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9 years ago
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
Copyright (C) 2012
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*;
public class GfmlNde implements GfmlItm {
public static final int OBJ_TYPE = GfmlObj_.Type_nde;
public int ObjType() {return objType;} int objType = GfmlObj_.Type_nde;
public GfmlTkn KeyTkn() {return keyTkn;} public String Key() {return keyTkn.Val();} GfmlTkn keyTkn = GfmlTkn_.Null;
public GfmlType Type() {return type;} GfmlType type;
public boolean KeyedSubObj() {return keyedSubObj;} public GfmlNde KeyedSubObj_(boolean v) {keyedSubObj = v; return this;} private boolean keyedSubObj;
public int ChainId() {return chainId;} public GfmlNde ChainId_(int v) {chainId = v; return this;} int chainId; // can use boolean chainHead, but this is easier for debugging
public int SubObjs_Count() {return subObjs.Count();} GfmlObjList subObjs = GfmlObjList.new_();
public GfmlObj SubObjs_GetAt(int i) {return (GfmlObj)subObjs.Get_at(i);}
public void SubObjs_Add(GfmlObj gobj) {
GfmlItm subItm = GfmlItm_.as_(gobj);
if ( subItm == null // gobj is tkn: symbol, whitespace, comment
|| subItm.ObjType() == GfmlObj_.Type_prg) // gobj is pragma
if (subItm.KeyedSubObj())
public String Hnd() {return hndTkn.Val();} GfmlTkn hndTkn = GfmlTkn_.Null;
public GfmlDocPos DocPos() {return docPos;} GfmlDocPos docPos = GfmlDocPos_.Null;
public GfmlItmKeys SubKeys() {return subKeys;} GfmlItmKeys subKeys = GfmlItmKeys.new_();
public GfmlItmHnds SubHnds() {return subHnds;} GfmlItmHnds subHnds = GfmlItmHnds.new_();
public String XtoStr() {return GfmlDocWtr_.xtoStr_(this);}
public void UpdateNde(String hnd) {
for (int i = 0; i < subHnds.Count(); i++) {
GfmlNde nde = (GfmlNde)subHnds.Get_at(i);
if (String_.Eq(nde.hndTkn.Raw(), hnd)) return;
int endAtrPos = PosOf(false, ";", "}");
GfmlTkn bgnParen = GfmlTkn_.new_("(", "");
GfmlTkn endParen = GfmlTkn_.new_(")", "");
GfmlTkn bgnBrace = GfmlTkn_.new_("{", "");
GfmlTkn endBrace = GfmlTkn_.new_("}", "");
GfmlTkn hndTkn = GfmlTkn_.new_(hnd, hnd);
GfmlNde subNde = GfmlNde.new_(hndTkn, GfmlType_.new_any_(), false);
subObjs.Add_at(subNde, endAtrPos);
// a(){b(){}}
// a:{} -> a:{b:{}}
int PosOf(boolean fwd, String... find) {
int bgn = fwd ? 0 : subObjs.Count() - 1;
int end = fwd ? subObjs.Count() : 0;
int dif = fwd ? 1 : -1;
for (int i = bgn; i != end; i+=dif) {
GfmlObj subObj = (GfmlObj)subObjs.Get_at(i);
GfmlTkn subTkn = GfmlTkn_.as_(subObj);
if (subTkn == null) continue;
if (String_.In(subTkn.Raw(), find)) {
return i;
return -1;
public void UpdateAtr(String key, String val) {
GfmlAtr atr = (GfmlAtr)subKeys.Get_by(key);
if (atr != null) {atr.UpdateAtr(key, val); return;}
val = String_.Replace(val, "'", "''");
GfmlTkn quote = GfmlTkn_.new_("'", "");
GfmlTkn keyTkn = GfmlTkn_.raw_(key);
GfmlTkn valTkn = GfmlTkn_.composite_("composite", GfmlTknAry_.ary_(quote, GfmlTkn_.raw_(val), quote));
GfmlTkn eqTkn = GfmlTkn_.new_("=", "");
atr = GfmlAtr.string_(keyTkn, valTkn);
int endAtrPos = PosOf(true, ";", "{");
if (subKeys.Count() != 0) {
subObjs.Add_at(GfmlTkn_.new_(" ", ""), endAtrPos);
subObjs.Add_at(atr, endAtrPos);
@gplx.Internal protected void ObjType_set_pragma() {objType = GfmlObj_.Type_prg;}
@gplx.Internal protected void KeyTkn_set(GfmlTkn gobj) {keyTkn = gobj;}
@gplx.Internal protected void Type_set(GfmlType val) {type = val;}
@gplx.Internal protected void SubObjs_Clear() {subObjs.Clear();}
@gplx.Internal protected GfmlTkn HndTkn() {return hndTkn;}
@gplx.Internal protected void HndTkn_set(GfmlTkn tkn) {hndTkn = tkn;}
@gplx.Internal protected void Hnd_set(String v) {hndTkn = String_.Len_eq_0(v) ? GfmlTkn_.Null : GfmlTkn_.val_(v);} // NOTE: v is empty for types with empty fldNames
@gplx.Internal protected GfmlNde DocPos_(GfmlDocPos val) {docPos = val; return this;}
public static GfmlNde as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlNde ? (GfmlNde)obj : null;}
@gplx.Internal protected static GfmlNde named_(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type) {return new GfmlNde(hndTkn, type, false);}
@gplx.Internal protected static GfmlNde new_(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type, boolean keyedSubObj) {return new GfmlNde(hndTkn, type, keyedSubObj);}
GfmlNde(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type, boolean keyedSubObj) {
this.hndTkn = hndTkn; this.type = type; this.keyedSubObj = keyedSubObj;}