You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1339 lines
45 KiB

XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2020
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.mediawiki.includes;
// MW.SRC:1.33.1
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.XophpArray;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.XophpArray_;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.XophpObject_;
import gplx.xowa.mediawiki.XophpString_;
* The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the
* URL or via a POSTed form stripping illegal input characters and
* normalizing Unicode sequences.
* @ingroup HTTP
public class XomwWebRequest {
protected XophpArray data, headers = XophpArray.New();
* Flag to make WebRequest::getHeader return an array of values.
* @since 1.26
public static final int GETHEADER_LIST = 1;
* The unique request ID.
* @var string
private static String reqId;
* Lazy-init response object
* @var WebResponse
// private XomwWebResponse response;
* Cached client IP address
* @var string
private String ip;
* The timestamp of the start of the request, with microsecond precision.
* @var float
protected float requestTime;
* Cached URL protocol
* @var string
protected String protocol;
// /**
// * @var SessionId|null Session ID to use for this
// * request. We can't save the session directly due to reference cycles not
// * working too well (slow GC in Zend and never collected in HHVM).
// */
// protected $sessionId = null;
/** @var bool Whether this HTTP request is "safe" (even if it is an HTTP post) */
protected boolean markedAsSafe = false;
private XophpArray _POST = XophpArray.New(); // XOMW:PHP_GLOBAL
private XophpArray _GET = XophpArray.New(); // XOMW:PHP_GLOBAL
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public XomwWebRequest() {
// this.requestTime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'];
// POST overrides GET data
// We don't use $_REQUEST here to avoid interference from cookies... = XophpArray_.array_merge(_POST, _GET);
// /**
// * Extract relevant query arguments from the http request uri's path
// * to be merged with the normal php provided query arguments.
// * Tries to use the REQUEST_URI data if available and parses it
// * according to the wiki's configuration looking for any known pattern.
// *
// * If the REQUEST_URI is not provided we'll fall back on the PATH_INFO
// * provided by the server if any and use that to set a 'title' parameter.
// *
// * @param string $want If this is not 'all', then the function
// * will return an empty array if it determines that the URL is
// * inside a rewrite path.
// *
// * @return array Any query arguments found in path matches.
// */
// public static function getPathInfo($want = 'all') {
// global $wgUsePathInfo;
// // PATH_INFO is mangled due to
// // And also by Apache 2.x, double slashes are converted to single slashes.
// // So we will use REQUEST_URI if possible.
// $matches = [];
// if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
// // Slurp out the path portion to examine...
// $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// if (!preg_match('!^https?://!', $url)) {
// $url = 'http://unused' . $url;
// }
// Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
// $a = parse_url($url);
// Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
// if ($a) {
// $path = $a['path'] ?? '';
// global $wgScript;
// if ($path == $wgScript && $want !== 'all') {
// // Script inside a rewrite path?
// // Abort to keep from breaking...
// return $matches;
// }
// $router = new PathRouter;
// // Raw PATH_INFO style
// $router.add("$wgScript/$1");
// if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])
// && preg_match('/\.php/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])
// ) {
// # Check for SCRIPT_NAME, we handle index.php explicitly
// # But we do have some other .php files such as img_auth.php
// # Don't let root article paths clober the parsing for them
// $router.add($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "/$1");
// }
// global $wgArticlePath;
// if ($wgArticlePath) {
// $router.add($wgArticlePath);
// }
// global $wgActionPaths;
// if ($wgActionPaths) {
// $router.add($wgActionPaths, [ 'action' => '$key' ]);
// }
// global $wgVariantArticlePath;
// if ($wgVariantArticlePath) {
// $router.add($wgVariantArticlePath,
// [ 'variant' => '$2' ],
// [ '$2' => MediaWikiServices::getInstance().getContentLanguage().
