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2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx.gfui; import gplx.*;
import java.awt.Window;
2015-11-23 02:39:33 +00:00
import gplx.core.envs.*;
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
public class GfuiWin extends GfuiElemBase {
private GxwWin win; private List_adp loadList = List_adp_.new_();
public void Show() {win.ShowWin();}
public void Hide() {win.HideWin();}
public void Close() {win.CloseWin();}
public IconAdp Icon() {return win.IconWin();} public GfuiWin Icon_(IconAdp icon) {win.IconWin_set(icon); return this;}
public boolean Pin() {return win.Pin();} public GfuiWin Pin_(boolean v) {win.Pin_set(v); return this;}
public GfuiWin Pin_() {return Pin_(true);} public void Pin_toggle() {Pin_(!Pin());}
@gplx.Virtual public void Quit() {GfuiQuitMode.Exec(this, quitMode);}
public boolean Maximized() {return win.Maximized();} public void Maximized_(boolean v) {win.Maximized_(v);}
public boolean Minimized() {return win.Minimized();} public void Minimized_(boolean v) {win.Minimized_(v);}
public GfuiQuitMode QuitMode() {return quitMode;} public GfuiWin QuitMode_(GfuiQuitMode val) {quitMode = val; return this;} private GfuiQuitMode quitMode = GfuiQuitMode.ExitApp; // easier to debug
@Override public boolean Opened_done() {return opened;} private boolean opened;
@Override public GfuiWin OwnerWin() {return this;} // TODO: null
@gplx.Internal protected GfuiWinKeyCmdMgr KeyCmdMgr() {return keyCmdMgr;} private GfuiWinKeyCmdMgr keyCmdMgr = GfuiWinKeyCmdMgr.new_();
@gplx.Internal protected GfuiWinFocusMgr FocusMgr() {return focusMgr;} private GfuiWinFocusMgr focusMgr;
@gplx.New public GfuiWin Size_(SizeAdp size) {
if (!opened && (size.Width() < 112 || size.Height() < 27)) // WORKAROUND/WINFORMS: Form.Size must be > 112,27 if Form is not Visible
smallOpenSize = size;
return this;
} private SizeAdp smallOpenSize = SizeAdp_.Null;
2016-03-28 03:44:59 +00:00
@Override public void ctor_kit_GfuiElemBase(Gfui_kit kit, String key, GxwElem underElem, Keyval_hash ctorArgs) {
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
super.ctor_kit_GfuiElemBase(kit, key, underElem, ctorArgs);
win = (GxwWin)underElem;
win.OpenedCmd_set(GfoInvkAbleCmd.new_(this, Evt_Opened));
GfoEvMgr_.Sub(this, GfuiElemKeys.IptRcvd_evt, keyCmdMgr, GfuiWinKeyCmdMgr.CheckForHotKey_cmd);
IptBnd_.cmd_(IptCfg_.Null, this, StopAppByAltF4_evt, IptKey_.Alt.Add(IptKey_.F4));
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
// IptBnd_.cmd_to_(IptCfg_.Null, this, GfoConsoleWin.Instance, GfoConsoleWin.Invk_Show, IptKey_.Ctrl.Add(IptKey_.Alt).Add(IptKey_.E));
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
IptBnd_.cmd_(IptCfg_.Null, this, Invk_ShowFocusOwner, IptKey_.add_(IptKey_.Ctrl, IptKey_.Alt, IptKey_.F12));
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
loadList.Add(keyCmdMgr); loadList.Add(GfuiTipTextMgr.Instance);
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
focusMgr = GfuiWinFocusMgr.new_(this);
2016-03-28 03:44:59 +00:00
@Override public void ctor_GfuiBox_base(Keyval_hash ctorArgs) {
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
win = (GxwWin)this.UnderElem();
win.OpenedCmd_set(GfoInvkAbleCmd.new_(this, Evt_Opened));
GfoEvMgr_.Sub(this, GfuiElemKeys.IptRcvd_evt, keyCmdMgr, GfuiWinKeyCmdMgr.CheckForHotKey_cmd);
IptBnd_.cmd_(IptCfg_.Null, this, StopAppByAltF4_evt, IptKey_.Alt.Add(IptKey_.F4));
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
IptBnd_.cmd_to_(IptCfg_.Null, this, GfoConsoleWin.Instance, GfoConsoleWin.Invk_Show, IptKey_.Ctrl.Add(IptKey_.Alt).Add(IptKey_.E));
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
