mirror of https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa.git synced 2024-09-28 14:30:51 +00:00

Mw_parse: Add magicWord classes

This commit is contained in:
gnosygnu 2017-02-05 13:59:30 -05:00
parent 352238a9c5
commit 8011f9e979
12 changed files with 607 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -111,8 +111,9 @@ public class Btrie_bwd_mgr {
count--; // FUTURE: do not decrement if not found
public void Clear() {root.Clear(); count = 0;}
public static Btrie_bwd_mgr cs_() {return new Btrie_bwd_mgr(false);}
public static Btrie_bwd_mgr ci_() {return new Btrie_bwd_mgr(true);}
public static Btrie_bwd_mgr cs_() {return new Btrie_bwd_mgr(false);}
public static Btrie_bwd_mgr ci_() {return new Btrie_bwd_mgr(true);}
public static Btrie_bwd_mgr c__(boolean cs) {return new Btrie_bwd_mgr(!cs);}
public Btrie_bwd_mgr(boolean caseAny) {
root = new Btrie_slim_itm(Byte_.Zero, null, caseAny);
} private Btrie_slim_itm root;

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@ -218,5 +218,5 @@ public class Btrie_slim_mgr implements Btrie_mgr {
public static Btrie_slim_mgr cs() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(Bool_.Y);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr ci_a7() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(Bool_.N);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr ci_u8() {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(Bool_.N);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr new_(boolean v) {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(v);}
public static Btrie_slim_mgr new_(boolean cs) {return new Btrie_slim_mgr(cs);}

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@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ public class Xouw_list_special implements Xow_special_page {
Xouw_list_special(Xow_special_meta special__meta) {this.special__meta = special__meta;}
public Xow_special_meta Special__meta() {return special__meta;} private final Xow_special_meta special__meta;
public Xow_special_page Special__clone() {return this;}
public static final Xow_special_page Prototype = new Xouw_list_special(Xow_special_meta.New_xo("XowaUserWikis", "Personal Wikis"));
public static final Xow_special_page Prototype = new Xouw_list_special(Xow_special_meta.New_xo("XowaUserWikis", "Wikis"));

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@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ public class Xol_kwd_itm {// NOTE: keeping as separate class b/c may include fmt
public Xol_kwd_itm(byte[] val) {this.val = val;}
public byte[] Val() {return val;} private byte[] val;
public void Val_(byte[] v) {val = v;} // should only be called by lang
public static final Xol_kwd_itm[] Ary_empty = new Xol_kwd_itm[0];
public static final Xol_kwd_itm[] Ary_empty = new Xol_kwd_itm[0];

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
public class Xomw_MagicWord {
public boolean case_match;
public byte[] name;
public Xomw_MagicWordSynonym[] synonyms;
public Xomw_MagicWord(byte[] name, boolean case_match, byte[][] synonyms_ary) {
this.name = name;
this.case_match = case_match;
int synonyms_len = synonyms_ary.length;
this.synonyms = new Xomw_MagicWordSynonym[synonyms_len];
for (int i = 0; i < synonyms_len; i++) {
synonyms[i] = new Xomw_MagicWordSynonym(name, case_match, synonyms_ary[i]);

