v3.3.4 v3.1.4.1
gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 235228976e
commit 686d56fdab

@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ public class KeyVal_ {
return null;
public static String Ary_to_str_nested(KeyVal... ary) {
public static String Ary__to_str__nest(KeyVal... ary) {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
Ary_to_str_nested(bfr, 0, ary);
Ary__to_str__nest(bfr, 0, ary);
return bfr.To_str_and_clear();
private static void Ary_to_str_nested(Bry_bfr bfr, int indent, KeyVal[] ary) {
private static void Ary__to_str__nest(Bry_bfr bfr, int indent, KeyVal[] ary) {
int len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
KeyVal itm = ary[i];
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class KeyVal_ {
Class<?> val_type = Type_adp_.ClassOf_obj(val);
if (Type_adp_.Eq(val_type, KeyVal[].class)) { // val is KeyVal[]; recurse
bfr.Add_byte_nl(); // add nl : "\n"
Ary_to_str_nested(bfr, indent + 1, (KeyVal[])val);
Ary__to_str__nest(bfr, indent + 1, (KeyVal[])val);
continue; // don't add \n below
else if (Type_adp_.Eq(val_type, Bool_.Cls_ref_type)) { // val is boolean

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class String_ implements GfoInvkAble {
public static boolean EqNot(String lhs, String rhs) {return !Object_.Eq(lhs, rhs);}
public static boolean EqEmpty(String lhs) {return lhs.equals("");}
public static String IfNullOrEmpty(String s, String or) {return s == null || s.length() == 0 ? or : s;}
public static int Compare(String lhs, String rhs) {return lhs.compareTo(rhs);} // NOTE: Compare instead of compareTo b/c javafy lowercases compareTo
public static int Compare_as_ordinals(String lhs, String rhs) {return lhs.compareTo(rhs);}
public static int Compare_ignoreCase(String lhs, String rhs) {
if (lhs == null && rhs != null) return CompareAble_.Less;
else if (lhs != null && rhs == null) return CompareAble_.More;
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ public class String_ implements GfoInvkAble {
else return lhs.compareToIgnoreCase(rhs);
public static int Compare_strict(String lhs, String rhs) {
int compare = String_.Compare(lhs, rhs);
public static int Compare(String lhs, String rhs) {
int compare = lhs.compareTo(rhs);
if (compare == CompareAble_.Same) return CompareAble_.Same;
else if (compare < CompareAble_.Same) return CompareAble_.Less;
else /* (compare > CompareAble_.Same) */ return CompareAble_.More;

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public class String__tst {
tst_Compare_byteAry("ac", "ab", CompareAble_.More);
tst_Compare_byteAry("a", "ab", CompareAble_.Less);
tst_Compare_byteAry("ab", "a", CompareAble_.More);
tst_Compare_byteAry("101", "1-0-1", CompareAble_.More); // NOTE: regular String_.Compare returns Less in .NET, More in Java
tst_Compare_byteAry("101", "1-0-1", CompareAble_.More); // NOTE: regular String_.Compare_as_ordinals returns Less in .NET, More in Java
tst_Compare_byteAry("1-0-1", "101 (album)", CompareAble_.Less);
} void tst_Compare_byteAry(String lhs, String rhs, int expd) {Tfds.Eq(expd, String_.Compare_byteAry(lhs, rhs));}
@Test public void FindBwd() { // WORKAROUND.CS:String.LastIndexOf returns -1 for multi-chars;

@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ public class Btrie_slim_mgr implements Btrie_mgr {
Add_obj(ary[i], obj);
return this;
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_ary_byte(byte... ary) {
int len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
byte b = ary[i];
Byte_obj_val bval = Byte_obj_val.new_(b);
Add_obj(Bry_.New_by_byte(b), bval);
return this;
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_replace_many(String trg_str, String... src_ary) {return Add_replace_many(Bry_.new_u8(trg_str), src_ary);}
public Btrie_slim_mgr Add_replace_many(byte[] trg_bry, String... src_ary) {
int len = src_ary.length;

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class String_obj_val implements CompareAble {
@Override public String toString() {return val;}
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
String_obj_val comp = (String_obj_val)obj;
return String_.Compare_strict(val, comp.val);
return String_.Compare(val, comp.val);
public static String_obj_val new_(String val) {return new String_obj_val(val);} String_obj_val(String val) {this.val = val;}

@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.dbs.diffs; import gplx.*; import gplx.dbs.*;
public class Gfdb_diff_db_ {
public static final String
Fld__diff_site = "diff_site" // -1 for single-site merge; 0+ for multiple-site merges where 0+ is defined in a registry
, Fld__diff_time = "diff_time" // -1 for single-time merge; 0+ for multiple-time merges where 0+ is defined in a registry
, Fld__diff_db_trg = "diff_db_trg" // -1 for single-db tables; 0+ for multiple-db tables
, Fld__diff_db_src = "diff_db_src" // -1 for I,U,D; 0+ for M
, Fld__diff_type = "diff_type" // I,U,D,M
, Fld__diff_uid = "diff_uid" // 0+
Fld__dif_txn = "dif_txn" // 0+ where 0+ is defined in a tbl
, Fld__dif_uid = "dif_uid" // 0+
, Fld__dif_type = "dif_type" // I,U,D,M
, Fld__dif_db_trg = "dif_db_trg" // -1 for single-db tables; 0+ for multiple-db tables
, Fld__dif_db_src = "dff_db_src" // -1 for I,U,D; 0+ for M
public static final byte
Tid__insert = 0

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class Gfdb_diff_tbl {
public final Dbmeta_fld_itm[] Keys;
public final Dbmeta_fld_itm[] Vals;
public Db_rdr Make_rdr(Db_conn conn) {
Db_stmt stmt = conn.Stmt_select(Name, Dbmeta_fld_itm.To_str_ary(Flds));
Db_stmt stmt = conn.Stmt_select_order(Name, Dbmeta_fld_itm.To_str_ary(Flds), Dbmeta_fld_itm.Str_ary_empty, Dbmeta_fld_itm.To_str_ary(Keys));
return stmt.Exec_select__rls_auto();

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ public class Gfdb_rdr_utl_ {
int tid = fld.Type().Tid_ansi();
switch (tid) {
case Dbmeta_fld_tid.Tid__bool: comp = Bool_.Compare (lhs_rdr.Read_bool_by_byte(fld_name), rhs_rdr.Read_bool_by_byte(fld_name)); break;
case Dbmeta_fld_tid.Tid__byte: comp = Byte_.Compare (lhs_rdr.Read_byte(fld_name) , rhs_rdr.Read_byte(fld_name)); break;
case Dbmeta_fld_tid.Tid__int: comp = Int_.Compare (lhs_rdr.Read_int(fld_name) , rhs_rdr.Read_int(fld_name)); break;
case Dbmeta_fld_tid.Tid__long: comp = Long_.Compare (lhs_rdr.Read_long(fld_name) , rhs_rdr.Read_long(fld_name)); break;
case Dbmeta_fld_tid.Tid__float: comp = Float_.Compare (lhs_rdr.Read_float(fld_name) , rhs_rdr.Read_float(fld_name)); break;

@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ public class Gfdb_diff_bldr {
private Gfdb_diff_rdr_comparer rdr_comparer = new Gfdb_diff_rdr_comparer();
private Gfdb_diff_wkr diff_wkr;
public void Init(Gfdb_diff_wkr diff_wkr) {this.diff_wkr = diff_wkr;}
public void Compare(Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_conn old_conn, Db_conn new_conn) {
public void Compare(int txn, Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_conn old_conn, Db_conn new_conn) {
Db_rdr old_rdr = tbl.Make_rdr(old_conn), new_rdr = tbl.Make_rdr(new_conn);
rdr_comparer.Init_rdrs(tbl, old_rdr, new_rdr);
diff_wkr.Init_rdrs(tbl, old_rdr, new_rdr);
diff_wkr.Init_rdrs(txn, tbl, old_rdr, new_rdr);
boolean loop = true;
while (loop) {
int rslt = rdr_comparer.Compare();
@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ public class Gfdb_diff_bldr {
case Gfdb_diff_rdr_comparer.Rslt__done: loop = false; break;

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Gfdb_diff_bldr_fxt {
public void Init__tbl__old(Object[]... rows) {Db_conn_utl.Tbl__new(old_conn, "tbl", flds_ary, rows);}
public void Init__tbl__cur(Object[]... rows) {Db_conn_utl.Tbl__new(new_conn, "tbl", flds_ary, rows);}
public void Test__bld(String... expd) {
bldr.Compare(tbl, old_conn, new_conn);
bldr.Compare(-1, tbl, old_conn, new_conn);
Tfds.Eq_ary_str(expd, wkr.To_str_ary());
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Gfdb_diff_wkr__test implements Gfdb_diff_wkr {
private final List_adp list = List_adp_.new_();
private final Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
private Db_rdr old_rdr, new_rdr;
public void Init_rdrs(Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr) {
public void Init_rdrs(int txn, Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr) {
this.old_rdr = old_rdr; this.new_rdr = new_rdr;
public void Term_tbls() {}

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.dbs.diffs.builds; import gplx.*; import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.dbs.diffs.*;
public interface Gfdb_diff_wkr {
void Init_rdrs(Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr);
void Init_rdrs(int txn, Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr);
void Term_tbls();
void Handle_same();
void Handle_old_missing();

@ -19,58 +19,53 @@ package gplx.dbs.diffs.builds; import gplx.*; import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.dbs
import gplx.dbs.metas.*;
public class Gfdb_diff_wkr__db implements Gfdb_diff_wkr {
private Dbmeta_fld_itm[] val_flds; private int val_flds_len;
private Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl;
private Db_conn diff_conn; private Db_stmt stmt;
private Db_rdr old_rdr, new_rdr;
private int uid__upsert, uid__delete; private int prog_interval, prog_count;
public void Init_conn(Gfdb_diff_db diff_db, int prog_interval) {this.diff_conn = diff_db.Conn(); this.prog_interval = prog_interval;}
public void Init_rdrs(Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr) {
private Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl; private Db_rdr old_rdr, new_rdr;
private Db_conn dif_conn; private Db_stmt stmt;
private int txn, uid, prog_interval, prog_count;
public void Init_conn(Gfdb_diff_db diff_db, int prog_interval) {this.dif_conn = diff_db.Conn(); this.prog_interval = prog_interval;}
public void Init_rdrs(int txn, Gfdb_diff_tbl tbl, Db_rdr old_rdr, Db_rdr new_rdr) {
this.tbl = tbl; this.old_rdr = old_rdr; this.new_rdr = new_rdr;
this.val_flds = tbl.Vals; val_flds_len = val_flds.length;
this.uid__upsert = 0; uid__delete = 0; this.prog_count = 0;
String tbl_name = tbl.Name;
Dbmeta_fld_itm[] diff_flds = Gfdb_diff_wkr__db_.New_diff_flds(tbl.Flds);
if (!diff_conn.Meta_tbl_exists(tbl_name)) diff_conn.Ddl_create_tbl(Dbmeta_tbl_itm.New(tbl_name, diff_flds));
this.stmt = diff_conn.Stmt_insert(tbl_name, Gfdb_diff_wkr__db_.To_str_ary(diff_flds));
public void Term_tbls() {
this.txn = txn; this.uid = -1; this.prog_count = 0;
String dif_tbl = tbl.Name; Dbmeta_fld_itm[] dif_flds = Gfdb_diff_wkr__db_.New_dif_flds(tbl.Flds);
if (!dif_conn.Meta_tbl_exists(dif_tbl)) dif_conn.Ddl_create_tbl(Dbmeta_tbl_itm.New(dif_tbl, dif_flds));
this.stmt = dif_conn.Stmt_insert(dif_tbl, Gfdb_diff_wkr__db_.To_str_ary(dif_flds));
dif_conn.Txn_bgn("dif_db_tbl_" + dif_tbl);
public void Term_tbls() {dif_conn.Txn_end();}
public void Handle_old_missing() {Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__insert, ++uid, new_rdr, tbl.Flds);}
public void Handle_new_missing() {Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__delete, ++uid, old_rdr, tbl.Flds);}
public void Handle_same() {
if (Gfdb_rdr_utl_.Compare(val_flds, val_flds_len, old_rdr, new_rdr) != CompareAble_.Same)
Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__update, uid__upsert++, tbl.Flds, new_rdr);
Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__update, ++uid, new_rdr, tbl.Flds);
public void Handle_old_missing() {Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__insert, uid__upsert++, tbl.Flds, new_rdr);}
public void Handle_new_missing() {Insert(Gfdb_diff_db_.Tid__delete, uid__delete++, tbl.Keys, old_rdr);}
private void Insert(byte diff_type, int uid, Dbmeta_fld_itm[] flds, Db_rdr rdr) {
stmt.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_site , -1)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_time , -1)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_db_trg , -1)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_db_src , -1)
.Val_byte (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_type , diff_type)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_type , uid)
private void Insert(byte dif_type, int uid, Db_rdr rdr, Dbmeta_fld_itm[] flds) {
stmt.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_txn , txn)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_uid , uid)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_type , dif_type)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_db_src , -1)
.Val_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_db_trg , -1);
Gfdb_rdr_utl_.Stmt_args(stmt, flds, flds.length, rdr);
if ((++prog_count % prog_interval) == 0) diff_conn.Txn_sav();
if ((++prog_count % prog_interval) == 0) dif_conn.Txn_sav();
class Gfdb_diff_wkr__db_ {
public static Dbmeta_fld_itm[] New_diff_flds(Dbmeta_fld_itm[] all_flds) {
int len = all_flds.length;
int system_flds = 6;
Dbmeta_fld_itm[] rv = new Dbmeta_fld_itm[len + system_flds];
rv[0] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_site);
rv[1] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_time);
rv[2] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_db_trg);
rv[3] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_db_src);
rv[4] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_byte(Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_type);
rv[5] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__diff_uid);
public static Dbmeta_fld_itm[] New_dif_flds(Dbmeta_fld_itm[] cur_flds) {
int len = cur_flds.length;
int sys_flds = 5;
Dbmeta_fld_itm[] rv = new Dbmeta_fld_itm[len + sys_flds];
rv[0] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_txn);
rv[1] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_uid);
rv[2] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_byte (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_type);
rv[3] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_db_trg);
rv[4] = Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int (Gfdb_diff_db_.Fld__dif_db_src);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Dbmeta_fld_itm orig_fld = all_flds[i];
Dbmeta_fld_itm diff_fld = new Dbmeta_fld_itm(orig_fld.Name(), orig_fld.Type()).Nullable_y_(); // keep same name and type, but make nullable
all_flds[i + system_flds] = diff_fld;
Dbmeta_fld_itm cur_fld = cur_flds[i];
Dbmeta_fld_itm dif_fld = new Dbmeta_fld_itm(cur_fld.Name(), cur_fld.Type());
rv[i + sys_flds] = dif_fld;
return rv;

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.dbs.diffs.tbls; import gplx.*; import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.dbs.diffs.*;
import gplx.dbs.*;
0,'Diffs for Simple Wikipedia betwee 2015-11-16 and 2015-12-23',gnosygnu,2015-12-23'dif;simplewiki;20151223;20151116'
class Gdif_txn_tbl implements Rls_able {
private String tbl_name = "gdif_txn";
private String fld_owner, fld_id;
private final Dbmeta_fld_list flds = Dbmeta_fld_list.new_();
private final Db_conn conn; private Db_stmt stmt_insert;
public Gdif_txn_tbl(Db_conn conn) {
this.conn = conn;
fld_owner = flds.Add_int("txn_owner"); fld_id = flds.Add_int("txn_id");
public void Create_tbl() {conn.Ddl_create_tbl(Dbmeta_tbl_itm.New(tbl_name, flds.To_fld_ary(), Dbmeta_idx_itm.new_unique_by_tbl(tbl_name, "main", fld_owner, fld_id)));}
public void Insert(int txn_owner, int txn_id) {
if (stmt_insert == null) stmt_insert = conn.Stmt_insert(tbl_name, flds);
.Val_int(fld_owner , txn_owner)
.Val_int(fld_id , txn_id)
public void Rls() {
stmt_insert = Db_stmt_.Rls(stmt_insert);

