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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx;
import gplx.core.primitives.*; import gplx.core.brys.*; import gplx.core.encoders.*;
import gplx.objects.primitives.BoolUtl;
import gplx.objects.strings.AsciiByte;
public class Bry_bfr {
private Bry_bfr_mkr_mgr mkr_mgr; private int reset;
public byte[] Bfr() {return bfr;} private byte[] bfr;
public int Len() {return bfr_len;} private int bfr_len;
public boolean Len_eq_0() {return bfr_len == 0;}
public boolean Len_gt_0() {return bfr_len > 0;}
public void Bfr_init(byte[] bfr, int bfr_len) {
synchronized (this) {
this.bfr = bfr;
this.bfr_len = bfr_len;
this.bfr_max = bfr.length; // NOTE: must sync bfr_max, else will fail later during add; bfr will think bfr has .length of bfr_max, when it actually has .length of bfr_len; DATE:2014-03-09
public Bry_bfr Mkr_rls() {
if (mkr_mgr != null) {
synchronized (this) {
this.mkr_mgr = null;
this.mkr_idx = -1;
return this;
public void Clear_and_rls() {
public String To_str_and_rls() {return String_.new_u8(To_bry_and_rls());}
public byte[] To_bry_and_rls() {
byte[] rv = null;
synchronized (bfr) {
rv = To_bry();
if (reset > 0) Reset_if_gt(reset);
synchronized (this) { // SAME: Mkr_rls()
mkr_idx = -1; // TS: DATE:2016-07-06
mkr_mgr = null;
return rv;
public Bry_bfr Reset_(int v) {reset = v; return this;}
public Bry_bfr Reset_if_gt(int limit) {
if (bfr_max > limit) {
this.bfr_max = limit;
this.bfr = new byte[limit];
bfr_len = 0;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Clear() {
synchronized (this) {
this.bfr_len = 0;
return this;
public Bry_bfr ClearAndReset() {bfr_len = 0; if (reset > 0) Reset_if_gt(reset); return this;}
public byte Get_at_last_or_nil_if_empty() {return bfr_len == 0 ? AsciiByte.Null : bfr[bfr_len - 1];}
public Bry_bfr Add_safe(byte[] val) {return val == null ? this : Add(val);}
public Bry_bfr Add(byte[] val) {
int val_len = val.length;
if (bfr_len + val_len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + val_len) * 2);
Bry_.Copy_to(val, 0, val_len, bfr, bfr_len);
// ArrayUtl.Copy_to(val, 0, bfr, bfr_len, val_len);
bfr_len += val_len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_mid(byte[] val, int bgn, int end) {
int len = end - bgn;
if (len < 0) throw Err_.new_wo_type("negative len", "bgn", bgn, "end", end, "excerpt", String_.new_u8__by_len(val, bgn, bgn + 16)); // NOTE: check for invalid end < bgn, else difficult to debug errors later; DATE:2014-05-11
if (bfr_len + len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + len) * 2);
Bry_.Copy_to(val, bgn, end, bfr, bfr_len);
// ArrayUtl.Copy_to(val, bgn, bfr, bfr_len, len);
bfr_len += len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_reverse_mid(byte[] val, int bgn, int end) {
int len = end - bgn;
if (len < 0) throw Err_.new_wo_type("negative len", "bgn", bgn, "end", end, "excerpt", String_.new_u8__by_len(val, bgn, bgn + 16)); // NOTE: check for invalid end < bgn, else difficult to debug errors later; DATE:2014-05-11
if (bfr_len + len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + len) * 2);
Bry_.Copy_to_reversed(val, bgn, end, bfr, bfr_len);
// ArrayUtl.Copy_to(val, bgn, bfr, bfr_len, len);
bfr_len += len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_mid_w_swap(byte[] val, int bgn, int end, byte swap_src, byte swap_trg) {
int len = end - bgn;
if (len < 0) throw Err_.new_wo_type("negative len", "bgn", bgn, "end", end, "excerpt", String_.new_u8__by_len(val, bgn, bgn + 16)); // NOTE: check for invalid end < bgn, else difficult to debug errors later; DATE:2014-05-11
if (bfr_len + len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + len) * 2);
int val_len = end - bgn;
for (int i = 0; i < val_len; ++i) {
byte b = val[i + bgn]; if (b == swap_src) b = swap_trg;
bfr[i + bfr_len] = b;
bfr_len += len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_ref_obj(Bry_obj_ref v) {v.Bfr_arg__add(this); return this;}
