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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
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package gplx.core.brys.fmtrs; import gplx.*;
import gplx.core.brys.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.strings.*;
import gplx.objects.strings.AsciiByte;
public class Bry_fmtr {
public byte[] Fmt() {return fmt;} private byte[] fmt = Bry_.Empty;
public boolean Fmt_null() {return fmt.length == 0;}
public Bry_fmtr_eval_mgr Eval_mgr() {return eval_mgr;} public Bry_fmtr Eval_mgr_(Bry_fmtr_eval_mgr v) {eval_mgr = v; return this;} Bry_fmtr_eval_mgr eval_mgr = Bry_fmtr_eval_mgr_gfs.Instance;
public Bry_fmtr Fmt_(byte[] v) {fmt = v; dirty = true; return this;} public Bry_fmtr Fmt_(String v) {return Fmt_(Bry_.new_u8(v));}
public Bry_fmtr Keys_(String... ary) {
if (keys == null) keys = Hash_adp_.New();
else keys.Clear();
int ary_len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ary_len; i++)
keys.Add(Bry_obj_ref.New(Bry_.new_u8(ary[i])), new Int_obj_val(i));
dirty = true;
return this;
} Hash_adp keys = null;
public void Bld_bfr(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[]... args) {
if (dirty) Compile();
int args_len = args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; i++) {
Bry_fmtr_itm itm = itms[i];
if (itm.Arg) {
int arg_idx = itm.ArgIdx;
if (arg_idx < args_len)
bfr.Add(missing_bgn).Add_int_variable(arg_idx + missing_adj).Add(missing_end);
public void Bld_bfr_none(Bry_bfr bfr) {
if (dirty) Compile();
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; i++) {
Bry_fmtr_itm itm = itms[i];
if (itm.Arg)
public void Bld_bfr(Bry_bfr bfr, Bfr_arg... args) {
if (dirty) Compile();
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; i++) {
Bry_fmtr_itm itm = itms[i];
if (itm.Arg)
public void Bld_bfr_one(Bry_bfr bfr, Object val) {
Bld_bfr_one_ary[0] = val;
Bld_bfr_ary(bfr, Bld_bfr_one_ary);
} Object[] Bld_bfr_one_ary = new Object[1];
public void Bld_bfr_many(Bry_bfr bfr, Object... args) {Bld_bfr_ary(bfr, args);}
public void Bld_bfr_ary(Bry_bfr bfr, Object[] args) {
if (dirty) Compile();
int args_len = args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; i++) {
Bry_fmtr_itm itm = itms[i];
if (itm.Arg) {
int arg_idx = itm.ArgIdx;
if (arg_idx > -1 && arg_idx < args_len)
public byte[] Bld_bry_none(Bry_bfr bfr) {Bld_bfr_ary(bfr, Object_.Ary_empty); return bfr.To_bry_and_clear();}
public byte[] Bld_bry_many(Bry_bfr bfr, Object... args) {
Bld_bfr_ary(bfr, args);
return bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
public String Bld_str_many(Bry_bfr bfr, String fmt, Object... args) {
this.Fmt_(fmt).Bld_bfr_many(bfr, args);
return bfr.To_str_and_clear();
public String Bld_str_many(String... args) {
if (dirty) Compile();
String_bldr rv = String_bldr_.new_();
int args_len = args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; i++) {
Bry_fmtr_itm itm = itms[i];
if (itm.Arg) {
int arg_idx = itm.ArgIdx;
if (arg_idx < args_len)
rv.Add(missing_bgn).Add(arg_idx + missing_adj).Add(missing_end);
return rv.To_str();
} private Bry_fmtr_itm[] itms; int itms_len;
public byte[] Missing_bgn() {return missing_bgn;} public Bry_fmtr Missing_bgn_(byte[] v) {missing_bgn = v; return this;} private byte[] missing_bgn = missing_bgn_static; static byte[] missing_bgn_static = Bry_.new_u8("~{"), missing_end_static = Bry_.new_u8("}");
