You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

292 lines
11 KiB

package gplx.xowa;
import gplx.*;
import gplx.langs.mustaches.*;
//import gplx.langs.mustaches.Mustache_tkn_itm;
//import gplx.langs.mustaches.Mustache_tkn_parser;
import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
import gplx.langs.jsons.Json_nde;
import gplx.langs.jsons.Json_mustache;
import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.Xol_msg_mgr;
public class Db_Nav_template {
public Mustache_tkn_itm Navigation_root() {return navigation_root;} private Mustache_tkn_itm navigation_root;
private Xol_msg_mgr msg_mgr;
private Json_nde msgdata;
private Xowe_wiki wiki;
private static boolean once = true;
private static Mustache_tkn_itm menu_root;
public static void Build_Sidebar(Xowe_wiki wiki, Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] id, byte[] text, byte[] itms) {
if (once) {
once = false;
Io_url template_root = wiki.Appe().Fsys_mgr().Bin_any_dir().GenSubDir_nest("xowa", "xtns", "Skin-Vector", "templates");
Mustache_tkn_parser parser = new Mustache_tkn_parser(template_root);
menu_root = parser.Parse("Menu");
Json_nde data = s_getMenuData(wiki,
//Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
Mustache_render_ctx mctx = new Mustache_render_ctx().Init(data);
Mustache_bfr mbfr = Mustache_bfr.New_bfr(bfr);
menu_root.Render(mbfr, mctx);
// byte[] result = mbfr.To_bry_and_clear();
public void Init(Xowe_wiki wiki) {
Io_url template_root = wiki.Appe().Fsys_mgr().Bin_any_dir().GenSubDir_nest("xowa", "xtns", "Skin-Vector", "templates");
Mustache_tkn_parser parser = new Mustache_tkn_parser(template_root);
navigation_root = parser.Parse("Navigation"); = wiki;
msg_mgr = wiki.Lang().Msg_mgr();
private String[] msgs = new String[] {
//all thes messages should be preprocessed (per language) as $data["msg-{$message}"] = $this->msg( $message )->text();
private void build_msg() {
int msg_len = msgs.length;
msgdata = new Json_nde(null, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < msg_len; i++) {
String msg = msgs[i];
msgdata.Add( Json_mustache.Add_text("msg-" + msg, msg_mgr.Val_by_str_or_empty(msg)));
private void Test() {
Json_nde namespaces = new Json_nde(null, -1);
Json_nde jnde = new Json_nde(null, -1);
Json_mustache.Add_text("class", Bry_.new_a7("CLASS"))
,Json_mustache.Add_text("text", Bry_.new_a7("TEXT"))
,Json_mustache.Add_text("href", Bry_.new_a7("URL_str"))
,Json_mustache.Add_bool("exists", true)
,Json_mustache.Add_bool("primary", true)
,Json_mustache.Add_text("link-class", Bry_.Empty)
jnde.Add(Json_mustache.Add_text("context", Bry_.new_a7("subject")));
namespaces.Add(Json_mustache.Add_nde("subject", jnde));
//Json_nde data_namespaces = new Json_nde(null, -1);
msgdata.Add(Json_mustache.Add_nde("data-namespace-tabs", getMenuData(
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
Mustache_render_ctx mctx = new Mustache_render_ctx().Init(msgdata);
Mustache_bfr mbfr = Mustache_bfr.New_bfr(tmp_bfr);
navigation_root.Render(mbfr, mctx);
byte[] result = mbfr.To_bry_and_clear();
/* Vector/SkinVector.php */
private static byte[][] extraClasses = new byte[][] {
Bry_.new_a7("vector-menu vector-menu-dropdown vectorMenu"),
Bry_.new_a7("vector-menu vector-menu-tabs vectorTabs"),
Bry_.new_a7("vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal"),
private Json_nde getMenuData(byte[] label, Json_nde urls, int type) { return getMenuData(label, urls, type, false); }
private Json_nde getMenuData(byte[] label, Json_nde urls, int type, boolean setLabelToSelected) {
private function getMenuData(
string $label,
array $urls = [],
int $type = self::MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT,
bool $setLabelToSelected = false
) : array {
$skin = $this->getSkin();
$extraClasses = [
self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN => 'vector-menu vector-menu-dropdown vectorMenu',
self::MENU_TYPE_TABS => 'vector-menu vector-menu-tabs vectorTabs',
self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL => 'vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal',
self::MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT => 'vector-menu',
// A list of classes to apply the list element and override the default behavior.
$listClasses = [
// `.menu` is on the portal for historic reasons.
// It should not be applied elsewhere per T253329.
self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN => 'menu vector-menu-content-list',
$isPortal = $type === self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL;
boolean isPortal = type == MENU_TYPE_PORTAL;
// For some menu items, there is no language key corresponding with its menu key.