// getVariants() ]
// );
// }
// Hooks::run('WebRequestPathInfoRouter', [ $router ]);
// $matches = $router.parse($path);
// }
// } elseif ($wgUsePathInfo) {
// if (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'] != '') {
// // Mangled PATH_INFO
// //
// // Also reported when ini_get('cgi.fix_pathinfo')==false
// $matches['title'] = substr($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'], 1);
// } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '') {
// // Regular old PATH_INFO yay
// $matches['title'] = substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1);
// }
// }
// return $matches;
// }
// /**
// * Work out an appropriate URL prefix containing scheme and host, based on
// * information detected from $_SERVER
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public static function detectServer() {
// global $wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts;
// $proto = self::detectProtocol();
// $stdPort = $proto === 'https' ? 443 : 80;
// $host = 'localhost';
// $port = $stdPort;
// foreach ($varNames as $varName) {
// if (!isset($_SERVER[$varName])) {
// continue;
// }
// $parts = IP::splitHostAndPort($_SERVER[$varName]);
// if (!$parts) {
// // Invalid, do not use
// continue;
// }
// $host = $parts[0];
// if ($wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])) {
// // T72021: Assume that upstream proxy is running on the default
// // port based on the protocol. We have no reliable way to determine
// // the actual port in use upstream.
// $port = $stdPort;
// } elseif ($parts[1] === false) {
// if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
// $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
// } // else leave it as $stdPort
// } else {
// $port = $parts[1];
// }
// break;
// }
// return $proto . '://' . IP::combineHostAndPort($host, $port, $stdPort);
// }
// /**
// * Detect the protocol from $_SERVER.
// * This is for use prior to Setup.php, when no WebRequest object is available.
// * At other times, use the non-static function getProtocol().
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public static function detectProtocol() {
// if ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') ||
// $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https')) {
// return 'https';
// } else {
// return 'http';
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get the number of seconds to have elapsed since request start,
// * in fractional seconds, with microsecond resolution.
// *
// * @return float
// * @since 1.25
// */
// public function getElapsedTime() {
// return microtime(true) - this.requestTime;
// }
// /**
// * Get the unique request ID.
// * This is either the value of the UNIQUE_ID envvar (if present) or a
// * randomly-generated 24-character string.
// *
// * @return string
// * @since 1.27
// */
// public static function getRequestId() {
// // This method is called from various error handlers and should be kept simple.
// if (!self::$reqId) {
// self::$reqId = $_SERVER['UNIQUE_ID'] ?? wfRandomString(24);
// }
// return self::$reqId;
// }
// /**
// * Override the unique request ID. This is for sub-requests, such as jobs,
// * that wish to use the same id but are not part of the same execution context.
// *
// * @param string $id
// * @since 1.27
// */
// public static function overrideRequestId($id) {
// self::$reqId = $id;
// }
// /**
// * Get the current URL protocol (http or https)
// * @return string
// */
// public function getProtocol() {
// if (this.protocol === null) {
// this.protocol = self::detectProtocol();
// }
// return this.protocol;
// }
// /**
// * Check for title, action, and/or variant data in the URL
// * and interpolate it into the GET variables.
// * This should only be run after the content language is available,
// * as we may need the list of language variants to determine
// * available variant URLs.
// */
// public function interpolateTitle() {
// // T18019: title interpolation on API queries is useless and sometimes harmful
// if (defined('MW_API')) {
// return;
// }
// $matches = self::getPathInfo('title');
// foreach ($matches as $key => $val) {
//[$key] = $_GET[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key] = $val;
// }
// }
// /**
// * URL rewriting function; tries to extract page title and,
// * optionally, one other fixed parameter value from a URL path.
// *
// * @param string $path The URL path given from the client
// * @param array $bases One or more URLs, optionally with $1 at the end
// * @param string|bool $key If provided, the matching key in $bases will be
// * passed on as the value of this URL parameter
// * @return array Array of URL variables to interpolate; empty if no match
// */
// static function extractTitle($path, $bases, $key = false) {
// foreach ((array)$bases as $keyValue => $base) {
// // Find the part after $wgArticlePath
// $base = str_replace('$1', '', $base);
// $baseLen = strlen($base);
// if (substr($path, 0, $baseLen) == $base) {
// $raw = substr($path, $baseLen);
// if ($raw !== '') {
// $matches = [ 'title' => rawurldecode($raw) ];
// if ($key) {
// $matches[$key] = $keyValue;
// }
// return $matches;
// }
// }
// }
// return [];
// }
// /**
// * Recursively normalizes UTF-8 strings in the given array.
