Mw_parse: Add initial conversion for image thumbs

gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 4ade9c71b1
commit f60b94760d

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.core.btries.*; import gplx.core.btries.*;
import gplx.xowa.mws.htmls.*; import gplx.langs.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.mws.linkers.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.linkers.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.parsers.*;
* P7: titleFormatter->getPrefixedText * P7: titleFormatter->getPrefixedText
* P7: $html = HtmlArmor::getHtml($text); * P7: $html = HtmlArmor::getHtml($text);
@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ public class Xomw_linker {
private final byte[][] split_trail_rv = new byte[2][]; private final byte[][] split_trail_rv = new byte[2][];
private Btrie_slim_mgr split_trail_trie; private Btrie_slim_mgr split_trail_trie;
private static final byte[] Atr__class = Bry_.new_a7("class"), Atr__rel = Bry_.new_a7("rel"), Atr__href = Bry_.new_a7("href"), Rel__nofollow = Bry_.new_a7("nofollow"); private static final byte[] Atr__class = Bry_.new_a7("class"), Atr__rel = Bry_.new_a7("rel"), Atr__href = Bry_.new_a7("href"), Rel__nofollow = Bry_.new_a7("nofollow");
public static final byte[]
Align__frame__center = Bry_.new_a7("center")
, Align__frame__none = Bry_.new_a7("none")
, Align__frame__right = Bry_.new_a7("right")
, Prefix__center = Bry_.new_a7("<div class=\"center\">")
private final Xomw_link_renderer link_renderer; private final Xomw_link_renderer link_renderer;
public Xomw_linker(Xomw_link_renderer link_renderer) { public Xomw_linker(Xomw_link_renderer link_renderer) {
this.link_renderer = link_renderer; this.link_renderer = link_renderer;
@ -39,6 +45,292 @@ public class Xomw_linker {
public void Init_by_wiki(Btrie_slim_mgr trie) { public void Init_by_wiki(Btrie_slim_mgr trie) {
this.split_trail_trie = trie; this.split_trail_trie = trie;
} }
// Given parameters derived from [[Image:Foo|options...]], generate the
// HTML that that syntax inserts in the page.
// @param Parser $parser
// @param Title $title Title Object of the file (not the currently viewed page)
// @param File $file File Object, or false if it doesn't exist
// @param array frame_params Associative array of parameters external to the media handler.
// Boolean parameters are indicated by presence or absence, the value is arbitrary and
// will often be false.
// thumbnail If present, downscale and frame
// manual_thumb Image name to use as a thumbnail, instead of automatic scaling
// framed Shows image in original size in a frame
// frameless Downscale but don't frame
// upright If present, tweak default sizes for portrait orientation
// upright_factor Fudge factor for "upright" tweak (default 0.75)
// border If present, show a border around the image
// align Horizontal alignment (left, right, center, none)
// valign Vertical alignment (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle,
// bottom, text-bottom)
// alt Alternate text for image (i.e. alt attribute). Plain text.
// class HTML for image classes. Plain text.
// caption HTML for image caption.
// link-url URL to link to
// link-title Title Object to link to
// link-target Value for the target attribute, only with link-url
// no-link Boolean, suppress description link
// @param array $handlerParams Associative array of media handler parameters, to be passed
// to transform(). Typical keys are "width" and "page".
// @param String|boolean $time Timestamp of the file, set as false for current
// @param String $query Query params for desc url
// @param int|null $widthOption Used by the parser to remember the user preference thumbnailsize
// @since 1.20
// @return String HTML for an image, with links, wrappers, etc.
public void Make_image_link(Xomw_parser parser, Xoa_ttl title, Object file, Xomw_img_frame frame_params, Object handlerParams, Object time, Object query, Object widthOption) {
// XO.MW.HOOK:ImageBeforeProduceHTML
// if ($file && !$file->allowInlineDisplay()) {
// wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " does not allow inline display\n");
// return self::link($title);
// }
// Clean up parameters
// $page = isset($handlerParams['page']) ? $handlerParams['page'] : false;
if (frame_params.align == null) {
frame_params.align = Bry_.Empty;
if (frame_params.alt == null) {
frame_params.alt = Bry_.Empty;
if (frame_params.title == null) {
frame_params.title = Bry_.Empty;
if (frame_params.cls == null) {
frame_params.cls = Bry_.Empty;
byte[] prefix = Bry_.Empty; byte[] postfix = Bry_.Empty;
if (Bry_.Eq(Align__frame__center, frame_params.align)) {
prefix = Prefix__center;
postfix = Gfh_tag_.Div_rhs;
frame_params.align = Align__frame__none;
// if ($file && !isset($handlerParams['width'])) {
// if (isset($handlerParams['height']) && $file->isVectorized()) {
// // If its a vector image, and user only specifies height
// // we don't want it to be limited by its "normal" width.