// These inconsitencies are captured in MENU_LABEL_KEYS
$msgObj = $skin->msg( self::MENU_LABEL_KEYS[ $label ] ?? $label );
$props = [
'id' => "p-$label",
byte[] listClasses;
byte[] msg = label; // for now
byte[] linkertooltip = Bry_.Empty;
listClasses = Bry_.new_a7("menu vector-menu-content-list");
listClasses = Bry_.new_a7("vector-menu-content-list");
byte[] plabel = Bry_.Add(Bry_.new_a7("p-"), label);
Json_nde props = new Json_nde(null, -1);
Json_mustache.Add_text("id", plabel)
'label-id' => "p-{$label}-label",
,Json_mustache.Add_text("label-id", Bry_.Add(plabel, Bry_.new_a7("-label")))
// If no message exists fallback to plain text (T252727)
'label' => $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $label,
,Json_mustache.Add_text("label", msg)
'list-classes' => $listClasses[$type] ?? 'vector-menu-content-list',
,Json_mustache.Add_text("list-classes", listClasses)
'html-items' => '',
'is-dropdown' => $type === self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN,
,Json_mustache.Add_bool("is-dropdown", type == MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN)
,Json_mustache.Add_text("html-tooltip", wiki.Msg_mgr().Val_html_accesskey_and_title(plabel))
'html-tooltip' => Linker::tooltip( 'p-' . $label ),
,Json_mustache.Add_text("html-tooltip", linkertooltip)
foreach ( $urls as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-items'] .= $this->getSkin()->makeListItem( $key, $item );
// Check the class of the item for a `selected` class and if so, propagate the items
// label to the main label.
if ( $setLabelToSelected ) {
if ( isset( $item['class'] ) && stripos( $item['class'], 'selected' ) !== false ) {
$props['label'] = $item['text'];
props.Add(Json_mustache.Add_text("html-items", Bry_.new_u8("<li id=\"ca-nstab-main\" class=\"selected\"><a href=\"/wiki/Main_Page\" title=\"View the content page [c]\" accesskey=\"c\">Main Page</a></li>")));
$afterPortal = '';
if ( $isPortal ) {
// The BaseTemplate::getAfterPortlet method ran the SkinAfterPortlet
// hook and if content is added appends it to the html-after-portal method.
// This replicates that historic behaviour.
// This code should eventually be upstreamed to SkinMustache in core.
// Currently in production this supports the Wikibase 'edit' link.
$content = $this->getAfterPortlet( $label );
if ( $content !== '' ) {
$afterPortal = Html::rawElement(
[ 'class' => [ 'after-portlet', 'after-portlet-' . $label ] ],
$props['html-after-portal'] = $afterPortal;
// Mark the portal as empty if it has no content
$class = ( count( $urls ) == 0 && !$props['html-after-portal'] )
? 'vector-menu-empty emptyPortlet' : '';
$props['class'] = trim( "$class $extraClasses[$type]" );
return $props;
props.Add(Json_mustache.Add_text("class", extraClasses[type]));
return props;
private static Json_nde s_getMenuData(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] label, byte[] urls, int type) { return s_getMenuData(wiki, label, urls, type, false); }
private static Json_nde s_getMenuData(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] label, byte[] urls, int type, boolean setLabelToSelected) {
boolean isPortal = type == MENU_TYPE_PORTAL;
byte[] listClasses;
byte[] msg = label; // for now
byte[] linkertooltip = Bry_.Empty;
listClasses = Bry_.new_a7("menu vector-menu-content-list");
listClasses = Bry_.new_a7("vector-menu-content-list");
byte[] plabel = Bry_.Add(Bry_.new_a7("p-"), label);
Json_nde props = new Json_nde(null, -1);
Json_mustache.Add_text("id", plabel)
,Json_mustache.Add_text("label-id", Bry_.Add(plabel, Bry_.new_a7("-label")))
,Json_mustache.Add_text("label", msg)
,Json_mustache.Add_text("list-classes", listClasses)
,Json_mustache.Add_bool("is-dropdown", type == MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN)
,Json_mustache.Add_text("html-tooltip", wiki.Msg_mgr().Val_html_accesskey_and_title(plabel))
,Json_mustache.Add_text("html-tooltip", linkertooltip)
foreach ( $urls as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-items'] .= $this->getSkin()->makeListItem( $key, $item );
// Check the class of the item for a `selected` class and if so, propagate the items
// label to the main label.
if ( $setLabelToSelected ) {
if ( isset( $item['class'] ) && stripos( $item['class'], 'selected' ) !== false ) {
$props['label'] = $item['text'];
props.Add(Json_mustache.Add_text("html-items", urls));
$afterPortal = '';
if ( $isPortal ) {
// The BaseTemplate::getAfterPortlet method ran the SkinAfterPortlet
// hook and if content is added appends it to the html-after-portal method.
// This replicates that historic behaviour.
// This code should eventually be upstreamed to SkinMustache in core.
// Currently in production this supports the Wikibase 'edit' link.
$content = $this->getAfterPortlet( $label );
if ( $content !== '' ) {
$afterPortal = Html::rawElement(
[ 'class' => [ 'after-portlet', 'after-portlet-' . $label ] ],
$props['html-after-portal'] = $afterPortal;
// Mark the portal as empty if it has no content
$class = ( count( $urls ) == 0 && !$props['html-after-portal'] )
? 'vector-menu-empty emptyPortlet' : '';
$props['class'] = trim( "$class $extraClasses[$type]" );
return $props;
props.Add(Json_mustache.Add_text("class", extraClasses[type]));
return props;