public Bry_bfr Add_bfr_and_preserve(Bry_bfr src) {
int len = src.bfr_len;
if (bfr_len + len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + len) * 2);
Bry_.Copy_to(src.bfr, 0, len, bfr, bfr_len);
// ArrayUtl.Copy_to(src.bfr, 0, bfr, bfr_len, len);
bfr_len += len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bfr_and_clear(Bry_bfr src) {
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bfr_or_mid(boolean escaped, Bry_bfr tmp_bfr, byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {
return escaped
? this.Add_bfr_and_clear(tmp_bfr)
: this.Add_mid(src, src_bgn, src_end);
public Bry_bfr Add_bfr_trim_and_clear(Bry_bfr src, boolean trim_bgn, boolean trim_end) {return Add_bfr_trim_and_clear(src, trim_bgn, trim_end, Bry_.Trim_ary_ws);}
public Bry_bfr Add_bfr_trim_and_clear(Bry_bfr src, boolean trim_bgn, boolean trim_end, byte[] trim_ary) {
int src_len = src.bfr_len;
if (bfr_len + src_len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + src_len) * 2);
byte[] src_bry = src.Bfr();
int src_bgn = 0, src_end = src_len;
boolean all_ws = true;
if (trim_bgn) {
for (int i = 0; i < src_len; i++) {
byte b = src_bry[i];
if (trim_ary[b & 0xFF] == AsciiByte.Null) {
src_bgn = i;
i = src_len;
all_ws = false;
if (all_ws) return this;
if (trim_end) {
for (int i = src_len - 1; i > -1; i--) {
byte b = src_bry[i];
if (trim_ary[b & 0xFF] == AsciiByte.Null) {
src_end = i + 1;
i = -1;
all_ws = false;
if (all_ws) return this;
src_len = src_end - src_bgn;
Bry_.Copy_to(src.bfr, src_bgn, src_end, bfr, bfr_len);
// ArrayUtl.Copy_to(src.bfr, src_bgn, bfr, bfr_len, src_len);
bfr_len += src_len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_as_a7(byte v) {return Add_byte((byte)(v + AsciiByte.Num0));}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_eq() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Eq);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_pipe() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Pipe);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_comma() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Comma);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_semic() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Semic);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_apos() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Apos);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_slash() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Slash);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_backslash() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Backslash);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_quote() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Quote);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_space() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Space);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_nl() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Nl);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_dot() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Dot);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_colon() {return Add_byte(AsciiByte.Colon);}
public Bry_bfr Add_byte(byte val) {
int new_pos = bfr_len + 1;
if (new_pos > bfr_max) Resize(bfr_len * 2);
bfr[bfr_len] = val;
bfr_len = new_pos;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_repeat(byte b, int len) {
if (bfr_len + len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + len) * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
bfr[i + bfr_len] = b;
bfr_len += len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_if_not_last(byte b) {
if (bfr_len == 0 || (bfr_len > 0 && bfr[bfr_len - 1] == b)) return this;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_byte_variable(byte v) {return Add_int_variable(v);}
public Bry_bfr Add_short_variable(short v) {return Add_int_variable(v);}
public Bry_bfr Add_u8_int(int val) {
if (bfr_len + 4 > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + 4) * 2);