// global $wgSVGMaxSize;
// $handlerParams['width'] = $wgSVGMaxSize;
// } else {
// $handlerParams['width'] = $file->getWidth($page);
// }
if ( frame_params.thumbnail != null
|| frame_params.manual_thumb != null
|| frame_params.framed != null
|| frame_params.frameless != null
// || !$handlerParams['width']
) {
// global $wgThumbLimits, $wgThumbUpright;
// if ($widthOption === null || !isset($wgThumbLimits[$widthOption])) {
// $widthOption = User::getDefaultOption('thumbsize');
// }
// // Reduce width for upright images when parameter 'upright' is used
// if (isset(frame_params['upright']) && frame_params['upright'] == 0) {
// frame_params['upright'] = $wgThumbUpright;
// }
// // For caching health: If width scaled down due to upright
// // parameter, round to full __0 pixel to avoid the creation of a
// // lot of odd thumbs.
// $prefWidth = isset(frame_params['upright']) ?
// round($wgThumbLimits[$widthOption] * frame_params['upright'], -1) :
// $wgThumbLimits[$widthOption];
// // Use width which is smaller: real image width or user preference width
// // Unless image is scalable vector.
// if (!isset($handlerParams['height']) && ($handlerParams['width'] <= 0 ||
// $prefWidth < $handlerParams['width'] || $file->isVectorized())) {
// $handlerParams['width'] = $prefWidth;
// }
// }
if (frame_params.thumbnail != null || frame_params.manual_thumb != null
|| frame_params.framed != null
) {
// Create a thumbnail. Alignment depends on the writing direction of
// the page content language (right-aligned for LTR languages,
// left-aligned for RTL languages)
// If a thumbnail width has not been provided, it is set
// to the default user option as specified in Language*.php
if (frame_params.align == Bry_.Empty) {
// frame_params.align = $parser->getTargetLanguage()->alignEnd();
// return prefix .
// self::makeThumbLink2($title, $file, frame_params, $handlerParams, $time, $query) .
// postfix;
// if ($file && isset(frame_params['frameless'])) {
// $srcWidth = $file->getWidth($page);
// // For "frameless" option: do not present an image bigger than the
// // source (for bitmap-style images). This is the same behavior as the
// // "thumb" option does it already.
// if ($srcWidth && !$file->mustRender() && $handlerParams['width'] > $srcWidth) {
// $handlerParams['width'] = $srcWidth;
// }
// }
// if ($file && isset($handlerParams['width'])) {
// // Create a resized image, without the additional thumbnail features
// $thumb = $file->transform($handlerParams);
// } else {
// $thumb = false;
// }
// if (!$thumb) {
// $s = self::makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, frame_params['title'], '', '', '', $time == true);
// } else {
// self::processResponsiveImages($file, $thumb, $handlerParams);
// $params = [
// 'alt' => frame_params['alt'],
// 'title' => frame_params['title'],
// 'valign' => isset(frame_params['valign']) ? frame_params['valign'] : false,
// 'img-class' => frame_params['class'] ];
// if (isset(frame_params['border'])) {
// $params['img-class'] .= ($params['img-class'] !== '' ? ' ' : '') . 'thumbborder';
// }
// $params = self::getImageLinkMTOParams(frame_params, $query, $parser) + $params;
// $s = $thumb->toHtml($params);
// }
// if (frame_params['align'] != '') {
// $s = "<div class=\"float{frame_params['align']}\">{$s}</div>";
// }
// return str_replace("\n", ' ', prefix . $s . postfix);
if (prefix == null || postfix == null) {
public void Make_thumb_link2(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoa_ttl title, Object file, Xomw_img_frame frame_params, Object handlerParams, Object time, Object query) {
boolean exists = false; // = $file && $file->exists();
// $page = isset($handlerParams['page']) ? $handlerParams['page'] : false;
if (frame_params.align == null) {
frame_params.align = Align__frame__right;
if (frame_params.alt == null) {
frame_params.alt = Bry_.Empty;
if (frame_params.title == null) {
frame_params.title = Bry_.Empty;
if (frame_params.caption == null) {
frame_params.caption = Bry_.Empty;
// if (empty($handlerParams['width'])) {
// // Reduce width for upright images when parameter 'upright' is used
// $handlerParams['width'] = isset(frame_params['upright']) ? 130 : 180;
// }
boolean thumb = false;
boolean no_scale = false;
boolean manual_thumb = false;
int outer_width = 0;
if (!exists) {
// outer_width = $handlerParams['width'] + 2;
else {
if (frame_params.manual_thumb != null) {
// Use manually specified thumbnail
// $manual_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FILE, frame_params['manual_thumb']);
// if ($manual_title) {
// $manual_img = wfFindFile($manual_title);
// if ($manual_img) {
// thumb = $manual_img->getUnscaledThumb($handlerParams);
// manual_thumb = true;
// } else {
// exists = false;
// }
// }
else if (frame_params.framed != null) {
// Use image dimensions, don't scale
// thumb = $file->getUnscaledThumb($handlerParams);
no_scale = true;
else {
// Do not present an image bigger than the source, for bitmap-style images
// This is a hack to maintain compatibility with arbitrary pre-1.10 behavior
// $srcWidth = $file->getWidth($page);
// if ($srcWidth && !$file->mustRender() && $handlerParams['width'] > $srcWidth) {
// $handlerParams['width'] = $srcWidth;
// }
// thumb = $file->transform($handlerParams);
if (thumb) {
// outer_width = thumb->getWidth() + 2;
else {
// outer_width = $handlerParams['width'] + 2;
// ThumbnailImage::toHtml() already adds page= onto the end of DjVu URLs
// So we don't need to pass it here in $query. However, the URL for the
