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#include <cinttypes>
namespace webfuse
class openflags
static constexpr int32_t const accessmode_mask = 3; // O_ACCMODE
static constexpr int32_t const rdonly = 00000000; // O_RDONLY
static constexpr int32_t const wronly = 00000001; // O_WRONLY
static constexpr int32_t const rdwr = 00000002; // O_RDWR
static constexpr int32_t const cloexec = 02000000; // O_CLOEXEC
static constexpr int32_t const creat = 00000100; // O_CREAT
static constexpr int32_t const direct = 00040000; // O_DIRECT
static constexpr int32_t const directory = 00200000; // O_DIRECTORY
static constexpr int32_t const excl = 00000200; // O_EXCL
static constexpr int32_t const noctty = 00000400; // O_NOCTTY
static constexpr int32_t const nofollow = 00400000; // O_NOFOLLOW
static constexpr int32_t const trunc = 00001000; // O_TRUNC
static constexpr int32_t const async = 00002000; // O_ASYNC
static constexpr int32_t const largefile = 00000000; // O_LARGEFILE
static constexpr int32_t const noatime = 01000000; // O_NOATIME
static constexpr int32_t const nonblock = 00004000; // O_NONBLOCK
static constexpr int32_t const ndelay = 00004000; // O_NDELAY
static constexpr int32_t const sync = 04010000; // O_SYNC
explicit openflags(int32_t value = 0);
operator int32_t() const;
static openflags from_int(int value);
int to_int() const;
int32_t value_;