@ -54,4 +54,7 @@ public class Gfh_atr_ {
public static byte[] Make(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] key, byte[] val) {
return bfr.Add_byte_space().Add(key).Add_byte_eq().Add_byte_quote().Add(val).Add_byte_quote().To_bry_and_clear();
public static void Add(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] key, byte[] val) {

@ -178,6 +178,18 @@ public class Gfh_utl {
return bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
public static String Replace_apos(String s) {return String_.Replace(s, "'", "\"");}
public static String Replace_apos_concat_lines(String... lines) {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
int len = lines.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
String line_str = lines[i];
byte[] line_bry = Bry_.new_u8(line_str);
Bry_.Replace_all_direct(line_bry, Byte_ascii.Apos, Byte_ascii.Quote, 0, line_bry.length);
if (i != 0) bfr.Add_byte_nl();
return bfr.To_str_and_clear();
public static void Log(Exception e, String head, byte[] page_url, byte[] src, int pos) {
Err err = Err_.cast_or_make(e); if (err.Logged()) return;
String msg = String_.Format("{0}; page={1} err={2} mid={3} trace={4}", head, page_url, Err_.To_str(e), Bry_.Escape_ws(Bry_.Mid_by_len_safe(src, pos, 255)), err.To_str__log());

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class Json_parser__list_nde__base extends Json_parser__itm__base {
for (int j = 0; j < atr_len; ++j) {
Json_kv atr = nde.Get_at_as_kv(j);
Object idx_obj = hash.Get_by_bry(atr.Key_as_bry());
if (idx_obj == null) {Warn("unknown key", atr); continue;}
if (idx_obj == null) {Warn("unknown json parser key", atr); continue;}
int idx_int = ((Int_obj_val)idx_obj).Val();
atrs[idx_int] = atr;

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
import gplx.langs.jsons.*;
interface Mustache_doc_itm {
byte[] Get_by_key(byte[] key);
Mustache_doc_itm Get_owner();
void Move_next();
void Move_down(byte[] key);
void Move_up();
class Mustache_doc_itm_ {
public static final byte[] Null_val = null;
public static final Mustache_doc_itm Null_itm = null;
class Mustache_doc_itm__json implements Mustache_doc_itm {
// private Json_doc jdoc;
private final List_adp stack = List_adp_.new_();
private Json_nde cur; private int cur_idx = -1;
public void Init_by_jdoc(Json_doc jdoc) {
// this.jdoc = jdoc;
this.cur = jdoc.Root_nde();
public byte[] Get_by_key(byte[] key) {return cur.Get_bry_or_null(key);}
public Mustache_doc_itm Get_owner() {return Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_itm;}
public void Move_next() {
// cur = cur.Owner().Get_at();
public void Move_down(byte[] key) {
cur_idx = 0;
cur = (Json_nde)cur.Get_itm(key);
public void Move_up() {
if (cur_idx == 0) {}
cur = (Json_nde)stack.Get_at_last();

@ -16,21 +16,12 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
interface Mustache_elem_itm {
int Tid();
byte[] Key();
Mustache_elem_itm[] Subs();
Mustache_elem_itm[] Subs_ary();
void Subs_ary_(Mustache_elem_itm[] v);
void Render(Bry_bfr bfr, Mustache_render_ctx ctx);
class Mustache_elem_itm_ {// for types, see http://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html
public static final int Tid__root = 0, Tid__text = 1, Tid__variable = 2, Tid__escape = 3, Tid__section = 4, Tid__inverted = 5, Tid__comment = 6, Tid__partial = 7, Tid__delimiter = 8;
@ -40,16 +31,42 @@ abstract class Mustache_elem_base implements Mustache_elem_itm {
public Mustache_elem_base(int tid, byte[] key) {this.tid = tid; this.key = key;}
public int Tid() {return tid;} private final int tid;
public byte[] Key() {return key;} private final byte[] key;
@gplx.Virtual public Mustache_elem_itm[] Subs() {return Mustache_elem_itm_.Ary_empty;}
@gplx.Virtual public Mustache_elem_itm[] Subs_ary() {return Mustache_elem_itm_.Ary_empty;}
@gplx.Virtual public void Subs_ary_(Mustache_elem_itm[] v) {}
@gplx.Virtual public void Render(Bry_bfr bfr, Mustache_render_ctx ctx) {}
class Mustache_elem_root extends Mustache_elem_base { // EX: {{variable}} -> &lt;a&gt;
private Mustache_elem_itm[] subs_ary;
public Mustache_elem_root() {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__root, Bry_.Empty);}
@Override public Mustache_elem_itm[] Subs_ary() {return subs_ary;}
@Override public void Subs_ary_(Mustache_elem_itm[] v) {subs_ary = v;}
@Override public void Render(Bry_bfr bfr, Mustache_render_ctx ctx) {
int subs_len = subs_ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < subs_len; ++i) {
Mustache_elem_itm sub = subs_ary[i];
sub.Render(bfr, ctx);
class Mustache_elem_text extends Mustache_elem_base { // EX: text -> text
public Mustache_elem_text(byte[] val) {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__text, Bry_.Empty);
this.val = val;
private final byte[] src; private final int src_bgn, src_end;
public Mustache_elem_text(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__text, Bry_.Empty);
this.src = src;
this.src_bgn = src_bgn;
this.src_end = src_end;
@Override public void Render(Bry_bfr bfr, Mustache_render_ctx ctx) {
bfr.Add_mid(src, src_bgn, src_end);
public byte[] Val() {return val;} private final byte[] val;
class Mustache_elem_val extends Mustache_elem_base { // EX: {{variable}} -> &lt;a&gt;
public Mustache_elem_val(byte[] key) {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__variable, key);}
class Mustache_elem_variable extends Mustache_elem_base { // EX: {{variable}} -> &lt;a&gt;
public Mustache_elem_variable(byte[] key) {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__variable, key);}
@Override public void Render(Bry_bfr bfr, Mustache_render_ctx ctx) {
byte[] key = this.Key();
byte[] val = ctx.Render_variable(key);
if (val != Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_val) // if not found, return empty String by default
class Mustache_elem_escape extends Mustache_elem_base { // EX: {{{variable}}} -> <a>
public Mustache_elem_escape(byte[] key) {super(Mustache_elem_itm_.Tid__escape, key);}

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
import gplx.core.btries.*;
class Mustache_itm_parser {
private byte[] src; private int src_end;
private final Mustache_tkn_def tkn_def = new Mustache_tkn_def();
public Mustache_elem_itm Parse(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) {
this.src = src; this.src_end = src_end;
Mustache_elem_root root = new Mustache_elem_root();
Parse_grp(root, src_bgn);
return root;
private void Parse_grp(Mustache_elem_itm owner, int src_bgn) {
List_adp subs_list = List_adp_.new_();
int pos = src_bgn;
boolean loop = true;
while (loop) {
int tkn_lhs_bgn = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(src, tkn_def.Variable_lhs, pos, src_end); // next "{{"
if (tkn_lhs_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) { // no "{{"; EOS
loop = false;
tkn_lhs_bgn = src_end;
subs_list.Add(new Mustache_elem_text(src, pos, tkn_lhs_bgn)); // add everything between last "}}" and cur "{{"
if (!loop) break;
pos = Parse_itm(subs_list, tkn_lhs_bgn + tkn_def.Variable_lhs_len);
if (subs_list.Count() > 0)
private int Parse_itm(List_adp subs_list, int tkn_lhs_end) {
if (tkn_lhs_end >= src_end) throw Fail(tkn_lhs_end, "early eos");
byte b = src[tkn_lhs_end];
int tkn_rhs_bgn = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(src, tkn_def.Variable_rhs, tkn_lhs_end, src_end);
if (tkn_rhs_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) throw Fail(tkn_lhs_end, "dangling tkn");
byte[] tkn_val = Bry_.Mid(src, tkn_lhs_end, tkn_rhs_bgn);
Mustache_elem_itm elem = null;
byte rhs_chk_byte = Byte_ascii.Null;
switch (b) {
default: elem = new Mustache_elem_variable(tkn_val); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Comment: elem = new Mustache_elem_comment(tkn_val); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Partial: elem = new Mustache_elem_partial(tkn_val); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Delimiter_bgn: elem = new Mustache_elem_delimiter(tkn_val); rhs_chk_byte = Mustache_tkn_def.Delimiter_end; break; // TODO: change tkn_def{{=<% %>=}}
case Mustache_tkn_def.Escape_bgn: elem = new Mustache_elem_escape(tkn_val); rhs_chk_byte = Mustache_tkn_def.Escape_end; break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Section: elem = new Mustache_elem_section(tkn_val); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Inverted: elem = new Mustache_elem_inverted(tkn_val); break;
case Mustache_tkn_def.Grp_end: break;
if (rhs_chk_byte != Byte_ascii.Null) {
if (src[tkn_rhs_bgn] != rhs_chk_byte) throw Fail(tkn_lhs_end, "invalid check byte");
return tkn_rhs_bgn + tkn_def.Variable_rhs_len;
private Err Fail(int pos, String fmt, Object... args) {
return Err_.new_("mustache", fmt, "excerpt", Bry_.Mid_by_len_safe(src, pos, 32));
class Mustache_tkn_def {
public byte[] Variable_lhs = Dflt_variable_lhs;
public byte[] Variable_rhs = Dflt_variable_rhs;
public int Variable_lhs_len;
public int Variable_rhs_len;
public static final byte[]
Dflt_variable_lhs = Bry_.new_a7("{{")
, Dflt_variable_rhs = Bry_.new_a7("}}")
public static final byte
Escape_bgn = Byte_ascii.Curly_bgn // {{{escape}}}
, Escape_end = Byte_ascii.Curly_end // {{{escape}}}
, Section = Byte_ascii.Hash // {{#section}}
, Grp_end = Byte_ascii.Slash // {{/section}}
, Inverted = Byte_ascii.Pow // {{^inverted}}
, Comment = Byte_ascii.Bang // {{!comment}}
, Partial = Byte_ascii.Angle_bgn // {{>partial}}
, Delimiter_bgn = Byte_ascii.Eq // {{=<% %>=}}
, Delimiter_end = Byte_ascii.Curly_end // {{=<% %>=}}
public Mustache_tkn_def() {
Variable_lhs_len = Variable_lhs.length;
Variable_rhs_len = Variable_rhs.length;

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class Mustache_itm_parser_tst {
private final Mustache_itm_parser_fxt fxt = new Mustache_itm_parser_fxt();
@Test public void Basic() {
fxt.Test_parse("a{{b}}c", "ac");
@Test public void Comment() {
fxt.Test_parse("a{{!b}}c", "ac");
class Mustache_itm_parser_fxt {
private final Mustache_itm_parser parser = new Mustache_itm_parser();
private final Mustache_render_ctx ctx = new Mustache_render_ctx();
private final Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
public void Test_parse(String src_str, String expd) {
byte[] src_bry = Bry_.new_a7(src_str);
Mustache_elem_itm actl_itm = parser.Parse(src_bry, 0, src_bry.length);
actl_itm.Render(tmp_bfr, ctx);
Tfds.Eq_str_lines(expd, tmp_bfr.To_str_and_clear());

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.langs.mustaches; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
class Mustache_render_ctx {
private Mustache_doc_itm doc;
public void Init_dom_doc(Mustache_doc_itm doc) {this.doc = doc;}
public byte[] Render_variable(byte[] key) {
byte[] rv = Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_val;
Mustache_doc_itm cur = doc;
while (cur != Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_itm) {
rv = doc.Get_by_key(key);
if (rv != Mustache_doc_itm_.Null_val) break;
cur = cur.Get_owner();
return rv;

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class Xoa_app_ {
public static final String Name = "xowa";
public static final String Version = "";
public static final String Version = "";
public static String Build_date = "2012-12-30 00:00:00";
public static String Op_sys_str;
public static String User_agent = "";

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package gplx.xowa.bldrs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.imports.*;
import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.texts.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.texts.sqls.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.texts.tdbs.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.files.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.ctgs.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.utils.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.wikis.*;
import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.diffs.*;
import gplx.xowa.files.origs.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.bldrs.*;
public class Xob_cmd_mgr implements GfoInvkAble {
public Xob_cmd_mgr(Xob_bldr bldr) {this.bldr = bldr;} private Xob_bldr bldr;
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ public class Xob_cmd_mgr implements GfoInvkAble {
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_tdb_core_term)) return Add(new Xob_term_txt(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_tdb_text_wdata_qid)) return Xml_rdr_direct_add(wiki, new Xob_wdata_qid_txt().Ctor(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_tdb_text_wdata_pid)) return Xml_rdr_direct_add(wiki, new Xob_wdata_pid_txt().Ctor(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_diff_build)) return Add(new Xob_diff_build_cmd(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_diff_regy_exec)) return Add(new Xob_diff_regy_exec_cmd(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_diff_regy_make)) return Add(new Xob_diff_regy_make_cmd(bldr, wiki));
else if (String_.Eq(cmd_key, Xob_cmd_keys.Key_exec_sql)) return Add(new Xob_exec_sql_cmd(bldr, wiki));

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.diffs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.cmds.*;
import gplx.core.brys.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.*;
class Bfr_arg__dump_dir implements Bfr_arg { // .dump_dir = "C:\xowa\wiki\en.wikipedia.org"
class Bfr_arg__dump_dir implements Bfr_arg { // .dump_dir = "/xowa/wiki/en.wikipedia.org/"
private final Xow_wiki wiki;
public Bfr_arg__dump_dir(Xow_wiki wiki) {this.wiki = wiki;}
public void Bfr_arg__add(Bry_bfr bfr) {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Bfr_arg__dump_core implements Bfr_arg {// .dump_core = "en.wikipedia.org-c
private final Xow_wiki wiki;
public Bfr_arg__dump_core(Xow_wiki wiki) {this.wiki = wiki;}
public void Bfr_arg__add(Bry_bfr bfr) {
class Bfr_arg__dump_domain implements Bfr_arg {// .dump_domain = en.wikipedia.org
@ -38,3 +38,8 @@ class Bfr_arg__dump_domain implements Bfr_arg {// .dump_domain = en.wikipedia.or
class Bfr_arg__dir_spr implements Bfr_arg {// .dir_spr = "/"
public void Bfr_arg__add(Bry_bfr bfr) {

