Performance: Disable dirty flag after formatter is compiled [#575]

gnosygnu 5 years ago
parent b67e528088
commit 75105c8397

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ public class Bry_fmtr {
byte[] trg_bry = new byte[fmt_len]; int trg_pos = 0;
boolean lkp_is_active = false, lkp_is_numeric = true;
byte nxt_byte, tmp_byte;
boolean dirty_disable = true;
List_adp list = List_adp_.New();
fmt_args_exist = false;
while (true) {
@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ public class Bry_fmtr {
if (trg_pos > 0) {list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.dat_(trg_bry, trg_pos)); trg_pos = 0;} // something pending; add it to list
int eval_lhs_bgn = fmt_pos + 2;
if (eval_lhs_bgn < fmt_len && fmt[eval_lhs_bgn] == char_eval_bgn) { // eval found
dirty_disable = false; // eval allows args to retrigger compiles; this is probably not used, but just in case, do not disable dirty; TEST: Tfds.Eq("012~{<>3<>}4", fmtr.Bld_str_many("1"));
fmt_pos = Compile_eval_cmd(fmt, fmt_len, eval_lhs_bgn, list);
@ -210,6 +212,8 @@ public class Bry_fmtr {
if (trg_pos > 0) {list.Add(Bry_fmtr_itm.dat_(trg_bry, trg_pos)); trg_pos = 0;}
itms = (Bry_fmtr_itm[])list.To_ary(Bry_fmtr_itm.class);
itms_len = itms.length;
if (dirty_disable)
dirty = false; // ISSUE#:575; DATE:2019-09-16
return this;
