Add page title to log message when category does not exist in page (dynamicPageList)

gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 01e45caa5a
commit c032eba49c

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ public class Xoctg_catpage_mgr implements Gfo_invk {
public void Free_mem_all() {cache.Clear();}
public Xoctg_catpage_ctg Get_or_load_or_null(Xoctg_catpage_url catpage_url, Xoa_ttl cat_ttl, int limit) {
public Xoctg_catpage_ctg Get_or_load_or_null(byte[] page_ttl, Xoctg_catpage_url catpage_url, Xoa_ttl cat_ttl, int limit) {
// load categories from cat dbs; exit if not found
Xoctg_catpage_ctg ctg = (Xoctg_catpage_ctg)cache.Get_by(cat_ttl.Full_db());
if (ctg == null) {
if (gplx.core.envs.Env_.Mode_testing()) return null; // needed for dpl test
synchronized (thread_lock) { // LOCK:used by multiple wrks; DATE:2016-09-12
ctg = loader.Load_ctg_or_null(wiki, this, catpage_url, cat_ttl, limit);
ctg = loader.Load_ctg_or_null(wiki, page_ttl, this, catpage_url, cat_ttl, limit);
if (ctg == null) return null; // not in cache or db; exit
// cache.Add(cat_ttl.Full_db(), ctg);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class Xoctg_catpage_mgr implements Gfo_invk {
Xoctg_catpage_url catpage_url = Xoctg_catpage_url_parser.Parse(page.Url());
// load categories from cat dbs; exit if not found
Xoctg_catpage_ctg ctg = Get_or_load_or_null(catpage_url, page.Ttl(), grp_max);
Xoctg_catpage_ctg ctg = Get_or_load_or_null(page.Ttl().Page_db(), catpage_url, page.Ttl(), grp_max);
if (ctg == null) return;
// write html

@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ package gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.ctgs.htmls.catpages.dbs; import gplx.*; import gp
import gplx.dbs.*; import*; import*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.ctgs.dbs.*;
import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.ctgs.htmls.catpages.doms.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.ctgs.htmls.catpages.urls.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.wikis.ctgs.htmls.catpages.dbs.*;
public class Xoctg_catpage_loader {
public Xoctg_catpage_ctg Load_ctg_or_null(Xow_wiki wiki, Xoctg_catpage_mgr catpage_mgr, Xoctg_catpage_url cat_url, Xoa_ttl cat_ttl, int limit) {
public Xoctg_catpage_ctg Load_ctg_or_null(Xow_wiki wiki, byte[] page_ttl_bry, Xoctg_catpage_mgr catpage_mgr, Xoctg_catpage_url cat_url, Xoa_ttl cat_ttl, int limit) {
// get cat_id from page_tbl
Xow_db_mgr db_mgr = wiki.Data__core_mgr();
Xowd_page_tbl page_tbl = db_mgr.Db__core().Tbl__page();
Xowd_page_itm page_itm = page_tbl.Select_by_ttl_as_itm_or_null(cat_ttl);
if (page_itm == null) {
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Warn_many("", "", "category does not exist in page table; ttl=~{0}", cat_ttl.Full_db());
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Warn_many("", "", "category does not exist in page table; page=~{0} ttl=~{1}", page_ttl_bry, cat_ttl.Full_db());
return null;
int cat_id = page_itm.Id();

@ -19,26 +19,27 @@ package gplx.xowa.bldrs.sql_dumps; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gpl
import org.junit.*; import gplx.core.ios.*; import gplx.core.tests.*;
public class Xosql_dump_parser__tst {
private final Xosql_dump_parser__fxt fxt = new Xosql_dump_parser__fxt();
private static final String table_def = "\n KEY \n) ENGINE; ";
@Test public void One() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2);", "2|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2);", "2|");
@Test public void Many() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2),(3,4),(5,6);", "2|\n4|\n6|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2),(3,4),(5,6);", "2|\n4|\n6|");
@Test public void Quote_basic() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a','b');", "a|b|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a','b');", "a|b|");
@Test public void Escape_backslash() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a\\\\b','c');", "a\\b|c|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a\\\\b','c');", "a\\b|c|");
@Test public void Escape_quote() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a\"b','c');", "a\"b|c|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'a\"b','c');", "a\"b|c|");
@Test public void Fld_paren_end() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'Психостимуляторы_(лекарственные_средства)','c');", сихостимуляторы_(лекарственные_средства)|c|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2", "c3"), "c2", "c3").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,'Психостимуляторы_(лекарственные_средства)','c');", сихостимуляторы_(лекарственные_средства)|c|");
@Test public void Insert_multiple() {
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse("INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2);INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (3,4)", "2|\n4|");
fxt.Init(String_.Ary("c1", "c2"), "c2").Test__parse(table_def + "INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (1,2);INSERT INTO 'tbl_1' VALUES (3,4)", "2|\n4|");
class Xosql_dump_parser__fxt {