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@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.core.btries.*; import gplx.core.primitives.*;
public class Xomw_MagicWordArray {
private Btrie_slim_mgr fwd_trie;
private Btrie_bwd_mgr bwd_trie;
private final Btrie_rv trv = new Btrie_rv();
// private final Xomw_MagicWordMgr magic_word_mgr;
public final byte[][] names;
// /** @var array */
// private hash;
// private baseRegex;
// private regex;
public Xomw_MagicWordArray(Xomw_MagicWordMgr magic_word_mgr, byte[][] names) {
// this.magic_word_mgr = magic_word_mgr;
this.names = names;
// ASSUME: all magic words in a group have the same case sensitivity
for (byte[] name : names) {
Xomw_MagicWord word = magic_word_mgr.Get(name);
if (word == null) continue;
Xomw_MagicWordSynonym[] synonyms = word.synonyms;
int synonyms_len = synonyms.length;
for (int i = 0; i < synonyms_len; i++) {
Xomw_MagicWordSynonym synonym = synonyms[i];
switch (synonym.arg1_tid) {
case Xomw_MagicWordSynonym.Arg1__end:
if (fwd_trie == null) fwd_trie = word.case_match ? Btrie_slim_mgr.cs() : Btrie_slim_mgr.ci_u8();
fwd_trie.Add_obj(synonym.text, synonym);
case Xomw_MagicWordSynonym.Arg1__bgn:
if (bwd_trie == null) bwd_trie = Btrie_bwd_mgr.c__(word.case_match);
bwd_trie.Add(synonym.text, synonym);
// ignore if mid / mix
case Xomw_MagicWordSynonym.Arg1__mid:
case Xomw_MagicWordSynonym.Arg1__mix:
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Warn_many("", "", "MagicWordArray: unsupported arg_1_tid: tid=~{0}", synonym.arg1_tid);
case Xomw_MagicWordSynonym.Arg1__nil:
// /**
// * Add a magic word by name
// *
// * @param String name
// */
// public function add(name) {
// this->names[] = name;
// this->hash = this->baseRegex = this->regex = null;
// }
// /**
// * Add a number of magic words by name
// *
// * @param array names
// */
// public function addArray(names) {
// this->names = array_merge(this->names, array_values(names));
// this->hash = this->baseRegex = this->regex = null;
// }
// /**
// * Get a 2-d hashtable for this array
// * @return array
// */
// public function getHash() {
// if (is_null(this->hash)) {
// global wgContLang;
// this->hash = [ 0 => [], 1 => [] ];
// foreach (this->names as name) {
// magic = MagicWord::get(name);
// case = intval(magic->isCaseSensitive());
// foreach (magic->getSynonyms() as syn) {
// if (!case) {
// syn = wgContLang->lc(syn);
// }
// this->hash[case][syn] = name;
// }
// }
// }
// return this->hash;
// }
// /**
// * Get the super regex
// * @return array
// */
// public function getBaseRegex() {
// if (is_null(this->baseRegex)) {
// this->baseRegex = [ 0 => '', 1 => '' ];
// foreach (this->names as name) {
// magic = MagicWord::get(name);
// case = intval(magic->isCaseSensitive());
// foreach (magic->getSynonyms() as i => syn) {
// // Group name must start with a non-digit in PCRE 8.34+
// it = strtr(i, '0123456789', 'abcdefghij');
// group = "(?P<{it}_{name}>" . preg_quote(syn, '/') . ')';
// if (this->baseRegex[case] === '') {
// this->baseRegex[case] = group;
// } else {
// this->baseRegex[case] .= '|' . group;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return this->baseRegex;
// }
// /**
// * Get an unanchored regex that does not match parameters
// * @return array
// */
// public function getRegex() {
// if (is_null(this->regex)) {
// super = this->getBaseRegex();
// this->regex = [ '', '' ];
// if (this->baseRegex[0] !== '') {
// this->regex[0] = "/{super[0]}/iuS";
// }
// if (this->baseRegex[1] !== '') {
// this->regex[1] = "/{super[1]}/S";
// }
// }
// return this->regex;
// }
// /**
// * Get a regex for matching variables with parameters
// *
// * @return String
// */
// public function getVariableRegex() {
// return str_replace("\\1", "(.*?)", this->getRegex());
// }
// /**
// * Get a regex anchored to the start of the String that does not match parameters
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function getRegexStart() {
// super = this->getBaseRegex();
// newRegex = [ '', '' ];
// if (super[0] !== '') {
// newRegex[0] = "/^(?:{super[0]})/iuS";
// }
// if (super[1] !== '') {
// newRegex[1] = "/^(?:{super[1]})/S";
// }
// return newRegex;
// }
// /**
// * Get an anchored regex for matching variables with parameters
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function getVariableStartToEndRegex() {
// super = this->getBaseRegex();
// newRegex = [ '', '' ];
// if (super[0] !== '') {
// newRegex[0] = str_replace("\\1", "(.*?)", "/^(?:{super[0]})/iuS");
// }
// if (super[1] !== '') {
// newRegex[1] = str_replace("\\1", "(.*?)", "/^(?:{super[1]})/S");
// }
// return newRegex;
// }
// /**
// * @since 1.20
// * @return array
// */
// public function getNames() {
// return this->names;
// }
// /**
// * Parse a match array from preg_match
// * Returns array(magic word ID, parameter value)
// * If there is no parameter value, that element will be false.
// *
// * @param array m
// *
// * @throws MWException
// * @return array
// */
