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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2020
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.files;
import gplx.Bry_;
import gplx.Bry_find_;
import gplx.Byte_ascii;
import gplx.Err_;
import gplx.Hash_adp;
import gplx.Hash_adp_bry;
import gplx.core.primitives.Int_obj_val;
public class Xof_ext_ {
public static final int Id_unknown = 0 // SERIALIZED; ids are saved to fsdb;
, Id_png = 1, Id_jpg = 2, Id_jpeg = 3, Id_gif = 4, Id_tif = 5, Id_tiff = 6
, Id_svg = 7, Id_djvu = 8, Id_pdf = 9
, Id_mid = 10, Id_ogg = 11, Id_oga = 12, Id_ogv = 13, Id_webm = 14
, Id_flac = 15, Id_bmp = 16, Id_xcf = 17, Id_wav = 18, Id_opus = 19
, Id_stl = 20, Id_webp = 21;
public static final int Id__max = 22;
public static final byte[]
Bry_png = Bry_.new_a7("png"), Bry_jpg = Bry_.new_a7("jpg"), Bry_jpeg = Bry_.new_a7("jpeg")
, Bry_gif = Bry_.new_a7("gif"), Bry_tif = Bry_.new_a7("tif"), Bry_tiff = Bry_.new_a7("tiff")
, Bry_svg = Bry_.new_a7("svg"), Bry_djvu = Bry_.new_a7("djvu"), Bry_pdf = Bry_.new_a7("pdf")
, Bry_mid = Bry_.new_a7("mid"), Bry_ogg = Bry_.new_a7("ogg"), Bry_oga = Bry_.new_a7("oga")
, Bry_ogv = Bry_.new_a7("ogv"), Bry_webm = Bry_.new_a7("webm"), Bry_flac = Bry_.new_a7("flac")
, Bry_bmp = Bry_.new_a7("bmp"), Bry_xcf = Bry_.new_a7("xcf"), Bry_wav = Bry_.new_a7("wav"), Bry_opus = Bry_.new_a7("opus")
, Bry_stl = Bry_.new_a7("stl"), Bry_webp = Bry_.new_a7("webp")
public static final byte[][] Bry__ary = new byte[][]
{ Bry_.Empty, Bry_png, Bry_jpg, Bry_jpeg
, Bry_gif, Bry_tif, Bry_tiff
, Bry_svg, Bry_djvu, Bry_pdf
, Bry_mid, Bry_ogg, Bry_oga
, Bry_ogv, Bry_webm, Bry_flac
, Bry_bmp, Bry_xcf, Bry_wav, Bry_opus
, Bry_stl, Bry_webp
public static final byte[][] Mime_type__ary = new byte[][]
{ Bry_.new_a7("application/octet-stream"), Bry_.new_a7("image/png"), Bry_.new_a7("image/jpg"), Bry_.new_a7("image/jpeg")
, Bry_.new_a7("image/gif"), Bry_.new_a7("image/tiff"), Bry_.new_a7("image/tiff")
, Bry_.new_a7("image/svg+xml"), Bry_.new_a7("image/x.djvu"), Bry_.new_a7("application/pdf")
, Bry_.new_a7("application/x-midi"), Bry_.new_a7("video/ogg"), Bry_.new_a7("audio/oga")
, Bry_.new_a7("video/ogg"), Bry_.new_a7("video/webm"), Bry_.new_a7("audio/flac")
, Bry_.new_a7("image/bmp")
, Bry_.new_a7("image/x-xcf") // changed from "/xcf"; DATE:2020-04-21
, Bry_.new_a7("audio/x-wav"), Bry_.new_a7("audio/opus")
, Bry_.new_a7("model/stl"), Bry_.new_a7("video/webp")
private static final Hash_adp id_hash = id_hash_new_();
private static Hash_adp id_hash_new_() {
Hash_adp rv = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_png, Id_png); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_jpg, Id_jpg); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_jpeg, Id_jpeg);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_gif, Id_gif); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_tif, Id_tif); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_tiff, Id_tiff);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_svg, Id_svg); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_djvu, Id_djvu); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_pdf, Id_pdf);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_mid, Id_mid); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_ogg, Id_ogg); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_oga, Id_oga);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_ogv, Id_ogv); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_webm, Id_webm); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_flac, Id_flac);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_bmp, Id_bmp); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_xcf, Id_xcf); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_wav, Id_wav);
id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_opus, Id_opus); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_stl, Id_stl); id_hash_new_(rv, Bry_webp, Id_webp);
return rv;
private static void id_hash_new_(Hash_adp hash, byte[] key, int val) {hash.Add(key, new Int_obj_val(val));}
private static final Hash_adp_bry ext_hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7()
private static final Xof_ext[] Ary = new Xof_ext[Id__max];
public static byte[] Get_ext_by_id_(int id) {
if (id < 0 || id >= Id__max) throw Err_.new_wo_type("index out of bounds", "id", id);
return Bry__ary[id];
public static int Get_id_by_ext_(byte[] ext_bry) {
Object o = id_hash.Get_by(ext_bry);
return o == null ? Id_unknown : ((Int_obj_val)o).Val();
public static Xof_ext new_by_ttl_(byte[] ttl) {
int ttl_len = ttl.length;
int dot_pos = Bry_find_.Find_bwd(ttl, Byte_ascii.Dot);
byte[] ext = (dot_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found || dot_pos == ttl_len) ? Bry_.Empty : Bry_.Lcase__all(ttl, dot_pos + 1, ttl_len); // +1 to bgn after .