int utf8_len = gplx.core.intls.Utf16_.Encode_int(val, bfr, bfr_len);
bfr_len += utf8_len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bool(boolean v) {return Add(v ? BoolUtl.TrueBry : BoolUtl.FalseBry);}
public Bry_bfr Add_int_bool(boolean v) {return Add_int_fixed(v ? 1 : 0, 1);}
public Bry_bfr Add_int_variable(int val) {
if (val < 0) {
return this;
int log10 = Int_.Log10(val);
int slots = val > -1 ? log10 + 1 : log10 * -1 + 2;
return Add_int(val, log10, slots);
public Bry_bfr Add_int_pad_bgn(byte pad_byte, int str_len, int val) {
int digit_len = Int_.DigitCount(val);
int pad_len = str_len - digit_len;
if (pad_len > 0) // note that this skips pad_len == 0, as well as guarding against negative pad_len; EX: pad(" ", 3, 1234) -> "1234"
Add_byte_repeat(pad_byte, pad_len);
Add_int_fixed(val, digit_len);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_int_digits(int digits, int val) {return Add_int(val, Int_.Log10(val), digits);}
public Bry_bfr Add_int_fixed(int val, int digits) {return Add_int(val, Int_.Log10(val), digits);}
public Bry_bfr Add_int(int val, int valLog, int arySlots) {
int aryBgn = bfr_len, aryEnd = bfr_len + arySlots;
if (aryEnd > bfr_max) Resize((aryEnd) * 2);
if (val < 0) {
bfr[aryBgn++] = AsciiByte.Dash;
val *= -1; // make positive
valLog *= -1; // valLog will be negative; make positive
arySlots -= 1; // reduce slot by 1
if (valLog >= arySlots) {
val %= Int_.Log10Ary[arySlots];
for (int i = 0; i < arySlots; i++) {
int logIdx = arySlots - i - 1;
int div = logIdx < Int_.Log10AryLen ? Int_.Log10Ary[logIdx] : Int_.Max_value;
bfr[aryBgn + i] = (byte)((val / div) + 48);
val %= div;
bfr_len = aryEnd;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_long_variable(long v) {int digitCount = Long_.DigitCount(v); return Add_long(v, digitCount, digitCount);}
public Bry_bfr Add_long_fixed(long val, int digits) {return Add_long(val, Long_.DigitCount(val), digits);}
protected Bry_bfr Add_long(long val, int digitCount, int arySlots) {
int aryBgn = bfr_len, aryEnd = bfr_len + arySlots;
if (aryEnd > bfr_max) Resize((aryEnd) * 2);
if (val < 0) {
bfr[aryBgn++] = AsciiByte.Dash;
val *= -1; // make positive
arySlots -= 1; // reduce slot by 1
if (digitCount >= arySlots) {
val %= Long_.Log10Ary[arySlots];
for (int i = 0; i < arySlots; i++) {
int logIdx = arySlots - i - 1;
long div = logIdx < Long_.Log10Ary_len ? Long_.Log10Ary[logIdx] : Long_.Max_value;
bfr[aryBgn + i] = (byte)((val / div) + 48);
val %= div;
bfr_len = aryEnd;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_comma(byte[] v) {return Add_bry(AsciiByte.Comma, v);}
public Bry_bfr Add_bry(byte dlm, byte[] v) {
if (v == null) return this;
int v_len = v.length;
for (int i = 0; i < v_len; i++) {
if (i != 0) this.Add_byte(dlm);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_escape(byte quote_byte, byte[] escape, byte[] val, int bgn, int end) { // used for xml_wtr; DATE:2015-04-09
boolean clean = true; // add with chunks of bytes instead of one-by-one
for (int i = bgn; i < end; ++i) {
byte b = val[i];
if (clean) {
if (b == quote_byte) {
clean = false;
this.Add_mid(val, bgn, i);
else {}
else {
if (b == quote_byte) this.Add(escape);
else this.Add_byte(b);
if (clean)
Add_mid(val, bgn, end);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_many(byte[]... val) {
int len = val.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte[] bry = val[i];
if (bry != null && bry.length > 0)
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_escape_html(byte[] val) {
if (val == null) return this;
return Add_bry_escape_html(val, 0, val.length);
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_escape_html(byte[] val, int bgn, int end) {
Bry_.Escape_html(this, BoolUtl.N, val, bgn, end);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_bry_escape_xml(byte[] val, int bgn, int end) {