// public function parseMatch(m) {
// reset(m);
// while (list(key, value) = each(m)) {
// if (key === 0 || value === '') {
// continue;
// }
// parts = explode('_', key, 2);
// if (count(parts) != 2) {
// // This shouldn't happen
// // continue;
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': bad parameter name');
// }
// list(/* synIndex */, magicName) = parts;
// paramValue = next(m);
// return [ magicName, paramValue ];
// }
// // This shouldn't happen either
// throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': parameter not found');
// }
* Match some text, with parameter capture
* Returns an array with the magic word name in the first element and the
* parameter in the second element.
* Both elements are false if there was no match.
* @param String text
* @return array
public byte[] matchVariableStartToEnd(byte[] src) {
int src_end = src.length;
// check fwd; EX: "thumb=$1"
if (fwd_trie != null) {
Object o = fwd_trie.Match_at(trv, src, 0, src_end);
if (o != null) {
return ((Xomw_MagicWordSynonym)o).magic_name;
// check bwd; EX: "$1px"
if (bwd_trie != null) {
Object o = bwd_trie.Match_at(trv, src, src_end, -1);
if (o != null) {
return ((Xomw_MagicWordSynonym)o).magic_name;
return null;
// regexes = this->getVariableStartToEndRegex();
// foreach (regexes as regex) {
// if (regex !== '') {
// m = [];
// if (preg_match(regex, text, m)) {
// return this->parseMatch(m);
// }
// }
// }
// return [ false, false ];
// /**
// * Match some text, without parameter capture
// * Returns the magic word name, or false if there was no capture
// *
// * @param String text
// *
// * @return String|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function matchStartToEnd(text) {
// hash = this->getHash();
// if (isset(hash[1][text])) {
// return hash[1][text];
// }
// global wgContLang;
// lc = wgContLang->lc(text);
// if (isset(hash[0][lc])) {
// return hash[0][lc];
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an associative array, ID => param value, for all items that match
// * Removes the matched items from the input String (passed by reference)
// *
// * @param String text
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function matchAndRemove(&text) {
// found = [];
// regexes = this->getRegex();
// foreach (regexes as regex) {
// if (regex === '') {
// continue;
// }
// matches = [];
// res = preg_match_all(regex, text, matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// if (res === false) {
// LoggerFactory::getInstance('parser')->warning('preg_match_all returned false', [
// 'code' => preg_last_error(),
// 'regex' => regex,
// 'text' => text,
// ]);
// } elseif (res) {
// foreach (matches as m) {
// list(name, param) = this->parseMatch(m);
// found[name] = param;
// }
// }
// res = preg_replace(regex, '', text);
// if (res === null) {
// LoggerFactory::getInstance('parser')->warning('preg_replace returned null', [
// 'code' => preg_last_error(),
// 'regex' => regex,
// 'text' => text,
// ]);
// }
// text = res;
// }
// return found;
// }
// /**
// * Return the ID of the magic word at the start of text, and remove
// * the prefix from text.
// * Return false if no match found and text is not modified.
// * Does not match parameters.
// *
// * @param String text
// *
// * @return int|boolean False on failure
// */
// public function matchStartAndRemove(&text) {
// regexes = this->getRegexStart();
// foreach (regexes as regex) {
// if (regex === '') {
// continue;
// }
// if (preg_match(regex, text, m)) {
// list(id,) = this->parseMatch(m);
// if (strlen(m[0]) >= strlen(text)) {
// text = '';
// } else {
// text = substr(text, strlen(m[0]));
// }
// return id;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
public class Xomw_MagicWordMgr {
public Xomw_MagicWord Get(byte[] name) {
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.mws; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
public class Xomw_MagicWordSynonym {
public final byte[] magic_name;
public final boolean case_match;
public final byte[] text;
public final byte arg1_tid;
public Xomw_MagicWordSynonym(byte[] magic_name, boolean case_match, byte[] text) {
this.magic_name = magic_name;
this.case_match = case_match;
this.text = text;
this.arg1_tid = Get_arg1_tid(text);
private static byte Get_arg1_tid(byte[] src) {
int len = src.length;
byte rv = Arg1__nil;
int cur = 0;
while (true) {
if (cur == len) break;
byte b = src[cur];
// "$" matched
if (b == Byte_ascii.Dollar) {
// "1" matched?
int nxt_pos = cur + 1;
if (nxt_pos < len && src[nxt_pos] == Byte_ascii.Num_1) {
// "$1" matched
if (cur == 0) {
rv = Arg1__bgn;
else if (cur == len - 2) {
rv = rv == Arg1__nil ? Arg1__end : Arg1__mix;
else {
if (rv == Arg1__nil)
rv = Arg1__mid;
else if (rv == Arg1__mid)
rv = Arg1__mix;
cur += 3;
else {
cur += 2;
else {
cur += 1;
return rv;
public static final byte
Arg1__nil = 0 // EX: "thumb"
, Arg1__bgn = 1 // EX: "$1px"
, Arg1__end = 2 // EX: "thumb=$1"
, Arg1__mid = 3 // EX: "a$1b"
, Arg1__mix = 4 // EX: "a$1b$cc"

