id;} private int orig_ext_id;
public double Lnki_upright() {return lnki_upright;} private double lnki_upright;
public double Lnki_thumbtime() {return lnki_thumbtime;} private double lnki_thumbtime;
public int Lnki_page() {return lnki_page;} private int lnki_page;
public void Clear() {
orig_file_ttl = null;
lnki_ext = lnki_type = lnki_src_tid
= orig_repo = orig_media_type_tid = Byte_.Max_value_127;
chk_tid = Chk_tid_none;
lnki_id = lnki_tier_id = lnki_w = lnki_h = lnki_count = lnki_page_id
= orig_w = orig_h = orig_page_id = Int_.Neg1;
join_ttl = redirect_src = orig_media_type = null;
lnki_upright = Xop_lnki_tkn.Upright_null;
lnki_thumbtime = Xof_lnki_time.Null;
lnki_page = Xof_lnki_page.Null;
public void Load(DataRdr rdr) {
lnki_id = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_id);
lnki_tier_id = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_tier_id);
lnki_page_id = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_page_id);
lnki_ext = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_ext);
lnki_type = rdr.ReadByte(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_type);
lnki_src_tid = rdr.ReadByte(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_src_tid);
lnki_w = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_w);
lnki_h = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_h);
lnki_upright = rdr.ReadDouble(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_upright);
lnki_thumbtime = Xof_lnki_time.Db_load_double(rdr, Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_time);
lnki_page = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_page);
lnki_count = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_count);
orig_file_ttl = rdr.ReadBryByStr(Xob_lnki_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_ttl);
orig_repo = rdr.ReadByte(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_repo);
orig_page_id = rdr.ReadIntOr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_page_id, -1);
join_ttl = rdr.ReadStr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_file_ttl);
redirect_src = rdr.ReadStr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_lnki_ttl);
orig_w = rdr.ReadIntOr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_w, -1);
orig_h = rdr.ReadIntOr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_h, -1);
orig_media_type = rdr.ReadStrOr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_media_type, ""); // convert nulls to ""
orig_minor_mime = rdr.ReadStrOr(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_minor_mime, ""); // convert nulls to ""
orig_ext_id = rdr.ReadInt(Xob_orig_regy_tbl.Fld_orig_file_ext);
public static final byte
Chk_tid_none = 0
, Chk_tid_orig_page_id_is_null = 1
, Chk_tid_orig_media_type_is_audio = 2
, Chk_tid_ns_is_media = 3
, Chk_tid_orig_w_is_0 = 4
public byte Chk_tid() {return chk_tid;} private byte chk_tid;
public boolean Chk(Xof_img_size img_size) {
if (String_.Eq(join_ttl, redirect_src)) // join_ttl is same as redirect_src; not a redirect; EX:(direct) join="A.png";redirect_src="A.png"; (redirect) join="A.png";redirect_src="B.png" (i.e.: B redirects to A)
redirect_src = "";
// else { // redirect; make sure extension matches; EX: A.png redirects to B.png; lnki_ext will be .png (the lnki's ext); should be .png (the actual file's ext)
// Xof_ext join_ext = Xof_ext_.new_by_ttl_(Bry_.new_u8(join_ttl));
// lnki_ext = join_ext.Id();
// }
lnki_ext = orig_ext_id;
orig_media_type_tid = Xof_media_type.Xto_byte(orig_media_type);
if ( Xof_lnki_time.Null_n(lnki_thumbtime) // thumbtime defined
&& orig_media_type_tid != Xof_media_type.Tid_video // video can have thumbtime
lnki_thumbtime = Xof_lnki_time.Null; // set thumbtime to NULL; actually occurs for one file: [[File:Crash.arp.600pix.jpg|thumb|thumbtime=2]]
if ( Xof_lnki_page.Null_n(lnki_page)
&& !Xof_ext_.Id_supports_page(orig_ext_id)) // djvu / pdf can have page parameters, which are currently being stored in thumbtime; DATE:2014-01-18
lnki_page = Xof_lnki_page.Null;
if (orig_page_id == -1) { // no orig found (i.e.: not in local's / remote's image.sql);
chk_tid = Chk_tid_orig_page_id_is_null;
return false;
if (orig_media_type_tid == Xof_media_type.Tid_audio) { // ignore: audio will never have thumbs
chk_tid = Chk_tid_orig_media_type_is_audio;
return false;
if (orig_w <= 0) { // ignore files that have an orig_w of 0; note that ogg files that are sometimes flagged as VIDEO; EX:2009_10_08_Marc_Randazza_interview.ogg; DATE:2014-08-20
chk_tid = Chk_tid_orig_w_is_0;
return false;
if (lnki_ext == Xof_ext_.Id_mid) { // NOTE: .mid does not have orig_media_type of "AUDIO"
chk_tid = Chk_tid_orig_media_type_is_audio;
return false;
if (lnki_src_tid == Xop_file_logger_.Tid__media) {
chk_tid = Chk_tid_ns_is_media;
return false;
int upright_patch = Xof_patch_upright_tid_.Tid_all; // all future blds will have upright_patch
img_size.Html_size_calc(Xof_exec_tid.Tid_wiki_page, lnki_w, lnki_h, lnki_type, upright_patch, lnki_upright, lnki_ext, orig_w, orig_h, Xof_img_size.Thumb_width_img);
return true;
public void Insert(Db_stmt stmt, Xof_img_size img_size) {
Xob_xfer_temp_tbl.Insert(stmt, lnki_id, lnki_tier_id, lnki_page_id, orig_repo, orig_page_id, join_ttl, redirect_src, lnki_ext, lnki_type, orig_media_type, img_size.File_is_orig(), orig_w, orig_h, img_size.File_w(), img_size.File_h(), img_size.Html_w(), img_size.Html_h(), lnki_thumbtime, lnki_page, lnki_count);