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package gplx;
import org.junit.*;
public class Bry_bfr_tst {
private Bry_bfr bb = Bry_bfr.new_(16);
@Before public void setup() {bb.Clear();} private ByteAryBfr_fxt fxt = new ByteAryBfr_fxt();
@Test public void AddByte() {
bb = Bry_bfr.new_(2); // NOTE: make sure auto-expands
tst_AddByte("a", "a", 2);
tst_AddByte("b", "ab", 2);
tst_AddByte("c", "abc", 4);
@Test public void AddAry() { // NOTE: make sure auto-expands
bb = Bry_bfr.new_(2);
tst_AddByte("abcd", "abcd", 12);
@Test public void Add_byte_repeat() { // NOTE: make sure auto-expands
bb = Bry_bfr.new_(2);
tst_Add_byte_repeat(Byte_ascii.Space, 12, String_.Repeat(" ", 12));
} void tst_Add_byte_repeat(byte b, int len, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bb.Add_byte_repeat(b, len).To_str_and_clear());}
void tst_AddByte(String s, String expdStr, int expdLen) {
if (String_.Len(s) == 1)
bb.Add_byte((byte)String_.CharAt(s, 0));
Tfds.Eq(expdStr, String_.new_u8(bb.To_bry()));
Tfds.Eq(expdLen, bb.Bfr_max());
@Test public void Add_dte() {
tst_AddDte("20110801 221435.987");
void tst_AddDte(String raw) {
bb.Add_dte(DateAdp_.parse_fmt(raw, Bry_.Fmt_csvDte));
Tfds.Eq(raw, String_.new_u8(bb.To_bry()));
@Test public void Add_int_variable() {
@Test public void Add_float() {
tst_Add_float(1 / 3);
tst_Add_float(-1 / 3);
void tst_Add_float(float v) {
Tfds.Eq(v, Float_.parse(String_.new_u8(bb.To_bry())));
void Add_int_variable(int val) {
Tfds.Eq(val, Int_.parse(String_.new_u8(bb.To_bry())));
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_len3() {tst_Add_int_fixed(123, 3, "123");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_pad_1() {tst_Add_int_fixed(2, 1, "2");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_pad_2() {tst_Add_int_fixed(2, 2, "02");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_pad_16() {tst_Add_int_fixed(2, 16, "0000000000000002");} // test overflows int
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_neg() {tst_Add_int_fixed(-2, 2, "-2");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_neg_pad1() {tst_Add_int_fixed(-2, 1, "-");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_chop_1() {tst_Add_int_fixed(123, 1, "3");}
@Test public void Add_int_fixed_chop_neg() {tst_Add_int_fixed(-21, 2, "-1");}
void tst_Add_int_fixed(int val, int digits, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, String_.new_u8(bb.Add_int_fixed(val, digits).To_bry()));}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_len3() {tst_Add_long_fixed(123, 3, "123");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_pad_1() {tst_Add_long_fixed(2, 1, "2");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_pad_2() {tst_Add_long_fixed(2, 2, "02");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_pad_16() {tst_Add_long_fixed(2, 16, "0000000000000002");} // test overflows long
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_neg() {tst_Add_long_fixed(-2, 2, "-2");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_neg_pad1() {tst_Add_long_fixed(-2, 1, "-");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_chop_1() {tst_Add_long_fixed(123, 1, "3");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_chop_neg() {tst_Add_long_fixed(-21, 2, "-1");}
@Test public void Add_long_fixed_large() {tst_Add_long_fixed(123456789012345L, 15, "123456789012345");}
void tst_Add_long_fixed(long val, int digits, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, String_.new_u8(bb.Add_long_fixed(val, digits).To_bry()));}
@Test public void AddDte_short() {
void tst_AddDte_short(String raw) {
// byte[] ary = String_.XtoByteAryAscii(raw);
// Bry_fmtr_IntBldr ib = new Bry_fmtr_IntBldr();
// int y = 0, m = 0, d = 0, h = 0, n = 0, s = 0, aryLen = ary.length;
// for (int i = 0; i < aryLen; i++) {
// byte b = ary[i];
// switch (i) {
// case 4: y = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// case 7: m = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// case 10: d = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// case 13: h = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// case 16: n = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// case 19: s = ib.To_int_and_clear(); break;
// default: ib.Add(b); break;
// }
// }
// long l = Pow38_to(y, m, d, h, n, s);
//// Base85_utl.XtoStrByAry(l, bb.
