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2016-11-24 13:58:55 +00:00
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package gplx;
import gplx.core.strings.*; import gplx.core.consoles.*; import gplx.core.tests.*;
public class Tfds { // URL:doc/gplx.tfds/Tfds.txt
public static boolean SkipDb = false;
public static void Eq_bool (boolean expd , boolean actl) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, "", Object_.Ary_empty);}
public static void Eq_bool (boolean expd , boolean actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_byte (byte expd , byte actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_int (int expd , int actl) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, "", Object_.Ary_empty);}
public static void Eq_int (int expd , int actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_double(double expd, double actl) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, "", Object_.Ary_empty);}
public static void Eq_str (byte[] expd, byte[] actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(String_.new_u8(expd), String_.new_u8(actl), fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_str (byte[] expd, String actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(String_.new_u8(expd), actl, fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_str (String expd, byte[] actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(expd, String_.new_u8(actl), fmt, args);}
public static void Eq_str (String expd, String actl) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, "", Object_.Ary_empty);}
public static void Eq_str (String expd, String actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_exec_y(expd, actl, fmt, args);}
public static void Eq(Object expd, Object actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_byte(byte expd, byte actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_long(long expd, long actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_float(float expd, float actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_decimal(Decimal_adp expd, Decimal_adp actl) {Eq_wkr(expd.To_double(), actl.To_double(), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_date(DateAdp expd, DateAdp actl) {Eq_wkr(expd.XtoStr_gplx(), actl.XtoStr_gplx(), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_date(DateAdp expd, DateAdp actl, String fmt, Object... args){Eq_wkr(expd.XtoStr_gplx(), actl.XtoStr_gplx(), true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_url(Io_url expd, Io_url actl) {Eq_wkr(expd.Raw(), actl.Raw(), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_str(String expd, byte[] actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, String_.new_u8(actl), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_bry(String expd, byte[] actl) {Eq_wkr(expd, String_.new_u8(actl), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_bry(byte[] expd, byte[] actl) {Eq_wkr(String_.new_u8(expd), String_.new_u8(actl), true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_str_intf(To_str_able expd, To_str_able actl, String msg) {Eq_wkr(expd.To_str(), actl.To_str(), true, msg);}
public static void Eq_str_intf(To_str_able expd, To_str_able actl) {Eq_wkr(expd.To_str(), actl.To_str(), true, String_.Empty);}
public static void Eq_str_lines(String lhs, String rhs) {Eq_str_lines(lhs, rhs, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_str_lines(String lhs, String rhs, String note) {
if (lhs == null) lhs = "";
if (rhs == null) rhs = "";
Eq_ary_wkr(String_.Split(lhs, Char_.NewLine), String_.Split(rhs, Char_.NewLine), false, note);
public static void Eq(Object expd, Object actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_rev(Object actl, Object expd) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_rev(Object actl, Object expd, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(expd, actl, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_true(Object actl) {Eq_wkr(true, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_true(Object actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(true, actl, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_false(Object actl) {Eq_wkr(false, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_false(Object actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(false, actl, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_null(Object actl) {Eq_wkr(null, actl, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_null(Object actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(null, actl, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_nullNot(Object actl) {Eq_wkr(null, actl, false, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_nullNot(Object actl, String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(null, actl, false, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Fail_expdError() {Eq_wkr(true, false, true, "fail expd error");}
