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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
public class Mustache_render_ctx {
private final List_adp stack = List_adp_.new_();
private Mustache_doc_itm cur;
private Mustache_doc_itm[] subs; private int subs_idx, subs_len; private byte cur_is_bool;
public Mustache_render_ctx Init(Mustache_doc_itm cur) {
this.cur = cur;
this.subs = null;
this.subs_idx = subs_len = 0; this.cur_is_bool = Bool_.__byte;
return this;
public byte[] Render_variable(String key) {
byte[] rv = Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_val;
Mustache_doc_itm itm = cur;
while (itm != Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_itm) {
rv = cur.Get_prop(key);
if (rv != Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_val) break;
else break; // TODO: itm = itm.Get_owner();
return rv;
public void Section_bgn(String key) {
Mustache_stack_itm stack_itm = new Mustache_stack_itm(cur, subs, subs_idx, subs_len, cur_is_bool); // note that cur is "owner" since subs_idx == 0
subs = cur.Get_subs(key); if (subs == null) subs = Mustache_doc_itm_.Ary__empty; // subs == null if property does not exist; EX: "folder{{#files}}file{{/files}}" and folder = new Folder(File[0]);
subs_len = subs.length;
subs_idx = -1;
public boolean Section_do() {
if (++subs_idx >= subs_len) return false;
Mustache_doc_itm sub = subs[subs_idx];
if (subs_idx == 0) { // special logic to handle 1st item; note that there always be at least one item
if (sub == Mustache_doc_itm_.Itm__bool__n) {
cur_is_bool = Bool_.N_byte;
return Bool_.N;
else if (sub == Mustache_doc_itm_.Itm__bool__y) {
cur_is_bool = Bool_.Y_byte;
return Bool_.Y;
cur_is_bool = Bool_.__byte;
cur = sub;
return true;
public void Section_end() {
Mustache_stack_itm itm = (Mustache_stack_itm)List_adp_.Pop(stack);
subs = itm.subs;
subs_len = itm.subs_len;
subs_idx = itm.subs_idx;
cur = itm.cur;
cur_is_bool = itm.cur_is_bool;
class Mustache_stack_itm {
public Mustache_stack_itm(Mustache_doc_itm cur, Mustache_doc_itm[] subs, int subs_idx, int subs_len, byte cur_is_bool) {
this.cur = cur;
this.cur_is_bool = cur_is_bool;
this.subs = subs;
this.subs_idx = subs_idx;
this.subs_len = subs_len;
public final Mustache_doc_itm cur;
public final byte cur_is_bool;
public final Mustache_doc_itm[] subs;
public final int subs_idx;
public final int subs_len;