// zoom icon still needs it, so we make a unique query for it. See bug 14771
// $url = $title->getLocalURL($query);
// if ($page) {
// $url = wfAppendQuery($url, [ 'page' => $page ]);
// }
if (manual_thumb
&& frame_params.link_title != null
&& frame_params.link_url != null
&& frame_params.no_link != null) {
// frame_params.link_url = url;
int rv_bgn = bfr.Len();
bfr.Add_str_a7("<div class=\"thumb t").Add(frame_params.align)
.Add_str_a7("\"><div class=\"thumbinner\" style=\"width:").Add_int_variable(outer_width).Add_str_a7("px;\">");
byte[] zoom_icon = Bry_.Empty;
if (!exists) {
// $s .= self::makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, frame_params['title'], '', '', '', $time == true);
// zoom_icon = '';
else if (!thumb) {
// $s .= wfMessage('thumbnail_error', '')->escaped();
// zoom_icon = '';
else {
if (!no_scale && !manual_thumb) {
// self::processResponsiveImages($file, thumb, $handlerParams);
// $params = [
// 'alt' => frame_params['alt'],
// 'title' => frame_params['title'],
// 'img-class' => (isset(frame_params['class']) && frame_params['class'] !== ''
// ? frame_params['class'] . ' '
// : '') . 'thumbimage'
// ];
// $params = self::getImageLinkMTOParams(frame_params, $query) + $params;
// $s .= thumb->toHtml($params);
if (frame_params.framed != null) {
zoom_icon = Bry_.Empty;
else {
// html_utl.Raw_element(bfr, Gfh_tag_.Bry__div,
// zoom_icon = Html::rawElement('div', [ 'class' => 'magnify' ],
// Html::rawElement('a', [
// 'href' => $url,
// 'class' => '@gplx.Internal protected',
// 'title' => wfMessage('thumbnail-more')->text() ],
// ""));
bfr.Add_str_a7(" <div class=\"thumbcaption\">").Add(zoom_icon).Add(frame_params.caption).Add_str_a7("</div></div></div>");
Bry_.Replace_all_direct(bfr.Bfr(), Byte_ascii.Nl, Byte_ascii.Space, rv_bgn, bfr.Len()); // str_replace("\n", ' ', $s);
// This function returns an HTML link to the given target. It serves a few // This function returns an HTML link to the given target. It serves a few
// purposes: // purposes:
// 1) If $target is a Title, the correct URL to link to will be figured // 1) If $target is a Title, the correct URL to link to will be figured
@ -283,218 +575,6 @@ public class Xomw_linker {
} }
return split_trail_rv; return split_trail_rv;
} }
public void Make_image(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoa_ttl title, byte[] options, boolean holders) {
// Check if the options text is of the form "options|alt text"
// Options are:
// * thumbnail make a thumbnail with enlarge-icon and caption, alignment depends on lang
// * left no resizing, just left align. label is used for alt= only
// * right same, but right aligned
// * none same, but not aligned
// * ___px scale to ___ pixels width, no aligning. e.g. use in taxobox
// * center center the image
// * frame Keep original image size, no magnify-button.
// * framed Same as "frame"
// * frameless like 'thumb' but without a frame. Keeps user preferences for width
// * upright reduce width for upright images, rounded to full __0 px
// * border draw a 1px border around the image
// * alt Text for HTML alt attribute (defaults to empty)
// * class Set a class for img node
// * link Set the target of the image link. Can be external, interwiki, or local
// vertical-align values (no % or length right now):
// * baseline
// * sub
// * super
// * top
// * text-top
// * middle
// * bottom
// * text-bottom
// Protect LanguageConverter markup when splitting into parts
// $parts = StringUtils::delimiterExplode(
// '-{', '}-', '|', $options, true /* allow nesting */
// );
// Give extensions a chance to select the file revision for us
// $options = [];
// $descQuery = false;
// MW.HOOK:BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitle
// Fetch and register the file (file title may be different via hooks)
// list($file, $title) = $this->fetchFileAndTitle($title, $options);
// Get parameter map
// $handler = $file ? $file->getHandler() : false;
// list($paramMap, $mwArray) = $this->getImageParams($handler);
// if (!$file) {
// $this->addTrackingCategory('broken-file-category');
// }
// Process the input parameters
// $caption = '';
// $params = [ 'frame' => [], 'handler' => [],
// 'horizAlign' => [], 'vertAlign' => [] ];
// $seenformat = false;
// foreach ($parts as $part) {
// $part = trim($part);
// list($magicName, $value) = $mwArray->matchVariableStartToEnd($part);
// $validated = false;
// if (isset($paramMap[$magicName])) {
// list($type, $paramName) = $paramMap[$magicName];
// Special case; width and height come in one variable together
// if ($type === 'handler' && $paramName === 'width') {
// $parsedWidthParam = $this->parseWidthParam($value);
// if (isset($parsedWidthParam['width'])) {
// $width = $parsedWidthParam['width'];
// if ($handler->validateParam('width', $width)) {
// $params[$type]['width'] = $width;
// $validated = true;
// }
// }
// if (isset($parsedWidthParam['height'])) {
// $height = $parsedWidthParam['height'];
// if ($handler->validateParam('height', $height)) {
// $params[$type]['height'] = $height;
// $validated = true;
// }
// }
// else no validation -- T15436
// } else {
// if ($type === 'handler') {
// // Validate handler parameter
// $validated = $handler->validateParam($paramName, $value);
// } else {
// // Validate @gplx.Internal protected parameters
// switch ($paramName) {
// case 'manualthumb':
// case 'alt':
// case 'class':
// @todo FIXME: Possibly check validity here for
// manualthumb? downstream behavior seems odd with
// missing manual thumbs.