public static void Fail(String fmt, Object... args) {Eq_wkr(true, false, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_ary(Object lhs, Object rhs) {Eq_ary_wkr(lhs, rhs, true, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_ary(Object lhs, Object rhs, String fmt, Object... args){Eq_ary_wkr(lhs, rhs, true, String_.Format(fmt, args));}
public static void Eq_ary_str(Object lhs, Object rhs, String note) {Eq_ary_wkr(lhs, rhs, false, note);}
public static void Eq_ary_str(Object lhs, Object rhs) {Eq_ary_wkr(lhs, rhs, false, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_list(List_adp lhs, List_adp rhs) {Eq_list_wkr(lhs, rhs, TfdsEqListItmStr_cls_default.Instance, EmptyStr);}
public static void Eq_list(List_adp lhs, List_adp rhs, TfdsEqListItmStr xtoStr) {Eq_list_wkr(lhs, rhs, xtoStr, EmptyStr);}
private static void Eq_exec_y(Object lhs, Object rhs, String fmt, Object[] args) {
if (Object_.Eq(lhs, rhs)) return;
String msg = msgBldr.Eq_xtoStr(lhs, rhs, String_.Format(fmt, args));
throw Err_.new_wo_type(msg);
static void Eq_wkr(Object lhs, Object rhs, boolean expd, String customMsg) {
boolean actl = Object_.Eq(lhs, rhs);
if (expd == actl) return;
String msg = msgBldr.Eq_xtoStr(lhs, rhs, customMsg);
throw Err_.new_wo_type(msg);
static void Eq_ary_wkr(Object lhsAry, Object rhsAry, boolean compareUsingEquals, String customMsg) {
List_adp list = List_adp_.New(); boolean pass = true;
int lhsLen = Array_.Len(lhsAry), rhsLen = Array_.Len(rhsAry);
for (int i = 0; i < lhsLen; i++) {
Object lhs = Array_.Get_at(lhsAry, i);
Object rhs = i >= rhsLen ? "<<N/A>>" : Array_.Get_at(rhsAry, i);
String lhsString = msgBldr.Obj_xtoStr(lhs); String rhsString = msgBldr.Obj_xtoStr(rhs); // even if compareUsingEquals, method does ToStr on each itm for failMsg
boolean isEq = compareUsingEquals
? Object_.Eq(lhs, rhs)
: Object_.Eq(lhsString, rhsString);
Eq_ary_wkr_addItm(list, i, isEq, lhsString, rhsString);
if (!isEq) pass = false;
for (int i = lhsLen; i < rhsLen; i++) {
String lhsString = "<<N/A>>";
String rhsString = msgBldr.Obj_xtoStr(Array_.Get_at(rhsAry, i));
Eq_ary_wkr_addItm(list, i, false, lhsString, rhsString);
pass = false;
if (pass) return;
String msg = msgBldr.Eq_ary_xtoStr(list, lhsLen, rhsLen, customMsg);
throw Err_.new_wo_type(msg);
static void Eq_list_wkr(List_adp lhsList, List_adp rhsList, TfdsEqListItmStr xtoStr, String customMsg) {
List_adp list = List_adp_.New(); boolean pass = true;
int lhsLen = lhsList.Count(), rhsLen = rhsList.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < lhsLen; i++) {
Object lhs = lhsList.Get_at(i);
Object rhs = i >= rhsLen ? null : rhsList.Get_at(i);
String lhsStr = xtoStr.To_str(lhs, lhs);
String rhsStr = rhs == null ? "<<N/A>>" : xtoStr.To_str(rhs, lhs);
boolean isEq = Object_.Eq(lhsStr, rhsStr); if (!isEq) pass = false;
Eq_ary_wkr_addItm(list, i, isEq, lhsStr, rhsStr);
for (int i = lhsLen; i < rhsLen; i++) {
String lhsStr = "<<N/A>>";
Object rhs = rhsList.Get_at(i);
String rhsStr = xtoStr.To_str(rhs, null);
Eq_ary_wkr_addItm(list, i, false, lhsStr, rhsStr);
pass = false;
if (pass) return;
String msg = msgBldr.Eq_ary_xtoStr(list, lhsLen, rhsLen, customMsg);
throw Err_.new_wo_type(msg);
static void Eq_ary_wkr_addItm(List_adp list, int i, boolean isEq, String lhsString, String rhsString) {
TfdsEqAryItm itm = new TfdsEqAryItm().Idx_(i).Eq_(isEq).Lhs_(lhsString).Rhs_(rhsString);
public static void Err_classMatch(Exception exc, Class<?> type) {
boolean match = Type_adp_.Eq_typeSafe(exc, type);
if (!match) throw Err_.new_("Tfds", "error types do not match", "expdType", Type_adp_.FullNameOf_type(type), "actlType", Type_adp_.NameOf_obj(exc), "actlMsg", Err_.Message_lang(exc));
public static void Eq_err(Err expd, Exception actlExc) {