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
class Dpl_itm {
public byte[] Page_ttl() {return page_ttl;} private byte[] page_ttl;
public List_adp Ctg_includes() {return ctg_includes;} private List_adp ctg_includes;
public List_adp Ctg_excludes() {return ctg_excludes;} private List_adp ctg_excludes;
public int Count() {return count;} private int count = Int_.Min_value;
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ class Dpl_itm {
public byte Stable_pages() {return stable_pages;} private byte stable_pages;
private Xop_ctx sub_ctx; private Xop_tkn_mkr sub_tkn_mkr; private Xop_root_tkn sub_root;
public void Parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] page_ttl, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) { // parse kvps in xnde; EX:<dpl>category=abc\nredirects=y\n</dpl>
this.page_ttl = page_ttl;
sub_ctx = Xop_ctx.New__sub__reuse_page(ctx);
sub_tkn_mkr = sub_ctx.Tkn_mkr();
sub_root = sub_tkn_mkr.Root(Bry_.Empty);

@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ class Dpl_page_finder {
List_adp del_list = List_adp_.New();
int ns_filter = itm.Ns_filter();
Ordered_hash exclude_pages = Ordered_hash_.New();
Find_excludes(exclude_pages, wiki, load_mgr, tmp_page, tmp_id, itm.Ctg_excludes());
Find_excludes(exclude_pages, wiki, load_mgr, itm.Page_ttl(), tmp_page, tmp_id, itm.Ctg_excludes());
for (int i = 0; i < includes_len; i++) { // loop over includes
byte[] include = (byte[])includes.Get_at(i);
cur_regy.Clear(); del_list.Clear();
Find_pages_in_ctg(cur_regy, wiki, load_mgr, tmp_page, tmp_id, include);
Find_pages_in_ctg(cur_regy, wiki, load_mgr, itm.Page_ttl(), tmp_page, tmp_id, include);
Del_old_pages_not_in_cur(i, tmp_id, old_regy, cur_regy, del_list);
Add_cur_pages_also_in_old(i, tmp_id, old_regy, cur_regy, new_regy, exclude_pages, ns_filter);
old_regy = new_regy;
@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ class Dpl_page_finder {
wiki.Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_by_ids(Cancelable_.Never, rv, 0, pages_len);
private static void Find_excludes(Ordered_hash exclude_pages, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xodb_load_mgr load_mgr, Xowd_page_itm tmp_page, Int_obj_ref tmp_id, List_adp exclude_ctgs) {
private static void Find_excludes(Ordered_hash exclude_pages, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xodb_load_mgr load_mgr, byte[] page_ttl, Xowd_page_itm tmp_page, Int_obj_ref tmp_id, List_adp exclude_ctgs) {
if (exclude_ctgs == null) return;
int exclude_ctgs_len = exclude_ctgs.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < exclude_ctgs_len; i++) {
byte[] exclude_ctg = (byte[])exclude_ctgs.Get_at(i);
Find_pages_in_ctg(exclude_pages, wiki, load_mgr, tmp_page, tmp_id, exclude_ctg);
Find_pages_in_ctg(exclude_pages, wiki, load_mgr, page_ttl, tmp_page, tmp_id, exclude_ctg);
private static void Find_pages_in_ctg(Ordered_hash rv, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xodb_load_mgr load_mgr, Xowd_page_itm tmp_page, Int_obj_ref tmp_id, byte[] ctg_ttl) {
Xoctg_catpage_ctg ctg = wiki.Ctg__catpage_mgr().Get_or_load_or_null(Xoctg_catpage_url.New__blank(), wiki.Ttl_parse(gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_.Tid__category, ctg_ttl), -1);
private static void Find_pages_in_ctg(Ordered_hash rv, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xodb_load_mgr load_mgr, byte[] page_ttl, Xowd_page_itm tmp_page, Int_obj_ref tmp_id, byte[] ctg_ttl) {
Xoctg_catpage_ctg ctg = wiki.Ctg__catpage_mgr().Get_or_load_or_null(page_ttl, Xoctg_catpage_url.New__blank(), wiki.Ttl_parse(gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_.Tid__category, ctg_ttl), -1);
if (ctg == null) return;
// loop grps to get grp