// $validated = true;
// $value = $this->stripAltText($value, $holders);
// break;
// case 'link':
// $chars = self::EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS;
// $addr = self::EXT_LINK_ADDR;
// $prots = $this->mUrlProtocols;
// if ($value === '') {
// $paramName = 'no-link';
// $value = true;
// $validated = true;
// } else if (preg_match("/^((?i)$prots)/", $value)) {
// if (preg_match("/^((?i)$prots)$addr$chars*$/u", $value, $m)) {
// $paramName = 'link-url';
// $this->mOutput->addExternalLink($value);
// if ($this->mOptions->getExternalLinkTarget()) {
// $params[$type]['link-target'] = $this->mOptions->getExternalLinkTarget();
// }
// $validated = true;
// }
// } else {
// $linkTitle = Title::newFromText($value);
// if ($linkTitle) {
// $paramName = 'link-title';
// $value = $linkTitle;
// $this->mOutput->addLink($linkTitle);
// $validated = true;
// }
// }
// break;
// case 'frameless':
// case 'framed':
// case 'thumbnail':
// // use first appearing option, discard others.
// $validated = !$seenformat;
// $seenformat = true;
// break;
// default:
// // Most other things appear to be empty or numeric...
// $validated = ($value === false || is_numeric(trim($value)));
// }
// }
// if ($validated) {
// $params[$type][$paramName] = $value;
// }
// }
// }
// if (!$validated) {
// $caption = $part;
// }
// }
// Process alignment parameters
// if ($params['horizAlign']) {
// $params['frame']['align'] = key($params['horizAlign']);
// }
// if ($params['vertAlign']) {
// $params['frame']['valign'] = key($params['vertAlign']);
// }
// $params['frame']['caption'] = $caption;
// Will the image be presented in a frame, with the caption below?
// $imageIsFramed = isset($params['frame']['frame'])
// || isset($params['frame']['framed'])
// || isset($params['frame']['thumbnail'])
// || isset($params['frame']['manualthumb']);
// In the old days, [[Image:Foo|text...]] would set alt text. Later it
// came to also set the caption, ordinary text after the image -- which
// makes no sense, because that just repeats the text multiple times in
// screen readers. It *also* came to set the title attribute.
// Now that we have an alt attribute, we should not set the alt text to
// equal the caption: that's worse than useless, it just repeats the
// text. This is the framed/thumbnail case. If there's no caption, we
// use the unnamed parameter for alt text as well, just for the time be-
// ing, if the unnamed param is set and the alt param is not.
// For the future, we need to figure out if we want to tweak this more,
// e.g., introducing a title= parameter for the title; ignoring the un-
// named parameter entirely for images without a caption; adding an ex-
// plicit caption= parameter and preserving the old magic unnamed para-
// meter for BC; ...
// if ($imageIsFramed) { // Framed image
// if ($caption === '' && !isset($params['frame']['alt'])) {
// // No caption or alt text, add the filename as the alt text so
// // that screen readers at least get some description of the image
// $params['frame']['alt'] = $title->getText();
// }
// Do not set $params['frame']['title'] because tooltips don't make sense
// for framed images
// } else { // Inline image
// if (!isset($params['frame']['alt'])) {
// // No alt text, use the "caption" for the alt text
// if ($caption !== '') {
// $params['frame']['alt'] = $this->stripAltText($caption, $holders);
// } else {
// // No caption, fall back to using the filename for the
// // alt text
// $params['frame']['alt'] = $title->getText();
// }
// }
// Use the "caption" for the tooltip text
// $params['frame']['title'] = $this->stripAltText($caption, $holders);
// }
// MW.HOOK:ParserMakeImageParams
// Linker does the rest
// $time = isset($options['time']) ? $options['time'] : false;
// $ret = Linker::makeImageLink($this, $title, $file, $params['frame'], $params['handler'],
// $time, $descQuery, $this->mOptions->getThumbSize());
// Give the handler a chance to modify the parser Object
// if ($handler) {
// $handler->parserTransformHook($this, $file);
// }
// return $ret;
// public function getImageParams($handler) { // public function getImageParams($handler) {
// if ($handler) { // if ($handler) {
// $handlerClass = get_class($handler); // $handlerClass = get_class($handler);
@ -508,7 +588,7 @@ public class Xomw_linker {
// 'horizAlign' => [ 'left', 'right', 'center', 'none' ], // 'horizAlign' => [ 'left', 'right', 'center', 'none' ],
// 'vertAlign' => [ 'baseline', 'sub', 'super', 'top', 'text-top', 'middle', // 'vertAlign' => [ 'baseline', 'sub', 'super', 'top', 'text-top', 'middle',
// 'bottom', 'text-bottom' ], // 'bottom', 'text-bottom' ],
// 'frame' => [ 'thumbnail', 'manualthumb', 'framed', 'frameless', // 'frame' => [ 'thumbnail', 'manual_thumb', 'framed', 'frameless',
// 'upright', 'border', 'link', 'alt', 'class' ], // 'upright', 'border', 'link', 'alt', 'class' ],
// ]; // ];
// static $internalParamMap; // static $internalParamMap;
@ -537,135 +617,22 @@ public class Xomw_linker {
// } // }
// // Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption // // Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption
// public static function makeThumbLinkObj(Title $title, $file, $label = '', $alt, // public static function makeThumbLinkObj(Title $title, $file, $label = '', $alt,
// $align = 'right', $params = [], $framed = false, $manualthumb = "" // $align = 'right', $params = [], $framed = false, $manual_thumb = ""
// ) { // ) {
// $frameParams = [ // frame_params = [
// 'alt' => $alt, // 'alt' => $alt,