Tfds.Eq(Err_.Message_gplx_full(expd), Err_.Message_gplx_full(actlExc));
public static void Err_has(Exception e, String hdr) {
Tfds.Eq_true(String_.Has(Err_.Message_gplx_full(e), hdr), "could not find '{0}' in '{1}'", hdr, Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));
static final String EmptyStr = TfdsMsgBldr.EmptyStr;
static TfdsMsgBldr msgBldr = TfdsMsgBldr.new_();
public static final Io_url RscDir = Io_url_.Usr().GenSubDir_nest("000", "200_dev", "190_tst");
public static void WriteText(String text) {Console_adp__sys.Instance.Write_str(text);}
public static void Write(byte[] s, int b, int e) {Write(Bry_.Mid(s, b, e));}
public static void Write() {Write("tmp");}
public static void Dbg(Object... ary) {Write(ary);}
public static void Write(Object... ary) {
String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
int aryLen = Array_.Len(ary);
for (int i = 0; i < aryLen; i++)
sb.Add_many("'", Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(ary[i]), "'", " ");
WriteText(sb.To_str() + String_.Lf);
class TfdsEqListItmStr_cls_default implements TfdsEqListItmStr {
public String To_str(Object cur, Object actl) {
return Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(cur);
public static final TfdsEqListItmStr_cls_default Instance = new TfdsEqListItmStr_cls_default(); TfdsEqListItmStr_cls_default() {}
class TfdsEqAryItm {
public int Idx() {return idx;} public TfdsEqAryItm Idx_(int v) {idx = v; return this;} int idx;
public String Lhs() {return lhs;} public TfdsEqAryItm Lhs_(String v) {lhs = v; return this;} private String lhs;
public String Rhs() {return rhs;} public TfdsEqAryItm Rhs_(String v) {rhs = v; return this;} private String rhs;
public boolean Eq() {return eq;} public TfdsEqAryItm Eq_(boolean v) {eq = v; return this;} private boolean eq;
class TfdsMsgBldr {
public String Eq_xtoStr(Object expd, Object actl, String customMsg) {
String expdString = Obj_xtoStr(expd); String actlString = Obj_xtoStr(actl);
String detail = String_.Concat
( CustomMsg_xtoStr(customMsg)
, "\t\t", "expd: ", expdString, String_.CrLf
, "\t\t", "actl: ", actlString, String_.CrLf
return WrapMsg(detail);
public String Eq_ary_xtoStr(List_adp list, int lhsAryLen, int rhsAryLen, String customMsg) {
String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
if (lhsAryLen != rhsAryLen)
sb.Add_fmt_line("{0}element counts differ: {1} {2}", "\t\t", lhsAryLen, rhsAryLen);
int lhsLenMax = 0, rhsLenMax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++) {
TfdsEqAryItm itm = (TfdsEqAryItm)list.Get_at(i);
int lhsLen = String_.Len(itm.Lhs()), rhsLen = String_.Len(itm.Rhs());
if (lhsLen > lhsLenMax) lhsLenMax = lhsLen;
if (rhsLen > rhsLenMax) rhsLenMax = rhsLen;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++) {
TfdsEqAryItm itm = (TfdsEqAryItm)list.Get_at(i);
String eq_str = itm.Eq() ? "==" : "";
if (!itm.Eq()) {
// if (lhsLenMax < 8 )
// eq_str = "!=";
// else
eq_str = "\n!= ";
sb.Add_fmt_line("{0}: {1} {2} {3}"
, Int_.To_str_pad_bgn_zero(itm.Idx(), 4)
, itm.Lhs() // String_.PadBgn(itm.Lhs(), lhsLenMax, " ")
, eq_str
, itm.Rhs() // String_.PadBgn(itm.Rhs(), rhsLenMax, " ")
// String compSym = isEq ? " " : "!=";
// String result = String_.Format("{0}: {1}{2} {3} {4}", Int_.To_str_pad_bgn_zero(i, 4), lhsString, String_.CrLf + "\t\t", compSym, rhsString);
// foreach (Object obj in list) {
// String itmComparison = (String)obj;
// sb.Add_fmt_line("{0}{1}", "\t\t", itmComparison);
// }
return WrapMsg(sb.To_str());
String CustomMsg_xtoStr(String customMsg) {
return (customMsg == EmptyStr)
? ""
: String_.Concat(customMsg, String_.CrLf);
public String Obj_xtoStr(Object obj) {
String s = String_.as_(obj);
if (s != null) return String_.Concat("'", s, "'"); // if Object is String, put quotes around it for legibility
To_str_able xtoStrAble = To_str_able_.as_(obj);
if (xtoStrAble != null) return xtoStrAble.To_str();
return Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(obj);
String WrapMsg(String text) {
return String_.Concat(String_.CrLf
, "************************************************************************************************", String_.CrLf
, text
, "________________________________________________________________________________________________"
public static TfdsMsgBldr new_() {return new TfdsMsgBldr();} TfdsMsgBldr() {}
public static final String EmptyStr = "";