// *
// * @param string|array $data
// * @return array|string Cleaned-up version of the given
// * @private
// */
// public function normalizeUnicode($data) {
// if (is_array($data)) {
// foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
// $data[$key] = this.normalizeUnicode($val);
// }
// } else {
// $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance().getContentLanguage();
// $data = $contLang ? $contLang.normalize($data) :
// UtfNormal\Validator::cleanUp($data);
// }
// return $data;
// }
* Fetch a value from the given array or return $default if it's not set.
* @param array $arr
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
private Object getGPCVal(XophpArray arr, String name, Object defaultVal) {
// PHP is so nice to not touch input data, except sometimes:
// Work around PHP *feature* to avoid *bugs* elsewhere.
name = XophpString_.strtr(name, ".", "_");
if (XophpArray_.isset(arr, name)) {
Object data = arr.Get_by(name);
if (XophpArray_.isset(_GET, name) && XophpString_.is_string(data)) {
// Check for alternate/legacy character encoding.
// $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance().getContentLanguage();
// $data = $contLang.checkTitleEncoding($data);
// $data = this.normalizeUnicode($data);
return data;
} else {
return defaultVal;
// /**
// * Fetch a scalar from the input without normalization, or return $default
// * if it's not set.
// *
// * Unlike self::getVal(), this does not perform any normalization on the
// * input value.
// *
// * @since 1.28
// * @param string $name
// * @param string|null $default
// * @return string|null
// */
// public function getRawVal($name, $default = null) {
// $name = strtr($name, '.', '_'); // See comment in self::getGPCVal()
// if (isset([$name]) && !is_array([$name])) {
// $val =[$name];
// } else {
// $val = $default;
// }
// if (is_null($val)) {
// return $val;
// } else {
// return (string)$val;
// }
// }
* Fetch a scalar from the input or return $default if it's not set.
* Returns a string. Arrays are discarded. Useful for
* non-freeform text inputs (e.g. predefined internal text keys
* selected by a drop-down menu). For freeform input, see getText().
* @param string $name
* @param string|null $default Optional default (or null)
* @return string|null
public String getVal(String name) {return getVal(name, null);}
public String getVal(String name, String defaultVal) {
Object val = this.getGPCVal(, name, defaultVal);
if (XophpArray.is_array(val)) {
val = defaultVal;
if (XophpObject_.is_null(val)) {
return null;
} else {
return (String)val;
// /**
// * Set an arbitrary value into our get/post data.
// *
// * @param string $key Key name to use
// * @param mixed $value Value to set
// * @return mixed Old value if one was present, null otherwise
// */
// public function setVal($key, $value) {
// $ret =[$key] ?? null;
//[$key] = $value;
// return $ret;
// }
// /**
// * Unset an arbitrary value from our get/post data.
// *
// * @param string $key Key name to use
// * @return mixed Old value if one was present, null otherwise
// */
// public function unsetVal($key) {
// if (!isset([$key])) {
// $ret = null;
// } else {
// $ret =[$key];
// unset([$key]);
// }
// return $ret;
// }
// /**
// * Fetch an array from the input or return $default if it's not set.
// * If source was scalar, will return an array with a single element.
// * If no source and no default, returns null.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param array|null $default Optional default (or null)
// * @return array|null
// */
// public function getArray($name, $default = null) {
// $val = this.getGPCVal(, $name, $default);
// if (is_null($val)) {
// return null;
// } else {
// return (array)$val;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Fetch an array of integers, or return $default if it's not set.
// * If source was scalar, will return an array with a single element.
// * If no source and no default, returns null.
// * If an array is returned, contents are guaranteed to be integers.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param array|null $default Option default (or null)
// * @return array Array of ints
// */
// public function getIntArray($name, $default = null) {
// $val = this.getArray($name, $default);
// if (is_array($val)) {
// $val = array_map('intval', $val);
// }
// return $val;
// }
// /**
// * Fetch an integer value from the input or return $default if not set.
// * Guaranteed to return an integer; non-numeric input will typically
// * return 0.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param int $default
// * @return int
// */
// public function getInt($name, $default = 0) {
// return intval(this.getRawVal($name, $default));
// }
// /**
// * Fetch an integer value from the input or return null if empty.
