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XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
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Apache License:
package gplx;
import gplx.core.strings.*; import gplx.core.envs.*;
public class Time_span_ {
public static final Time_span Zero = new Time_span(0);
public static final Time_span Null = new Time_span(-1);
public static Time_span fracs_(long val) {return new Time_span(val);}
public static Time_span seconds_(double seconds) {
long fracs = (long)(seconds * Divisors[Idx_Sec]);
return new Time_span(fracs);
public static Time_span decimal_(Decimal_adp seconds) {
return new Time_span(seconds.To_long_mult_1000());
public static Time_span units_(int frc, int sec, int min, int hour) {
int[] units = new int[] {frc, sec, min, hour};
long fracs = Merge_long(units, Time_span_.Divisors);
return Time_span_.fracs_(fracs);
public static Time_span from_(long bgn) {return Time_span_.fracs_(System_.Ticks() - bgn);}
public static final long parse_null = Long_.Min_value;
public static Time_span parse(String raw) {
byte[] bry = Bry_.new_u8(raw);
long fracs = parse_to_fracs(bry, 0, bry.length, false);
return fracs == parse_null ? null : Time_span_.fracs_(fracs);
public static long parse_to_fracs(byte[] raw, int bgn, int end, boolean fail_if_ws) {
int sign = 1, val_f = 0, val_s = 0, val_m = 0, val_h = 0, colon_pos = 0, unit_val = 0, unit_multiple = 1;
for (int i = end - 1; i >= bgn; i--) { // start from end; fracs should be lowest unit
byte b = raw[i];
switch (b) {
case Byte_ascii.Num_0: case Byte_ascii.Num_1: case Byte_ascii.Num_2: case Byte_ascii.Num_3: case Byte_ascii.Num_4:
case Byte_ascii.Num_5: case Byte_ascii.Num_6: case Byte_ascii.Num_7: case Byte_ascii.Num_8: case Byte_ascii.Num_9:
int unit_digit = Byte_ascii.To_a7_int(b);
unit_val = (unit_multiple == 1) ? unit_digit : unit_val + (unit_digit * unit_multiple);
switch (colon_pos) {
case 0: val_s = unit_val; break;
case 1: val_m = unit_val; break;
case 2: val_h = unit_val; break;
default: return parse_null; // only hour:minute:second supported for ':' separator; ':' count should be <= 2
unit_multiple *= 10;
case Byte_ascii.Dot:
double factor = (double)1000 / (double)unit_multiple; // factor is necessary to handle non-standard decimals; ex: .1 -> 100; .00199 -> .001
val_f = (int)((double)val_s * factor); // move val_s unit_val to val_f; logic is indirect, b/c of differing inputs: "123" means 123 seconds; ".123" means 123 fractionals
val_s = 0;
unit_multiple = 1;
case Byte_ascii.Colon:
unit_multiple = 1;
case Byte_ascii.Dash:
if (i == 0 && unit_val > 0) // only if first char && unit_val > 0
sign = -1;
case Byte_ascii.Space: case Byte_ascii.Tab: case Byte_ascii.Nl: case Byte_ascii.Cr:
if (fail_if_ws) return parse_null;
return parse_null; // invalid char; return null;
return sign * (val_f + (val_s * Divisors[1]) + (val_m * Divisors[2]) + (val_h * Divisors[3]));
public static String To_str(long frc, String fmt) {
String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
int[] units = Split_long(frc, Divisors);
if (String_.Eq(fmt, Time_span_.Fmt_Short)) {
for (int i = Idx_Hour; i > -1; i--) {
int val = units[i];
if (val == 0 && i == Idx_Hour) continue; // skip hour if 0; ex: 01:02, instead of 00:01:02
if (i == Idx_Frac) continue; // skip frac b/c fmt is short
if (sb.Count() > 0) // sb already has unit; add delimiter
if (val < 10) // zeroPad
return sb.To_str_and_clear();
boolean fmt_fracs = !String_.Eq(fmt, Time_span_.Fmt_NoFractionals);
boolean fmt_padZeros = String_.Eq(fmt, Time_span_.Fmt_PadZeros);
if (frc == 0) return fmt_padZeros ? "00:00:00.000" : "0";
int[] padZerosAry = ZeroPadding;
boolean first = true;
String dlm = "";
int zeros = 0;
if (frc < 0) sb.Add("-"); // negative sign
for (int i = Idx_Hour; i > -1; i--) { // NOTE: "> Idx_Frac" b/c frc will be handled below
int val = units[i];
if (i == Idx_Frac // only write fracs...
&& !(val == 0 && fmt_padZeros) // ... if val == 0 && fmt is PadZeros
&& !(val != 0 && fmt_fracs) // ... or val != 0 && fmt is PadZeros or Default
) continue;
if (first && val == 0 && !fmt_padZeros) continue; // if first and val == 0, don't full pad (avoid "00:")
zeros = first && !fmt_padZeros ? 1 : padZerosAry[i]; // if first, don't zero pad (avoid "01")
dlm = first ? "" : Sprs[i]; // if first, don't use dlm (avoid ":01")
sb.Add(Int_.To_str_pad_bgn_zero(val, zeros));
first = false;
return sb.To_str();
@gplx.Internal protected static int[] Split_long(long fracs, int[] divisors) {
int divLength = Array_.Len(divisors);
int[] rv = new int[divLength];
long cur = Math_.Abs(fracs);
for (int i = divLength - 1; i > -1; i--) {
int divisor = divisors[i];
long factor = cur / divisor;
rv[i] = (int)factor;
cur -= (factor * divisor);
return rv;
@gplx.Internal protected static long Merge_long(int[] vals, int[] divisors) {
long rv = 0; int valLength = Array_.Len(vals);
for (int i = 0; i < valLength; i++) {
rv += vals[i] * divisors[i];
return rv;
public static final String Fmt_PadZeros = "00:00:00.000"; // u,h00:m00:s00.f000
public static final String Fmt_Short = "short"; // u,h##:m#0:s00;
public static final String Fmt_Default = "0.000"; // v,#.000
public static final String Fmt_NoFractionals = "0"; // v,#
@gplx.Internal protected static final int[] Divisors = {
1, //1 fracs
1000, //1,000 fracs in a second
60000, //60,000 fracs in a minute (60 seconds * 1,000)
3600000, //3,600,000 fracs in an hour (60 minutes * 60,000)
public static final String MajorDelimiter = ":";
public static final int
Idx_Frac = 0
, Idx_Sec = 1
, Idx_Min = 2
, Idx_Hour = 3;
static int[] ZeroPadding = {3, 2, 2, 2,};
static String[] Sprs = {".", MajorDelimiter, MajorDelimiter, "",};
public static Time_span cast(Object arg) {try {return (Time_span)arg;} catch(Exception exc) {throw Err_.new_type_mismatch_w_exc(exc, Time_span.class, arg);}}
public static final double Ratio_f_to_s = 1000;