@ -20,37 +20,39 @@ import gplx.core.brys.*; import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*;
import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.dbs.metas.*; import gplx.dbs.diffs.*; import gplx.dbs.diffs.builds.*;
class Xob_diff_build_wkr {
private final Gfdb_diff_bldr dif_bldr = new Gfdb_diff_bldr();
private Db_conn prv_conn, cur_conn, dif_conn;
public Xob_diff_build_wkr(Xob_bldr bldr, Xowe_wiki wiki, String prv_url, String cur_url, String dif_url, int commit_interval) {
private Db_conn old_conn, new_conn, dif_conn;
public Xob_diff_build_wkr(Xob_bldr bldr, Xowe_wiki wiki, String old_url, String new_url, String dif_url, int commit_interval) {
Bry_fmt url_fmt = Bry_fmt.New("").Args_(New_url_args(wiki));
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
prv_conn = New_conn(Bool_.N, wiki, url_fmt, prv_url, tmp_bfr);
cur_conn = New_conn(Bool_.N, wiki, url_fmt, cur_url, tmp_bfr);
old_conn = New_conn(Bool_.N, wiki, url_fmt, old_url, tmp_bfr);
new_conn = New_conn(Bool_.N, wiki, url_fmt, new_url, tmp_bfr);
dif_conn = New_conn(Bool_.Y, wiki, url_fmt, dif_url, tmp_bfr);
Tfds.Dbg(prv_conn, cur_conn, dif_conn);
public void Exec() {
Gfdb_diff_db dif_db = new Gfdb_diff_db(dif_conn);
Gfdb_diff_wkr__db dif_wkr = new Gfdb_diff_wkr__db();
dif_wkr.Init_conn(dif_db, 1000);
Dbmeta_tbl_mgr prv_tbl_mgr = prv_conn.Meta_tbl_load_all();
Dbmeta_tbl_mgr cur_tbl_mgr = prv_conn.Meta_tbl_load_all();
int cur_tbl_len = cur_tbl_mgr.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < cur_tbl_len; ++i) {
Dbmeta_tbl_itm cur_tbl = cur_tbl_mgr.Get_at(i);
Dbmeta_tbl_itm prv_tbl = prv_tbl_mgr.Get_by(cur_tbl.Name()); if (prv_tbl == null) continue;
Gfdb_diff_tbl dif_tbl = Gfdb_diff_tbl.New(cur_tbl);
dif_bldr.Compare(dif_tbl, prv_conn, cur_conn);
int prv_tbl_len = prv_tbl_mgr.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < prv_tbl_len; ++i) {
Dbmeta_tbl_itm prv_tbl = prv_tbl_mgr.Get_at(i);
Dbmeta_tbl_itm cur_tbl = cur_tbl_mgr.Get_by(prv_tbl.Name());
if (cur_tbl == null) {
// delete all
Dbmeta_tbl_mgr old_tbl_mgr = old_conn.Meta_tbl_load_all();
Dbmeta_tbl_mgr new_tbl_mgr = old_conn.Meta_tbl_load_all();
int new_tbl_len = new_tbl_mgr.Len();
int txn = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < new_tbl_len; ++i) {
Dbmeta_tbl_itm new_tbl = new_tbl_mgr.Get_at(i);
Dbmeta_tbl_itm old_tbl = old_tbl_mgr.Get_by(new_tbl.Name()); if (old_tbl == null) continue;
Gfdb_diff_tbl dif_tbl = Gfdb_diff_tbl.New(new_tbl);
dif_bldr.Compare(++txn, dif_tbl, old_conn, new_conn);
// save txn
// int old_tbl_len = old_tbl_mgr.Len();
// for (int i = 0; i < old_tbl_len; ++i) {
// Dbmeta_tbl_itm old_tbl = old_tbl_mgr.Get_at(i);
// Dbmeta_tbl_itm new_tbl = new_tbl_mgr.Get_by(old_tbl.Name());
// if (new_tbl == null) {
// // delete all
// }
// }
public static Db_conn New_conn(boolean autocreate, Xow_wiki wiki, Bry_fmt fmtr, String url_fmt, Bry_bfr tmp_bfr) {
@ -61,10 +63,11 @@ class Xob_diff_build_wkr {
{ new Bfr_fmt_arg(Bry_.new_a7(".dump_dir"), new Bfr_arg__dump_dir(wiki))
, new Bfr_fmt_arg(Bry_.new_a7(".dump_core"), new Bfr_arg__dump_core(wiki))
, new Bfr_fmt_arg(Bry_.new_a7(".dump_domain"), new Bfr_arg__dump_domain(wiki))
, new Bfr_fmt_arg(Bry_.new_a7(".dir_spr"), new Bfr_arg__dir_spr())
return rv;

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class Site_meta_parser__showhook extends Json_parser__list_nde__base {
int atr_len = subscribers_nde.Len();
for (int j = 0; j < atr_len; ++j) {
Json_kv atr = subscribers_nde.Get_at_as_kv(j);
if (!Bry_.Eq(atr.Key_as_bry(), Key__scribunto)) {Warn("unknown key", atr); continue;}
if (!Bry_.Eq(atr.Key_as_bry(), Key__scribunto)) {Warn("unknown subscriber key", atr); continue;}
scribunto = atr.Val_as_bry();

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import gplx.xowa.drds.pages.*; import gplx.xowa.drds.files.*;
import gplx.xowa.apps.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.data.tbls.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*; import gplx.xowa.files.gui.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.search.*; import gplx.xowa.specials.randoms.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.encoders.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.hrefs.*;
public class Xod_app {
private final Xoav_app app;
private final Xod_page_mgr page_mgr = new Xod_page_mgr();
@ -27,10 +28,6 @@ public class Xod_app {
public Xod_app(Xoav_app app) {
this.app = app;
public int Wikis__count() {
int rv = app.Wiki_mgri().Count();
return rv - 1; // ignore home wiki
public Xow_wiki Wikis__get_by_domain(String wiki_domain) {
Xow_wiki rv = app.Wiki_mgri().Get_by_or_make_init_y(Bry_.new_u8(wiki_domain));
if (rv != null && rv.Data__core_mgr() == null) rv.Init_by_wiki();
@ -54,7 +51,20 @@ public class Xod_app {
return rv;
public void Wiki__search(Cancelable cancelable, Xow_wiki wiki, Xows_ui_async ui_async, String search, Xod_search_cmd[] cmds) {
for (Xod_search_cmd cmd : cmds)
cmd.Search(cancelable, wiki, ui_async, search);
public void Page__load_files(Xow_wiki wiki, Xod_page_itm pg, Xog_js_wkr js_wkr) {
file_mgr.Load_files(wiki, pg, js_wkr);
public static byte[] To_page_url(Xow_wiki wiki, String canonical_str) {// NOTE: need canonical_url to handle "A:B" where "A:" is not a ns, even though PageTitle treats "A:" as a namespace
byte[] canonical_bry = Bry_.new_u8(canonical_str);
int page_bgn = Bry_find_.Move_fwd(canonical_bry, Xoh_href_.Bry__wiki, 0); if (page_bgn == Bry_find_.Not_found) throw Err_.new_("drd", "uknown url format: no '/wiki/'", "url", canonical_bry);
byte[] page_bry = Bry_.Mid(canonical_bry, page_bgn, canonical_bry.length); // get bry; EX: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A -> A
page_bry = Gfo_url_encoder_.Http_url.Decode(page_bry); // decode %-encoding; convert + to space
page_bry = Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(page_bry); // convert spaces to unders; canonical-url has spaces
return page_bry;

@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ public class Xod_app_tst {
tstr.Data_mgr().Html__insert(1, "abc");
tstr.Test__get("A", tstr.Make_page(1, "A", "2015-10-19T00:01:02Z", tstr.Make_section(0, 2, "", "", "abc")));
@Test public void To_page_db() {
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A" , "A");
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A:B" , "A:B");
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:A" , "Help:A");
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A B" , "A_B"); // NOTE:canonical url has spaces;
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%27B" , "A'B"); // NOTE:canonical url has percent-encoding;
tstr.Test__to_page_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A+B" , "A_B"); // NOTE:canonical url sometimes has "+" for space
class Xod_app_tstr {
private final gplx.xowa.apps.Xoav_app app; private final Xowv_wiki wiki;
@ -46,6 +54,10 @@ class Xod_app_tstr {
Xod_page_itm itm = drd_provider.Wiki__get_by_url(wiki, page_url);
Tfds.Eq(expd.To_str(), itm.To_str());
public void Test__to_page_url(String raw, String expd) {
// // canonical url has spaces as well as %-encoding; PAGE:en.w:List_of_Fire_Emblem:Shadow_Dragon_characters
Tfds.Eq_bry(Bry_.new_u8(expd), Xod_app.To_page_url(wiki, raw));
public Xod_page_itm Make_page(int page_id, String ttl, String modified_on, Xoh_section_itm... section_ary) {
Xod_page_itm rv = new Xod_page_itm();
rv.Init(page_id, page_id, ttl, ttl, null, null, modified_on, Bool_.N, Bool_.N, Bool_.N, 1, null, null, null);

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.drds; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.search.*;
public interface Xod_search_cmd {
void Search(Cancelable cancelable, Xow_wiki wiki, Xows_ui_async ui_async, String search);

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.drds; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import gplx.xowa.specials.search.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.data.tbls.*;
public class Xod_search_cmd_ {
public static final Xod_search_cmd
New__page_eq = Xod_search_cmd__page_eq.Instance
, New__page_like = Xod_search_cmd__page_like.Instance
, New__word_eq = Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl.Instance_eq
, New__word_like = Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl.Instance_like
class Xod_search_cmd__page_eq implements Xod_search_cmd {
public void Search(Cancelable cancelable, Xow_wiki wiki, Xows_ui_async ui_async, String search) {
Xowd_page_itm page_itm = new Xowd_page_itm();
if (wiki.Data__core_mgr().Tbl__page().Select_by_ttl(page_itm, wiki.Ns_mgr().Ns_main(), Bry_.Ucase__1st(Bry_.new_u8(search)))) {
Xows_db_row search_itm = new Xows_db_row(wiki.Domain_bry(), wiki.Ttl_parse(page_itm.Ttl_page_db()), page_itm.Id(), page_itm.Text_len());
public static final Xod_search_cmd__page_eq Instance = new Xod_search_cmd__page_eq(); Xod_search_cmd__page_eq() {}
class Xod_search_cmd__page_like implements Xod_search_cmd {// NOTE: slow; takes at least 10+ seconds
public void Search(Cancelable cancelable, Xow_wiki wiki, Xows_ui_async ui_async, String search) {
List_adp tmp_list = List_adp_.new_();
wiki.Data__core_mgr().Tbl__page().Select_by_search(cancelable, tmp_list, Bry_.Ucase__1st(Bry_.new_u8(search + "*")), 50);
int len = tmp_list.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Xowd_page_itm page_itm = (Xowd_page_itm)tmp_list.Get_at(i);
Xows_db_row search_itm = new Xows_db_row(wiki.Domain_bry(), wiki.Ttl_parse(page_itm.Ttl_page_db()), page_itm.Id(), page_itm.Text_len());
public static final Xod_search_cmd__page_like Instance = new Xod_search_cmd__page_like(); Xod_search_cmd__page_like() {}
class Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl implements Xod_search_cmd {
private final boolean wildcard;
private final int results_wanted;
private final Xows_db_wkr search_wkr = new Xows_db_wkr();
Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl(boolean wildcard, int results_wanted) {this.wildcard = wildcard; this.results_wanted = results_wanted;}
public void Search(Cancelable cancelable, Xow_wiki wiki, Xows_ui_async ui_async, String search) {
search_wkr.Search_by_drd(cancelable, wiki, ui_async, Bry_.new_u8(Standardize_search(search, wildcard)), results_wanted);
public static final Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl Instance_eq = new Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl(Bool_.N, 10), Instance_like = new Xod_search_cmd__word_tbl(Bool_.Y, 50);
private static String Standardize_search(String search, boolean wildcard) {
String rv = "";
String[] words = String_.Split(search, " ");
int words_len = words.length;
for (int i = 0; i < words_len; ++i) {
String word = words[i];
if (String_.Len(word) < 3) continue;
if (String_.Len(rv) != 0) rv += " ";
rv += word;
if (wildcard) rv += "*";
return rv;

@ -24,15 +24,30 @@ public class Xof_file_wkr_ {
ttl = Md5_decoder.Decode(Ttl_standardize(ttl));
return Xof_file_wkr_.Md5_fast(ttl); // NOTE: md5 is calculated off of url_decoded ttl; EX: A%2Cb is converted to A,b and then md5'd. note that A%2Cb still remains the title
public static byte[] Ttl_standardize(byte[] ttl) {
int ttl_len = ttl.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ttl_len; i++) { // convert all spaces to _; NOTE: not same as lnki.Ttl().Page_url(), b/c Page_url does incompatible encoding
byte b = ttl[i];
if (b == Byte_ascii.Space) ttl[i] = Byte_ascii.Underline;
if (i == 0) {
if (b > 96 && b < 123) ttl[i] -= 32; // NOTE: file automatically uppercases 1st letter
public static byte[] Ttl_standardize(byte[] src) {
int len = src.length; if (len == 0) return src;
byte[] rv = null;
boolean dirty = false;
byte b = src[0];
if (b > 96 && b < 123) {
dirty = true;
rv = new byte[len];
rv[0] = (byte)(b - 32); // NOTE: [[File:]] automatically uppercases 1st letter for md5; EX:en.d:File:wikiquote-logo.png has md5 of "32" (W...) not "82" (w...); PAGE:en.d:freedom_of_speech DATE:2016-01-21
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
b = src[i];
if (b == Byte_ascii.Space) {
if (!dirty) {
dirty = true;
rv = new byte[len]; Bry_.Copy_by_pos(src, 0, i, rv, 0);
rv[i] = Byte_ascii.Underline;
else {
if (dirty)
rv[i] = b;
return ttl;
return dirty ? rv : src;

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.files; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class Xof_file_wkr__tst {
private final Xof_file_wkr___fxt fxt = new Xof_file_wkr___fxt();
@Test public void Ttl_standardize() {
fxt.Test__ttl_standardize("Abc.png" , "Abc.png"); // basic
fxt.Test__ttl_standardize("A b.png" , "A_b.png"); // spaces -> unders
fxt.Test__ttl_standardize("A b c.png" , "A_b_c.png"); // spaces -> unders; multiple
fxt.Test__ttl_standardize("abc.png" , "Abc.png"); // ucase 1st
class Xof_file_wkr___fxt {
public void Test__ttl_standardize(String src_str, String expd) {
Tfds.Eq_bry(Bry_.new_u8(expd), Xof_file_wkr_.Ttl_standardize(Bry_.new_u8(src_str)));

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.files; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.files.*; import gplx.xowa.files.repos.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.files.repos.*;
public class Xof_url_bldr_tst {
private Xof_url_bldr_fxt fxt = new Xof_url_bldr_fxt();
@Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();}

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.utls; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.hrefs.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
public class Xoh_lnki_wtr_utl {
private final Xoa_app app; private final Xow_wiki wiki; private final Xoh_href_wtr href_wtr; private final Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_(255);
public Xoh_lnki_wtr_utl(Xow_wiki wiki, Xoh_href_wtr href_wtr) {
this.app = wiki.App();
this.wiki = wiki; this.href_wtr = href_wtr;
public byte[] Bld_href(byte[] page) {return Bld_href(wiki.Domain_bry(), wiki.Ttl_parse(page));}
public byte[] Bld_href(byte[] domain_bry, Xoa_ttl ttl) {
href_wtr.Build_to_bfr(tmp_bfr, app, Xoh_wtr_ctx.Mode_popup, domain_bry, ttl);
return tmp_bfr.To_bry_and_clear();
public byte[] Bld_title(byte[] text) {
return gplx.langs.htmls.Gfh_utl.Escape_html_as_bry(tmp_bfr, text, Bool_.N, Bool_.N, Bool_.N, Bool_.Y, Bool_.Y);

@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ public class Xoh_hdoc_ctx {
this.fsys__root = fsys_mgr.Root_dir().To_http_file_bry();
this.fsys__file = fsys_mgr.File_dir().To_http_file_bry();
this.fsys__file__comm = Bry_.Add(fsys__file, Xow_domain_itm_.Bry__commons, Byte_ascii.Slash_bry);
Xou_cache_mgr cache_mgr = app.User().User_db_mgr().Cache_mgr();
if (cache_mgr != null) file__mgr = Xou_cache_finder_.New_db(cache_mgr); // NOTE: this effectively only loads the cache db in app mode (and not in test mode)
// Xou_cache_mgr cache_mgr = app.User().User_db_mgr().Cache_mgr();
// if (cache_mgr != null) file__mgr = Xou_cache_finder_.New_db(cache_mgr); // NOTE: this effectively only loads the cache db in app mode (and not in test mode)
public void Init_by_page(Xow_wiki wiki, byte[] page_url) {

@ -42,9 +42,10 @@ public class Xoh_hdr_data implements Xoh_data_itm {
Gfh_atr anch_atr = span_head.Atrs__get_by_or_fail(Gfh_atr_.Bry__id);
this.anch_bgn = anch_atr.Val_bgn(); this.anch_end = anch_atr.Val_end();
this.capt_bgn = span_head.Src_end();
Gfh_tag hdr_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(hdr_level); // find </h2> not </span_head> since <span_head> can be nested, but <h2> cannot
Gfh_tag span_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__peek_bwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__span); // get </span_head> before </h2>
Gfh_tag hdr_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__move_fwd_tail(hdr_level); // find </h2> not </span> since <span> can be nested, but <h2> cannot
Gfh_tag span_tail = tag_rdr.Tag__peek_bwd_tail(Gfh_tag_.Id__span); // get </span> before </h2>
this.capt_end = span_tail.Src_bgn();
if (capt_end < src_bgn) return false; // </span> is before <h#>; occurs b/c TIDY will relocate <span headline> out of <h#> if <h#> has center; PAGE:en.s:On_the_Vital_Principle/Book_2/Prelude_to_Chapter_2; DATE:2016-01-21
if (span_tail.Src_end() != hdr_tail.Src_bgn()) {
capt_rhs_bgn = span_tail.Src_end(); capt_rhs_end = hdr_tail.Src_bgn();