// * Guaranteed to return an integer or null; non-numeric input will
// * typically return null.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @return int|null
// */
// public function getIntOrNull($name) {
// $val = this.getRawVal($name);
// return is_numeric($val)
// ? intval($val)
// : null;
// }
// /**
// * Fetch a floating point value from the input or return $default if not set.
// * Guaranteed to return a float; non-numeric input will typically
// * return 0.
// *
// * @since 1.23
// * @param string $name
// * @param float $default
// * @return float
// */
// public function getFloat($name, $default = 0.0) {
// return floatval(this.getRawVal($name, $default));
// }
// /**
// * Fetch a boolean value from the input or return $default if not set.
// * Guaranteed to return true or false, with normal PHP semantics for
// * boolean interpretation of strings.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param bool $default
// * @return bool
// */
// public function getBool($name, $default = false) {
// return (bool)this.getRawVal($name, $default);
// }
// /**
// * Fetch a boolean value from the input or return $default if not set.
// * Unlike getBool, the string "false" will result in boolean false, which is
// * useful when interpreting information sent from JavaScript.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param bool $default
// * @return bool
// */
// public function getFuzzyBool($name, $default = false) {
// return this.getBool($name, $default)
// && strcasecmp(this.getRawVal($name), 'false') !== 0;
// }
// /**
// * Return true if the named value is set in the input, whatever that
// * value is (even "0"). Return false if the named value is not set.
// * Example use is checking for the presence of check boxes in forms.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @return bool
// */
// public function getCheck($name) {
// # Checkboxes and buttons are only present when clicked
// # Presence connotes truth, absence false
// return this.getRawVal($name, null) !== null;
// }
// /**
// * Fetch a text string from the given array or return $default if it's not
// * set. Carriage returns are stripped from the text. This should generally
// * be used for form "<textarea>" and "<input>" fields, and for
// * user-supplied freeform text input.
// *
// * @param string $name
// * @param string $default Optional
// * @return string
// */
// public function getText($name, $default = '') {
// $val = this.getVal($name, $default);
// return str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $val);
// }
// /**
// * Extracts the given named values into an array.
// * If no arguments are given, returns all input values.
// * No transformation is performed on the values.
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function getValues() {
// $names = func_get_args();
// if (count($names) == 0) {
// $names = array_keys(;
// }
// $retVal = [];
// foreach ($names as $name) {
// $value = this.getGPCVal(, $name, null);
// if (!is_null($value)) {
// $retVal[$name] = $value;
// }
// }
// return $retVal;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the names of all input values excluding those in $exclude.
// *
// * @param array $exclude
// * @return array
// */
// public function getValueNames($exclude = []) {
// return array_diff(array_keys(this.getValues()), $exclude);
// }
// /**
// * Get the values passed in the query string.
// * No transformation is performed on the values.
// *
// * @codeCoverageIgnore
// * @return array
// */
// public function getQueryValues() {
// return $_GET;
// }
// /**
// * Get the values passed via POST.
// * No transformation is performed on the values.
// *
// * @since 1.32
// * @codeCoverageIgnore
// * @return array
// */
// public function getPostValues() {
// return $_POST;
// }
// /**
// * Return the contents of the Query with no decoding. Use when you need to
// * know exactly what was sent, e.g. for an OAuth signature over the elements.
// *
// * @codeCoverageIgnore
// * @return string
// */
// public function getRawQueryString() {
// return $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
// }
// /**
// * Return the contents of the POST with no decoding. Use when you need to
// * know exactly what was sent, e.g. for an OAuth signature over the elements.
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getRawPostString() {
// if (!this.wasPosted()) {
// return '';
// }
// return this.getRawInput();
// }
// /**
// * Return the raw request body, with no processing. Cached since some methods
// * disallow reading the stream more than once. As stated in the php docs, this
// * does not work with enctype="multipart/form-data".
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getRawInput() {
// static $input = null;
// if ($input === null) {
// $input = file_get_contents('php://input');
// }
// return $input;
// }
// /**
// * Get the HTTP method used for this request.
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getMethod() {
// return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'GET';
// }
// /**
// * Returns true if the present request was reached by a POST operation,
// * false otherwise (GET, HEAD, or command-line).
// *
// * Note that values retrieved by the object may come from the
// * GET URL etc even on a POST request.