// bb.Add_int(l);
// @Test public void InsertAt_str() {
// tst_InsertAt_str("", 0, "c", "c");
// tst_InsertAt_str("ab", 0, "c", "cab");
// tst_InsertAt_str("ab", 0, "cdefghij", "cdefghijab");
// }
// void tst_InsertAt_str(String orig, int insertAt, String insertStr, String expd) {
// bb = Bry_bfr.new_(16);
// bb.Add_str(orig);
// bb.InsertAt_str(insertAt, insertStr);
// String actl = bb.To_str_and_clear();
// Tfds.Eq(expd, actl);
// }
@Test public void To_bry_and_clear_and_trim() {
tst_XtoAryAndClearAndTrim("a" , "a");
tst_XtoAryAndClearAndTrim(" a " , "a");
tst_XtoAryAndClearAndTrim(" a b " , "a b");
tst_XtoAryAndClearAndTrim(" " , "");
void tst_XtoAryAndClearAndTrim(String raw, String expd) {
Tfds.Eq(expd, String_.new_u8(bb.To_bry_and_clear_and_trim()));
@Test public void XtoInt() {
tst_XtoInt("123", 123);
tst_XtoInt("a", Int_.Min_value);
tst_XtoInt("9999999999", Int_.Min_value);
void tst_XtoInt(String raw, int expd) {
Tfds.Eq(expd, bb.To_int_and_clear(Int_.Min_value));
static long Pow38_to(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int frac) {
return ((long)year) << 26
| ((long)month & 0x0f) << 22 // 16
| ((long)day & 0x1f) << 17 // 32
| ((long)hour & 0x1f) << 12 // 32
| ((long)minute & 0x3f) << 6 // 64
| ((long)second & 0x3f) // 64
static DateAdp Pow38_by(long v) {
int year = (int) (v >> 26);
int month = (int)((v >> 22) & 0x0f);
int day = (int)((v >> 17) & 0x1f);
int hour = (int)((v >> 12) & 0x1f);
int minute = (int)((v >> 6) & 0x3f);
int second = (int)((v ) & 0x3f);
return DateAdp_.new_(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0);
@Test public void Add_bfr_trimEnd_and_clear() {
tst_Add_bfr_trimEnd_and_clear("a ", "a");
void tst_Add_bfr_trimEnd_and_clear(String raw, String expd) {
Bry_bfr tmp = Bry_bfr.new_().Add_str(raw);
Tfds.Eq(expd, bb.Add_bfr_trim_and_clear(tmp, false, true).To_str_and_clear());
@Test public void Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear() {
tst_Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear(" a ", "a");
tst_Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear(" a b ", "a b");
tst_Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear("a", "a");
tst_Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear("", "");
void tst_Add_bfr_trimAll_and_clear(String raw, String expd) {
Bry_bfr tmp = Bry_bfr.new_().Add_str(raw);
Tfds.Eq(expd, bb.Add_bfr_trim_and_clear(tmp, true, true).To_str_and_clear());
@Test public void Add_int_pad_bgn() {
fxt.Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(Byte_ascii.Num_0, 3, 0, "000");
fxt.Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(Byte_ascii.Num_0, 3, 1, "001");
fxt.Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(Byte_ascii.Num_0, 3, 10, "010");
fxt.Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(Byte_ascii.Num_0, 3, 100, "100");
fxt.Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(Byte_ascii.Num_0, 3, 1000, "1000");
@Test public void Add_bry_escape() {
fxt.Test_Add_bry_escape("abc" , "abc"); // nothing to escape
fxt.Test_Add_bry_escape("a'bc" , "a''bc"); // single escape (code handles first quote differently)
fxt.Test_Add_bry_escape("a'b'c" , "a''b''c"); // double escape (code handles subsequent quotes different than first)
@Test public void Insert_at() {
fxt.Test_Insert_at("abcd", 0, "xyz" , "xyzabcd"); // bgn
fxt.Test_Insert_at("abcd", 4, "xyz" , "abcdxyz"); // end
fxt.Test_Insert_at("abcd", 2, "xyz" , "abxyzcd"); // mid
fxt.Test_Insert_at("abcd", 2, "xyz", 1, 2 , "abycd"); // mid
@Test public void Delete_rng() {
fxt.Test_Delete_rng("abcd", 0, 2 , "cd"); // bgn
fxt.Test_Delete_rng("abcd", 2, 4 , "ab"); // end
fxt.Test_Delete_rng("abcd", 1, 3 , "ad"); // mid
@Test public void Delete_rng_to_bgn() {
fxt.Test_Delete_rng_to_bgn("abcd", 2 , "cd");
@Test public void Delete_rng_to_end() {
fxt.Test_Delete_rng_to_end("abcd", 2 , "ab");
class ByteAryBfr_fxt {
private Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.reset_(16);
public void Clear() {
public void Test_Add_int_pad_bgn(byte pad_byte, int str_len, int val, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_int_pad_bgn(pad_byte, str_len, val).To_str_and_clear());}
public void Test_Add_bry_escape(String val, String expd) {
byte[] val_bry = Bry_.new_u8(val);
Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_bry_escape(Byte_ascii.Apos, Byte_.Ary(Byte_ascii.Apos, Byte_ascii.Apos), val_bry, 0, val_bry.length).To_str_and_clear());
public void Test_Insert_at(String init, int pos, String val, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_str(init).Insert_at(pos, Bry_.new_u8(val)).To_str_and_clear());}
public void Test_Insert_at(String init, int pos, String val, int val_bgn, int val_end, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_str(init).Insert_at(pos, Bry_.new_u8(val), val_bgn, val_end).To_str_and_clear());}
public void Test_Delete_rng(String init, int bgn, int end, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_str(init).Delete_rng(bgn, end).To_str_and_clear());}
public void Test_Delete_rng_to_bgn(String init, int pos, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_str(init).Delete_rng_to_bgn(pos).To_str_and_clear());}
public void Test_Delete_rng_to_end(String init, int pos, String expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, bfr.Add_str(init).Delete_rng_to_end(pos).To_str_and_clear());}