View File

@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ public class Xomw_File {
// /** @var FSFile|boolean False if undefined */
// protected fsFile;
// /** @var MediaHandler */
// private Xomw_media_handler handler = null;
/** @var MediaHandler */
private Xomw_MediaHandler handler = null;
/** @var String The URL corresponding to one of the four basic zones */
public byte[] url;
@ -1340,21 +1340,21 @@ public class Xomw_File {
// */
// function migrateThumbFile(thumbName) {
// }
// /**
// * Get a MediaHandler instance for this file
// *
// * @return MediaHandler|boolean Registered MediaHandler for file's MIME type
// * or false if none found
// */
// function getHandler() {
// if (!isset(this.handler)) {
* Get a MediaHandler instance for this file
* @return MediaHandler|boolean Registered MediaHandler for file's MIME type
* or false if none found
public Xomw_MediaHandler getHandler() {
if (this.handler == null) {
// this.handler = MediaHandler::getHandler(this.getMimeType());
// }
// return this.handler;
// }
return this.handler;
// /**
// * Get a ThumbnailImage representing a file type icon
// *

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.mws.parsers; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.mws.*;
import gplx.xowa.mws.filerepo.file.*;
public class Xomw_parser_env {
public Xomw_MagicWordMgr Magic_word_mgr() {return magic_word_mgr;} private final Xomw_MagicWordMgr magic_word_mgr = new Xomw_MagicWordMgr();
public Xomw_message_mgr Message_mgr() {return message_mgr;} private final Xomw_message_mgr message_mgr = new Xomw_message_mgr();
public Xomw_file_finder File_finder() {return file_finder;} private Xomw_file_finder file_finder = new Xomw_file_finder__noop();