IptBnd_.cmd_(IptCfg_.Null, this, Invk_ShowFocusOwner, IptKey_.add_(IptKey_.Ctrl, IptKey_.Alt, IptKey_.F12));
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
loadList.Add(keyCmdMgr); loadList.Add(GfuiTipTextMgr.Instance);
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
focusMgr = GfuiWinFocusMgr.new_(this);
2016-03-28 03:44:59 +00:00
@Override public GxwElem UnderElem_make(Keyval_hash ctorArgs) {
String type = (String)ctorArgs.Get_val_or(GfuiWin_.InitKey_winType, GfuiWin_.InitKey_winType_app);
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
if (String_.Eq(type, GfuiWin_.InitKey_winType_tool)) return GxwElemFactory_.Instance.win_tool_(ctorArgs);
else if (String_.Eq(type, GfuiWin_.InitKey_winType_toaster)) return GxwElemFactory_.Instance.win_toaster_(ctorArgs);
else return GxwElemFactory_.Instance.win_app_();
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
@Override public void Opened_cbk() {
if (!smallOpenSize.Eq(SizeAdp_.Null)) super.Size_(smallOpenSize); // NOTE: call before opened = true, else Layout will happen again
opened = true;
GfuiWinUtl.Open_exec(this, loadList, this);
if (this.Kit().Tid() == Gfui_kit_.Swing_tid)
((Window)win).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new FocusTraversalPolicy_cls_base(focusMgr));
GfoEvMgr_.Pub(this, Evt_Opened);
@Override public boolean VisibleChangedCbk() {
boolean rv = super.VisibleChangedCbk();
GfoEvMgr_.PubVal(this, Evt_VisibleChanged, this.Visible());
return rv;
@Override public boolean DisposeCbk() {
return super.DisposeCbk();
public GfuiWin TaskbarVisible_(boolean val) {win.TaskbarVisible_set(val); return this;}
public void TaskbarParkingWindowFix(GfuiWin owner) {
if (Env_.Mode_testing()) return; // FIXME: owner.UnderElem will throw exception in MediaPlaylistMgr_tst; see note there
if (owner == null) return;
void StopAppByAltF4(IptEventData ipt) {
ipt.Handled_on(); // WORKAROUND/WINFORMS: must set Handled to true, or else WinForms.Form.Close() will be called
// GfoFwd_.Send_event(this, GfuiWin.Invk_Quit); // NOTE: no longer relying on Invk_Quit; // NOTE: must call send in order to execute other commands added to Cmds() (ex: DVD AppForm)
@Override public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_Quit)) {Quit(); GfoEvMgr_.Pub(this, Evt_Quited);}
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_Zorder_front)) Zorder_front();
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_Minimize)) {win.Minimized_(true); return this;}
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_Pin_toggle)) Pin_toggle();
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_Show)) Show();
else if (ctx.Match(k, Evt_Opened)) Opened_cbk();
else if (ctx.Match(k, StopAppByAltF4_evt)) StopAppByAltF4(IptEventData.ctx_(ctx, m));
2015-10-19 02:17:57 +00:00
else if (ctx.Match(k, Invk_ShowFocusOwner)) GfuiEnv_.ShowMsg(GfuiFocusMgr.Instance.FocusedElem().Key_of_GfuiElem());
else if (ctx.Match(k, GfuiStatusBoxBnd.Invk_ShowTime)) {UsrDlg_.Instance.Note(UsrMsg.new_(DateAdp_.Now().toString())); return this;}
2015-07-13 01:10:02 +00:00
else if (ctx.MatchIn(k, Invk_Close, GfuiQuitMode.Destroy_cmd)) Close();
else if (ctx.MatchIn(k, Invk_Hide, GfuiQuitMode.Suspend_cmd)) Hide();
else {
Object rv = this.InvkMgr().Invk(ctx, ikey, k, m, this);
return (rv == GfoInvkCmdMgr.Unhandled) ? super.Invk(ctx, ikey, k, m) : rv;
return this;
} public static final String Invk_Show = "Show", Invk_Hide = "Hide", Invk_Close = "Close", Invk_Quit = "Quit", Invk_Minimize = "Minimize"
, Invk_Pin_toggle = "Pin_toggle", Invk_Zorder_front = "Zorder_front", Invk_ShowFocusOwner = "ShowFocusOwner"
, Evt_VisibleChanged = "VisibleChanged", Evt_Opened = "Opened_evt", Evt_Quited = "Quited_evt"
, StopAppByAltF4_evt = "StopAppByAltF4_evt";