@ -70,4 +70,25 @@ public class Xoh_hdr_hzip_tst {
, "<h6><span class='mw-headline' id='AB'>A</span>B</h6>"
@Test public void Tidy__no_span() { // PURPOSE.TIDY: tidy will duplicate hdr if content has center; will fail if span/div is nearby; EX: ==<center>A</center>==\n<span><div>; PAGE:en.s:On_the_Vital_Principle/Book_2/Prelude_to_Chapter_2 DATE:2016-01-21
( "\"+A"
, "<center>"
, "<h2>A</h2>"
, "</center>"
, "<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"A\"></span>"
, "<div style=\"color:blue;\">"
, "<p>abc</p>"
, "</div>"
), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "<h2><span class='mw-headline' id='A'></span></h2>"
, "<center>"
, "<h2>A</h2>"
, "</center>"
, "<span class='mw-headline' id='A'></span>"
, "<div style='color:blue;'>"
, "<p>abc</p>"
, "</div>"

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public class Xoh_img_hzip implements Xoh_hzip_wkr, Gfo_poolable_itm {
else {
byte[] ns_bry = anch__ns_is_custom ? ns_custom_bry : Xow_ns_.Bry__file;
byte[] ns_bry = anch__ns_is_custom ? ns_custom_bry : hctx.Wiki__ttl_parser().Ns_mgr().Ns_file().Name_db();
// Gfo_url_encoder_.Href.Encode(tmp_bfr, page_db); // encode needed for ?; PAGE:en.w:Voiceless_alveolar_affricate; DATE:2016-01-04

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.imgs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.wkrs.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.hzips.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.hzips.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
public class Xoh_img_hzip__dump__tst {
private final Xoh_hzip_fxt fxt = new Xoh_hzip_fxt().Init_mode_diff_y_();
@Before public void Clear() {fxt.Clear();}
@ -60,6 +60,29 @@ public class Xoh_img_hzip__dump__tst {
String html = "<a href=\"/wiki/A%27b_link\" class=\"image\" xowa_title=\"A'b.png\"><img data-xowa-title=\"A'b.png\" data-xoimg=\"0|220|-1|-1|-1|-1\" src=\"\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" class=\"thumbborder\" alt=\"A'b_capt\"></a>";
fxt.Test__bicode_raw("~%#oA%27b_link~A'b.png~#)#SA'b_capt~", html, html);
@Test public void Href__image() { // [[Image:A.png|abc]]
( "~%-%A.png~Image~)#Sabc~"
, "<a href='/wiki/Image:A.png' class='image' title='abc' xowa_title='A.png'><img data-xowa-title='A.png' data-xoimg='0|220|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt='abc'></a>"
@Test public void Ns__cs() { // [[image:a.png|abc]]; PAGE:en.d:freedom_of_speech DATE:2016-01-21
( "~%-%a.png~image~)#Sabc~"
, "<a href='/wiki/image:a.png' class='image' title='abc' xowa_title='a.png'><img data-xowa-title='a.png' data-xoimg='0|220|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt='abc'></a>"
@Test public void Ns__foreign() { // [[Fichier:a.png|abc]]; PAGE:fr.w: DATE:2016-01-21
Xow_ns_mgr ns_mgr = fxt.Wiki().Ns_mgr();
ns_mgr.Ns_file().Name_bry_(Bry_.new_u8("Fichier")); ns_mgr.Init_w_defaults();
( "~%!!a.png~)#Sabc~"
, "<a href='/wiki/Fichier:a.png' class='image' title='abc' xowa_title='a.png'><img data-xowa-title='a.png' data-xoimg='0|220|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt='abc'></a>"
ns_mgr.Ns_file().Name_bry_(Bry_.new_u8("File")); ns_mgr.Init_w_defaults();
@Test public void Link__cs() { // [[File:A.png|link=File:a.ogg|abc]]
( "~%!Aa.ogg~A.png~)#Sabc~"
@ -121,7 +144,7 @@ public class Xoh_img_hzip__dump__tst {
@Test public void Link__ns_alias() { // [[File:A.png|link=WP:MCB]]; PAGE:en.w:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Molecular_and_Cell_Biology; DATE:2016-01-11
fxt.Init__ns_alias__add("WP", gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_.Tid__project);
fxt.Init__ns_alias__add("WP", Xow_ns_.Tid__project);
( "~%/+MCB~A.png~'WP~)!q"
, "<a href='/wiki/WP:MCB' class='image' xowa_title='A.png'><img data-xowa-title='A.png' data-xoimg='0|80|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt=''></a>"
@ -134,12 +157,6 @@ public class Xoh_img_hzip__dump__tst {
, "<a href='/site/en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:en:A' class='image' xowa_title='A.png'><img data-xowa-title='A.png' data-xoimg='0|80|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt=''></a>"
@Test public void Href__image() { // [[Image:A.png|abc]]
( "~%-%A.png~Image~)#Sabc~"
, "<a href='/wiki/Image:A.png' class='image' title='abc' xowa_title='A.png'><img data-xowa-title='A.png' data-xoimg='0|220|-1|-1|-1|-1' src='' width='0' height='0' alt='abc'></a>"
@Test public void Missing() { // PURPOSE: bad dump shouldn't write corrupt data
( "%|\"\\QA.png!!!!A"

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public class Xoh_lnki_data {
title_bgn = title_atr.Val_bgn(); title_end = title_atr.Val_end();
if (href_ns_name != null) { // ns_name exists
int title_bgn_wo_ns = title_bgn + href_ns_name_len;
if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_bgn_wo_ns, href_ns_name)) // title matches ns_name;
if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_bgn_wo_ns, href_ns_name)) // title matches href_ns;
title_bgn = title_bgn_wo_ns; // skip ns; "Help:"
title_missing_ns = true;
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class Xoh_lnki_data {
if (title_end == -1)
title_tid = Title__missing;
else {
if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_end, href_src, href_bgn, href_end))
if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_end, href_src, href_bgn, href_end) && !title_missing_ns) // NOTE: do not mark title=href if href omitted title; PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject; DATE:2016-01-20
title_tid = Title__href;
else if (Bry_.Match(src, title_bgn, title_end, src, capt_bgn, capt_end))
title_tid = Title__capt;

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ public class Xoh_lnki_hzip implements Xoh_hzip_wkr, Gfo_poolable_itm {
byte href_type = flag_bldr.Get_as_byte(Flag__href_type);
int capt_cs0_tid = flag_bldr.Get_as_int(Flag__capt_cs0_tid);
byte text_type = flag_bldr.Get_as_byte(Flag__text_type);
// Tfds.Dbg(cls_tid, title_missing_ns, ttl_is_main_page, ns_custom_exists, title_tid, capt_has_ns, ns_is_not_main, href_type, capt_cs0_tid, text_type);
int site_bgn = -1, site_end = -1; if (href_type == Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__site) {site_bgn = rdr.Pos(); site_end = rdr.Find_fwd_lr();}
int ns_id = ns_is_not_main ? Xoh_lnki_dict_.Ns_decode(rdr) : Xow_ns_.Tid__main;

@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ public class Xoh_lnki_hzip__ns__tst {
fxt.Test__bicode("~${3h)Image~A%C3%BC.png~b~Image:Aü.png~", "<a href='/wiki/Image:A%C3%BC.png' title='Image:Aü.png'>b</a>");
@Test public void Ctg__main() { // links at bottom of pages in main ns; DATE:2015-12-28
fxt.Test__bicode("~$|$t'1A~", "<a href='/wiki/Category:A' class='inte" + "rnal' title='A'>A</a>");
fxt.Test__bicode("~$|%\"(1A~", "<a href='/wiki/Category:A' class='inte" + "rnal' title='A'>A</a>");
fxt.Test__decode("~$|$t'1A~", "<a href='/wiki/Category:A' class='inte" + "rnal' title='A'>A</a>"); // NOTE:backward compatibility for en.w:2015-12; delete after 2016-01 is uploaded
@Test public void Ctg__tree() { // links on Category pages;
fxt.Test__bicode("~$|&3J1A~", "<a href='/wiki/Category:A' class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory'>A</a>");
@ -79,4 +80,7 @@ public class Xoh_lnki_hzip__ns__tst {
@Test public void Ctg__xnav__under() { // previous / next 200 links on Category pages; PAGE:en.w:Category:Public_transit_articles_with_unsupported_infobox_fields; DATE:2016-01-14
fxt.Test__bicode("~$|&`Z1A B?pageuntil=C,_D#mw-pages~previous 200~Category:A_B~", "<a href='/wiki/Category:A_B?pageuntil=C,_D#mw-pages' class='xowa_nav' title='Category:A_B'>previous 200</a>");
@Test public void Outlier__title_wo_ns() {// should not happen, but handle situation wherein title doesnot have ns PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject DATE:2016-01-20
fxt.Test__bicode("~${Tr/A B~", "<a href='/wiki/Help:A_B' title='A B'>A B</a>");

@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class Xoh_thm_hzip_tst {
, "</div>"
@Test public void Dump() {
// @Test public void Dump() {
// Xowe_wiki en_d = fxt.Init_wiki_alias("wikt", "en.wiktionary.org");
// gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_mgr ns_mgr = en_d.Ns_mgr();
// ns_mgr.Ns_main().Case_match_(gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_case_.Tid__all);
@ -313,5 +313,5 @@ public class Xoh_thm_hzip_tst {
// fxt.Init_mode_is_b256_(Bool_.N);
// fxt.Exec_write_to_fsys(Io_url_.new_dir_("J:\\xowa\\dev_rls\\html\\"), "debug.html");
// fxt.Init_mode_is_b256_(Bool_.N);
// }

@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ public class Xoh_thm_wtr implements gplx.core.brys.Bfr_arg {
private final Bfr_arg__bry_ary div_2_magnify = new Bfr_arg__bry_ary();
private final Bfr_arg__bry capt_2 = Bfr_arg__bry.New(Bry_.Empty);
private final Bfr_arg__bry capt_3 = Bfr_arg__bry.New(Bry_.Empty);
private final Bfr_arg__bry enlarge = Bfr_arg__bry.New(Bry_.Empty);
private final Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_(255);
private Bfr_arg div_1_img = Bfr_arg_.Noop, capt_1 = Bfr_arg_.Noop;
private byte[] img_is_vid_nl, trailing_space;
public Xoh_thm_wtr Clear() {
Bfr_arg_.Clear(div_0_align, div_1_id, div_2_href, capt_2, capt_3); // , div_1_width, div_2_magnify
Bfr_arg_.Clear(div_0_align, div_1_id, div_2_href, enlarge, capt_2, capt_3); // , div_1_width, div_2_magnify
div_1_img = capt_1 = Bfr_arg_.Noop;
img_is_vid_nl = Bry_.Empty;
return this;
@ -48,6 +49,11 @@ public class Xoh_thm_wtr implements gplx.core.brys.Bfr_arg {
this.div_1_img = img_wtr;
div_2_magnify.Set(hctx.Fsys__root(), bry_div_2_magnify);
Xow_wiki wiki = (Xow_wiki)hctx.Wiki__ttl_parser();
if (wiki.Type_is_edit())
this.capt_1 = capt_1;
if (capt_2_exists) {
if (capt_2_is_tidy)
@ -66,15 +72,16 @@ public class Xoh_thm_wtr implements gplx.core.brys.Bfr_arg {
public void Bfr_arg__add(Bry_bfr bfr) {
fmtr.Bld_bfr_many(bfr, div_0_align, div_1_id, div_1_width, img_is_vid_nl, div_1_img, trailing_space, div_2_href, div_2_magnify, capt_1, capt_2, capt_3);
fmtr.Bld_bfr_many(bfr, div_0_align, div_1_id, div_1_width, img_is_vid_nl, div_1_img, trailing_space, div_2_href, div_2_magnify, enlarge, capt_1, capt_2, capt_3);
private static final byte[] Bry__enlarge = Bry_.new_a7("Enlarge");
private static final Bry_fmtr fmtr = Bry_fmtr.new_(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "<div class=\"thumb t~{div_0_align}\">"
, "<div~{div_1_id} class=\"thumbinner\" style=\"width:~{div_1_width}px;\">~{img_is_vid_nl}~{div_1_img}~{trailing_space}" // NOTE: trailing space is intentional; matches jtidy behavior
, "<div class=\"thumbcaption\">"
, "<div class=\"magnify\"><a~{div_2_href} class=\"internal\" title=\"Enlarge\"></a></div>"
, "<div class=\"magnify\"><a~{div_2_href} class=\"internal\" title=\"~{enlarge}\"></a></div>"
, "~{capt_1}</div>~{capt_2}</div>~{capt_3}</div>"
), "div_0_align", "div_1_id", "div_1_width", "img_is_vid_nl", "div_1_img", "trailing_space", "div_2_href", "div_2_magnify", "capt_1", "capt_2", "capt_3");
), "div_0_align", "div_1_id", "div_1_width", "img_is_vid_nl", "div_1_img", "trailing_space", "div_2_href", "div_2_magnify", "enlarge", "capt_1", "capt_2", "capt_3");
private static final Bry_fmtr alt_fmtr = Bry_fmtr.new_(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( ""
, "<hr>"

@ -44,18 +44,27 @@ public class Xowd_css_core_mgr {
catch (Exception e) {conn.Txn_cxl(); throw e;}
public static boolean Get(Xowd_css_core_tbl core_tbl, Xowd_css_file_tbl file_tbl, Io_url css_dir, String key) {
int css_id = core_tbl.Select_id_by_key(key); if (css_id == Xowd_css_core_tbl.Id_null) return false; // unknown key; return false (not found)
Xowd_css_file_itm[] file_list = file_tbl.Select_by_owner(css_id);
// Io_mgr.Instance.DeleteDirDeep(css_dir); // NOTE: do not delete existing files; just overwrite;
int len = file_list.length;
if (len == 0) return false; // no css files in db
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Xowd_css_file_itm file = file_list[i];
Io_url file_url = Io_url_.new_fil_(css_dir.Gen_sub_path_for_os(file.Path()));
if (file.Data() == null) continue; // NOTE: sqlite will return 0 length fields as NULL; if no data, just ignore, else error below
Io_mgr.Instance.SaveFilBry(file_url, file.Data());
return true;
String dbg = "enter";
try {
int css_id = core_tbl.Select_id_by_key(key);
dbg += ";css_id";
if (css_id == Xowd_css_core_tbl.Id_null) return false; // unknown key; return false (not found)
dbg += ";select_by_owner";
Xowd_css_file_itm[] file_list = file_tbl.Select_by_owner(css_id);
dbg += ";file_list:" + file_list.length;
// Io_mgr.Instance.DeleteDirDeep(css_dir); // NOTE: do not delete existing files; just overwrite;
int len = file_list.length;
if (len == 0) return false; // no css files in db
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Xowd_css_file_itm file = file_list[i];
dbg += ";file_url:" + file.Path();
Io_url file_url = Io_url_.new_fil_(css_dir.Gen_sub_path_for_os(file.Path()));
if (file.Data() == null) continue; // NOTE: sqlite will return 0 length fields as NULL; if no data, just ignore, else error below
Io_mgr.Instance.SaveFilBry(file_url, file.Data());
dbg += ";file_data:" + file.Data().length;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {throw Err_.new_exc(e, "css", "Xowd_css_core_mgr.Get failed", "dbg", dbg, "err", Err_.Message_gplx_log(e));}
public static final String Key_default = "xowa.default", Key_mobile = "xowa.mobile";

@ -267,5 +267,6 @@ kwd_mgr.New(Bool_.N, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_pages, "pagesincategory_pag
kwd_mgr.New(Bool_.N, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_subcats, "pagesincategory_subcats", "subcats");
kwd_mgr.New(Bool_.N, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_files, "pagesincategory_files", "files");
kwd_mgr.New(Bool_.Y, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_rev_revisionsize, "REVISIONSIZE");
kwd_mgr.New(Bool_.Y, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagebanner, "PAGEBANNER"); // NOTE: must be casematch; EX:{{pagebanner}}

@ -229,8 +229,9 @@ public static final int
, Id_pagesincategory_subcats = 207
, Id_pagesincategory_files = 208
, Id_rev_revisionsize = 209
, Id_pagebanner = 210
public static final int Id__max = 210;
public static final int Id__max = 211;
private static byte[] ary_itm_(int id) {
switch (id) {
@ -444,6 +445,7 @@ case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_pages: return Bry_.new_u8("pagesincategory_
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_subcats: return Bry_.new_u8("pagesincategory_subcats");
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_files: return Bry_.new_u8("pagesincategory_files");
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_rev_revisionsize: return Bry_.new_u8("revisionsize");
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagebanner: return Bry_.new_u8("pagebanner");
default: throw Err_.new_unhandled(id);