return new_(Get_id_by_ext_(ext), ext);
public static Xof_ext new_by_ext_(byte[] ext) {return new_(Get_id_by_ext_(ext), ext);}
public static Xof_ext new_by_id_(int id) {return new_(id, Get_ext_by_id_(id));}
public static Xof_ext new_(int id, byte[] ext) {
Xof_ext rv = Ary[id];
if (rv == null) {
rv = new Xof_ext(id, ext);
Ary[id] = rv;
return rv;
public static byte[] Lower_ext(byte[] ttl) {
int dot_pos = Bry_find_.Find_bwd(ttl, Byte_ascii.Dot);
int ttl_len = ttl.length;
if (dot_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found || dot_pos == ttl_len - 1) return ttl;
Object o = ext_hash.Get_by_mid(ttl, dot_pos + 1, ttl_len);
if (o == null) return ttl;
byte[] ext = (byte[])o;
boolean match = Bry_.Match(ttl, dot_pos, ttl_len, ext);
if (match) return ttl;
int ext_len = ext.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ext_len; i++)
ttl[i + dot_pos + 1] = ext[i];
return ttl;
public static boolean Orig_file_is_img(int v) { // identifies if orig_file can be used for <img src>; EX: png is valid, but svg, ogv, pdf is not
switch (v) {
case Id_png:
case Id_jpg: case Id_jpeg:
case Id_gif:
return true;
// 2020-08-25|ISSUE#:788|tif files cannot be rendered natively by Firefox / Chrome
case Id_tif: case Id_tiff:
return false;
public static boolean Id_supports_page(int v) { // identifies if tid supports page in lnki; EX: [[File:A.pdf|page=1]]; REF:; DATE:2014-01-18
switch (v) {
case Id_pdf: case Id_djvu: return true;
default: return false;
public static boolean Id_supports_time(int v) { // identifies if tid supports thumbtime in lnki; EX: [[File:A.ogv|thumbtime=1]];
switch (v) {
case Id_ogg: case Id_ogv: case Id_webm: return true;
default: return false;
public static boolean Id_is_image(int id) {
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_png: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpg: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpeg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_gif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tiff:
case Xof_ext_.Id_svg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_bmp: case Xof_ext_.Id_xcf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_stl: case Xof_ext_.Id_webp:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean Id_is_image_wo_svg(int id) { // same as Id_is_image, but ignore svg
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_png: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpg: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpeg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_gif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tiff:
case Xof_ext_.Id_bmp: case Xof_ext_.Id_xcf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_stl: case Xof_ext_.Id_webp:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean Id_is_thumbable_img(int id) {
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_png: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpg: case Xof_ext_.Id_jpeg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_gif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tif: case Xof_ext_.Id_tiff:
case Xof_ext_.Id_svg: case Xof_ext_.Id_djvu: case Xof_ext_.Id_pdf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_bmp: case Xof_ext_.Id_xcf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_stl: case Xof_ext_.Id_webp:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean Id_is_audio(int id) {
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_mid:
case Xof_ext_.Id_oga:
case Xof_ext_.Id_flac:
case Xof_ext_.Id_ogg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_wav:
case Xof_ext_.Id_opus:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean Id_is_video(int id) {return id == Xof_ext_.Id_ogv || id == Xof_ext_.Id_ogg || id == Xof_ext_.Id_webm;} // NOTE: ogg can be vid; PAGE:en.w:Comet; Encke_tail_rip_off.ogg
public static boolean Id_is_video_strict(int id) {return id == Xof_ext_.Id_ogv || id == Xof_ext_.Id_webm;} // NOTE: ogg can be aud / vid; PAGE:en.w:Comet; Encke_tail_rip_off.ogg
public static boolean Id_is_audio_strict(int id) { // same as above, but deliberately exclude ambiguous ogg
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_mid:
case Xof_ext_.Id_oga:
case Xof_ext_.Id_flac:
case Xof_ext_.Id_wav:
case Xof_ext_.Id_opus:
return true;
return false;
public static boolean Id_is_media(int id) {return Id_is_audio(id) || Id_is_video(id);}
public static boolean Id_needs_convert(int id) {
switch (id) {
case Xof_ext_.Id_svg: case Xof_ext_.Id_djvu: case Xof_ext_.Id_pdf: return true;
default: return false;
public static int Id_view(int id) {
switch (id) {
// example image is rendered as .png; see wiki articles
case Xof_ext_.Id_svg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_bmp:
case Xof_ext_.Id_xcf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_stl: //
case Xof_ext_.Id_webp://
return Xof_ext_.Id_png;
case Xof_ext_.Id_tif:
case Xof_ext_.Id_tiff:
case Xof_ext_.Id_djvu:
case Xof_ext_.Id_pdf:
case Xof_ext_.Id_ogg:
case Xof_ext_.Id_ogv:
case Xof_ext_.Id_webm:
return Xof_ext_.Id_jpg;
return id;