Bry_.Escape_html(this, BoolUtl.Y, val, bgn, end);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_str_u8_w_nl(String s) {Add_str_u8(s); return Add_byte_nl();}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_u8_null(String s) {return Add_str_u8(s == null ? String_.Null_mark : s);}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_u8(String str) {
try {
int str_len = str.length();
int bry_len = Bry_.new_u8__by_len(str, str_len);
if (bfr_len + bry_len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + bry_len) * 2);
Bry_.new_u8__write(str, str_len, bfr, bfr_len);
bfr_len += bry_len;
return this;
catch (Exception e) {throw Err_.new_exc(e, "core", "invalid UTF-8 sequence", "s", str);}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_u8_many(String... val) {
int len = val.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_str_u8_fmt(String fmt, Object... args) {
Add_str_u8(String_.Format(fmt, args));
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_str_a7_null(String s) {return Add_str_a7(s == null ? String_.Null_mark : s);}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_a7_w_nl(String s) {Add_str_a7(s); return Add_byte_nl();}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_a7(String str) {
try {
int bry_len = str.length();
if (bfr_len + bry_len > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + bry_len) * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < bry_len; ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
if (c > 128) c = '?';
bfr[i + bfr_len] = (byte)c;
bfr_len += bry_len;
return this;
catch (Exception e) {throw Err_.new_exc(e, "core", "invalid UTF-8 sequence", "s", str);}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_mid(String src, int bgn, int end) {
this.Add_str_u8(String_.Mid(src, bgn, end));
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_kv_dlm(boolean line, String key, Object val) {
this.Add_byte(line ? AsciiByte.Nl : AsciiByte.Tab);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_float(float f) {Add_str_a7(Float_.To_str(f)); return this;}
public Bry_bfr Add_double(double v) {Add_str_a7(Double_.To_str(v)); return this;}
public Bry_bfr Add_dte(DateAdp val) {return Add_dte_segs(AsciiByte.Space , val.Year(), val.Month(),val.Day(), val.Hour(), val.Minute(), val.Second(), val.Frac());}
public Bry_bfr Add_dte_under(DateAdp val) {return Add_dte_segs(AsciiByte.Underline, val.Year(), val.Month(),val.Day(), val.Hour(), val.Minute(), val.Second(), val.Frac());}
private Bry_bfr Add_dte_segs(byte spr, int y, int M, int d, int H, int m, int s, int f) { // yyyyMMdd HHmmss.fff
if (bfr_len + 19 > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_len + 19) * 2);
bfr[bfr_len + 0] = (byte)((y / 1000) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 1000;
bfr[bfr_len + 1] = (byte)((y / 100) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 100;
bfr[bfr_len + 2] = (byte)((y / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 3] = (byte)( y + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 4] = (byte)((M / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); M %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 5] = (byte)( M + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 6] = (byte)((d / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); d %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 7] = (byte)( d + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 8] = spr;
bfr[bfr_len + 9] = (byte)((H / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); H %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 10] = (byte)( H + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 11] = (byte)((m / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); m %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 12] = (byte)( m + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 13] = (byte)((s / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); s %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 14] = (byte)( s + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 15] = AsciiByte.Dot;