@ -96,6 +96,16 @@ public class Xop_sanitizer {
return dirty;
public static byte[] Escape_cls(byte[] v) {
return v;
// static function escapeClass( $class ) {
// // Convert ugly stuff to underscores and kill underscores in ugly places
// return rtrim( preg_replace(
// array( '/(^[0-9\\-])|[\\x00-\\x20!"#$%&\'()*+,.\\/:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~]|\\xC2\\xA0/', '/_+/' ),
// '_',
// $class ), '_' );
// }
static final byte Tid_amp = 1, Tid_space = 2, Tid_colon = 3, Tid_percent = 4;

@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.wikis.ttls; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.*;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
public class Xow_ttl__html_entity_tst {
@Before public void init() {fxt.Reset();} private Xow_ttl_fxt fxt = new Xow_ttl_fxt();
@Test public void Eacute() {fxt.Init_ttl("&eacute;").Expd_page_txt("é").Test();} //É
@Test public void Amp_at_end() {fxt.Init_ttl("Bisc &").Expd_page_txt("Bisc &").Test();}
@Test public void Ncr_dec() {fxt.Init_ttl("A&#98;").Expd_page_txt("Ab").Test();}
@Test public void Ncr_hex() {fxt.Init_ttl("A&#x62;").Expd_page_txt("Ab").Test();}
// @Test public void Ncr_hex_ns() {fxt.Init_ttl("Help&#x3a;A").Expd_ns_id(Xow_ns_.Tid__help).Expd_page_txt("A").Test();}
@Test public void Nbsp() {fxt.Init_ttl("A&nbsp;b").Expd_page_txt("A b").Test();} // NOTE: &nbsp must convert to space; EX:w:United States [[Image:Dust Bowl&nbsp;- Dallas, South Dakota 1936.jpg|220px|alt=]]
@Test public void Amp() {fxt.Init_ttl("A&amp;b").Expd_page_txt("A&b").Test();} // PURPOSE: A&amp;B -> A&B; PAGE:en.w:Amadou Bagayoko?redirect=n; DATE:2014-09-23

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.dynamicPageList; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.langs.htmls.*; import gplx.langs.htmls.encoders.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.wikis.dbs.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.ctgs.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.data.tbls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.amps.*;
public class Dpl_xnde implements Xox_xnde {
private Dpl_itm itm = new Dpl_itm(); private List_adp pages = List_adp_.new_();
public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {} // NOTE: <dynamicPageList> has no attributes
@ -45,29 +45,34 @@ public class Dpl_xnde implements Xox_xnde {
if (itm.Count() != Int_.Min_value && itms_bgn + itm.Count() < itms_len) {
itms_len = itms_bgn + itm.Count();
boolean showns = itm.Show_ns();
for (int i = itms_bgn; i < itms_len; i++) {
Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm)pages.Get_at(i);
Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, page.Ns_id(), page.Ttl_page_db());
byte[] ttl_page_txt = showns ? ttl.Full_txt() : ttl.Page_txt();
if (ttl_page_txt == null) continue; // NOTE: apparently DynamicPageList allows null pages; DATE:2013-07-22
switch (html_mode.Tid()) {
case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ul:
case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ol:
if (itm.No_follow()) bfr.Add(Bry_nofollow);
boolean show_ns = itm.Show_ns();
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.Get();
Xop_amp_mgr amp_mgr = wiki.Appe().Parser_amp_mgr();
try {
for (int i = itms_bgn; i < itms_len; i++) {
Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm)pages.Get_at(i);
Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.parse(wiki, page.Ns_id(), page.Ttl_page_db());
byte[] ttl_page_txt = show_ns ? ttl.Full_txt() : ttl.Page_txt();
if (ttl_page_txt == null) continue; // NOTE: apparently DynamicPageList allows null pages; DATE:2013-07-22
switch (html_mode.Tid()) {
case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ul:
case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ol:
bfr.Add_str_a7("/wiki/").Add(Gfo_url_encoder_.Href.Encode(ttl.Full_db())).Add_byte_quote(); // NOTE: Full_db to encode spaces as underscores; PAGE:en.q:Wikiquote:Speedy_deletions DATE:2016-01-19
Gfh_atr_.Add(bfr, Gfh_atr_.Bry__title, Xoh_html_wtr_escaper.Escape(amp_mgr, tmp_bfr, ttl.Full_txt())); // NOTE: Full_txt b/c title always includes ns, even if show_ns is off; PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject DATE:2016-01-20
if (itm.No_follow()) bfr.Add(Bry_nofollow);
Xoh_html_wtr_escaper.Escape(amp_mgr, bfr, ttl_page_txt, 0, ttl_page_txt.length, false, false);
// TODO: lnki_wtr.Clear().Href_wiki_(ttl).Title_(ttl).Nofollow_().Write_head(bfr).Write_text(bfr).Write_tail(bfr)
} finally {tmp_bfr.Mkr_rls();}
private static byte[] Bry_nofollow = Bry_.new_a7(" rel=\"nofollow\"");

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.dynamicPageList; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.core.strings.*; import gplx.xowa.apps.cfgs.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.core.strings.*; import gplx.xowa.apps.cfgs.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*; import gplx.langs.htmls.*;
public class Dpl_xnde_tst {
private Dpl_xnde_fxt fxt = new Dpl_xnde_fxt();
@Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();}
@ -126,25 +126,37 @@ public class Dpl_xnde_tst {
, "</DynamicPageList>"), fxt.Ul(Itm_html_null, "C"));
@Test public void Ns() {
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "Talk:A", "B");
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "Talk:A B", "B");
( "<DynamicPageList>"
, "category=Ctg_0"
, "namespace=Talk"
, "</DynamicPageList>"), fxt.Ul(Itm_html_null, "A"));
, "</DynamicPageList>"), Gfh_utl.Replace_apos_concat_lines
( "<ul>"
, " <li><a href='/wiki/Talk:A_B' title='Talk:A B'>A B</a></li>"
, "</ul>"
@Test public void Showns() {
@Test public void Show_ns() {
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "Talk:A");
( "<DynamicPageList>"
, "category=Ctg_0"
, "shownamespace=true"
, "</DynamicPageList>"), fxt.Ul(Itm_html_null, "Talk:A"));
, "</DynamicPageList>"), Gfh_utl.Replace_apos_concat_lines
( "<ul>"
, " <li><a href='/wiki/Talk:A' title='Talk:A'>Talk:A</a></li>"
, "</ul>"
( "<DynamicPageList>"
, "category=Ctg_0"
, "shownamespace=false"
, "</DynamicPageList>"), fxt.Ul(Itm_html_null, "A"));
, "</DynamicPageList>"), Gfh_utl.Replace_apos_concat_lines
( "<ul>"
, " <li><a href='/wiki/Talk:A' title='Talk:A'>A</a></li>"
, "</ul>"
@Test public void Comment() { // PURPOSE: comment should be ignored; en.n:Portal:Federally_Administered_Tribal_Areas; DATE:2014-01-18
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "B", "A");
@ -172,6 +184,7 @@ public class Dpl_xnde_tst {
fxt.Wiki().Cfg_parser().Xtns().Itm_pages().Reset(); // must reset to clear cached valid ns_page from previous tests
fxt.Fxt().Test_parse_page_wiki_str("<dynamicpagelist>category=a</dynamicpagelist>", "No pages meet these criteria.");
fxt.Wiki().Cfg_parser().Xtns().Itm_pages().Reset(); // must reset to clear cached invalid ns_page for next tests
fxt.Wiki().Ns_mgr().Add_new(0, "").Init(); // call .Clear() to remove ns for Page / Index
@Test public void Ordermethod__invalid() { // PURPOSE: do not fail if ordermethod is invalid; PAGE:sr.d:Викиречник:Википројекат_1001_арапска_реч/Списак_уноса; DATE:2015-10-16
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "A", "B", "C");
@ -183,6 +196,30 @@ public class Dpl_xnde_tst {
, "</DynamicPageList>")
, fxt.Ul(Itm_html_null, "A", "B", "C"));
@Test public void Encode_spaces() {// PURPOSE:encode spaces in href; PAGE:en.q:Wikiquote:Speedy_deletions DATE:2016-01-19
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "A B");
( "<DynamicPageList>"
, "category=Ctg_0"
, "nofollow=true"
, "</DynamicPageList>"), Gfh_utl.Replace_apos_concat_lines
( "<ul>"
, " <li><a href='/wiki/A_B' title='A B' rel='nofollow'>A B</a></li>" // "/wiki/A_B" not "/wiki/A B"
, "</ul>"
@Test public void Encode_quotes() {// PURPOSE:encode quotes; PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:Alphabetical_classification/All_Books; DATE:2016-01-21
fxt.Ctg_create("Ctg_0", "A\"B");
( "<DynamicPageList>"
, "category=Ctg_0"
, "nofollow=true"
, "</DynamicPageList>"), Gfh_utl.Replace_apos_concat_lines
( "<ul>"
, " <li><a href='/wiki/A%22B' title='A&quot;B' rel='nofollow'>A&quot;B</a></li>" // "/wiki/A_B" not "/wiki/A B"
, "</ul>"
private static final String Itm_html_null = null;
class Dpl_page_mok {

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.logs.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*;
public class Pb_xnde implements Xox_xnde {
// private Pb_xtn xtn;
public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {}
public void Xtn_parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(xnde.Tag(), Xop_xnde_tag.Block_bgn);
// this.xtn = (Pb_xtn)wiki.Xtn_mgr().Get_or_fail(Pb_xtn.Xtn_key_static);
// xtn.Xtn_init_assert(wiki);
// ctx.Cur_page().Html_data().Head_mgr().Itm__graph().Enabled_y_();
// boolean log_wkr_enabled = Log_wkr != Xop_log_basic_wkr.Null; if (log_wkr_enabled) Log_wkr.Log_end_xnde(ctx.Cur_page(), Xop_log_basic_wkr.Tid_graph, src, xnde);
ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(xnde.Tag(), Xop_xnde_tag.Block_end);
public void Xtn_write(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) {
// bfr.Add(Html__div_bgn);
// bfr.Add_mid(src, xnde.Tag_open_end(), xnde.Tag_close_bgn());
// bfr.Add(Html__div_end);
public static Xop_log_basic_wkr Log_wkr = Xop_log_basic_wkr.Null;
// private static final byte[]
// Html__div_bgn = Bry_.new_a7("<div class='mw-wiki-graph'>\n")
// , Html__div_end = Bry_.new_a7("</div>\n")
// ;

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*;
class Pgbnr_cfg {
public byte[] Default_file() {return null;}
public boolean Enabled_in_ns(int ns_id) {return false;}
class Pgbnr_icon {
public byte[] Name;
public byte[] Title;
public byte[] Url;
public Pgbnr_icon(byte[] name, byte[] title, byte[] url) {
this.Name = name; this.Title = title; this.Url = url;
public static final Pgbnr_icon[] Ary_empty = new Pgbnr_icon[0];
class Pgbnr_itm {
public byte[] Name;
public byte[] Tooltip;
public byte[] Title;
public boolean Bottomtoc;
public boolean Toc;
public Xoa_ttl File_ttl;
public Pgbnr_icon[] Icons;
public Pgbnr_itm(byte[] name, byte[] tooltip, byte[] title, boolean bottomtoc, boolean toc, Xoa_ttl file_ttl, Pgbnr_icon[] icons) {
this.Name = name;
this.Tooltip = tooltip; this.Title = title; this.Bottomtoc = bottomtoc; this.Toc = toc; this.File_ttl = file_ttl; this.Icons = icons;
// public static void Do(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Pgbnr_cfg cfg, Pgbnr_itm itm) {
// if (itm != null) {
// byte[] name = itm.Name;
//// if ( isset( $params['icons'] ) ){
//// $out->enableOOUI();
//// $params['icons'] = self::expandIconTemplateOptions( $params['icons'] );
//// }
// // $banner = $wpbFunctionsClass::getBannerHtml( $bannername, $params );
// }
// else {}
// }
public static void Get_banner_html(Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] banner_name, Pgbnr_itm itm, Pgbnr_cfg cfg) {
byte[][] urls = Bry_.Ary(Bry_.Empty); // $urls = static::getStandardSizeUrls( $bannername );
if (urls.length == 0) return;
// public static function getBannerHtml( $bannername, $options = array() ) {
// // @var int index variable
// $i = 0;
// foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
// $size = $config->get( 'WPBStandardSizes' );
// $size = $size[$i];
// // add url with width and a comma if not adding the last url
// if ( $i < count( $urls ) ) {
// $srcset[] = "$url {$size}w";
// }
// $i++;
// }
// // create full src set from individual urls, separated by comma
// $srcset = implode( ',', $srcset );
// // use largest image url as src attribute
// $bannerurl = $urls[count( $urls ) - 1];
// $bannerfile = Title::newFromText( "File:$bannername" );
// $templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ . '/../templates' );
// $options['bannerfile'] = $bannerfile->getLocalUrl();
// $options['banner'] = $bannerurl;
// $options['srcset'] = $srcset;
// $file = wfFindFile( $bannerfile );
// $options['maxWidth'] = $file->getWidth();
// $options['isHeadingOverrideEnabled'] = $config->get( 'WPBEnableHeadingOverride' );
// $banner = $templateParser->processTemplate(
// 'banner',
// $options
// );
// }
// public static function addBanner( OutputPage $out, Skin $skin ) {
// $config = WikidataPageBannerFunctions::getWPBConfig();
// $title = $out->getTitle();
// $isDiff = $out->getRequest()->getVal( 'diff' );
// $wpbFunctionsClass = self::$wpbFunctionsClass;
// // if banner-options are set and not a diff page, add banner anyway
// if ( $out->getProperty( 'wpb-banner-options' ) !== null && !$isDiff ) {
// $params = $out->getProperty( 'wpb-banner-options' );
// $bannername = $params['name'];
// $banner = $wpbFunctionsClass::getBannerHtml( $bannername, $params );
// // attempt to get WikidataBanner
// if ( $banner === null ) {
// $bannername = $wpbFunctionsClass::getWikidataBanner( $title );
// $banner = $wpbFunctionsClass::getBannerHtml( $bannername, $params );
// }
// // only add banner and styling if valid banner generated
// if ( $banner !== null ) {
// if ( isset( $params['toc'] ) ) {
// $out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.WikidataPageBanner.toc.styles' );
// }
// $wpbFunctionsClass::insertBannerIntoOutputPage( $out, $banner );
// // FIXME: This is currently only needed to support testing
// $out->setProperty( 'articlebanner-name', $bannername );
// }
// }
// // if the page uses no 'PAGEBANNER' invocation and if article page, insert default banner
// elseif (
// $title->isKnown() &&
// $out->isArticle() &&
// $config->get( 'WPBEnableDefaultBanner' ) &&
// !$isDiff
// ) {
// $ns = $title->getNamespace();
// // banner only on specified namespaces, and not Main Page of wiki
// if ( in_array( $ns, $config->get( 'WPBNamespaces' ) )
// && !$title->isMainPage() ) {
// // first try to obtain bannername from Wikidata
// $bannername = $wpbFunctionsClass::getWikidataBanner( $title );
// if ( $bannername === null ) {
// // if Wikidata banner not found, set bannername to default banner
// $bannername = $config->get( 'WPBImage' );
// }
// // add title to template parameters
// $paramsForBannerTemplate = array( 'title' => $title );
// $banner = $wpbFunctionsClass::
// getBannerHtml( $bannername, $paramsForBannerTemplate );
// // only add banner and styling if valid banner generated
// if ( $banner !== null ) {
// $wpbFunctionsClass::insertBannerIntoOutputPage( $out, $banner );
// // set articlebanner property on OutputPage
// // FIXME: This is currently only needed to support testing
// $out->setProperty( 'articlebanner-name', $bannername );
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
import gplx.core.btries.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.kwds.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.utils.*;
public class Pgbnr_func extends Pf_func_base {
@Override public int Id() {return Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagebanner;}
@Override public Pf_func New(int id, byte[] name) {return new Pgbnr_func().Name_(name);}
@Override public void Func_evaluate(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, byte[] src) { // WikidataPageBanner.hooks.php|addCustomBanner
Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
Pgbnr_cfg cfg = new Pgbnr_cfg(); // ctx.Wiki().Xtn_mgr().Xtn_pgbnr();
Xoa_ttl ttl = ctx.Cur_page().Ttl();
if ( !cfg.Enabled_in_ns(ttl.Ns().Id()) // chk if ns allows banner
|| Bry_.Eq(ttl.Page_db(), wiki.Props().Main_page())) // never show on main page
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
boolean bottomtoc = false, toc = false;
byte[] tooltip = ttl.Page_txt();
byte[] title = ttl.Page_txt();
int args_len = self.Args_len();
List_adp icons_list = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args_len; ++i) {
Arg_nde_tkn arg = self.Args_get_by_idx(i);
byte[] key = Pf_func_.Eval_tkn(tmp_bfr, ctx, src, caller, arg.Key_tkn());
byte[] val = Pf_func_.Eval_tkn(tmp_bfr, ctx, src, caller, arg.Val_tkn());
int tid = arg_hash.Get_as_int_or(key, -1);
if (tid == Arg__pgname)
tooltip = title = val;
if (tid == Arg__tooltip) // note that this overrides pgname above
tooltip = val;
if (tid == Arg__bottomtoc && Bry_.Eq(val, Bry__yes))
bottomtoc = true;
if (tid == Arg__toc && Bry_.Eq(val, Bry__yes))
toc = true;
if (tid == -1 && Bry_.Has_at_bgn(key, Bry__icon) && Bry_.Len_gt_0(val)) {
if (icons_list == null) icons_list = List_adp_.new_();
byte[] icon_name = Xop_sanitizer.Escape_cls(val);
byte[] icon_title = icon_name;
Xoa_ttl icon_url_ttl = wiki.Ttl_parse(val);
byte[] icon_url_bry = Bry_.Empty;
if (icon_url_ttl == null) icon_url_bry = Bry__url_dflt;
else {
icon_url_bry = Bry_.Empty;// $iconUrl->getLocalUrl();
icon_title = ttl.Page_txt();
icons_list.Add(new Pgbnr_icon(icon_name, icon_title, icon_url_bry));
tid = Arg__icon;
if (tid == -1) Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Warn_many("", "", "unknown arg type; page=~{0} key=~{1} val=~{2}", "page", ctx.Cur_page().Url_bry_safe(), key, val);
// WikidataPageBannerFunctions::addFocus( $paramsForBannerTemplate, $argumentsFromParserFunction );
byte[] name = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self);
if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(name))
name = cfg.Default_file();
Xoa_ttl file_ttl = wiki.Ttl_parse(name);
Pgbnr_itm itm = new Pgbnr_itm(name, tooltip, title, bottomtoc, toc, file_ttl, icons_list == null ? Pgbnr_icon.Ary_empty : (Pgbnr_icon[])icons_list.To_ary_and_clear(Pgbnr_icon.class));
private static final byte[] Bry__yes = Bry_.new_a7("yes"), Bry__icon = Bry_.new_a7("icon-"), Bry__url_dflt = Bry_.new_a7("#");
private static final int Arg__pgname = 0, Arg__tooltip = 1, Arg__bottomtoc = 2, Arg__toc = 3, Arg__icon = 4;
private static final Hash_adp_bry arg_hash = Hash_adp_bry.cs().Add_str_int("pgname", Arg__pgname)
.Add_str_int("tooltip", Arg__tooltip).Add_str_int("bottomtoc", Arg__bottomtoc).Add_str_int("toc", Arg__toc);

