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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2020
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
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Apache License:
package gplx.langs.mustaches;
import gplx.Bry_;
import gplx.Bry_find_;
import gplx.Byte_ascii;
import gplx.Err;
import gplx.Err_;
import gplx.Io_mgr;
import gplx.Io_url;
import gplx.List_adp;
import gplx.List_adp_;
public class Mustache_tkn_parser {
private byte[] src; private int src_end;
private Io_url template_root;
private final Mustache_tkn_def tkn_def = new Mustache_tkn_def();
public Mustache_tkn_parser() {
public Mustache_tkn_parser(Io_url template_root) {
this.template_root = template_root;
public Mustache_tkn_itm Parse(String template) { return Parse(template, Bry_.Empty); }
public Mustache_tkn_itm Parse(String template, byte[] default_text) {
byte[] template_data = Io_mgr.Instance.LoadFilBryOr(template_root.GenSubFil_nest(template + ".mustache"), default_text);
return Parse(template_data, 0, template_data.length);
public Mustache_tkn_itm Parse(byte[] src) {return Parse(src, 0, src.length);}
public Mustache_tkn_itm Parse(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {
this.src = src; this.src_end = src_end;
Mustache_tkn_root root = new Mustache_tkn_root();
Parse_grp(root, src_bgn);
return root;
private int Parse_grp(Mustache_tkn_itm owner, int src_bgn) {
List_adp subs_list = List_adp_.New();
int txt_bgn = src_bgn;
boolean end_grp = false;
while (true) {// loop for "{{"
int lhs_bgn = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(src, tkn_def.Variable_lhs, txt_bgn, src_end); // next "{{"
if (lhs_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) { // no more "{{"
subs_list.Add(new Mustache_tkn_text(src, txt_bgn, src_end)); // add everything between prv "}}" and cur "{{"
int lhs_end = lhs_bgn + tkn_def.Variable_lhs_len;
Mustache_tkn_data tkn_data = new Mustache_tkn_data(src[lhs_end]); // preview tkn
lhs_end += tkn_data.lhs_end_adj;
int rhs_bgn = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(src, tkn_def.Variable_rhs, lhs_end, src_end); // next "}}"
if (rhs_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) throw Fail(lhs_bgn, "unclosed tag"); // fail if no "}}"
int rhs_end = rhs_bgn + tkn_def.Variable_rhs_len;
if (tkn_data.rhs_bgn_chk != Byte_ascii.Null) {
if (src[rhs_bgn] != tkn_data.rhs_bgn_chk) throw Fail(lhs_end, "invalid check byte");
++rhs_end; // skip the chk_byte; note that bottom of function will skip "}}" by adding +2
int txt_end = lhs_bgn; // get text tkn
if (tkn_data.ws_ignore) {
int new_txt_bgn = Trim_bwd_to_nl(src, txt_bgn, txt_end);
if (new_txt_bgn != -1) {
int new_txt_end = Trim_fwd_to_nl(src, rhs_end, src_end);
if (new_txt_end != -1) {
txt_end = new_txt_bgn;
rhs_end = new_txt_end == src_end ? src_end : new_txt_end + 1;
if (txt_end > txt_bgn) // ignore 0-byte text tkns; occurs when consecutive tkns; EX: {{v1}}{{v2}} will try to create text tkn between "}}{{"
subs_list.Add(new Mustache_tkn_text(src, txt_bgn, txt_end)); // add everything between prv "}}" and cur "{{"
txt_bgn = Parse_itm(tkn_data, subs_list, lhs_end, rhs_bgn, rhs_end); // do parse
if (txt_bgn < 0) { // NOTE: txt_bgn < 0 means end grp
txt_bgn *= -1;
end_grp = true;
if (end_grp) break;
if (subs_list.Count() > 0) // don't create subs if no members
return txt_bgn;
private int Parse_itm(Mustache_tkn_data tkn_data, List_adp subs_list, int lhs_end, int rhs_bgn, int rhs_end) {
byte[] val_bry = Bry_.Mid(src, lhs_end, rhs_bgn);
Mustache_tkn_base tkn = null;
switch (tkn_data.tid) {
default: throw Err_.new_unhandled(tkn_data.tid);
case Mustache_tkn_def.Variable: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_variable(val_bry); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Comment: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_comment(); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Partial: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_partial(val_bry, template_root); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Delimiter_bgn: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_delimiter(val_bry); break; // TODO_OLD: implement delimiter; EX: {{=<% %>=}}
case Mustache_tkn_def.Escape_bgn: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_escape(val_bry); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Section: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_section(val_bry); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Inverted: tkn = new Mustache_tkn_inverted(val_bry); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Grp_end: {
return -(rhs_end); // pop the stack
if (tkn_data.parse_grp) {
return Parse_grp(tkn, rhs_end);
return rhs_end;
private Err Fail(int pos, String fmt, Object... args) {
return Err_.new_("mustache", fmt, "excerpt", Bry_.Mid_by_len_safe(src, pos, 32));
private static int Trim_bwd_to_nl(byte[] src, int txt_bgn, int txt_end) {
int stop = txt_bgn - 1;
int pos = txt_end - 1;
while (pos > stop) {
byte b = src[pos];
switch (b) {
case Byte_ascii.Tab:
case Byte_ascii.Space: --pos; break;
case Byte_ascii.Nl: return pos + 1; // 1 char after \n
default: return -1;
return -1;
private static int Trim_fwd_to_nl(byte[] src, int txt_bgn, int txt_end) {
int pos = txt_bgn;
while (pos < txt_end) {
byte b = src[pos];
switch (b) {
case Byte_ascii.Tab:
case Byte_ascii.Space: ++pos; break;
case Byte_ascii.Nl: return pos;
default: return -1;
return -1;
class Mustache_tkn_data {
public int tid;
public int lhs_end_adj;
public byte rhs_bgn_chk;
public boolean parse_grp;
public boolean ws_ignore;
public Mustache_tkn_data(byte b) {
tid = b;
parse_grp = ws_ignore = false;
lhs_end_adj = 1;
rhs_bgn_chk = Byte_ascii.Null;
switch (b) {
default: lhs_end_adj = 0; tid = Mustache_tkn_def.Variable; break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Comment:
case Mustache_tkn_def.Partial:
case Mustache_tkn_def.Grp_end: ws_ignore = true; break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Delimiter_bgn: rhs_bgn_chk = Mustache_tkn_def.Delimiter_end; break; // check for "=}}"; TODO_OLD: implement delimiter; EX: {{=<% %>=}}
case Mustache_tkn_def.Escape_bgn: rhs_bgn_chk = Mustache_tkn_def.Escape_end; break; // check for ""
case Mustache_tkn_def.Section:
case Mustache_tkn_def.Inverted: ws_ignore = true; parse_grp = true; break;