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// public function wasPosted() {
// return this.getMethod() == 'POST';
// }
// /**
// * Return the session for this request
// *
// * This might unpersist an existing session if it was invalid.
// *
// * @since 1.27
// * @note For performance, keep the session locally if you will be making
// * much use of it instead of calling this method repeatedly.
// * @return Session
// */
// public function getSession() {
// if (this.sessionId !== null) {
// $session = SessionManager::singleton().getSessionById((string)this.sessionId, true, this);
// if ($session) {
// return $session;
// }
// }
// $session = SessionManager::singleton().getSessionForRequest(this);
// this.sessionId = $session.getSessionId();
// return $session;
// }
// /**
// * Set the session for this request
// * @since 1.27
// * @private For use by MediaWiki\Session classes only
// * @param SessionId $sessionId
// */
// public function setSessionId(SessionId $sessionId) {
// this.sessionId = $sessionId;
// }
// /**
// * Get the session id for this request, if any
// * @since 1.27
// * @private For use by MediaWiki\Session classes only
// * @return SessionId|null
// */
// public function getSessionId() {
// return this.sessionId;
// }
// /**
// * Get a cookie from the $_COOKIE jar
// *
// * @param string $key The name of the cookie
// * @param string|null $prefix A prefix to use for the cookie name, if not $wgCookiePrefix
// * @param mixed|null $default What to return if the value isn't found
// * @return mixed Cookie value or $default if the cookie not set
// */
// public function getCookie($key, $prefix = null, $default = null) {
// if ($prefix === null) {
// global $wgCookiePrefix;
// $prefix = $wgCookiePrefix;
// }
// return this.getGPCVal($_COOKIE, $prefix . $key, $default);
// }
// /**
// * Return the path and query string portion of the main request URI.
// * This will be suitable for use as a relative link in HTML output.
// *
// * @throws MWException
// * @return string
// */
// public static function getGlobalRequestURL() {
// // This method is called on fatal errors; it should not depend on anything complex.
// if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
// $base = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL'])
// && strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL'])
// ) {
// // Probably IIS; doesn't set REQUEST_URI
// } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
// $base = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
// if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '') {
// $base .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
// }
// } else {
// // This shouldn't happen!
// throw new MWException("Web server doesn't provide either " .
// "of your web server configuration to");
// }
// // User-agents should not send a fragment with the URI, but
// // if they do, and the web server passes it on to us, we
// // need to strip it or we get false-positive redirect loops
// // or weird output URLs
// $hash = strpos($base, '#');
// if ($hash !== false) {
// $base = substr($base, 0, $hash);
// }
// if ($base[0] == '/') {
// // More than one slash will look like it is protocol relative
// return preg_replace('!^/+!', '/', $base);
// } else {
// // We may get paths with a host prepended; strip it.
// return preg_replace('!^[^:]+://[^/]+/+!', '/', $base);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Return the path and query string portion of the request URI.
// * This will be suitable for use as a relative link in HTML output.
// *
// * @throws MWException
// * @return string
// */
// public function getRequestURL() {
// return self::getGlobalRequestURL();
// }
// /**
// * Return the request URI with the canonical service and hostname, path,
// * and query string. This will be suitable for use as an absolute link
// * in HTML or other output.
// *
// * If $wgServer is protocol-relative, this will return a fully
// * qualified URL with the protocol that was used for this request.
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getFullRequestURL() {
// return wfGetServerUrl(PROTO_CURRENT) . this.getRequestURL();
// }
// /**
// * @param string $key
// * @param string $value
// * @return string
// */
// public function appendQueryValue($key, $value) {
// return this.appendQueryArray([ $key => $value ]);
// }
// /**
// * Appends or replaces value of query variables.
// *
// * @param array $array Array of values to replace/add to query
// * @return string
// */
// public function appendQueryArray($array) {
// $newquery = this.getQueryValues();
// unset($newquery['title']);
// $newquery = array_merge($newquery, $array);
// return wfArrayToCgi($newquery);
// }
// /**
// * Check for limit and offset parameters on the input, and return sensible
// * defaults if not given. The limit must be positive and is capped at 5000.
// * Offset must be positive but is not capped.
// *
// * @param int $deflimit Limit to use if no input and the user hasn't set the option.