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
public class Pb_xtn extends Xox_mgr_base implements GfoInvkAble {
@Override public boolean Enabled_default() {return true;}
@Override public byte[] Xtn_key() {return Xtn_key_static;} public static final byte[] Xtn_key_static = Bry_.new_a7("graph");
@Override public Xox_mgr Clone_new() {return new Pb_xtn();}
@Override public void Xtn_init_by_wiki(Xowe_wiki wiki) {}
public void Xtn_init_assert(Xowe_wiki wiki) {}
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.wikis.pages.skins.*;
public class Pgbnr_func_tst {
@Before public void init() {fxt.Reset();} private final Xop_fxt fxt = new Xop_fxt();
@Test public void Basic() {
fxt.Test_html_full_str("{{PAGEBANNER}}", "");

@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ public class Pf_func_ {
, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesUsingPendingChanges
, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_bang
, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_rev_revisionsize
, Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagebanner
public static Xot_defn Get_prototype(int id) {
switch (id) {
@ -387,6 +388,7 @@ public class Pf_func_ {
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_lst: return gplx.xowa.xtns.lst.Lst_pfunc_lst.Instance;
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_lstx: return gplx.xowa.xtns.lst.Lst_pfunc_lstx.Instance;
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_invoke: return new gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.Scrib_invoke_func();
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagebanner: return new gplx.xowa.xtns.pagebanners.Pgbnr_func();
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_property: return new gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.pfuncs.Wdata_pf_property();
case Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_noexternallanglinks: return new gplx.xowa.xtns.wdatas.pfuncs.Wdata_pf_noExternalLangLinks();

@ -59,28 +59,5 @@ public class Pfunc_pagesincategory extends Pf_func_base {
byte[] rslt = fmt_num ? lang.Num_mgr().Format_num(num_bry) : lang.Num_mgr().Raw(num_bry);
public void Func_evaluate_old(Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] src, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, Bry_bfr bfr) {
byte[] ctg_ttl_bry = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self); if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(ctg_ttl_bry)) {bfr.Add_int_digits(1, 0); return;} // no title; return 0; EX: "{{PAGESINCATEGORY:}}"
ctg_ttl_bry = Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(ctg_ttl_bry);
Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
int ctg_len = wiki.Db_mgr().Load_mgr().Load_ctg_count(ctg_ttl_bry);
if (ctg_len == 0) {bfr.Add_int_digits(1, 0); return;}
Xol_lang_itm lang = wiki.Lang();
Btrie_slim_mgr num_format_trie = Xol_kwd_mgr.trie_(lang.Kwd_mgr(), Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_str_rawsuffix);
// Btrie_slim_mgr type_page_trie = Xol_kwd_mgr.trie_(lang.Kwd_mgr(), Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_pages);
// Btrie_slim_mgr type_subc_trie = Xol_kwd_mgr.trie_(lang.Kwd_mgr(), Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_subcats);
// Btrie_slim_mgr type_file_trie = Xol_kwd_mgr.trie_(lang.Kwd_mgr(), Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_pagesincategory_files);
int self_args_len = self.Args_len();
boolean fmt_num = true;
if (self_args_len == 1) {
byte[] arg1 = Pf_func_.Eval_arg_or_empty(ctx, src, caller, self, self_args_len, 0);
if (arg1 != Bry_.Empty && num_format_trie.Match_exact(arg1, 0, arg1.length) != null)
fmt_num = false;
Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = wiki.Utl__bfr_mkr().Get_b128().Mkr_rls();
byte[] ctg_len_bry = tmp_bfr.Add_int_variable(ctg_len).To_bry_and_clear();
byte[] rslt = fmt_num ? lang.Num_mgr().Format_num(ctg_len_bry) : lang.Num_mgr().Raw(ctg_len_bry);
public static final Pfunc_pagesincategory Instance = new Pfunc_pagesincategory(); Pfunc_pagesincategory() {}

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public class Scrib_core {
@gplx.Internal protected void Wiki_(Xowe_wiki v) {this.wiki = v;} // TEST:
public Xoae_page Page() {return page;} private Xoae_page page;
public boolean Enabled() {return enabled;} private boolean enabled = true;
public void Engine_(Scrib_engine v) {this.engine = v;}
private void Engine_(byte type, boolean luaj_debug_enabled) {
if (type == Scrib_engine_type.Type_lua)
engine = new gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.process.Process_engine(app, this);

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class Scrib_err_filter_mgr implements GfoInvkAble {
boolean match = false;
for (int i = 0; i < itms_len; ++i) {
Scrib_err_filter_itm itm = (Scrib_err_filter_itm)itms.Get_at(i);
if (String_.Has_at_bgn(err, itm.Err())) {
if (String_.Has(err, itm.Err())) {
match = true;

@ -124,14 +124,28 @@ public class Scrib_invoke_func_fxt {
public void Test_scrib_proc_str(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test_scrib_proc_str(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {
KeyVal[] actl = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, args);
KeyVal[] actl = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Tfds.Eq(Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(expd), Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(actl[0].Val()));
public void Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {
KeyVal[] actl_ary = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, args);
public void Test__proc__kvps__flat(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test__proc__kvps__flat(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {
KeyVal[] actl_ary = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Tfds.Eq(expd, Kv_ary_to_kv_vals_str(actl_ary));
public void Test_scrib_proc_kv_objs(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, Object... expd_ary) {
KeyVal[] actl_kvs = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Object[] actl_ary = KeyVal_to_obj_ary(actl_kvs);
Tfds.Eq_ary(expd_ary, actl_ary);
private static Object[] KeyVal_to_obj_ary(KeyVal[] kv_ary) {
int len = kv_ary.length;
Object[] rv = new Object[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
KeyVal kv = kv_ary[i];
rv[i] = kv.Val();
return rv;
private String Kv_ary_to_kv_vals_str(KeyVal[] ary) {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
int len = ary.length;
@ -146,29 +160,29 @@ public class Scrib_invoke_func_fxt {
public void Test_scrib_proc_int(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, int expd) {Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test_scrib_proc_obj(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, Object expd) {Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test_scrib_proc_obj(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, Object expd) {
KeyVal[] actl = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, args);
KeyVal[] actl = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Tfds.Eq(expd, actl[0].Val());
public void Test_scrib_proc_empty(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args) {Test_scrib_proc_empty(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));}
public void Test_scrib_proc_empty(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args) {
KeyVal[] actl = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, args);
KeyVal[] actl = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Tfds.Eq(0, actl.length);
public void Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args), expd);}
public void Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {
KeyVal[] actl_ary = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, args);
String actl = KeyVal_.Ary_to_str_nested(actl_ary);
KeyVal[] actl_ary = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
String actl = KeyVal_.Ary__to_str__nest(actl_ary);
Tfds.Eq_str_lines(expd, actl);
public KeyVal[] Test_scrib_proc_rv_as_kv_ary(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args) {
KeyVal[] actl = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));
KeyVal[] actl = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));
return (KeyVal[])actl[0].Val();
public Object Test_scrib_proc_rv_as_obj(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args) {
KeyVal[] actl = Test_scrib_proc_rv(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));
KeyVal[] actl = Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));
return actl[0].Val();
private KeyVal[] Test_scrib_proc_rv(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args) {
private KeyVal[] Test__lib_proc__core(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args) {
Scrib_proc proc = lib.Procs().Get_by_key(proc_name);
Scrib_proc_rslt proc_rslt = new Scrib_proc_rslt();
proc.Proc_exec(new Scrib_proc_args(args), proc_rslt);

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
public interface Scrib_engine {
boolean Dbg_print(); void Dbg_print_(boolean v);
Scrib_server Server(); void Server_(Scrib_server v);
Scrib_lua_proc LoadString(String name, String text);
KeyVal[] CallFunction(int id, KeyVal[] args);
void RegisterLibrary(KeyVal[] functions_ary);
KeyVal[] ExecuteModule(int mod_id);
void CleanupChunks(KeyVal[] ids);
boolean Dbg_print(); void Dbg_print_(boolean v);
Scrib_server Server(); void Server_(Scrib_server v);
Scrib_lua_proc LoadString(String name, String text);
KeyVal[] CallFunction(int id, KeyVal[] args);
void RegisterLibrary(KeyVal[] functions_ary);
KeyVal[] ExecuteModule(int mod_id);
void CleanupChunks(KeyVal[] ids);

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
public interface Scrib_server {
void Init(String... process_args);
int Server_timeout(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_(int v);
int Server_timeout_polling(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_polling_(int v);
int Server_timeout_busy_wait(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_busy_wait_(int v);
byte[] Server_comm(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs);
void Server_send(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs);
byte[] Server_recv();
void Term();
void Init(String... process_args);
int Server_timeout(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_(int v);
int Server_timeout_polling(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_polling_(int v);
int Server_timeout_busy_wait(); Scrib_server Server_timeout_busy_wait_(int v);
byte[] Server_comm(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs);
void Server_send(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs);
byte[] Server_recv();
void Term();

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.*;
import gplx.core.primitives.*;
public abstract class Mock_proc_fxt {
public Mock_proc_fxt(int id, String key) {this.id = id; this.key = key;}
public int Id() {return id;} private final int id;
public String Key() {return key;} private final String key;
public Scrib_lua_proc To_scrib_lua_proc() {return new Scrib_lua_proc(key, id);}
public abstract KeyVal[] Exec_by_scrib(KeyVal[] args);
class Mock_engine implements Scrib_engine {
private final Hash_adp hash = Hash_adp_.new_();
private final Int_obj_ref tmp_hash_id = Int_obj_ref.neg1_();
public boolean Dbg_print() {return false;} public void Dbg_print_(boolean v) {}
public Scrib_server Server() {return server;} public void Server_(Scrib_server v) {} private final Mock_server server = new Mock_server();
public Scrib_lua_proc LoadString(String name, String text) {return null;}
public KeyVal[] CallFunction(int id, KeyVal[] args) {
Mock_proc_fxt proc = (Mock_proc_fxt)hash.Get_by_or_fail(tmp_hash_id.Val_(id));
return proc.Exec_by_scrib(args);
public void RegisterLibrary(KeyVal[] functions_ary) {}
public KeyVal[] ExecuteModule(int mod_id) {return null;}
public void CleanupChunks(KeyVal[] ids) {}
public void Clear() {}
public void RegisterLibraryForTest(Mock_proc_fxt proc) {
hash.Add(Int_obj_ref.new_(proc.Id()), proc);

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*;
public class Mock_scrib_fxt {
private final Mock_engine engine = new Mock_engine();
private final Mock_server server = new Mock_server();
private Xop_fxt parser_fxt;
public Scrib_core Core() {return core;} private Scrib_core core;
public void Clear() {Clear("en.wikipedia.org", "en");}
public void Clear(String domain, String lang) {
Xoae_app app = Xoa_app_fxt.app_();
Xowe_wiki wiki = Xoa_app_fxt.wiki_(app, domain, app.Lang_mgr().Get_by_or_new(Bry_.new_u8(lang)));
parser_fxt = new Xop_fxt(app, wiki); // NOTE: always new(); don't try to cache; causes errors in Language_lib
core = Scrib_core.Core_new_(app, wiki.Parser_mgr().Ctx());
core.Engine_(engine); engine.Clear();
Xot_invk parent_frame = new Xot_invk_temp(true); parent_frame.Frame_tid_(Scrib_frame_.Tid_null);
Xot_invk current_frame = Xot_invk_mock.test_(Bry_.new_a7("Module:Mod_0"));
core.Invoke_init(core.Wiki(), core.Ctx(), Bry_.Empty, parent_frame, current_frame);
public void Init__cbk(Mock_proc_fxt... ary) {
for (Mock_proc_fxt proc : ary)
public void Test__proc__objs__flat(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test__proc__kvps(lib, proc_name, expd, Bool_.Y, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));}
public void Test__proc__objs__nest(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args, String expd) {Test__proc__kvps(lib, proc_name, expd, Bool_.N, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));}
public void Test__proc__kvps__flat(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {Test__proc__kvps(lib, proc_name, expd, Bool_.Y, args);}
public void Test__proc__kvps__nest(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, String expd) {Test__proc__kvps(lib, proc_name, expd, Bool_.N, args);}
private static void Test__proc__kvps(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, String expd, boolean flat, KeyVal[] args) {
KeyVal[] actl_ary = Mock_scrib_fxt_.Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
if (flat)
Tfds.Eq(expd, Mock_scrib_fxt_.Kvp_vals_to_str(actl_ary));
Tfds.Eq_str_lines(expd, KeyVal_.Ary__to_str__nest(actl_ary));
public void Test__proc__objs__empty(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, Object[] args) {Test__proc__kvps__empty(lib, proc_name, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(args));}
public void Test__proc__kvps__empty(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args) {
Tfds.Eq(0, Mock_scrib_fxt_.Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args).length);
public void Test__proc__kvps__vals(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args, Object... expd_ary) {
KeyVal[] actl_kvs = Mock_scrib_fxt_.Test__lib_proc__core(lib, proc_name, args);
Object[] actl_ary = Mock_scrib_fxt_.Kvp_vals_to_objs(actl_kvs);
Tfds.Eq_ary(expd_ary, actl_ary);
class Mock_scrib_fxt_ {
public static KeyVal[] Test__lib_proc__core(Scrib_lib lib, String proc_name, KeyVal[] args) {
Scrib_proc proc = lib.Procs().Get_by_key(proc_name);
Scrib_proc_rslt proc_rslt = new Scrib_proc_rslt();
proc.Proc_exec(new Scrib_proc_args(args), proc_rslt);
return proc_rslt.Ary();
public static Object[] Kvp_vals_to_objs(KeyVal[] kvps) {
int len = kvps.length;
Object[] rv = new Object[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
rv[i] = kvps[i].Val();
return rv;
public static String Kvp_vals_to_str(KeyVal[] ary) {
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
int len = ary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i != 0) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Semic);
KeyVal kv = ary[i];
return bfr.To_str_and_clear();
class Mock_server implements Scrib_server {
public void Init(String... process_args) {}
public int Server_timeout() {return server_timeout;} public Scrib_server Server_timeout_(int v) {server_timeout = v; return this;} private int server_timeout = 60;
public int Server_timeout_polling() {return server_timeout_polling;} public Scrib_server Server_timeout_polling_(int v) {server_timeout_polling = v; return this;} private int server_timeout_polling = 1;
public int Server_timeout_busy_wait() {return server_timeout_busy_wait;} public Scrib_server Server_timeout_busy_wait_(int v) {server_timeout_busy_wait = v; return this;} private int server_timeout_busy_wait = 1;
public byte[] Server_comm(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs) {return Bry_.Empty;}
public void Server_send(byte[] cmd, Object[] cmd_objs) {}
public byte[] Server_recv() {return Bry_.Empty;}
public void Term() {}

