Mw_parse.Prepro: Optimize elements_trie

gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 2ad1be255c
commit 7fae7b832b

@ -20,53 +20,77 @@ import gplx.core.btries.*;
public class Xomw_prepro_wkr { // THREAD.UNSAFE: caching for repeated calls
private final Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
private final List_adp comments_list = List_adp_.New();
private final Hash_adp_bry xmlish_elems = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7();
private final Btrie_slim_mgr elements_trie__y = Btrie_slim_mgr.ci_a7(), elements_trie__n = Btrie_slim_mgr.ci_a7();
private final Hash_adp_bry xmlish_allow_missing_end_tag = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_many_str("includeonly", "noinclude", "onlyinclude");
private final Hash_adp_bry no_more_closing_tag = Hash_adp_bry.cs();
private final Btrie_slim_mgr elements_trie = Btrie_slim_mgr.ci_a7();
private final Xomw_prepro_stack stack = new Xomw_prepro_stack();
private final Btrie_rv trv = new Btrie_rv();
private Bry_bfr accum = Bry_bfr_.New();
public void Init_by_wiki(String... xmlish_elems_ary) {
Elements_trie__init_by_wiki(elements_trie__y, ignored_tags_y, xmlish_elems_ary, "noinclude");
Elements_trie__init_by_wiki(elements_trie__n, ignored_tags_n, xmlish_elems_ary, "includeonly");
private void Elements_trie__init_by_wiki(Btrie_slim_mgr trie, Ordered_hash ignored_tags, String[] strip_list_ary, String xmlish_elem) {
Elements_trie__add(trie, Bool_.Y, "!--", "comment");
// PORTED: $xmlishElements = parser->getStripList();
for (String itm : strip_list_ary) {
Elements_trie__add(trie, Bool_.N, itm, itm);
// PORTED: "$xmlishElements[] = 'noinclude';" or "$xmlishElements[] = 'includeonly';"
Elements_trie__add(trie, Bool_.N, xmlish_elem, xmlish_elem);
// PORTED: $xmlishRegex = implode( '|', array_merge( $xmlishElements, $ignoredTags ) );
int ignored_tags_len = ignored_tags.Count();
for (int j = 0; j < ignored_tags_len; j++) {
byte[] bry = (byte[])ignored_tags.Get_at(j);
String str = String_.new_u8(bry);
Elements_trie__add(trie, Bool_.N, str, str);
private static void Elements_trie__add(Btrie_slim_mgr trie, boolean type_is_comment, String hook, String name) {
trie.Add_obj(hook, new Xomw_prepro_elem(type_is_comment ? Xomw_prepro_elem.Type__comment : Xomw_prepro_elem.Type__other, Bry_.new_a7(name)));
public byte[] Preprocess_to_xml(byte[] src, boolean for_inclusion) {
xmlish_elems.Clear(); // TODO.XO: parser->getStripList(); pre|nowiki|gallery|indicator|ref|reference
// RELIC: $xmlishAllowMissingEndTag = [ 'includeonly', 'noinclude', 'onlyinclude' ];
// RELIC.PROC_VAR: forInclusion = $flags & Parser::PTD_FOR_INCLUSION;
// RELIC.INIT_BY_WIKI: $xmlishElements = parser->getStripList();
// RELIC.CLASS_VAR: $xmlishAllowMissingEndTag = [ 'includeonly', 'noinclude', 'onlyinclude' ];
boolean enable_only_include = false;
Ordered_hash ignored_tags; Hash_adp ignored_elements;
// PORTED: rewritten so that all add / del is done in INIT_BY_WIKI
Ordered_hash ignored_tags;
Hash_adp ignored_elements;
Btrie_slim_mgr elements_trie;
if (for_inclusion) {
ignored_tags = ignored_tags__noinclude;
ignored_elements = ignored_elements__noinclude;
ignored_tags = ignored_tags_y; // RELIC: $ignoredTags = [ 'includeonly', '/includeonly' ];