// * @param string $optionname To specify an option other than rclimit to pull from.
// * @return int[] First element is limit, second is offset
// */
// public function getLimitOffset($deflimit = 50, $optionname = 'rclimit') {
// global $wgUser;
// $limit = this.getInt('limit', 0);
// if ($limit < 0) {
// $limit = 0;
// }
// if (($limit == 0) && ($optionname != '')) {
// $limit = $wgUser.getIntOption($optionname);
// }
// if ($limit <= 0) {
// $limit = $deflimit;
// }
// if ($limit > 5000) {
// $limit = 5000; # We have *some* limits...
// }
// $offset = this.getInt('offset', 0);
// if ($offset < 0) {
// $offset = 0;
// }
// return [ $limit, $offset ];
// }
// /**
// * Return the path to the temporary file where PHP has stored the upload.
// *
// * @param string $key
// * @return string|null String or null if no such file.
// */
// public function getFileTempname($key) {
// $file = new WebRequestUpload(this, $key);
// return $file.getTempName();
// }
// /**
// * Return the upload error or 0
// *
// * @param string $key
// * @return int
// */
// public function getUploadError($key) {
// $file = new WebRequestUpload(this, $key);
// return $file.getError();
// }
// /**
// * Return the original filename of the uploaded file, as reported by
// * the submitting user agent. HTML-style character entities are
// * interpreted and normalized to Unicode normalization form C, in part
// * to deal with weird input from Safari with non-ASCII filenames.
// *
// * Other than this the name is not verified for being a safe filename.
// *
// * @param string $key
// * @return string|null String or null if no such file.
// */
// public function getFileName($key) {
// $file = new WebRequestUpload(this, $key);
// return $file.getName();
// }
// /**
// * Return a WebRequestUpload object corresponding to the key
// *
// * @param string $key
// * @return WebRequestUpload
// */
// public function getUpload($key) {
// return new WebRequestUpload(this, $key);
// }
// /**
// * Return a handle to WebResponse style object, for setting cookies,
// * headers and other stuff, for Request being worked on.
// *
// * @return WebResponse
// */
// public function response() {
// /* Lazy initialization of response object for this request */
// if (!is_object(this.response)) {
// $class = (this instanceof FauxRequest) ? FauxResponse::class : WebResponse::class;
// this.response = new $class();
// }
// return this.response;
// }
// /**
// * Initialise the header list
// */
// protected function initHeaders() {
// if (count(this.headers)) {
// return;
// }
// $apacheHeaders = function_exists('apache_request_headers') ? apache_request_headers() : false;
// if ($apacheHeaders) {
// foreach ($apacheHeaders as $tempName => $tempValue) {
// this.headers[strtoupper($tempName)] = $tempValue;
// }
// } else {
// foreach ($_SERVER as $name => $value) {
// if (substr($name, 0, 5) === 'HTTP_') {
// $name = str_replace('_', '-', substr($name, 5));
// this.headers[$name] = $value;
// } elseif ($name === 'CONTENT_LENGTH') {
// this.headers['CONTENT-LENGTH'] = $value;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get an array containing all request headers
// *
// * @return array Mapping header name to its value
// */
// public function getAllHeaders() {
// this.initHeaders();
// return this.headers;
// }
// /**
// * Get a request header, or false if it isn't set.
// *
// * @param string $name Case-insensitive header name
// * @param int $flags Bitwise combination of:
// * WebRequest::GETHEADER_LIST Treat the header as a comma-separated list
// * of values, as described in RFC 2616 § 4.2.
// * (since 1.26).
// * @return string|array|bool False if header is unset; otherwise the
// * header value(s) as either a string (the default) or an array, if
// * WebRequest::GETHEADER_LIST flag was set.
// */
// public function getHeader($name, $flags = 0) {
// this.initHeaders();
// $name = strtoupper($name);
// if (!isset(this.headers[$name])) {
// return false;
// }
// $value = this.headers[$name];
// if ($flags & self::GETHEADER_LIST) {
// $value = array_map('trim', explode(',', $value));
// }
// return $value;
// }
// /**
// * Get data from the session
// *
// * @note Prefer this.getSession() instead if making multiple calls.