// 'caption' => $label, // 'caption' => $label,
// 'align' => $align // 'align' => $align
// ]; // ];
// if ($framed) { // if ($framed) {
// $frameParams['framed'] = true; // frame_params['framed'] = true;
// } // }
// if ($manualthumb) { // if ($manual_thumb) {
// $frameParams['manualthumb'] = $manualthumb; // frame_params['manual_thumb'] = $manual_thumb;
// } // }
// return self::makeThumbLink2($title, $file, $frameParams, $params); // return self::makeThumbLink2($title, $file, frame_params, $params);
// } // }
// public static function makeThumbLink2(Title $title, $file, $frameParams = [],
// $handlerParams = [], $time = false, $query = ""
// ) {
// $exists = $file && $file->exists();
// $page = isset($handlerParams['page']) ? $handlerParams['page'] : false;
// if (!isset($frameParams['align'])) {
// $frameParams['align'] = 'right';
// }
// if (!isset($frameParams['alt'])) {
// $frameParams['alt'] = '';
// }
// if (!isset($frameParams['title'])) {
// $frameParams['title'] = '';
// }
// if (!isset($frameParams['caption'])) {
// $frameParams['caption'] = '';
// }
// if (empty($handlerParams['width'])) {
// // Reduce width for upright images when parameter 'upright' is used
// $handlerParams['width'] = isset($frameParams['upright']) ? 130 : 180;
// }
// $thumb = false;
// $noscale = false;
// $manualthumb = false;
// if (!$exists) {
// $outerWidth = $handlerParams['width'] + 2;
// } else {
// if (isset($frameParams['manualthumb'])) {
// // Use manually specified thumbnail
// $manual_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FILE, $frameParams['manualthumb']);
// if ($manual_title) {
// $manual_img = wfFindFile($manual_title);
// if ($manual_img) {
// $thumb = $manual_img->getUnscaledThumb($handlerParams);
// $manualthumb = true;
// } else {
// $exists = false;
// }
// }
// } else if (isset($frameParams['framed'])) {
// // Use image dimensions, don't scale
// $thumb = $file->getUnscaledThumb($handlerParams);
// $noscale = true;
// } else {
// // Do not present an image bigger than the source, for bitmap-style images
// // This is a hack to maintain compatibility with arbitrary pre-1.10 behavior
// $srcWidth = $file->getWidth($page);
// if ($srcWidth && !$file->mustRender() && $handlerParams['width'] > $srcWidth) {
// $handlerParams['width'] = $srcWidth;
// }
// $thumb = $file->transform($handlerParams);
// }
// if ($thumb) {
// $outerWidth = $thumb->getWidth() + 2;
// } else {
// $outerWidth = $handlerParams['width'] + 2;
// }
// }
// // ThumbnailImage::toHtml() already adds page= onto the end of DjVu URLs
// // So we don't need to pass it here in $query. However, the URL for the
// // zoom icon still needs it, so we make a unique query for it. See bug 14771
// $url = $title->getLocalURL($query);
// if ($page) {
// $url = wfAppendQuery($url, [ 'page' => $page ]);
// }
// if ($manualthumb
// && !isset($frameParams['link-title'])
// && !isset($frameParams['link-url'])
// && !isset($frameParams['no-link'])) {
// $frameParams['link-url'] = $url;
// }
// $s = "<div class=\"thumb t{$frameParams['align']}\">"
// . "<div class=\"thumbinner\" style=\"width:{$outerWidth}px;\">";
// if (!$exists) {
// $s .= self::makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, $frameParams['title'], '', '', '', $time == true);
// $zoomIcon = '';
// } else if (!$thumb) {
// $s .= wfMessage('thumbnail_error', '')->escaped();
// $zoomIcon = '';
// } else {
// if (!$noscale && !$manualthumb) {
// self::processResponsiveImages($file, $thumb, $handlerParams);
// }
// $params = [
// 'alt' => $frameParams['alt'],
// 'title' => $frameParams['title'],
// 'img-class' => (isset($frameParams['class']) && $frameParams['class'] !== ''
// ? $frameParams['class'] . ' '
// : '') . 'thumbimage'
// ];
// $params = self::getImageLinkMTOParams($frameParams, $query) + $params;
// $s .= $thumb->toHtml($params);
// if (isset($frameParams['framed'])) {
// $zoomIcon = "";
// } else {
// $zoomIcon = Html::rawElement('div', [ 'class' => 'magnify' ],
// Html::rawElement('a', [
// 'href' => $url,
// 'class' => '@gplx.Internal protected',
// 'title' => wfMessage('thumbnail-more')->text() ],
// ""));
// }
// }
// $s .= ' <div class="thumbcaption">' . $zoomIcon . $frameParams['caption'] . "</div></div></div>";
// return str_replace("\n", ' ', $s);
// }
// // Make a "broken" link to an image // // Make a "broken" link to an image
// public static function makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, $label = '', // public static function makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, $label = '',
// $query = '', $unused1 = '', $unused2 = '', $time = false // $query = '', $unused1 = '', $unused2 = '', $time = false

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.mws.htmls; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.*;
public class Xomw_img_frame {
public byte[] align = null;
public byte[] valign = null;
public byte[] caption = null;
public byte[] frame = null;
public byte[] framed = null;
public byte[] frameless = null;
public byte[] thumbnail = null;
public byte[] manual_thumb = null;
public byte[] alt = null;
public byte[] title = null;
public byte[] cls = null;
public byte[] link_title = null;
public byte[] link_url = null;
public byte[] no_link = null;

@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ public class Xomw_opt_mgr {
public boolean known; public boolean known;
public boolean broken; public boolean broken;
public boolean no_classes; public boolean no_classes;
public byte[] time = null;
} }

