Bldr: Add basic implementation of orig_regy.find_missing

gnosygnu 8 years ago
parent 4bcefa2621
commit 006c14db4e

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ public class Xoax_builds_files_addon implements Xoax_addon_itm, Xoax_addon_itm__
, Xobldr__lnki_regy__create.Prototype
, Xobldr__page_regy__create.Prototype
, Xobldr__orig_regy__create.Prototype
, Xobldr__orig_regy__find_missing.Prototype
, Xobldr__xfer_temp__insert_thm.Prototype
, Xobldr__xfer_temp__insert_orig.Prototype
, Xobldr__xfer_regy__create.Prototype

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gplx.xowa.addons.bldrs.files.cmds; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.bldrs.*; import gplx.xowa.addons.bldrs.files.*;
import gplx.dbs.*;
import gplx.xowa.bldrs.*; import gplx.xowa.bldrs.wkrs.*;
import gplx.xowa.files.*; import gplx.xowa.files.origs.*; import gplx.xowa.apps.wms.apis.origs.*;
import gplx.xowa.addons.bldrs.files.dbs.*;
public class Xobldr__orig_regy__find_missing extends Xob_cmd__base {
private int fail_max = 100000;
public Xobldr__orig_regy__find_missing(Xob_bldr bldr, Xowe_wiki wiki) {super(bldr, wiki);}
@Override public void Cmd_run() {
// got orig_tbl
Db_conn conn = Xob_db_file.New__file_make(wiki.Fsys_mgr().Root_dir()).Conn();
// get counts; fail if too many
int fail_count = conn.Exec_select_count_as_int("orig_regy", 0);
if (fail_count > fail_max) throw Err_.new_wo_type("bldr.find_missing: too many missing: missing=~{0} max=~{1}", fail_count, fail_max);
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Note_many("", "", "bldr.find_missing: found=~{0}", fail_count);
// select into list; ignore any which are invalid titles
List_adp list = List_adp_.New();
byte[] wiki_abrv = wiki.Domain_itm().Abrv_xo();
int invalid_count = 0;
String sql = "SELECT lnki_ttl FROM orig_regy WHERE orig_page_id IS NULL";
Db_rdr rdr = conn.Stmt_sql(sql).Exec_select__rls_auto();
try {
while (rdr.Move_next()) {
// get lnki_ttl; check if valid
byte[] lnki_ttl = rdr.Read_bry("lnki_ttl");
Xoa_ttl ttl = wiki.Ttl_parse(lnki_ttl);
if (ttl == null) {
// create itm and add to list
Xof_fsdb_itm itm = new Xof_fsdb_itm();
itm.Init_at_lnki(Xof_exec_tid.Tid_wiki_page, wiki_abrv, lnki_ttl, Byte_.Zero, Xof_img_size.Upright_null, -1, -1, -1, -1, Xof_patch_upright_tid_.Tid_all);
} finally {rdr.Rls();}
Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Note_many("", "", "bldr.find_missing: invalid=~{0}", invalid_count);
// call api with list
Xof_orig_wkr__wmf_api wkr = new Xof_orig_wkr__wmf_api(new Xoapi_orig_wmf(), wiki.App().Wmf_mgr().Download_wkr(), wiki.File__repo_mgr(), wiki.Domain_bry());
wkr.Find_by_list(null, null);
// loop list and update
Db_stmt update_stmt = conn.Stmt_update("orig_regy", String_.Ary("lnki_ttl")
, "orig_commons_flag", "orig_repo"
, "orig_page_id", "orig_redirect_id", "orig_redirect_ttl"
, "orig_file_id", "orig_file_ttl", "orig_file_ext"
, "orig_size", "orig_w", "orig_h", "orig_bits", "orig_media_type", "orig_minor_mime", "orig_timestamp");
int len = list.Len();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Xof_fsdb_itm itm = (Xof_fsdb_itm)list.Get_at(i);
.Val_int("orig_w", itm.Orig_w()).Val_int("orig_h", itm.Orig_h())
.Crt_bry_as_str("lnki_ttl", itm.Lnki_ttl()).Exec_update();
@Override public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, Invk__fail_max_)) this.fail_max = m.ReadInt("v");
else return super.Invk(ctx, ikey, k, m);
return this;
} private static final String Invk__fail_max_ = "fail_max_";
public static final String BLDR_CMD_KEY = "file.orig_regy.find_missing";
@Override public String Cmd_key() {return BLDR_CMD_KEY;}
public static final Xob_cmd Prototype = new Xobldr__orig_regy__find_missing(null, null);
@Override public Xob_cmd Cmd_clone(Xob_bldr bldr, Xowe_wiki wiki) {return new Xobldr__orig_regy__find_missing(bldr, wiki);}

@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ public class Xof_orig_wkr__wmf_api implements Xof_orig_wkr {
public void Find_by_list(Ordered_hash rv, List_adp itms) {Xof_orig_wkr_.Find_by_list(this, rv, itms);}
public Xof_orig_itm Find_as_itm(byte[] ttl, int list_idx, int list_len) {
if (!gplx.core.ios.IoEngine_system.Web_access_enabled) return Xof_orig_itm.Null; // don't check api if download disabled, else prog messages; DATE:2015-06-17
// make call to api
Xoa_app_.Usr_dlg().Prog_none("", "", Prog_msg(list_idx, list_len, ttl));
boolean found = orig_api.Api_query_size(api_rv, download_wkr, repo_mgr, ttl, Xof_img_size.Null, Xof_img_size.Null); // pass in null size to look for orig; DATE:2015-02-10
if (!found) return Xof_orig_itm.Null; // ttl not found by api; return
// deserialize values and return
byte api_repo = Bry_.Eq(api_rv.Orig_wiki(), wiki_domain) ? Xof_orig_itm.Repo_wiki : Xof_orig_itm.Repo_comm;
byte[] api_page = api_rv.Orig_page();
int api_w = api_rv.Orig_w(), api_h = api_rv.Orig_h();