public byte[] Missing_end() {return missing_end;} public Bry_fmtr Missing_end_(byte[] v) {missing_end = v; return this;} private byte[] missing_end = missing_end_static;
public int Missing_adj() {return missing_adj;} public Bry_fmtr Missing_adj_(int v) {missing_adj = v; return this;} int missing_adj;
public boolean Fail_when_invalid_escapes() {return fail_when_invalid_escapes;} public Bry_fmtr Fail_when_invalid_escapes_(boolean v) {fail_when_invalid_escapes = v; return this;} private boolean fail_when_invalid_escapes = true;
public Bry_fmtr Compile() {
synchronized (this) { // THREAD: DATE:2015-04-29
Bry_bfr lkp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.New_w_size(16);
int fmt_len = fmt.length; int fmt_end = fmt_len - 1; int fmt_pos = 0;
byte[] trg_bry = new byte[fmt_len]; int trg_pos = 0;
boolean lkp_is_active = false, lkp_is_numeric = true;
byte nxt_byte, tmp_byte;
boolean dirty_disable = true;
List_adp list = List_adp_.New();
fmt_args_exist = false;
while (true) {
if (fmt_pos > fmt_end) break;
byte cur_byte = fmt[fmt_pos];
if (lkp_is_active) {
if (cur_byte == char_arg_end) {
if (lkp_is_numeric)
list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.arg_(lkp_bfr.To_int(0) - baseInt));
else {
byte[] key_fmt = lkp_bfr.To_bry();
Object idx_ref = keys.GetByOrNull(Bry_obj_ref.New(key_fmt));
if (idx_ref == null) {
int lkp_bfr_len = lkp_bfr.Len();
byte[] lkp_bry = lkp_bfr.Bfr();
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = char_escape;
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = char_arg_bgn;
for (int i = 0; i < lkp_bfr_len; i++)
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = lkp_bry[i];
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = char_arg_end;
else {
list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.arg_(((Int_obj_val)idx_ref).Val() - baseInt));
lkp_is_active = false;
fmt_args_exist = true;
else {
switch (cur_byte) {
case AsciiByte.Num0: case AsciiByte.Num1: case AsciiByte.Num2: case AsciiByte.Num3: case AsciiByte.Num4:
case AsciiByte.Num5: case AsciiByte.Num6: case AsciiByte.Num7: case AsciiByte.Num8: case AsciiByte.Num9:
lkp_is_numeric = false;
fmt_pos += 1;
else if (cur_byte == char_escape) {
if (fmt_pos == fmt_end) {
if (fail_when_invalid_escapes)
throw Err_.new_wo_type("escape char encountered but no more chars left");
else {
trg_bry[trg_pos] = cur_byte;
nxt_byte = fmt[fmt_pos + 1];
if (nxt_byte == char_arg_bgn) {
if (trg_pos > 0) {list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.dat_(trg_bry, trg_pos)); trg_pos = 0;} // something pending; add it to list
int eval_lhs_bgn = fmt_pos + 2;
if (eval_lhs_bgn < fmt_len && fmt[eval_lhs_bgn] == char_eval_bgn) { // eval found
dirty_disable = false; // eval allows args to retrigger compiles; this is probably not used, but just in case, do not disable dirty; TEST: Tfds.Eq("012~{<>3<>}4", fmtr.Bld_str_many("1"));
fmt_pos = Compile_eval_cmd(fmt, fmt_len, eval_lhs_bgn, list);
else {
lkp_is_active = true;
lkp_is_numeric = true;
else { // ~{0}; ~~ -> ~; ~n -> newLine; ~t -> tab
if (nxt_byte == char_escape) tmp_byte = char_escape;
else if (nxt_byte == char_escape_nl) tmp_byte = AsciiByte.Nl;
else if (nxt_byte == char_escape_tab) tmp_byte = AsciiByte.Tab;
else {
if (fail_when_invalid_escapes) throw Err_.new_wo_type("unknown escape code", "code", Char_.By_int(nxt_byte), "fmt_pos", fmt_pos + 1);
tmp_byte = cur_byte;
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = tmp_byte;
fmt_pos += 2;
else {
trg_bry[trg_pos++] = cur_byte;
fmt_pos += 1;
