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2019-02-13 20:57:55 +01:00
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE removed style issues 2019-02-13 20:57:55 +01:00
example add base64 as format for read results 2019-02-10 22:18:22 +01:00
include project structure changed 2019-02-10 14:19:15 +01:00
lib/wsfs add base64 as format for read results 2019-02-10 22:18:22 +01:00
test fixed issues regarding usleep 2019-02-13 20:49:05 +01:00
.gitignore switched tests to google test 2019-01-30 21:53:57 +01:00
.travis.yml added coverity scan 2019-02-12 20:52:10 +01:00
AUTHORS added license and authors files 2019-01-27 03:52:29 +01:00
CMakeLists.txt fixed issues regarding usleep 2019-02-13 20:49:05 +01:00
COPYING.LESSER added license and authors files 2019-01-27 03:52:29 +01:00
README.md removed coverity badge 2019-02-13 20:56:03 +01:00

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fuse-wsfs combines libwebsockets and libfuse. It allows ot attach a remote filesystem via websockets.


Workflow and API

+---------------------+  +-------------+      +------+
| Filesystem Provider |  | wsfs daemon |      | user |
|  (e.g. Webbrowser)  |  |             |      |      |
+----------+----------+  +------+------+      +---+--+
           |                    |                 |
           |                  +-+-+               |
           |                  |   +--+            |
           |                  |   |  | fuse_mount |
           |                  |   +<-+            |
           |                  |   |               |
           |                  |   +--+            |
           |                  |   |  | start ws   |
           |                  |   +<-+            |
           |                  +-+-+               |
           |                    |                 |
         +-+-+     connect    +-+-+               |
         |   |--------------->|   |               |
         +-+-+                +-+-+               |
           |                    |                 |
           |                  +-+-+      ls     +-+-+
         +-+-+     readdir    |   |<------------+   |
         |   |<---------------+   |             |   |
         |   |                |   |             |   |
         |   |  readdir_resp  |   |             |   |
         |   +--------------->|   |   [., ..]   |   |
         +-+-+                |   +------------>|   |
           |                  +-+-+             +-+-+
           |                    |                 |

With fuse-wsfs it is possible to implement remote filesystems based on websockets. A reference implementation of such a daemon is provided within the examples. The picture above describes the workflow:

  • The websocket filesystem daemon (wsfs daemon) mounts a filesystem on startup.
    It starts the websocket server and waits for incoming connections.
  • A remote filesystem provider connects to wsfs daemon via websocket protocol.
    The example includes such a provider implemented in HTML and JavaScript.
  • Whenever the user makes filesystem requests, such as ls, the request is redirected via wsfs daemon to the connected filesystem provider

Currently all requests are initiated by wsfs daemon and responded by filesystem provider. This may change in future, e.g. when authentication is supported.

Requests, responses and notifications

There are three types of messages, used for communication between wsfs daemon and filesystem provider. All message types are encoded in JSON and strongly inspired by JSON-RPC.


A request is used by a sender to invoke a method on the receiver. The sender awaits a response from the receiver. Since requests and responses can be sendet or answered in any order, an id is provided in each request to identify it.

  "method": <method_name>,
  "params": <params>,
  "id"    : <id>
Item Data type Description
method_name string name of the method to invoke
params array method specific parameters
id integer id, which is repeated in response


A response is used to answer a prior request. There are two kinds of responses:

Successful Results
   "result": <result>,
   "id": <id>
Item Data type Description
result any request specific result
id integer id, same as request
Error notifications
   "error": {
     "code": <code>
   "id": <id>
Item Data type Description
code integer error code
id integer id, same as request
Error codes
Symbolic name Code Description
GOOD 0 no error
BAD 1 generic error
BAD_NOTIMPLEMENTED 2 method not implemented
BAD_TIMEOUT 3 timeout occured
BAD_BUSY 4 resource busy
BAD_FORMAT 5 invalid formt
BAD_NOENTRY 101 invalid entry
BAD_NOACCESS 102 access not allowed


Notfications are used to inform a receiver about something. Unlike requests, notifications are not answered. Therefore, an id is not supplied.