View File

@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
private final Xomw_qry_mgr query = new Xomw_qry_mgr();
private final Btrie_rv trv = new Btrie_rv();
private final List_adp tmp_list = List_adp_.New();
// private final Hash_adp mImageParams = Hash_adp_.New();
private final Hash_adp mImageParams = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
private final Hash_adp mImageParamsMagicArray = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
public Xomw_lnki_wkr(Xomw_parser parser, Xomw_link_holders holders, Xomw_link_renderer link_renderer, Btrie_slim_mgr protocols_trie) {
this.parser = parser;
this.holders = holders;
@ -482,12 +483,12 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// list($file, $title) = $this->fetchFileAndTitle($title, $options);
// Get parameter map
// $handler = $file ? $file->getHandler() : false;
Xomw_MediaHandler handler2 = file == null ? null : file.getHandler();
// list($paramMap, $mwArray) = $this->getImageParams($handler);
// Xomw_image_params tmp_img_params = new Xomw_image_params();
// this.getImageParams(tmp_img_params, handler);
// Xomw_param_map paramMap = tmp_img_params.param_map;
Xomw_image_params tmp_img_params = new Xomw_image_params();
this.getImageParams(tmp_img_params, handler2);
// Xomw_param_map paramMap = tmp_img_params.paramMap;
Xomw_MagicWordArray mwArray = tmp_img_params.mwArray;
// XO.MW.UNSUPPORTED.TrackingCategory:
//if (!$file) {
@ -508,8 +509,8 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
byte[] part = parts[i];
part = Bry_.Trim(part);
// byte[] magic_name = $mwArray->matchVariableStartToEnd($part);
byte[] magic_name = null;
byte[] magic_name = mwArray.matchVariableStartToEnd(part);
// byte[] magic_name = null;
boolean validated = false;
Xomw_prm_itm prm_itm = param_map.Get_or_null(magic_name);
@ -594,6 +595,9 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// if ( $validated ) {
// $params[$type][$paramName] = $value;
// }
if (!validated) {
caption = part;
@ -691,51 +695,49 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// return $tooltip;
// }
// static Xomw_param_list[] internalParamNames;
// static Xomw_param_map internalParamMap;
// private void getImageParams(Xomw_image_params rv, Xomw_MediaHandler handler) {
// byte[] handlerClass = handler.Key();
// //XO.MW.SKIP:handled by handler.Key()
// //if ($handler) {
// // $handlerClass = get_class($handler);
// //}
// //else {
// // $handlerClass = '';
// //}
// Xomw_param_map rv_map = (Xomw_param_map)mImageParams.Get_by(handler.Key());
// if (rv == null) {
// // Initialise static lists
// if (internalParamNames == null) {
// internalParamNames = new Xomw_param_list[]
// { Xomw_param_list.New("horizAlign", "left", "right", "center", "none")
// , Xomw_param_list.New("vertAlign", "baseline", "sub", "super", "top", "text-top", "middle", "bottom", "text-bottom")
// , Xomw_param_list.New("thumbnail", "manual_thumb", "framed", "frameless", "upright", "border", "link", "alt", "class")
// };
// internalParamMap = new Xomw_param_map();
// byte[] bry_img = Bry_.new_a7("img_");
// foreach (Xomw_param_list param_list in internalParamNames) {
// byte[] type = param_list.type;
// foreach (byte[] name in param_list.names) {
// byte[] magic_name = Bry_.Add(bry_img, Bry_.Replace(name, Byte_ascii.Dash, Byte_ascii.Underline));
// internalParamMap.Add(magic_name, type, name);
// }
private static Xomw_param_list[] internalParamNames;
private static Xomw_param_map internalParamMap;
private void getImageParams(Xomw_image_params rv, Xomw_MediaHandler handler) {
byte[] handlerClass = handler == null ? Bry_.Empty : handler.Key();
rv.paramMap = (Xomw_param_map)mImageParams.Get_by(handlerClass);
if (rv.paramMap == null) {
// Initialise static lists
if (internalParamNames == null) {
internalParamNames = new Xomw_param_list[]
{ Xomw_param_list.New("horizAlign", "left", "right", "center", "none")
, Xomw_param_list.New("vertAlign", "baseline", "sub", "super", "top", "text-top", "middle", "bottom", "text-bottom")
, Xomw_param_list.New("thumbnail", "manual_thumb", "framed", "frameless", "upright", "border", "link", "alt", "class")
internalParamMap = new Xomw_param_map();
byte[] bry_img = Bry_.new_a7("img_");
for (Xomw_param_list param_list : internalParamNames) {
byte[] type = param_list.type;
for (byte[] name : param_list.names) {
byte[] magic_name = Bry_.Add(bry_img, Bry_.Replace(name, Byte_ascii.Dash, Byte_ascii.Underline));
internalParamMap.Add(magic_name, type, name);
// Add handler params
Xomw_param_map paramMap = internalParamMap.Clone();
if (handler != null) {
// $handlerParamMap = $handler->getParamMap();
// foreach ($handlerParamMap as $magic => $paramName) {
// $paramMap[$magic] = [ 'handler', $paramName ];
// }
// }
// // Add handler params
// Xomw_param_map paramMap = internalParamMap.Clone();
// if (handler != null) {
//// $handlerParamMap = $handler->getParamMap();
//// foreach ($handlerParamMap as $magic => $paramName) {
//// $paramMap[$magic] = [ 'handler', $paramName ];
//// }
// }
// this.mImageParams.Add(handlerClass, paramMap);
//// $this->mImageParamsMagicArray[$handlerClass] = new MagicWordArray(array_keys($paramMap));
// }
// rv.param_map = rv_map;
// }
this.mImageParams.Add(handlerClass, paramMap);
rv.paramMap = paramMap;
Xomw_MagicWordArray mw_array = new Xomw_MagicWordArray(env.Magic_word_mgr(), paramMap.Keys());
this.mImageParamsMagicArray.Add(handlerClass, mw_array);
rv.mwArray = mw_array;
else {
rv.mwArray = (Xomw_MagicWordArray)mImageParamsMagicArray.Get_by(handlerClass);
* Fetch a file and its title and register a reference to it.
@ -825,20 +827,42 @@ public class Xomw_lnki_wkr {// THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
// other chars... -> (.*)
class Xomw_image_params {
public Xomw_param_map param_map = null;
public Object magicArray = null;
public Xomw_param_map paramMap = null;
public Xomw_MagicWordArray mwArray = null;
class Xomw_param_map {
private final Ordered_hash hash = Ordered_hash_.New_bry();
public byte[][] Keys() {
int len = hash.Len();
byte[][] rv = new byte[len][];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
rv[i] = ((Xomw_param_itm)hash.Get_at(i)).magic;
return rv;
public void Add(byte[] magic, byte[] type, byte[] name) {
Xomw_param_itm itm = new Xomw_param_itm(magic, type, name);
hash.Add(magic, itm);
public Xomw_param_map Clone() {
return null;
Xomw_param_map rv = new Xomw_param_map();
int len = hash.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Xomw_param_itm itm = (Xomw_param_itm)hash.Get_at(i);
rv.Add(itm.magic, itm.type, itm.name);
return rv;
class Xomw_param_itm {
public byte[] magicName = null;
public byte[] type = null;
public byte[] name = null;
public final byte[] magic;
public final byte[] type;
public final byte[] name;
public Xomw_param_itm(byte[] magic, byte[] type, byte[] name) {
this.magic = magic;
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
class Xomw_param_list {
public byte[] type;

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
version_updater description 2