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Gfo_comp_op_lt implements Gfo_comp_op_1 {
public boolean Comp_double(double val, double comp) {return val < comp;}
public boolean Comp_decimal(Decimal_adp val, Decimal_adp comp) {return val.Comp_lt(comp);}
public boolean Comp_char(char val, char comp) {return val < comp;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) < CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) == CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_bry(byte[] val, byte[] comp) {return Bry_.Compare(val, comp) < CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_date(DateAdp val, DateAdp comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) < CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_url(Io_url val, Io_url comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) < CompareAble_.Same;}
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Gfo_comp_op_lte implements Gfo_comp_op_1 {
public boolean Comp_double(double val, double comp) {return val <= comp;}
public boolean Comp_decimal(Decimal_adp val, Decimal_adp comp) {return val.Comp_lte(comp);}
public boolean Comp_char(char val, char comp) {return val <= comp;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) <= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) != CompareAble_.More;}
public boolean Comp_bry(byte[] val, byte[] comp) {return Bry_.Compare(val, comp) <= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_date(DateAdp val, DateAdp comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) <= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_url(Io_url val, Io_url comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) <= CompareAble_.Same;}
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Gfo_comp_op_mt implements Gfo_comp_op_1 {
public boolean Comp_double(double val, double comp) {return val > comp;}
public boolean Comp_decimal(Decimal_adp val, Decimal_adp comp) {return val.Comp_lt(comp);}
public boolean Comp_char(char val, char comp) {return val > comp;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) > CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) == CompareAble_.More;}
public boolean Comp_bry(byte[] val, byte[] comp) {return Bry_.Compare(val, comp) > CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_date(DateAdp val, DateAdp comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) > CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_url(Io_url val, Io_url comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) > CompareAble_.Same;}
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Gfo_comp_op_mte implements Gfo_comp_op_1 {
public boolean Comp_double(double val, double comp) {return val >= comp;}
public boolean Comp_decimal(Decimal_adp val, Decimal_adp comp) {return val.Comp_lte(comp);}
public boolean Comp_char(char val, char comp) {return val >= comp;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) >= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_str(String val, String comp) {return String_.Compare(val, comp) != CompareAble_.Less;}
public boolean Comp_bry(byte[] val, byte[] comp) {return Bry_.Compare(val, comp) >= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_date(DateAdp val, DateAdp comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) >= CompareAble_.Same;}
public boolean Comp_url(Io_url val, Io_url comp) {return val.compareTo(comp) >= CompareAble_.Same;}

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import gplx.langs.regxs.*; import gplx.core.intls.*;
import gplx.xowa.parsers.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring implements Scrib_lib {
private final String_surrogate_utl surrogate_utl = new String_surrogate_utl();
public Scrib_lib_ustring(Scrib_core core) {this.core = core; gsub_mgr = new Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr(core, regx_converter);} private Scrib_core core; Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr gsub_mgr;
public Scrib_lib_ustring(Scrib_core core) {this.core = core;} private Scrib_core core;
public Scrib_lua_mod Mod() {return mod;} private Scrib_lua_mod mod;
public int String_len_max() {return string_len_max;} public Scrib_lib_ustring String_len_max_(int v) {string_len_max = v; return this;} private int string_len_max = Xoa_page_.Page_len_max;
public int Pattern_len_max() {return pattern_len_max;} public Scrib_lib_ustring Pattern_len_max_(int v) {pattern_len_max = v; return this;} private int pattern_len_max = 10000;
@ -112,7 +112,30 @@ public class Scrib_lib_ustring implements Scrib_lib {
return rslt.Init_many_list(tmp_list);
public boolean Gsub(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {return gsub_mgr.Exec(args, rslt);}
private Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr[] gsub_mgr_ary = Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr.Ary_empty;
private int gsub_mgr_max = 0, gsub_mgr_len = -1;
private final Object gsub_mgr_lock = new Object();
public boolean Gsub(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
boolean rv = false;
synchronized (gsub_mgr_lock) { // handle recursive gsub calls; PAGE:en.d:כלב; DATE:2016-01-22
int new_len = gsub_mgr_len + 1;
if (new_len == gsub_mgr_max) {
this.gsub_mgr_max = new_len == 0 ? 2 : new_len * 2;
Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr[] new_gsub_mgr_ary = new Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr[gsub_mgr_max];
Array_.Copy(gsub_mgr_ary, new_gsub_mgr_ary);
gsub_mgr_ary = new_gsub_mgr_ary;
Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr cur = gsub_mgr_ary[new_len];
if (cur == null) {
cur = new Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr(core, regx_converter);
gsub_mgr_ary[new_len] = cur;
this.gsub_mgr_len = new_len;
rv = cur.Exec(args, rslt);
return rv;
public boolean Gmatch_init(Scrib_proc_args args, Scrib_proc_rslt rslt) {
// String text = Scrib_kv_utl_.Val_to_str(values, 0);
byte[] regx = args.Pull_bry(1);
@ -143,7 +166,7 @@ public class Scrib_lib_ustring implements Scrib_lib {
if ( j < capts_len // bounds check b/c null can be passed
&& Bool_.cast(capts[j].Val()) // check if true; indicates that group is "()" or "anypos" see regex converter; DATE:2014-04-23
tmp_list.Add(Int_.To_str(grp.Bgn() + Scrib_lib_ustring.Base1)); // return index only for (); NOTE: always return as String; callers expect String, and may do operations like len(result), which will fail if int; DATE:2013-12-20
tmp_list.Add(grp.Bgn() + Scrib_lib_ustring.Base1); // return index only for "()"; NOTE: do not return as String; callers expect int and will fail typed comparisons; DATE:2016-01-21
tmp_list.Add(grp.Val()); // return match
@ -325,5 +348,6 @@ class Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr {
default: throw Err_.new_unhandled(repl_tid);
static final byte Repl_tid_null = 0, Repl_tid_string = 1, Repl_tid_table = 2, Repl_tid_luacbk = 3;
private static final byte Repl_tid_null = 0, Repl_tid_string = 1, Repl_tid_table = 2, Repl_tid_luacbk = 3;
public static final Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr[] Ary_empty = new Scrib_lib_ustring_gsub_mgr[0];

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__find__tst {
private final Mock_scrib_fxt fxt = new Mock_scrib_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
@Before public void init() {
lib = fxt.Core().Lib_ustring().Init();
@Test public void Basic() {
Exec_find("abcd" , "b" , 1, Bool_.N, "2;2"); // basic
Exec_find("abac" , "a" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;3"); // bgn
Exec_find("()()" , "(" , 2, Bool_.Y, "3;3"); // plain; note that ( would "break" regx
Exec_find("a bcd e" , "(b(c)d)" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;5;bcd;c"); // groups
Exec_find("a bcd e" , "()(b)" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;3;3;b"); // groups; empty capture
Exec_find("abcd" , "x" , 1, Bool_.N, ""); // empty
Exec_find("abcd" , "" , 2, Bool_.Y, "2;1"); // empty regx should return values; plain; EX:w:Fool's_mate; DATE:2014-03-04
Exec_find("abcd" , "" , 2, Bool_.N, "2;1"); // empty regx should return values; regx; EX:w:Fool's_mate; DATE:2014-03-04
Exec_find("abcd" , "^(c)" , 3, Bool_.N, "3;3;c"); // ^ should be converted to \G; regx; EX:cs.n:Category:1._září_2008; DATE:2014-05-07
@Test public void Arg_int() { // PURPOSE: allow int find; PAGE:ro.w:Innsbruck DATE:2015-09-12
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_find, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(123, "2", 1, Bool_.N), "2;2");
@Test public void Return_int() {
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__vals(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_find, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_("a", "()", 2, Bool_.N), 2, 1, 2);
@Test public void Surrogate() { // PURPOSE: handle surrogates in Find PAGE:zh.w:南北鐵路_(越南); DATE:2014-08-28
Exec_find("aé𡼾\nbî𡼾\n" , "\n" , 1, Bool_.N, "4;4"); // 4 b/c \n starts at pos 4 (super 1)
Exec_find("aé𡼾\nbî𡼾\n" , "\n" , 5, Bool_.N, "8;8"); // 8 b/c \n starts at pos 8 (super 1)
private void Exec_find(String text, String regx, int bgn, boolean plain, String expd) {
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_find, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, bgn, plain), expd);

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__gmatch__tst {
private final Mock_scrib_fxt fxt = new Mock_scrib_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
@Before public void init() {
lib = fxt.Core().Lib_ustring().Init();
@Test public void Init__basic() {
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_init, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)") , "1=a(b)\n2=\n 1=false");
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_init, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a()(b)") , "1=a()(b)\n2=\n 1=true\n 2=false");
@Test public void Callback__basic() {
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 0) , "1=2\n2=\n 1=b");
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 2) , "1=5\n2=\n 1=b");
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 8) , "1=8\n2=");
@Test public void Callback__nomatch() {// PURPOSE.fix: was originally returning "" instead of original String; EX:vi.d:trở_thành; DATE:2014-04-23
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("a", "a" , KeyVal_.Ary_empty, 0) , "1=1\n2=\n 1=a");
@Test public void Callback__anypos() {// PURPOSE.fix: was not handling $capt argument; EX:vi.d:trở_thành; DATE:2014-04-23
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("a bcd e", "()(b)" , Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(true, false), 0), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "1=3"
, "2="
, " 1=3"
, " 2=b"
@Test public void Callback__text_as_number() { // PURPOSE: Gmatch_callback must be able to take non String value; DATE:2013-12-20
fxt.Test__proc__objs__nest(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary(1234, "1(2)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 0), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "1=2"
, "2="
, " 1=2"

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.langs.regxs.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__gsub__tst {
private final Mock_scrib_fxt fxt = new Mock_scrib_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
@Before public void init() {
lib = fxt.Core().Lib_ustring().Init();
@Test public void Replace__basic() {
Exec_gsub("abcd", "[a]" , -1, "A" , "Abcd;1");
Exec_gsub("aaaa", "[a]" , 2, "A" , "AAaa;2");
Exec_gsub("a" , "(a)" , 1, "%%%1" , "%a;1");
Exec_gsub("à{b}c", "{b}" , 1, "b" , "àbc;1"); // utf8
Exec_gsub("àbc", "^%s*(.-)%s*$" , 1, "%1" , "àbc;1"); // utf8; regx is for trim line
Exec_gsub("a" , "[^]" , 1, "b" , "a;0"); // invalid regx should not fail; should return self; DATE:2013-10-20
@Test public void Replace__none() {// PURPOSE: gsub with no replace argument should not fail; EX:d:'orse; DATE:2013-10-14
fxt.Test__proc__objs__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub, Object_.Ary("text", "regx") , "text"); // NOTE: repl, limit deliberately omitted
@Test public void Replace__int() { // PURPOSE: do not fail if integer is passed in for @replace; PAGE:en.d:λύω DATE:2014-09-02
Exec_gsub("abcd", 1 , -1, 1 , "abcd;0");
@Test public void Replace__table() {
Exec_gsub("abcd", "[ac]" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("a", "A", "c", "C") , "AbCd;2");
Exec_gsub("abc" , "[ab]" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("a", "A") , "Abc;2"); // PURPOSE: match not in regex should still print itself; in this case [c] is not in tbl regex; DATE:2014-03-31
@Test public void Replace__table__match() {// PURPOSE: replace using group, not found term; EX:"b" not "%b%" PAGE:en.w:Bannered_routes_of_U.S._Route_60; DATE:2014-08-15
Exec_gsub("a%b%c", "%%(%w+)%%" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("b", "B") , "aBc;1");
@Test public void Replace__proc__recursive() { // PURPOSE:handle recursive gsub calls; PAGE:en.d:כלב; DATE:2016-01-22
Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr.new_();
Mock_proc__recursive proc_lvl2 = new Mock_proc__recursive(fxt, lib, bfr, 2, null);
Mock_proc__recursive proc_lvl1 = new Mock_proc__recursive(fxt, lib, bfr, 1, proc_lvl2);
Mock_proc__recursive proc_root = new Mock_proc__recursive(fxt, lib, bfr, 0, proc_lvl1);
fxt.Init__cbk(proc_root, proc_lvl1, proc_lvl2);
Exec_gsub("ab", ".", -1, proc_root.To_scrib_lua_proc(), "ab;2"); // fails if "ab;4"
Tfds.Eq_str("0;1;2;0;1;2;", bfr.To_str_and_clear()); // fails if "0;1;1;1"
@Test public void Regx__int() { // PURPOSE: do not fail if integer is passed in for @regx; PAGE:en.d:λύω DATE:2014-09-02
Exec_gsub("abcd", 1 , -1, "A" , "abcd;0");
@Test public void Regx__dash() { // PURPOSE: "-" at end of regx should be literal; EX:[A-]; PAGE:en.d:frei DATE:2016-01-23
Exec_gsub("abc", "[a-]", -1, "d", "dbc;1");
@Test public void Regx__word_class() { // PURPOSE: handle %w in extended regex; PAGE:en.w:A♯_(musical_note) DATE:2015-06-10
Exec_gsub("(a b)", "[^%w%p%s]", -1, "x", "(a b);0"); // was returning "(x x)" b/c ^%w was incorrectly matching "a" and "b"
@Test public void Regx__balanced_group() { // PURPOSE: handle balanced group regex; EX:"%b()"; NOTE:test will fail if run in 1.6 environment; DATE:2013-12-20
Exec_gsub("(a)", "%b()", 1, "c", "c;1");
@Test public void Regx__capture() {
Exec_gsub("aa" , "(a)%1" , 1, "%0z", "aaz;1"); // capture; handle %0; PAGE:en.w:Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/Templates/Voter/testcases; DATE:2015-08-02
Exec_gsub("aa" , "(a)%1" , 1, "%1z", "az;1"); // capture; handle %1+; PAGE:en.w:Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/Templates/Voter/testcases; DATE:2015-08-02
Exec_gsub("a\"b'c\"d" , "([\"'])(.-)%1" , 1, "%1z", "a\"zd;1"); // capture; http://www.lua.org/pil/20.3.html; {{#invoke:test|gsub_string|a"b'c"d|(["'])(.-)%1|%1z}}
@Test public void Regx__frontier_pattern() { // PURPOSE: handle frontier pattern; EX:"%f[%a]"; DATE:2015-07-21
Exec_gsub("a b c", "%f[%W]", 5, "()", "a() b() c();3");
Exec_gsub("abC DEF gHI JKm NOP", "%f[%a]%u+%f[%A]", Int_.Max_value, "()", "abC () gHI JKm ();2"); // based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/FrontierPattern
@Test public void Regx__frontier_pattern_utl() {// PURPOSE: standalone test for \0 logic in frontier pattern; note that verified against PHP: echo(preg_match( "/[\w]/us", "\0" )); DATE:2015-07-21
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "a")); // \0 not matched by a
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "0")); // \0 not matched by numeric 0
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\w]")); // \0 not matched by word_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\W]")); // \0 matched by !word_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\x]")); // \0 matched by any_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\X]")); // \0 matched by !any_char
private void Exec_gsub(String text, Object regx, int limit, Object repl, String expd) {
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, repl, limit), expd);
class Mock_proc__recursive extends Mock_proc_fxt { private final Mock_scrib_fxt fxt; private final Scrib_lib lib; private final Mock_proc__recursive inner;
private final Bry_bfr bfr;
public Mock_proc__recursive(Mock_scrib_fxt fxt, Scrib_lib lib, Bry_bfr bfr, int id, Mock_proc__recursive inner) {super(id, "recur");
this.fxt = fxt; this.lib = lib; this.inner = inner;
this.bfr = bfr;
@Override public KeyVal[] Exec_by_scrib(KeyVal[] args) {
if (inner != null)
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_("a", ".", inner.To_scrib_lua_proc(), -1), "a;1");
return args;

