Fix thread-safe issues with Hash_of_ints

gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 8fc07752e9
commit 06c877f36c

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ public class Hash_adp__int {
private final Int_obj_ref tmp_key = Int_obj_ref.New_neg1();
public void Clear() {hash.Clear();}
public int Len() {return hash.Count();}
public Object Get_by_or_fail(int key) {return hash.Get_by_or_fail(tmp_key.Val_(key));}
public Object Get_by_or_null(int key) {return hash.Get_by(tmp_key.Val_(key));}
public Object Get_by_or_fail(int key) {synchronized (tmp_key) {return hash.Get_by_or_fail(tmp_key.Val_(key));}} // LOCK:used by Xomp_ns_ord_mgr in xomp; DATE:2016-10-18
public Object Get_by_or_null(int key) {synchronized (tmp_key) {return hash.Get_by(tmp_key.Val_(key));}} // LOCK:used by Xomp_ns_ord_mgr in xomp; DATE:2016-10-18
public void Add(int key, Object obj) {hash.Add(Int_obj_ref.New(key), obj);}
public void Add(Int_obj_ref key, Object obj) {hash.Add(key, obj);}
public void Add_if_dupe_use_1st(int key, Object obj) {hash.Add_if_dupe_use_1st(Int_obj_ref.New(key), obj);}

@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.langs.gfs; import gplx.*; import gplx.langs.*;
import gplx.core.gfo_regys.*;
public class Gfs_msg_bldr implements GfoMsgParser {
private final Object thread_lock = new Object();
private final Gfs_parser parser = new Gfs_parser();
public GfoMsg ParseToMsg(String s) {return Bld(s);}
public GfoMsg Bld(String src) {return Bld(Bry_.new_u8(src));}
public GfoMsg Bld(byte[] src) {
Gfs_nde nde = parser.Parse(src);
return Bld_msg(src, nde);
synchronized (thread_lock) { // LOCK:Gfs_parser called when converting messages in Xow_msg_mgr; DATE:2016-10-18
Gfs_nde nde = parser.Parse(src);
return Bld_msg(src, nde);
private GfoMsg Bld_msg(byte[] src, Gfs_nde nde) {
boolean op_is_assign = (nde.Op_tid() == Gfs_nde.Op_tid_assign);