// * @param string $key Name of key in the session
// * @return mixed
// */
// public function getSessionData($key) {
// return this.getSession().get($key);
// }
// /**
// * Set session data
// *
// * @note Prefer this.getSession() instead if making multiple calls.
// * @param string $key Name of key in the session
// * @param mixed $data
// */
// public function setSessionData($key, $data) {
// this.getSession().set($key, $data);
// }
// /**
// * Check if Internet Explorer will detect an incorrect cache extension in
// * PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING. If the request can't be allowed, show an error
// * message or redirect to a safer URL. Returns true if the URL is OK, and
// * false if an error message has been shown and the request should be aborted.
// *
// * @param array $extWhitelist
// * @throws HttpError
// * @return bool
// */
// public function checkUrlExtension($extWhitelist = []) {
// $extWhitelist[] = 'php';
// if (IEUrlExtension::areServerVarsBad($_SERVER, $extWhitelist)) {
// if (!this.wasPosted()) {
// $newUrl = IEUrlExtension::fixUrlForIE6(
// this.getFullRequestURL(), $extWhitelist);
// if ($newUrl !== false) {
// this.doSecurityRedirect($newUrl);
// return false;
// }
// }
// throw new HttpError(403,
// 'Invalid file extension found in the path info or query string.');
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Attempt to redirect to a URL with a QUERY_STRING that's not dangerous in
// * IE 6. Returns true if it was successful, false otherwise.
// *
// * @param string $url
// * @return bool
// */
// protected function doSecurityRedirect($url) {
// header('Location: ' . $url);
// header('Content-Type: text/html');
// $encUrl = htmlspecialchars($url);
// echo <<<HTML
// <!DOCTYPE html>
//<title>Security redirect</title>
//<h1>Security redirect</h1>
// We can't serve non-HTML content from the URL you have requested, because
// Internet Explorer would interpret it as an incorrect and potentially dangerous
// content type.</p>
//<p>Instead, please use <a href="$encUrl">this URL</a>, which is the same as the
// URL you have requested, except that "&amp;*" is appended. This prevents Internet
// Explorer from seeing a bogus file extension.
// </p>
// HTML;
// echo "\n";
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Parse the Accept-Language header sent by the client into an array
// *
// * @return array Array(languageCode => q-value) sorted by q-value in
// * descending order then appearing time in the header in ascending order.
// * May contain the "language" '*', which applies to languages other than those explicitly listed.
// * This is aligned with rfc2616 section 14.4
// * Preference for earlier languages appears in rfc3282 as an extension to HTTP/1.1.
// */
// public function getAcceptLang() {
// // Modified version of code found at
// //
// $acceptLang = this.getHeader('Accept-Language');
// if (!$acceptLang) {
// return [];
// }
// // Return the language codes in lower case
// $acceptLang = strtolower($acceptLang);
// // Break up string into pieces (languages and q factors)
// $lang_parse = null;
// preg_match_all(
// '/([a-z]{1,8}(-[a-z]{1,8})*|\*)\s*(;\s*q\s*=\s*(1(\.0{0,3})?|0(\.[0-9]{0,3})?)?)?/',
// $acceptLang,
// $lang_parse
// );
// if (!count($lang_parse[1])) {
// return [];
// }
// $langcodes = $lang_parse[1];
// $qvalues = $lang_parse[4];
// $indices = range(0, count($lang_parse[1]) - 1);
// // Set default q factor to 1
// foreach ($indices as $index) {
// if ($qvalues[$index] === '') {
// $qvalues[$index] = 1;
// } elseif ($qvalues[$index] == 0) {
// unset($langcodes[$index], $qvalues[$index], $indices[$index]);
// }
// }
// // Sort list. First by $qvalues, then by order. Reorder $langcodes the same way
// array_multisort($qvalues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $indices, $langcodes);
// // Create a list like "en" => 0.8
// $langs = array_combine($langcodes, $qvalues);
// return $langs;
// }
// /**
// * Fetch the raw IP from the request
// *
// * @since 1.19
// *
// * @throws MWException
// * @return string
// */
// protected function getRawIP() {
// if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
// return null;
// }
// if (is_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) || strpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ',') !== false) {
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__
// . " : Could not determine the remote IP address due to multiple values.");
// } else {
// $ipchain = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// }
// return IP::canonicalize($ipchain);
// }
// /**
// * Work out the IP address based on various globals
// * For trusted proxies, use the XFF client IP (first of the chain)
// *
// * @since 1.19
// *
// * @throws MWException
// * @return string
// */
// public function getIP() {
// global $wgUsePrivateIPs;
// # Return cached result
// if (this.ip !== null) {
// return this.ip;
// }
// # collect the originating ips
// $ip = this.getRawIP();
// if (!$ip) {
// throw new MWException('Unable to determine IP.');
// }
// # Append XFF
// $forwardedFor = this.getHeader('X-Forwarded-For');
// if ($forwardedFor !== false) {
// $proxyLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance().getProxyLookup();
// $isConfigured = $proxyLookup.isConfiguredProxy($ip);
// $ipchain = array_map('trim', explode(',', $forwardedFor));
// $ipchain = array_reverse($ipchain);
// array_unshift($ipchain, $ip);
// # Step through XFF list and find the last address in the list which is a
// # trusted server. Set $ip to the IP address given by that trusted server,
// # unless the address is not sensible (e.g. private). However, prefer private
// # IP addresses over proxy servers controlled by this site (more sensible).