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.langs.regxs.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__lib_tst {
@Before public void init() {
lib = fxt.Core().Lib_ustring().Init();
} private Scrib_invoke_func_fxt fxt = new Scrib_invoke_func_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
@Test public void Find() {
Exec_find("abcd" , "b" , 1, Bool_.N, "2;2"); // basic
Exec_find("abac" , "a" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;3"); // bgn
Exec_find("()()" , "(" , 2, Bool_.Y, "3;3"); // plain; note that ( would "break" regx
Exec_find("a bcd e" , "(b(c)d)" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;5;bcd;c"); // groups
Exec_find("a bcd e" , "()(b)" , 2, Bool_.N, "3;3;3;b"); // groups; empty capture
Exec_find("abcd" , "x" , 1, Bool_.N, ""); // empty
Exec_find("abcd" , "" , 2, Bool_.Y, "2;1"); // empty regx should return values; plain; EX:w:Fool's_mate; DATE:2014-03-04
Exec_find("abcd" , "" , 2, Bool_.N, "2;1"); // empty regx should return values; regx; EX:w:Fool's_mate; DATE:2014-03-04
Exec_find("abcd" , "^(c)" , 3, Bool_.N, "3;3;c"); // ^ should be converted to \G; regx; EX:cs.n:Category:1._září_2008; DATE:2014-05-07
@Test public void Find_int() { // PURPOSE: allow int find; PAGE:ro.w:Innsbruck DATE:2015-09-12
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_find, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(123, "2", 1, Bool_.N), "2;2");
@Test public void Find_surrogate() { // PURPOSE: handle surrogates in Find PAGE:zh.w:南北鐵路_(越南); DATE:2014-08-28
Exec_find("aé𡼾\nbî𡼾\n" , "\n" , 1, Bool_.N, "4;4"); // 4 b/c \n starts at pos 4 (super 1)
Exec_find("aé𡼾\nbî𡼾\n" , "\n" , 5, Bool_.N, "8;8"); // 8 b/c \n starts at pos 8 (super 1)
@Test public void Match() {
Exec_match("abcd" , "bc" , 1, "bc"); // basic
Exec_match("abcd" , "x" , 1, String_.Null_mark); // empty
Exec_match("abcd" , "a" , 2, String_.Null_mark); // bgn
Exec_match("abcd" , "b(c)" , 1, "c"); // group
Exec_match(" a b " , "^%s*(.-)%s*$" , 1, "a b;"); // trim; NOTE: changed from "a b" to "a b;"; DATE:2015-01-30
Exec_match("abcd" , "a" , 0, "a"); // handle 0; note that php/lua is super-1, but some modules pass in 0; ru.w:Module:Infocards; DATE:2013-11-08
Exec_match("abcd" , "." , -1, "d"); // -1
Exec_match("aaa" , "a" , 1, "a"); // should return 1st match not many
Exec_match("aaa" , "(a)" , 1, "a;a;a"); // should return all matches
Exec_match("a b" , "%S" , 1, "a"); // %S was returning every match instead of 1st; PAGE:en.w:Bertrand_Russell; DATE:2014-04-02
Exec_match(1 , "a" , 1, String_.Null_mark); // Module can pass raw ints; PAGE:en.w:Budget_of_the_European_Union; DATE:2015-01-22
Exec_match("" , "a?" , 1, ""); // no results with ? should return "" not nil; PAGE:en.d:民; DATE:2015-01-30
@Test public void Match_args_out_of_order() {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_empty(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match, KeyVal_.Ary(KeyVal_.int_(2, "[a]")));
@Test public void Gsub() {
Exec_gsub_regx("abcd", "[a]" , -1, "A" , "Abcd;1");
Exec_gsub_regx("aaaa", "[a]" , 2, "A" , "AAaa;2");
Exec_gsub_regx("a" , "(a)" , 1, "%%%1" , "%a;1");
Exec_gsub_regx("à{b}c", "{b}" , 1, "b" , "àbc;1"); // utf8
Exec_gsub_regx("àbc", "^%s*(.-)%s*$", 1, "%1" , "àbc;1"); // utf8; regx is for trim line
Exec_gsub_regx("a" , "[^]" , 1, "b" , "a;0"); // invalid regx should not fail; should return self; DATE:2013-10-20
@Test public void Gsub_table() {
Exec_gsub_regx("abcd", "[ac]" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("a", "A", "c", "C") , "AbCd;2");
Exec_gsub_regx("abc" , "[ab]" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("a", "A") , "Abc;2"); // PURPOSE: match not in regex should still print itself; in this case [c] is not in tbl regex; DATE:2014-03-31
@Test public void Gsub_table_match() { // PURPOSE: replace using group, not found term; EX:"b" not "%b%" PAGE:en.w:Bannered_routes_of_U.S._Route_60; DATE:2014-08-15
Exec_gsub_regx("a%b%c", "%%(%w+)%%" , -1, Scrib_kv_utl_.flat_many_("b", "B") , "aBc;1");
@Test public void Gsub_capture() {
Exec_gsub_regx("aa" , "(a)%1" , 1, "%0z", "aaz;1"); // capture; handle %0; PAGE:en.w:Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/Templates/Voter/testcases; DATE:2015-08-02
Exec_gsub_regx("aa" , "(a)%1" , 1, "%1z", "az;1"); // capture; handle %1+; PAGE:en.w:Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/Templates/Voter/testcases; DATE:2015-08-02
Exec_gsub_regx("a\"b'c\"d" , "([\"'])(.-)%1" , 1, "%1z", "a\"zd;1"); // capture; http://www.lua.org/pil/20.3.html; {{#invoke:test|gsub_string|a"b'c"d|(["'])(.-)%1|%1z}}
@Test public void Gsub_no_replace() {// PURPOSE: gsub with no replace argument should not fail; EX:d:'orse; DATE:2013-10-14
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub, Object_.Ary("text", "regx") , "1=text"); // NOTE: repl, limit deliberately omitted
@Test public void Gsub_pattern_is_int() { // PURPOSE: do not fail if integer is passed in for @regx; PAGE:en.d:λύω DATE:2014-09-02
Exec_gsub_regx("abcd", 1 , -1, "A" , "abcd;0");
@Test public void Gsub_replace_is_int() { // PURPOSE: do not fail if integer is passed in for @replace; PAGE:en.d:λύω DATE:2014-09-02
Exec_gsub_regx("abcd", 1 , -1, 1 , "abcd;0");
@Test public void Gsub_word_class() { // PURPOSE: handle %w in extended regex; PAGE:en.w:A♯_(musical_note) DATE:2015-06-10
Exec_gsub_regx("(a b)", "[^%w%p%s]", -1, "x", "(a b);0"); // was returning "(x x)" b/c ^%w was incorrectly matching "a" and "b"
@Test public void Gmatch_init() {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_init, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)") , "1=a(b)\n2=\n 1=false");
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_init, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a()(b)") , "1=a()(b)\n2=\n 1=true\n 2=false");
@Test public void Gmatch_callback() {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 0) , "1=2\n2=\n 1=b");
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 2) , "1=5\n2=\n 1=b");
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("abcabc", "a(b)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 8) , "1=8\n2=");
@Test public void Gmatch_callback_nomatch() {// PURPOSE.fix: was originally returning "" instead of original String; EX:vi.d:trở_thành; DATE:2014-04-23
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("a", "a" , KeyVal_.Ary_empty, 0) , "1=1\n2=\n 1=a");
@Test public void Gmatch_callback_anypos() {// PURPOSE.fix: was not handling $capt argument; EX:vi.d:trở_thành; DATE:2014-04-23
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary("a bcd e", "()(b)" , Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(true, false), 0), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "1=3"
, "2="
, " 1=3"
, " 2=b"
@Test public void Gsub_balanced_group() { // PURPOSE: handle balanced group regex; EX:"%b()"; NOTE:test will fail if run in 1.6 environment; DATE:2013-12-20
fxt.Init_cbk(Scrib_core.Key_mw_interface, fxt.Core().Lib_ustring(), Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub);
Exec_gsub_regx("(a)", "%b()", 1, "c", "c;1");
@Test public void Gmatch_callback__text_as_number() { // PURPOSE: Gmatch_callback must be able to take non String value; DATE:2013-12-20
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gmatch_callback, Object_.Ary(1234, "1(2)", Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(false), 0), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
( "1=2"
, "2="
, " 1=2"
@Test public void Gsub_frontier_pattern() { // PURPOSE: handle frontier pattern; EX:"%f[%a]"; DATE:2015-07-21
fxt.Init_cbk(Scrib_core.Key_mw_interface, fxt.Core().Lib_ustring(), Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub);
Exec_gsub_regx("a b c", "%f[%W]", 5, "()", "a() b() c();3");
Exec_gsub_regx("abC DEF gHI JKm NOP", "%f[%a]%u+%f[%A]", Int_.Max_value, "()", "abC () gHI JKm ();2"); // based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/FrontierPattern
@Test public void Gsub_frontier_pattern_utl() {// PURPOSE: standalone test for \0 logic in frontier pattern; note that verified against PHP: echo(preg_match( "/[\w]/us", "\0" )); DATE:2015-07-21
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "a")); // \0 not matched by a
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "0")); // \0 not matched by numeric 0
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.N, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\w]")); // \0 not matched by word_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\W]")); // \0 matched by !word_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\x]")); // \0 matched by any_char
Tfds.Eq(Bool_.Y, Regx_adp_.Match("\0", "[\\X]")); // \0 matched by !any_char
// @Test public void Match_viwiktionary() {
// fxt.Init_cbk(Scrib_core.Key_mw_interface, fxt.Core().Lib_ustring(), Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match);
// Exec_match("tr" , "()(r)", 1, ";"); // should return all matches
// Exec_match("tr" , "^([b]*).-([c]*)$", 1, ";"); // should return all matches
// }
private void Exec_find(String text, String regx, int bgn, boolean plain, String expd) {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_find, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, bgn, plain), expd);
private void Exec_match(Object text, String regx, int bgn, String expd) {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, bgn), expd);
private void Exec_gsub_regx(String text, Object regx, int limit, Object repl, String expd) {Exec_gsub(text, regx, limit, repl, expd);}
private void Exec_gsub(String text, Object regx, int limit, Object repl, String expd) {
fxt.Test_scrib_proc_kv_vals(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_gsub, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, repl, limit), expd);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.engines.mocks.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__match__tst {
private final Mock_scrib_fxt fxt = new Mock_scrib_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
@Before public void init() {
lib = fxt.Core().Lib_ustring().Init();
@Test public void Basic() {
Exec_match("abcd" , "bc" , 1, "bc"); // basic
Exec_match("abcd" , "x" , 1, String_.Null_mark); // empty
Exec_match("abcd" , "a" , 2, String_.Null_mark); // bgn
Exec_match("abcd" , "b(c)" , 1, "c"); // group
Exec_match(" a b " , "^%s*(.-)%s*$" , 1, "a b;"); // trim; NOTE: changed from "a b" to "a b;"; DATE:2015-01-30
Exec_match("abcd" , "a" , 0, "a"); // handle 0; note that php/lua is super-1, but some modules pass in 0; ru.w:Module:Infocards; DATE:2013-11-08
Exec_match("abcd" , "." , -1, "d"); // -1
Exec_match("aaa" , "a" , 1, "a"); // should return 1st match not many
Exec_match("aaa" , "(a)" , 1, "a;a;a"); // should return all matches
Exec_match("a b" , "%S" , 1, "a"); // %S was returning every match instead of 1st; PAGE:en.w:Bertrand_Russell; DATE:2014-04-02
Exec_match(1 , "a" , 1, String_.Null_mark); // Module can pass raw ints; PAGE:en.w:Budget_of_the_European_Union; DATE:2015-01-22
Exec_match("" , "a?" , 1, ""); // no results with ? should return "" not nil; PAGE:en.d:民; DATE:2015-01-30
@Test public void Args_out_of_order() {
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__empty(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match, KeyVal_.Ary(KeyVal_.int_(2, "[a]")));
// @Test public void Match_viwiktionary() {
// fxt.Init_cbk(Scrib_core.Key_mw_interface, fxt.Core().Lib_ustring(), Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match);
// Exec_match("tr" , "()(r)", 1, ";"); // should return all matches
// Exec_match("tr" , "^([b]*).-([c]*)$", 1, ";"); // should return all matches
// }
private void Exec_match(Object text, String regx, int bgn, String expd) {
fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_ustring.Invk_match, Scrib_kv_utl_.base1_many_(text, regx, bgn), expd);

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__invoke_tst {
public class Scrib_lib_ustring__shell_cmd__tst {
@Before public void init() {

@ -190,15 +190,30 @@ public class Scrib_regx_converter {
boolean normal = true;
if (i + 2 < len) {
byte dash_1 = src[i + 1];
byte dash_2 = src[i + 2];
if (dash_1 == Byte_ascii.Dash && dash_2 != Byte_ascii.Brack_end) {
Regx_quote(bfr, tmp_b);
Regx_quote(bfr, dash_2);
i += 2;
normal = false;
int lhs_pos = i; // NOTE: following block handles MBCS; EX:[𠀀-𯨟] PAGE:en.d:どう DATE:2016-01-22
int lhs_len = gplx.core.intls.Utf8_.Len_of_char_by_1st_byte(src[lhs_pos]);
int dash_pos = i + lhs_len;
if (dash_pos < len) {
byte dash_char = src[dash_pos];
if (dash_char == Byte_ascii.Dash) {
int rhs_pos = dash_pos + 1;
if (rhs_pos < len) {
byte rhs_byte = src[rhs_pos];
if (rhs_byte != Byte_ascii.Brack_end) {// ignore dash if followed by brack_end; EX: [a-]; PAGE:en.d:frei; DATE:2016-01-23
int rhs_len = gplx.core.intls.Utf8_.Len_of_char_by_1st_byte(rhs_byte);
if (lhs_len == 1)
Regx_quote(bfr, src[i]);
bfr.Add_mid(src, i, i + lhs_len);
if (rhs_len == 1)
Regx_quote(bfr, src[rhs_pos]);
bfr.Add_mid(src, rhs_pos, rhs_pos + rhs_len);
i = rhs_pos + rhs_len - 1; // -1 b/c for() will do ++i
normal = false;
if (normal)

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ public class Scrib_regx_converter_tst {
fxt.Test_replace("a(2(1)2)c" , "%b()", "b", "abc");
fxt.Test_replace("a(3(2(1)2)3)c" , "%b()", "b", "a(3b3)c");
@Test public void Mbcs() { // PURPOSE: handle regex for multi-byte chars; PAGE:en.d:どう; DATE:2016-01-22; .NET.REGX:fails
fxt.Test_replace("𠀀" , "[𠀀-𯨟]" , "a", "a");
class Scrib_regx_converter_fxt {
private Scrib_regx_converter under;