bfr[bfr_len + 16] = (byte)((f / 100) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); f %= 100;
bfr[bfr_len + 17] = (byte)((f / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); f %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 18] = (byte)( f + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr_len += 19;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_dte_utc(int y, int M, int d, int H, int m, int s, int f) { // yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
if (bfr_len + 20 > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_len + 20) * 2);
bfr[bfr_len + 0] = (byte)((y / 1000) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 1000;
bfr[bfr_len + 1] = (byte)((y / 100) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 100;
bfr[bfr_len + 2] = (byte)((y / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); y %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 3] = (byte)( y + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 4] = AsciiByte.Dash;
bfr[bfr_len + 5] = (byte)((M / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); M %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 6] = (byte)( M + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 7] = AsciiByte.Dash;
bfr[bfr_len + 8] = (byte)((d / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); d %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 9] = (byte)( d + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 10] = AsciiByte.Ltr_T;
bfr[bfr_len + 11] = (byte)((H / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); H %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 12] = (byte)( H + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 13] = AsciiByte.Colon;
bfr[bfr_len + 14] = (byte)((m / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); m %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 15] = (byte)( m + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 16] = AsciiByte.Colon;
bfr[bfr_len + 17] = (byte)((s / 10) + Bry_.Ascii_zero); s %= 10;
bfr[bfr_len + 18] = (byte)( s + Bry_.Ascii_zero);
bfr[bfr_len + 19] = AsciiByte.Ltr_Z;
bfr_len += 20;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_swap_ws(byte[] src) {return Add_swap_ws(src, 0, src.length);}
public Bry_bfr Add_swap_ws(byte[] src, int bgn, int end) {
int len = end - bgn;
if (bfr_len + (len * 2) > bfr_max) Resize((bfr_max + (len * 2)) * 2);
for (int i = bgn; i < end; i++) {
byte b = src[i];
switch (b) {
case AsciiByte.Nl: bfr[bfr_len] = AsciiByte.Backslash; bfr[bfr_len + 1] = AsciiByte.Ltr_n; bfr_len += 2; break;
case AsciiByte.Tab: bfr[bfr_len] = AsciiByte.Backslash; bfr[bfr_len + 1] = AsciiByte.Ltr_t; bfr_len += 2; break;
case AsciiByte.Backslash: bfr[bfr_len] = AsciiByte.Backslash; bfr[bfr_len + 1] = AsciiByte.Backslash; bfr_len += 2; break;
default: bfr[bfr_len] = b; ++bfr_len; break;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_str_pad_space_bgn(String v, int pad_max) {return Add_str_pad_space(v, pad_max, BoolUtl.N);}
public Bry_bfr Add_str_pad_space_end(String v, int pad_max) {return Add_str_pad_space(v, pad_max, BoolUtl.Y);}
Bry_bfr Add_str_pad_space(String v, int pad_max, boolean pad_end) {
byte[] v_bry = Bry_.new_u8(v);
if (pad_end) Add(v_bry);
int pad_len = pad_max - v_bry.length;
if (pad_len > 0)
Add_byte_repeat(AsciiByte.Space, pad_len);
if (!pad_end) Add(v_bry);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_obj(Object o) {
if (o == null) return this; // treat null as empty String;
Class<?> o_type = o.getClass();
if (o_type == byte[].class) Add((byte[])o);
else if (o_type == Integer.class) Add_int_variable(Int_.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Byte.class) Add_byte(Byte_.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Long.class) Add_long_variable(Long_.cast(o));
else if (o_type == String.class) Add_str_u8((String)o);
else if (o_type == Bry_bfr.class) Add_bfr_and_preserve((Bry_bfr)o);
else if (o_type == DateAdp.class) Add_dte((DateAdp)o);
