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8 years ago
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package gplx.dbs.diffs.cmds; import gplx.*; import gplx.dbs.*; import gplx.dbs.diffs.*;
import gplx.core.srls.*; import gplx.dbs.metas.*;
class Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create implements Gfo_srl_itm {
public Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create(Dbmeta_idx_itm cur) {this.cur = cur;}
public Dbmeta_idx_itm cur;
private Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld[] flds = new Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld[0];
public Gfo_srl_itm Make_new(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx) {return new Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create();} Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create() {}
private int idx_uid;
// *_sdif_ddl_idx : txn_uid,idx_uid,idx_tbl,idx_name,idx_unique
public void Save(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_wtr wtr) {
wtr.Set_int ("idx_uid" , idx_uid);
wtr.Set_str ("idx_tbl" , cur.Tbl());
wtr.Set_str ("idx_name" , cur.Name());
wtr.Set_bool ("idx_unique" , cur.Unique());
wtr.Set_subs (ctx, this, Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld.Instance, flds, ctx.Rdr_subs("idx_fld").Add_int("idx_uid", idx_uid));
public void Load(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_rdr rdr) {
this.idx_uid = rdr.Get_int ("idx_uid");
String tbl = rdr.Get_str ("idx_tbl");
String name = rdr.Get_str ("idx_name");
boolean unique = rdr.Get_bool ("idx_unique");
this.flds = (Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld[])rdr.Get_subs(ctx, this, Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld.Instance, ctx.Rdr_subs("idx_fld").Add_int("idx_uid", idx_uid));
cur = new Dbmeta_idx_itm(unique, tbl, name, Dbmeta_idx_fld.Ary_empty);
public void Exec(Db_conn conn) {
8 years ago
8 years ago
class Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld implements Gfo_srl_itm {
public Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld(Dbmeta_idx_fld cur) {this.cur = cur;}
private Dbmeta_idx_fld cur;
public Gfo_srl_itm Make_new(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx) {return new Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld();} Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld() {}
// *_sdif_ddl_idx_fld : idx_uid,fld_order,fld_name,fld_asc
public void Save(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_wtr wtr) {
wtr.Set_int ("fld_order" , cur.Order);
wtr.Set_str ("fld_name" , cur.Name);
wtr.Set_int ("fld_asc" , cur.Sort_tid);
public void Load(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_rdr rdr) {
int order = rdr.Get_int ("fld_order");
String name = rdr.Get_str ("fld_name");
int sort_tid = rdr.Get_int ("fld_sort");
cur = new Dbmeta_idx_fld(order, name, sort_tid);
public static final Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld Instance = new Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__fld();
// class Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld : Gfo_srl_itm {
// public Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld(Dbmeta_fld_itm cur) {this.cur = cur;}
// private Dbmeta_fld_itm cur;
// public String Name;
// public int Type_tid;
// public int Len1;
// public int Len2;
// public int Nullable;
// public boolean Primary;
// public boolean Autonum;
// public Gfo_srl_itm Make_new(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx) {return new Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld();} Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld() {}
// // *_sdif_ddl_tbl_fld : tbl_uid,fld_idx,fld_name,fld_type,fld_len1, fld_len2, fld_nullable, fld_primary, fld_autonumber
// public void Save(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_wtr wtr) {
// wtr.Itm_bgn("tbl_fld");
// wtr.Set_str ("fld_name" , cur.Name());
// wtr.Set_int ("fld_type" , cur.Type().Tid_ansi());
// wtr.Set_int ("fld_len1" , cur.Type().Len_1());
// wtr.Set_int ("fld_len2" , cur.Type().Len_2());
// wtr.Set_int ("fld_nullable" , cur.Nullable_tid());
// wtr.Set_bool ("fld_primary" , cur.Primary());
// wtr.Set_bool ("fld_autonum" , cur.Autonum());
// wtr.Set_str ("fld_dflt" , Object_.Xto_str_or(cur.Default(), null));
//// wtr.Set_int ("fld_asc" , cur.Sort_tid);
// wtr.Itm_end();
// }
// public void Load(Gfo_srl_ctx ctx, Gfo_srl_itm owner, Gfo_srl_mgr_rdr rdr) {
// rdr.Itm_bgn("tbl_fld");
// String name = rdr.Get_str("name");
// int type_tid = rdr.Get_int("type_tid");
// int type_len_1 = rdr.Get_int("type_len_1");
// boolean primary = rdr.Get_bool("primary");
// int nullable_tid = rdr.Get_int("nullable");
// String dflt_str = rdr.Get_str("dflt");
// cur = new Dbmeta_fld_itm(name, Dbmeta_fld_tid.New(type_tid, type_len_1));
// cur.Nullable_tid_(nullable_tid);
// if (primary) cur.Primary_y_();
// if (dflt_str != null) cur.Default_(dflt_str);
// rdr.Itm_end();
//// Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create idx = ((Gfdb_diff_cmd__idx__create)owner);
//// Dbmeta_tbl_itm tbl = ((Gfdb_diff_ctx)ctx).Tbls__get(idx.cur.Tbl());
//// Dbmeta_fld_tid tid = tbl.Flds().Get_by(name).Type();
// }
// public static final Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld Instance = new Gfdb_diff_cmd__tbl__fld();
// }