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.mws.htmls; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.*;
public class Xomw_prm_itm {
public int type = 0;
public int name_type = 1;
public byte[] name = null;
public byte[] val = null;
public static final int
Type__handler = 0
public static final int
Name__width = 0
, Name__manual_thumb = 0
, Name__alt = 1
, Name__class = 2
, Name__link = 3
, Name__frameless = 4
, Name__framed = 5
, Name__thumbnail = 6

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.mws.htmls; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.*;
public class Xomw_prm_mgr {
public Xomw_prm_itm Get_or_null(int name_type) {
return null;
public Xomw_prm_itm Get_or_null(byte[] key) {
return null;
public static final int
Name__horiz_align = 0
, Name__vert_align = 1

@ -23,6 +23,18 @@ import gplx.xowa.mws.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.parsers.quotes.*;
import gplx.xowa.mws.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.linkers.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.linkers.*;
import gplx.xowa.mws.utls.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.utls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.uniqs.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.uniqs.*;
* P7: multi-line links; // look at the next 'line' to see if we can close it there
* P7: interwiki
* P7: [[File:]]
* P7: [[Category:]]
* P6: [[Media:]]
* P4: handle "]]]"; "If we get a ] at the beginning of $m[3]"
* P4: handle "[[]]"
* P3: $langObj->formatNum( ++$this->mAutonumber );
* P2: $this->getConverterLanguage()->markNoConversion( $text );
* P1: link_prefix; EX: b[[A]]; [not enabled on enwiki]
public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
private final Xomw_link_holders holders; private final Xomw_link_holders holders;
private final Xomw_linker linker; private final Xomw_linker linker;
@ -73,9 +85,12 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
Replace_internal_links(bfr, src, src_bgn, src_end); Replace_internal_links(bfr, src, src_bgn, src_end);
} }
// XO.MW:SYNC:1.29; DATE:2017-02-02
public void Replace_internal_links(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) { public void Replace_internal_links(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {
// PORTED: regex for tc move to header; e1 and e1_img moved to code // XO.MW: regex for tc move to header; e1 and e1_img moved to code
// split the entire text String on occurrences of [[ // the % is needed to support urlencoded titles as well
// XO.MW.BGN: split the entire text String on occurrences of [[
int cur = src_bgn; int cur = src_bgn;
int prv = cur; int prv = cur;
while (true) { while (true) {
@ -86,9 +101,9 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
} }
cur = lnki_bgn + 2; // 2="[[".length cur = lnki_bgn + 2; // 2="[[".length
// IGNORE: handles strange split logic of adding space to String; "$s = substr($s, 1);" // XO.MW.IGNORE: handles strange split logic of adding space to String; "$s = substr($s, 1);"
// TODO.XO:lnke_bgn; EX: b[[A]] // TODO.XO:link_prefix; EX: b[[A]]
// $useLinkPrefixExtension = $this->getTargetLanguage()->linkPrefixExtension(); // $useLinkPrefixExtension = $this->getTargetLanguage()->linkPrefixExtension();
// $e2 = null; // $e2 = null;
// if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) { // if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) {
@ -103,7 +118,7 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// $nottalk = !$this->mTitle->isTalkPage(); // $nottalk = !$this->mTitle->isTalkPage();
// TODO.XO:lnke_bgn // TODO.XO:link_prefix
byte[] prefix = Bry_.Empty; byte[] prefix = Bry_.Empty;
//if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) { //if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) {
// $m = []; // $m = [];
@ -116,9 +131,7 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// $prefix = ''; // $prefix = '';
//} //}
// IGNORE: "Check for excessive memory usage" // TODO.XO:link_prefix; EX: b[[A]]
// TODO.XO:lnke_bgn; EX: b[[A]]
//if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) { //if ($useLinkPrefixExtension) {
// if (preg_match($e2, $s, $m)) { // if (preg_match($e2, $s, $m)) {
// $prefix = $m[2]; // $prefix = $m[2];
@ -183,6 +196,7 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
byte[] text = Bry_.Mid(src, capt_bgn, capt_end); byte[] text = Bry_.Mid(src, capt_bgn, capt_end);
byte[] trail = Bry_.Empty; byte[] trail = Bry_.Empty;
if (!might_be_img) { if (!might_be_img) {
// If we get a ] at the beginning of $m[3] that means we have a link that's something like: // If we get a ] at the beginning of $m[3] that means we have a link that's something like:
// [[Image:Foo.jpg|[ desc]]] <- having three ] in a row fucks up, // [[Image:Foo.jpg|[ desc]]] <- having three ] in a row fucks up,
// the real problem is with the $e1 regex // the real problem is with the $e1 regex
@ -416,6 +430,248 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
} }
} }
} }
public void Make_image(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoa_ttl title, byte[] options, boolean holders) {
// Check if the options text is of the form "options|alt text"
// Options are:
// * thumbnail make a thumbnail with enlarge-icon and caption, alignment depends on lang
// * left no resizing, just left align. label is used for alt= only
// * right same, but right aligned
// * none same, but not aligned
// * ___px scale to ___ pixels width, no aligning. e.g. use in taxobox
// * center center the image
// * frame Keep original image size, no magnify-button.
