Search: Fix no search results for en.d [#606]

gnosygnu 5 years ago
parent 11810c4fff
commit e2aa551feb

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Srch_rslt_cbk__js implements Srch_rslt_cbk {
Srch_rslt_row row = rslts_list.Get_at(i);
Highlight(ctx, row); // always highlight title first; needed for suggest_box to update highlighting when increasing word; EX: Eart -> Earth; "Earth" should be highlighted, not "Eart"

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class Srch_rslt_cbk__url_bar implements Srch_rslt_cbk, Gfo_invk {
if (i >= max_results) break;
if (i < rslts_len) {
Srch_rslt_row rslt = rslts_list.Get_at(i);
cbo_itm = String_.new_u8(rslt.Page_ttl_display(Bool_.N));
cbo_itm = String_.new_u8(rslt.To_display(Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__url_bar));
cbo_ary[i] = cbo_itm;

@ -33,16 +33,28 @@ public class Srch_rslt_row {
public final int Page_ns;
public final byte[] Page_ttl_wo_ns;
public final int Page_len;
public final int Page_redirect_id;
public int Page_redirect_id;
public final int Page_score;
public byte[] Page_redirect_ttl;
public byte[] Page_ttl_highlight;
public byte[] Page_ttl_display(boolean html) {
byte[] rv = html ? Page_ttl_highlight : Page_ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case();
public byte[] Page_ttl_highlight;
public byte[] To_display(int display_type) {
// NOTE: use Highlight for suggest only; note that url_bar also sets Highlight
byte[] rv
= display_type == Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__suggest
? this.Page_ttl_highlight
: Page_ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case();
// no redirect; just return it; EX: "Actual page"
if (Page_redirect_id == Page_redirect_id_null)
return rv;
// redirect exists; add it to display; EX: "Redirect -> Actual page"
else {
byte[] redirect_dlm = html ? Bry__redirect__html : Bry__redirect__text;
// NOTE: "→" does not work for SWT GUI
byte[] redirect_dlm
= display_type == Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__url_bar
? Bry__redirect__text
: Bry__redirect__html;
return Bry_.Add(rv, redirect_dlm, Page_redirect_ttl);
@ -56,4 +68,9 @@ public class Srch_rslt_row {
private static final byte[]
Bry__redirect__html = Bry_.new_u8(" → ") // 8592; 8594
, Bry__redirect__text = Bry_.new_a7(Str__redirect__text);
public static final int
Display_type__url_bar = 1
, Display_type__suggest = 2
, Display_type__special_page = 3

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012-2017
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
for your project on a case-by-case basis.
The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License:
Apache License:
package gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.searchs.searchers.rslts; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.searchs.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.searchs.searchers.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.core.tests.*;
public class Srch_rslt_row_tst {
private final Srch_rslt_row_fxt fxt = new Srch_rslt_row_fxt();
@Test public void To_display() {
Srch_rslt_row row_straight = fxt.Make__row_straight("Ab", "<b>A</b>b");
Srch_rslt_row row_redirect = fxt.Make__row_redirect("Ab", "<b>A</b>b", "C");
int type = Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__suggest;
fxt.Test__To_display(row_straight, type, "<b>A</b>b");
fxt.Test__To_display(row_redirect, type, "<b>A</b>b → C");
type = Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__url_bar;
fxt.Test__To_display(row_straight, type, "Ab");
fxt.Test__To_display(row_redirect, type, "Ab -> C");
type = Srch_rslt_row.Display_type__special_page;
fxt.Test__To_display(row_straight, type, "Ab");
fxt.Test__To_display(row_redirect, type, "Ab → C");
class Srch_rslt_row_fxt {
private final Xow_wiki wiki;
public Srch_rslt_row_fxt() {
Xoa_app app = Xoa_app_fxt.Make__app__view(); = Xoa_app_fxt.Make__wiki__view(app);
public void Test__To_display(Srch_rslt_row row, int type, String expd) {
Gftest.Eq__bry(Bry_.new_u8(expd), row.To_display(type));
public Srch_rslt_row Make__row_straight(String ttl, String highlight) {
Srch_rslt_row rv = Srch_rslt_row.New(wiki.Domain_bry(), wiki.Ttl_parse(Bry_.new_u8(ttl)), 123, 100, 999, Srch_rslt_row.Page_redirect_id_null);
rv.Page_ttl_highlight = Bry_.new_u8(highlight);
return rv;
public Srch_rslt_row Make__row_redirect(String ttl, String highlight, String redirect) {
Srch_rslt_row rv = Make__row_straight(ttl, highlight);
rv.Page_redirect_id = 321;
rv.Page_redirect_ttl = Bry_.new_u8(redirect);
return rv;

@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ class Srch_html_page_bldr_fxt {
byte[] ttl_bry = Bry_.new_u8(ttl_str);
Srch_rslt_row rv = new Srch_rslt_row(Srch_rslt_row.Bld_key(wiki_bry, page_id), wiki_bry, wiki.Ttl_parse(ttl_bry), gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_.Tid__main, ttl_bry, page_id, len, len, Srch_rslt_row.Page_redirect_id_null);
rv.Page_ttl_highlight = rv.Page_ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case();
return rv;

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class Srch_html_row_bldr implements gplx.core.brys.Bfr_arg {
synchronized (thread_lock) {
lnki_bldr.Href_(row.Wiki_bry, row.Page_ttl);
fmtr.Bld_many(bfr, Gfh_utl.Encode_id_as_str(row.Key), row.Page_score, lnki_bldr.Bld_to_bry());

@ -29,14 +29,22 @@ public class Srch_html_row_wkr {
public void Set(int i, Srch_rslt_row row) {rows[i] = row;}
public void On_rslt_found(Srch_rslt_row new_row) {
// get last row
Srch_rslt_row last_row = rows[rows_len - 1];
if (last_row != null) {
if (Compare(new_row, last_row) == CompareAble_.More_or_same) return; // new_row is < last_row; exit
int new_row_slot = Find_insert_slot(new_row); if (new_row_slot == -1) return;
// find where new row goes
int new_row_slot = Find_insert_slot(new_row);
if (new_row_slot == -1) return;
// get row and add it
Srch_rslt_row insert_row = rows[new_row_slot];
byte[] insert_key = insert_row == null ? insert_new_key : insert_row.Key;
Displace(new_row_slot, new_row);
// generate html
html_row_bldr.Bld_html(bfr, new_row);
String html_tbl = bfr.To_str_and_clear();
js_wkr.Html_elem_append_above(Gfh_utl.Encode_id_as_str(insert_key), html_tbl);

@ -458,13 +458,11 @@ if (!window.xowa) {
elem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html);
xowa.js.doc.process_new_elem(elem.parentNode); // NOTE: elem is placeholder item; html is inserted after it; need to call process_new_elem on parentNode; DATE:2015-08-03
return true;
// PURPOSE: process new element such as adding bindings; DATE:2015-07-09
xowa.js.doc.process_new_elem = function(elem) {;;
// PURPOSE: async search; gallery; imap