  "method": <method_name>,
  "params": <params>
Item Data type Description
method_name string name of the method to invoke
params array method specific parameters



Retrieve information about a filesystem entry by name.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "lookup", "params": [<parent>, <name>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "inode": <inode>,
    "mode" : <mode>,
    "type" : <type>,
    "size" : <size>,
    "atime": <atime>,
    "mtime": <mtime>,
    "ctime": <ctime>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
parent integer inode of parent directory (1 = root)
name string name of the filesystem object to look up
inode integer inode of the filesystem object
mode integer unix file mode
type "file" or "dir" type of filesystem object
size integer required for files; file size in bytes
atime integer optional; unix time of last access
mtime integer optional; unix time of last modification
ctime intefer optional; unix time of last metadata change


Get file attributes.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "getattr", "params": [<inode>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "mode" : <mode>,
    "type" : <type>,
    "size" : <size>,
    "atime": <atime>,
    "mtime": <mtime>,
    "ctime": <ctime>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
inode integer inode of the filesystem object
mode integer unix file mode
type "file" or "dir" type of filesystem object
size integer required for files; file size in bytes
atime integer optional; unix time of last access
mtime integer optional; unix time of last modification
ctime intefer optional; unix time of last metadata change


Read directory contents.
Result is an array of name-inode pairs for each entry. The generic entries "." and ".." should also be provided.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "readdir", "params": [<dir_inode>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": [
    {"name": <name>, "inode": <inode>},
    ], "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
dir_inode integer inode of the directory to read
name integer name of the entry
inode integer inode of the entry


Open a file.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "readdir", "params": [<inode>, <flags>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {"handle": <handle>}, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
inode integer inode of the file
flags integer access mode flags (see below)
handle integer handle of the file
Symbolic name Code Description
O_ACCMODE 0x003 access mode mask
O_RDONLY 0x000 open for reading only
O_WRONLY 0x001 open for writing only
O_RDWR 0x002 open for reading an writing
O_CREAT 0x040 create (a new) file
O_EXCL 0x080 open file exclusivly
O_TRUNK 0x200 open file to trunkate
O_APPEND 0x400 open file to append


Informs filesystem provider, that a file is closed.
Since close is a notification, it cannot fail.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "close", "params": [<inode>, <handle>, <flags>], "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
inode integer inode of the file
handle integer handle of the file
flags integer access mode flags (see open)


Read from an open file.

wsfs daemon: {"method": "close", "params": [<inode>, <handle>, <offset>, <length>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "data": <data>,
    "format": <format>,
    "count": <count>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
inode integer inode of the file
handle integer handle of the file
offset integer Offet to start read operation
length integer Max. number of bytes to read
data integer handle of the file
format string Encoding of data (see below)
count integer Actual number of bytes read
Format Description
"identiy" Use data as is; note that JSON strings are UTF-8 encoded
"base64" data is base64 encoded

Build and run

To install dependencies, see below.

cd fuse-wsfs
mkdir ./build
cd ./build
mkdir test
./wsfs -m test --document_root=../exmaple/www --port=4711




wget -O fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz
tar -xf fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz
cd libfuse-fuse-3.1.1
sudo make install


wget -O libwebsockets-3.1.0.tar.gz https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v3.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xf libwebsockets-3.1.0.tar.gz
cd libwebsockets-3.1.0
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install


On many systems, libjansson can installed via apt:

sudo apt install libjansson-dev

Otherwise, it can be installed from source:

wget -O libjansson-2.12.tar.gz https://github.com/akheron/jansson/archive/v2.12.tar.gz
tar -xf libjansson-2.12.tar.gz
cd jansson-2.12
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install


Installation of GoogleTest is optional fuse-wsfs library, but required to compile tests.

wget -O gtest-1.8.1.tar.gz https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.8.1.tar.gz
tar -xf gtest-1.8.1.tar.gz
cd googletest-release-1.8.1
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install