if (lkp_is_active) throw Err_.new_wo_type("idx mode not closed");
if (trg_pos > 0) {list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.dat_(trg_bry, trg_pos)); trg_pos = 0;}
itms = (Bry_fmtr_itm[])list.ToAry(Bry_fmtr_itm.class);
itms_len = itms.length;
if (dirty_disable)
dirty = false; // ISSUE#:575; DATE:2019-09-16
return this;
int Compile_eval_cmd(byte[] fmt, int fmt_len, int eval_lhs_bgn, List_adp list) {
int eval_lhs_end = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(fmt, char_eval_end, eval_lhs_bgn + AsciiByte.Len1, fmt_len); if (eval_lhs_end == Bry_find_.Not_found) throw Err_.new_wo_type("eval_lhs_end_invalid: could not find eval_lhs_end", "snip", String_.new_u8(fmt, eval_lhs_bgn, fmt_len));
byte[] eval_dlm = Bry_.Mid(fmt, eval_lhs_bgn , eval_lhs_end + AsciiByte.Len1);
int eval_rhs_bgn = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(fmt, eval_dlm , eval_lhs_end + AsciiByte.Len1, fmt_len); if (eval_rhs_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) throw Err_.new_wo_type("eval_rhs_bgn_invalid: could not find eval_rhs_bgn", "snip", String_.new_u8(fmt, eval_lhs_end, fmt_len));
byte[] eval_cmd = Bry_.Mid(fmt, eval_lhs_end + AsciiByte.Len1, eval_rhs_bgn);
byte[] eval_rslt = eval_mgr.Eval(eval_cmd);
int eval_rhs_end = eval_rhs_bgn + AsciiByte.Len1 + eval_dlm.length;
if (eval_rslt == null) eval_rslt = Bry_.Mid(fmt, eval_lhs_bgn - 2, eval_rhs_end); // not found; return original argument
return eval_rhs_end;
static final String GRP_KEY = "gplx.Bry_fmtr";
public boolean Fmt_args_exist() {return fmt_args_exist;} private boolean fmt_args_exist;
boolean dirty = true;
int baseInt = 0;
public static final byte char_escape = AsciiByte.Tilde, char_arg_bgn = AsciiByte.CurlyBgn, char_arg_end = AsciiByte.CurlyEnd, char_escape_nl = AsciiByte.Ltr_n, char_escape_tab = AsciiByte.Ltr_t, char_eval_bgn = AsciiByte.Lt, char_eval_end = AsciiByte.Gt;
public static final Bry_fmtr Null = new Bry_fmtr().Fmt_("");
public static Bry_fmtr New__tmp() {return new Bry_fmtr().Fmt_("").Keys_();}
public static Bry_fmtr new_(String fmt, String... keys) {return new Bry_fmtr().Fmt_(fmt).Keys_(keys);} // NOTE: keys may seem redundant, but are needed to align ordinals with proc; EX: fmt may be "~{A} ~{B}" or "~{B} ~{A}"; call will always be Bld(a, b); passing in "A", "B" guarantees A is 0 and B is 1;
public static Bry_fmtr new_(byte[] fmt, String... keys) {return new Bry_fmtr().Fmt_(fmt).Keys_(keys);} // NOTE: keys may seem redundant, but are needed to align ordinals with proc; EX: fmt may be "~{A} ~{B}" or "~{B} ~{A}"; call will always be Bld(a, b); passing in "A", "B" guarantees A is 0 and B is 1;
public static Bry_fmtr new_() {return new Bry_fmtr();}
public static Bry_fmtr keys_(String... keys) {return new Bry_fmtr().Keys_(keys);}
public static Bry_fmtr new_bry_(byte[] fmt, String... keys) {return new Bry_fmtr().Fmt_(fmt).Keys_(keys);}
public static String New_fmt_str(String key, Object[] args) {
int args_len = args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < args_len; i++) { // add " 0='~{0}'"
return tmp_bfr.To_str_and_clear();
} static Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.Reset(255);
public void Bld_bfr_many_and_set_fmt(Object... args) {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
this.Bld_bfr_many(bfr, args);
byte[] bry = bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
public static String Escape_tilde(String v) {return String_.Replace(v, "~", "~~");}