ignored_elements = ignored_elements__y; // RELIC: $ignoredElements = [ 'noinclude' ];
// RELIC.INIT_BY_WIKI: $xmlishElements[] = 'noinclude';
if ( Bry_.Has(src, Bry__only_include_bgn)
&& Bry_.Has(src, Bry__only_include_end)) {
enable_only_include = true;
elements_trie = elements_trie__y;
else {
ignored_tags = ignored_tags__includeonly;
ignored_elements = ignored_elements__includeonly;
ignored_tags = ignored_tags_n; // $ignoredTags = [ 'noinclude', '/noinclude', 'onlyinclude', '/onlyinclude' ];
ignored_elements = ignored_elements__n; // $ignoredElements = [ 'includeonly' ];
// RELIC.INIT_BY_WIKI: $xmlishElements[] = 'includeonly';
elements_trie = elements_trie__n;
// PORTED:$xmlishRegex = implode( '|', array_merge( $xmlishElements, $ignoredTags ) );
elements_trie.Add_obj("pre", new Xomw_prepro_elem(Xomw_prepro_elem.Type__other, Bry_.new_a7("pre")));
elements_trie.Add_obj("!--", new Xomw_prepro_elem(Xomw_prepro_elem.Type__comment, Bry_.new_a7("comment")));
int ignored_tags_len = ignored_tags.Count();
for (int j = 0; j < ignored_tags_len; j++) {
byte[] bry = (byte[])ignored_tags.Get_at(j);
elements_trie.Add_obj(bry, new Xomw_prepro_elem(Xomw_prepro_elem.Type__other, bry));
// RELIC.INIT_BY_WIKI: $xmlishRegex = implode( '|', array_merge( $xmlishElements, $ignoredTags ) );
// Use "A" modifier (anchored) instead of "^", because ^ doesn't work with an offset
// $elementsRegex = "~($xmlishRegex)(?:\s|\/>|>)|(!--)~iA";
// $searchBase = "[{<\n"; # }
// For fast reverse searches
// $revText = strrev( $text );
// $lengthText = strlen( $text );
@ -747,11 +771,11 @@ public class Xomw_prepro_wkr { // THREAD.UNSAFE:caching for repeated calls
private static final int Len__only_include_end = Bry__only_include_end.length;
private static final Btrie_slim_mgr cur_char_trie = Cur_char_trie__new();
private static final Ordered_hash
ignored_tags__noinclude = Ordered_hash_.New_bry().Add_many_str("includeonly", "/includeonly")
, ignored_tags__includeonly = Ordered_hash_.New_bry().Add_many_str("noinclude", "/noinclude", "onlyinclude", "/onlyinclude");
ignored_tags_y = Ordered_hash_.New_bry().Add_many_str("includeonly", "/includeonly")
, ignored_tags_n = Ordered_hash_.New_bry().Add_many_str("noinclude", "/noinclude", "onlyinclude", "/onlyinclude");
private static final Hash_adp_bry
ignored_elements__noinclude = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_many_str("noinclude")
, ignored_elements__includeonly = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_many_str("includeonly");
ignored_elements__y = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_many_str("noinclude")
, ignored_elements__n = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_many_str("includeonly");
private static Btrie_slim_mgr Cur_char_trie__new() {
Btrie_slim_mgr rv = Btrie_slim_mgr.ci_a7();
String[] ary = new String[] {"|", "=", "<", "\n", "{", "[", "-{", "}", "]"};

@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ public class Xomw_prepro_wkr__tst {
class Xomw_prepro_wkr__fxt {
private final Xomw_prepro_wkr wkr = new Xomw_prepro_wkr();
private boolean for_inclusion = false;
public Xomw_prepro_wkr__fxt() {
public void Init__for_inclusion_(boolean v) {for_inclusion = v;}
public void Test__parse(String src_str, String expd) {
byte[] src_bry = Bry_.new_u8(src_str);
