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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2020
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
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Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.patterns;
import gplx.Bry_bfr;
import gplx.Bry_bfr_;
import gplx.String_;
import gplx.langs.regxs.Regx_group;
import gplx.langs.regxs.Regx_match;
import gplx.objects.strings.unicodes.Ustring;
import gplx.objects.strings.unicodes.Ustring_;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr;
import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.Scrib_regx_converter;
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.Match_state;
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.Str_find_mgr__xowa;
class Scrib_pattern_matcher__xowa extends Scrib_pattern_matcher {
public Scrib_pattern_matcher__xowa(byte[] page_url) {}
@Override public Regx_match Match_one(Ustring src_ucs, String pat_str, int bgn_as_codes, boolean replace) {
regx_converter.patternToRegex(pat_str, Scrib_regx_converter.Anchor_pow, true);
Str_find_mgr__xowa mgr = new Str_find_mgr__xowa(src_ucs, Ustring_.New_codepoints(pat_str), bgn_as_codes, false, false);
// convert to Regx_match
int find_bgn = mgr.Bgn();
int find_end = mgr.End();
boolean found = find_bgn != -1;
if (found) {
find_bgn = src_ucs.Map_data_to_char(find_bgn);
find_end = src_ucs.Map_data_to_char(find_end);
Regx_group[] groups = Make_groups(src_ucs, mgr.Captures_ary());
return new Regx_match(found, find_bgn, find_end, groups);
@Override public String Gsub(Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr gsub_mgr, Ustring src_ucs, String pat_str, int bgn_as_codes) {
// get src vars
String src_str = src_ucs.Src();
int src_len = src_ucs.Len_in_data();
// TOMBSTONE:do not return early if String.empty; allows `string.gsub('', '$', 'a')` ISSUE#:731; DATE:2020-07-20
// if (src_len == 0) return src_str;
int src_max = src_len + 1;
// get pat vars
regx_converter.patternToRegex(pat_str, Scrib_regx_converter.Anchor_G, true);
Ustring pat = Ustring_.New_codepoints(pat_str);
int pat_len = pat.Len_in_data();
final boolean pat_is_anchored = pat_len > 0 && pat.Get_data(0) == '^';
// get match vars
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
Str_find_mgr__xowa match_mgr = new Str_find_mgr__xowa(src_ucs, pat, bgn_as_codes, false, false);
Match_state ms = new Match_state(match_mgr);
int src_pos = 0;
int src_idx = 0;
while (src_idx < src_max) {
int res = ms.match(src_pos, pat_is_anchored ? 1 : 0);
// match found
if (res != -1) {
if (gsub_mgr.Repl_count__done()) break;
ms.push_captures(true, src_pos, res);
Regx_group[] groups = Make_groups(src_ucs, match_mgr.Captures_ary());
Regx_match match = new Regx_match(true, src_pos, res, groups);
if (!gsub_mgr.Exec_repl_itm(tmp_bfr, regx_converter, match)) {
tmp_bfr.Add_str_u8(src_ucs.Substring(match.Find_bgn(), match.Find_end()));
// match found; set src_pos to match_end
if (res != -1 && res > src_pos)
src_pos = res;
// no match; add current byte
else if (src_pos < src_len) {
// lbuf.append( (byte) src.Get_data( src_pos++ ) );
if (pat_is_anchored)
if (src_pos > src_len) // XOWA:assert src_pos is in bounds, else will throw ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception; DATE:2016-09-20
tmp_bfr.Add_str_u8(src_ucs.Substring(src_pos, src_len));
return tmp_bfr.To_str_and_clear();
private Regx_group[] Make_groups(Ustring src_ucs, int[] captures) {
if (captures == null) {
return Regx_group.Ary_empty;
int captures_len = captures.length;
Regx_group[] groups = new Regx_group[captures_len / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < captures_len; i += 2) {
int capture_bgn = captures[i];
int capture_end = captures[i + 1];
int bgn_in_chars = src_ucs.Map_data_to_char(capture_bgn);
int end_in_chars = src_ucs.Map_data_to_char(capture_end);
String val = String_.Mid(src_ucs.Src(), bgn_in_chars, end_in_chars);
groups[i / 2] = new Regx_group(true, capture_bgn, capture_end, val);
return groups;
== FOOTNOTE:REGX_GROUP [ISSUE#:726; DATE:2020-05-17] ==
The XOWA Regx_group is a quasi-adapter for java.util.regex.Matcher and its group-related methods.
Consider a Regx_group with varName `grp` and a Matcher with varName `match`
* `grp.Bgn()` <- `match.start()`
* `grp.End()` <- `match.end()`
* `grp.Val()` <- ``
Note that all callers of `grp` would be expecting REGEX convention (not LUA pattern convention). As such:
* '''base0''': `grp.Bgn()` and `grp.End()` must be base0 not base1 (REGEX is base0)
** Fortunately, Str_find_mgr__xowa uses base0, so there is no need to convert from base1 to base0
** However, Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr will convert base0 to base1 in the gsub FunctionCallback code '''IF''' anypos is present in the pattern
* '''charIndexes''': `grp.Bgn()` and `grp.End()` should represent charIndexes, not byteIndexes (REGEX is chars)
** Str_find_mgr__xowa uses codepointIndexes b/c of Ustring_ucs
** In theory, should convert to charIndexes b/c REGEX uses charIndexes. However:
*** Regx_group.Bgn() is only used by anypos for LuaCallbacks
*** anypos needs codepointIndexes
*** so, be lazy, and don't bother double converting to charIndex only to convert back to codepointIndex