// * framed Same as "frame"
// * frameless like 'thumb' but without a frame. Keeps user preferences for width
// * upright reduce width for upright images, rounded to full __0 px
// * border draw a 1px border around the image
// * alt Text for HTML alt attribute (defaults to empty)
// * class Set a class for img node
// * link Set the target of the image link. Can be external, interwiki, or local
// vertical-align values (no % or length right now):
// * baseline
// * sub
// * super
// * top
// * text-top
// * middle
// * bottom
// * text-bottom
// Protect LanguageConverter markup when splitting into parts
// $parts = StringUtils::delimiterExplode(
// '-{', '}-', '|', $options, true /* allow nesting */
// );
// Give extensions a chance to select the file revision for us
// $options = [];
// $descQuery = false;
// MW.HOOK:BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitle
// Fetch and register the file (file title may be different via hooks)
// list($file, $title) = $this->fetchFileAndTitle($title, $options);
// Get parameter map
// $handler = $file ? $file->getHandler() : false;
// list($paramMap, $mwArray) = $this->getImageParams($handler);
// if (!$file) {
// $this->addTrackingCategory('broken-file-category');
// }
// Process the input parameters
// caption = '';
// $params = [ 'frame' => [], 'handler' => [],
// 'horizAlign' => [], 'vertAlign' => [] ];
// $seenformat = false;
// foreach ($parts as $part) {
Xomw_prm_mgr param_map = new Xomw_prm_mgr();
Xomw_prm_mgr param_mgr = new Xomw_prm_mgr();
byte[] caption = Bry_.Empty;
byte[] part = null;
part = Bry_.Trim(part);
byte[] magic_name = null; // $mwArray->matchVariableStartToEnd($part);
boolean validated = false;
Xomw_prm_itm prm_itm = param_map.Get_or_null(magic_name);
if (prm_itm != null) {
int prm_type = prm_itm.type;
int prm_name = prm_itm.name_type;
// Special case; width and height come in one variable together
if (prm_type == Xomw_prm_itm.Type__handler && prm_name == Xomw_prm_itm.Name__width) {
// $parsedWidthParam = $this->parseWidthParam($value);
// if (isset($parsedWidthParam['width'])) {
// $width = $parsedWidthParam['width'];
// if ($handler->validateParam('width', $width)) {
// $params[$type]['width'] = $width;
// validated = true;
// }
// }
// if (isset($parsedWidthParam['height'])) {
// $height = $parsedWidthParam['height'];
// if ($handler->validateParam('height', $height)) {
// $params[$type]['height'] = $height;
// validated = true;
// }
// }
// else no validation -- T15436
else {
if (prm_type == Xomw_prm_itm.Type__handler) {
// Validate handler parameter
// validated = $handler->validateParam($paramName, $value);
else {
// Validate @gplx.Internal protected parameters
switch (prm_name) {
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__manual_thumb:
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__alt:
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__class:
// @todo FIXME: Possibly check validity here for
// manualthumb? downstream behavior seems odd with
// missing manual thumbs.
validated = true;
// $value = $this->stripAltText($value, $holders);
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__link:
// $chars = self::EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS;
// $addr = self::EXT_LINK_ADDR;
// $prots = $this->mUrlProtocols;
// if ($value === '') {
// $paramName = 'no-link';
// $value = true;
// validated = true;
// } else if (preg_match("/^((?i)$prots)/", $value)) {
// if (preg_match("/^((?i)$prots)$addr$chars*$/u", $value, $m)) {
// $paramName = 'link-url';
// $this->mOutput->addExternalLink($value);
// if ($this->mOptions->getExternalLinkTarget()) {
// $params[$type]['link-target'] = $this->mOptions->getExternalLinkTarget();
// }
// validated = true;
// }
// } else {
// $linkTitle = Title::newFromText($value);
// if ($linkTitle) {
// $paramName = 'link-title';
// $value = $linkTitle;
// $this->mOutput->addLink($linkTitle);
// validated = true;
// }
// }
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__frameless:
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__framed:
case Xomw_prm_itm.Name__thumbnail:
// use first appearing option, discard others.
