Html: Update HTML Santizer whitelist [#636]

gnosygnu 4 years ago
parent c3d524c493
commit 7b3d6e5271

@ -362,6 +362,15 @@ public class Xoh_html_wtr {
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__mapframe:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__maplink:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__template_styles:
// added new tags below; ISSUE#:636 DATE:2020-03-08
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__audio:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__video:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__track:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rtc:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figure:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figure_inline:
case Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figcaption:
Xox_xnde xtn = xnde.Xnde_xtn();
xtn.Xtn_write(bfr, app, ctx, this, hctx, page, xnde, src);

@ -52,21 +52,82 @@ public class Xop_xatr_whitelist_mgr {
return rv;
public Xop_xatr_whitelist_mgr Ini() { // REF.MW:Sanitizer.php|setupAttributeWhitelist
Ini_grp("common" , null , "id", "class", "lang", "dir", "title", "style", "role");
// REF.MW:Sanitizer.php|setupAttributeWhitelist
public Xop_xatr_whitelist_mgr Ini() {
// REF.MW:
Ini_grp("common", null,
// RDFa
// These attributes are specified in section 9 of
// Microdata. These are specified by
Ini_grp("block" , "common" , "align");
Ini_grp("tablealign" , null , "align", "char", "charoff", "valign");
Ini_grp("tablecell" , null , "abbr", "axis", "headers", "scope", "rowspan", "colspan", "nowrap", "width", "height", "bgcolor");
Ini_grp("tablealign" , null , "align", "valign");
Ini_grp("tablecell" , null,
"nowrap", // deprecated
"width", // deprecated
"height", // deprecated
"bgcolor" // deprecated
// Numbers refer to sections in HTML 4.01 standard describing the element.
// See:
// 7.5.4
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__div , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__center , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__center , "common"); // deprecated
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__span , "block");
// 7.5.5
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h1 , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h2 , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h3 , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h4 , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h5 , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__h6 , "block");
// 7.5.6
// address
// 8.2.4
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__bdo , "common");
// 9.2.1
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__em , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__strong , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__cite , "common");
@ -76,32 +137,81 @@ public class Xop_xatr_whitelist_mgr {
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__kbd , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__var , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__abbr , "common");
// acronym
// 9.2.2
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__blockquote , "common", "cite");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__q , "common", "cite");
// 9.2.3
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__sub , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__sup , "common");
// 9.3.1
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__p , "block");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__br , "id", "class", "title", "style", "clear");
// 9.3.2
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__br , "common", "clear");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__wbr , "common");
// 9.3.4
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__pre , "common", "width");
// 9.4
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__ins , "common", "cite", "datetime");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__del , "common", "cite", "datetime");
// 10.2
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__ul , "common", "type");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__ol , "common", "type", "start");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__ol , "common", "type", "start", "reversed");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__li , "common", "type", "value");
// 10.3
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__dl , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__dd , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__dt , "common");
// 11.2.1
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__table , "common", "summary", "width", "border", "frame", "rules", "cellspacing", "cellpadding", "align", "bgcolor");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__caption , "common", "align");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__thead , "common", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tfoot , "common", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tbody , "common", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__colgroup , "common", "span", "width", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__col , "common", "span", "width", "tablealign");
// 11.2.2
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__caption , "block");
// 11.2.3
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__thead , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tfoot , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tbody , "common");
// 11.2.4
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__colgroup , "common", "span");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__col , "common", "span");
// 11.2.5
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tr , "common", "bgcolor", "tablealign");
// 11.2.6
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__td , "common", "tablecell", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__th , "common", "tablecell", "tablealign");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__a , "common", "href", "rel", "rev");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__img , "common", "alt", "src", "width", "height");
// 12.2
// NOTE: <a> is not allowed directly, but the attrib
// whitelist is used from the Parser Object
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__a , "common", "href", "rel", "rev"); // # rel/rev esp. for RDFa
// 13.2
// Not usually allowed, but may be used for extension-style hooks
// such as <math> when it is rasterized, or if $wgAllowImageTag is
// true
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__img , "common", "alt", "src", "width", "height", "srcset");
// Attributes for A/V tags added in T163583 / T133673
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__audio , "common", "controls", "preload", "width", "height");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__video , "common", "poster", "controls", "preload", "width", "height");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__source , "common", "type", "src");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__track , "common", "type", "src", "srclang", "kind", "label");
// 15.2.1
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__tt , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__b , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__i , "common");
@ -110,18 +220,52 @@ public class Xop_xatr_whitelist_mgr {
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__strike , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__s , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__u , "common");
// 15.2.2
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__font , "common", "size", "color", "face");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__hr , "common", "noshade", "size", "width");
// basefont
// 15.3
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__hr , "common", "width");
// HTML Ruby annotation text module, simple ruby only.
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__ruby , "common");
// rbc
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rb , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rt , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rp , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rt , "common"); // $merge( $common, [ 'rbspan' ] ),
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__rtc , "common");
// MathML root element, where used for extensions
// 'title' may not be 100% valid here; it's XHTML
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__math , "class", "style", "id", "title");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__time , "class", "datetime");
// HTML 5 section 4.5
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figure , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figure_inline, "common"); // T118520
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__figcaption , "common");
// HTML 5 section 4.6
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__bdi , "common");
// HTML5 elements, defined by:
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__data , "common", "value");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__time , "common", "datetime");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__mark , "common");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__q , "common");
// meta and link are only permitted by removeHTMLtags when Microdata
// is enabled so we don't bother adding a conditional to hide these
// Also meta and link are only valid in WikiText as Microdata elements
// (ie: validateTag rejects tags missing the attributes needed for Microdata)
// So we don't bother including $common attributes that have no purpose.
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__meta , "itemprop", "content");
Ini_nde(Xop_xnde_tag_.Tid__link , "itemprop", "href", "title");
// NOTE: not in MW, but needed for "data-sort-type"; check if needed later; DATE:2020-03-08
return this;

@ -146,8 +146,15 @@ public class Xop_xnde_tag_ {
, Tid__meta = 121
, Tid__link = 122
, Tid__template_styles = 123
, Tid__audio = 124
, Tid__video = 125
, Tid__track = 126
, Tid__rtc = 127
, Tid__figure = 128
, Tid__figure_inline = 129
, Tid__figcaption = 130
public static final int Tid__len = 124;
public static final int Tid__len = 131;
public static final Xop_xnde_tag[] Ary = new Xop_xnde_tag[Tid__len];
private static Xop_xnde_tag New(int id, String name) {
Xop_xnde_tag rv = new Xop_xnde_tag(id, name);
@ -279,5 +286,12 @@ public class Xop_xnde_tag_ {
, Tag__meta = New(Tid__meta, "meta")
, Tag__link = New(Tid__link, "link")
, Tag__template_styles = New(Tid__template_styles, "templatestyles").Xtn_().Html_mkr_(Tag_html_mkr_.Basic(false))
, Tag__audio = New(Tid__audio, "audio")
, Tag__video = New(Tid__video, "video")
, Tag__track = New(Tid__track, "track")
, Tag__rtc = New(Tid__rtc, "rtc")
, Tag__figure = New(Tid__figure, "figure")
, Tag__figure_inline = New(Tid__figure_inline, "figure-inline")
, Tag__figcaption = New(Tid__figcaption, "figcaption")