else if (o_type == Io_url.class) Add(((Io_url)o).RawBry());
else if (o_type == Boolean.class) Add_yn(BoolUtl.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Double.class) Add_double(Double_.cast(o));
else if (o_type == Float.class) Add_float(Float_.cast(o));
else ((Bfr_arg)o).Bfr_arg__add(this);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_obj_strict(Object o) {
if (o == null) return this; // treat null as empty String;
Class<?> o_type = o.getClass();
if (o_type == byte[].class) Add((byte[])o);
else if (o_type == Integer.class) Add_int_variable(Int_.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Byte.class) Add_byte(Byte_.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Long.class) Add_long_variable(Long_.cast(o));
else if (o_type == String.class) Add_str_u8((String)o);
else if (o_type == Bry_bfr.class) Add_bfr_and_preserve((Bry_bfr)o);
else if (o_type == DateAdp.class) Add_dte((DateAdp)o);
else if (o_type == Io_url.class) Add(((Io_url)o).RawBry());
else if (o_type == Boolean.class) Add_bool(BoolUtl.Cast(o));
else if (o_type == Double.class) Add_double(Double_.cast(o));
else if (o_type == Float.class) Add_float(Float_.cast(o));
else ((Bfr_arg)o).Bfr_arg__add(this);
return this;
public Bry_bfr Add_yn(boolean v) {Add_byte(v ? AsciiByte.Ltr_y : AsciiByte.Ltr_n); return this;}
public Bry_bfr Add_base85_len_5(int v) {return Add_base85(v, 5);}
public Bry_bfr Add_base85(int v, int pad) {
int new_len = bfr_len + pad;
if (new_len > bfr_max) Resize((new_len) * 2);
Base85_.Set_bry(v, bfr, bfr_len, pad);
bfr_len = new_len;
return this;
public boolean Match_end_byt(byte b) {return bfr_len == 0 ? false : bfr[bfr_len - 1] == b;}
public boolean Match_end_byt_nl_or_bos() {return bfr_len == 0 ? true : bfr[bfr_len - 1] == AsciiByte.Nl;}
public boolean Match_end_ary(byte[] val) {return Bry_.Match(bfr, bfr_len - val.length, bfr_len, val);}
public Bry_bfr Insert_at(int add_pos, byte[] add_bry) {return Insert_at(add_pos, add_bry, 0, add_bry.length);}
public Bry_bfr Insert_at(int add_pos, byte[] add_bry, int add_bgn, int add_end) {
int add_len = add_end - add_bgn;
int new_max = bfr_max + add_len;
byte[] new_bfr = new byte[new_max];
if (add_pos > 0)
Bry_.Copy_to (bfr , 0, add_pos, new_bfr, 0);
Bry_.Copy_to (add_bry, add_bgn, add_end, new_bfr, add_pos);
Bry_.Copy_to (bfr , add_pos, bfr_len, new_bfr, add_pos + add_len);
bfr = new_bfr;
bfr_len += add_len;
bfr_max = new_max;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Delete_rng_to_bgn(int pos) {return Delete_rng(0, pos);}
public Bry_bfr Delete_rng_to_end(int pos) {return Delete_rng(pos, bfr_len);}
public Bry_bfr Delete_rng(int rng_bgn, int rng_end) {
int rng_len = rng_end - rng_bgn;
Bry_.Copy_to(bfr, rng_end, bfr_len, bfr, rng_bgn);
bfr_len -= rng_len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Del_by_1() {
bfr_len -= 1; bfr[bfr_len] = 0; return this;
public Bry_bfr Del_by(int count) {
int new_len = bfr_len - count;
if (new_len > -1) bfr_len = new_len;
return this;
public Bry_bfr Trim_end(byte trim_byte) {
if (bfr_len == 0) return this;
int count = 0;
for (int i = bfr_len - 1; i > -1; --i) {
byte b = bfr[i];
if (b == trim_byte)
if (count > 0)
return this;
public Bry_bfr Trim_end_ws() {
if (bfr_len == 0) return this;
int count = 0;
for (int i = bfr_len - 1; i > -1; --i) {
byte b = bfr[i];
if (Trim_end_ws_ary[b])
if (count > 0)
return this;
private static final boolean[] Trim_end_ws_ary = Trim_end_ws_new();
private static boolean[] Trim_end_ws_new() {
boolean[] rv = new boolean[256];
rv[32] = true;
rv[ 9] = true;
rv[10] = true;
rv[13] = true;
rv[11] = true;
return rv;
public Bry_bfr Concat_skip_empty(byte[] dlm, byte[]... val) {
int val_len = val.length;
for (int i = 0; i < val_len; i++) {
byte[] itm = val[i];
boolean itm_has_bytes = Bry_.Len_gt_0(itm);
if ( i != 0
&& itm_has_bytes
&& bfr_len > 0
if (itm_has_bytes)
return this;
public boolean Eq(byte b) {return bfr_len == 1 && bfr[0] == b;}
