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10 years ago
var mnt = require('./fixtures/mnt')
var stat = require('./fixtures/stat')
var fuse = require('../')
var tape = require('tape')
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
tape('write', function (t) {
var created = false
var data = new Buffer(1024)
var size = 0
var ops = {
force: true,
readdir: function (path, cb) {
if (path === '/') return cb(null, created ? ['hello'] : [])
return cb(fuse.ENOENT)
truncate: function (path, size, cb) {
getattr: function (path, cb) {
5 years ago
if (path === '/') return cb(null, stat({ mode: 'dir', size: 4096 }))
if (path === '/hello' && created) return cb(null, stat({ mode: 'file', size: size }))
10 years ago
return cb(fuse.ENOENT)
create: function (path, flags, cb) {
t.ok(!created, 'file not created yet')
created = true
cb(0, 42)
release: function (path, fd, cb) {
write: function (path, fd, buf, len, pos, cb) {
buf.slice(0, len).copy(data, pos)
size = Math.max(pos + len, size)
fuse.mount(mnt, ops, function (err) {
t.error(err, 'no error')
fs.writeFile(path.join(mnt, 'hello'), 'hello world', function (err) {
t.error(err, 'no error')
t.same(data.slice(0, size), new Buffer('hello world'), 'data was written')
fuse.unmount(mnt, function () {