// validated = !$seenformat;
// $seenformat = true;
// Most other things appear to be empty or numeric...
// validated = ($value === false || is_numeric(trim($value)));
if (!validated) {
caption = part;
// }
// Process alignment parameters
Xomw_prm_itm tmp = param_mgr.Get_or_null(Xomw_prm_mgr.Name__horiz_align);
Xomw_img_frame frame = new Xomw_img_frame(); // param_mgr.frame;
if (tmp != null) {
frame.align = tmp.val;
tmp = param_mgr.Get_or_null(Xomw_prm_mgr.Name__vert_align);
if (tmp != null) {
frame.valign = tmp.val;
frame.caption = caption;
boolean image_is_framed
= frame.frame != null
|| frame.framed != null
|| frame.thumbnail != null
|| frame.manual_thumb != null
// Will the image be presented in a frame, with the caption below?
// In the old days, [[Image:Foo|text...]] would set alt text. Later it
// came to also set the caption, ordinary text after the image -- which
// makes no sense, because that just repeats the text multiple times in
// screen readers. It *also* came to set the title attribute.
// Now that we have an alt attribute, we should not set the alt text to
// equal the caption: that's worse than useless, it just repeats the
// text. This is the framed/thumbnail case. If there's no caption, we
// use the unnamed parameter for alt text as well, just for the time be-
// ing, if the unnamed param is set and the alt param is not.
// For the future, we need to figure out if we want to tweak this more,
// e.g., introducing a title= parameter for the title; ignoring the un-
// named parameter entirely for images without a caption; adding an ex-
// plicit caption= parameter and preserving the old magic unnamed para-
// meter for BC; ...
if (image_is_framed) { // Framed image
if (caption == Bry_.Empty && frame.alt == null) {
// No caption or alt text, add the filename as the alt text so
// that screen readers at least get some description of the image
// frame.alt = title.Get_text();
// Do not set $params['frame']['title'] because tooltips don't make sense
// for framed images
else { // Inline image
if (frame.alt == null) {
// No alt text, use the "caption" for the alt text
if (caption != Bry_.Empty) {
// frame.alt = $this->stripAltText(caption, $holders);
else {
// No caption, fall back to using the filename for the
// alt text
// frame.alt = title.Get_text();
// Use the "caption" for the tooltip text
// frame.title = $this->stripAltText(caption, $holders);
// MW.HOOK:ParserMakeImageParams
// Linker does the rest
// byte[] time = options.time;
// $ret = Linker::makeImageLink($this, $title, $file, $params['frame'], $params['handler'],
// $time, $descQuery, $this->mOptions->getThumbSize());
// // Give the handler a chance to modify the parser Object
// if (handler != null) {
// $handler->parserTransformHook($this, $file);
// }
// protected function stripAltText( $caption, $holders ) {
// // Strip bad stuff out of the title (tooltip). We can't just use
// // replaceLinkHoldersText() here, because if this function is called
// // from replaceInternalLinks2(), mLinkHolders won't be up-to-date.
// if ( $holders ) {
// $tooltip = $holders->replaceText( $caption );
// } else {
// $tooltip = $this->replaceLinkHoldersText( $caption );
// }
// // make sure there are no placeholders in thumbnail attributes
// // that are later expanded to html- so expand them now and
// // remove the tags
// $tooltip = $this->mStripState->unstripBoth( $tooltip );
// $tooltip = Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $tooltip );
// return $tooltip;
// }
public void Maybe_do_subpage_link(Xomw_linker__normalize_subpage_link rv, byte[] target, byte[] text) { public void Maybe_do_subpage_link(Xomw_linker__normalize_subpage_link rv, byte[] target, byte[] text) {
linker.Normalize_subpage_link(rv, page_title, target, text); linker.Normalize_subpage_link(rv, page_title, target, text);
} }

@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr__tst {
// @Test public void Capt() {fxt.Test__parse("a [[A|a]] z" , "a <a href='/wiki/A' title='A'>a</a> z");} // @Test public void Capt() {fxt.Test__parse("a [[A|a]] z" , "a <a href='/wiki/A' title='A'>a</a> z");}
// @Test public void Text() {fxt.Test__parse("a [[A]] z" , "a <!--LINK 0--> z");} // @Test public void Text() {fxt.Test__parse("a [[A]] z" , "a <!--LINK 0--> z");}
// @Test public void Invalid__char() {fxt.Test__parse("[[<A>]]" , "[[<A>]]");} // @Test public void Invalid__char() {fxt.Test__parse("[[<A>]]" , "[[<A>]]");}
@Test public void Self() {fxt.Test__to_html("[[Page_1]]" , "<strong class='selflink'>Page_1</strong>");} @Test public void Html__self() {fxt.Test__to_html("[[Page_1]]" , "<strong class='selflink'>Page_1</strong>");}
@Test public void Html__text() {fxt.Test__to_html("[[A]]" , "<a href='/wiki/A' title='A'>A</a>");}
@Test public void Html__capt() {fxt.Test__to_html("[[A|a]]" , "<a href='/wiki/A' title='A'>a</a>");}
} }
class Xomw_lnki_wkr__fxt { class Xomw_lnki_wkr__fxt {
private final Xomw_lnki_wkr wkr; private final Xomw_lnki_wkr wkr;