public byte[] To_bry(int bgn, int end) {return bfr_len == 0 ? Bry_.Empty : Bry_.Mid(bfr, bgn, end);}
public byte[] To_bry() {return bfr_len == 0 ? Bry_.Empty : Bry_.Mid(bfr, 0, bfr_len);}
public byte[] To_bry_and_clear_and_trim() {return To_bry_and_clear_and_trim(true, true, Bry_.Trim_ary_ws);}
public byte[] To_bry_and_clear_and_trim(boolean trim_bgn, boolean trim_end, byte[] trim_bry) {
byte[] rv = Bry_.Trim(bfr, 0, bfr_len, trim_bgn, trim_end, trim_bry, false); // NOTE: must not reuse bry; ISSUE#:562; DATE:2019-09-02
return rv;
public byte[] To_bry_and_clear() {
byte[] rv = To_bry();
if (reset > 0) Reset_if_gt(reset);
return rv;
public byte[] To_bry_and_clear_and_rls() {
byte[] rv = To_bry_and_clear();
return rv;
public byte[] To_reversed_bry_and_clear() {
int len = this.Len();
byte[] rv = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
rv[len - i - 1] = bfr[i];
if (reset > 0) Reset_if_gt(reset);
return rv;
public String To_str() {return String_.new_u8(To_bry());}
public String To_str_by_pos(int bgn, int end) {return String_.new_u8(To_bry(), bgn, end);}
public String To_str_and_clear() {return String_.new_u8(To_bry_and_clear());}
public String To_str_and_clear_and_trim() {return String_.new_u8(To_bry_and_clear_and_trim());}
public int To_int_and_clear(int or) {int rv = To_int(or); this.Clear(); return rv;}
public int To_int(int or) {
switch (bfr_len) {
case 0: return or;
case 1: {
byte b = bfr[0];
return AsciiByte.IsNum(b) ? b - AsciiByte.Num0 : or;
long rv = 0, mult = 1;
for (int i = bfr_len - 1; i > -1; i--) {
byte b = bfr[i];
if (!AsciiByte.IsNum(b)) return or;
long dif = (b - AsciiByte.Num0) * mult;
long new_val = rv + dif;
if (new_val > Int_.Max_value) return or; // if number is > 2^32 consider error (int overflow); return or; DATE:2014-06-10
rv = new_val;
mult *= 10;
return (int)rv;
public void Rls() {
bfr = null;
public byte[][] To_bry_ary_and_clear() {
if (bfr_len == 0) return Bry_.Ary_empty;
Int_list line_ends = Find_all(AsciiByte.Nl);
// create lines
int lines_len = line_ends.Len();
byte[][] rv = new byte[lines_len][];
int line_bgn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_len; ++i) {
int line_end = line_ends.Get_at(i);
rv[i] = Bry_.Mid(bfr, line_bgn, line_end);
line_bgn = line_end + 1;
return rv;
public String[] To_str_ary_and_clear() {
if (bfr_len == 0) return String_.Ary_empty;
Int_list line_ends = Find_all(AsciiByte.Nl);
// create lines
int lines_len = line_ends.Len();
String[] rv = new String[lines_len];
int line_bgn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_len; ++i) {
int line_end = line_ends.Get_at(i);
rv[i] = String_.new_u8(bfr, line_bgn, line_end);
line_bgn = line_end + 1;
return rv;
private Int_list Find_all(byte find) {
Int_list rv = new Int_list();
// scan bfr for nl
int line_bgn = 0, line_end = 0;
while (line_bgn < bfr_len) {
line_end = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(bfr, find, line_bgn, bfr_len);
if (line_end == Bry_find_.Not_found) { // no more \n; add bfr_end
else { // \n found; add it
line_bgn = line_end + 1;
return rv;
@Override public int hashCode() {return Bry_obj_ref.CalcHashCode(bfr, 0, bfr_len);}
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false; // NOTE: strange, but null check needed; throws null error; EX.WP: File:Eug<75>ne Delacroix - La libert<72> guidant le peuple.jpg
Bry_obj_ref comp = (Bry_obj_ref)obj;
return Bry_.Match(bfr, 0, bfr_len, comp.Val(), comp.Val_bgn(), comp.Val_end());
public void Resize(int v) {
bfr_max = v;
bfr = Bry_.Resize(bfr, 0, v);
public int Mkr_idx() {return mkr_idx;} private int mkr_idx = -1;
public boolean Mkr_idx_is_null() {return mkr_idx == -1;}
public int Bfr_max() {return bfr_max;} private int bfr_max;
public Bry_bfr Mkr_init(Bry_bfr_mkr_mgr mkr_mgr, int itm) {
synchronized (this) {
this.mkr_mgr = mkr_mgr; this.mkr_idx = itm;
return this;
protected Bry_bfr() {}
public Bry_bfr(int bfr_max) {
protected void Init(int bfr_max) {
this.bfr_max = bfr_max;
this.bfr = new byte[bfr_max];