// # Note that some XFF values might be "unknown" with Squid/Varnish.
// foreach ($ipchain as $i => $curIP) {
// $curIP = IP::sanitizeIP(IP::canonicalize($curIP));
// if (!$curIP || !isset($ipchain[$i + 1]) || $ipchain[$i + 1] === 'unknown'
// || !$proxyLookup.isTrustedProxy($curIP)
// ) {
// break; // IP is not valid/trusted or does not point to anything
// }
// if (
// IP::isPublic($ipchain[$i + 1]) ||
// $wgUsePrivateIPs ||
// $proxyLookup.isConfiguredProxy($curIP) // T50919; treat IP as sane
// ) {
// // Follow the next IP according to the proxy
// $nextIP = IP::canonicalize($ipchain[$i + 1]);
// if (!$nextIP && $isConfigured) {
// // We have not yet made it past CDN/proxy servers of this site,
// // so either they are misconfigured or there is some IP spoofing.
// throw new MWException("Invalid IP given in XFF '$forwardedFor'.");
// }
// $ip = $nextIP;
// // keep traversing the chain
// continue;
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// # Allow extensions to improve our guess
// Hooks::run('GetIP', [ &$ip ]);
// if (!$ip) {
// throw new MWException("Unable to determine IP.");
// }
// wfDebug("IP: $ip\n");
// this.ip = $ip;
// return $ip;
// }
// /**
// * @param string $ip
// * @return void
// * @since 1.21
// */
// public function setIP($ip) {
// this.ip = $ip;
// }
// /**
// * Check if this request uses a "safe" HTTP method
// *
// * Safe methods are verbs (e.g. GET/HEAD/OPTIONS) used for obtaining content. Such requests
// * are not expected to mutate content, especially in ways attributable to the client. Verbs
// * like POST and PUT are typical of non-safe requests which often change content.
// *
// * @return bool
// * @see
// * @see
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function hasSafeMethod() {
// if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
// return false; // CLI mode
// }
// return in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' ]);
// }
// /**
// * Whether this request should be identified as being "safe"
// *
// * This means that the client is not requesting any state changes and that database writes
// * are not inherently required. Ideally, no visible updates would happen at all. If they
// * must, then they should not be publicly attributed to the end user.
// *
// * In more detail:
// * - Cache populations and refreshes MAY occur.
// * - Private user session updates and private server logging MAY occur.
// * - Updates to private viewing activity data MAY occur via DeferredUpdates.
// * - Other updates SHOULD NOT occur (e.g. modifying content assets).
// *
// * @return bool
// * @see
// * @see
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function isSafeRequest() {
// if (this.markedAsSafe && this.wasPosted()) {
// return true; // marked as a "safe" POST
// }
// return this.hasSafeMethod();
// }
// /**
// * Mark this request as identified as being nullipotent even if it is a POST request
// *
// * POST requests are often used due to the need for a client payload, even if the request
// * is otherwise equivalent to a "safe method" request.
// *
// * @see
// * @see
// * @since 1.28
// */
// public function markAsSafeRequest() {
// this.markedAsSafe = true;
// }